THE COST or BOMDMIDING SABASTOPOL.—The bombardmmitcof. Sabistopol, by the last advi cesAltd• continued for thirteen days, pouring an incessant fire upon the town, and according to the• English advices, making a steady pro grVis against the works, though Glorjschakoff's report the latest, says the Allies fire was slackening. The iron shot fired into Sebastopol exceed anything of the kind that the annals of war hive' ever' recorded, Five hundred guns, firing :one ; hundred and twenty rounds a day, gives a total of silty thousand rounds, which may well be termed an "infernal fire," as Gortschakoff called it. It is estimated that the amount of shot fired in the thirteen days of the bombardment by the Allies, equalled thirty-five millions one hundred thousand pounds, which would cost, not including the transportation and the powder, $313,888. The powder would c05t4702,000, making a total of over a million dollars. This if it resulted in the capture of the place, would be cheap, but the correspond ent of the London Times, who is a spectator of the bombardment, says, in his last letter, " we aro not one inch nearer the town than we were last October." • . FOOL'S DEATH. —A Mr. Rogblstone re cently died in London, who in ten years, liter ally ate up a fortune of 150,000 pounds sterling. This singular person traversed all Europe for the sake of gratifying his appetite. In 1849 he actually seduced the cool: of Prince Potempkin, in Russia, from his service. Ile had agents in China, Mexico, and Canada, to supply him with the rarest delicacies. A single dish some times cost him fifty pounds sterling. &rival of Apicius, but wiser than the Roman, he wait ed until all his patrimony was consumed be fore he quited life. On the 15th of April noth ing was left him but a solitary guinea, a shirt, and a battered hat.. Ile bought a woodcock with•the guinea, which he had served up in the highest style of the culinary art. HO gave himself two hours of rest for an easy digestion, and then jumped into the Thames from West minister Bridge. MATETWAL AFFECTION.-It is an old saying, and a trite one, that no one loves like a mother. A case of this kind has just been exemplified out West at the burning of the steamer William Knox, on the Ohio Ri . ver, some ten • days ago, a woman jumped overboard with a babe. She came to the surface, and taking the babe's hand in her mouth, thus held it out of the water, while she attempted to paddle to the shore. A man plunged in after, and by strong efforts suc ceeded in getting the mother to where the wa ter was shallow enough to allow them to touch the bottom. "Do not bite its hand now—you are safe," said them an to her, while they were wading ashore. She took the 'child's hands between her teeth, and simply said. '• You do not know a mother, sir." Scarcely a print of the gentle mother's hold on the poor infant's hand was perceptible. TRE NEXT GULIERNATORIAL CAMNDATE.-IVe observe a number of party presses are already agitating the question of the next Governorship of this . State. Among the names suggested on the DemoCratic side. we find Hon. Edward B. Hubley and General Geo. M. Keim, of Berks : Col. John W. Forney ; William L. Dewart, of Northumberland ; John Weidman, of Lebanon; Enoch Banks, of Mifflin ; William F. Packer, of Lycoming ; and Asa Packer, of Carbon county. WHAT IS BAGGAGE I—ln a recent suit in New York, the question came up, whether a gold watch is an article of wearing apparel, or to be deemed baggage. The Superior Court decided it is an article of wearing apparel, and when not carried about the person, but in a trunk, while travelling, is-t,be deemed bag gage. MARRIED On Sunday last, by the Rev. Mr. Vogt.finch, Mr. P,ETER BRUNNER, to Miss ANNA Btu.lisun, both of Upper Saucon. In Bethleheni, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Seidlo, Mr. RICHARD W. LEIIIF.ItT, to Miss MARIA KNAUSS, both of that Borough. On the 3d of May, by the Rev. Mr. Yaeger, Mr. NAPOLEON GAUPF, to MISS CATHARINE. L. KEMMERER, both of Hecktown. On the 12th of May. by the same, Mr. TILGHMAN MOLL to Miss EStELINE HAUER, both of Hanover. In Philadelphia, on the 17th inst.. by the Rev. Dr. Chessman, Mr. Josarit S. MCCLEL LAND, of Catasauqua, to Miss ELIZAIIKTII A. ATMs. daughter of Robert Atkins, Esq., of Philadelphia. On the WI of May, by Rev. Mr. Yeager. Mr. WILLIAM 11. lIALTamAN, of Hanover, to Miss SARAH NONNIIMACIIKR, of Allentown. -- - On tho sth of May, by the Rev. Mr. Kemme rer, Mr. JonN HECKER, of Bunkerhill, to Miss ANNA DENHLER, of Quakertown, both of Bucks Oounty. On the 13th of May, by the Rev. Mr. J. S. Herman, Mr. JOHN WIAK, to Miss CATHAIUNE BitaAtebr, both of Albany, Befits county. DIED. On Friday last, in Allentown, at the residence of Mr. Charles Keck, of consumption. WILLIAM KNICB.R; aged 18 years 10 months and 24 days. Past his suffering- 7 past his pain, Cease to weep, for tears are vain— Why should we be thus oppressed, For he who suffered is at rest? • In Philadelphia, on the 11th instant. Mrs. HANNAH M., wife of. James L. Selfridge, in the 23d year of her ago. On the 10th instant, in North Whitehall, PETER GRAIi, aged 76 years. On the 16th of May, in Upper Milford, Mort °LAS FEollrx, aged,7l years. On the 4th of April, in Hartsville, New York, JULIANNA, consort of George Aschbaeh, for merly of Salisbury, Lehigh county, aged aboilt 70 years. On the sth of May,• in Lower Nazareth, MARGAIIIIT, consort of Jour; WILLIAMS, aged 22 years. • . On the 10th of May, in Maxatawny, &run 4aniswr, aged 27 years. On the 14th of May, in Allentown, Davnala, daughter of James and Maria Baumer, aged 2 years 1 month and 25 days. r* wxx3mi • ALLENTOWN MARKET. • - Flour, per bbl. . $13 . 00 Wheat, 2 50 Corn, - - - . - 100 Rye, . - - 190 Oa 6O Hay,ts, - • - - - 1""00 Salt, 70 Potatoes, - - - - - 00 Ham, per lb„ • • 12 Sides, - • - - - - - 10 Shoulders, - - - - - 10 Lard, - • - - - 10 Butter, - - - _ - - Eggs per doz. - - - - 12 PHILADELPHIA MARKET. FLOUR—straight brands, - - $ll 00 Western " - - - 10 50 CORN MEAL, - - 481 RYE noun. 7 25 GRAlN—White Wheat, - - 2 63 Red, - - - 2 65 Rye, - - 155 • Corn, White, - - r 110 Yellow, - - - 110 Oats, - - - - 07 WHISKEY, - - - - 39 Treasurer's Account OF THE BOROUGH OF CATASAUQUA. Joshua Hunt, Jr., Treasurer, in Account with the Borough of Catasauqua, from April 1, 1851, to April 1, 1855. 13 MIL . To balance on hand per last account, nso 01 Cash loan of David Kidd, - - 3000 00 Cash :or)3y•laws, &c., - - - 24 Cash for Fines, - - - - 0 50 Cash of proceeds from the sale of Hogs by High Constable, - Cash from C. Siegly, collection of bo- rough, tax, - - License for Exhibitions, - - Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. for Road appropriation, - Balance on hand April 1, 1855, By Cash paid Jonas Biery, St. Corn., 5651 44 Paid Jonas Biery-loan and interest, 1224 00 " David Bien'', do do 1048 50 " James W. Puller on Lot, 200 00 " Christian Weber interest on loan, 30 00 " Morgan Emanuel. Street Corn., 526 79 " Expense of suit of G. IV. Preder lel' vs. Borough, - - - - 33 10 Paid C. Siegly, High Constable Salary, 83 00 " E. Mertz, Borough Engineer, 31 25 " A. L. Rube, Printing Ordinances, 450 0. W. Bogh, Grading. Spring Alley, 51 81 - " Paid Salaries and other Expenses, 152 91 Balance on hand this day, 183 10 I do hereby certify that I have examined the above Noah the 'vouchers, and find the several vouchers correct. JOHN WILMA:NIS, Auditor By the above statement of the 'Treasurer it will be seen that the amount of money bor rowed by the Borough is $4OOO, and with in terest at 0 per cent. due on the Ist of April will be $4%40. front which deduct the amount remaining in the Treasury, and it leaves the Borough a debt of $-1157 Catasauqua, May 23 ATASiltilllll RYER 1111111111TUS AN ORDINANCE to Levy and Collect a Tar fin• drfrayinr the expenses of the. Borough of Catasauqua,7fin. the current year•. Be it ordained and enacted by the authority of the Borcineh of Catasauqua. in Town Coun cil assembled, that a tax of five mills on every dollar shall -be laid on all property, real and personal, within the Borough of Catasamm, of on the re,meittive ofli e, and posts and ofit, trades and professions, or occupations, of he citizens of said Borough, agreeable to the ast assessment and the valuation thereof, and the Town Clerk is hereby required to make out duplicates and apportion the tax accordingly, anti said tax is hereby appropriated for defray ing the contingent and other expenses of the corporation for the cut-rent year. Enacted into an Ordinance at Catasauqua, May 14th, 1855 I'TLIATI BRUNER, Burgess ATTEST-E. 11. Huber, Sec. .4N ORDINANCE relating to the construction of Pavements and Gutters. Be it ordained and enacted by the authority of the Borough of Catasauqua, in Town Coun cil assembled, Mt. That the Curb Stones, Pavements, Clut ters, and Private Cartways, or passages cross ing the streets, be put up and lain in Second street. between Walnut and Wood streets, in conformity with the line and grades given and marked by the Borough Engineer, and all owners of grounds adjoining said street, be tween 'Walnut and Wood stmets,,,are hereby required to put up andlay the Curb Stones and Pavement in conformity to an Ordinance pass ; ed by .•the Borough of Catasauqua, in Town Council assembled, July 25th 1853. 2nd. It shall be the duty of the Borough Engineer togive;and make the lines and grades for the Curbs as soon as the streets are graded, or at any other time when two-thirds of the owners of lots on said streets petition the Town Council, at the expense of the Borough, and 'at any other• time when any person or persons wishing to have said grade. Provided. how ever, that it be at their own expense; and pro vided further, that the grades will be given but once at the expense of the Borough. Enacted into an Ordinance at Catasauqua, May 14th, 1855. URiAtt BRUNER, Burgess. ArrEsT—E: 11. Huber ; Sec. AN AMENDMENT to an Ordinance revile! tin , r Licenses for Exhibitions and Perfortnan Be it ordained and enacted by the authority of the Borough of Catasauqua. in Town Coun cil assembled, that all Exhibitions and Perfor mances given in a Ball room Cr Tavern, Shall pay a license of Two Dollars and Fifty cents. Negro Performances and Puppet Shows as Sec. Third of Ordinance relating to Public Exhibi tions. &c., passed August Bth 1853, to which this is an amendment. Provided no license shall be required for musical concerts or for lectures or exhibitions on literary or scientific subjects. Enacted into an Ordinance at Catasauqua, May 14th, 1855. URTAII BRUNER, Burgess.. ATTEST—E. 11. Huber, SeC. Wanted. A situation is wanted as Teacher and Organ let. For particulars inquire at this Office. April 4. a DIU An 111 :~ii- -~. Music and Instrument Store In Allentown. fIIIJ undersigned respectfully Informs his friends' and the publiu in general, that he has opened an Instrument and,. Music Store, at his old stand, No. II West Hamilton street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, %Owe he for. merly carried on the %lock and Watchmaking business. He is satisfied that the necessity of such an establishment In Allentown, has long been felt. He has on hand a large assortment of American and imported PIANOS, MELODIONS, VIOLINS, VIO LONCELLOS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, ACCORDEONS ctc.,cfc. He also has on hand several excellent Har moniums, with 8 Registers, very suitable for Churches, which he will furnish cheap. He will also constantly keep on hand a well se lected assortment of Violin Strings, and in fact, everything that belongs to a well stocked music store. "Avass lustvuialeut,s of all descriptions, and of' the best quality, will be furnished to order, at prices as low as they can be had in the cities, Rewiring of all kinds of instruments will be attencred to with prompt. ness, and at modcrate prices. His stock of SHEET-MUSIC. BLANK MUSIC BOOKS, • AND MUSIC PAPER, is large and well selected,—for all kinds of in struments, and of the latest and most popular productions. Also all kinds Of Books (or be sinners. He has also made arrangements in the cities to be furnished with all new music as soon as it is published. He is .also desirous to inform the public that he has disposed of his ()lock and Watchmaking establishment to Mr. John Newhard, who was in his employ between 7 a nd 8 years, and perfect. ly understands the business. He would be hap. py Hills friends would bestow their patronage on this young man. Thankful for past favors, he hopes the public will bestow their patronage on him in his new business. JOSEPH WEISS. May, 23. 1-31ri - 10 09 - 900 60 - 10 00 - 10 00 $4223 44 IS3 10 1470T'ifC,. WHEREAS, by section 29th of the Act of v Assembly. of Mterch 15th, A. D. 1832, it is provided `• That every Register beforo he shall allow the account dr any Executor or Ad ministrator, shall carefully, examine the same, and require the production of the necessary ' vouchers, or other satisfactory evidence of the several items contained in it." And whereas, many persons their accounts stated very imperfectly and carelessly, and present them at the office without the proper vouchers and.. satisfactory evidence. Notice is hereby given to all Executors and Administrators, that no account will be passed or allowed without a production beforo me of the proper vouchers, receiptS, &c., or of other satisfactory evidence. A MUF,T. COINER. RegiSter. Register's Office, Allentown, May 23, ¶-3w $42!3 44 Qv' MIL I ME, .NO. 3 WEST 1121 MILTON STREET, ~DESPECTFULTAr informs the citi zens of Allentown and vicinity. 3, that he has opened an (Mice at the facie Hotel, No. 3 West Hamilton street. He has been a private pupil of Prot: Henry H. Smith. of Philadelphia. and also at tended the St. Joseph's. Philadelphia, and Penn sylvania Hospitals, in which Institutions almost all diseases with which man is afflicted are met with. Ile feels confident ofhis ability of giving satisfaction, and of meeting the approbation of such who may employ him Allentown, May 23 IiZIM (7Paper Hanging done at the extreme.low price of 1'34 cents per piece for all paper less than 18 inches in width, and ,2 cents extra per inch when it exceeds 18. Seriiping and sizing, if necessary, to be paid extra. May 23. Fresh, arrival. of SUMMER GOODS —AT— Keck & Newha,rd's, No. 35 East Hamilton Street, , 'fl HE largest assortment of Spring and Summer If Goods ever ten in. Allentown. We pur chased FOR CASH, which enables us to sell lower than any other Clothing Establishment in town. We have selected our Goods with an eye to durability and fancy, and have none hut the latest styles that could be found in the New York and Philadelphia Markets. We keep on hand at all times a large assortment of Ready Made Clothing, such 8s Coats of every color and description Pantaloons of all styles and prices, all kinds of. Vests, Shirts and Undershirts, Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, acc., all of which are sold at extra ordinary LOW _PRICES, and warrant them to be not only durable, but made up with neatness and taste. Customer 'Pork. ' will be done up as usual, and for our work are willing to be held responsible. We invite all people who desire immense bargains; In give us a call dell thereby save from FIFTY to SEVENTY•FIVE per cent. in he purchase of their Spring and Summer outfit. rv-Remember the spot—No. 35 East Ham. Ilion street s nearly opposite the German Itc , formed Church. May 15. Edmund Jr. * Moore, Attorney -and Counsellor at 'Law, N0. , 50 EAST HAMILTON STRiET, Allentown, Pa. April 11. —ly 999999999 1 ;1 1 49Wi1i ..TUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE AL'Utg 4:DIDMIL c).30.3D-3[4030, The Married Woman's PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPARION. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER COPY— _ 07'Se° Advertisement in, another Column.[ btbbEi-NbtlEtbLibttbh The Allentown Bank. THE stockholders of tho.CaPital Stock of the " Allentown Bank" arc requested to pay the sum of twenty dollars on each and every of the respective shares by them subscribed, be tween now and the 18th day of June next, to W. 11. Blumer, Treasurer of the Commissioners. Those who wish to pay their instalment before the said day will please call on the Treasurer any time before, and those who neglect to pay within the time above specified will forfeit their subscriptions. The stockholders are also re quested to hand in tho original certificates. The commissioners will meet on the 18th day of June next, at 9 o'clock, A. M. at the. House of Charles Ihrie, in Allentown. Punctu al attendance is requested. By Order of the Board. A. G; HENNINGER, Secretary. 11-31,v May 1G Havana &way Store 30.4Q-ek.F.5, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Tobacco, Snuff, and Segal's, No. fy Nara St venth St., Allentown, Pu. THE subscriber Batters himself to say that he has at all times the test and cheapest stork of Tobacco eays. ever brought to this place. Natant in the above articles will find it to their advantage to give me a call, as I sell at the lowest Philn delphia and New York wholesale prices. A general assortment of American and Foreign Leaf Tobacco always on hand. D. D. BOAS. May D. NEW LIVERY STABLE. l'aeger, Respectfully informs his friends and the pub lic generally, that he has lately opened a new Livery.establishment in Law Alley, (in the rear of Dr. Romig's residence.) where lie "is pre pared to accommodate all who wish horses and vehicles, at the shorest notice and on resonable terms. Ilk stock of Horses hawbeen selected with great care, and trained with an especial view to safety. which places him in a position of keeping the very model of a SL-1 111. very 4 1 ,4 tables o He does not approve of hiring out broken down, balky, runaway, ring•boned, spavined or diseased horses. but of keeping the right kind of stock, such as can travel well and do c-edit to his stable. Ilis carriages and vehicles of every description will always be kept clean and in good order. He trusts that by strict attention to business keening the best of stock, he will be favor ed with a liberal snare or patii.o.t E it . 'al ER. May 9. Ann Dr 3 MUHL In the - Orphans' Court of Lehigh County.—ln the matter of the aecomt of Daniel Reinhard, acting administrator oWte Goods and Chattels which were of Henry Jacob, late of North Whitehall township, Lehigh county. deceased. And now, April 10, 1855. On motion of Mr. 'Wright, the court appoint J. Franklin Ritter, an auditor to audit and resettle said account, and make distribution according to law, and make report to the next stated Orphan's Court, including all the evidence submitted before him. ¶-3m From the Records, Teste: J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk The auditor above named will meet for the purpose of his appointment on Saturday the 26th day of May next, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon, at the house of L. &• D. Woodring, in North Whitehall, when and where all persons interested may attend if they think proper. J. FRANKLIN RITTER. May 2. 11-4 w CATASADOBINIST THE IfEl THE LARGEST STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SNOES, EVER SEEN IN CATASAUQUA, Is at G-etves Clamp Stove,. w.M. GETZ adopts this method to inform the Iv citizens of Catassuqua and surrounding country that he now has on hand a.very large and excellent assortment of Ready IVIa A le D Clothing, 1.0(D'13 53b13, and is confident his stock cannot be excelled in the County. He has lately received from Phil adelphia a very heavy stock of SPRING A ND SUMMER GOODS of the most fashionable styles. frOn all of which he will make to order and also keep on hand a supply of READY MADE CHOTHING. Orders to make up goods to measure will be accepted with plea sure, and punctually attended to, and as he is a 'Practical Tailor, lie will guarantee perfect fits, and none but 'dui best workmanship will be suffered to pass his hands. His Ready-made consista in part of Div„ Coats, of every ima ginable style. for Spring and Summer wen^. Pantaloons. -fancy and plain of all prices. Silt". mer Pants in great variety : Vests, Satin, fane y and plain, drawers, shirts, collars, cravats suspenders, &c., &c., all of which he is dote mined to sell at the lowest prices. He also has on hand a very largo assortrnen .of Gentlemen's Si perfine.French Mo rocco, Cal f-skin and Patent Leather IWAION• BOOTS, • • besides a large lot of coarse men s and boy's boots. His stock of Ladies shoes is very large, among which can be. found every possi ble style. Children's shoes of every variety and style, plain and fancy colored. May 9. . AND ar3Ert7ST 3EI X.E3EL Ir. Clocks and Watches. Sohn Oretvh a ref 4 DESPEOTFULLIrinforms his friends and the ►ILL public in general, that he has lately pur chrised the entire stock and fixtures of Mr. Joseph Weiss; (with whom he has been engaged for the last seven years,) and .has removed the same to No. 21 West, llamilton street; lately occupied by Ilko & Co. He has also just re ceived from New York a large stock of E • ROCKS HO ETHES. 2, 8 jz-ta 'His stock is well selected, klill=lll=lll4o and consists of a large as• sortment of Brass Clocks, of every description, at the lowest prices. Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lapine. Quartier and other Watehes, Silver Table and Ten Spoons, Cold, Silver and Plated Speetaeles,,to suit all ages, and warrant ed to be made of the best materials. His stock of Jewelry is large and splendid, and comprises all the most fashionable articles, such as Gold, Silver and other Bre: st Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, Gold Watch Chains, Keys, &c., Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold Pens of a superior quality, Silver Combs, and aid a variety of articles too numerous to men tion. lie feels confident that the above goods are the best in market, and offers them to the public at the lowest prices. lie would particularly call your attention to his stock of CLOCKS AND WATCHES; and urge you to call ou him before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels assured that he cannot fail to suit you, not only with the articles, but what is more important, with the prices, and would also inform the public that all his goods arc warranted. Clocks Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the neatest and best manner and at the shortest notice—all his work is Allentown, May 2 LICHTENWALNER & STETTLER'S New Tlotiting Store, Au. 17 Irczt Hamilton - 5t.,./.lllentown, HAS just been opened with a large assortment of every description of READY- 111 A D E r„R A J. Cloghin 7 : ,.. 1 t" 9 1 ( ~7' ~...e, made up from goods entirely .k•:Ct. ~7 ' .--; new, just purchased to suit Y: ;.d.l - ` this market. Their stock con 'L.' sists of Coats, Pants, Vests, anti every other article ofgen tlemen's wear, which they will sell as low as any other estab lishment in the State. They will also make up CUSTOMER WORK at short notice and in the best manner. having no desire to make a long parade of protniges, we invite the 'public to give us a call and satisfy themselves that it is theli interest to deal with us. C. LTCHTENIVALNER, P..STETTLER. April 25 ..Ig="f7sr E.3°3L'e.D , .i..11E undersigned trspecifully inform their 'S numerous friends and customers and the public in general, that ihey have just received and are now opening a very large and splendid Trg'iks, Valrzes, Carpet Bag', as pil Palm and Leghorn 1124130 P. BATS, 4-c., which they nnw of. fer fur sale at re. due.ed prices, as to 1 , ws Men's Boots, suitable for Summer wear, at f 1,13, and upwards. Boy's do do, at 75 cents and upwards. Men's Calf Boots at $2,00 and op. Boy's do at $1,50. Men's Brogans at 87k. Boy's do at G2h. Men's Calf Congress Boots at $2:50. Boy's do $1,50. Men's Oxford Ties at $1,25. Boy's Patent Leather do $l,OO. Men's Patent Leather and Buskin Shoes, our own make, cheap. Ladies Black and Colored High Gaiters, a fine article, and only $l,OO. Misses do do 75. Ladies Super. Patent Leather. fancy Jenny Linds. Ladies Super. Enameled Jenny Lind Boots, $l.OO. Misses do do 75. Ladies Morocco Buskins 62 cis. and upwards. Misses and Children's Shoes a great variety of stiles and very cheap. We have also a good assortment of Leghorn and Palm Hats, all fresh and cheap. Brass Band and other Trunks, Valtzes, Blacking, &c. While we feel thankful for 'past favors and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the public patronage. MERTZ & RONEY. May 9. Two Premiums Awarded at the late Crustal Palace Exhibition in IVety York, to the Oldest Type Foundry in A merica CSTABLISIIED by •Binny & Ronnldson, in . 1796, on the base of Sower's Germantown Foundry of 1730. The long experience of sev; cral proprietors of the Philadelphia Type Foun dry, enables L. Johnson kCo., to °MT the lar gest, variety of Printing Type,s, and all the ap purtenances of a Printing Office,•to be found in any establishment in ilk United States, and of quality, too, which is deemed unrivalled.. The composiiiori of the metal used is'calculated to afford the greatest durability; while the sent, nulous care exercised in the, fitting up of the Type is such as to insure accuracy and square ness of the body, &c. Our facilities are so ex tensive as to enable us to fill orders of any amount. Estimates given in detail. (with the cost) of all the materials required for a news paper office. Plain or Fancy Types, Music of unparalleled beauty, cast in this foundry only. Scripti, Flowers, Borders, Cuts, Brass or Met al Rules, Brass Braces, Brass Circles and Oval's, &c. Presses of all descriptions, and all sorts of Printing Materials, (most of which are made by us,) will be furnished at Manufacturers' Pri ces. Printing Ink of all varieties and colors. Varnishes, Bronzes,-&c. We are agents for the, English manufacturers, which we will sell at the lowest terms. Stereotyping or Electrotyp ing of Books, Music, Wood Cuts, Jobs, &c.— Typo used in stereotyping for sale at reduced prices; Wood Cuts designed and engraved in the finest style of art. Our " Minor. Specimen Book," (the first of its class in the country, and original in its conception and getting up,) will be sent to all printers that have not received it, Who will direct hoW it may be transmitted to them 117' Newspaper Printers who publish this ad-. vertisement entire, (including this notice,) three 'times before September Ist, 1855, and send to us a copy of the paper containing it, will be al. lowed their bill nn purchasing articles of our manufacture to four times its amount. L. JOHNSON & CO., No. 0 Hansom street, near the Hall of Inds. , ndenee, Philadelphia. May 9, 1.855.-3 t STARTLING, BUT TRUE!. WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD 'KNOW: How often it happens, that, tho wife lingers frogs year to year in that pitiable condition as not itvoi for ono day to feel the happy and exhilarating Maki once incident to the onjoyment of health. TILE BLOOMING BRIDE, Bat a few years ago in the.flush of health and youtS i t and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently lad explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debihk toted wife, with frame emaciated, nerves attaining,: spirits digressed, countonanco bearing the impromi of sullbring., and an utter physleal and mental pm*. tration, arising from ignorance of tho simplest ant plainest rules of health as _connected with the mar rialto state, tho violation of which entails dims% out:tering and misery, not only to the wife, but ottani HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN " UNTO TIIS THIRD AND VOURTLI GENERATION." Trousahtlinst CONSUMPTION. t3CROPULA4 III'POCHONDR lA, INSANITY, GOUT, ICING'S EVIL, and other and worse IMsenses, as a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM TILE PARENTS "And must this continue? Must thla bo? La there remedy? No relief? No hope?" The remedy hi he knowing the canons and avoiding than, and knowing , {.ho romediee, and benontlog by time: 'These aro pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, DY DR. A. M. lAL'RICEAU, TVAIMOR OF DISIA9IB QV WOMEN. On.llundridlh Edition, (500,000), 18mo., pp. (ON FINE I•AI'KII srnu BINDING, 14.00.1 A standard work or established re /tattoo tbumil °WSW In the. catalogues of. the great trade sales la New Y roiledelphin - and. other cities, and sold by the prin d booksellers in the United States. It wu Drat public • in 1847, ainco which time FIVE HUNDRED TROUBLED COPIES have been sold, of which there were upwards of . ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY 1J Alti attesting lho 11;g11 e4limatiou la which It Is hold as O Oh Halle popular Iltglicol BOOK FOR EVERY FEIVIA.LE tbn author having devoted Ids =clock.° attention to Mir treatment of complalato peculiar to females, In respect to whirl) lie i 4 yearly consulted by thousands boll, In patios and by letter. Here every women can di,euver, by cc:entai:Lig her own/ symptoms pith those described, the nature, (hermetic, causes of, and the proper remedies fur, Ler comphanta. Thu wife about , becoming a mother ban often need of lehtruction and advice of the utmost hnportrince to heir future health, in respect to which tier sonaltiveneas LLM bids consulting a modleal goullernatt, will End such Is stractien ant ielrloc, and also osplaiu many spoptaaret which otherwice would occasion anxiety or alarm lee tbo peculiarities loch:cat to her situation are deacrlbeEL MB nosy many aro suffering from obstructions or irroguleP . Ries peculiar to the female System, which undermined., health, the effects of which they aro ignorant, and SW which their delicacy forbids seeking medical Adria& Many suffering from prulapnts uteri (falling of the eromilih or fr . = fluor a/pus (weakness, debility, iko.) Many MD la constant agony fur many months preceding meat Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveri4 end slew and uncertain recoveries. Borne whose lives ale hazarded during such time, will each find In its pages the means of prevention, amelioration and relief. It Is of courso•lmpracticablo to convoy fully the various Subjects treated of, as they aro of a nature strictly tondud fur the married or those contemplating marriage. Reader, aro you a husband or a father? a wife or a mother? Have yen the sincere welfare of those you love at heart? Provo your sincerity, and lose no time hs learning what causes interfere with their health and hap piness not less than your own. It will avoid to you and, yours, ni it has to thousands, many a day of , pain sad. aoxie..y, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind for its ordthary avocation, and exhausting those means for medical attendance, modlcinao and advertised, nostrums which othorwiso would provide for dedlnhvg . years, the intirmilhai of ago and the proper education of. your children. • I T -6N. o sToiMitfizqt.rwy. nf.tha-nnirerrni,nooularite of tho work tions hero been attempted, as well on 'bookseller% as am the public, by imitations of title page, spurious Ottani, and surreptitious Infringements of copyright, and °that devices and duceptioue, it Las boon found necessary, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIO to buy uo book unless the words " Dr. A. Y. IdAmucaaq, 1'2.9 Liberty Street, N. Y. is on (and the entry In the Clerk's Mes en the bank or) the title page ; and bur only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send bir nail, and address to Dr. A. li. lieuriceau. 4 - g - Upon receipt of One Dollar "TRH MAR. RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDIOAL COM PANION" is sent (mulled free) to any part of the United Stake, tho ()anodes and British 'Provinces. AU letters most be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. DIAUIDOEAU, box 1224, Now-York City. Publishing °Lice, 140. 129 Liberty Street. Nets York. AGENTS. Haines & Diefenderfer, Allentown, T. B. Peterson. J. M. Moss & Bro., and Thos. Cotyperthwait, Ph iladelplim—Spangler & Bro., JAniraster--11. A..Lentz, Reading—E. Berms Sunincyttol. January 10, IT-orn New and Fashionable MILLINERY GOODS. Mrs. .1. S. Kauffman, MAKES this method of announcing to her Cos a . turners and Friends in general, that she has just returned from Philadelphia with a large and well selected assortment of New. Millinery Goods, and is now prepared to sell cheaper than ever. She has eurchased a larger and hand somer assortment than she has been in she habit „ - of doing, in order to supply al. r t i, -_, with' Qheaper and handsomer pp j ifk. r . „ .. ,.1 .1;5: - Bonnets, Caps, Ribbons, &c.- It . l -. : .. p.... : . 4 1 1' She has for sale, English Don: , „a, AI A • . tft,i , stable, and Neapolitan Lace„ r„ . .iii4 ~ , French' Gimps, apd Bedford. N Split straws, and every variety ~ of styles that 'will be worn this season. Cason Silk and Crape, Lawns Chß., dren's lints. _Flats and Bonnets, Gimp and Straw; Ladle's extra handsome Cape; Silk, and Wash Dlands of every variety. Very cheap and handsome Ribbons, Flowers, Wreaths,' Sprigs and Face Tabs; those who call early can make cheap purchases from she largest sup ply that they will perhaps meet with this summer. - Bonneti bleached and altered into fashionable' shapes, on reasonable terms. She returns many' thanks for past favors, and solicits a confirm! ance of the same. CV' Mrs. K. is pr to supply the CoUstil Trade on liberal se April 25. 11 300 331:TXX...E3EUEILIES. THE Board of School Directors of Lehi gh' Ward propose building a three story b riok School House, 54 by 36 feet, for which sealed proposals will be received until the 26th instant by the undersigned, who will furnish applicants^ with a plan and specifications. WM. J. lIOXWORTII, Secretary. Allentown, May 16. if-2w Vaci aiatUrad ✓lttoritey at Law: Office on 7th street, three doc*Norlh•of he Public Square, Allentown, Pa:. October 4, 18.54. 4-67 11- 1 7
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