A GREAT FARM IN Onto.—The farm of Gene oral Worthington, near Chilicothe, contains Seven or eight hundred sores of the best land in the garden of Ohio, well supplied witli the pu rest water, and adorned . With Magnificent groves of forest trees. Fruit of the choicest kind, and of every variety, is to be found in the spacious orchards. Figs from the land of Smyrna, frijoles from the plains of Mexico, and peas from Japan,,flourish in his gardens. A large stone mansion, built for durability, cinu fort and.convenience by his ancestor, Governor Worthington, stands upon the bluff, from the *top of which may be seen all up and down the winding Scioto. On the east, at the foot of the bill, is a lake, constructed by the General, con taining about .15 acres, stocked with fishes.— A large ice-house, built upon the verge of the lake, holds enough to supply the wants of the people of Chilicothe during the hot season. At a convenient distance from the waters of this Beautiful lake, the milk of ?iffy short horned Dttrhams is kept, from the sale of which alone, the past year, the General realized $4OOO. NemtvE WINES.—The vineyards of Ohio are becoming a. source of great revenue to that gtate, and if the popularity of native wines and brandy continue at an equal ratio with the last few years, imported liquors will find a formi dable rival. The wine made. from the Catawba grape is in all probability the purest article that can possibly be obtained. The Wine As sociation of Cincinnati protect not only them selves but the public, and whenever an article is detected that is not fully up to the standard the manufacturer is at once held responsible.— There is nothing in these wines or brandies but the pure juice of the grape. The sparkling Ca tawba is now preferred to most of the imported brands, and as a beverage is much more agreeable and healthy. It contains no " head ache" commodities. The still wines are prefer able to the light French or German wines, and as the consumer is guaranteed a pure anticle there is much more safety in using the native. Tl.O o wines are highly recommon led by phy:i cianiis an excellent tonic, and every way ben-, chenille the invalid. A Boy THAT CAN PLAY " WIG•WAH."—The London Dispatch says that at Middlesborough, England, there exists a singular freak of na ture, " a boy with a real tail.') 'lle is about four months old and in good health, and has a perfect caudal appendage four or five inches in length, which, like a cat's, is a continuation of the spine, and can be moved at will. Only think of an urchin wagging his tail upon being presented with a stick of candy ; beSides, it may prove ofrg Lat inconvenience to . Ow. *2os '. • • after life, as it will intrude upon the seat of honor. ONE HUNDRND SNAKES.—The Worcester, Massachusetts, Patriot says that Mr. Albert Smith, .of that town, while mowing in a meadow a few days since, killed an immense snake of the garter species, which 'measured three. West ino . ric;to exinninautin, one live young snakes were found in its pouch. These the old mother serpent had swallowed on the approach of danger. Eight other snakes were killed in the same lot, making an aggre gate of one hundred snakes killed in one day. No GREAT TRAVELLEIL—A Bethlehem cor respondent speaks of Miss Christina Engel hardt, who recently died in that place in the 93d year of her ago, as having been in some re spects a remarkable woman. She enjoyed good health all her life and was a regular attendant nt church, but for the last seventy years she has never been further from her home (the sister's house;) than to church, which adjoins the house. She never saw any of the houses in Bethlehem north of " Old Marcus Fettcr'c Blacksmith Shop" except the " Gast-haus,' (Sun Hotel,) which was then erected and which point is now considered in the lower end of the town.— Easton Argus. MARRIED On the 26th of August, by the Rev. S. K. Ilrobst, Mr. WLLOUGHBY lIEYL, to .MiSEI LEA DERR, both of Upper Saucon. At the same time, by the same, Mr. MANAs- SFS SCHAFFER, to MISS MATILDA Hon, both of Lower Saucon, Northampton. Co. On the 21st inst., by the Rev. Mr. Vogel heel', Mr. CHARLES KLEIN, to Miss ROSETTA RCEDER, both of Allentown. On 12th inst., by the Rev Mr. Weiser, Mr. Thos NEUMAN, of Zionsville, to Miss AUGUSTA WALZER, of Allentown. On the 23rd inst., by the Re Mr. Herman, Mr. W. AcnE, of Hamburg, to Miss .ELlzAumn GEORGE, of Lowhill. On the 19th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Railer, Mr. PLIAON HAAS, of LynllfoWrl, to Miss MARS Acrom, of Allentown. DIED On. Thursday morning last, of fever, in this borough, ADAM KLEIN; aged 60 years. On 20th of August, in Bethlehem, ANNA MARIA, consort of Godfried Knauss, aged 35 years. Ire= L!i Fr 4 - 10 %-"ls n-4I hi -7111 ALLENTOWN MARKET Flour, per bbl. - Whe at, - Corn, - - Rye, Oats, - - Salt, - • - Potatoes, Ham. per lb., Sides, - Shoulders, - Lard, - Butter, - Eggs per doz, I:MMiI Ircoa- aal.taa A pleasure wagon of the newest style is offered for sale. Application to bo made at this office. The wagon iS new, just from the Workshop. If —ft Aug. 29'. Orphan's Court Sale; BY virtue and in pursuance of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of thfi County of Lehigh, there will be exposed to public sale, on Saturday the 29th day of September, at. one o'clock in the afternoon, upon the premises, the following described property, viz : Two certain lots of oound, with the appurtenances, situated in the Bo rough of Allentown, in the county of Lehigh aforesaid, bounded on the South by Turner street, on the West by a public Alley, on the North by a lot of Benjamin lingenbuch, on the East by Ann street, containing sixty feet, and the other forty-Rve feet, 230 feet in depth, numbered in Townplot 634 and 635. Also one other lot fronting on Ninth street, near the Bo rough line, containing 20 feet front on said Ninth street and 240 feet hi depth. Being the real estate of John Diefenderfer, deceased, late of the Borough' of Allentown, county aforesaid. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and due attendance given by DAVID SCHWARTZ. Admr's. ABRAHAM DIEFESDERFER. By the Court : J. W. Mies .hr, Clerk. Aug. 29. -11-3 w Orphan's Court Sale. BY virtue and in pursuance of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of the county of Lehigh, there will be exposed to public sale on Saturday the 22d day of September, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, upon the premises, the following described property, viz : A certain tract of land, situa ted near Trexlertown, on the public road lead ingll from Trexlertown to Schantz' ill, in 'Up per Macungie township. Lehigh co tnt r, bound ed by lands of David Schall, Peter rammes, Jonas Krammes, John Butz, and Benjamin Haintz, containing 105 acres and 5 rods, whereof 12 or 13 acres is excellent woodland, and the balance of the best farm land in the county, and in a high state of cultivation. The improvements thereon are a two-story frame - r- , Dwelling House, /11#41 Nell , a Swiss Barn, and all other necessary ' I ' I -- outbuildings, and -a most excellent apple orcharad ; also a very rich iron ore bed. Persons desirous to purchase, if they wish to view the property, will please call on Elizabeth Mintz. residing on the property, or on, Solo mon Kuder, in Trexlertown. Being the real estato of John Haintz, de ceased, late of the township of Upper Macungy and county afbresaid• Terms on the day at the place of sale, and due attendance given by . _ ELIZABETH HATNTZ, } Admr's SOLOMON KUDER. By the Court: J. W. Mickley, Clerk. Aug 29. 7-4 w At the last Session of Courtß he Lehigh Conn • AgricAtutlii Society has been converted into a joint stock concern divided into Shares of Ten Dollars each, and in pursuance of a resolu tion passed 'll the last annual meeting, such persons who may, have been members previous ly Of this Asociation shall have the right to a deduction of the amount they may have paid as membership contribution, from the ten dollars, proyided they do so before the first of October next. Persons wishing to become members of this Association 5t‘..,14 not let this portunilyits t a . ''" deduction ' will be allowed and the full len dollars will have to be paid to become a member. Application for membership certificate's to b 6 made to ,l.• G. R, sining(r, in Allentown. By order of the Societe. A. L. Rung, Secretary. August 29 alllTol° , 3 i1DV1111„ In the Orphan's Court of Lehigh County. In the matter of the account of " Anna M. Mill, administrator of the ,41:4 ,L . • estate of Daniel Mill, deceased, late of Allentown, Lehigh county. 7ind now August 15th, 1855 the Court appoint John F. Rohe. Esq., to audit and resettle the account and make distribution ac cording to law and make report thereof to the next stated Orphan's Odurt, including all the evidence submitted before him. Front the Records. Testc—J. W. Mickley, Clerk Tho Auditor above named will attend to the duties of his appointment, on Friday the 14th day of September, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at his office; No. 28 West Hamilton street, in the borough of Allentown, where all persons in- terested may attend if they see proper. JOHN F. RUNE, Auditor. ¶-3w Aug. 29 3PT-T3E11.43CC, MALLOW. VA/ILL be sold at public sale on Saturday the v Bth of September, on the premises, in Lowhill township, Lehigh county, a valuable .Lot of Ground, containing 111. acres,:more or less, 10 acres thereof is of the best farm land in the county, and the balance valuable Woodland, all in..the best condition and under good fences adjoin ing lands of Joel Klotz, Benj. Diehl, John Scha rer and Maria Hoffman. The improvements thereon are a two-story LOG DIVEL ....ILING HOUSE, a frame stable,. and vet II other outbuildings. sop Being the real estate of Susanna Schifferstein, widow of Andrew Scbilferstein, deceased, late of said township. The conditions on the day and place of sale by EPHRAIM YOIIE, Trustee. 11-2 w Aug. 29 ralanleer Candidate. To the Electors of Lehigh county. FELLOW Crrizm:s: Encouraged by a large number of friends and acquaintances, I hereby oiler myself as a Volunteer Candidate for the office of -$lOOO 2 00 - 100 125 - 50 16 00 COUNTY TREASURER, nt the next election in Lehigh county. Should I bo so fortunate as to receive a majority at pour hands, I will promise to attend to the-du ties with punctuality and fidelity. BENJAMIN J. lIAGENBUCIL Allentown, Aug. 29. ir—te 4 tounto reasurer. To the Electors of Lehigh county. rPr.t.ow CITIZENS. I hereby offer myself as a Volunteer for the office of - County Treasurer, and respectfully suuelb yvul nur fr ages. Should.you elect me, I will attend to the duties of the office with fidelity. • GEORGE H. REBER. Allentowny Aug, 29. ¶—te A Fresh Assortment. The undersigned respectfully inform their friends thai they have just returned from Phil adelphia, and are now unpacking at their Store in Seventh street, below 'Walnut, a large assort •!. ment of ettio •esh Groceries, consisting of all articles gener ', ally found 10 a well conducted Grocery Store, which they will sell as low if not lower than any other store in town. Their present new stock in Connection with the goods they had on hand enables them to offer to the public the best selected assortment of Groceries to be found in AllentOwn. They also keep on hand all kinds of NUTS, such as Pea Nuts, Cream Nuts, German Nuts, Filberts, &c., which they will sell wholesale at very low prices to country, storekeepers and hucksters. They also keep on hand all kinds of STOME CO&1L, which they are able to sell at the lowest possi ble prices. G7Tire Wood can be had of them in any desired quantity, and 'at low rates. Call and see before you purchase anywhere else, and satisfy your Selves of the above facts. They return their sincere thanks for the patronage• heretofore received and trust they may continue to merit a liberal share of public custom. MOHR & RITTER. Allentown, Aug. 22. Orphan's Court Sale. .111 7 virtue and in pursuance of an order issued nut of the Orphan's Court of the county of L•high, there will be exposed to public sale on Saturday the Bib, day of September, at o'clock in the afternoon, upon the premises, the following described property, viz: Two certain tracts of Land, with the appurtenances, situated in &moon township, in tho county of Lehigh aforesaid. hounded by lands of Joseph IVaidner, Michael Beck, James Dotterer, Abner Mohr', and other.i, containing eight acres good cultivated ground. The itnprovetnents thereon are a one story • .Log house, II I@ j' a Swks barn, Illacks,mith shop, a nev• " or failing well, cistern, an appple orchard, and all kinds of fruit trees. One other erect of %Votlland situated in said township, hounded by lands of Jacob Mohry, David Veil and others, containing three acres and a half. Bein, the real estate of John Berkenstock, do-eased, late 01 Saucon township, and county aforesaid. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and due attendance given by JACOB BOWMAN, DAVID SNYDER, Guardians. • %V. OHL, By the Calm: J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk. August 22, 1855. ¶-3w Orphan's Court Sale. Ry- Virtue and in pursuance of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of the county of Lehigh, there will be exposed to public sale on Saturday the 29th day of September, at 1 o'clock m the aftenoon, upon the premises, the following described property, viz : A certain house and lot of ground, with the appurtenances, situated in N t, &IN Whitehall ), township, „d in lands by the of c o iii . t i,a t a ylf: Schrcihen. N1:..1-1, John . Trumbower, containing twelve acres more or less. TIM improvements thereon are a one and half story "PreF Frame Hoarse, • ” q•-a frame, barn a never failing well and cistern on the premises, also a good apple orchard. The above described property is situated near the Lehigh Valley Rail Road and Lehigh Valley Furnace. Being the real estate of Charles Moyer, de ceased, late of the township of North Whitehall and county aforesaid. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and due attendance given by. _JOHN TRUMBOWER Admr's., JACOB G. DESHLER: By the Court : J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk. August 22.. ¶-3w MIN CO. AGRICOLTIMIE SOCIETY. The Committee of Arrangements for the ap proaching Exhibition of the Lehigh County Ag ricultural Society will meet on Saturday next, the 25th inst., at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the public house of John Y. Bechtel, in Allen town. A meeting of the members of the society is also to .take place on Saturday the Ist of Sep tember. at the public house of John Stabler in Coopersburg. Punctual attendance is requested, as business of importance in regard to suitable arrange ments for the Fair is to be transacted. HIRAM J. SCHANTZ, President. Aug. 22. Jacob. Ritter & Son,' MANUFACTURERS OF SO Nl' AND C. ANDLES 3 ALLENTOWN, PA. THE undersigned at their old stand in Hamil ton street, nearly opposite Hagenbuch's Hotel, have lately commenced in connection with the candle business, the manufacturing on an extensive scale of all kinds of soaps, which they will sell wholesale and retail.. They will always pay the highest price, either. in cash or exchange for soap, for fat and tallow. J. RITTER: & SON. August 22. *_3w ill@l111)111 9 3 110Vitt In the Orphan's Court of Lehigh County. % x In the'matter of the account of i , ct —, Elizabeth Sheirer and David IC '.- , Sheirer , Administrators of David --- .. ~, t • Sheirer, deed, of North White hall.* ' And now August 7th, 1855, on motion of James S. Reese, Esq., the Court appoint Edward Kohler, Esq., to audit and resettle the account and make distribution according to law, and make report thereof to the next stilted Orphan's Court, including all the evi dence submitted before thorn. From the Records. Teste—J. W. Mickley, Clerk. The 'Auditor above named will meet for the purpose of his appointment, on Sat urday the Bth of September next, at 10 o'clock* in the forenoon, at the house of Da vid' Sheirer, where all persons interested may attend if they see proper. EDWARD KOHLER, Auditor. AAugust 22.. "*-3w maaetto GRECIAN CIRCUS! Newly Equippedfor the year 1855 Will exhibit at ALLENTOWN, on WEDNES DAY, August 29th. This immense establishment cost the Propri etors over FIFTY THOUSAND DOLL ARS.— The Company is composed of TRIRtY-FiVE PERFORMERS of the most talented that can be had in Europe or America:— Madame Camilla Gardner, the Parisian Equestrienne ; Madame Wood. the great Eng lish Equestrienne ; Mons. Paul Cane, form the French and German Theatres ; Signor Blitz, the Italian Juggler ; E. Derious, the American Scene Rider ; R. Rivers, the unrivalled Principal Act Rider ; E. Woods the great French Scenic Rider ; Mast. Geo. Derious, the Wonderful Hurdle Rider ; Mr. Geo. Sloman, the Acrobatic and Gymnastic Performer ; Mast. Charles Riv ers, General Rider and the greatest Tumbler in the world, Mouchachow Pedro, the youthful boy of many forms ; Mons. Gerome, the Samp son of the world ; Mons. La Borde, E. Lewis- T. Rivers, T. Nambe, R. Rugle, H. Hague, R. Thompson, N. Springer, and numerous auxili aries. SIG ANTONIO CAPRIX.NO, who has just arrived from Russia, having been engaged at an enor mous expense, will make his first appearance in America with his GREAT RUSSIAN BEARS These wonderful performances throughout France and Russia have astonished every be holder. For full particulars of their perfor mances see the bills. Messrs. R. Rivers & E. Derious beg leave to announce that they have brought from Russia and France some entire new performers. . Also, new comic afterpieces, never before performed in this country. This mammoth concern com prises ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY MEN AND HORSES. The gorgeous procession will enter town or city every morning at 10 A. M., led by Mr. Withers, New York Brass and Pandean Band. Doors open open at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and 7 in,..the evening. Tickets 25 cents. No half price. The above Company will exhibit at CFIER RYVILLE on Tuesday the 28th. C. W. FULLER, Agent and Travelling Director. August 15. 11-2 w Fresh Arrival Of'` At the Cheap Store of Levi Haas AT TIIE Lehigh Valley Iron Works. T HE undersigned respestfully informs his friends and Oa public generally that he has just returned from New York and Philadel ulna WIIPri• he )•*••• • dui new stock of Stoic Goods, comprising a very extensive assortment of kyr , Dry Goods GROCERIES (bIe,CIISNN aye, I 3 ar aLIN c , and all other articles generally kept in a country store. lie will make it his business not only to compete in the selection of the most fashionable goods with the Stores in Catasauqua. Allentown and Bethlehem, but also in the cheapness of the same. If you want a bargain give Haas a trial. The fact is you can buy as much of him for S2O as you can at ti . py other store in the neighbor hood for $3O. Vid of course• you would like to know how lie can afford to do it." Why, he buys for Cash. Try him. rj - He also keeps on hand a large and exten sive assortment of Stoves, Tin Ware, &c. 1:7•All. kinds of Country Produce will be taken in exchange for Goods, for which he will allow the highest market prices. He returns his sincere thanks for favors here tofore received, and trusts that by strict atten tion to business, and going upon the principle of " live and let live, he may continue to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. LEVI HAAS August 15. ¶-4w • FLEMING & BROTHER, P'.1:11.03:01:1CIM Commission er arx auts , NO. 40 SOUTH WATER STREET, PHILADELPHIA. . Particular attention paid to sales of GRAIN, PORK, BUTTER. LARD, BEANS, POTATOES, ONIONS, POULTRY, FEATIIERS, GRASS SEEDS, WOOL. GREEN •AND DRIED. FRUITS, 4 - c. REFERENCES. Wm. Bronn, Esq., Philadelphia, Win. C. Paterson, Esq., Philadelphia, (Late President of the Pennsylvania Railroad.) • Paul T. Jules, Esq., Philadelphia.' John Gill,Esq., Pittsburg. May 30. Allentown Academy. THE Fall Perm will begin on Monday, third of Sep tu ber. I. N. Gre ory, A. M., Principal: • , Mr. E. %Hartshorn, Assistant. Miss Alici Moore, Preceptress, Miss Lucy Moore, Assistant. Miss Gibn, Teacher of the Primary Depart ments. Mrs. Greppry Teacher of Music. • The teachkrs are able, faithful and persever ing, and will earnestly exert themselves to se cure the improvement of their pupils. RATES OP TUITION PER TERM OF ELEVEN WEEKS. Common .11nglish Studies,. $4 00 and $4 50 Higher " " • 400 " 5.50 with Classical, and French, 7 50 • Music, 8 00 Use of Piano for practice, 2 00 Fuel frir Winter, 50 August 1.5.. ll—tf . Orphan's Court Sal • B • Y virtue and in nuance of an order issued n i out of the Orpan's Court of the county of Lehigh, there will b exposed to public sale on Saturday the first ay of September, at 10 '1; 1 o'clock in the forenoon, upon the premiseS, the allowing described property viz: A certain tract of wood land, with the appurtenances, situated in Lynn town ship, in the c'ourity of Lehigh aforesaid, bounded by lands of Daniel Krenig, Philip Mosser and others, and containing seven acres and seventy live perches strict measure. Being the real estate of Andrew Deily, de ceased, late of the township of Lynn and county aforesaid. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and clue attendance given by. JACOB A. DEILY, ) Adm 's DANIEL A. DEILY, $ r By the Court : J. W. Micrar, Clerk. August 15. ¶-3w tannin &muter. To the Electors of Lehigh county FELLOW CITIZENS : Through the encourage ment (IQ/ ay friends, I have been induced to offer iyself as a candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER, at the coming October election, subject to the decision of the Democratic Delegate convention: Should you see proper to elect me to said office. I pledge myself to discharge its duties with faithfulness and fidelity. • JACOB FISHER. Upper Macungie, August 15. *—te Assignee Notice. WHEREAS Franklin Smith, and his Wife v l ` Lucy Ann, of North Whitehall township, Lehigh county, on the 9th day of July, 1855, made a voluntary assignment to the undersign ed of all their property, real. personal and mixed, for the benefit of thier creditors, notice is there fore given to such persons who are indebted to said Franklin Smith, to make immediate. pay ment, and such as may have legal claims against said Smith will also present them well authenticated to the undersigned. B. J. lIAGENBUCII, t Assignees. VITAS M. KUNTZ, ¶-4w August 8. Lehigh County High School, .lt Emmaus. James S. Shoemaker, Prinoipal. THE Lehigh County High School will corn / mence the second session on Monday. July 23d,1855. The course of instruction will em bracethedifferent branches ofa thorough English Education .nnd Vocal and Instrumental Music, with the French, German and Latin languages. Young Ladies and Gentlemen, who may wish to study the art of teaching and may desire of becoming Pmfcssional_l_'eachm . r tqint, o t o inquire into the merits of the High School. There will be no extra charges made for students who wish to study Astronomy. Philosphy, and Mathematics. The Lehigh County High . School can boast of having one of the best Telescopes now in use, and also all the Philosophical and Mathematical Instruments which are required to facilitate a student. The session will last eleven weeks. The charges are six, eight and ten dollars per session, according to the ad narl;i:nrknl nlsnrern ho made to such students who may wish to study French, German, Latin and Music.— Boarding can be obtained at very low rates in private families in the the immediate vicinity of the school. • REFERENCES : C. W. Commit, Esq., County Superintendent. THOMAS B. Commit, M. D., Coopersbnrg. C. F. DICKENSIIIED, M. D., Lower Milford. MARTIN KEMMERER, Esq., Salsburg. THOMAS BLIIIKTIALTER, Emmaus. WILLIAM JAconY, Lower Macungie. SAMUEL KEMMERER, Esq., Upper Milford. Emmaus, July 4. ¶—tf Havana Segar Sto re 1 33,:c0.a.55, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN r. Tobacco, Snuff, and Segars, No. 9 North Seventh St., Allentown, Pa. THE subscriber flatters himself to say that he has at all times the best and cheapest stock of T Obace,o and Segal's. ever brought to this place. Dealers in the above articles will find it to their advantage to give me a call, RR I sell at the lowest Phila. delphia and New York wholesale prices. A General assortment of American and Foreign Leal Tobacco always on hand. May 9 TRUSSES, TRUSSES, TRUSSES C. 11. ;reedles, Truss and Brace Establishment, South West Cor. of Twelfth and Race Sts., PIIILADELPEITA I MPORTER of fine FRENCH Tnusses, combin ing extreme lightness, ease and, durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below:--Sending num ber of inches round the hips, and stating side affected. • Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5. Double —ss, $6, $8 and $lO. 'lnstructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ' • Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest. Expanders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak Lungs ; Eng lish Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syringes—male and female. 11:7Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. August I. $3OOO Wanted. THE School Directors of Lehigh Ward, Po rough of Allentown; wish to borrow on the first day of October next, the above amount to be applied to the erection of.a building for the Public Schools of said Ward. Apply to W. J. HOXWORTH, Secrclary. I—Ow 6 00 July 13 Job Printing, Neatly Executed at the " Register office." IVIA:3EL3EiLki '3r.eLi=i,73; Pettacen Dresher's dnd flaffmart Lumbei Yards, in Hamiltdit sited. 1 , . 8. Eisenbratm a' Co.; mess on an in their Yar4 ;go Italian and American Marble which they are manufacturing; into Tombs, Monuments, head and Foot St4es, Mantle Pieces, Table and Bureau TOO, dow end Door Sills, Steps, Posts, &c. - Letter.. ing of the best style done in English and Gell man characters, and all kinds of OrnamentaX Work executed in the highest style of art arid' in the most substantial manner ; they will be' pleased to furnish engravings and designs tee suit the wishes of the public. They flatter themselves in doing as good work as is done in Pennsylvania, and certainly the best in this' section, and, to satisfy the public of the truth of this assertion, they invite them to call at, their yard and examine their stock and style of work. They furnish all kinds of Sculptures and Ornamental Work. such as has never been made in Allentown. They also keep on hand some beautiful sculptures made out of Italian marble, consisting of very neat and most chaste designs for Cemetery purposes, with Lambs' carved to lay on the top, Flower Vases, Urns, Doves; and many other figures, .to which they invite the attention of the .public. [a - Great inducements are offered to country manufacturers to furnish them with American' and Italian marble of the best quality, as they have made such arrangeinents as to enable them to furnish it at city prices. They hope by strict and prompt attention to' business, moderate prices, and furnishing the, best work in town, to merit a liberal share of patronage. _ _ They also constantly keep on hand a large stock of brown stone for building purposes, con" sisting of platforms, door sills; Steps, spout stoners, itc ; kc. July 11. tttif Singer's Sewing Machinev t. \A .fi DURING the last four years time machines' have been fully tegted in all kinds of mad teillos that can be sewed, and have rendered ' general satisfaction. Truly thousands of worth-' less'Sewing Machines have been brought beforii . the public, yet Singer's atone has merited and obtained a good reputation for its perfection' and real worth. To a tailor or seamstress' one of these Machines will bring a yearly in come of STSO. The undersigned having purchased of I. M. Singer & Co. the sole and exclusive right to use and vend to others to be used, the above named Machines, in the following localities: The State of Wisconsin, the northern part of Indi ana, and Pennsylvania (with the exception of the counties of Erie, Allegheny, Philadelphia. and Northampton) and is now prepared to sell . Machines as above mentioned. All orders for the Machines will be punctual ly attended to. Tn all cases where a Machine is ordered, a good practical tailor and operator . will accompany the same, to instruct the pur chaser how to use it. A bill of sale will be for warded with each Machine. The price of the Machine, with printed or personal instructions' is $125 . . For further information address ' August 1 Glorious Mews I L J'OR all those ladies and gentlemen that had to work hard for their dollars and cents' through hay-making and harvest. Joseph' Stepp has just returned from New York and Philadelphia, and he is now going to sell off hia' entire stock of Summer Goods at near half-price, so as to enable him to make room for a new winter stock. Stepp is determined to sell Parasols at half price.; Lawns worth 25 cents` he sells at 12 ; some worth 12h her sells at 61 cents per yard ; fine needle worked handker chiefs at oi ; collars 4 cents ; calicoes *oral, 1`.2 he sells at 6} ; black oats and &fine lot or fans going off almost for nothing. Mantillas at almost. half price, also a fine lOt of silks ands berege, a little toothice ana cheap for cash.— Glorious news, good times for the people;. they call at Joseph Stopp's Cheap Cash Store, No. 41, at the corner of Hamilton and Eighth' streets, near Ilagenhuch's Hotel, in , Allontovrn. , If you want Iteady-made Clothing or the stuff to make them. Stopp sells althost for half price.. Well I do dCclare that Stopp is just as contrary as Dick's hat band, for it goes twice round ands tics no where, for every thing is high now and' Stopp sells every thing very lb*, or cheaper' than ever for Cash. Look out, gentlemen, Ulm' ever fails, just say, I knew that for IM sold too' cheap ; then you hit the nail right on the head. JOSEPH STOPP. July 18: • H. D. BOAS. D. r. ...T. P. BARNES, LORilla c tetterfilo Q LL performp all operations' otll so a „ ib . LI the Teeth with unpreceeddd suc cess. Ills mode of inserting' Artificial Teeth cannot be surpassed for comfort to the wearer and durability and beautifulness in appedronce. The general satisfaction ho hal; giden for'years• has been duly appreciated• by the patronizing public. Office No. 48 East llamilton'street, up' stairs, tr few doors east of Pretz, Guth & Co's:. Store. • july. . va.c6 wilitorneil at Law. Oflico on 7th street, three doors North oP the Public Square., Allt3ntown, Pa. , October 4t 1854. " . A New IN ALLENTOWN, .ESPECTFOLLT iform the cit..' :ens of Allen- Oft And the/ mblic in gen.; rat, that they rove opened al I.ISRIILE YAni it tho above' lamed place; 'rid are earry t on the bu- m fig B. RANDALL, Norristown Pa., 7-6 m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers