Election Proclamation. Pursuant to the act of the General Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 2d day of July, 1838.1, NATHAN WEILER, Sheriff of Lehigh, do hereby give public notice to the electors of the aforesaid county, that a General Election will be held in the said county, on the second Tuesday in October next (which will be the 1 1th of said month,) for the purpose of choosing by ballot. ONE PERSON for Governor of the Corn. monwealth of Pennsylvania ; ONE PERSON for Canal Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; ONE PERSON for Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; ONE PERSON to represent the district composed of the counties of Lehigh and Bucks in Congress of the United States; TWO PERSONS to represent the dis trict composed to the, counties of Lehigh and Carbon in the Legislature of Pennsylvania ; ONE PERSON for Prothonotary of Le high county. ONE PERSON for Register of Lehigh county. ONE PERSON for Clerk of the courts of Lehigh ceunty. ONE PERSON for Recorder of Lehigh county. ONE PERSON for Commissioner of the county of Lehigh ; ONE PERSON for Director of the Poor in the county of Lehigh ; ONE PERSON for Auditor of the coun ty of Lehigh ; TWO PERSONS for Trustees of the Acadamy in Allentown ; The electors of the county of Lehigh aforesaid, on the said second Tuesday of Oc tober next, will meet at the Severe] districts composed of the boroughs and the several townships following to wit: The electors of the North ward, in the borough of Allentown, will hold their elec tion at the house of Samuel Moyer. The electors of South Ward, in the bor ough of Allentown, at the house of George Wetherhold. The electors of Lehigh ward, at the house of J. T. Klepinger. The electors of Salisbury township, at the house of John Yost, in said township. The electors of South Whitehall, town ship, at the house of Alexander W. Loder, in said township. The electors of Hanover township, at the house of Charles Ritter, in Rittersville. The electors of Upper Saucon township, at the house of Daniel Cooper in Coopers burg. The electors of Catasauqua, at the house Nathan Fegley, in said borough. The electors of Weisenburg township, at the house of Joshua Seiberling, in said township. The electors of ileidelburg township, at the house of Henry German, in said town ship. The electors of Washington township, at the house of D. & C. Peter, in said town ship. The electors of North Whitehall town ship, at the house of Jacob Roth, in said township. The electors of Lowhill township, at the house of Jacob E. Zimmerman, in said town ship. The electors of Upper Macungie town ship, at the house of Addison Erdman, in Fogelsville. The electors of Lower Macungie town ship, at the house of Henry Mohr, in Mil lerstown. The electors of Upper Milford township, at the house of George Beck, in said town ship. The electors of Lower Milford township, at the house of Henry Dillinger, in said township. The electors of Lynn township, at the house of David Bleiler, in said township. A INT ACT For the suppression of the Manufacture and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors, as a be- terage. WHEREAS, all laws, to be efficient, should have the appiobation and sanction of the people. And Whereas, It is represented that a large number, if not a majority of the citi zens of this Commonwealth, are deadly im pressed with the necessity of the passage of a Prohibitory Liquor Law: And Whereas, It is impossible to obtain a certain indication of popular sentiment re lating thereto by means of petitions and re monstrances; Therefore, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of f the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, in General .fissemblymet, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the qualifi ed voters of this Commonwealth aro hereby. authorized at the places for holding the General Elections in their respective wards, boroughs and townships, on the second Tuesday of October, next, to vote fur and against a law which shall entirely prohibit by proper and constitutional regulations and penalties, the manufacture and sale of intox icating liquors, except for medical, sacra mental, mechanical and artistical purposes. ' SECTION 2. That the officers authorized by law to hold elections in each ward, bor ough and township, of this Commonwealth, ore hereby directed and required at the place fixed by law, in the several districts for the holding of the general elections in said districts, on the second Tuesday of Oc tober, next, when they shall be organized as an election board, to receive from each qualified voter of their said districts, a ticket written or printed on the outside, "Prohibi tory Liquor Law," and the tickets in favor of the proposed law shall contain in the in side, the words, 'Tor a Prohibitory Liquor Law," and those opposed to the proposed law, shall contain in the inside, the• words, , Atainstthe Prohibitory Liquor Law' which votes.shall be counted, and returned to the cenikhonse of the counties orcity in which the said election shall be held, on the follow- ing Friday, by the return judges, who shall cast up and certify allthe votes polled in eaid county or city, to the office of the Sec retary of the Commonwealth, at Harrisburg, directed and transmitted in the same man ner the votes for Governor are required to be directed and transmitted, and the said Secret tory shall, on the third Friday of January, uext, ensuing, communicate--the said re turns to the Legislature, to be opened and counted in the same manner the votes for Governer are opened and counted, and con sidered as the prayer of the voters of this Commonwealth, relative to a Prohibitory Li quor Law. SECTION 3. That all the election laws of the State prescribing the hours of opening and closing the polls, the reception of votes, `the punishment for illegal voting, the de fraying of the expenses of publication and holding of the general elections and return of the same and all other matters incident thereto, to be and the same are declared ap plicable to the election above authorized. SECTION 4. That it shall be the duty of the Sheriffs of the several counties of this Commonwealth, to insert a copy of this act in the proclamation for the general election to be held on the second Tuesday of Oc tober next. • E. B. CHASE. Shenker of the House Representatives. 111.'M'CASLIN, Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED - The twenty•eight day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fif ty four. The General Election in the said several districts to be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall con tinue without interruption or adjournment until seven in the evening—when the polls shall be closed. NOTICE IS HEREDIC GIVEN, That every person except Justices of the Peace, Militia and Borough officers, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the United States or any city or corporated district, whether a com missioner, officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legislative, execu tive or judiciary department of this State, of the United States, or any incorporated dis trict, and - also that every member of the State Legislature, and of the select or com mon council of any city, or commissioners, of any incorporated district, is by law inca pable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of judge in spector or clerk, of any election of this Com monwealth, and that no other officer of such election shall be eligible to be voted for. The return Judges to meet at the Court House in the borough of Allentown, on Fri day, the 14th day of October, 1854. NATHAN WEILER, Sheriff. COD SAVE TIIE COMMONWEALTII. Sheriff's Office, Sep. 6, 1854. WO V a CO Ul co The undersigned give notice, agreeably to the Laws of Pennsylvania, that they pur pose making application at the next term of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the in corporation of a Bank : to be located in the Borough of Catasauqua, and County of Le high, under the name, style and title of the Bank of Catasauqua, to have general banking and discounting privileges. The capital to be Two aux DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, with the right o increasing it to THREE HUNDRED TIIOUSAN DOLLARS ; and to commence operations When the said sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars shall have been paid in. Joseph Laubach, Stellwamen, .slug. H. Gilbert, Charles Grailin, William Getz, Chas. G. Schncller, Isaac E. Chandler, S. H. Lacier, B. F. Stroud, Levi Haas, Charles Aroy, Owen Rice, Isaias Rehrig, J. IP. Fuller, Joseph Lazarus, F. B. Martin, Charles Seigly, Joshua Hunt, jr., Thomas Frederick, John Thomas, Uriah Brunner, John rilliams, Reuben Patterson, Samuel Colver. . Juno 28, 1854. ¶--61n ITOVIIV/Oc) Notice is hereby•given, that application will be made at the . next meeting the Leg islature of Pennsylvania, to pass an act for the Incorporating of a Bank of discount and deposit, to be located in the Borough of Al lentown in the County of Lehigh, .to be known by tho name, style and title of 'The Allentown Hank,' with a Capital stock of ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS, with l e ave to increase said Capital to Two HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS, if necessary. .7. C. Reninger, J. F. Ruhc. 'I. B. Wilson, Joseph Weiss, :Nmos Ettinger, C. Lichtenwalner, Owen Saeger, T. B. Weidner, J. F. New lard, harks Keck, IV. .1. Boyer, Christian Prctz, C. S. Massey. W. S. nun°. o , • ' Allentown, Juno 28. - ¶—Om Garden Truck. The undersigned takes this method to in form the citizens of Allentown, and vicinity, that he has rented the ' , Truck Island". in Allentown, formerly occupied by Mr. James Smiley, where he has raised the present sea son, and now offers for sale all kinds of Garden and Field Vegetables, such as Potatoes . , Cabbage; Tomatoes, Un ions, Cucumbers, Squashes, Corn and every other kind that comes into season. His prices aro liberal and his truck al ways fresh. His stand is in Seventh Street, near the Public Squsre, in • front of Mrs. Boas' house, where he will be happy to ac commodate his customers with all that is nice and fresh in the Vegetable line. He thinks that by. punctual attendance to business, he will merit a. liberal share of public.patronage • JONN M. METZGER. Allentown, August 2, 1854, ¶-2m Ilankee (glorlis anb Jewelry, Good Watch Glasses 61 2 rNk ti,‘ ),__ , - 7) 1 r ' , pk-4-41 . _,,, , i_....-4-..ii!. , ,14.----.4,-....... 11.--... Adopts this method to inform their friends and the public in general, that they have lately established th'emselves in the above business at where they will exhibit for sale an assort ment of goods, lately purchased in New York and Philadelphia, such as - CLocks WATCHES AND J WELRY. The following is a list of their articles and prices : Fine Gold Lupine Watches 20 to $24 " " Detached " 'l5 to 85 " " full Jew'el. Pat. Lever, 40 to 75 " " Hunting Case " " 45 to 125 Silver Lapine Watches 9to 12 " Detached " 12 to 16 " Patent Lever " 12 to 25 " Hunting I'at. Lev. watches, 20 to 35 Yankee Clocks, 1,25 to 3,00 " 8 day Clocks, 3,50 to 6,00 " Iron Frame splendidly engraved 5 to 15 Gold Breast pins, from 50 cts. to $lO 00 " Ear rings 25 cts. to 10 00 WM. BIGLER. .12POVEk He also keeps on hand a full assortment of Gold and Silver spectacles and Spectable Glasess, purses, port monies, &c. Musical instruments such as violins, vio lin strings, Musical Boxes, Accordians of which are sold at wholesale or retail,u..,i at prices far below what they ever were sold in this place. Persons in want of Jewelry will find it to be their advantage to give them a call be fore purchasing elsewhere, as they feel con fident of satisfying all who may favor them with their patronage. Mr. ILKO, is well known in this place as a skillful mechanic, and all his work will be warranted. Every article old by them, is warranted o be what it is sold for, and no mistake Clock and watch makers throughout the country, will do well to give them a call as they will sell at wholesale and retail eve ry article kept in their line of business. rirThrough the aid of one of Bottum's Patent improved universal Lathe Chucks, they are enabled to make repairs on clocks, watches and all kinds of Jewelry, much cheaper than the old way of working, conse quently this particular branch of the busi ness will be punctually attended to and done up on the, most reasonable terms. Allentown, June 14, 1854. If-6m pcnnovluania 4,ll.luOing tjall. Braid& Neligh and Breinig, South East corner of Ilamiltortand SeOenth Street, dillentown. n their friends and the public in gen eral, that they have entered into Partner ship in the Merchant Tailoring Business, ztely followed by Neligh :ncl Breinig, and intend to :ontinue the same more ex tnsive than ever. They terefore adopt this measure J inform their old customers, Ind "hundreds of new ones" tat they will at their new ttablishment, present the Fashionable Goods, ever brought to this piwoo, anti staving pur °hazed ierniladelphia and New York For Cask it enables them to sell lower than any other establishment of the kind in Allentown. They have selected their Goods with an eye to durability and fancy, and have none but the latest styles in the market. Their stock of Goods among other articles, consist of Cloths of all colors and prices, Cassimers, of French and American manufacturers ; Vestings, Silk Velvets, Satins, Sillth ' Wors terd and other descriptions,figured and plain, Shirts and Shirt-collars, Stocks, Cravats, Handkerchiefs,Hose, Suspenders, &c., be sides. many other articles coming in their line of business, and all will be sold at the lowest prices. Their stock of Readymade Clothing, comprises every thing in the clothing line, Irons an over-coat down to an under-shirt, made up after the latest and most fashiona ble styles. There stock being so e::tensive, that none will leave it, unless fitted from the "bottom to the top" Customer Work, will be done up as usual, and for.their work they are willing to be held responslble, two of the firm being practical . workman in the "art of cutting," and all the work is made up • under their own supervision. tar They would also particularly • inform Country Merchants, that they are now pre- • pared to sell at Wholesale and Retail, hav ing the largest Stock of Spring and Summer Clothing on hand ever offered in Allentown, and will be sold at reduced prices. Tha,oliful for past favors they trust that attention to business, 4.small profits and quick sales" will be the means of bringing new customers to their establishment. . J.1134AC BREINIH, JOHN NHLIOII, JOHN L. BREINIO. 411.--6 HI Allentown, Sep. 7 Job Pritsimg, Neatly executed at the "Register Offlice." Attention Customers! CHEAP WATCHES, At No. 21, WEST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN Best Watch Glasses 121 YANKEE CLOCKS FROBI $1,25 to $6,00 Joteph R. Illco & Co. No. 21, WEST HAMILTON STREET, Livery Stable, The subscriber informs ~.,-;,„ the public that he has pur illirji 44 chased the entire stock of -- - . , --- , ,-........: , .-.: : -.7 Horses, Carriages, 4-c., comprising the Livery Stable of William R. Leh, in the borough of Allentown. He has added a number of beautiful New Carriages to his stock, as well as increased the number of Horses. He is therefore prepared to fur nish all who may favor him with a call with GOOD and SAFE HORSES, and Vehi cles of every description, from a first class i eight-horse Omnibus to a Sulky of single horse. By strict attention to businessV. de sire to please, he hopes to merit , • 'bend share of patronage. Charges moderate. rirLarge parties will be furnished wi ) conveyances, with or without drivers, o the most reasonable terms. I2rGive him a call, at the old stand of Charles Seagreaves, first stable in Church Alley, north of Hamilton street. - PETER HELLER. Allentown, August 2, 1854. ¶—Gm I s ccoo.orzacoomanamme.oo.o - i a E. W. Eckert's I 2 6 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL g 0 n g Tobacco, Snuff and Segar • di OVOLUsIe9 . 0 No. 30, East Hamilton Street, 1- A11:4.1g111TOWN, PA. 1 12irGOODS ALL* WARRANT . ED.ja July'2o. • • 11— ly2 SOODOOMMOOO6OO=I22OOIISOOI2OO] Joseidt Watchmaker in Allentown, Takes thistmethod to inform his friends and the public in general, that he still eon.! tinues the W'atchrnaking Business, in all its various branches, at his "old stand" No: 11, West Hamilton street, nearly oppo site the "Qdd Fellow's Hall," in the Borough of Allentown, where he has just received an entire new, and constantly keeps on hand a splendid stock of Parlor and Office Clocks, Gold and Silver Watches of various des ( ra criptions, a large assort ment of Ear and Finger - rings, Silver and other table and tea-spoons, a large assortment of Gold Spectacles, also Silver and other Spectacles, suitable for persons of all ages, together with a large variety of other Jewelry, and such other ar ticles usually kept in establishments of this kind. 4LSO : A Large Assortment of Violins, Violin Bows and Strings of the best quality, and all other articles used on Violins. Piano Fortes. Just received a splendid assort ment of Pianos of the most celebrated man ufacturies. Melodians of the most celebra ted makers in the United States. The whole of these articles will be sold at the most reduced prices, and he will warrant that every articles sold by him will be ac cording to contract. ririlrass Instruments will be furnished to order, at the shortest notice and at prices far below what they can be purchased else. where. Repairing. —T hisbranch of business wil be attended to as usual, with the strictes punctuality. He further returns his sincere thanks for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon him for a number of years past, and trusts that by strict attention to thought worthy of the publics pat raboelinLfaYugraetnhfd liberal prices of his goods he will o er r which he will always feel thank ful. JOSEPH WEISS. • January 18, 1854. 11-6tv THE LEHIGH Transportation Comp. Give notice that they are now prepared to receive and forward Merchandize-of all kinds from Philadelphia to Easton, Bethle hem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, and Penn haven, and all intermediate places. The Goods will be received and shipped at their old stand first warf above Vine street.— They also forward goods to and from New York, via Delaware and Raritan Canal and Delaware Canal. Goods by this line from New York will go by A. S. NEILSON'S line of vessels to New Brunswick, by Sloops Fox and Grey Hound, which will be found at the Albany Basin, foot of Cedar Street, North River. Any information required can be had of Messrs. REYNOLD & CLARK, No. 100. West street, N. Y. at Neilson's Agent office, 88 West street, N. Y. With great increased facilities, they hope to give prdmpt despatch to all goods, to so licit the patronage of shippers. DRAKE, WILSON & Co., Proprietors. AGENTS. H. S. Morehead, Philadelphia. John Opdycke, Easton. Borheck & Knauss, Bethlehem. A. J. Ritz, Allentown. A. W. Leisenring, Mauch Chunk. A. Pardee & Co., Penn Haven. Allentown, April 12, 1854. if—Om • , • Ready-made Clothing. The undersigned keep all kinds of Ready made Clothing, on hand, and will make to order, at the lowest possible prices. GETZ & GILEERT. Catasauqua, Sept Id, .L T r-6.0 Glorious . )News The largest supply of goods ever brought to Allentovin, can be found at 311. EAST HAMILTON STREET, HECK and IVEWHARD'S , 11.4114.1, o r f irelS MOM. These gentlemen adoptthis method to inform their friends and the public in general that they have lately entered into portnership. under the above mentioned firm, and will follow the MERCHANT TAILO,RINO ISIUSINESS, I; branches at the "old stand" formerly kept by Keck and Lch, directly opposite the “Register Office,"• where they are preparecl_to sell at the lowest prices ali kinds of fashionable Goods, such as blue black ancrfancy colored Cloths. Cassimeers and Vestings,Winter Clothes, Collars, Han kerchiefs, Cravats, &c. They also keep on hand at all times a large and fashionable as sortment- of Readymade Clothing, such . as Coats of every color and description Pantaloons of all styles and prices, all kinds of Vestings, Shirts and Undershirts, Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, &c., all of which they will sell at . Extraordinary Low Prices, that no one, who visits their establishment, can help to buy Other Coat, Pants, Vests, or something in their line of business. They have just returned from Philadelphia and New York and have replenished their Stock of goods that it may with right be turned the . Allentown Ball of Fashion. • The work they turn out is under their •ewn supervision, and having engaged one of the best Cufters in the country, they will be able to turn out the "best fits." Coats, 'Pantaloons and Vests will be made up to order after the newest fashion, no matter whether the material has been purchased of them or riot. • They return their thanks for the 'favors they have received and trust they will be continued. ' Fashion plateras they come out are al ways kept for sale. KECK & NEWHA RD. Allentown, August 31. ¶-3:n 22t00/IS. LtIMUIMI The subscriber has just opened a New Flour, Feed, Grain and Grocery, Store, in North Eighth Street, a few doors below Fingenbuch's Tavern, where the above ar ticles can always be had in full supply. G. H. REBER. Allentown, August 2, 1854. 11-2 m 'WIEDER & BOTER, No. 25, frestilamilton street, dillentown. Thankful for past favors and hoping by strict attention'rebusi ez ness and a desire to please, to mer it n continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on them, and wishing the people to understand the fact, that they are both PRACTICAL HATTERS—both having served a long apprenticeship at the business and understanding the business thoroughly in all its . various branches—they a e confident they can MANUPACTURE HATS of all kinds inferior to none in the market, and also a little cheaper, because they perform El great deal of the labor them selves and buy their material from the impor ters for cash, and understanding the busi ness they employ none but good workmen, and doing a large business they can afford to sell at small profits. These are some of the reasons why you often hear the remark that “Wiederkßoy er sell such beautiful Hats at such astonish ingly low prices. They always have the latest Philadelphia and New York styles on hand so you need not be afraid_of have ing an old fashioned Hat stuck on you.— Give us a call. It don't matter what is the shape of your head, we will insure a fit. arCountry Merchants would do well to give us a- call, as we will wholesale them hats and caps cheaper than they can get them in the city. Also a large assortment of all kinds of straw goods which they will sell cheap. TERMS CASH. Allentown, March 15. 111-tf Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship heretofore existing between the under signed under the firm of Mickley 4, Jones, in the Mill and Foundery business, has been dissolved on the 22d of July 1854, by mutual consent. EDWARD M ICKLEY, DAVID G. JONES, The Business as heretofore will be continued at the old es tablishments in the Village of F'ogelsville, Upper Macungy township Lehigh county, by'E. Mickley 4- Brothers, upon a ver extensive scale, and more so then eve . k :` They will be pleased for a continuation of c tom from those who have already favored them in their line, to whom they will feel under many obligations. • E. MICKLEY & BROTHERS. Fogelsville. August 2. 1854. -¶--Ow Administrators Notices Notice is hereby given, that the subscri bers have taken out letters of Administration in the estate of Jonas Haas, Esq., late of Lynn township, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know themselves to be indebt ed to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds Book debts, or otherwise, will make payment of the same within six weeks from the date here. of. And such, who have any legal claims against said estate, will present them for settlement well authenticated to the under signed within the above specified time. SAMUEL cAme,? A d zi e strs PHAON. [MA:St. .5% Aug. 24, ef--•6w Perham's 100,000 Gills. Official proceedings of the share holders in Perham's Third Gift Enterprise, in moss meeting, held at Academy Hall, 063 Broad, way, New York, on Thursday evening, July 27th. 1854.• At 8 o'clock the meeting was called to order by Dr. Hall, when B. S. Adams, Esq., was nominated and unanimously elected Chuirman, and Robert Beatty, Yr. f E '! p . he first business in order being the sez lection of a Committee of five persons to re• ceive and dispose of the Gift Property, if was on motion Resolved, that we now prof ceed to the nomination and election. The election being gone into, resulteiliky the choice of the following named gentle. men : ROBERT BEATTY, JR., IRA BUCKMAN, Jitry. J. LATHRCY,_ B. S. ADAMB",- 6 • P. BANKER. Justice Lathrop offered the following Resolution ; Resolved—That the Committee have' power to fill vacancies, from n 'neglect' td' serve, to fulfil the requirements of a number., —Carried The St read the following Resolt le Committee be au- - thorizad . orn Mr. Perham, the Gift Prot a from him bonds for its delivery as called for, and hold the same' it trust for the Shareholders.—Carried. On inquiry it was ascertained that Mr. Perham had sold about 40,000 out of the' 100,000 Gilt Tickets ;.. when the following resolutions were eitered and unanimously adopted : Resolved—That so soon as it is ascertain ed that 80,000 of the Gift Tickets issued by Mr. Perham in his third enterprize are sold, the Committee shall call the Share holders together at the most convenient place, for the purpose of instructing said Committee in regard to the manner of dis posing of the Gift Property, amongst those holding share Tickets. Resolved—That in order to close the en terprize at the earliest possible moment. this meeting recommend all persons now holding Share Tickets, to use their influence in obtaining subscriptions and advance,the.. interest of the whole body. On motion adjourned. 'lt est. B. S. ADAMS, Chairman. ROBERT BEATTY, JR., Secretary. MR. PERHAM'S CARD. Accompanying, you have submitted the of ficial proceedings of the Share Holders in Mass Meeting, convened on the evening of the 27th inst., for the purpose of selecting a Committee, and taking into consideration other matters affecting the interests of all ticket holders in toy Tarim GIFT ENTER PRISE. It will be seen that a Committee have been appointed, and instructions given them as to the course to be pursued up to a cer • tain stage of progression in the enterprise. For the information of absent share holders. I here beg leave to state, that the number of tickets sold up to the present time is about 46,000. From this you will perceive thnt so soon as 34.000 more are sold. they will advise the whole body of Share holders of the fact, and ask of them, in general meeting assembled for the•purpose, instruc tions as to the final disposition of the Gift Property, with which they are intrusted. That these 34,000 tickets may be sold in the shortest possible time, the undersigned makes the following propositions, unequal led for liberality : Each person who gets up a club of ten subscribers, and forwards (10) ten dollars to this office, will receive by return mail or other conveyances, Eleven Tickets. Each person who sends (at one time) one hundred dollars, will have sent in like manner, One Hundred and Fifteen tickets. Each person who shall send (at one time) five hundred dollars. will haVe sent in like manner, Six Hundred tickets. Ancl.for all largar cumc in exact propor tion. It is thus, ladies and gentlemen, that I hope to secure your hearty co-operation in bringing this enterprise to a speedy, and I hope to all, a satisfactory termination. With great consideration of respect, 1 remain yours obediently, July 29th, 1854. J. PERHAM. 100,000 TICKETS ONLY AT coo EACII WILL AGE SOLD. FE"A II Orders for Tickets; by Mail should be addressed to JOSIAH PERHAM, Academy Hall, 663 Broadway, N. Y. If it should happen that all the Tickets are sold when the order is received, the money will be returned at our expense for postage. Correspondents will please write distinctly their names, residence, County and State,• to prevent errors. Or if convenient. en close an envelope with their directions on it in full—in wh;ch such Tickets at they may order will be returned. New York, September 6 'Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the under i4igned are apppinted Executors of the fast will and testament of Ditniel Peter, deceas ed, late of Heide!burg township, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know them selves to be indebted to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds, Book-debts or otherwise will' make payment within six weeks from the date hereof. Also those who have any le gal claims against said estate, will bring in their accounts will authenticated within said time. HENRY GEYER, JONAS PETER, Executors: JONAS KRUM, SOLOMON KLINE, Augus 9, 4V51. 7--6 w, COAL / COAL The undersigned have opened a 06RP Yard in Catasauqun, and will constantly , keep on hand all kinds of Coal whiclvihey; will sell at greatlyGE.TZ reduced & priceer. GILBERT. September , l4. 1-4 w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers