AT 35 EAST HAMILTON STREET. Tun subscribers, desirous of again returning their thanks to their numerous patrons avail them selves of this opportunity to do so, and nt the same time respectfully announce to their friends and the public generally that they have just returned from Now. York and Philadelphia, where they purchased a largo stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of entirely now and disirablo styles, such as can not be found nt any other Merchant ,Tailoring Establishment in Allentown. The goods were select ed with the greatest care, and will be made up in the latest style and fashion, and warronted to prove the same as represented at the time of purchase. Observe, that every article of Clothing sold by the proprietors of this establishment is of their own make, and may bo relied upon as being good durable work. Among their extensive assortment may ho found, fine Black and Blue new style DRESS AND FROCK COATS, made iu the latest fashion of French and English Coats. now style Business Coats, of Black, Brown, Blue, Olive and Green Cloths, and plain and figured Cassimers ; Over Coats, of nil qualities, styles and prices, pantaloons, vests, end in fact everything hi the READY MADE CLOTHING lino, from an over-coat down to en undershirt. The three great features of Keck k Newhard's Store arc, that they buy for Cash, and consequently can sell cheaper than any of the others ; their goods are made up under their own supervision, and last though not. least, they sell them for what they really are. Also, a largo stock of Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Col lars, Winter 'Hosiery, tinder Shirts and Drawers of all kinds, and everything in fact that is usually kept in stores of the kind. Call and see befUre you pur chase elsewhere, as they willingly show what they have. They are satisfied that all their goods boar a close examination. .Country Tailors can be supplied with the latest London, Paris„lloston, New York and Philadelphia Fashion PLATES, at the lowest KK. possihle prices. 0 EC .1 NEW HARD. Allentown, Sept. 12. —tf SEE HER ! A NEW STORE IN ALLENTOWN ! DIY OOHS AID READY MADE CEDING T STOUSE CO.,k hereby inform the citizens of L Allentown and vicinity that they lately open ed a now Store at No. 9 West Hamilton street, (for merly occupied by Weidner it Saeger) with an entire new stock of DRY GOODS AND READY MADE-CLOTHING, which will disposed of-at astonishing low prices.— Their stock of Ready-made Clothing is by far the largest in town, and is made tap superior to any ever offered by any Clothing Denier in the place. Their prices are so low, that no ono can make an honest living by selling the same quality-of goods at lower rates. By calling you can be suited in Over Coats, of the latest style and fashion, and made of all kinds' of cloth. Business Coats, black and blue Cloth Dress and Frock Coats. Vests of all kinds, from a Wollen Vest, to a black Satin and the fanciest of Silk Vefvet. Pants from the finest of Cloth blue and black, Cessi mer, Doeskin and Satinett. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as Stocks; Cravats and Neck Ties, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Shirts, white Linen and fancy colored Rod, Blue and White woollen and flannel. Jr 3 As they have a Store at No. 52Market street, Philadel phia, they are prepared to sell Clothing wholesale nt rates as low ns they can be purchased anywhere in the oity. - 13lk They have on hand a very large' stock of fashionable DRY GOODS, and aro confident they are not saying too mucl when they say they have by far the best assortment in town, as the entire stock is fresh from the city—being of the very latest styles. They pay particular atten tion to Ladies Dross Goods. 'Call and examine their unsurpassed stock of Shawls, Ladies"fulinns, Man tillas, Silks, Merinoos, Cashmeres, Do 'mines, Ging ham, Prints, Ladies' Collars, Sleeves, Gloves, Hosiery, So., so.,and on hearing the extremely low prieeS'you can not help buying. L. STROLTSE CO. Allentown, December 19. —ly FOR THE LADIES. New and Fasliionablo Millinery Establishment IN ALLENTOWN. MISS SARAH KEIPER hereby informs her old friends and the public in general that she lately opened a new Millinery Establishment at No. 15 West Hamilton street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, and that she just returned from New York and Phila delphia, with a vary large stock—hy far the largest Win Allentown, of Fall and Winter BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS. ft.c., which will be sold as cheap it' not a little cheaper, than they can be purchased at any place in town. As she has acquired a thorough knowledge of the business, and employs none but the beet Milli ners, she is prepared to warrant all work done at her establishment to ho as represented. She is anxious to satisfy all who may favor her with their patronage. Old bonnets repaired so as to make them look equal to now. She returns her thanks for the patronage thus far bestowed on her, and hopes by strict attention to business, and selling at low prices, to merit a con tinuance of the same. December 5 FORS: FVgLSEiI I ts-LAD/ES-GENTLEMEN.-I.l\--- LADIES why do you go out in the cold without getting a set of FURS, when you can get theta so very cheap at WIEDER & BERGER'S cheap HAT, CAP AND FUR STORE, where they just received the largest end best assortment of Stone •. .. Martin, Silver Martin, Fitch, Russia, and ..1 other ladies 0 FASHIONABLE FURS, ever exhibited in Allentown, being fresh from the cities, and well worthy an examination before making o purchase anywhere else. Call and ace them, as no charge is made for showing, bat it is always dune with pleasure. Their stock comprises every kind, every price anti quality—from 5.1.00 to $lO.OO per set: tIatiENTLEMEN, if you wish to purchase superb Hats ongenteel Caps, they give you a cordial Invitation to call and examine their Stock. They warrant every article that you may purchase to give entire satisfaction. For selu Wholesale or Retail.— They have s..HATS FOR THE MILLION...ze They manufacture their own 'Hats and assure the public that they are got up right. December 5 New Folur and Feed Store. THE undersigned, having entered into lco partnership, under the firm of Bernd & Troxell, have opened a new Grain and Flour Store.•in the store of Sol mon Weaver. No 147 West. Hamilton street, next door to Sleifur's Ho tel, where they will keep constantly on hand a supply of all kinds of Flour, Feed. Grain. &c.— Family Flour delivered at the houses of all who order from thorn. They will do business entirely upon the CASH SYSTEM, and can therefore sell a little cheaper than any dealers who adopt any other The h'ghest Cash price paid for grain. We Invite all who wish to purchase flour or sell grain to give us a call. JESSE H. BERND. PETER TROXELL, Jr. Oct. 1 savanns Seger Store. l ar D. BOAS, Manufacturer and 'Wholesale and Ro lls tail Dealer in Tobacco, Snuff and Segare, No. 9 North Seventh Arcot, Allentown, Pa. Ile flatters himsolf to say that ho has at all. times the best and cheapest stock of TOBACCO AND SEGARS ever brought to this place. Dealors in the above Sr. tleles will find It to their advantage to give mo a call, as I seal at the lowest Philadelphia and Now York wholes sale prices. A general assortment of American and Foreign Leaf Tobacco always on hand. IL D. BOAS. 910 D. • - —tf . . A. N 311107 SIT ClenEC. : CHARLES'S. MASSEY, I CLOCK. WATCIDURER AND DEALER IN JEWELRIES, No. 23 East Hatniltou Street, op posite the German Reformed Church, Allentown Pa. Tho undersigned repectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that ho has just returned from New Yorkand Philadelphia, where: ho has purchased and now offers for sale a full and unequalled assort ment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Silver Ware and Fancy Articles, all of a superior quality, and deserving the examination of those who desire to procure the best goods at the lowest cash , • -,.,,,,,, prices. His stock comprises Clocks --- of all styles and patterns, Gold and .•.' . .r.) , `-•-• : •••• ---:: Silver Watehes, Gold, Silver and other Watch Chains. Watch Keys and Seals, gold and silver Pencils Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets, M edallions, Cuff Pins, Gold and Steel Pens, Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Spy Glasses, 'Pocket Compasses, Gold, Silver. and other Spectacles, suitable for all ages, together with each and every article be longing to his branch of business. Ills prices are as low and liberal as they will be found in our seaboard towns, and has goods will always prove to be what I thee are represented. MELODEONS. He keeps on hand an assortment of Melodeons, of -all sizes and patterns, suitable for Churches, Halls and private families, at prices as low as they can lie bought wholesale of the manufacturers. His instruments can nowhere he excelled in point of tone, 'beauty and low prices. He also has on band a large and good stock of Accordcons, Flutes, Fifes, Musical Boxes. Sc., &c., at exceeding low prices. ;i7al-Clocks. Watches, •Tewelries, Accordeons, Mu sical Boxes. Sc., will nt all times ho promptly repaired, and all work warranted for ono year. CHARLES S. MASSEY. September 26. —t f INDEMNITY BY LE AGAINST ERE. Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Phi Iphia. OFFICE, No. 103] Chestnut street, near Fifth, QTATEMENT of As..ets, $1,,525,94905, January IJ Ist, 1855, published agreeably to un Act of As imahly, being First Mortgages, amply secured, $1,199,284 48 Real Estate (present value $110,000) cost 82,139 ST Temporary Loans, on ample Colateral Securities. • 130,77120 Stocks (present value $70,191) cost. 03,085 50 Cash; ac., • 50,665 57 $1,523,049 1.18 Perpetual or Limited insurances made on every description of property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, at rates ns low as are s consistant with security. Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-four years, they have paid over three million dollnre Loss or FIRE, thereby affording evidence of tho advantage of Insurance, as to their ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. DIRECTORS Charlca N. Dandier, ➢lord. D. Tobias Wagner. Adolp. E. Berle, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, .Tacub.R..Sndth, Morris Patterson, Uco. W. Richards, Isaac Lea. CHARLES BANCKEIt, President. CHARLES O. BANCKER. Secretary. subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now pre pared to mike insurances on every description of property, at the lowest rates. A. L. RUBE, Allentown. C. F. BLECIL Bethlehem. Allentown. Oct. 1355. :101111: . i' 11 , ile? ,-- . • ti ,L L . ,ki , . \SV. ',. - - ‘ 111,11 7a... , : - - ' 1), Y 1 / S, Julius. Wilel.,'? 0 ; 10c , did Clam get dem 61 Well. I 'spose he g c ' t i c ,ll.. at Massa Ruutes. ' „t,.. Clam, I's goin" dere t o r , some. I'se a dandy nnpe_. and wan ta rust rl2.f.e ~_ Lr -----7— i . -- .. .„ _,_..„..„ .. ~....... Wco 111.1,3 Ull1 1 - IZI9 Hhow on hand and offers for sale, the cheapest. oldest and host stock of SEOARS in Allentown, consisting of 250,000 of all descriptions and qualities, from s2.up to $3O per thousand. Also denier in Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Snuff. ae. Tobacco nists, Pedlars, Merchants, Hotel-Keepers and dealers generally are invited to givo him a call. Seprs made to order for all nprts of the Union, comprising the latest styles and brands, such as Operas, Londres, Regalia, Plantation, Principe, Ln Norma, Sixes. ke. Allentown. December 11 ESE 0. Kramer's ar3miauscm . - - e . 71 Courtlandt Street, nenr Jersey City Ferry, THE above house is now fitted up for the ac commodation of strangers and the public. The proprietor, therefore, invites his friends and all others who desire a convenient stopping place when visiting the city. to give him a call • THOMAS C. KRAMER New York, October 17 NC=ItTIC)M. In 'the matter of the In• In theOrphnns Court gnisition of Catharine of Lehigh County. Snyder, deceased. And now, November 0, 1855. on motion of it r. Marx, rule grated on the Heirs of the above named decedent to ap pear at the second Orphan's Court day of Feb ruary term next, to wit, on Tuesday the sth day of February. to accept or refusetn accept the said Real Estate at the valuation, or show cause why the said Real Estate, or any pert thereof should not he sold. From the Records. Tesie :—J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk. November 21. ¶-3m IBS VETERINARY . SURGEON, AND CoMmirrinn Herr° Denier. Cntaranoun, Pa.— lie reepeetfully informs his friends and the pub lic generally. that ho ban again located himself nt Cat nsauqua, where ho Is prepared to treat all discerns of the horse. no .has large and eenunodious stabler, and persons giving diseased horses under his charge can depend upon that they trill be attended to in the best manner. • lie also rolls and buys Horses on commission, .Pricking and docking neatly executed. April 11 Looking Glasses. lUST received, the largest, best and cheapest J assortment of Looking Glasses that has ever been offered in the Borough of Allentown, at the Cabinet Ware Rooms, No. 36 West Hamil ton street, Allentown, Pa. S.H. PRICE. November 7. 'll-3m A GOOD ADVICE TO LADIES.—If you want good cheap and fashionable Shawl or Dress please all at . Stopp's Cheap Cash Store. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, JANUARY 9, 1856. IMS NEW YORK if-3m BREHM, NEILIOR & - BREINID ' 1 ~ OF PENNSYLVANIA CLOTHING HALL, kl South East Corner of Hamilton and Sev enth Street, respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have just returned from Now York and Philadelphia. witlia large stock of now and fashionable Fall and Winter Goods, which they purchased for CASH, and which enables them to sell lower then any other establishment of the kind in Allentown. They hrie selected their Goods with an eye to durability and fancy; and have none but the latest styles in the market. Their stock of Goods, among other articles, consists•.:.of Cloths of all colors and prices ' Cassimers, of French, English and American manufactures : Vestings, Silk Velvets, Satins, Silks, Worsted And other descriptions, figured and plain. Shirts end Shirt collars, Stocks, Cravats, Handkerehicfs, Hose, Suspenders, Ac., besides a great many other article emitting in their line of business, and all will ho sold at the' lowest prices. Their stock of • • _ _.. READYMADE CLOTIIING comprises every thing in tho clothing lino, from an over coat down to an under-shirt. made tip after the latest and most fashionable styles. There stock be ing so extensive that none will leave it, unless tilted from the "bottom . to the top." CUSTOMER WORK will Lc done up as usual, and for their work they nre willing to be held responsible, two of the firm being practical tailors, and all the work i 6 made up under their own supervision. Thankful for past favors, they trust that attention to business, "small profits and quick sales" will be the means of bringing new customers to their estab liShmen t. Oct. t A Neer 3VI.aL.M:L3OI-s3EI "srA.rt.lct IN ALLENTOWN, Betwccn Dreshcr's and lloJT,nan h Bro.s' Lumbei Yards, in Hamilton street. P. P. Bilyenbraltio a . Co., Reseecivrt,t,r inform the cit izens of Allen own and the mblic in gen !rah that they save opened a 11ARBLE YARD it the above lamed place, ind are carry ng on the bu- mess on an extensive scale. They have now in their Yard a very large and choice stock of Italian and American Marble which they are manufacturing into Tombs, Monuments, Head and Foot Stones, Mantle Pieces, Table and Bureau Tops, Win dow and Door Sills, Steps, Posts, &c. Letter ing of the btst style done in English and Ger man characters, and all kinds of Ornamental Work executed in the highest style of art and in the most substantial manner ; they , will be pleased to furnish engravings and designs to suit the wishes of the public. They flatter themselves in doing as good work as is done in Pennsylvania, and certainly the best in this section, and to satisfy the public of the truth of this assertion, they invite them to call at their yard and examine their stock and style of work. They furnish all kinds of Sculptures and Ornamental Work, such as has never been made in Allentown. They also keep on hand some beautiful sculptures made out of Italian marble, consisting of very neat and most chaste designs . for Cemetery purposes, with Lambs carved to lay on the top, Flower Vases, Urns, Doves, and many other figures, to which they invite the attention of the public. tir - urreat, 1111.11.11,c,s,ss•0 -• s . s manufacturers to furnish them with American and Italian marble of the best quality, as they have made such arrangements as to enable them to furnish it nt city prices. They hope by strict and prompt attention to business, moderate prices. anti fut: . nishing the best work in town, to merit a liberal share of patronage. They also constantly keep on hand a large stock of brown stone for building purposes, con sisting of platforms, door sills, steps, spout stones, &c ; (Ix 'July 11 RECISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to the heirs, 'editors and others, who may be interested in the estates of the following deceased persons, in Lehigh county, to wit : 1. The account of John Appel, Gardian of Rob ert Levan. . . - . 2. The account of Susanna Heller, Administrator of Tobias holler, deed. 3. Tho account of John Yost, Guardian of Matilda Bowman. 4. 'rho account of John Reber, Guardian of Mary Peter. _ . 5. The account of Peter Seibert, Owen Seibert and David M. Kistler, Administrators of John Seibert, due*d. _ . 6. The account of Peter Miller, Administr.tler of Susanna dee'd. 7. The neemtnt of William Leh, one of the•Ad mninistrators of Samuel Leh, dee'd. 8. The account of Charles and Joseph Wittman. Administrators of Peter Knepply, deed. U. Thu account of Stephen Bach nun, Amos Rotten old, Paul Kruin anti William Krauss, Administrator, of Daniel Snyder, dee'd. 10. Thu account of Levina Seibert end Levi Wel hurt, Administrators of Daniel Seibert, deed. 11. The.account of Stephen Hartman and Charles Hartman, Executors of Andrewllartm ut, (bed. 12. The account of R. E. Wright, Administrator o Andrew Kunkle, ,jr. 13. The account of Rabbet] Faust, Administrutol of William 11. Koch, deed. 14. The account of Aaron Peter, Administrator of Jacob Peter, deed. 15. The account of Henry 11. Weaver and Aaron Weaver, Administrator of George Wearer, dee'd. 10. The account of Eliza Daniel, Administrator of Samuel Daniel, deed. 17. Thu account of Solomon 11. Apple, Adminis trator of Michael Acker, deed. 18. The Account of David Ruch and Thomas Elui ler, Executors of John Sander, deed. The above named Executors, Administrators end ' Guardians have tiled their Accounts in the It egister'r office, in Allentown. in and for the County of Lehigh. which said Accounts will be laid before the Orphan': , Court of said County for confirmation:on TooAoy the 15th day of January. 1855, at In I k'el•wic in the: forenoon. SAMUEL COLVER, Register. December 5. —t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the unoorsignu,i are appointed Ex-cotors of tile lust will ow! testn mut o. Daniel A, her, Sen., deceased, Into or n_ burg township, Lehigh county, therefore all those wto, know themselves to be indebted to said estate, he it' in Notes, Bonds, Book-debts or otherwise will make payment within six weeks from the date hereof. Also those who have any legal claims against said estate. will bring in their accounts well authenticated within said time. CM GEORGE ACKER. Allentown, CHARLES SMITH, Maxatawny. . —St December 12, PAINTINC AND. DRAWING. LADIES wishing to decorate their parlors 'with beautiful Paintings of their own production, can do so at trifling expanse, by uniting with Mrs. C. D. Warner's class in Painting. Particular attention paid to those who are desirous of' becoming teachers. Call et the "Allen House," and see some of the Paintings mpdo by her pupils. W.n evening ohm in Pencil. Drawing meets at the Boys' Grammar School-room In the East School House, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Terms-18 lessonatsl O. Allentown, Dec. 12. CATASIIIOIIA TIE WORN THE LARGEST STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND STIOES, EVER SEEN IN CATASAUQUA, • Is at Getz's Cheap Store. UJ M. GETZ adopts this method to inform the citizens of Catasauqua and surrounding country that he now has on hand a very large and excellent assortment of Ready lVIa A cle D Clothing, 1D , 1 1 13 fiTID 21(D23, and is orifident his stock cannot be excelled in the County. He has lately received from Phil adelphia a very heavy stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of the most fashionable styles, from all of which he will make to order and also keep on hand a supply of READY MADE CHOTHING. Orders to make up goods to measure will be accepted with plea sure, and punctually attended to, and as he is a Practical Tailor, he will guarantee perfect fits, and none but the best workmanship wil be suffered to pass his hands. His Ready-made consists in part of Dress Coats. of every ima ginable style, for Sprini , and Summer weer Pantaloons, fancy and plain of all mices, Sum. mcr Pants in great variety ; Vests, Satin, fancy and plain, drawers, shirts, collars, cravat suspenders, &e., all of which he is dote: mined to sell at the lowest prices. He also has on hand a very large nssortmen - - of Gentlemen's St perfine. French Mo rocco, Calf skin and Patent Leather ./10 0 TA, besides a large lot • of coarse men's and boy's boots. Ills stock of Ladies shoes is very large, among which can be found every possi ble style. Children's shoes of every variety and style, plain and fancy colored, May 9 . RI CAY • An entirely vegetahle preparation, pleasant to the taste, unexcelled in its action upon the Liver, Stomach and general ,y,-tem. As au Auti-bilious and Alterative Physic. this Medicine HAS NO EQUAL IN TILE WORLD. I have need it constantly in my practice for upwards of ten scars in all eases where a good Physic and Al terative was required, and would not now do without it. It is the PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT, us well as the safest family medicine in use. Child ren drink it with placure. It will not nauseate the weakest stomach. It produces no griping, but oper ates easily, thoroughly, and is sure to eradicate all impurities from the system if it is properly taken.— Aircally w „,. nro ready of testify to ils superior virtues, -independ ent of its purgiitive and qualities. It-lies cured the worst eases of Erysipelas in a few days,— It is a NEVER-FAILING CURE for Ilewl-ache, Liver Comp!aint, Jaundice, Kidney Complaint, Bilious. Fever. Pains in the Side, Back, Breast. 1111 d Lin Colds. Cramps, Lumbago, Worms, Blotches cm the kin, Pimples, Cutaneous Eruptions, 01,:tructions in the System. Constipation of the Bowels, Dizziness. 'Mercurial Diseases, Pleurisy, Fe male Irregularities. Bowel Complaints, Ulcers of all kinds, .h e. It cleanses by its superior medical vir tues, the ulcerous humor from the blood and corrupt bile from the stomach, carrying it off through the natural channels ; IT INVI(101IATES THE nt.oon and leaves the system healthy. I ask my friends to test the above Medicine, andpronounco a verdict as they shall be impressed by the evidence. Those who know me professionally will not doubt its worth. Mil Since its first introduction, no medicine has attain ed such wonderful popularity, nod its sales have in creased beyond the most sanguine hopes of its friends. Neighbors recommend it as a safe and UNEQUAL LED PHYSIC ! Physicians carry it with them.— CHILDREN will TAKE iND OTHER after one trial, and parents FllOllll.l use no, other in their families. People living in low and marshy countries, subject to deadly miasmas, where Fevers, Ague and Fever. and bilious complaints are more apt to he, will tied the •• Liquid Cathartic" the most po tent remedy yet tried. Give it ti trial. Wholesale by A. 11. A D. Sar.ds, C. V. Clickner Co., and C. D. Ring. New York. Full directions neromplqty each bottle. Price 50 and 25 cts. of ten and twenty (loses. Principal Depot, .109 Broadway, N. Y. Sold by ,throu IViut. Allentown. and by all preseetable Drug gists throughout the country September la Li - (0 cV , Ltd Di 41 ll' .9.4. 'ONS"UEI'TEO7.4O, SALOONS c so. 9 IVest ml•ton a t ree t , Allentown, Pa. To:titre:4_ most r. 1a d beauty's raflimit face, With life-like f; cud its ease of gram ; • • Peri'ected eve—trai's magic light or life— Pleasing in infant and the into+ loved wife, These, and :ill charms o'er which affection weeps When sad horeavetn int hearts in sorrow sleep] ; Portrayed with excellence or l'rt:l4 . B skill. 11 LOCH:IIAX, resrectfully informs the citizens of Alle 11.,,0 and v:oinity. that lie May still dn. ; ... tis ;hi 0111 estahlishc!: • Light Dagnerrean Wt, t Hamilton street, where lie is ever ready, rain or,hine. to take pietures not to lie surpass-. se'd by any :wrist in this Borough. By long expe rience, arlipme toil, and he.,cy investments of capi tal. lie feels assured that any one who may favor him with a call will receive in return a perfect picture. not to be excelled, in point of artistic beauty, by. any- one in this section of country. He would also invite at tention to his new nil splendid stock of cases, which unq e in price from 75 cents to 10. dollars. Please bear in mind, that pietureacun be taken in clear or cloudy weather. Allentown, Feb. 7, Bennett! llownets IV/Rs. ,E M. M. STOPP, hare just returned horn th e cities with an immense stock of IT' ;a • FALL-AND WINTER BONNETS, ' caps. ribbons, flowers, frosted and plain velvet, striped Plush satins, and figured fancy voile, children's bonds. and in short. all that belongs to a fashionable Millinery Store. Everything they have is new and fresh from Now York and Philadelphia, and now offer the above goods, wholeiMla or retail, at least 10 per cent. less than they can be purchased elsewhere.— Country Milliners supplied at City prices,and it will be to their advantage to give .us a roll before purchas ing elsewhere. Bonnets repaired according to order. Don't forget the place, corner of Eighth and Hamil ton streets, in Allentown Hope. 12. AND IEII SOMETHING FOR THE LADIES. Tin; ladies of Allentown and surrounding country are respectfully invited to . call at our-store, and examine our new and extensive stock of FURS,—all of the latest and most al); proved styles, consisting of SABLE, ROCK MARTIN. MINK. 47.01 . 1 BLACK LYNX. STONE MAR- TIN, BROWN CONEY,. FITCH. MUSK. 4c. Childrens' White Furs, which we sell at prices ranging from $2,50 to $125.00 pit , sett. Ladies in want of any article in this line may rely upon finding with us as handsome and cheap an assortment, as they would either in New York or Philadelphia. Having made arrangements with Manufacturers in the cities, we are prepared to furnish extra setts of Furs, at short notice. Also, old Furs neatly repaired and altered. Our Assortment of Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Lamps, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c., is as usual, full and complete. We have Hats and Caps to fit every head, and Boots and Shoes to fit every foot in this community. As cold weather is now coining on, we would call particular attention to our stock, of Ladies', Gentlemen's. Misses and Children's Carpet, Deerskin, Calfskin and 'lndia Rubber Over Shoes, all of which we are selling cheaper than ever. We are thankful for the liberal patronage which we have received, and hope by strict attention to our customers and friends, and sel ling at low, prices to merit a continuation of the same in future. YOUNG & LEH. No. 45 East Hamilton St. P. S.—Merchants in the country will be sup plied with any of the above goods at the lowest city jobbing prices. Allentown, Nov. 28 TRUSSES, TRUSSES, TRUSSES C. H. Asecelles, Truss and Brace Establishment, South West Cor. of Twelfth and Race Sts., =I IMPORTER of fine FRENCH TRUSSES, combin e ing extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct. construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below :--Sending num ber of inches round the hips, and stating side affected. 'Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5. Double —ss, $6. $8 and $lO. Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Aiso for sale, in great variety, Dr. Bunning's Improved Plittnt, Body Bract', For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props and Supports. Patent Shoulder ,Braces. Chest Expanders and Erector Braces. adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak Lungs : Eng lish Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories Syringes—male and female. • Rooms, with Lady attendants. August 1. WILLIAM RIME 11 , 18 al 3 AND HAIR DRESSER, NO. 10 WILSON'S ROW, ALLENTOWN. Respectfully informs the public that he is still pursuing his vocation of Barbering and nt s r iilif C'llie'rennltsVh•cfl .Ptsv who wish to avail themselves of his useful sci once to give' him a call. In addition to his Shaving and Hair Dressing business. he earn estly invites the attention of the public to the fact that he has just received from Philadelphia a large assortment of Perfumery and Fancy ar tides. which he offers for sale on terms so rea sonable that no lady or gentleman should be without them. Ilis stock consists in part of Ladies' Curls of superior style'. a beautiful ar ticle. Gentlemen's Wigs, Dressing. Toilet and Dead Brushes, Tooth Powder. an excellent ar tide. Cologne. Bair Oils, and Perfumery of every description, Military Si m s ing Soap. Hue article. Washing. Shaving. and Toilet Scan. Shaving Cream. Powder and Putt' boxes. Walk ing CaneS, Segars and Segar Cases, Bay Water. &c.. &c. (1:7 - The public is respectfully invited to give him a call Jan. 31. S Yl3 United States Insurance, Annuity and Trnst Cu S. E. corner of Third and Chestnut Sts., PAILADELPIITA. CAPITAL $250.000. ()SKY is received on deposit daily. The .amount deposited is entered •in n Deposit Book anditiven to the Depositor, or, if prefer• red, a certilicatu will he given. All sums. large and small, are received. and the amount paid back on demand, without notice. CM Interest is paid at the rate of fire per cent.. commencing front the day of deposit. and cens ing fonrteen days previous to the withdrawal of the money. On the first day of January, in each year. the interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor. or added to the principal. as he may prefer. The Company have now upwards of 3 500 depositors in the City of Philadelphia alone. Any additional information will be given by addressing the TitrAscarn. DI RECTORS. S:eplien R. Crawford. Lawrence John. .on Vice Pi es't,', Ambrose 'l' Ben. intiliu IV Tingley. Jacob I. Florniive M. Cure in. Paul 11. Cliublarii._fh urge Jaint:s Devei cox, Gustii% Eeglis.h. tary and l',,asta cr, P V FISK. Telltr and Interp eler„ J. C. Oeldschloger. September 5. IT— ly gm (0 3 • Paper Hanging done of the extreme low price of 128 cents per piece fin. all paper less than 18 inches in width, and 2 cents extra per inch when it exceeds 18. Scraping and sizing, if necessary, to be paid extra. msy,Fa CM ECM ¶-Gm OF THE Dr. J. P. BARNES , IDIOUVas 91 4 9 BARNES, performs a ll operations on the Teeth with unpreceeded suc cess. His mode of inserting Artificial Teeth cannot be surpassed for comfort to the wearer and durability and beautifulness in appearance. The general satisfaction he has given for years has been duly appreciated by the patronizing public. Office No. 48 East Hamilton street, up stairs, a few doort,e4atpf Pram, Guth & Co's. Store. li—tf I . July 4. J~WLEJRY, Clocks and Watches. .101ats AV:OmM , ESPECTEULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has lately pur chased the entire stock and fixtures of Mr.- Juxerla lireiss, (with whom he has been engaged for the last seven years,) and has removed the same to No. 21 West Hamilton street, lately occupied by Ilko & Co. Tie has also just re ceived from New York s ••• large stock of 2\ IPE L El 1 4 , .57 1111 41; I CUCKS HAD wags. • , t ,„, stock is well selected, miliqrsnritsmwit and consists of a large as sortment of Brass Clocks, of every description, at the lowest prices. Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Loping, Quarlier any! other Troches, Silver Table 'and Tea Spoons, Gold. Silver and Plated Spectacles, to suit all ages. and warrant -6d to be made of the best materials. Ilis stock of Jewelry is large and splendid, ' and comprises all the most fashionable articles, such as Gold. Silver and other Breast Pins, Ear and Finger Rings. Gold Watch Chains, Keys, &c., Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold Pens of a superior quality. Silver Combs, and and a variety of articles too numetoits to men tion. He feels confident that the aboVe goods arc the best in market. and offers them to the public at the lowest prices. He would particularly call your attention to his stock of CLocks AND WATCHES, and urge you to call on hint befbre purchasing elsewhere, as lie feels assured that he cannot fail to suit you, not only with the articles. but what is more important. with the prices, and would also inform the public that all his goods are warranted. Clocks Watches and Jiveh•y. repaired in the neatest and best manner and at the Enertess notice—all his work is warranted. Allentown. May 2 Ho! For the New York Store, e. E, IT AVE just received a large supply of Fall and I Winter Goods which they have bought for cash and are willing to sell at a small advance on the same terms. Don't forget their motto, " SMA,LL PROF ITS AND QUICK SALES," with a large assortment of goods to suit the most fastidious taste in the universe, including Allentown.and vicinity. Their stock consists of Plain flack Silks, Plain Fancy do., Freak Merino, &zany Twill, Persian do., Mouseline De Zaire, Persian. do., Leyoncse cloth, 4c., 4c.. Also, Hosiery, Bonnet Rillons. Gloves, _ ‘,.. T .rmia i tii , inet y ir ;,,,, Bleached and tin g oods as the trade arc in need of c0n5......1:_. -- --, GROCERIES as low if not lower 1 74.-I S', than can be had elsewhere. Coun 'oV try produce of all kinds wanted 3 . i.. , --- - -in exchange for goods. lIOUPT & STUCKERT. If -tt Sept. 5 Surgical and Mechanical DENTIST. n R. 0. C. H. GULDIN. from New York; in'- , i vites the attention of those in All ntown and vicinity. who require ()permit ns on the natural Teeth. or who ore in Hend of artificial tows. to his superior mode of operating in all the ditli•rent departments of Dentistry. Having had eight years' experience in his Profession, and availing himself of every valu able improvement, he knows he can render the very best assistance to the patient of which the Art is capable. REFERP:N(7K9.—Rev. Thomas Dc Witt, D. P Rev. Charles M Jameson, F. Clatkson. M. D., William Underhill. DI. D.. New York city. Office for the present at the American . Hotel. Patients also visited at their residence if de sired. Allentown. Jan 17. 1855, A Fresh Assortment, The undersigned respectfully inform their friends than they linve just rettnne-1 from Phil adelphia. and are. now unpnrking at their Storo in Seventh street' below Walnut, a large assort t tent of litta' tSiTIAj Peesh Groceries, j% l . conskting of all articles gener - - ally found inn well conducted Grocery Store, Which they will sell as low if not lower than any other store'in town: Thtir present new stock in connection with the goods they had on hand . enables them to offer to the politic the best selected nssortmt nt of Groceries to be found in Allentown. They also keep on hand nll kinds of NUTS. such as Pen Not% Cream Nuts. Getman Nuts. Filberts. &c.. which they will sell wholesale at. vety low ices to enniltry stout kill - len: and hucksters. They also keep On hand all, kinds of Ott I rk: Cfba /4 which they are able to sell at the lowest possi ble !wives. cc-7 Fire Wood can• be v had of them in any desired quantity. and nt low rates. Call and see before you purchase anywhere else. and satisfy yourselves of the above facts. They return their sincere thanks fbr the patronage heretofore received and trust they may continue to merit a liberal share of public custom. Allentown, Aug. 22 MB "ma • C.) o . ._ .. ..6. IiaMEI MOHR & RITTER. 1- t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers