New Family , Grocery Store ALL LIE .71 1 T TuE subscriber takes this method to in form the citizens of Allentown', and the pub lic in general, that ha has opened I Family Groceyy Store, at the stand formerly occupied by DiHinge). & Craig, No. 27, North 7th street, near the Market Square, where he offers for sale for Cash or in exchange for Country Produce, a large variety of Family Groceries, such as ...,....,__ Coffee, Sugar...Ma- - t ..„ i= = -t lases, Chocolate, ~16rr :, .IA tTen,redandblackF t i , * . 4,:,:__iPepper, Allspice,_-- , -- , -„ Ginger, Salaratus, baking and washing So da, Salt, Allum, Madder, No's. 1, 2 and 3, Mackerel, pickled Salmon, pickled and smoked HerriLig, Codfish, dried Beef, Ilam, Shoulder, FNMA, Lard, Candles, Vinegar, Soap, Brooms, &c. Aaso, all kinds of fruit, such ns Lemons Oranges, Prunes first quality in jars, and in kegs for pies, Figs, Raisins, pealed and un pealed dried Peaches, Apples and Pears, Tomato Catchup, nustard, Pickels in bot tles, Cherries, &c. In connection with the above business, he also continues the manufacturing of Segars, of every price and quality, which he will sell or exchange to country merchants for all kinds of produce. He also continues the Candle manufactur ing business, and will sell by the box any quantity desired, or exchange them for coun try produce, such as Butter, Eggs, Lard, Barn, Shoulder, Flitch, Soap, Cherries, dri ed fruit, Wax, &c., and allow therefor the highest market price. He trusts that by keeping the best kind of Groceries, &c., and by manufacturing the best kind of Segars and Candles. he will be able to merit a liberal share of public patron age, for which he will ever be thankful. OF'The undersigned is also the appoint ed Agent for the sale of Iloyt's celebrated fine cut, chewing and smoking tobacco, &c., all of which - he will sell as low as it can be purchased either in Philadelphia oreNw York. CIIARLES Bolo's. plentown, April 19, 7854. ¶--Gm totainamy2 u 5821 15 (LATE TAYLOR'S HOTEL.) No. 28 Court latzd Street, NEW YORK. 11,' ' Y.* -11,1 N. ~• ValliP I,v ni •I ;: • The undersigned respectfully announces to his friends and to the traveling and business , public generally that he has leased the above building, and fitted up and finished it as a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Visitors to the city, and all others requi ring superior accommodations, are solicited to call, assured that no pains or expense will be spared to render their stay comfortable and pleasant. 3. S. STEBBINS, Proprietor. r'Having engaged 'Major Eu STECIOEL, late of the" Eagle Hotel," in Allentown, who enjoys a large circle of friends and acquain tances, in Eastern Pennsylvania ; persons therefore who visit New York frorrithis sec tion of - cotry, will find "Courtland Street Hotel," a true Piinnsylvania llome. • • New York, March 22. To Notice is hereby given, that application will be made et the next meeting t the Leg islature of Pennsylvania, to pass an act for the Incorporating of a Bank of discount and deposit, to bo located in the Borough of Al lentown in the County of Lehigh, to be. known by the name, style and tiile of • 'The ilientown Bank,' with a Capital stock Of ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS, with leave to increase said Capital to -Two HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS, if necessary. X. 0. Reninger, fluhe. T. B. &limn, Joseph 11'eiss, .qmos Ettinger, C. Lichtemealner f Owen Saeger, T. B. Weidner, J. F. Xewhard, Charles Keek, J. Boyer, Christian Peet:, C. S. Massey. 11'. S. Young, Allentown, June 28. ¶—tiro V.x&xttov's N6tice,. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed aze appointed Executors of the last will and testament of Daniel Peter, deceas ed, lato'-of Heide!burg township, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know them selves to bo indebted to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds, Book-debts or otherwise will make payment withln six weeks from the date hereof. Also those who have any le % gal claims against said estate, will bring in their accounts will authenticated within said time. I IENRT GEYER, JONAS PETER, Executors JONAS KRUM, SOLOMON KLINE, August 9, 4851. Cow and ,Steer Estrayed.. Estrayed 'from the under signed, on Monday night, out fria:,* ( of the pasture fields of Joshua .in South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, a dry Cow, spot ted, white and yellow, she had a rope tide around • her two fore feet, the Steer is also of a yellow color, • between three and four years old. Whoever takes up said Cow and Steer, shall be liberally paid for his trouble, if immediate information be given to either Charles Kramer & Sons, at Allen town, or to the undersigned near the upper Bridge, opposite Cntasauqua. August 10 IBULUIIMILUTUR OF Foreign and Domestic Dry Gaods IN THE BOROUGH or• CATASAIIQUA, PA. These gentlemen, take this method to in. form their friends and the public in general that they have received a very large and well selected stock of 11 into- and Spring Goods, which they are now ready to dis pose off to their customers at the lOwest prices. Their immense stock has been selected with the utmost care and consists of Clothes, Cassimers, Satinets, Flannels, Gloves and Hoseiry, besides De !nines, Alapaccas,Dellashe,Ginghams,Plain and Figured Poplins, Muslins and Prints, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Queensware, Hardware, Looking GlaSses, Stationary, Books, &c., To which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, confident that the fullest satisfaction, both in price ana quality, will be given to all who may favor them with a call. The highest prices will be paid in ex change for County produce. They have reason to be thankful for the favors received thus far and hope by atten- Gold Spectacles, lion to business, disposing of their goods at also Silver and other Spectacles, suitable for small profits, good treatment towards their persons of all ages, together with a large customers to merit still a greater share of variety of other Jewelry, and such other ar customers. GETZ & GILBERT. ticles usually kept in establishments of this September 14. ¶- 6 m s i kind. ' ALSO : Groceries Fish 41 Salt. The undersigned• have just received an entire new Stock of Groceries, Fish and Salt which they intend to sell at the low est prices at their Store in Catasauqua, Le high county. GETZ & GILBERT. September 14. 117-7-Orn COAL I COAL I The undersigned have opened a Coal Yard in .Catasauqua, and will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Coal which they will sell at greatly reduced pricei. GETZ & GILBERT. September 14. ' If —Gm Ready-made Clothing. The undersigned keep all kinds of Ready :Iznik. Clothing, on hand, and will make to order, at the lowest possible prices. GETZ & GILBEFIT. Catasatqua, Sept 14. ¶-6m 50,000 Bushels . "6l.,Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats wanted, for wffich the highest market prices will be paid by the subscribers, at their store on the South „west corner of Market Square and Hamilton street, in Al lentown. EDELMAN, HASSE & CO. DENTAL SURGEON. Attends to allbperations on the Teeth in the most careful and sci entific manner, and inserts Teeth on an en- tirely new and improved plan with contigu, ous Gums. These Teeth are far better and superior to the best !lock or single Gum Teeth now in use. 1-VPlease call and examine specimens. Office No. 15, West Hamilton Street, (up stairs,) opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall. Allentown, Nov. 9. ¶-3m Notice is hereby given, that the Partner hip heretofore existing between the under •igned under thefirm of Mickley 4• Jones, n the Mill and Foundery business, has ieeri dissolved on the 22d of July 1854, by mutual consent, as heretofore will be continued at the old es tablishments in the Village of Fogelsville, Upper Macungy township Lehigh county, by E. Mickley .S• Brothers, upon a very extensive scale, and more so then ever.— They will be pleased fur a continuation of cus tom Iron, those who have already favored them in their line, to whom they will fed under many obligations. E. Micataw & Boommts. Fogelsville. August 2, 1954. The undersigned give notice, agreeably to the Laws of Pennsylvania, that they pur pose making application at the next term of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. for the in corporation of a Bank ; to be located in the Borough of Catasauqua, and County •f Le high, under the name, style and title of the Batik of Catasauqua, to have general banking and discountin: privileges. The capital to be Two HUN DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, with the right of increasing IL to THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ; and to commence operations when the said sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars shall have been paid in. Joseph Laubach, 6Y. Stellwagen, Aug. H. Gilbert,. Charles.Graftin, William Getz, Chas. G.' Schneller, Isaac E. Chandler, S. 11. Lacier, B. F. Stroud, Levi Baas, Charles Noll, . Owen Rice, Isaias Rehrig, J. W. Fuller, Joseph Lazarus, F. B. Martin, - Charles Seigly, • Joshua Hunt, jr., Thomas Freddick, John Thomas, Mica Brunner, John Williams, Reuben Patterson, Samuel Coker. June 28, 454. ¶-6w CON McGOWEN 11,3 w Lila DM 3112 MEI IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES AT THE New Cheap Store OF . • Getz 4. Gilbert, _. Grain Wanted. Allentown, April 29 Thoßilas IfiroWn, Dissolution of Partnership. EDWARD MICRI.F.V, DAVID G. JONES, The Business az tv a w a, 4 CGCCIMI2OI=O2OI2OOOI2CODEVOINICO Kato t 2 . 2 E. W. Eckert's CI fa E l :lIOLESADE AND RETAIL S Tobaceb, Snuff. and Segar g emoula, ' § 0 g No. 30, East Hamilton Street, 0 g ALLENTOWN, rA. • g ri g rip GOODS ALL WARRANTED,Di ~ ti July 20. . .. 1 5-1311 coactoozacra6cralcotraccromontocu Joseph Weiss, Watchmaker in Allentown, Takes this method to inform his friends and the public in general, that he still con tinues the W(chmaking Business, in all its various branches, at his "old stand" NO. 1 1 , West Hamilton street, nearly oppo site the "Odd Fellow's Hall," in the Borough. of Allentown, where he has just received an entire new, and constimtly keeps on hand a splendid stock of _:4 - .• Parlor and O ffi ce ie!. ~.n Clocks, Gold and Silver : --;— ;-'•"1" Watches of various des -1,0.4 .1? "- c criptions, a large assort ',),./,,,• ment of Ear and Finger - 1- 5--- -:.-. = rings, Silver and other table and tea-spootis, a large assortment of I Large Assortment of Violins, Violin Bows and Strings of the best quality, and all other articles used on Violins. Piano Fortes. I Just received a splendid assort ment of Pianos of the most Celebrated man ufacturies. Melodious of the most celebra ted makers in the United States. The whole of those articles will be sold at the most reduced prices, and he will warrant that every articles sold by him will be ac cording to contract. EZ"Brass Instruments will be furnished to order, at the shortest notice and at prices far below what they can be purchased else where. Repairing.—This branch of business will be attended to as usual, with the strictest punctuality. He further returns his sincere thanks fur the patronage so liberally bestowed upon him for a number of years past, and trusts that by strict attention to business, punctu ality and liberal prices of his goods he will be further thought worthy of the publics pat ronnge for which he will always feel thank ful. JOSEPH WEISS. January 18, 1854. 11-6 w agaiiitit X-13 , TILE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1633 CHESNUT STREET, Near Fifth Street STATEMENT OF ilprrs, $1,525,949 08, Januarysiit, 1851, Published agreeably to an Act OF ASSEMBLY, BEING First Mortgages, ampty' secured, $1,199,284 48 Real Estate (present value $llO,- 000) cost. 82,189 87 Temporary Loans, on ample Cola- feral Securities. 130,774 26 Stocks (present value $76,191) cost. 63,085 50 Cash, &c. &c., 50,665 57 1 9 1,525,040 OS PERPETUAL ORLIMITED INSURANCES made on every description proVCItY, In TOWN AND COUNTRY, • t ratesas low as areconsistant with security Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-four years, they have paid over three millions dollars Loss BY FIRE, thereby af fording evidence of the advantage of Insur ance, as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. Directors: Charles.N. Bancker, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Boric, Samuel Grant, , David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, Geo. W. Richards, Isaac Lea, Ciimmt:s N. I3ANcitEn, President. CHARLES G. BANCKER, SaTehtry. arThe subscriberi are the appointed Agents of the abovo mentioned Institution, end are now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, nt tho low est rates. A. L. RUNE, Allentown. • • •C. F. BLE,CII, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 1852. . V-1y Garden Truck.: • The undersigned takes this method to in form the citizens of Allentown, and vicinity, that he has rented the ""Truck Island" in Allentown, formerly occupied by Mr. James Smiley, where he has raised the present sea, son, and now offers . for sale all kinds of Garden and Field Vegetables, such as Potatoes, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Un• ions, Cucumbers, Squashes, Corn and every other kind that comes into season. His prices are liberal and his truck at ways fresh. Ills stand is in Seventh Street, near the Public Squsre, in • front of Mrs. Boas' house, where he will be happy to ac commodate his customers with all that is nice and fresh in the Vegetable line. He thinks that by punctual attendance to business, ho will merit a liberal share o public patronnge JON N M. METZGER. Allentown, August 2,1854. T-2,71 TIRE. 'New Goods. The subscribers would hereby inform their customers, and the public in general, that they have just returned from I?hiladel-. phis and are now busily engaged in unpaol:-. ing a very large and well selected•stoelt of Dress Goods, comprising in part as fol lows: For the LADIES we have any quantity of Fancy and Plain DeLaines, Silk Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Poplins, &c., also Silk and other Shawls, Kid, Silk, and other Gloves, Lace Goods of all styles, and qualities, and lots of other goods in their line. For the GENTLEMEN, we have a large assortment of Cloth plain, and fancy Cash meres, Linens, Satins, Silks and other Vest ings, Cravats, Collars, Tweeds, &c. ‘Ve cordially invite all to come and examine our stock of goods, thebeauty, quality and cheap ness of which we feel confident cannot be surpassed by any of our worthy et4npotitors. PRETZ, GUTEI & co. April 26, 1854. 11.-6 m Groceries. The subscribers have lately .•.-- - .•61: 4 -..;o0 purchased a very large lot of 'i 6 1 ..1 111 • qpNy ugar,, Coffee, &c.; which ttey will sell whole sale and retail at very low plices. We in vite the Country merchants to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere,. as we think ive can give them good bargains. PRETZ, GUTH 4- CO. Allentown, A pril 26. 11-6 m Mackerel 10 barrels and 25 half barrels, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel; which they are disposed to sell at a very small profit. PRETZ, GUTH CO. Allentown, April 26. ¶-6m Peaches, Raisins, &c. 50 bushels prime dried Peaches, halves. 25 boxes best barrel Raisins. 25 kegs Lexia do. 50 dox. painted buckets. 200 doz. Corn brooms. _ which they will sell wholesale and retail at the lowest market prices. PRETZ, GUTH Sr, CO. Allentown, April 26. 11—Gm Salt: Sail 200 Sack Liverpool Ground Salt. 50 do. Ashton's Fine do. 100 do. Dairy do. For sale by PRETZ, GUTH & CO. Allentown, April, 26. —6 in Dr. 3. I'. lames, .111EMT1S, Informs his friends, nd the pub lic in general, that he sti performs all operations on the teeth, and treats diseases of the gums and alveoler processes in the most effectual and skillful manner. His mode of inserting artificial teeth, cannot be surpassed, for comfort to the wea rer and duribility and beautifulness in appear ance. The general satisfaction he has given for years, has been duly appreciated by the public. Office No. 48, East Hamilton sttyet, a few doors East of Pretz, Guth & Co's store, op posite Bechtels American Hotel. December 6, 1853. -ly Glorious News)! The largest supply of goods ever brought to. Allentown, can be found at No. 31, EAST HAMILTON STREET, KECK and NEWIIARD'S IMLL of F.ISIIIOJV. These gentlemen adoptthis lethed to inform their friends id the public in general tat they have lately entered Ito pn rinareLii odor the tove mentioned firm, and ill follow the R CII ANT TAILORING BUSINESS, Jranches at the "old stand" iormerly kept by Heck and Leh, directly opposite the "Register Office," where they. are prepared to sell at the lowest prices alt kinds of fashionable Goode, such as blue black and fancy colored Cloths, Cassimeers and Vestings,Winter Clothes, Collars, Ilan - kerchiefs, Cravats, &c. They also keep on hand at all times a large and fashionable as sortment of . . • Ready such ns Coats of every color and description, Pantaloons of all styles and prices, all kinds of Vestings, Shirts and Undershirts, Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, &c., all of which they will sell at Extraordinary Low Prices, that no one, who visits their establishment, can help to .buy either Coat, Pants, Vests, or something in their linesof business. They have just returned from Philadelphia and New York and have replenished their Stock of goods that it may with right be turned the Allentown Hall of Fashion. The work they turn out is under their own supervision, and having engaged one of the best Cutlers in the csnintry, they will be able to turn out the *A fits. ' Coats, Pantaloons and Vests will be made up to order after the newest fashion, no matter whether the material has been purchased of them or not. They return their thanks for the favors they have received and trust they will be continued. Fashion plates as they come out are al ways kept for sale, KECK Cz.• NEWFIAED. Allentown, August 31. if—orn /LOOM ZatTICIL The subscriber has just opened a New Flour, Feed, Grain'and Grocery, Store, in North Eighth Street ? a few doors 'below Flagenbuch's Tavern, where the above ar ticles can always be had in full suppjy. - G. H. REBER. Allentown, August 2, 1854. 'Q-2m New Goods. New Goods. • X.• i; • ;' ,.- . ....6:;„. 1 / 2 : , ,, c, ---„L . ". ..% :•; 'C iWPIIIM, y, 1 ! , W 7.• t•-^t - , ,A..i.., J. 3-• ~-,,,' kr,tl . ....(.. b, :•• .; '' ';' : •1 : - - 4 ii'l• V r .. .1 - - .' :.,LiZV4t-'74 - -,;:',' V.... , .. ;.'. .'•.- - 7Lt; il tl r i tV - &l , '-g i t 4 *443 1 4, if l iftrag, , T. , ..ats, j , f4 7 ! ,, - _ , , ,, *4-7.;„tift'::::,. :Al i iip l i Ifiiiklelsiiiit !;i31,.r.:1-s i •,:ri •. } _l42Jl.l.;_it"t-A'g_ 4 l, , 1; . : 1.......,- . ...,7 7 /tirar le , ! , •_..„_eUi 4i 4 rt .' s :.• T - .41 '-. tilitit ie ''''s.l - '-:ffr:..: ....... ...,,,,,,, - .Ce. ,- -;: - .... - •,..., 31,7i.*-:,,..71..i-: ~, - -...i.1, .7.,.:- . •- ts 41 , 01-, ."-• ',. .1112-. - .. -, % •;_ , - - i.-.-: .;;;''':":"- - ff- --- .4 , :r_".,. '‘ii.:4 .•-:* , - 1 ...,-- - , - r..e... , - •,.• Builders Look Here. NEW ASS01;111INET OF IireIROWGIRE The undersigned announce to the public, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and:New York, with a very large lot of Hardware;'consisting of House Furnishing Srlieles, 4A4-;:eAl Cutlery, Coach :iltiinsn . Sadlirvind - Shoe-findings, ail of• which will be sold at extremely low prices. They ask th public to give Seeaer's Hardware Store, sign of the .1. 7 1° a call in orderto convince themselvesof the fact, that a 'penny saved is a penny made.' 0. & J SAEGE.R. —ly April 22 To lieirse•uficepers. A great assortment of House furnishing articles, such as ENAMELED and tinned inside, cooking vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket tles, fish and ham kettles, frying puns, grid irons, waffle irons, &c. TEA TRAYS and Waiters, from com mon to fine, in sets and dozens. A lso, goth ic fotm, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and fORKS—in sets and doz ens ; also knives only ; carver's, steels, cook and bUtcher knives, with a variety of &he:. manufactures. . . April 22; • 11—ly • POCKET and PEN KNIVES—Razors, sciSsorsophears, from the best makers; one, two, three, and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chums, rake:- eick, axes, &c. ,SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel Ere sets and standards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons, &e. for sale by April, 22, IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shea) Steel, sqdare, flat, and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of 0 & J SAEGER.. •• GLASS.-150 I3oxes Glass,S by 10,10 by 12. 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 10, and various other seizes, for sale by 0 & J SAEGEII. TO SHOEMAKERS.—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Ruheks, and numerous other artzc es belonging trithe shoemaking business 0 & fSA EGER. OILS & VARNISIL—OiIs of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue &c.,—will be sold cheap by PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by 0 & J SA,EGER. WHITE LEA D.-2 tons of White Lend just received,Pure and Extra, and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April, 22, y NA ILS.-300 I(ep.,s of the best Nails, Brads and Spilies,just received and for'sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April 22, 111-3 w HOLLOW WA RE.-500 Iron Pots ana Kettles, just received and for sale at very reduced prices at the store of 0 & J SAEGER TO MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de scription, such ns Bench and Moulding Planes, Hand, Pannel, and Back Saws, Brace and Bitts, Auger Buts, Hatchets, NW:es, &c., for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. January 5,• YUEN Cii. 'llll7 S SY, S , wr.toinso LESS THAN 2),1 OUNCES. For the Core of Ilernia or 'Rapture. Achnowled N!d by the highest medical au- thorities of P ladelphia, incomparably su perior to an f other in use. Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure not only the lightest and most easy, but ns durable a 'Fruss as 'any other, in lieu of the cumbrous and 1111COMo fort«ble article usually sold. There is no difficulty attending the fitting, and when the pad is located, it will retain its position with, out change. . • Pei -. at a distr ---. - enable to call on the subsci le Truss sent to any add re ice Dollars for the double 'ound the hips, and statin to sui =MI chani of the the W ,monnry, Dyspeptic, Nervt !Minces, ore inform ed thin ,Inpett... experienced LADY in ettandance at the Iloorne,(set apart for their exclusive use,) No. 114, Twcr.r.rni St., let door below Race. June 28, 1851. Perham's 100 , 000 Gifts. Official proceedmßs of the share holders, in Perham's Third Gift Enterprise, in mass meeting, held at Academy Hall, 663 Broad way. Netv York, on Thursday evening, July 27th, 1854. At S.o'clock the meeting was called to order by Dr. flail; when B. S. Adams, E,9., was nominated an unanimously elected Chairman, and Robelt Beatty, Jr.,. Esq., appointed Secretary. The first business in order being the se-, lection of a Committee of five persons to re ceive and dispose of the Gift Property, it, was on motion Resolved, that we now pro-, ceed to the nomination and election. The election being gone into, resulted the choice of the following named gentle men : , ed That the Committee have, power Co fill vacancies, from a - neglect to, serve to fulfil the requirements of a number.. —Carried. The Secretary then read the following: Resolved—That the Com in it. ee be n u-, thorized to receive from Mr. Perham, the Gift Property, or take from him bonds for its delivery as called for, and hold the same. it trust for the Shareholders.--Carried. On inquiry it was ascertained that Mr. Perham had sold about. 49,000 out of the 100,000 Gilt 'Pickets ; when the following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted : Resolved —That so soon ns it is ttscectain-, ed that 80,000 of the Gift Tickets isstie4,by, Mr. Perham in his . third enterprie ar e sold, the Committee ahall call the Share holders togetner at the most convenient place. for, the purpose of instructing said Committee in. regard to the manner of dis posing of the Gift Property, amongst those, holding share Tickets. Rcsaved—That in order to close the.erl-. terprize nt the earliest possible moment. this meeting recommend all persona now holding Share Ticketsoo use their. influence in obtaining subscriptions and advance the interest of the xiliole body. On motion adjourned. .flues[. 13. S. ADAMS, Chairman., ROBERT BEATTY, .111. St'cretary. MR. PERHAM ' S CARD. Accompanying, you Inixe submitted the a& fiend prooeed:ogb of the Share Holders in Mass Meeting, convened on the evening of the 27th inst., for the purpose of selecting' a Committee, and taking into consideration other matters affecting the interests of alb ticket holders in my TIIIRD GIFT ENTriv PRIsE. will be seen that a Committfe have been appointed, and instructions gi thelrn as to the course to be pursued up to a e'er:. min stage of progression in the enterpriser For the information of absent share holders:. I here beg leave to state, that the number' of tickets sold up to the present time is, about 46,000. From this you will perceive that so soon as 34.000 more are sold, they' will advise the whole body of share holders of thefact, and ask of them, in general meeting assembled for the purpose, instritc-' Lions as to the final disposition of the Gift Property, with ‘Vhicli they are intrusted. That these 34,000 tickets may be sold in, the shortest possible time, the undersigned.' makes the following propositions, unetlual4 , led for liberality: Each person who gets up a club of tett subscribers, and forwards (10) ten dollars to this afce, will receive by retur n l/ . /ait or other conveyances, Eleven - Vic-lids, Each person who sends (at one-time) one' hundred dollars, will have sent in like »mizner, One Hundred and Fifteen tickets.. Each person who shall send(at one time). five hundred dollars, will have sent in like • manner, Six- Hundred tickets. 0 & J SAEGER T-13 O & J SAEGER will be exchanged turning it ;It once; by the Importer :n 11. NEEPLES, h $$L Race St. Phil . the benefit of .Ale. ibg to.derangotnent ncluding Falliingoi ¶-Iy-$8 BEATTY,IR.,. IRA BUCKMAIq, B. S. ADAMBj , 11. P. BANKER. Lathrop offered the 'followinaf • '" lied for ull larger soma 1n exact proper- BM It ill thus, ladies and gentlemen, that F hope to secure your hearty co-operation in. bringing this enterprise to a speedy, and E. hope to all, a satisfactory termination. With great consideration of respecl, I• remain yours obediently,• July 28th, 1864. • J. PERH AM:• 100,000 TICKET* awns' AT• 91 1 00 EACH• IPILL DE SOLD. Orders for Tickets; by Mail should! be add ressed• to JOSIAH PERHAM', Academy Hall, 663 Broadway, N. Y. If it should happen that all the Tickets are sold when the order is received, the money will be returned at our expense for postage. Correspondents. will please write distinctly their names, residence, County and to prevent errors. Or if convenient, en close an envelope with their direarons on it; in full—in wh'ch-such Tiokets at they may, order will be returned: New York, September o'. MAIM An Ziabll - - The Best and! Cheapest Stock of ' Boots Shoes, .41/016 Gai -sNehbo ; o rs GUMS &C • • in the city, at DunbareN 76, South Second'•St: Phihtdelphia,, (corner of . Carters Street.) Being mostly of his own manufacture, htr g uarrontees them to wear; and will sell— wholesale or retail as cheap as the cheapest. Xp” , Shoes for Old Ladies. Plain and Fancy Boots, Shoes; Gaiters: Sc., always on hand in great variety, for . Boys, Youth, Misses and hildren. Prices.—Ladies Gaiters, of every quality . and style, from $1 to $2,50. Gents' Calf Skin Boots, from ,133 to $5, Patent Leather Shoes, Gaiter Boots, Congress Boots, But, ten Boots, &c., from $1,50 to 84,50. . Gum Book, Shoes, Sand les, Clogs,al wttq on' hand. fir Old Gums 'bought log topoltßlL June y 11-4 w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers