4'l Aws SO? ►DELIS way, to No. 25 West Hamilton street, good friends of Allentown and surround in; •country, and see for yourselves 'whether this is not a fact, and well established one too, that we sell • HATS AND CAPS, as cheap. and a little cheaper than they can be boughtlanywhere else. We have lately re ceived the Fall and Winter styles and have now on hand a large stock of Moleskin, Silk, saßeaver, Neutria, Russia, and in fact, every kind and quality of Hats that can be thought of, being satisfied that we are able to suit the taste and in clination of all who may favor us with a call,, as we haye the article from five dollars down to fifty cents,, and such that will become old and young. Our stock of Caps is the largest in Allentown, and at extreme low prices. To convince the public of what we say, it may be well to state that we have forty-one diTerent styles. Surely enough to give a per son a chance of suiting - his taste. Call and see us. Beingboth practical hatters and much expe rienced in the business, they feel satisfied that they can give entire satisfaction to all who will favor them with their custom. Remember the stand, directly opposite Barber & Young's Hardware Store, West Hamilton Street. Cr.TCountry Merchants would do well to give. as a call, as we 'will wholesale them hats and caps cheaper than they can get them in the city. WIEDER & BERCIER, Neptembor 19. 'll—tf .Mention Customers I The Goods are Here II YA k, - NV T '1 X NO 28 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa., have just received a Boat Load of Goods, consisting of BOOTS, SHOES, Trunks, Valizes, &c., all of winch Bags, they will sell at the lowest cash prices. Their Stock of Shoes comprises over Twenty Thousand Pair, of which a great part is of their own manufac ture and the balance of Eastern make. Their Eastern Goods have been purchased for Cash, which offers them the satisfaction of selling at city wholesale prices. Their assortment of Trunks is also the larg est ever brought to Allentown, and range in prices from one to ten dollars. As they keep a large number of hands well experienced in the different branches of work, they are able to , make to order any quality and style of shoes that may be required. Enountry merchants are politely invited to give them a call and examine. their goods and prices and they will satisfy themselves that it is folly tb kuy in Philadelphia when they can do bettor brpurchasing of RUHE & WITTY. Allentown Sept. 12. ¶—tf CATASHIMI MST !II WORLD ! THE LARGEST STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING AND BOOTS AND SHOES, EVER SEEN IN CATASAUQUA, is at G- etres Cheap Stove. vum. GETZ adopts this method to inform the w w citizens of Catasauquatand surrounding country that he now has on hand a very large and excellent assortment of Ready Made Clothing, -AND 11114118 MB 32023, and is confident his stock cannot be excelled in the County. He has lately received-from Phil adelphia a very heavy stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of the most fashionable styles, froin all of Which he will make to order and also keep on hand a supply of READY MADE CHOTIIING. Orders to make up goods to measure will be accepted with plea sure, and punctually , attended to, and as he is o Practical Tailor, he will guarantee perfect fits, and none but the best workmanship wil be suffered to pass his hands. His Ready-made consists in part of Dress Coats, of every ima ginable style, for Spring and Summer wear- Pantaloons, fancy and plain of all prices, Sum mer Pats in great variety ; Vests, Satin, fancy, and plain, drawers, shirts, collars, cravats, suspenders, &c., &c., all of which ho is deter, milled to sell at the lowest prices. He also has on hand a very large assortment 4 of Gentlemen's Su perfine, French Mo rocco, Calf-skin and Paten eat 0 t Lher . 6..A10141 D TSB besides a largo lot • of coarse men's and boy's boots. His stock of Ladies shoos is very large, among which can be found every possi ble style. Children's shoes of every variety and style, plain and fancy colored. My 9 A New Transportation Line. HE undersigned hereby informs the public : that he has established a new Transporta tion Line, and that he is now prepared to ship all kinds of Merchandise, &c., from Philadel phia to Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Penn Haven, and all intermediate pla eeti. Goods will be received and shipped from No. fib North Wharves, below Vine street, Philadelphia. The Line is fitted out in the best possible manner, which enable him to trans port all Goods entrusted to his care with safety and despatch. As he is a new beginner, ho hilies, by, careful and prompt attention to busi ness, to lbe favored with a liberal share of pat ronage. HENRY 401IWEITZER, Proprietor. ') 4 -` • AGMS.. • R. R. Sellers & Co., Philadelphia. Geste W. Houisel, Easton: &A....Bachman, Freetnansburg. • Aadretv M'Clarty, Bethlehem. (I.& W. Edell n, Allentown. o:7Persons having Goods in the Store House at Allentown are requested to tuke them away witlieut June 27 A Clow ADVICE) TO LADIES.-If you want a good, cheip and fashionable Shawl or Dress, please call at Stopp's Cheap Cash Stem. Xi ALM" Xr. IVC:i a M • THE undersigned give notice 4reeably to the a Laws of Pennsylvania that they purpose making application at the next term of the Legis. lature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Bank, to be located in the Borough of (human. qua, and County of Lehigh, under the name, style and title of the .Bank. of Catasanqua, to have general banking and discounting privi• leges, the capital to be ONE' Hoinnzn TIIIOIIBANT Dor:Lens, and to commence operations when the said Sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars shall have been paid in. Joseph Lanbach, James D. Schell. Robert Williamson, John Thomas, David Thomas, John Williams, liriah Brunet., Josbita Hunt, jr.. E. H. Huber, Augustin H. Gilbert, Reuben Dilcher,. Charles G. Schneller, George Scherar, Simon Sterner, William Fillians, Peter Laux, Henry Sellers, James W. Fuller, F L Reuben Patterson, Samuel Thomas, Charles Graffin, Owen Rice, Morgan Emanuel, Chailes D. Fuller, David 0. Tombler, M. E. Albright, Charles Rau, S. H. Lacier, William Goetz, F. B. Martin June 27. Havana Segar Store I 313COALI5S, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Tobacco, Snuff, and Segars, No. 9 North Seventh St., Allentown, Pa. rrHE subscriber flatters himself to say that 1 he has at all times the best and cheapest stock of Tobacco and Segars. ever brought to this place. Dealers in the above articles will find it to their advantage to give me a call, as I sell at the loWest Ytula delphia and New York wholesale prices. A general assortment of American and Foreign Leaf Tobacco always on hand. 11. D. BOAS. May 9. IE-0 WILLIAM REIMER, M /a U 3 12 HAIR DRESSER, NO. 10 WILSON'S ItOW, Respectfully informs the public that ho is still pursuing his vocation of Barbering and Hair Dressing, after the most approved style, at his old stand, where he cordially invites all who wish to avail themselves of his useful sci ence to give him a call. In addition to his Shaving and Hair Dressing business, he earn estly invites the attention of the public to the fact that'ho has just received frOm Philadelphia a largo assortment of Perfumery and Fancy ar ticles, which he offers for sale on terms so rea sonable that no lady or gentleman should be without them. His stock consists in part of Ladies' Curls of superior style, a beautiful ar ticle, Gentlemen's Wigs, Dressing, Toilet and head Brushes, Tooth Powder, an excellent ar ticle, Cologne, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of every description, Military Shaving Soap, a fine article, Washing, Shaving, and Toilet Soap, Shaving Cream, Powder and Puff-boxes. Walk ing Canes, Segars and Segar Cases, Bay Water, &c., &c. ETho public is respectfully invited to give him a call Jan. 31. fraciamoonagoacenecoctonecance E. W. Eckert's i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 0 CD I Tobacco, Snuff and Segar N 0Q031M9 i No. 30, East Hamilton Street, t ALLENTOWN, PA. . a [GOODS ALL IVARRANIEIko S gm tyJuly 20. 11-1 y el goacuctaaccoactemoaccomaaocacca THE CHEAP CASH BOOR AND STATONERY STORE, North-West Cor. of Sixth and Arch Ste., PIILLADELPIIIA. Great Bargains in Books! POETICAL,JUVENILE, MISCELLANEOUS, STANDARD AND PRESENTATION • BOOKS, VERY CHEAP. STAPLE AND FANCY STATIONERY. Superior White Ruled Letter Paper, $1.50 per Ream. Letter and Note Envelopes in great variety. Weddings Furnished at very moderate rates. Cards Written and Engraved. Gillott's and other Stee Pens. Superior Motto Wafers, 323 Mottoes on a sheet, for 25 cents. inkstands, Pon.ltnives, Paper Weights, &o. Fine Turkey Morocco Porte Monnaies. Portfolios, Card Cases, Backgammon Boards, &c., with a very large and choice assortment of Toy Books, Games, Dissected Pictures, &c. Albums, Scrap Books and Engravings. P. THOMSON. If- 1y li:E1 April 25 o:7Paper Hanging done at the extreme low price of 12i cents per piece for all paper less than 18 inches in width, and 2 cents extra per inch when it exceeds 18. Scraping and sizing, if necessary, to be paid extra. May 23 ENID Job Printing, Ncaly Executed at the " Register dike." .C-8m CM ALLENTOWN If-Gm OE Bonnets 'Bonnets ToRS. & M. M. STOPP, have just returned U,l from the cities with an immenesistock of '•• •pk Iz all and W Inter FJ "t • rt: .1, caps, ribbons, flowers, frosted W • and plain velvet, striped plush j satins, plain and figured fancy veils, children's hoods; and in short, all that belongs to a fashionable Millinery Store. Everything they have is new and fresh from New York and Philadelphia, and , now of fer the above goods, wholesale or•retall, at least 30 per cent, less than they can be purchased elsewhere, Country Milliners supplied at City prices, and it will be to .their advantage to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Bon nets repaired according to order. Don't forget the place, corner of Eighth and Hamilton atreets, in Allentown. Sept. 12. 11—if Venetian Blinds. ALEXANDER F. MUIR, late of Philadelphia, respectfully informs the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that he has lately taken the estab• lishment of Mr. Cusnx.xs Ross, and is now car. rying on the business at the old stand, No. 125 West Hamilton street, in all its various branch. es. He employs at all time none but the best workmen, and warrants all Blinds of his manu. facture to be of the best materials. He is pre pared to make Blinds :for Churches, Public Buildings, &c. Particular attention paid to re pairing. Having had many years' experience in Philadelphia, he flatters himself that he can furnish as good anti fashionable an made as can be had in the city. January 24. §—ly 311bannitv bi faios agains TIRE. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1634 CHESNUT STREET, Near Fifth Street. STATEMENT OF ASSETS, $1,525,949 68, January Ist, 1859, Published agreeably to an Act OF ASSEMBLY, BEING• First Mortgages, empty secured, $1,199,28448 Real Estate (present value $llO,- 000) cost. 82,139 87 Temporary Loans ,on ample Cola teral Securities. 130,774 26 Stocks (present value $76,191) cost. 63,085 50 Cash Ac. &C., 50,665 57 IS 1,525,019 CS PERPETUAL ORLDIITED INSURANCES made on every description of property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, at ratesasl ow as are consistan twith security. • Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-four years, they have paid over three millions dollars Loss BY FIRE, thereby af fording evidence of the advantage of Insur ance, as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness allliiibilities. Directors: Charles N. Bancker, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Borie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, Geo.W. Richards, Isaac Lea, CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. unAuLss G. BANCRER,Secretary. far The subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, at the low• est rates. A. L.. RUHE, Allentown. C. F. BLECH, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 1854. 11—ly SaYING YVND OF VIE United States Insurance, Annuity and Trust Co. S. E. corner of Third and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $250,000. MONEY is received on deposit daily. The amount deposited is entered in a Deposit Book and given to the Depositor, or, if prefer red, a certificate will be given. • r All sums, largo and small, are received, and the amount paid back on demand, without notice. Interest is paid at the rate of five per cent:, commencing from the day of deposit, and ceas ing fourteen days previous to the withdrawal of the money. On the first day of January, in each year, the interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the principal, as he may prefer. The Company have now upwards of 3,500 depositors in the• City of Philadelphia alone. 'Any additional information will be given by addressing the TREASURER. DIRECTORS Stephen It. Crawford, Prest., Lawrence John son, Vico Pres't., Ambrose T. Thompson, Ben jamin W. Tingley,, Jacob L. Florence, William 111. Godwin, Paul B. Goddard, George McHenry, James Devereux, Gustavus English. Secretary and Treasurer, PLINY FISK. Teller and Interpreter, I. C. Ochlschlager. September 5. • A Fresh Assortment, The undersigned respectfully inform their friends that they have just returned from Phil adelphia, and aro now unpacking at theit: Store in. Seventh street, below Walnut, a large assort ment of • • - 7 .;•;a7r " 1 Fresh Groceries, ! ,1 .71 A..) consisting of all articles gener --- ally found in a well conducted Grocery Store, which they will sell as low if not lower than any other store in town. Their present now stock in connection with the goods they had on hand enables them to offer to the public the best selected assortment of Groceries to bo found in Allentown. They also keep on hand all kinds of NUTS, such as Pea Nuts, Cream Nuts, German Nuts, Filberts, lic.„&c., which they will sell wholesale at very low prices to country storekeepers and hucksters. They also keep on hand all kinds of STORE COW/ .74 9 which they are able to sell at the lowest possi ble prices. Ir7Fire Wood can be hid of them in any desired quantity, and at low rates. Call and see before you purchase anywhere else, and satisfy yourselves of the above facts. They return their sincere thanks for the patronage heretofore received and trust they may•continueto merit a liberal share of public custom. MOHR & RITTER. Allentown, Aug. 22. . 11--e .; tr-•,-g. W R c ... _,., ',.% I n -• J : • . „:.- . ~."4.4.1ef9!:- -; !,i ;•,--, .... ..., : 2-:-..a, t 1,, e4 12 4. ,,,- 1 ,,,::. '•-,- eni , p2-:: -1 - : - ,--'. l :. ((---'. - .__....,- %.- - rr; IN N...)' # c ' L P CA DR. L. B. 'WRIGHT'S ,VEGETABLE LIQUID CATHARTIC, OR Pleasant Family Physic N entirely vegetable preparation, pleasant to al, the taste, unexcelled in its action upon the Liver, Stomach and general system. As an Anti-bilious and Alterative. Physic, this Medi cine Has no Edina in the 'World. I have used it constantly in my practice for up wards of ten years in all cases where a good Physic and Alterative was required, and would not now do without it. It is the PHYSCIAN'S ASSISTANT , as well as the safest ramify medicine in use. Children drink it with pleasure. Il will not nau orate the, weakest stomach. 11 produces no griping but operates easily, thoroughly, and is sure to eradi tate all impurities from the system if it is pr,p erly taken. Already Thousands of Living Witnesses are teady to testify to its superior virtues, inde pendent of its purgative and anti•bilious quali ties. It has cured the worst cases of Erysipelas in a few days. It is a NE VElt -FILING CIURE for Head-ache, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Kid ney Complaint, Bilious Fever, Pains in the Side, Back, Breast, and Limbs, Colds, Cramps, Lum bago, Worms, Blotches on the Skin; Pimples, Cutaneous Eruptions, Obstructions in the Sys tem, constipation of the Bowels, Dizziness, Mer curial Diseases, Pleurisy, Female Irregularities, Bowel Complaints, Ulcers of all kinds, &c. It cleanses by its superior medical " virtues, the ulcerous humor from the blood and corrupt bile from the stomach, carrying it off through the natural channels; IT INVIGORATES THE nLoun and leaves the system healthy. I ask my friends to test the above Medicine, and pronounce a verdict as they shall be impressed by the evi. dence. Those who know me professionally will not doubt-its worth. Since its first introduction, no medicine has attained such wonderful popularity, and its sales have increased beyond the most sanguine hopes 'of its friends. Neighbors recommend it as a safe and UNEQUALLED PHYSIC! Phy sicians carry it with them. CHILDREN will Take no Other after one trial, and parents should use no other in their families. People living in low and marshy countries, subject to deadly miasmas, where Fevers, Ague and Fever, and bilious complaints are more apt to be, will find the "Liquid Cathartic" the most potent remedy yet tried. Give it a trial. Wholesale by A. B. & D. Sands, C. V. Click ner & Co., and C. D. Ring, New York. Full directions accompany each bottle. Price 50 and 25 cts. of ten and twenty doses. Principal. Depot, 409 Broadway, N. Y. Soh by Aaron Whit, Allentown, and by all respects ble Druggists throughout the country. September 19. 11—ly Dr.• J. P. BARNES, wariluvazm a QUILL performs all operations on 1 1.44 44 .1. LI the Teeth with unpreceeded suc cess. His mode of inserting Artificial Teeth cannot be surpassed for comfort to the wearer and durability and beautifulness in appearance. The general satisfaction he has given for years has been duly appreciated by the patronizing public. -- Office No. 48 East Hamilton street, up stairs, a few doors cast of Pretz, Guth & Co's. Store. July 4., v Lt2C)CQIPIII4I.Yt. 9 O ~ ,r . ,.,*5 . .:,..0 . -x .. ~ ..t t.. .—. SALOONS::, 100. 9 West Ha Milton Street, ALLENTOWN, PA. Pictures most rare of beauty's radiant face, With.life-like figure and its ease of grace; Perfected eye—truth's magic light of life— Pleasing in infant and the much loved wife, These, and all charms o'er which affection weeps When sad bereavements hearts in sorrow steeps; Portrayed with excellence of artist's skill, Are had at Locumnris!—go when you will. B. LOCHMAN, respectfully informs the citi. tens of Allentown, and vicinity, that he may still be found at his old established Sky. Light Da, guerrean Gallery, No. 9 West Hamilton street, where he is ever ready, rairimor shine, to take pictures not to be surpassed by any artist in this Borough. By long experience, arduous toil, and heavy investments of capital, he feels assured that any one who may favor him with a call will receive in return a perfect picture, not to be excel led, in point of artistic beauty, by any one in this section of country. He would also invite attention to his new and splendid stock of cases which range in price from 75 cents to 10 dol. lars. Please bear in mind, that pictures can be taken in clear or cloudy weather. Allentown Feb. 7. F. IL Smith, PORT ILIONNAE, POCKET BOOK, and Dressing Case htanufacturer, N. W. corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia,— Always on hand a• large ant varied assort , mont of Port Monnaies, Work Boxes, • Pocket Books, Cabas, Bankers Cases, Travelling Bags, Note Holders, Backgammon Boards, Port Folios, Chess Men, Portable Desks, Pocket Memor. Books, Dressing Cases{ Cigar Cases, &c. Also, a general assortment of English; French. and German Fancy Goods. • Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Wholesale, Second and Third Floors. F. H. swim, N. W. Cor. Fourth and Chestnut Sts., Philada. N. 11.—On the receipt of $l, a Superior Goltt Pen will be sent to any Nut of the United States, by =lir—describing pen, thus; medium, hard or Stift. Rlrrn 4 . t—f 7 'Hello, Jack, where are you going I To Stepp's Cheap Cash Store to get my wedding suit! ORDERS FILLED FOR ALL PARTS Of TIE MTH. , - ft •- •-•ti'l , • •• :40 • c • Say, Julius, scile t.- „7. did Clam get dem sigf - n . Well, I' p ose l ie got ---" at Massa Runs's. We. Clam, I's goin' dere to get some. rse a dandy nigg er ' and want a fust rate artile. -~-~. `~_~-~- __~=_ Ckli4 Lailt MANUFACTI'REIL OF HAVANA, YARA, PRINCIPE, AND ALL KINDS OT., Superior Scalars, and dealer in CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, No. 27 North 7th Street, ALLHNTOWN. rl'Orders filled for all parts of the Union. Sept. 5. ¶—tf n' -- Don't.forget ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, when you come to Allentown, first call at Stopp's Cheap Cash Store. BARE FOOTED' YEA, and bareheaded, ton, The law can never harm, if all pursue; But recollect that CLOTHING all must wear, For civil law will lash the Lack that's bare, In olden time, it is acknowledged true, That few if any CLOTHING wore rr knew; But now.a•days a man is scarcely drest Without a dress coat, pantaloons, and vest. Now reader, here is what you want to know— The best and cheapest store for you Ingo, To purchase CLOTHING, I wren I cannot tell, But KECK & Ni:sruattn have the articles to hell. And their Store—where is it, do you say You want to buy a slut, now, right away, At 35 East Hamilton street you'll'find Their CLOTHING ready made, of choicest kind, subscribersolesirons of again returning S their thanks to their numerous patrons, avail themselves of this opportunity to do's°, and at the same time respectfully announces to their friends and the public generally that ;hey have just returned from New York and Phila., delphla, where they purchased a large sock of Fall and. Winter Goods . , consisting.of entirely new an desirable styles, such as can not be found at ally other Merchant Tailoring Establishment in Allentown. The goods were selected with the greatest care, and will be made up in the latest style and fashion, and warranted td prove the same as represented at the time of purchase. Observe, that every ar ticle of Clothing sold by the proprietors of this establishment is of their own make, and may be . relied upon as being good durable work. Among their extensive assortment may be found, fine Black and Blue New Style Dress and Frock Coats, made in the latest fashion of French and ling_ lash Coats. new style Business Coats, of Black, Drown, Blue, Olive and Green Cloths, and plain and figured Cassimeres ; Over Coats, of all qual ities, styles and prices, pantaloons, vests, and in fact everything in the . • Ready illade Clothing line, from an over overcoat down to an under shirt. The three great features of Keck & New hard's Stere.are, that they buy for Cash, and con. srqucntly can sell cheaper than any of the nth. ers; their goods arc made up under their own supervision, and last though nut least, they sell them for what they really are. Also, a large stock of Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Collars, Winter Hosiery, Under Shirts and Draw, ers of all kinds, and everything, in fact that is usually kept in stores of the kipd. Call and see before you purchase elsewhere, as they willing. ly show what they have. They are satisfied that all their goods hear a close examination. • Fir Conn ry Tailors can be supplied with the l a t est London; Pat is, Boston, New York and Philadelphia Fashion PLATE*, at the lowest possible prices. Allentown Sept. 12 (0-Lady Fashionable, where are yon going to buy your wedding dress ? At Stopp's Uheap Cash Store, and my wedding Bonnet of Mrs. & Mary M. Sloppi TRUSSES, TRUSSES, TRUSSES C. .7reedles, Truss and Brace Establishment, South West Cor. of Twelfth and Race Sts., =I IMPORTER of fine FRENCH TRUSSES, combin ing extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below:—Sending 'nun ber of inches round the hips, and stating side affected. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5. • Double —ss, SG, $8 'and $lO. Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erectof Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak Lungs ; Eng lish Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syringes—male and female. 117 - Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. August 1. Fall Millinery Goods! 1855. Jim. Stone 4' Sons, ATO. 45 South Second street, Philadelphia, aro I now prepared to offer to their customers, and to the trade, (of their own importation,) the largest and handsomest assortment of AM linory Goode, in the city—consisting in part of Bonnet Silks, Ribbons. Velvets, Fancy* Feathers, .FlowerS, Laces, 4c. 4-c., Which will be sold at the lowest prices, and on the most favorable terms. Philadelphia, Sept. 19. 1 :0-The fever is raging all over the country among rich and poor, old Mid young, high and low, to go to the Allentown Fair on the Ist of October, and stop at Stopp's Cheap Cash Store, 471Elli7liTMLWLY, ClockS and Watches. . John Meivhard pESPECTFULLY informs his friends and ti publiC in general-, that he has lately pur chased the entire stock and fixtures of Mr. Joseph Weiss, (with whom he has been engaged for the last seven years,) and has removed the same to No. 21 West Hamilton street, lately occupied by Ilko & Co. He has also just re ceived from New York a large stock of • 2 • ' l .‘ .IE TIVE L 11 1 4 9 ),ff :111*/ 4 41 CLUES WATCHES. tr Ms stock .is well selected, tIiII3III3IIIIMIVIAMM i• and consists of a large 'as sortment of Brass Clocks, of every description, al l . the lowest prices. Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lapine, - il Quartier and other WOlches, Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Cold, Silver and Plated Spectacles, to suit all ages, and warrant ed to be made of the best materials. His stock of Jewelry is large and splendid', and comprises all the most fashionable articles, such as Gold, Silver and other Breast Pins,. Ear and Finger Rings, Gold Watch Chains, Keys, &c., Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold Pens of a superior quality, Silver Combs, and and a variety of articles too numerous to men tion. He feels confident that the above goods are the best in market, and offers them to the public at the lowest prices. He would particularly call your attention to his stock Of CLOCKS AND WATCHES, and urge you to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels assured that he cannot fail to suit you, not only with the articles, but what is . more important, with the prices, and would also inform the public that all his goods are• warranted. Clocks Watches and Jewelry, repaired in .her neatest and best manner and at the shortest notice—all his work is warranted Allentown, May 2. n' - -The New Bn:ilt at Allentown commenced business, but they will not let Stopp have any money, so Stopp is compelled to sell goods cheap for Cash, in order to get money to go to Fain.• Peter Faux, Veterinary Surgeon, AND Commission Horse Dealer, atasauquai Pa. lie respectfully informs his friends and the pub. lic generally, that he has again located him! self at Catasauqua where he is prepared to treat all diseases of the horse. Ile has large and commodious stables, and persons giving diseased horses under his charge can depentt upon that they will be attended to in 'the bcs manner. He also sells and buys Horses on commission. (1:7-Pricking and docking neatly executed. April 11. ly Ho! tbr the New York Store. .c ~n H Q. C ••• ••••••• Cold 11AVEjust received a large supply of Fall and ddli Winter Goods which they have bought for cash and arc willing to sell at a small advance on the same terms. Don't forget their motto, " SMALL PROF ITS AND QUICK SALES," with a large• assortment of goods to suit the most, fastidious taste in the universe, including Allentown and vicinity. Their stock consists of Plain Black Silks, Plain Fancy do., French. Merino, Saxony Twill, Persian do., Mouscline De I,ainc, Persian de., Lcyones.c elolh, , Ve. Also, _Hosiery, Bonnet R ibbons, Gloves, Triimnings, Mashns Bleached and Brown, and in fact all such goods as the trade are in need of constantly on hand. L .... GROCERIES as low if not Tower 1 titan can be had elsewhere. Cowl^ 1 -*II -2 -' 7 l try produce of all kinds wanted! I R.' i --*---in exchange for goods. • 1311 Sept. 5 Surgical and Mechanical DR. C. C. 11. GULDIN, from New York, vites the attention of those in Allentowtv and vicinity, who require operations on the natural Teeth, or who are in need of artificial ones, to his superior mode of operating in all the different departments of Dentistry. Having- had eight years' experience in his profession, and availing himself of every valu able improvement, he knows lie can render the very best assistance to the patient of which tha Art is capable. REFFATINCES.—Rev. Thomas De Witt, D. D Rev. Charles M. Jameson, F. Clarkson, M. D,,. William Underhill, M. D., New York city. • Office for the present at the American Patients also visited at their residence if de sired. • Allentown, Jan. 17, 1855. 1-131: DR. CHARLES NEIL,. AT the late State Agricultural Fair, held at' Philadelphia, received a SILVER MEDAL,. the highest awardi for exhibition of skill in his. profession. He refers to this, and to his al. ready extensive practice, as a guarantee to all , who have occasion for his services, that his. work and orders generally in his line, will be scientifically and skilfully performed. Dr. NEIL pledges himself to the lowest terms, and all reasonable' dispatch, with those who avor him with their calls Nov. 1 Ci CI TIMM a 'attorney at Law. Office on 7th street, three doors North of he Public Square, Allentown; Pa. October 4, NA ¶-2m /, L ;r 7_,,, \ .2.Z1 110 UPT - S: STUCKERT. IT-11 DENTIST. NO. 309 WALNUT STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA =I Mr 7 , 1 47 CID " .-. E C.) E = -4,--. -1 14 il '-fl X-P- 1 T 11- 1 3 ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers