Urn mitiall 'l%, • • - - e°l ' Music and Instrument Store In Allentown• OUHE undersigned respectfully Informs his I friends and the public in general, that he has opened an Instrument and Music Store, at his old stand, No. i i West Hamilton street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, where he for. merly carried on the Clock and Watchmaking business. He is satisfied that the necessity of such an establishment In Allentown, has long been felt. He has on hand a large assortment of American and imported PIANOS MELODIONS, VIOLINS, V 10- LONCELLOS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, ACCORDEONS 4c., 4-c. He also has on hand several excellent Ilarmo niuma, with 8 Slops, very suitable for Churches, which he will furnish cheap. lie will also constantly keep on hand a well selected assort ment of Violin Strings, and in fact, everything that belongs to a well stocked music store. Brass lustrument.a of all descriptions, and of the best quality, will be furnished to order, at prices as low as they can be had in the cities. Repairing of all kinds of instruments will be attended to with prompt. .Hess, and at moderate prices. His stock of SKEET-MUSIC. BLANK MUSIC BOOKS, AND MUSIC PAPER, is large and well selected,—for all kinds of strutnents, and of the latest and most popular moductions. Also till kinds of Books (or be ginners. He 'has also made arrangements in the cities to be furnished with all new music as soon as It is published. He is also desirous to inform the public that he has disposed of his Clock and Watchmaking establishment to Mr. John Newhard, who was in his employ between 7 and 8 years, and perfect. ly understands the business. He would be hap. py if his friends hibuld bestow their patronage on this young man. Thankful for past favors, he hopes the public will bestow their patronage nn him in his new business. JOSEPH WEISS. Msy, 23. 1-3 m MI Mir H. A. far 3Et. X M, NO. 3 WEST HAMILTON STREET, • ig. R ESP ECTFULLY informs 'the citi zens of AllentoWn and vicinity, that he has opened an Office at the /--j. Eagle Hotel, No. 3 West Hamilton street. He has been a private pupil of Prof. Henry H. Smith, of Philadelphia. and also at tended the St. Joseph's. Philadelphia. and Penn Sylvania Hospitals, in which Institutions almos all diseases with which man is afflicted are met with. Ho feels confident of his ability of givint satisfaction, and of meeting the approbation g such who may employ him. Allentown, May 23. fl Paper Hanging done at the extreme low price of 12i cents per piece for ,all paper less thark.lB inches in width, and 2 cents extra per inch when it exceeds 18. Scraping and sizing if necessary, to be paid extra May 23 New Goods! New Goods! HOUPT , & STUCKERT having commenced business in Allentown in the New York Store, formerly kept by Kern & Kline, take this method to inform their friends and the pubiic in general, that they are able to defy all competition in the i,-- vv p,„,„, sale of • P, Mir IN DRY GOODS, iriart it r o o imirf • - • t•Ilt. -1-; • Groceries, --- • Queensware and Carpetings. and no humbug. Call and satisfy yourselves. We charge nothing for showing our goods. We have a fine assortment of Summer Silks for 60 cents.' Shawls for $1,25 and upwards.— Silk Parasols from 75 cts. and upwards. Gloves and Hosiery from 6 cts. and upwards. Prints from 4 to 12 cis. Muslins Blerched and on, bleached from 5 cts. and upwards. A general assortment of men's ware, &c., &c. (Highest. price paid for country produce in trade. 0:1•Call and judge for yourselves. Nn trouble to show goods. lIOUPT & STUCKERT. April 18. I—tf BOOTS AND SHOES -AT aavar tEnacoma, -AT- No. 21 East Hamilton Street, ALLENTO%VN, PA. ERIE most extensive assortment of Boots and /I Shoes ever offered for sale in Allentown, can now be found at k WITTY'S Store, next door to the German Reformed Church. Prices have been put down full 20 per cent. Mens' Boots from $1.26 to $6.00. " Brograns from 75 cents to $3.00. " Patent Leather from $1.02} to $5.00. Boys' do do $l.OO to $2.00. do Boots from 50 cents to $1.50. Mans' Slippers from 87i cents to $ l .BO . Ladies' Shoes hay ro also been reduced to Philadelphia prices. They range from 75 cents to $1.50. Gaiters of every imaginable colors, from $l.OO up to the finest quality. greountry Merchants will do well to give us a call if they wish to buy cheap, as we sell at wholesale and retail. Apr[. 5. New Mess Shad, N EW No. 1 Saybrook Shad in .4 4•7 1 half barrels just receiv. • .•Dgi 0, • I • ed and for sale at the Store of THOMAS B. WILSON. July 4. If-4w 31381VIEC. nom undersigned give notice agreeably to the it Laws of Pennsylvania that they purpose making application at the next term of the Legis. lature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Bank, to be located in the Borough of Catasau. qua, and County of Lehigh, under the name, style and •title of the Monk of Calasatequa, to have general banking and discounting privi• leges, the capital to be Oat HUNDRED Tunusson Dot.r.sns, and to commence operations when the said sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars shall have been paid in. Joseph Laubach, James D. Satan. Robert Williamson, John Thomas, David Thomas, John Williams, Urinh Bruner, Joshua Hunt, jr.. E. H. Huber, Augustus H. Gilbert, Reuben Dilcher, Charlra G. Schneller, George Seherar, Simon Sterner, William Fillians, Peter Lam Henry Sellers, James W. Fuller, Reuben Patterson, Samuel Thomas,. Charles Gratßn, Owen Rice, Morgan Emanuel, Charles D. Fuller, David 0. 'Fumbler, M. E. Albright, Charles Rau, S. H. Lacier, William Goetz, F. B. Martin June 27. PORT MONNAIE, POCKET BOOK, and Dressing Case Manufacturer, N. W. corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia,— Always on hand a large and varied assort , merit of • Port Monnaies, Work Doses, Pocket Books, Bankers Cases; Travelling Bags, NOW H.,lders t Backgammon Boards, Port Folios, Chess Men. Portable Desks, Pocket Me mor. Books, Dressing Cases, C.gnr Cases, Arc. Also, a general assortment of English, French and'German Fancy Goods. Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Wholesale, Second and Third Floors. F. H. SMITH', N. W. Cor. Fourth and Minim)! Sts , Philada N. B.—On the receipt of I. a Superior Gold Pen will be sent to any part of ihe Unned States, by mail,--describing pen, thus, medium, hard or soft. April 4. t-1.1" WILLIAM U3 REIMER, 12,1:4..143M1M, HAIR DRESSER, Respectfully informs the public that lie is still pursuing his vocation of Barbering and Hair Dressing. after the most approved style. at his old stand, where lie cordially invites all who wish to avail themselves.of his useful sci ence to give him a call. In addition to his Shaving and 'lair Dressing business, he earn estly invites the attention of the public to the fact that lie has just received from Philadelphia a large assortment, of Perfumery and Fancy ar ticles, which he offers for sale on terms so rea sonable that no lady or gentleman should be without them. His stock consists in part of Ladies' Curls of superior style, a beautiful ar ticle, Gentlemen's Wigs, Dressing. Toilet and Head Brushes, Tooth Powder, an excellent ar ticle, Cologne, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of every description, Military Shaving Soap, a fine article. Washing. Shaving. and Toilet Soap, Shaving Cream. Powder and Puff-boxes. Walk ing Canes, Segars and Segar Cases, Bay Water, &c., &c. tThe public is respectfully invited to give him a call. Jan. 31 actoomacccoonanococconcoonco a co a e 0 E. W. Eckert's r a . 0 0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL co 0 La et e t Tobacco, Snuff and Segara g ovbaiam 9 el to el_ n. 0 No. 30, East Hamilton atreet, 0 ra a A.LLENTOWN, PA. B a a IC7"GOODS ALL WARRAN a 7ED asi 0 CI clJuly 20. ¶-1y n 0 a'3O3OOI2O3O.OI2CDTHEIG.COMOODOCIENIO EMI THE CHEAP CASH BOOK AID STATIONERY STORE . North-West Cor. of Sixth and Arch Sts., PHILADELPHIA. Great Bargains in Books! POETICAL JUVENILE, MISCELLANEOUS STANDARD AND PRESENI'ATION BOOKS, VERY CHEAtJ. STAPLE AND FANCY STATIONERY. Superior White Ruled Letter Paper, $1.50 per Ream. Letter and Note Envelopes in great variety. Weddings Furnished at very moderate rates. Cards Written and Engraved. Gilloit's and other Steel Pens. Superior Motto Wafers, 323 Mottoes on a sheet, for 25 cents. inkstands, Pen• Knives. Paper Weights, &c. Fine Turkey Morocco Porte Monnaies. Portfolios, Card Cages, Backgammon Boards, &c., with a very large and choice assortment of Toy Books, Games, Dissected Pictures, &c. Albums, Scrap Books and Engravings. P. THOMSON. April 25. ¶—ly REEVE L. KNIGHT, [Successor to Hartley & Knight,] Bedding and Ca et WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Second Street, hiladelphia,. Where he keeps constantly on hand a' full sortment of every article in hie line of business. Feathers, Featherbeds, Patent Spring Matresses, Curled Hair, Moss, Corn Husk and Straw Matresses, Velvet Tapestry, beautiful. Brussels, Three. Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings, Cocoa and Spanish Mailings, Floor and Stair Drug. gets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Table and Piand Covers, to which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. Oct. 11. 1854. RUNE & WITTY. 1-► g .F. IF. Smith, UThas, AND NO. 10 WILSON'S ROW, ALLENTOWN Job Printing, ' Neatly Executed at the " Register office." Venetian Blinds. ALEXANDER F. MUIR, laic of Philadelphia, respecitully informs the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that he has lately taken the estab. lishment of Mr. Custtztt Ross, and is now car, rving on the business at the old stand, No. 125 West Hamilton street, in all its various branch es, He employs at all time none but the best workmen, and warrants all Blinds of his mantle facture to be of the best materials. He is pre pared to make Blinds for Churches, Public Buildings, &e.. Particular attention paid to re pairing. Having had many years' experience in Philadelphia, he, flatters himself that he can furnish as good and fashionable an article as can he had in the city. January 24. KmvisitigiTiteclo:! - R4 Pg JOIIN ROMIG, s, Wholesale and Retail_ h ':33 t 9 ADealer in Toliacco, Ali ve-qi snuff nub Zrgars, tA . . ri A f No. 14 East Hamilton St.,P b,; E ot pi ALLENTOWN, PA. 7 0 lryGoods all Warranted. 1 _cl 6..., ff i •Jan. 31. 4; k; E r lttqi FE :51 i Mi, rte..<74-1-1y ltai..„., .£-Om 31Z2T2 1)1211111, Barber and Hair Dresser, NO. 16 'WEST HAMILTON STREET, Allentown, Pa. Who keeps his razors bright and keen, And shaves his customers so clean That they look like youths of seventeen ? Why Pierre ! Who bows to all who enter in, And while he kindly smooths the skin, Gives Case and comfort, tothe chin ? Why Pierre ! Ho, all ye Unshaved Faces, . Come ye to Pierre's, No. 1G East Hamilton street, nearly opposite Moser's Drug Store, where he carries on Barbering and Hair Dressing after the most approved city styles. He constantly keeps on hand a large assort. ment of Perfumery, Wigs, Curls, Brushes, PoWder, Cologne, Shaving and Toilet Soap, &c., together with such a variety of articles for the toilet, as are indispensible to every lady and gentleman. pry - For the accommodation of his numerous friends in East Allentown, he has established a Tonsorial Temple" near Schimpf's Hotel. • Feb. 7. ¶-3m 3nbcinnitil bi) foss agctiust THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1634 CHESNUT STREET, STATEMENT OF A scars, $1,525,949 68, January-let, 7 85-I, Published agreeably to an Act OF ASSEMBLY, BEING First Mortgages, amply secured, $1,199,284 48 Real Estate (present value $llO,- IT-6m 000) cost. 82,139 87 Temporary Loans, on ample Cola- ternlSecurities. 130,774 2G Stocks (present value $76,191) cost. 63,085 50 Cash ,&c. &c., 50,665, 57 01,525 940 68 PERPETUAL ORLEWITED INSURANCES made on every description of property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, at ratesas low as are consistan twith security. Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-four years, they have paid over three dollars Loss nv FIRE, thereby af fording evidence of the advantage of Insur ance, as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. Directors: Charles N. Bancker, .Morel. D. Lewis. 'Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Boric, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, Geo. W. Richards, Isaac Lea , , - CHARLES N. BiNcKErt, President. CHARLES G. ItAxcurn, Secrelyry. CV'The subscribers . are the, appointed Agents of the above mentioned institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, at thelow• est rates. A. L. RUNE, Allentown. C. F. BLECH, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 1854. JEWEIRYTATirfIricyOOOII A Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality, for sale at the lowest cash prices, at Wm. B. .Eltonliead's, No. 184 South Second Street, between Pine and Union, West side, Philadelphia. The assortment embraces a large and select stock of Fine •". ' Writches,Jewelry,Silver Ware, Albata Ware, plated with line Silver, in Spoons, Forks, Ladles, &c.—Jet Goods, Fans, and Fancy Articles of a superior qualitY, deserving the ex. amination of those who desire to to procure the best goods at the Lowest Cash Prices. Having a practical knowledge of the business and all available facilities for Importing and Manufacturing, the subscriber confidently in. vices purchasers, believing that he can supply thorn on terms an favorable as any other estab. lishment in either of the Atlantic cities. CV" AII kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewelry and Silver Ware manufacturadM order ; within a reavonable time. ICV"Watehes,levvelry and Silver Ware faith fully repaired. WM. B. ELTONHEAD, No. 184 South Second Street, a few doors above the 2nd St. Market, West Side. " 12rIn'the South window of the Store, may be seen the famous BIRD CLOCK, which commands the adiniration of the scientific and curious. Oct. 4, 1854 FIRE. Near Fifth Street Sal ento - w n S W. M. Reynolds D.D. Principal. This'lnsti tuti on (go successfully concluded by the late C. R. Kessler,) having passed into the subscriber's hands, will be opened as usual upon the first' of May, when the Summer Term will commence, to continue five months. For the convenience of day scholars the Term or Ses sion will be divided into two quarters of equal length. The Principal will be assisted by eight or nine competent instructors in the various depart ments of English, German, French, -Latin, Greek, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Mu sic, Drawing, &c. • Especial attention will be paid to teachers and °fliers desirous of qualifying themselves for teaching in common or other schools. The In stitution also presents peculiar advantages to German pupils desirous of leniming English, as well as to English students who wish to make -themselves practically acquainted with the 'Ger man,—Dr. Kessler, who lids charge of the de partinent of German instruction, being an ac complished German scholar and an experienced teacher. The Female deparlmeM will be continued as heretofore. with separate study and recitation rooms. Grecian and other painting, papier Mache,.embroidery, taught. Youngladies from a distance can obtain boarding in respecta ble private families. The charges for board and tuition are as fol lows : MALE DEPARTMENT. For boarding and tuition for the term of ' five months - - - - - $7O 00 Tuition for pupils under ten years - 800 Tuition for pupils between ten and twelve years 12 00 Tuition for pupils over twelve - - 15 00 FEMALE DEPARTMENT. v Tuition for pupils over ten years - - 12 00 " under ten - - 800 EXTRA CHARGES. French 12 00 Drawing (pencil) - - - - 800 " crayon - - - - 70 00 Painting - - - - - - 1200 Piano (per quarter) - - - - 800 Use of piano - - 800 Fuel—(scholars paying $l5 per quarter excepted) - - - 50 For further particulars and references, see circulars. I" -- The Summer Term will commence as usual upon the Ist of May. • W. M. REYNOLDS, Principal. Allentown, April 18, 1855. Stock Increased AND PRICES REDUCED, Appears In he the only arrangement that will make trade go. flown days. Compqmmt ly we have tried the experiment. The assnit. ' , tent of Bows and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Straw goods. Trunks. Lamps &.^.. Sze con stantly on hand at No. 4.5 East Hamilton street, is riot exceeded if etmalled outside of our large cities, all of which we are selling off at reduced prices. Wholesale and Retail. Being extensively engaged in the manufacturing of Boots and *es of every style• and pnrchas• ing flats, Calif: and Straw goods, by the ca.e, we are enabled to supply Country Merchants, at the lowest city Jobbing . prices. In order to give the public an idea of the cheapness of our goods we are selling Met's' Boots at SI 25 per pair and upwards. 4‘ Brogans 873 Men's; Fine Calf and Patent Leather work of all kinds at prices proportionable., Boys' Boots $1 nor pair and upwards. ' 4 Brneans 75 et.. tr tg ft Rny Fine Calf and Patent Leather work at prices acerritinviv. WomenA' Shur. 75 et.. npr pair and upward., " Hizh (;:ii•ers 1 25" These we hove of various colors. Shoes and Gaiters for misses and children a foil assortment and cheap. this and Caps, the latest styles for Gents and Youths', a larlre assortment. Our stock of Straw fiats is very lame apd enrol:1111y F ()lye! ed, and the assortment com pleted of all sorts and Flzes. Trunks, Valises and Travellinrr Raga, a fall assortment, Lamps and Lanterns of all sorts Please give us a call and judge for yourselves. P. S. All the above named -goods, fitrnished to Merchants and others, chnnn at wholesale. Terms Cash. YOUNG & LEH. March 28. 2200/1-IDIaW 9 O : . . : • -",,,,,,-. 46 1 0..Pft.FP:Typ,_ - - . . . -,,-' SA'LOONS'i- No. 9 West' Hamilton Street, ALLENTOWN, PA. Pictures most rare of beauty's radiant face, With life-like figure arid its ease of grace ; Perfected eye—truth's magic light of life— Pleasing in infant and the much loved wife, These, and all charms o'er which affection weeps When sad bereavements hearts in sorrow steeps; Portrayed with excellence of artist's skill, Are had at LociprAr:s!—go when you will. B. LOCHMAN, respectfully informs the citi. zens of Allentown, and vicinity, that he may still be found at his old established Sky,Light Da, guerrean Gallery, No. 9 West Hamilton street, where he is ever ready, rain or shine, to lake pictures not to be surpassed by any artist in this Borough. By long experience, arduous toil, and heavy investments of capital, he feels assured that any one who may favor him with a call will receive in return a perfect picture, not to be excel led, in point of artistic beauty, by any one in this section of country. He would also invite attention to his new and splendid stock of cases which range in price from 76 cents to 10 dol lars. Please beer in mind, that pictures can be taken in clear or cloudy weather. Allentown Feb. 7. £-1 y DR. CHARLES NEIL, DMIgIrVagU • NO. 309 WALNUT STREET, PITILADETAMIA. A T the late Slate Agricultnral Fair. held at 11 Philadelphia. received a SILVER MEDAL, the highest award for exhibition nt skill in his profession. He refers to this, and .to his al. ready extensive practice ' as a guarantee to all who have occasion for his servicesohat his work and orders generally in his line, will be soientifieally and skilfully performed. Dr. NEIL pledgee himself to the lowest terms, and all reasonable dispatch, with those who avor him with their calls. • Nov. 1. , X—ly 11-1 Y We Have a Larger Stock AND SELL AT moo se, ea 3F , wa. THAN ANY OTHER, CIA OT ?MS G. ST °RV, . In Allentown. Breinig, Neligli Sr_ Breinig, No. 2, East Hamilton street ? have just re ceived frctra Philadelphia a very heavy stock of Epfing and Summer Goods, of most fashionable styles,, from all of which they will maketo, order and also keep on hand a largeliupply of Ready Made Clothing at such astonishing low prices, that cannot be equalled in any establishment in this or any other town in Eastern Pcnosylvania. Out, Stock is twice as large, and we sell double do , amount of the two best establishments in town. consequently enabling us to sell at a very small profit. They have on hand eve-y style of Gar. merits adapted to the season, to which the ;then. It i ti n of the public is invited to a careful exami. ption of quality, workmanship. style of trim. ngs and cut, which the proprietors will guar. attire to be superior to that of any House in the trade. They constantly keep nn hand a well se lected stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. consisting of Shirts, Collars, Stocks, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Suspenders, &c.. besides many articles coming in their line of business. all of which are sold at the lowest prices Customer Works Orders for Customer Work will always he rr, ceived with pleasure, and attended to with pane. tunillVi and as two of the firm are practical tailors, none but the best workmanship will hr sufferrd to pass their hands. 11P - They also particularly invite Country Merchants to give them a call, as they offer extraordinary harenin , at wholesale. BREINIG, & BREINIG. April II Fresh anise (ii 5..0 MBE E G 0 0 Dir,S -A T 'Keck dx ';.l4levtriaard.'s, No 35 East Hamilton Street, DIM largest asNortment of Spring and Summer G,tods ever sr en in Al;enuown. We par. eha.st d FOR CASH, which enables us to Sell lower than any other Clothing. 13 , tahlishmeal town. We have selected our Good, with an eye to durabilLty and fancy, and have none hut Mt latest styles that could be found in the New York and Philadelphia Markets. We keep on hand at all limes a large assortment of Really Made (lothina . such as Coats of every color and degrriptittn Pantaloons of all styles and prices, all kinds ol V.tsts, ttthiris and Undershirts, Qollars. Cravat.: Suspenders, &c., all of which are sold at extr,. ordinary _Ltf) Vl° Pri'ffeES, and warrant them lo be riot only durable, ho made up willt neatness and taste.. Cez..sfoiseci• 3Porh. wilt be done up fv.: and fir our work art willing to be held te,ponsible. We invite all people whn des-ire immenst btu-gains. in live 11.: a enll and I hereby say, from FlFry to SEVENTV•FIVE Per cent. it din purchase 01 their :Spring and Stun MP! El — eßamomllnr the 35 Eaq flam Mon rdreel: nearly , oppohite the German Re formed Chnreh. ' May 16 _A. IL LIE on 4to ynvd I( spe, oaf 3 , inform (lieu tinuner , us . friend,. and clooomers and public in geoeral, that ihev have ju , l rreelve/ , and are now epening a very large and pit - 7minl a ,, ,ortment of BOOTS, SHOES, Trunks, l'alrz.cs, !.rs Carpel fin, Palm nod Leghorn -t.iAlim„kAft; ATS, which they now of fee for sale at re. duced prices, as follows: • Melt's Boots. suitable for Summer winr, at $1.12, and upwards. Boy's do do, at 75 cents and upwards. Men's Calf Boots at $2,110 and up.• Boy's do at $1.50. Men's Brogans •at 87A. Boy's do at 62.1. Calf Congress Boots at $2,50. Boy's do $1,50. Men's Oxford Ties at 1,1,25. Boy's Patent Leather do $l,OO. Men's Patent Leather and Buskin Shoes, our own make, cheap.. Ladies Black and Coloe,d Utah Gaiters, a fine article, and only 51,00.' Miss's do do 75 Ladies Super. Patent Leather fancy Jenny Linda. Ladies Super. Enameled .fenny Lind Boots, $l.OO. Misses do do 75. Ladies Morocco Buskins 62 cts. and upwards. Misses and.Children's6hoes a great variety of stiles and very cheap. We have also a good assortment of Leghorn and Palm Hats, all fresh and cheap. Brass Band and other Truilks. Vahzes, Blacking, &c. While we feel thankful' for past favors and wonld respe c fully solicit a continuance of the public patronage. MERTZ & RONEY. 7-if ME KETCHUM'S MOWER With Reaper Attachment. KETCHUM'S celebrated Mowing Machine has been improved by the addition of a Reaper Attachment, and it is now offered as a Mow. er, or as a Mower and Reaper combined, with full confidence that it is the most .perfeet and successful machine now in use. ' The addition of the'Reaper has been eflected by enlarging the main wheel, by circular sec tions bolted to the rim of the wheel. (This has been patented.) It can he changed to the Reaper in a few minutes without injury ,to the Mower. The agency for the sale of this well-known machine is still retained by us, and may be seen at the office, No. 78 Smith Wharves. Philadelphia, where they will be delivered to purchasers alter the 15th of sth month (May) next, by ono of us in person. REEVE Sr. BROTHERS, Allowayelown, N. J. ar.lo:W3C=AM'L'`r. Cocks and Watches. • Sohn oTerehard, DESPFCTFULIX informs his friends and the L public ' in general, that he has lately pur chased the entire stock and fixtures of Mr. Joseph Weiss, (with whom lie has been engaged for the last seven years,) and has removed the same to No. 21 West Hamilton street, lately occupied by Ilko & Co. He has also just re ceived from Now York a large stock of - 8 (/io ) 2 = t -9 3 .7 F . ,• SPE LH 1 2 , 1 1 1 '1 - '4 5 ,1111 . CLOCKS MG WITCHES. _ stock is,well selected, !nraniniuMF97.73lo and consists Of a large as sortment of Brass Clocks, of every description, at the lowest prices. Gold and Silver Parent Lever, Lapine, Quartirr and other Watches, Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Gold, Silver and Plated Spectacles, to suit all ages, and warrant ed to be made of the best materials. His stock of Jewelry is large and splendid, and comprises all the most fashionable articles; such as Gold, Silver and other Breast Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, Gold Watch Chains. Keys, &c., Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold Pens of a superior quality, Silver Combs, and and a variety of articles too numerous to men tion. He feels confident tbat the above goods are the best in market. and offers them to the public at the lowest prices. He would particularly- call yoUr attention to his stock of Ct.ness AND WATCHES, and urge you to call on him befime purchasing elsewhere, as he feels assured that he cannot fail to suit you, not only With the articles, but what is more important, With the prices, and would also inform the public that all his goods arc warranted. Clocks Watches and Jewelry. repaired in .he neat egt and best manner and at the shortest notice—all his work is warranted Allentown, May 2 Peter Laux, Veterinary Surgeon, AND Commission Horse Dealer, Cataanclan, Pa. 11. respectful!, informs his friends and the pub; a lie generally, that he has again located him:. 'ell at Cants:m(oa where he is prepared to treat ail di.eases of the horse. Ile has large. and contrartdions stables, and persons giving diseased horses under his charge can depend upon that they will he attended to in the hes manner. le Pl , O cr , llc anti bityq Tl. , t , e.nn coin migsion irking and th.cliing neatly executed. MEE ol'E, 1;r El acilt. Wieder . 84 Berger WHOLESALE AND RETAIL llanutheturers and Dealers 1.1141 1 :13 Mil) 1103, No. 25 West Harmiton Strret,!All6ilown, Pa. E undersigned haviorr recently formed rt ciipartner.hip, hereby inform their friends and The public that they iniui are and will always. he folly preparrd to supply their customers with .200 , 1 S In !heir line, 111/01.F.SALE AND RETAIL. at the shortest notice and upon the most accorn, ntodating tertnc: Their stock consists of rlag liceNer. Nutria. Brush. Cwainicre, • which they will dispose of at the Inw. cst prices. Call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. Their assortment ni CAPS is one of leirry the most extensive in this place. and i.""lr they are adding to it daily. Customers may rest assured that they will he suited, as the stock has been carefully selected from the largest as. snrtments in New York and Philadelphia. As all the HATS are manufactured under the immediate suyerintendence of the firm, they feet warranted in saying that for durability and finish they cannot he surpassed Icy any, establishment in this or any other town in the Union. Thrdrassortment of Straw Gonds.just received from Philadelphia. is unsurpassed. Country Merchants visilin,7 Allentown, deal. in, in ►lats or Caps. can he supplied at Whole. sale prices, from one to a dozen, such sizes as any may want. Ahrrh 28 Surgical and Mechanical DENTIST. flit. C. C. 11. GULDIN, from New York, in vacs the attention of those in Allentown and vicinity, who require operations on the natural Teeth, or who are in need of artificial ones, to his superior mode ofoperating in all the different departments of Dentistry. ' having had eight years' experience in his profession, and availing himself of every valu able improvement, he knows he can render the very best assiktance to the patient of which the Art is capable. MII 7 KRENCES.—Rev. Thomas De Witt, D. D., Rev. Charles M. Jameson, F. Clarkson, M. D., William Underhill, M. D., New York city. Office for the present at the American Hotel Patients also visited at their residence if de% sired. Allentown, Jay. 17, I_B r NEW LIVERY William Yaeger, Respectfully informs his friends and the pub lic generally, that he has lately opened a . new Livery establishment in Law Alley, (in the rear of Dr. Romig's residence.) where ho is pre pared to accommodate all who wish horses and vehicles, nt the shorest notice and on resonablo terms. His stock of Horses hes been selected with great care, and trained with an especial view to safety, which places him in a position of keeping the very model of a ta m iggi Livery Stable. Ho does not approve of hiring out broken down, balky, runaway, ring -boned, spavined or diseased horses, but of keeping the right kind of stock, such as can travel well and do credit to his stable. His carriages and vehicles of every description will always be kept clean and in good order. • . • He trusts that by strict attention to business and keeping the best of stock, ho will be favor ed with a liberal share of patronage. W. YAEGER. 11.-3 m May 9 MB .1:-Iy WEIDER & BERGER MB ECM ABLE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers