Porlantm, Feb. 6.—This is the cold est morning• this winter. At 7 o'clock, the - mercury stood at 9 degrees below zero. Prrrseunsi, Feb. 6.—The weather is intensely cold, the thermometer, this morning, being 6 degrees below zero. NEW YORK, Feb. 6.—The thermometers about town have been varying from zero to 10 degrees Above. Despatches from all parts of the State Indicate that this is the coldest day of the season. In many places, the thermometer has not been so low for twenty years. It has ranged from 20 to nearly 40 degrees below zero. In the Eastern States then weather is more moderate. CINCINNATI, Feb. 6.—The weather has been mild to-day, the thermometer being 30 degrees above zero. Sr. Louis, Feb. O. —The weather is very mild, and it is thawing rapidly. The gorge of ice above the city gave way this afternoon, and there is now every prospect of a speedy re sumption of navigation. ileantanono, Feb. 7;3 P. sL—lt is snowing very. rapidly 'to day. The 'storm commenced aboutijaylight. NEW YORE, Feb. 7.—The cold continues here most intense.—There are now indications of snow. The thermometer during the night stood 10 degrees below zero. New YORK, Feb. 7.—The despatches from the Eastern States mention the Thermometer as varying from 10 to 30 degrees below zero early this morning. ItAutistons, Feb. 7.—The snow has been falling all night, and the storm continues with out abatement: The cold is excessive. SALEM, N. J., Feb. 7.—The weather is intense ly cold, with a heavy, drifting snow all day. At 6 o'clock this morning the thermometer was 6 degrees below zero: Mumma, Feb. 7.—The weather was cold and cloudy, and some snow fell during the day. This afternoon the stir turned to hail, and this evening the weather moderated, and there ' are indications of rain. The thermometer is about 20 degrees above zero. . IV.isnismrosr, Feb. 7.—Last night was the coldest night we have had for many years. It has been snowing all day, but is moderating this evening. The thermometer at 7 this even ing was 15 degrees above zero. llosTos, 9. AJ M.---A snow storm commenc . ed during the night, and still falls thick. At • present it is on the ground to a depth of about fourteen inches. It is drifting considerably, but so far has not seriously interfered with rail road travel. lIoNmEm., Feb. 9.—Weather has greatly changed. Thermometer which has ranged for lie last 3 days at more than 20 degrees below \ t‘ • tro, now marks 22 degrees above. Snowing ightly. TonoN•ro, Feb. B.—The weather here is dull . • and cloudy. There was a s i lit snow to-day. The thermometer stands at 15 degrees above zero. IfAvii.Tox, i,ennnda,) Feb. B.—lt has been ' snowing slightly here to-day, with an easterly wind.—The thermometer stands at 20 degrees above zero Yesterday, on, the Great Western Railwny, n brakemen, name unknown, was frozen to'dentl while nt his post, on the platform of a car. When the train stopped, he fell from it, dead. SINGFLAR PRFSENTIMENT OF DEATII.-A most singular presentiment of death occurred a few ....9 1 days ago 'n the family of Mr. George Fisher, in Reis ‘ ert n, Baltimore county. His little son, Fillm r re, aged about four years, awoke in the night and called to his mother to know if she was awake. He then asked if his father was awake, and afterwards told his mother that he was going to die. Ile told his father the same thing, and when told that he was dreaming, replied that he was awake, and knew he was • going to die. The parents thought nothing more about it, and the child slept comfortably until morning. When he awoke in the morning ho repeated his presentiment .to his parents ; and as soon as breakfast was over insisted on being allowed to got and tell Mrs. Walters; a neighbor, that lie was gOing to!die. His mother • told him that he had better go and see his, grandmother, if he was going to die. • Ire made a visit to his grandmother, and also to Mrs. Walters,.after which ho returned to his liorne During the afternoon of 'the same day :ili mother. was called out of the house for a few. minutes, and when she returned she found the little fellow awfully burned by his doilies baking taken fire. As soon as the fire was ex,. tinguished he said to his mother, "I told :you I was going to die." 1 A physician was called in, who dressed his injnries, telling him that he Would soon be well. Hi said, 4 ! no; Fillmore is going to die ;" and during the night the little . boy breathed his last. This was a most extra ordinary presentiment, and during the whole day ho spoke of dying, though he had enjoyed excellent health. The boy is said to have been a very sprightly and interesting child, and was beloved by all who knew him.—Balt. American. A LUCKY RUNAWAY SLAVE.—The Rochester (New York) Democrat says that a ,runaway slave named Grandson Boyd, who tad taken refuge some years since in Rochester, left the country, as many others did, at time of the pat sago of the Fugitive Slave law, from fear his owner might reclaim him. He went to Austra lia and commenced work in the gold mines.— When he left ho was indebted $2OO to a crock ery merchant, in Rochester, who had no very strong hopes the debt would ever be cancelled. A few weeks since, however, ho received a let ter from Boyd, stating that ho had just arrived at 'Liverpool from Australia, where he had made $B,OOO, and enclosing a draft £4O, ($200) the amount of the debt. O 7•A Y.&i has invented a machine for extracting the lies from quack advertisements. Some of them are never seen after entering the machine, as only the truth comes out. The Weather. ANOTHER Munn= nr Pfutdinßunr.t..-4 young devil by the name of Smith, loafing in company with others in the Warren Hose house in Baker Arcot, Phila., gotinto a quarrel with one Roundtreo. John Hunter and ,James McCartey, interferred to separate the combat tants and succeeded. Smith withdrew to anoth or part of the room, opened a knife, deterred and unexpectedly attacked Iknter and McCarty, giving each a stab, fatally wounding the former, and seriously the latter, Smith, pointing the forefinger of his right hand, said. " I gave them that—Cod d—n them—there was no fun about that for I meant to kill them," and such like expressions. Hang him up, there's no use in his living. As . EARTHQUAKE.—An earthquake was felt in Virginia on Friday last. At Clarksville, a little before three o'clock, A. 31., there was a rumbling, rattling. sound, which resembled somewhat the noise made by a four horse coach in rapid motion, or a wagon with am empty body, running rapidly down a rough hill.— Crockery standing on the table was visibly shaken. At Wyliesburg, houses were shaken, and one gentleman was waked up by the severe jar and noise. Alarmed by the cracking sound of his house, he jumped out of bed, corisiderably frightened, and ran out to see if the house was not on fire at the top. in Prince Edward, we learn, the shock was still greater. In llalifitx it was sufficient to wake persons from sound sleep. COSTLY ENTERTAINSIENTS.-A Philadelphia letter writer says):—The principal topic of con versation here now is the magnificent party given here last week by Mrs. Rush the well known millionaire. About 2,000 invitations were issued, and the entire cost of the enter tainment, I am informed, was in the vicinity of twenty thousand dollars, the bare item of bo quets alone costing $l,OOO, which were distri buted in elegant profusion around her splendid mansion. It was nothing but one incessant re velling in, luxury from beginning to end. At half past four o'clock in the morning green tea, sweet bread and terrapins, as the closing feast preparatory to the departure of the remaining guests, were seived up. PORI:UM:HS IN TUN U.MITED STATES.—Accord -1g; to the census of 1950, there were living in I l e United States, 2,244,043 of this class, and they were distributed as follows, viz :—Eagern section, 305,249, against, 2,421,857 native born ; Middle, 1,080,574, against 5,447,733 ; Southern, 43 531, against 2,342,255 ; South western, 105;335, against 1,973,501 ; North western and Territories, 709,860, against 5,- 057,329 1 total •of foreign birth, 2,244,648, against 17,742,815 native born. The largest per cent. is in the Middle section, being 19.84 ; the smallest in the Southern, being 1.86. THE FEBRUARY INTEREST.—The State Trea surer, Gen. Joseph Bailey, commenced the pay ment of the semi-annual interest on the State debt, on Thursday, at the Bank of Pennsylva nia. The aniounCto be paid is about 000,000, all of which is on hand. lIOMMONV CAKES.—Take a pint of boiled hommony, and add a small piece of butter, and some salt. Make it into little cakes, and fry them in lard until well browned. MARRIED On the 11th of February. in Allentown. by the Bev. Mr. Brisbane, Capt. J.tron I). BoAS, of Harrisburg, to Mrs. JOEL. Kli.tuss, of Allen town. On the 11th of February, b the Rev. Mr. Brobst, Mr. ADAM SMITH, to Miss CATHARINE NAGEL, both of Salisbury. At the same time, by the same, Mr. EowAlto 1). FATzisilit; to Miss. MARY ANN KOCHER, both of Allentown. le m M i k# l l ll in - WV , V4iitill4Arn' , UM4 ALLENTOWN MARKET Flour, per bbl. , - - - - Wheat; Corn, • - _ - - - - oats; - - - Ray, - Potntoe4; 11am, pdr lb„ Sides, - Shoulders, Lard, Butter, - Eggs per doz. P.IRLAD"ELPIIIA MARKET FLOUR—Mr:light bramh, - Western " - - • CORN MEAL, o - - - RYE FLOUit, - GRAlN—White IPite4t, - - Red,. - - - Rye,- - - - Corn, White, - Yellow, - - Oats, WrasKET, Washington Engine Company's SECOND ANNUAL "IREMEI AND CITIZEN DRESS HALL, AT THE ODD FELLOWS' HALL, On-Thursday Evening, February 22d, 1855 MANAGERS: • W. R. I Slernmei,. J. W. Rhoads, T. Scip, ' C.. Losch, Wm. J. Baines. WALTER C. SMITH, :;.. Einar Managers 'I ILGH. H. GOOD, P. &Inman, GEORGE FRY, T. W. KRAMER, 1 Asssisiants. 1 F. J. Gum ¶-2w . • Feb. 14. • WANTED. A JOURNEYMAN WHEELWRIGHT is want ed immediately by the undersigned at his Coach Making Establishment in Allentown. To a good workman, of sober and industrious habits, a permanent situation with the best of wages will be given. A married man prefera ble. T. STATTLER. • Feb. 14. If-3w [I:7To Persons out of •Employment.,al AGENTS WANTED ['revery Section of thejJnited States. The most Elegant and Useft)\Volpme of the Year. SEA WS Great Work on JUST published, an illustrated Description of the 'RUSSIAN EMPIRE. Being a Physical and Political History of its Governments and provinces,' Productions, Resources, Imperial Government, Commerce, Literature, Education al Means, Religion, People, MannerS, Customs, Antiquities, etc., etc., from the latest and most authentic sources. Embellished with about 200 Engravings, and Maps of European and Asiatic Russia. The whole complete in one large octavo volume of about 700 pages, elegantly and substantially boUnd. Retail price, e 3. This work has been several years in prom-. ation, and will, it is believed, meet in the fullest acceptation of the word, the want so univer sally felt for reliable information on the hi t stary and internal resources of a country occuilxing so large a portion of the Eastern Hemisphete, and holding so formidable a position at the present time to the rest of Europe and Asia ; but of which far less is known than of any other European nation. • fl'Also, a deeply interesting volume. entit led "THE REMARKABLE ADVENTURES OF CELEBRATED PERSONS," embracing the Romantic Incidents and Adventures in the Lives of Sovereigns, Statesmen, Generals, Prin ces, Warriors, Travellers, Adventurers. Voy agers, &c., eminent in the History of Europe and America, including Sketches of over fifty, celebrated heroic characters. Beautifully illus trated with numerous engravings. One vol. 400 pages, royal 12mo. cloth, gilt. Price, The subscriber publishes a number of most valuable Pictorial Books, very popular, and of such a moral and religious influence that while good men may safely engage in their circula tion, they . will confer a inth/ic benefit, and receive IQ air compensation for their labor. li - "To men of enterprise and act, this busi ness ofli:rs an opportunity for profitable employ ment seldom to be met with. In - 1 - Persons wishing to engage in their sale, Will receive promptly by mail, a Circular con taining full particulars, with " Directions to persons disposed to act as Agents," together with terms on which they will be furnished, by addressing the subscriber, post paid. ROBERT SEARS, PUBLIMIER, 181 William Sired, .ticie-York Allentown Seminary, iv, mr. REYNOLDS, D. D., Principal. THE Rev. C. 11. Kessler's health having it:- duced him to relinquit-h the charge of the Allentown Seminary, at the close of the present term, saidlnstitution will from that time be conducted by the subscriber. The friends and patrons of the school arc hereby informed that it will, from the first of May, be conducted by the undersigned, upon the plan hitherto so suc cessfully pursued. and upon the same terms for regular tuition and boarding. The house being fully fitted up for the reception of a considera bly greater number of scholars than heretofore, parents are respectfully requested to favor us with their patronage, and are assured that their sons will receive the most careful attention.— The arrangements for their acconunotlation and comfort, as well as fir their instruction, are am t'i' • -,1( will we trust be sat.kr.,t,.., Eiti; AOl will also be contin ued as . heretofore. Experienced and judicious teachers have been secured for its instruction, and will conduct it under- the superintendence of the Principal. and 'it will be our object to give a full course (Zan elevated and solid female education. The charges for board and tuition are as ful ows : MALE DEPARTMENT. For boarding and tuition for the term of ftv'e months - - - - - 570 00 Tuition fin• pupils under ten years - 800 Tuition for pupils between ten and twelve years - - - - - 12 00 Tuition for pupils over twelve - - 15 00 FEMALE DEPARTMENT: Tuition for pupils over ten years - - 12 00 under ten - - SOO EXTRA CHARGES. French 12 00 Drawing (pencil) - s 00 " crayon - - - - 10 00 Painting - - - - - - 12 00 Piano (per quarter) - - S 01) Use of piano S 00 Fuel—(scholars paying $l5 per quarter excepted) - - - - - 50 For further particulars and references, see circulars. - W9OO 1 80 - 80 1 25 50 14 00 - 70 00 12, irr — The Summer Term will commence as usual upon the Ist of May. • W. M. REYNOLDS, Principal. Allentown, Feb. 14, 1855. • William L. Yohn v fjpi,pc nub. .Sigit TAPE'II HAIGH* AIR GLAZIER, - IVEI7 11‘1:11LTON• •• AI.I4,STOWN, l'A.,' - Paptr ITanOngdoile at tbo, extreme ldw price,of 12 cciits. , , • • • Feb. 7. Il—S3m 9 12 9 00 - 450 0 25 - 2 15 2 08 - 1 25 95 - 91 54 - 35 Z.l LO WI DI AIT 4 El Vo 'ERREOti" N GII Pp -- SALOON'S N0.,9 West Hamiltdn Street, • ALLENTOWN, PA. Picures most rare of beauty's radiant face, With life-like figure and its ease of grace ; Perfected eye—truth's magic light of life— Pleasing in , infant and the much loved wife, These, and all charms o'er which affection weeps When sadtereavements hearts in sorrow steeps; Portrayed with excellence of artist's skill, Are had at Leen:q.t . :is l—go rshcn you will. B. LOCHMAN, respectfully informs the cal. sons of Allentown, and vicinity, that he may still be found at his old established .4 ky, Light Dm gucrrean Gallery, No. 9 West Hamilton street, where he is ever ready, rain or shine, to take pictures not to besurpassed by any artist in this thorough: By long experience, arduous toil, and heavy inirestmerits of capital, he feels assured that any one who may. favor him with a call will receive in return a perfect picture - , not to be excel led, in point of artistic beauty, by any one in this section of country. He would also invite attentimo to• his new and splendid stock of cases which range in price from 75 cents to 10 dol. tars. Please bear in mind, that pictures can be taken in clear or cloudy weather. Allentown Feb. 7. • RLSSTA aftiention .Pterclia sers CALL AND SEE NE Piggy NOT, SHE, lIAT 111111 CAP 'l 9 CZi 3EII. , No. 21 Street . , ALLENTOWN, PA. fa HE subscribets take pleasure in announcing 1 to the public that they have entered a new field of operations in the manufacture of lloots and Shoes, at the r Fold stand," iNign. 21 Ea•t Hamilton street sign of the Big Boot," one door cast of the German Reformed Church, where they manufac. tore and sells at Wholesale Gatti Retail all kinds of fine and coarse fashionable gentle- men's boots and shoes. Also, all kinds of the latest styles of ladies fashionable dress and other shoes. Gentlemen's boots manufactured to order from F 2 F 0 to f.B 00. Bay's and Children'., Boots from 25 to $4 00. Ladies Dress and uther . Biits from 50 to $2 50. '1 above articles will be sold at wholesale and retail, and one of the largest assortments in the trade ever exhibited in Allentown will always be kept on hand. elleirisure or earsionser work will 'always be atiende,d4,o at the shortest notice. The latest New York i4yles of Gentle, men's Fashionable Boots made up-to„prder, and warranted to give full sa , isfaction. rte has in his employ one of the most finished CUTTERS, and as for WORKMEN, none but the best will find employment. Co 11 aa try .717 c eir ants are particularly invited in call. as we are pre- pared to supply them with a " home=made arti. elf'," far superior to any ever brought from Yani;ce Land," and at 'prices very near if not quite as low. Therefore try home competition g ye us a call. We hope in our new enterprise to see the laces of our numerous old friends and hundreds, of new ones, to whom we will always sell at the lowest Gash prices. Ladies' Dress Gaiters, with and without heels, matte up of French, I align, English and Ameri. can Lasting, of all colors and styles• Dress Stifles 01 . Patent Leather, Morocco, Kid, French Morocco, and Seal, klack and fancy colors, for Women, Mkses, Children and Infants. Ladies, Nlisses, and Gentlemen's Gums, of all the lash. inside styles. f.jir nepairine; of all kind.; done up neatly and •xpeditinusly, and at prices that will give full sa isfaction. 111 1113 & Wil"rE. Feb. 7. ¶-ft napavnastvatcyrs oticc. arTEIIS of AdmiiiSiCaiion having been ...?! granted to the undersigned in the estate of ::Michael Acker, deceased, lota of Weisenburg township, Lehigh C.iunty, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment within six weeks of this date; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them,duly authen 'leak d, for settlement, within the above specified time, to the undersigned. SOLOMON H. APPEL, Administra'r. January, 31. ¶—fltv WILLIAM ruezzama, ESE II A 111_1)R ESSE R, MEE= Respectfully informs the public that he is still pursuing his vocation of Barbering and Hair Dressing, after the most approved style, at his old stand, where he cordially invites all who wish to avail themselves of his useful sci ence to give him a call. In addition to his Shaving and Hair Dressing business, he earn estly invites the attention of the . public to the fact that he has just received, from Philadelphia a large assortment of Perfumery and Fancy ar ticles, which he offers for sale on terms so rea sonable that no lady or gentleman should be without them. His stock consists in part of Ladies' Curls of superior style, a beautiful ar ticle, Gentlemen's Wigs, Dressing, Toilet and Head Brushes, Tooth Powder, an excellent ar ticle, Cologne, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of every description, Military Shaving Soap, a fine article, Washing, Shaving, and Toilet Soap, Shaving Cream, Powder and Putt' boxes, Walk ing Canes, Segars and Segal' Cases, Bay Water, &c. The public is respectfully invited to give lira a call. Jan. 31. irr—fhn ITAxezvvioy's otice. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed are appointed Executors of the last will and tA summit of Henry Lauer, de ceased, late of Lower Nlacuogy township; Lehign county, therefore all those who know themselves to be indeLted to said estate, be it in N.ites,llonds, Book-th Ats or otherwise, will make payment within "six weeks from the date hereof. Also who have any legal .claims against said estate, will bring in their 'accOent6 well authenticated within said timer NATHAN MINK, Execu tors. AARON SCHROYER, • " Feb. 7. ¶-6w A New Book Bindery. EDWARD MCENDLER respectfully .informs the citizens of „Allentown and vicinity, that he has established a BoOkbindery at the office of- the " 1 7 nabhangigo ilepublicaner," No. 0 East Hamilton street, where he carries on the business in all its ;various branches. Port Folios, Music Books, Magazines, Blank Books, &c., bound durable and tasty. Old !looks re bound at the shortest notice. Band Boxes, Fancy Boxes. &e., made to order. Copy Books, Pass books. &c., constantly on hand or made to order at short notice, Feb. 7. 5-5 w Adjourned -Court, An adjourned Court will be held an Monday the 10th of February next, at the Court House, in the Borough of Allentown, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, where all those will attend who have business to transact. ' his W. MICKLEY, Clerk. Allentown, Feb. 7. Adjourned Court. • Notice is hereby given, that an adjourned Court of Common Pleas, will be held in the Court House in the Borough of Allentown, on Monday the .10th day of February next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. F. E.S.a.uuns, Prothonotary. Allentown, Feb 7. • £-2w HMS FIRE MORI HEM Of Philadelphia.. Statement of the assets of the Company on January 1, 1855, published in conformity with the provision of the Sixth Section - of the Act of Assembly, of April sth, 1842: MORTGAGES. • Being first mortgages on real estate,'in the City and County of Philadel phia, exconw $30,950 in Montgomery, Schuylkill, Bucks and Allegheny counties, Pennsylvania, $1,353,058 56 REAL ESTATE. Purcbtfsed at Sheriff's sales under mortgage claims, viz: , Eight houses and lot, 70 by 150 feet, on the South west corner of Chestnut and Seventeenth streets, A. house and lot, 27. by 71 . s 1 feet, on North side of: Spruce street, West of Eleventh street, A house and lot, 21-7 by 100 feet, on West side of Pend Square, South of High street, Two houses and lot, each 18 by 80 feet, on South side of Spruce street, near Sixteenth street, Five houses and lots, each 17.9 by 90 feet, Nos. 159, 161, 193, 167 Dilwyn st. Three houses and lot, 49 by 54 feel, on East side of Seventeenth street, South 'ol Pine street, A lot of ground, 17 by 57 feet, on the Northeast corner of Twenty-second and Spruce streets, Hotel and lot, 50 by 81 feet, Icn the South-east corner of Chestnut and Beach streets, Five houses and lot, 42 by 86 feet, on the North side of Georg street, %Vest of Ashton - glreet, Seven houses and lot, 20 by 117 feet, on the east side of Beach street, south of Chestnut street, A house and lot, 18 by 80 feet, No. 96 Fitzwater street, east of Ninth st., A ground rent of 530, issu ing out of a lot 13.4 by 40 feet, on north Fide of Otter street, 40 feet west of Leper(' Street, • LOANS Temporary Loans, on Stocks as Collateral Security, STOCKS 510,000 Alms House Lorin; 5 per cent. (interest on). 200 Shares Bank of Ken• lucky, 17 Shares Northein Bank of Kentucky, 100 Shares Union Bank of Tennessee, 13 Shares Insurance Com pany of the State of Penn sylvania, 200 Shares Southwark Rail -37 SharVs - 1 - 7tiriligreiai and Railroad Bank Vicksburg, 300 Shares Pennsylvania Railroad company, 91 Shares Fi riklin Fire In surance Company, 2 Shares Mercantile Library Company, 24 _Shares Union Canal • Company, 10 Shares Schuylkill Rail ' road Company, Notes and Bills receivable, Unsettled Policies, ,)lerchandise, Cash on hand, 19,932 37 " in hands of agents, 7,385 21 Losses by Lcsses paid during the year 1854, By order of the Board, CHARLES N. BANCKER, President, Attest, • , • . CHARLES G. BANCKER, Secretary. Jan. 31 United States Hotel, CORNER 01? FRONT AND RACE STREETS, Calasauqua, Opposite the " American Hotel.'" The above hotel, one of the largest and most commodious in the interior of l'ennsylvaaia, .is now kept by the undersigned, who is ready ; to waif upon all who will favor him with their Pat ronage,- Every attention 'shall be paid to the comfort of his guests. The Larder will be sup. plied with the best the - markets nilbrdand the Bar . with the best Wines and Liquors. In short no pains nor expense will be spared to render the United Stales" an attractive he•lel for visi. tors. Thu public are invited to call. CHARLES NOLF, l'roprictor. . Catasauqua, Jan. 3, 1853. I—gym 3,V, `211P2 fal)mta]g, Barber and Hair Dresser, NO. 16 WEST HAMILTON STREET, AllentoWn, Pa. Who keeps his razors bright and keen, And shaves his customers so clean That they look like youths of seventeen ? • Why Pierre ! Who bows to all who enter And while he kindly smooths the skin, Gives case and comfort to the chin ? ITo, all ye Unshaved Faces, Come yo to Pierre's, No. 16 East Hamilton street, nearly opposite Moser's Drug Store, where ho carries on Barbering and Hair Dressing after the most approved city styles. tie constantly keeps on hand a largo assort. ment of Perfumery, Wigs, Curls, Brushes, Powder, Cologne, Shaving and Toilet Soap, &C., together with such a variety of articles for the toilet, as are indispensiblo to every lady and gentleman. l7For the 'accommodation of his numerous friends in East Allentown, he has established a " Tonsurial Temple" near Schimpf's Hotel. Feb. 7. . ¶-3m WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. How often it haPpona, that tho wife lingors from yeabto year in that pitlabto condition as not evon for ono day to feel the - happy and exhilarating Mu once incident to the onjoyment of health. • 'THE BLOOMING 'fa - UDE, But a roll' years ago in the flush Of health and youth, and 'buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently , in explicably; becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, dobill tated. wife, with frame u,..elited, nettles unstrung, spirits depressed, "runtenane bearing tho impross of suffering , and an utter phy cal and mental pros tration, arising from ignoranco of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with the mar. singe state, the violation of which-entails disease. suffering and misery, not only to tho wife, but often HEREDITARY COMPLAINTB IRON THE CHILDREN " UNTO TIIR TIIIRD AND 'FOURTII GENERATION," TramOnittlog CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA,,, HYPOCHONDRIA INSANITY, GOUT, KING'S EYIL , and other and - st - orse Diseases, as a "And must this continuo? Shut AI bet Is there as remedy? No relief? No hope?" The remedy is by knowing the causes and avoiding them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them. These are pointed out In THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, : BY DR. A. M. MAL:RICEAU, PROF - MOO OP DIFTFLUM OP WOKE% - • One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), /8,m0., pp. Yap, [ON FINN PAM, }SITU =ma, $1.00.] A standard work of established reputation, found clam* fn the catalogues of the great trndo sales In New York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal booksellers in the United Slates. It waa diet published, in 1847, since whirl, time FIVE HITNDRED THOUSAND COPIES havo beau sold, of which them were upwards of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL, attesting tho high estimation in which it Is hold as a re liable popular Medical 0 At Cost 82 830 30 BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the author having devoted his exclusive attentton to the. treatment of complaiots peculiar to females, In respect to. which he IA yearly consulted by thousands both In person cud by letter. Here every woman can discover, by comparing her own, symptoms with those described, the nature, charaCter, causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints. Tho wife about becoming a mother has often need of Instruction and advice of the almost importance to her future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness for bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find such in. strnetion and advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as alt, the peculiarities incident to her situation are described. flow many aro suffering from obstructions or Irregular ities peculiar to the female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they are Ignorant, and for. which their delicacy forbids necking medical advice. Many suffering from prolapses uteri (felling of the womb) or from fluor dims (weakness, debility, &c.) Many aro in constant agony for many months preceding confine ment Slany have difficult If not dangerous deliveries, and blow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are hamrded during such time, will each find in its pages the means of prevention, atnelioratiou and relief. 08,442 99 It is of course impracticable.to convey fully the various subjects treated of, as they aro of a nature strictly In tended for the married or those contemplating marriage. Reader, aro you a liusbaud or a dither? a wife or a. mother? Horn you the sincere welfare of those you love at heart? Provo your sincerity, and loco no time learning what causes interfere with their health and hap piness not less than your own. It will avoid to you and yours, as it has to thousands, ninny a day of pate and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avora.tion, and exhausting those means for Medical attendance, medicines and advertised nostrums which otherwise would provide fur declining' years. the Infirmities of are and the proper education Of In consequence of the universal popnlarity of the work, RN evidenced by DA extraordinary sate, various impost- Pons Miro been attempted, as well on booksellers as ina tho public, by imitations of title lege, spurious editions, and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other devices and deceptions, it Lea boon found necessary, therefore, to (41 Cot CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unfree the words "Dr. A. M. Ifscatexstr, 129 Liberty Street, N. Y.," is on (and the entry In the Clark's (Mice on the back of) the title page ; and boy only of respectable end honorable dealers, or send by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. 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