IF HE DOES 'NOT KNOW THAT tti ca r: o E.41:4 No. 31 East Hamilton Stree A Large Stock of New Goods; VECK & NEWHARD take this occasion • Co .11. inform " All .the world and the rest of mankind," that they haVe just completed their new stock of SPLENDID READY MADE CLOTHING, For FALL and WINTER wear, to which they invite the especial attention of all who desire to make selections from the Handsomest, Clieapest and and Best Stock that can be found in his region of the country. Their new goods, consisting of Cloths, Cussimeres, Vest ings, &c., will be found the most beautiful and superb in any other establishment in Allen town, from which customers can select and order any garment they choose, which will be made up in the beseityle r in the shortest space of time and at the lowest possible prices. A large variety of -17TOATS, PANTS, VESTS, &c.,1 Of every pattern ' variety and style, Ready made, will be found on hand at all times. Also, constantly on hand a large and choice variety of fashionable GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Such as Gloves, Hosiery, Scarfs, Shirts, Collars. Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, &c. They invite all people who desire immense bargains, to give them a call end thereby save from FIFTY to SEVENTY-FIVE per cent. in the purchase of their Fall and Winter outfit. reßemember the spot--:-Nn. 31 lust Ham ilton street, nearly opposite the German Re formed Church Odt. 17 Ir -1f 1112 4 v 0,4210 237 North Third St 2 PHILADELPHIA. THE unklersigned respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, that he is still keeping the well known Hotel at No. 237 North Third Street, called the - allercleant's _House, Which is the most convenient " home ".:ti the city, to the travelling custom. The loc lion is nearly in the centre of business and a use ment, and convenient to the principal Railroad and other Stations. He will spare no exertion or expense in furnishing his table with all the market affords. Persons visiting Philadelphia with their families, can be furnished with pri vate-rooms. A good yard and stabling is at. tached to the Hotel, so that persons visiting the , city with their own conveyances, may rest as sured that their stock is well taken cure of. la'The above House is the General Stage Office for Allentown, Easton, Bethlehem, &o. WM. H. BUSH. 5-3 m Oat. 11, 1851 Leather and Shoe Findings OUCLTa No. 34 East Hamilton 'Street. nearly opposite Sager's Hardware Store, The undersigned have just opened at the ni]ove stand, in connection with the Tan Yard, recently carried on by their father,Ja cab Messer, with a complete assortment of LEATHER of every pescription,. and Shoe Findings, which . comprises all articles used by Shoemakers, such as al LP SKINS, MOROCCOS, UPPER LE.4THER, LININGS, &c. A general assortment of Hemlock and Oak Sole Leather, constantly kept on hand. Also Flarncss, and all other Leathers for saddlers. Being both practical Tanners, we feel confident in warranting every article sold by us as represented. We therefore_ hope by fair dealing and low prices to merit a liber al share of patronage. _ . W. K. &J. K. MOSSER. Allentown, September 13. VICEN ell TRU S SVAS WEIGHING LESS THAN 21 OUNCES. For the Cure of Bernie:. or .Ruptures Acknowledged by the highest medical au. tborities-of Philadelphia, incomparably su .perior to any other in use. Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now offera to procure not only the lightest and most easy, but as durable a Truss as any other, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncom, joriable article usually sold. There is no difficulty attending the fitting, and when the pad is located, it will retain its position with out change. Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber, can have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting.. Five Dollars for the double—with, measure round the hips, and stating side affected. It will be exchanged to suit if. not fitting,.by returning it at once, unsoiled: For sale only by the Importer. CALEB H. NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth dt Race St. Phil- CrLadies, requiring the benefit of .Me. • o ical ..S7upporta, owing to derangement t i t kernelb Organs, including Falling of • pl ervouo b, Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, ed that a co ,Spinal Weakness, are inform . will be in aiia N n lent and experienced LADY for their exdusii4 e at the Rooms l (set apart St.. Ist door below R ') No. 114, TWELFTH Jtruo2fft 1864: —IY—SS Ol'. l="0-TaLT-1OCMEK. IS A KNOW NOTHING . The Great Sea Serpent SUPPOSED TO BE BETWEEN ONE AND TWO HUNDRED' FEET LONG, Was again seen by Capt. Clipper, of the Brig Arrow. He reports a trement.ons ISMAIL.3O3ELP=INT'X' (on the old serpent ground, MI Nahant,) which has caused considerable excitement in that vi. tinily; but nothing to be compared with that now existing about the new and splendid stock of clothing now offered for sale at 1311EINIG, NELIGH & BREINIG'S ••••••1 I=l.. - a ea. Nima PEINSYLVIIIM MS DA lila NO. 2, HAMILTON STREET, Vav Their stock comprises every iety of Read Made Clothing that may be four; ' 1 bre-larg•st establishments in Philadelphia a New York, and they invite merchants and dealers, who buy wholesale, to call and examine before making their purchasers. Our goods are made Up expressly for the country trade, and we can satisfy all who call that they can procure a bettor stock of us at CHEAPER RATES than any where else. . . They also have on hand an extensire stock of Cloths, Cassinieres, Satins, Silk Vestings, &e., of every description, which they can make up at short notice, and in the mat fashionable styles. Dealers wanting a lot of any particular article made up, can haveihern on short notice by sending in their order. (* -- CUSTOMER WORK will be attended to as asual, and all fits warranted. Two of the firm being practical Tailors, the public need have no fears but that their garments will . suit. Thankful 4.0 r past favor=, they hope by fair dealing and laid prim; to still etjay the patron• ago of the public. Remember, all who want _Clothing, that the Pennsylvania Hall, at the old atone corner, is the place. 131ZEINIG ) NELIGH & BREINIG. aitobe: It, 1854. EDSPORTA..NT NEWS AT No. 17 West Hamilton Stree OPPOSITE THE ODD FELLOWS' HALL. r ILIE undersigned having entered into co partnership as wholesale and retail deal ern in BootS, Shoes, Trunks, &c,, under the fitm of Mertz Roney, beg eave to inform their friends and cusanners, and the public generally, that they have just received in addition to their present stock, a very large and heavy lot of Boots and Shoes, of City and Eastern vanufacture, comprising Sixty-five Boxes - - . containing over twelve hundred pair of all possible styles, sizes and prices, which they are able to sell at reduced prices. Among others, they have a Men's Boots from $1 50 to $3 00 Ladies' Shoes from 75 to 1 10 Boy's Boots and Shoes 50 to 1 50 Mississ and Children's Shoes 373 to 100 Country Merchants will find it to their ad• vantage to call and examine our stock, as we feel confident that we can supply them with Boots and Shoes at the very lowest City prices. We also constantly keep on hand a large as, sortment of our own fnanufaeture. All cue. tomer work neatly made to order, and re. pairing done at the shortest notice. We feel thankful for past favours and patronage, and by a strict attention to our business we hope to merit a continuance. Please call at No. 17 West Hamilton street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Mall.• ELIAS Al ERTZ, JAMES RONEY. Allentown, 04.itober 4, 1854. _axles S. liffassey, JCK AND WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWELRY, &c., NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET OPPOSITE .TIIE GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH. p, ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and It the public in general, that he has just returned from the city of New York where he has purchased, and now offers for sale a full as• sortment of goods in his line of business. , CLOCKS of all styles and pat. terns, Gold and Silver Watches, Told, Silver, and other Match Chains, Watch Keys acid Seals, gold and silver Pencils, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Medallions, Cuff Pins, Gold and Steel Pens, Silver, table and tea spoonkdEolians, Ac. cordeons, Musical BOxe .e lutes, Fifes, Spy Glasses, Pocket Comps es, Gold, Silver and other Spectacles, suitabl for all ages, together with each and every ticle belonging to his branch of busines. prices are as low and liberal as they will e found in our seaboat'd towns, and his goods 14-always prove to be what they are represented. He will not palm off brass ea' rings for gold, nor tin ware for silver. Clocks and watches will be repaired, and mending attended to as formerly, and he will be responsible (kir hisvork one year. He also re. pairs musical boxes, accordeons, &c. He is grateful for past favours, and hopes for a con, ifnuance of the same. Allentown, October 4,1854 C. S. MASSEY. . 1— 3 PRICE COMMISSION MIIICILINTS. Fleming & Brother, Dealers in BUTTER. . CHEESE. LARD. DRIED FRUIT, • And PRODUCE generally, No. 40 Soutl Water Street, Philadelphia. VlTConsignmenta of Produce respectfully so licited. November 8. To the Millinery Trade, John Stone Sons, 'lmporters and dealers in French Milli nery Goods, No. 45, South Second Street, Philadelphia, are now prepared to oiler their customers — Clod the trade, an unusually large and well selected assortment of • RIBBON/ay SAS: S, VELVETS. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, LACES, .find every article appertaining to the • Millinery trade. stock being of our direct impor tation,trs great advantages both in styles and prices. Philadelphia . , Sep American Artists' Union! nHE AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION would a respectfully announce to the citizens of the United States and the Canadas, that for the pur pose of cultivating a taste for the fine arts throughout the country, and with a view of ena• bling every family to become possessed of a gallery of Engravings by the first ARTISTS OF TILE AGE, They having determined, in order to create an extensive sale for their Engravings, and thus not only give, employment to a large number of artists and others, but inspire among our coun• trymen a taste for works of att, to present . to the purchasers of their engravings, when 250,000 of which ate sold, . , • 250,000 Off is of actualicosi of $150,000. Eachpurchaser of aOn Dollar Engraving, therefore, receives not on Engraving richly worth the money, but als oa ticket which entitles him to one of the Gifts - When they are distributed FOR FIYE DOLLARS, : rgfiTysknished Engraving, beautifully painted in nil, and — FtrE — GlFT TICKETS. will be sent, or Five Dollars worth of splendid Engravings can be selected from the Catalogue, and sent by return mail or express. A copy of the Catalogue, together with a spe, cimen of one of the Engravings, can be seen at the (Ace of this paper. For each Dollar sent, an Engraving actually worth That sum, and a Gift Tickel,uull immedi, vilely be forwarded. The Committee, believing that the success of this GREAT NATIONAL UNDERTAKING will be ma• terially promoted by the energy and enterprise of intellil,►ent and persevering Agents have re. solved to treat with such on the most liberal terms. . . Any person wishing to become an Agent, by sending (post paid) one dollar, will receive by return of mail, a One Dollar Engraving, a „ GIFT TICKET,". a Prospectus, rt Catalogue, and all other necessary information. On the final completion ,qf the sale, the Gifts will be placed in the hands of a Committee of the purchasers to be distributed,.clae notice of which will be given throughout the United States and the Canadas. 100 Marble busts'of , Wltshington, at $lOO $lO,OOO 100 Clay 100 10,000 100 Webster 100 10,000 00 . 4 Calhoun 100 10,000 50 elegant Oil Paintings, in splendid franse, size, 3x4 feet each 100 5,000 00 elegant Oil Paintings, 2x3 feet each 500 steel plate Engravings, brilliant. ly colored in oil, rich gilt frames 24x30 inches each 10,000 elegant steel plate Engravings colored in oil, of the Washing, ton Monument, 20x20 inches each 237,000 steel plate engravings, from 100 different plates now in pos session of and owned by the Ar, lists' Union, of the market value of from 50 cents to $1 each 41.000 1 first class Dwelling, in Thirty 41,000 First street, New York City ' 12,000 22 Building Lots in One Hundred and One Hundred and First streets New York City, each 25x100 feet deep, at 1,000 - 22,000 100 Villa Sites, containing each 10,000 square feet, in the suburbs of New York City, and corn, manding, a magnificent view of the Hudson river and Long Is. land Sound. at 500 50,000 20 perpetual loans of .cash, without interest or security, of $250 each, 5,000 50 4 , o .4 100 each, 5,000 00 ~ " 50 each, 5.000 250 4 , . o ~ 4, 20 each, • 5,000 2,000 ~ a, 5 each, 10,000 Reference in regard to the Real Estate, P. J. Visseher & Co., Real Estate Brokers, New Yid lc. Orders, (post paid.) with money inclosed, to be addressed, J. W. HOLBROOKE, Secretary, 505 Broadway, New York. reThe Engravings in the Catalogue are not , " ready for delivery. Nov. 8 Livery Stable, The subscriber informs • -*`: the public that he has pur ~amCi chased the entire stock of " Horses, Carriages, 4-c. comprising the Livery Stable of William R. Leh, in the borough of Allentown. He has added a number of beautiful New Carriages to his stock, as well as increased the number o 6 Horses, He is therefore prepared to fur nish all who may favor him with a call with GOOD and SAFE HORSES, rind Vehi cles of every description, from a first class eight-horse Qmnibus to a Sulky of single horse. By itrict attention to business, and a de sire to please, he hopes to merit a liberal share of patronage. Charges moderate. ITMarge parties will be furnished with conveyances, with or without drivers, on the most reasonable terms. EiPGive him a call, at the old stand of Charles Sengreaves, first stable in Church Alley, north of Hamilton street. PETER HELLER. Allentown, August 2, 1854. ¶.—Gm Dr,. 3. V. "Barnes, .11.E.VT1ST. Informs his friends, and the pub- ISa lic in general, that he still performs all operations on the teeth, and treats diseases of the gums and alveoler processes• in the most effectual and skillful manner. His mode of inserting artificial teeth, cannot be surpassed, for comfort to the wee . rer and duribility and beautifulness inappear ance. The general satisfaction he has given for years, has been duly appreciated by the public. Office N 0.48, East Hamilton street, a few doors East of Pretz, Guth & Co's store, op posite Bechtels American Hotel. December 0, 1853. 11—ly ' DR. CH ARLES NEIL, MO al a' C ll 4 ZS cf 2 a NO.. 309 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A T the late State Agricultural Fair, hold at Philadelphia, received a SILVER MEDAL, the highest award for exhibition or skill in his profession. He refers to this, and to his at. ready extensive practice, as a guarantee to all who have occasion for his service., that his work and orders generally in his line, will be scientifically and skilfully performed. Dr. NEIL pledges himself to the lowest terms, and all reasonable 'dispatch,. with those who laver him wilVheir calls. _J Nov. 1 11-8 m AGENTS LIST OF GIFTS. 50 5,000 10 5,000 4 40,000 X-Gm X-ly THE WHOLE WORLD. $300,000 WORTH OF GIFTS, for the subscribers to the Mammoth Pictorial of The Whole World, Published simultaneously in the three cities of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, as soon as 300,000 subscriptiocs are obtained ; and having already an actual circulation of about 200,000, it is now certain the Distributnin will soon take place. Among the extraordinary LIST OF GIFTS, (being one for every ticket issued,) are Professor Hart's Elegant Country Seat, • valued at A Magnificent City Residence, A Cash Loan for 100 years, without in. west or security, AO'ding Lots, Elegant Piano Forte''Ss, Work°us, Gold Watches, Bracelets, Rings, Books of Travels in the Old and New World, by Prof. Hart ; Real Estate, &c., &., in all numbering Every single remittance of $l, secures one year's subscription to the Mammoth Pictorial, and the gratuity of a Gift Ticket, which entitles the holder to one share in the 300,000 Gifts. Thus every person investing in this stupendous Enterprise receives the worth of his or her money, in subscription to a first class journal, (the greatest and most interesting Pictorial of age,) besides a Gift for each subscription which may prove an immense fortune to the receiver. For complete List ( of Gifts, and full and ex. plicit particulars in regard to the great Enter prise, Distribution, &c., see a copy of TILE WHOLE. WORLD, which will be promptly sent; free of charge, where desired by letter post paid. The Whole World may also be seen at the offices of all papers containing this advertise ment, where information may be obtained in re. gard to the paper and Enterprise. • ,itgents, Postmasters, and Ladies desirous of liferative and at the same time genteel emproy_ meet, should not fail to see a copy of The Whole World, which contains by far the motet liberal inducements ever offered to agents in the way of immense premiums, gifts, commissions, &17:., whereby any person, with ordinary activity, can easily, make $l,OOO arid upwards, per year; to which fact the agents we already have can cer. tify. Secure the, Pictorial, and become' wise, rich, and happy. Correspondents must write their address— Name Post office. County, and State, Plain and Distinct, or it will be their own fault if they fail to get an answer. Adhere to this, and all returns will be promptly sent wherever desired, in any part of the world. Uri( any orders are received after the 300,.. 000 subscribers are obtained, the money will be promptly returned, postpaid, to the persons sending it. , letters and remittances for the Pie.to. F ria', With Gift Tickets, must invariably. he ad, dressed postpaid, to prof. J. WOODMAN HART, World's Hall. l l3roadway, New York, there being the only office for the G.ft Enterprise. But remittances for the Pictorial without Gift Tickets, may he sent to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, Hart's Buildings, Chesnut street, Phila delphia, Pa., there being the principal editorial and publication office Nov. 22, 3114cinnitil against bi) FIRE. THE FRAALIN FIRE' INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1631 CHESNUT STREET Near Fifth Street. STATEMENT or ASSETS, $1,525,949 GB, • January Ist, 185.1, Publlishett ogrecabl3- to :iii Act OF ASSEMBLY BEING, First Mortgages, amply secured, $1,199,264 48 Real Estate (present value $llO,- 000) cost. Temporary Loans, on ample Cola teral Securities. 130,774 .21: Stocks (present value $76,191) cost. 63,085 5 Cash, &c. &c., 50,665 5' • 81,825, 68 PERPETUAL ORLIMITED INSURANCES m 4O ade on every description of property, in . . _ TOWN AND CO'NTRY, at rates as low as are consistan t with security. Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-four years, they have paid over direr millions dollars Loss nv FIRE, thereby af fording evidence of the advantage of Insur ance, as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness II liabilities. ' eclors : Charles N. Bancicer, IV d. D. Lewis. 'robins Wagner, doip. E Rorie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown., Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, Geo. W. Richards,' Isaac Lea, CHARLES N. BACKER, President. CIIARLES G. BANCKER, Secretary, f' The subscribers are the appointed Agents of the 'above mentio ed Institution, ant are now prepared to eke insurances 31,1 on every description of roperty, at the low est rates. A. L 1-IE, Allentown. . '. 13LECH, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 1854. 11--:1y Special Notice. Having disposed of the "Lehigh Regis ter" printing establishment, and engaged in business that will require all the means at my command, I earnestly request • all per sons indebted in my books for subscription, advertising, jobbing work, or otherwise, to make payment at an early day, as the books of the establishment ought to be settled up without delay. There are a number of old accounts especially, which have been stand ing for years, some as much our own fault perhaps as the debtors, where liquidation would now be of material. service. lam found as heretofore at the "Old Stand" nex door to the German Reformed Church Allentown, Sept. 27. 11 CHICK TO Mile MOB Profitable and Honorable Employment I T he subscriber is desirous of basing an agent in each county and town - of the Union. A capital of from 5 to $lO only will be re quired, and anything like an efficient, ener getio man can (make from - three to five dollars per day ;—.indeed sortie of the Agents now ern; ployed are realiiing twice that sum. Every information will be given by addressing, (post paid,) WM. A. KINSLER, Box 601, Philadelphia, Pa., Poet Office. Nov. 15. $`25,000 17,000 MO Fine Gold Lapine Watches 20 to $24 " Detached .4 W . ) to :15 " - full Jew'el. Pat. Lever. 40 to 75 " Hunting Case .• 45 to 125 Silver Lapine Watches 9to 12 Detached 12 to. 16 .. Patent Lever " 12 to 25 " Hunting Pat. bev. watches, 20 to 85. Yankee Clocks, 1,25 to 3,00 S day Clocks, 3,50 to 6,00 .. Iron Frame splendidly engraved 5 to 15 Gold Breast pins, from 50 cts. to $lO 00 .. Ear rings 2ri cis. to 10 00 He nl. o keeps on hand a fur assortment of Gold and Silver spectacles and Spectable Glasess, purses, port monies, &c Alusical instruments such as violins, vio lin strings, Musical Boxes, Accordiabs, 11 of which are sold at wholesale or retail,and at prices far below what they ever were sold in this place. , Persons in want of Jewelry will find it to be their advantage to give them a call be fore purchasing elsewhere, as they feel con fidont of satisfying all who may favor them with their patronage. blr. ILICO, is well known in this place as a skillful mechanic, and all his work will be warranted. Every article sold by them, is warranted o be what it is sold for, and no mistake Clock and watch makers throughout the country, will do well to give them a call as they will sell at wholesale and retail eve ry article kept in their line of business. rirThrough the aid of one of Bottum's Patent improved universal Lathe Chucks, they are enabled to make repairs on clocks, watches and all kinds of Jewelry; much cheaper than the old way of working, conse quently this particular branch of the busi ness will be punctually attended to and done up on the niost reasonable terms Allentown, June 14, 1854 IT- 6 m 82,139 87 nCI eCiaI f riCat 7 OCCOM2CC.DOCCODLICIM c.) Lf E. W. Ecker g t's o a NV.IIOLESALE AND. DETAIL 0 liTobacco, Snuff and Segal 1, QU I C)M1.1 9 aNo. 30, East Hamilton Street, h i ALLENTOIVIV, PA. 6 17'GOODS ALL IVARRAN7ED. I tiJuly 20. ll--ly accoacacsoaciarnmanceaccoaccoaeo The Best and Cheapest Stock of • Boots Shoes, Gat sahib. umgdkid tors. Gums, &c., in the city, at -•• •!..: Dunbarr's 76, South Second St. Philadelphia, (corner of Carters Street.) Being mostly of histo own manufacture, he guarrantees them wear ; and will sell— wholesale or retail as cheap as the cheapest. Easy Shoes for Old Ladies. Plain and Fancy Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c., always on hand in great variety, for Boys,, Youth, Misses and Children. Prices.—Ladies Gaiters, of every quality and siyle, from $1 to $2,50. ajnts' Calf Skin Boots, from $3 to $5, Patent Leather Shoes, Getter Boots, Congress Boots, But ten Boots, &c., from $1,50 to $4,50. Gum Boots, Shoes, Sandles, Clogs,al ways on hand. WOW Gunn bought and repaired. June 28, 1854; • *_ly A.L.RUHE. lOWA TC FES' 9- JEWELRY" SILVERWARE Ei fAIEY SEEES. A Choice Assortment of the Flitt Quality, for sale at the lowest cash prices, at HIM/ Cs. Ritonherks"g, No. 18.1 South Second Street, between Pine and Union, West side, r y The assortment erttleaees t, r ,, c and select stock of 'Fine A a ' tches, Jewelly, S.I v er Wale, Alhata Ware, lated with line Silver, in Simons, Forks, Ladles , &c.—Jet Goods, Vans, and Fancy Articles of a superior quality, deserKing the ex..• amination of those who desire to to procure the best goods at the Lowest Cash Prices. Having a practical knowledge of the bositte,is, and till available facilities (or Importing arid Manufacturing, the subscriber confidently in vites purchasers, believing that he can Apply them on terms ai lavorable as any other estab• lisliment in either of the Atlantic cities. C 5 All kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewelry .1 .'ilver Ware manufactured to order, within a rea%ortable time. CP - Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware la ully repaired. Will. Q ELTONIILAD, No. 184 Smith Second Street, a few doors above the 2nd St. Market, West Side. In the S null window of the Sir - ire, may be seen the lemons BIRD CLOCK, which commands the admiration of the scientific and puriouF. Oct. 4, 1851 Cl cap a4"cs, P. <4 t''° MEI '-C - Al No. 21, WEST HAMILTON STREET, A LLENTOWN YANKEE CLOCKS FROIII $1,25 to 66,00 Joseplk EL ilko tt; Co. Adopt this method to inform their friends and the public in general, that they have lately established themselves in the above business at No. 21, WI:ST HMIILTON STREET, where they will exhibit for sale an assort ment of goods, lately purchased in New York and Philadelphia, such as CLOCKS WATCHES AND JEWELRY. The following is a list of their articles and prices: IDY23 aovaaa. The undersigned give notie agreeably to the Laws of Pennsylvania, th at they pur pose making application at the next term. of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the in corporation of a Bank : to be located in the Borou - gh of Catasanqua, and County of Le high, under the name, style and,title of the Bank of Cotasapquay to have general banking and discounting privileges. `The capital to be Two Hos- DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, With the right of increasing it to TIME HUNDRED THOUSAND DoLLAn3 ;and to commence operations when the said sum of Two Hundred Thousand. Dollars shall have been paid in. Joseph Laubach, 11. Stellwagen, Sag. 11. Gilbert, Charles Graffin, illiam Getz, Chas. G. Schnelkr,.. Isaac E. Chandler, S. IL Lacier, 11. F. Straw!, • Levi. Haas,. Charles Noll, Owen Rice, Autos Rchrig, J. IV. Fuller,. Joseph Lazarus, F. 11. Martin, (harks Scigly, Joshua Hunt,jr.,. Thomas Frederick, John Thomas,,' tiriah Brunner, John Williams, Reuben Patterson, Samuel Colver. • June 28, 1854. " EEO Notice is hereby given, that application will be tnade ht the next meeting f the Leg. isluture of Pennsylvania, to pass an act for the Incorporating of a Bank of discount and deposit, to be located in the Borough of Al lentown in the County of Lehigh, to be known by the name, style and title of : 444 La gi ,--. IR, 16)CIO with a Capital stock of ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS, with leave to increase said Capital to TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Dm: -. , Lim, if necessary. 3. G. Reninger, J. C. Rithe, T. B. fkilson, Joseph Weiss, Smos Ettinger, C. Lichtenwalner, Owen. Saeger. T. B. Weidner,' .1. F. Newhard, Charles Heck, 1I J. Boyer, Christian Pretz, C. S. MaWy. W. S. Young, Allentown, June 28. 11-6 m WIEDER & BUYER S IVDOLESALE AND RETAIL . Manufacturers and Dealers jliS r mcoiced and opened, the largeet and Lest u , snrime.nt nl Stoner Martin, Silvea Martin, Filch, and other lc Sun: ever exhibited here, being, frOsh from the citT,, and well worthy of an early call, as they will no doubt go with a rush. Walk in Ladino, and Leo ro r ;yoursel ves. Oar stock annelids is part of the following articles: Victorines. of every kind. front $1 to $50,, French Victorines and Cuffs, Mtiffettees, Russian Filch, Short Lynx Capes nhd Cuffs. Imitation Sable and Black Gennens, • Cony Victorities, White , In short all kinds of:FURS that Spotted canVictorines be found n New York and Philadelyhin, and at all prices IlraTS •91.7071 C•9ll°S. Our assortment of !fats and Caps is full—the best by far ever offered. It requires no bragging —take pattern from no country shops but der rived from head quarters.," and will ' be pay terned after by others, as the past has shown. IVe also manufacture hats and no mistake, as. you can see for yourself by calling; so don't be deceived by those who would be the only mann. facturers, as there are a few more of the same sort. Then go to' Wieder & Boyer, and get a good and fashionable article. Thankful for . .past favours, they respectfully ask a continuance of the same. T-6m Nim. 15 REEVE L. KNIGHT, [Successor to Hartley &Knighla Bedding ,. and Carpet WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Second Street, Philadelphia, Where he keeps constantly op hand a full sortment of every arise in his line of business, Feathers, :Featherbed% Patent. Spring Matresses, Curled ' Hair, Mims, Corn Husk and Straw Matresses,. Velvet Tapestry, beautiful Brussels, Three- Ply, Ingrain. Venetian, List, Rag and . Hemp. Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Canton !Wettings, Cocoa. and Spanish Mailings, Floor and Stair Drug. gets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Table and• Piano Covers, to which he respectfully invites, the attention of purchasers. Oct. 11,d85-1. TREZLER & BUSH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IS .3M Gr AND vortiaaao MANUFACTURERS, eV ' O. 230 Morn'. Third St.,, Above Callowhill Street, westsside, • Philadelphia. WlMeasra. Trexler & Bueh respectfully in. vite the attention of Country Merchants, Man. ufacturera and Shopkeepers throughout Lebildt, , Northampton, Carbon; Schuylkill, Barks, and other adjoining Counties, to their very large. and extensivo etobk of Leaf and Manufactured Tobacco, of all kinds, at the lowest •possible . prices. 7-4131!" Out. 11, 1854.. Job Printing, Netttlr executed at the "Ropier 0111ico.:7:. ~'O~i~~G~~ o 'The Allentown Bank,' WIEDER & BOYER. 1-4ak 111y--Bit;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers