UNIVERSAL Industrial and Agricultural II !4 TII ;) ii4llo (') To.be held in Doylestown, Bucks County. Pa, on Tnesday:lPedniaday; Thurs. dciyand_ Friday, Sugust 21st, 22(1, _ . 23d and 24th, 1855. TfIE Committee in charge of the Arrange• ramie are now perfecting the Premium Lists, which will be announced in full in Abe course of few weeks, In the following order: • First day of the Ex4ibition.—Geallemen's Department Premiums of $2O to $5O will be awarded to the belt Blooded Stock of every description, and from slo.to $9O to the best Common Stock, and Premiums of from $5 to $lOO on the various descriptions of Mechanical Implements, Ma. chinery, Agricultural Products, and Manufac• ores of every description. Second Day.—Ladies' and .driists' De partment. Premiums of from $5 to $lO will be awarded to First Class Needle NVorlr, Embroidery and Fancy Work, &c.; from $1 to $4 on the Second Class.; from $5• to $8 for the best Horticultural display; and from $2 to $5 for Articles in the Home Department. A portion of the building will bc.reserved for Painting Statuary, Scalp. ture, &c., on which liberal premiums will be awarded. Third Dap—Fathers' and Mothers' Dc parbnent. TUERISING GENERATION IN ARMS." Premiums of from $5O to $5OO will be award. ed to the largest, healthiest and best looking lit. fonts, from the ages of one to five years. A pre. mium of $lOO will be awarded to the largest Family of Children, the parents of whom are both living; and in case of more than one family of the same number offering, it will be paid to that family of children whose united ages are the least. Fourth Day.—Equestrian's Department A Premium of a handsome Gold Hunting Watch, valued at $l5O, or its equivalent in money, will be presented to the best Female Equestrian; a premium of a handsome Side Saddle and other caparisons, worth $75, to the second best; and a magnificent Rating Habit, worth $3O, to the third best. A premium of $5O to the fastest Trotting Horse in,Harness or under he saddle; and $25 to the next best. The Ground Selected for the purpose is a beautiful, level lot of thirty acres, and will be splendidly fitted up for the occasion, with a irack_of three•fourths of a mile lung around it, arranged with Commit, tee Stand and Seats for Ladies overlooking the entire ground. Proper accommodations will be provided for all descriptions of stock, and articles for exhibition will be entered iu the order in which they are received. The Exhibition Buildings will be constructed large enough to accommodate all in case of rain. It is the purpose of the Committee to re.. peat the Exhibition annually, and all their im. provetnents of the ground will be of the most substantial character. Two Splendid Brass Bands Have been engaged for the occasion, and will give PROMENADE CONCERTS ! on each evening save the last one, which will be free to the holders of tickets. Each Concert will be ac companied with a FINE DISPLAY OF FIRE WORKS! Addresses Front Eminent Speakers From abroad, on some appropriate subject, may be expected every day of the Exhibition, except The lasf. They will h. nnnottneeri h<rcnlter. ceneayee l',v`fggMlf,":‘,l, - gri l lie . Pittsburg Saturday Visitor, have been invited to serve - on the Committee to award Prizes to 13a. bier, and It is confidently expected they will be preesnt. The exact day of the Exhibition will be an. flounced in the course of a few months, when tl.e preparations are in a sufficient state of forward• ness to warrant it. The undersigned having been appointed by the Committee, Director of the Exhibition, assures the public that no pains or expense will be spared to make this one of the most attractive Exhibitions ever offered to the American people. Tickets for the season, admitting otie person, st. All orders addressed to the undersigned will be promptly attended to. WILLIAM BEEK, Director. Doylestown, Dec. 20, IBM. Ai —2in Special Notiee. Paving disposed of the "Lehigh Regis ter" S printing establishment, and engaged in business that will require all the means at my command, I earnestly request all per sons indebted in my books for subscription, advertising, jobbing work, or otherwise, to make payment at an early day, as the books of the establishment ought to ho settled up without delay. There are a number ofold accounts especially, which have been stand ing for years, some as much our own fault perhaps as the debtors, where liquidation would now be of material service. lam found as heretofore at the "Old Stand" next. door to the German Reformed Church. A. L. ROHE; Allentown; Jan. 3. ODEXIOSOCOUCHNICHIOCCOCKX:4;O COCO E. W. Eckert's AND RETAIL 3 Tobacco, Snuff and Segarß OVOL - aZII 3 No. 30, East Hamilton Street, ALLENTOWN, PA... 10, tar GOODS ALL WARRANTED.am 'July 20. 11-13/2 inatraranwaMMOODlMOßCUMOlii REEVE L KNIGHT, [Successor to Hartley &Knight,] Bedding and Carpet WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Second Street, Philadelphia, Where he keeps constantly on hand a full eortment of every article in his line of business. Feathers, Featherbeds, Patent Spring Matresses, :Curled Hair, Moss, Corn Husk and Straw Matresses, Velvet Tapestry,' beautiful Brussels, Three. Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Carpetinga, Oil Cloths, cantonllattings, Cocoa and Spanish !Wettings, Floor and Stair Drug. gets, Hearth Rugs, Darn Mate, Table and Piano Covers, to which he respectfully invites The attention of purohaserr. 00.11 a 1854 dunty Statement, TABULAR STATEMENT OF COUNTY TAXES FOR YEAR 1834. :4 e, ( 1, s ;4 cr „ a, 2 .1 4 : Er 4:- o 'l ' 3 0 "A a cr . Gt. ti : . r.-: : -- • : m. : : : tr Ci 1-3 1 2 t 8 12 P r S. ' S a a 11 EA 5 7r , gi g to (1, g ‘,l", rir m * E r• E.l .* * al •. E." : : 1.4 .111) cO CO 0 C 4 CO -4 tO CO C. 4 ce. CO C. we OD -4 CO C 4 Ca C 4 CO OCO 10 tO CAC. 0 CA CO IL C.O •-• CO 0 Cl CO CON 0 CO 0 CO EME=M!IMMEM2 " •-• ' C 0 OO 43 WOD 0 C./ Cp S. C 1 0 0 C. 3 0 CT 0 CO 0 ...I CO 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 C.l O 0 0 0 C. , t,1211,721.1 I I I 0 .0 0 0 CI I: , IT 6-• tO fn 0 CA •-• -4 0 (4 I •-••-• O tO CO .C. — fv C) 0J CO L OJ 0.4 0 00 C . , C. DI 4>. Cr> —I 0 C.l C 4 CO V., 0 0 Ca 0 Cr> O 0 JOO CO •—• Those marked * have settled their accounts in full since January 1, 1533. The account of Annwsr TitoxELL, Esq. Treasurer of Lehigh county, in accoun, with said county, from January Ist 1851, to December 31st, 1854, inclusive DR. To amount in Treasury as per report of auditors for the year tss3: Received of Ephraim Yohe, lute Treasurer srms 33 Do. unourrent funds 2.3 00 To amount received for the year 1851, $12,867 13 " " 1853. • 165 19 Cf u" " 1852. 193 13 Additional tax received of Charles Ev eritt, of Lynn, since final settlement, 1853 $10,220 78 Cash for old lumber sold, Sieger's bridge ...S6 40 Cash of M. Menges for labor overpaid.... 3 62 Cash of E. Beck, for brick sold, J. M. Lino 4 00 $l-1 02 Cash received loan of Sarah Kern,.... $825 00 " John Strasberger 1000 00 Abatements received on collector's com missions, State taxes, s, For the year 1852 " 1953.. cc " 183-1 CR By Cash paid checks of County Commission ors ; .to : Grand Jurors, daily paY and milage.... S2BB 75 Petit Jurors, " ." " .... 68.1 36 Constables and Tinctures 110 12 Court Cryor, in full 49 50 Sundry costs iu counnunweulth-eases... 144 37 N Weilbr, summoning Jurors 100 00 Loans and Interest. Loans during the year 1854 Interest on loans Warrants drawn by Directors Paid the several assessors.... Elections. Paid the several officers and others—. .$022 2 Printing and Stationerk Blumer, Bush & Co M. Honnum James W. Wilson Bright & Harlimber .... . Kook, Guth & Trexler Gustav Leischner, binding' F. L. nutter & Co, docket •Hogau & Bechtel, appearance docket For Scdps. Paid for Fox Scalps. ....... Inquisitions. Jacob Meyers, sundry inquests. Reuben Stabler, Esq Joshua Fri, Esq Charles H. Martin for post 'mortem ex amination on body of 'Wm. Dungan.. $3O 00 Dr. Leisenring, for balance due on post mortem examination on body of Lei bonsperger IT. J. finteracker.. Gabriol William B. Kiatler Rebuilding Mammooy.bridge i ( Beth.) ..$1620 14 Repairs at Griesemes brigdo 28 74 1, Coopersburg " 20 08 " 44 Ruch's •• • • • 4O 55 " " sundry bridges 100 85 N. German, piking Jordan bridge, Al lentown 300 00 R. E. Wright., stone for Jordan bridge. 511 00 Sundry repairs at Allentown bridge.. 37 92, Paid Shantz and Ritter, auditors, in full 21 00 N. Miller, auditing State account 750 Court House and Jail. Roofing Court House . ...,462 08 J. H. Bush, spouts for d 0... 89 39 551 47 Peter Butz, stable and shed on jail lot. 159 50 J. T. Kleppinger, coal for jail 13 00 Joseph Lehr, hau li ng do. 250 Sundry repairs 5 30 Ity-Sit $34121 33 Taxes Court Expenses. $1386 10 $2921 00 513 62 $3436 62 Poor House. $5200 00 ..dssessments. , $17;86 $137 65 17 75 16 76 $172 16 .lbatements .'.81.41 67 . 168 13 . 89 74 $lO2 54 County Bridges. $2200 28 -luditora. Commissioners' Office. Daniel Hausman, commissioner's pay.. • 100 50 Joseph Miller, do. do. 120 00 Jahn Weber, do. do. 210 00 Edward Beck, services as clerk ... ... 150 00 Do, , making Duplicates 18 00 SuppoFt of convicts in Eastern Pcni- tentiary . . 106 39 N.Weller, boarding prisoners iu coun ty jail 50 OD Miscellaneous Expenditures Ephraim Troxell, for weights and meas ures $13.5 00 Ephrriinf Yoh; searching office, Harris- .. burg • 31 CO Jacob Stemmer, congressional returns.. 990 Mary Guth, scrubbing Court House... 16 00 J. J. Krause, water rent 25 00 George Miller, error in duplicate 30 57 Philip Strauss, county tax overpaid.... 966 Pretz, Guth & Co., mercbandize 23 65 George Hinkle, tax overpaid ...... `.... 60 Jonas Koch, do. 75 15 Jacob Fcelker, services SO It. E.-Wright, election laws. ... ~.......: . 15 00 James Sieger, two ballot boxes ....... s .. 600 Total 16,125 16 Amount of debits ,520,807 41 Deduct amount in Trea- Bury, last report... . 5,421 33 • 13,386 11 Puid during the year... 16,123 46 Rce'd and paid during the year at 1 per et. corn... 31,511 57 315 11 Balance duo by Treasurer, Jan. 1,'53, 4,366 87 Total We, the undersigned auditors in anti for the county of Lehigh. do certify that we did audit, settle and adjust the account of Aaron. Troxell, Esq., Treqsurer in and for said county, com mencing on the first day of January, A. D. 1851 and ending on the 31st day of December, 1851. (both days included)—that said account as stated above is correct, and that we find, a balance in the hands of said Aaron Troxell, Esq., Treasur urer of said county, of four thousand three hun tired and, sixty-six dollars rind eighty-seven cents. Witness out' hands this 18th day of January A. D. 1855: J. FRANKLIN RITTER, ELI J. SAEGER. Auditors SAMUEL J. KISTLER, Register's Account. JOSHUA STABLER, Esq., Register of Lehigh county, in account with. the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, for Collateral Inheritance Tax, from December Ist, 1853, to November 30, 1851, inclusive. ' DR. April 11—To tax of Charles Blamer, ex- . ecu tor of C. Rader $lOO 00 April 13—Of J. Fatzinger, executor of M. ' Andress...... . ... ... . 80 00 Afay 10—Of 11. Schultz, administrator of E. Yeakle ... ...... . 27 7S May 10—Of L. Schmidt, executor of F. G. Ritze 350 00 May 26—Of J. Rumfelt, executor of Su sanna Sholl ......... .... ... .... 3 89 June 13—Of R. Stahler, administrator of Samuel Shantz 28 39 June 14—Of Joseph Mees, executor of Jacob Ott 11 73 Oct. 27—Of Samuel Seider, executor of Abraham Seidel. 13 71 Nov. 17—Of Jacob Patzinger, executor of Mary Andress 12 62 N ov 7o—le W., u DI-- --, - A --1.•144.4‘.. L-. ...I' OtaLbul Illd Smith 235 76 Nov. 23—Of McClelland, administrator of McClelland 20 00 Nov. 27—Of S. Huddle ; administrator of J. Ehrhart' ' 135 50 Nov.2S.—Of P. Ilorris, executor of Fred erick Miller. ... . - ..... ..... ....... 366 00 LEE 1,823 00 $lOl 08 105 07 114 16 $3:20 3 June 30—Dy cash paid State Trensuror $587 52 Dec. 22 a• a .: t; 064 51 Commissions on SI3ES 53 at 5 per cent. 99 42 Fees for holding Register's court. - 7 09 By cash paid printing and Sheriff's fees. . 9 12 " " John D. Stiles, Esq., attor ney fees 50 00 Balance duo .commonwealth 64 We, the undersigned, auditoaa of the county of Lehigh, having examined and audited the ac count of Joshua Stahler, Esq., Register, as afore said, do certify that the above account is elrrect. Witness our hands this 18th day of Janu try A. • D. 1855. SlOl S 6 ELI J. SAEGER, J. FRANKLIN lIITTER, Auditors SAMUEL J. KISTLER, 3ilitentnito by foss agaitizt Sl'22 75 47 28 25 THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1636 CHESNUT STREET, $2OB 37 ..$5 00 ..14 75 .. 300 Near Fifth Street STATEMENT or ASSETS, $1,525,849 68, January let, 1854; Published agreeably to an Act OF ASSEMBLY, BEING First Mortgages, amply secured, $1,109,284 48 Real Estate (present valire $llO,- 000) cost. 82;139 87 Temporary Loans,on ample Cola teral Securities. 130,774 2G Stocks (present value $76,101) cost. 63,086 50 Oash,&c. 60,665 57 $9.50 •/A 25, 04 0 OS PERPETUAL onLimrrEDINSURANCES made on every description of property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, at ratesas low as areconsistant with security. Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-four years, they have paid over three millions dollars Loss nit FIRE, thereby af, fording evidence of the advantage of Insur ance, as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. . Charles N. Bancicer, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Rorie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson., Geo. W. Richards, Isaac Lea, CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. CuAnLts G. BANCHEII, Secretary. Fr 'The subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared , to make insurances on every description of property, at the law est rates. ' 28 50 A. L. RUHE, Allentown. . - C. F. BLECH, Bethlehem. • Allentown, Oct. 1854. 4-1 y 601 50 Convicts, 4-c. 156 59 20,507 44 SI3BS 33 CR. 81383 53 FIRE. Directors: WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE Sr FRY LOADS A Choice Assortment of the "..cst Quality, fp.r.aale at the lowest cash prlces, at EltOnhead's,.' No. 184 South Second Street, between Pine and Union, West side, Philadelphia. The assortment embraces & large and' select stock of Flue' ateltes,Jewelry,Silver Ware, Albata NVare, plated with line Silver, in Spoons. Forks, Ladles, Ecc.—,Jet.Coods, Fans, and Fancy Articles of a superior quality, deservit g ;he ex• aminatlon of those who desire to to prt cure the best goods at the Lowest Cash Prices. Having a practical knowledge of the business, and all availdble facilities for Importing and Manufactnring, the subscriber confidently in• vies purchasers, believing that he can sorely them on terms ai favorable rt. any other estab• lishment in ei;h4r; of the Atlas is cities, EN - All kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewelry and Silver Ware manufactured to order, within a reasonable time. gar Watches ; Jewelry and Silver Ware fait fully repaired. • %\'Al. B. ELTONIIEAD, No. 181 Smith Second Street, a few door ablve the 2od St. Alarket, West Side. Erin the Smolt window of the Store, ma be neon the famous BIRD CLOCK, whit commands the admiration of the sciuntifie at, curious. OJi. 4, 1854 Livery Stable. The subscriber informs the public that he has pur . chased the entire stock• of Horses, Carriages, comprising the Livery Stable of William R. Leh, in the borough of Allentown, He has added a number of beautiful New. Carriages to his stock, as well as increased the number of Horses. IF: is therefore prepared to fu:- Dish all who may favor him with a call tvi'h GOOD and SAFE .HORSES, and Vul.i cles of every description, from a first el; ss eight-horse OniLibus to a Sulky of single horse. • , r War • t By strict atrention to business,and a dc sire to please, he hopes to merit a li ben: share of patronage: Charges moderate. ta'Large parties will be furnished wit! conveyances, with or without drivers, (a the most reasonable terms. rir Give him a call, at the old stand o Charles Seagreaves, first stable in Chord Alley, north of Hamilton street. PETER HELLER. Allentown, August 2, 1854. IF--( MEM rik - -41.041 j 1 1( PIANO El ELT ES,; rrHOSE wishing beautiful and durable Piano I Fortes, will find it much to [heir interest to examine some of the above make before pur chasing elsewhere. He has just finished and now oilers for sale, at the Manufactory, No. 122 West Hamilton street, several splendid 111 . 1eilillarlb !Nang frlrteZ, of GI octave, with a fine tone and touch. Mr. S. will be happy to fill any orders the public may favor him with. II k prices are,moderatc 111'lle also offers for sale a second hale Piano Forte, 54 octave, vhich might answe very well for a beginner Nov. 15 GREAT BARGAINS Ali No. 17 West Hamilton Street, ERTZ & RONEY have just received another in large supply of Boots, Shoes, Gums, Trunks, &c., which they are selling at reduced prices. They have always a large assortment of all s kinds of Boots and Shoes of their own manufacture for sale. All kinds of customer work \ made at short notice, and mending done with dispatch. Country Merchants aro par ticularly invited to give us a call as we feel satisfied that we can sell at the loitest city prices. Thankful for past favors we sllicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. MERTZ &RONEY. ¶-2m Allentown, December 20 TIEXLER 84 BU SE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Ed 30 401- -EL ii. , ISM" ICI 3PM", AND MANUFACTURERS, • •Vo. 230 J'Porlh Third Si.,' Above Callowhill•Street, west side, Philadelphia. rirMesFrs. Trexler & Bush respectfully in-. .vice the attention of Country Merchants, Man. ufacturers arid Shopkeeporsihroughout Lehigh, Northampton, Carbon, Schuylkill, Barks, and other adjoining Counties, to their very large and extensive stock of Loaf and Nlanulactured Tobacco, of all kinds, at the lowest possible prices. Oct. 11, 1851: • tn 1,01)23 MD 32021 Ii Tho Best and Cheapest Stock of Boots Shoes, Gel b:it's Gums, .W021:11. ustiead '&c ., in the city, at !::" • Duubarr's 70, South Second St. Philadelphia, (corner of Carters Street.) Being mostly of his own manufacture, he guarrantees them to wear; and will sell— wholesale or retail as cheap as the cheapest, Easy Shoes for Old Ladies. Plain and Fancy Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, tkc., always on hand in great variety, for Boys, Youth, Misses and Children. Price3.—Ladies Gaiters, of every quality and style, from $1 to 62,50. Goats' Calf Skin Boots, from $3 to 05, Pa• ent Leather Shoes, Gaffer Boots, Congress Boots, But• ten Boots, &c., from $1,50 to $4,50, Gum Boots, Shoes, Sand les, Clogs,always on hand. ri'Old Gums: boUght and repaired. June 28, 1864. • •-1Y THE PEONES. CHIPET WARE RIMS! .BALLET & CO., cheap and Fashionable CA BIN ET MAKERS, .South East Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets, a few doors below Dresher's —• Lumber Yard, 'ALLENTOWN, PA. •Tfiv. undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public-generally, that they have taken the establishment of Mr. S. Blank, and aro now carrying on the Cabinet business in all its various branches. They arc provided with all the new and improved machinery of the day, and having skillful workmen, will be enabled to sell Kood and handsome furniture as cheap as can be sold anywhere. Their Store is on the southeast corner of Ninth and Hamilton streets, near Dresher's Lumber yard, where tliey offer a fine assortment of Sofas, of various styles and .patterns, Side Boards, Secretaries, Wardrobes, Bureaus, of various patterns ; Cup boards of different Aids ; Card, Centre, Side, Breakfast and Dining, Tables ; Bedsteads of dif ferent styles and pattern's; Wash-stands, Twist, Small and Large Etagers, What Nets, Music stands, Sofa Tables, Tea Tables, Oval and Ser pentine Tables, Chinese What Nots, Fancy IVork Tables, Refreshment Tables, Etashas, 'fete-a-Tctes, French Divans. A general assort ment of Kitchen Furniture, on hand and made to order. OE They el: ploy at all times none but the best Workmen, attend personally to their business, and will warrant all Furniture of their manu facture to be made of the best materials. Or ders for Ware will be faithfully and immediate ly attended to, and when sent out of the Bo rough, will be carefully packed. They also make to order all kinds of wood carving, to which they particulwly invite the attention of Cabinet makers and others. BALLIET & CO. Nov. 20. 11-3 m TIM liViiffOLE .13 7 0ktiLD. $300,000 WOltill OF GIFTS, fur the subscribers to the Mammoth P;cibrial of The Whole World, Published simultaneously in the three cities of New York, Philadelphia and Balti no re, as soon as 'SOO,OOO subscriptions are obtained; and having already an actual circulation of about 200,000, iris now certain the Distribution will soon talc place. Among the extraordinary LIST OF GIFTS, (being one for every ticket issued,) ate Professor Hares Elegant Country Seat, valued at $25,000 A Magnificent City ltecidence, 17,000 A_Gash Loan for 100 years, without in, 'crest or security, Building Lots, Elegant Piann Fortes, Melodeons, Gold Watches, 'Bracclels, Rin s, Books of Travels in the Old and New %Vorld, by Prof., Hart; Heal Eqate, &., in all numttering Every single remittance of SI, secures one year's . subscr•iption to the Mammoth Pictorial, and the gratuity of a Gilt Tielio, which entitles the holden to one share in the 300,000 Gifts, Thus every person investing in this stupendous Enterprise receives the full worth of his or her .........y, oi a nisi crass journal, (the greateot and most interesting, Pictorial of age.) besides a (Ll for each subscription which map prove an immense fortune to the receiver. For complete List of Gifts, and full and ex. plc pardculars in regard to the great Enter• prise, ll.sfribution. &c., see a copy of Tire W,incn, which will be promptly sent, free of charge, where, desired by letter postpaid. The Whole World may also be seen at the offices of all pipers cow:doing this advertise tnent, where information may be obtained in re gard to the paper anil Enterprise. T-3111 Agents, Postmasters, and Ladies desirous of lucrative and at the same time genteel employ. meat, should not fail to see a copy of The Whole World, which contains by far the mo,t liberal inducements everoffered to agents in the way of immense premiums, gilts, commissions, &c., whereby any person, with ordinary activity, can easily make $l,OOO and upwards, per year; to which fackthe agents we already have can cer. lily. Semite. the Pictorial, and become wise, rich, and happy. Corrrnpoodents must write their address= Name Pgsti4lCP. County, and State, Plain add Distinct, or rt will be their own fault if they fail t0:7,0t an answer. Adhere to this, and all returns will be promptly sent wherever desired, in any part of the world. trardf any orders are received•after the 30,1, 000 subscribers are obtained, the money, will be promptly returned, postpaid, to the .persons sending it. Ur All letters and remittances for the Picto_ rial, With Gift Tickets, must invariably be ad, dressed post.naid, to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, World's Hall, Broadway, New York, there being the, only office for the Gift Enterprise. But remittances for the Pictorial without Gift Tickets, may be sent to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, Hatt's Buildings, Chesnut street,'Phila. delphia; Pa., there being the principal editorial and publication office. Nov. 2z. 7-Cm • VIXEN CAI TRU S'Fa WEIGHING LESS THAN 2 OUNCES For the cure of Hernia or Rapture Acknowledged by the highest medical nu thorities of Philadelphia, incomparably su perior to any other in use. 8u flerera wil be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure not only the lightest and must easy, but es durable a Truss as any other, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomi /orlable article usually sold. There is no diffOulty attending the fitting, and when the puns located, it will retain its position with out change. Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber, can .have the TruSs sent to any address, by remitting Five Dollars for the double—with measure round the hips, and stating side affected. It will be exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returning it at once, unsoiled. For sale only by the Importer.• CALED 11 . NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth & Race St. Phil li' Ladies, requiring the benefit of Ale. chanical Supports, owing to derangement of the Internal Organs, including Falling of the Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakness; are inform ed that a competent and experienced LADY will be in attendance at the Rooms,(set apart /or their exclusive use,) No. 114, TWELI St., Ist door below Rate. Juno 28, 1854. Dr. 3 ; P.• avues; • • • APEX IST. ems Informs hi friends, and the put osiaiksX lic in general, that he still performs all opt/pions on the tOth, and treats diseeass, of the gums and alteoler processes in the most effectual and sitillful 'manner. His mode of inserting artificial teeth, cannot be surpassed, for comfort to the wen• re r an d d u ribility and beautifulness in appear ance. The general satisfaction he has given for years, has been duly appreciated by the public. Office No. 48, East Ha m i I ton Street, a few dcors East of Pretz, Guth &'Co's store, op pcsite Bechtels American Hotel. December 6, 1854. Surgical and Mechanical • C. C. 11. GULDIN, from New York, in. vites the attention' of those in Allentown and vicinity, who require operations on thee natural Teeth, or who are in need of artificial ones, to his superior mode of operating in all the difibrent departmenis of Dentistril Having had eight years' experience in Ilia profession, and availing himsejf of every valu able improvement, he ktiows he can render the. very best assistance to the patient of which the. Art is capable. EVERIINCES.—Rev. Thomas De Witt, D. D. Re•. Charles M. Jameson, P. Clarkson, M. D., William Underhill, M. 1)., New York city. Office for the present at the'American Hotel. • Patients also visited at their residence f de sired. Allentown, Jan. 17, 1835. —ly- DH. CHARLES NEIL, m (iaa Lt 4 2 ae NO. 309 WALNUT STREET, . PHILADELPHIA. ,AT the late Saito Agricultural Palr. held rit I 3 Philadelphia, received a SILVER MEDAL,. the highest award for exhibition of in loa ;trolestdon. Ile relers to this, and to his al.. ,eady extensive practice ' as a guarantee to all , who have occasion for his services, that his , work and orders generally in his line, will bu cientifically and skilfully performed. Dr. NEIL pledges himself to the lowest 'erms, arid all [ea:nimble dispatch, with those• who favor him with their culls Nov. 1 aIIAX aslikaiable, WINDOW BLIND MANIIPACTIY. ALEXANDER P. MUIR, late of respec,fully informs the citiz , ns of Allewown. and vicinity, that he has lately taken the estab lishment of Mr. C 11.% lILES Ross, and is now car. eying on the business at the old stand, No. 125 Wcsi Hamilton street, in nil its various hranch es. Ile employs ,at all tune none but the habit workmen, and watrants all Blinds of his menu. facture to be of the best materials. 'He is pre pared to make Blinds for Churches, Public. Buildings, &a. Particular attention paidto re pairing. Having had many years' experience in Philadelphia, he flatters himself that he carp 11,,ithti as good and taAtonable an at :leas can , be had in the city, and at least :'.5 per cent. cheaper. January 24 10,C00 $300,000 Public Sale Valuable Personal Property. Will be sold on Thursday the 22d day of Feb ruary next, at It) o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of ihe undersigned, in youth Whitehall township, Lehigh county, the following articles. of valuable personal property: 4 fiord working horses, an excellent three• year old colt, a good 4 horse team, together 'with , +won and harness, 5 excellent cows, 4 head• steer, 1 bull, 3 calves, harness. two 4 horse wagons, one body, one ore body, 4 ploughs, harrows, wind mill, has , ladders and bolsters, t threshing machines, seed drill, the 4th part of a corn Sheller, wood sled, lock chains, cow chains, and h;)y forks, grain cradle, crass scythe, loge ;her V,k; ith a la•ge assortment of farming utensils entirely too numerous to mention. The conditions will be made known on the day of sale, and due attendance given by PETER .1. BUTZ. January 21. t —sw WIEDER & BOYER, IVIIOLESALE,AND RETAIL Manufacturers and Dealers IN • JUST received antt" opened, Ilia largest end leit aAsorlment of Stone Allastitt k .litX Martin, Fitch, Russia, and.otlitif Sitsl)ionable Surfs ever exhibited here, being fresh from the city, and well worthy of on early call, as they will no doubt go with a rush. Walk in Ladies, and sec for yourselves. Our stock - consists in part of the following articles: • _ Victorines.of every kind, from $1 to $5O, French Victorines and Cuffs, Muffetiees, Russian' Fitch, Short Lyn: Capes and Cuffs, Imitation Sable and -Black Genneits, Cony Victorines, • White In short all kinds of FURSSpotted that can beVictorine founs, d in New York and Philadelphia, and at all prides IMTS amp C.IPS. Our assortment of Hats and Caps is full—the best by far eater offered. It requires no bragging —take pattern from no country shops, but de• rived from head quarters," and will be pat. terned after' by others as the past has shown. We also manufacture bats and no mistake, as you can see for yourself by calling; so don't be deceived by th6se whd would be the only MOO. facturers, as there are a few more of the same sort. Then go to Wieder dr. Boyer, and get a good and fashionable article. 'f Thankful for past favours, they respectfully ask a continuance of the same. 17 -I Y-"ts 11ar. 15 DENTIST. SEE 11 ERE. k WIEDER & BOYER. 1-4nl II ¶-1y .c-iy. EZE
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