New Family , Groeery Store N .I.L.LEXTO itVr. Tug subscriber •takes this method to in form the citizens of Allentown, and the pub lic in general, that he has opened it Family Grocery Store, at the stand formerly occupied by Dillinger & Craig, No. 27, North 7th street, near the Market Square, where he offers for sale for Cash or in exchange for Country Produce, a large variety of Family Groceries, such as .-.... cr: - - t ' tii• lasses, Chocolate, . -7=.71 - 'NO' .., I: we " ',.. it g,- :MI w e Tea, red and black Y5,111.411': ipesi, 1 " --- '-'—'''—' Pepper, Allspice, --L--------- -- --= Ginger, Salaratus, baking and washing So da, Salt, Affirm,. Madder, No's. 1, 2 and 3, Mackerel, pickled Salmon, pickled and smoked Herring, Codfish, dried Beef, Ham, Shoulder, Flitch, Lard, Candles, Vinegar, Soap, Brooms, &c. ALSO, all kinds of fruit, such as Lemons Oranges, Prunes first quality in jars, and in kegs for pies, Figs, Raisins, pealed and un pealed dried Peaches, Apples and Pears, Tomato Catchup, Mustard, Pickels in bot tles, Cherries, &c. • In connection with the above business, he sl.o continues the manufacturing of Segars, of every price and quality, which he will sell or exchange to country merchants for all kinds of produce. He also continues the Candle manufactur ing business, and will sell by the box any quantity desired, or exchange them for coun try produce, such as Butter, Eggs, Lard, Ham, Shoulder, Flitch, Soap, Cherries, dri ed fruit, Wax,,&c., and allow therefor the highest market price. He trusts that by keeping the best kind of Groceries, &c., and by manufacturing the best kind of &gars and Candles, he will be able to merit a liberal share of public patron age, for which he will ever be thankful. 13r The undersigned is also the appoint• ed Agent for the sale of Hoyt's celebrated fine cut, chewing and smoking tobacco, snuff, &c., all of which he will sell as low as it cane purchased either in Philadelphia oreNw York. CHARLES H. RUnE. II! Allentown, April 19,185.1. If --6 m MILIVIDSIN UIDVIR g LATE TAYLOR'S HOTEL.) No. 2g Courfiand Street, • NEW YORK. 133 11111(11111111--, 14 The undersigned respectfully announces to his friends and to the traveling and business public generally that he has leased the above building, and fitted up and finished it as a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Visitors to the city, and all others requi ring superior accommodations, are solicited to call, as,sured that no pains or expense will be spared to render their stay comfortable and pleasant. J. S. STEBBINS, Proprietor. FYI-raving engaged Nlajor ELI STECKEL, late of the "Eagle Hotel," in Allentown, who enjoys a large circle of friends and acquain tances, in Eastern. Pennsylvania; persons therefore who visit New York from this sec 3 tion of countvy, will find "Courtland Stmt. Hotel," a true Pennsylvania Home. New York, March 22. •' 11-3 in ICI CU 1-.E4 Notice is hereby given, that application will be made at the next meeting f the Leg islature of Pennsylvania, to pass an act for the Incorporating of a Bank of discount and deposit, to be located in the Borough of Al lentown in .&ho County of Lehigh, to be known by the name,'Style and title of 'The Allentown Rank,' with a Capital stock , of ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS, with leave to increase said Capital to Two EIUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS, if necessary. .07. G. .Rcninger, .1. F. !lulu', T. B. iFilson, Joseph limos Ettinger, C. Lichtenwalner, Owen Saeger, 7'. B. Weidner, J. F. Newhard, Charles Keck, W. J. Boyer, Christian Pret:, C. S. Massey. Tr. S. Young, AllentoWn, Juno 29. U.2OOTZ. M The subscriber has just opened a New Flour, Feed, Grain and Grocery, Store, in North Eighth Street, a few doors below flagenbuch's Taiern, where the above ar ticles can alw.iys*be had in full supply. G. LI. - REBER. Allentown, August 2, 1854. 11.--2nl Pamphlet Laws. The Pamphlet Laws passed at the last session of the Legislature have been receiv ed at the Prothonatary's office; in Allentown and are ready for delivery to those entitled to them. F. E. SAMUELS, Prothonotary Prothonotary's Office, Allentown, September 14. VOrkeZlitel l I S Ake. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed are appointed Executors of the lea, will and testament of Daniel Peter, deceas ed, late of ileidelburg township, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know them ' be indebted to said estate, be itin Notes, Bonds, Book-debts or otherwise will mak . — vment within six weeks from the date hereof. Also those who have any le gal c:.;ims against said estate, will bring in their 4.,...-aunts will authenticated within said dunk % I.IIENRIt GEYER, lI,INAS PETER, 1••• Executors +ll4o,l4 . llXnum, • SOLOMON KLINE, And, 9, 4851. _ _ tan an 311 X t Y VECOU Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES AT THE New Cheap Store or - Getz IP Gilbert, IN THE BOROUGH OF CATASAUQUA. PA. These gentlemen, take this method to in form their friends and the public in general that they have received a very large and well selected stock of Winter and Spring Goods, which they are now ready to dis pose off to their customers at the lowest prices. Their immense stock has been selected with the utmost care and consists of Clothes, Cassimers, Satinets, Flannels, Gloves and(Hoseiry, besides De laines, Alapaccas,Debashe,Gingharns.Plain and Figured Poplins, Muslins and Prints, Boots, Shoes flats, Caps, Queensware, Hardware, Looking Glasses, Stationary, Books, &c., To which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, confident that the fullest satisfaction, both in price ann quality, will be given to all who may favor them with a call. The highest prices will be paid in ex change for County produce. They have reason to be thankful for the favors received thus far and hope by atten tion to business, disposing of their goods at small profits, good treatment towards their customers to merit still a greater share of customers. GETZ & GILBERT. September 14. If-6m Groceries Fish Salt. The undersigned have just received an eniire new Stock of Groceries, Fish and Salt which they intend to sell at the low est prices at their Store in Catasauqua, Le high county. GETZ & GILBERT. September 14. ¶-6m COAL ! COAL ! The undersigned have opened a Coal Yard in Catasauqua,'and will constantly keep on 49d all kinds of coal which they will sell at greatly reduced prices. GETZ & GILBERT. September 14. If -6m Ready -made Clothing. The undersigned keep all kinds of Readej made Clothing, on hand, and will make to order, at the lowest possible prices. GETZ & GILBERT. Catasauqua, Sept 14. Grain Wanted. 50,000 Bushels of Wheat:Bye, Corn and Oats wanted, for which the highest market prices wi 11 be paid by the subscribers, at their store on the South west corner of Market Square and flarlikon street, in Al - EDELMAN, lIANSE & Co. Allentown, April 29 Dissolution or Partnership, Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship heretofore existing between the under signed under the firm of Mickley .5-. Jones, in the Mill and Foundery business, has been dissolved on thl22d of July 1854, by mutual consent. The Business as heretofore will be continued at the old es tablishments in the Village of Fogelsville, Upper Macungy township Lehigh county, by L'. Mickley L Brothers, upon a very extensive scale, and more sb then ever.— They will be pleased for a continuation of cus tom from those who have already favored them in their line, to whom they will feel under many obligations. E. 11ficHLEY & BROTHERS. "Fogelsville, August 2,1954.11—0 w VODUIEW The undersigned giv otice, agreeably to the Laws of Pennsylv iia, that they pur pose making application at e next term of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the in corporation of a Bank ; to be located in the Borough of Catasauqua, and County of Le high, under the name, style and title of the Bank of Catasauqua, to have general banking and discounting privileges. The capital to be Two Ellis- DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, with the right of increasing it to Thant: HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ; and to commetice operations when the said sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars shall have been paid in. Joseph Laubach, IV. Stellwagen, ..aug. H. Gilbert, Charles Graffiti, William Getz, Chas. G. Saintlier, Isaac E. Chandler, S. H. Lacier, 8.. P. Stroud, Levi Haas, C/uirles Noy, Owen Rice, Isaias Rehrig, J. IP. Fuller, Joseph Lazarus, F. B. Martin, Charles Seigly, Joshua Hunt,jr., Thomas Frederick, John Thomas, Uriah . Brunner, John Williams, Reuben Patterson, Samuel Colver. June 28, 1854. 'll-61n t-Om `4 . 4)2UC0/Bo Notice is hereby given, that the under signed has sold out his Livery Establish ment, which makes it necessary that his books should be settled up as speedily as pos sible, and on account of disability in attend ing to the collection himself, he has placed the same in the hands of Joseph F. Newhard, Esq., who is authorized to settle the same. Those who know themselves indebted will please call on Mr. Newhard, without delay. WILLIAM R. LEH. Allentown, August 2, 1854. ¶,—Ow I-6w BM EDWARD MICKLEY, DAVID G. JONES, 1310000020000CC01301201M0p2G001:10 0 a to • E. W. Eckert's a a 0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 0 0 0 • fgl Tobacco, Snuff and Segal . g a a 0 O la i tk 0 4 Za L.l 0 0 0 g No. 30, East Hamilton Street, B E i l ALLENTOWN, PA. 0 a ____ - 0 P 7 GOODS ALL WARRANTED.ADI S July 20. If-13 ,- 0 OCCOMMOZOODIMet1000171701:100120 Joseph ' Watchmaker in Allentown, • Talces this method to inform his friends and the public in general, that he still con tinues the Wileinnaking Business, in all its various branches, at his "old stand" No. 11, \Vest Hamilton street, nearly oppo site tht; "Odd Fellow's Hall," in the Borough of Allentown, where he has just received an entire new, and constantly keeps on hand a splendid stock of Parlor and Office fait- Clocks, Gold and Silver ,‘`; .);,711 Watches of various des -Iro , criptions, a large assort .l '94 ment of Ear and Finger 13 4.-- • rings, Silver and other table and tea-spoons, a large assortment of Gold Specfacles, also Silver and other Spectacles,suitable for persons of all ages, together with a large variety of other Jewelry, and such other ar ticles usually kept in establishments of this kind. ALSO:' A Large Assortment of Violins, Violin Bows and Strings of the best quality, and all other articles used on Violins. Piano Fortes. y Just received a splendid assort ment of Pianos of the most celebrated man- 1 ufacturies. Melodians of the most celebra ted makers in the United States. The whole of these articles will be sold at the most reduced prices, and he will warrant that every articles sold by him will be ac cording to contract. Wllrass Instruments will be furnished to order, at the shortest notice and at prices far below what they can be purchased else where. • Repai brunch of business will be attended ' to as usual, with the strictest punctuality. Ile further returns his sincere thanks for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon him for a number of years past, and trusts that by strict attention to business, punctu ality and liberal prices of his goods he will be further thought worthy of the publics pat ronage for which he will always feel thank ful. JOSEEII WEISS. Jat'luary 18, 1854. 111---6 w 3nbrinnitn ElinE. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 163 i CHESNUT STREET, Near Fifth Street STATEMENT OF ASSETS, $1,525,949 68, January Ist, 1145.1, Published agreeably to an Act OF ASSEMBLY, BEING First Mortgages, amply secured, $1,199,281 48 Real Estate (present value $llO,- 000) cost: Temporary Loans, on ample Cola feral Securities. 130,774 26 Stocks (present value $76,191) cost. 63,085 50 Cash, &c. &c.; 50,665 57 131,525,9•19 OS PERPETUAL ORLUMTED INSURANCES made on every description of property. in • TOWN ANo COUNTRY, at rates as low as'are consistent with security. Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-four years, they have paid over thrie millions dollars Loss BY 'FIRE, thereby af fording evidence of the advantage of Insur ance, as the ahility and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. Directors: Charles N. Bancker, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Boric, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, Geo. W. Richards, Isaac Lea, CIIARLES N. - BAi , :eloErt, President. CHARLES G. BANCILEII, Secretary. la The subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and aro now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, at the low est rates. ..A. L. RUNE, Allentown. O. F. BLECH, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 1852. Garden Truck, The undersigned takes this method to in, form the citizens of Allentown, and vicinity, that he has rented the "Truck Island" in Allentown, formerly occupied by Mr. James Smiley, where he has raised the present sea son, and now offers for sale all kinds of Garden and Field Vegetables, such as Potatoes, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Un ions, Cucumbers, Squashes, Corn and every other kind that comes into season. His prices are liberal and his truck al ways fresh. His stand is in Seventh Street, near the Public Square, in front of Mrs. Boas' house, where he will be happy to ac commodate his customers with all that is nice and fresh in the Vegetable line. He thinks that by punctual attendance to business, he will merit a liberal share of public patronage JQNN M. METZGER. Allentown, August 2, 1854. ¶-2m Glorious News !,, The largest supply of goods ever brought to Allentown, can be found at • No: 31, EAST HAMILTON STREET, KECK and NEWHARD'S 114 ILL of EdSl-110. 7 1'. These gentlemen adopt this method to inform their friends and the public in general that they have lately entered into partnership. under the above mentioned firm, and will• follow the M R CII ANT TAI LORIN° RUSINESS, branches at the "old stand" formerly kept by Keck and Lch, directly opposite the "Register Office," where they are prepared to sell at the lowest prices alt kinds of fashionable Goods, such as blue black and fancy colored Cloths. Cassimeers and Vestings,Winter Clothes, Collars, Han kerchiefs, Cravats, &c. They also keep on all times a large and fashionable as sortment of Readymade Clothing*, such as Coats of every color and 'description, Pantaloons of all styles and prices;all kinds of Vestings, Shirts and Undershifts, Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, &c., all of which they will sell at Extraordinary Low Prices, that no one, who visits their establishment, can help to buy either Coat, Pants, Vests, or something in their line of business. They have just returned from Philadelphia and New York and have replenished their Stock of goods that it may with right be turned the Allentown Hall of Fashion. The work they turn out is under their own supervision, and having engaged one of the best Cutters in the country, they will be able to turn out the "best fits." Coats, Pantaloons and Vests will be made up to order after the newest fashion, no matter whether the material has been purchased of them or not. They return their thanks for the favors they have received and trust they will be continued. Fashion plates as they come out are al ways kept for sale. KECK & NEWHARD. Allentown, August 31. 11-3ra THE LEHIHO I - _ I T r ansv ortation C owl). H Give notice that they are now prepared to receive and forward Merchandize of all kinds from Philadelphia to Easton, Bethle hem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, and Penn Halien, and all intermediate places. The (loads will he received and shipped, at their old stand first wart above Vine street.— They also forward goods to and from New York, via Delaware and Raritan Canal and Delaware Canal. Goods by this line from New York will go by A. S. NEILSON'S line of vessels to New Brunswick, by Sloops Fox and Grey Ilound, which will be found at the Albany Basin, foot of Cedar Street, North River. Any information required can be had of Messrs. IIEvNoLD & CLARK, No. 100. West street, N. Y. at Neilson's Agent office, 88 West street, N. Y. With great increased facilities, they hope to give prompt despatch to all goods, to so licit the patronage of-shippers. DRAKE, WILSON & Co., Proprietors. AGENTS. H. S. Morehead, Philadelphia. John Opdycke, Easton. Borheck . iietnlehem. A. J. Ritz, Allentown. A. W. Leisenring. Mauch Chunk. A. Pardee & Co., Penn Haien. Allentown, April 12, 1854. 82,125'87 Prothonotary's Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the account of David Gehman and Mathias Schultz, trus tees of Jonathan Kriebel, have filed their fourth account irrithe Prothonotary's office onehigh county, and that the same will be presented to the court for confimation, on Monday the 4th day of September next, at 10 o'clocic in the forenoon, unless objections be made thereto F. E. SAMUELS, Prothonotary. Allentown, August 9. —4w YU:EN eli Titl3 SSES , WEIGHING LESS THAN 21 OUNCES. For• the Cure of hernia or Rupture. Acknowledged by the highest medical au thorities of Philadelphia, incomparably su perior to any other in use. Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure not only the lightest and most easy, but as durable a Truss as any other, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncom, Portable article usually sold. There is no difficulty attending the fitting, and when the pad is located, it will, retain its position with out change. Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber, can have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting Five Dollars for the double-- , with measure round the hipS, and stating side affected. It will be exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returning it at once, unsoiled. For sale only by the Importer: CALEU El. NEEDLES, • Cor. Twelfth.& Race St. Phil- IGr Ladies, requiting the benefit of Me. chanical Supports, owing to derangement of the Internal Organs, including, Falling of the Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakness, are inform= ed that a competent and experienced LADY will be in attendance at the Rooms,(set apart for their exclusive use,) No. 114, TwEisTil St.. Ist door below Race June 26, 1954. New Goods. The subscribers would hereby inform their customers, and the public in general, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and are now busily engaged in unpack ing a very large and well selected stock of Dress Goodsi.comprising in part as fol lows: For the LADIES we have any quantity of Fancy and Plain DeLaines, Silk Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Poplins, &c., also Silk and other Shawls, Kid, Silk, and other Gloves, Lace Goods of all styles, and quiilities, and lots of other goods in their line. • For the GENTLEMEN, we have a large assortment of Cloth plain, and fancy Cash meres, Linens, Satins, Silks and other Vest ings, Cravats, Collars. Tweeds, &c. We cordially invite all to come and examine our stock of goods, thebeauty, quality and cheap ness of which we feel confident cannot be surpassed by any of our worthy competitors. PRETZ, GUTH & CO. April 26,3654. 11-6 m Groceries, The subscribers have lately .itifi m - tr II i ,Vit purchased a very large lot of SugaC, Molasses, Coffee, &c., which they will sell whole sale and retail at very low ptices. We in vite the Country_inerchantsio givg:us a call before -purchasing elsewhere; as we think we can give them good bargains. PRETZ,OUTII CO. Allentown, April 26. • Mackerel- 10 barrels and 25 half barrels, Nos. I, 2 and 3 Mackerel, which they are disposed to sell at a very small profit. PRE'I'Z, GUTII & CO. Allentown, April 26. If —6 m Peaches, Raisins, &c. 50 bushels prime dried Peaches, halves. 25 boxes best barrel Raisins. 25 kegs Lexia do. 50 dox. painted buckets. 200 doz. Corn brooms. which they will sell wholesale arid retail at the lowest market prices. PRE'I'Z, GUTH & CO. Allentown, April ¶—Gm _ _ 4 Salt 200 Sack Liverpool Ground Salt 50 do. Ashton's Fine 100 do. Dairy For sale by PRETZ, CIUTEI & CO. Allentown, April, 26. • • I .414iira; • . Ilavues, E.VTIST. Informs his frit nds, and the pub- lie in general, that he still performs all operations on the teeth, and treats diseases of the gums and alveoler processes in the most effectual and skillful rummer. His mode of insertiv artificial teeth, cannot be surpasse,rl7-far,com fort to the wea re rand duribility afid beatirifo-lness in a pitea r an ce. The general satisfaction he has gi yen for yearS, has been duly appreciated by the public. Office. N 0.49, East Hamilton st re'et, a few doors East ol . Pretz, Guilt & Cu's store, op posite Eechtels American Hotel December (3, P65:1. - - C 11010rIC:q Inventors & $570 in Cash Prices. $570 VOLUME TEN OF THE 'SCIENTIFIC AMERI : cAN' commences on the 16th of Septembet : . It is chiefly devoted to the advancement of, interests of Mechanics, Inventors, .11anu-1 factures and limners, and is edited by men practically skilled in the arts and sciences. I'robably no other journal of the same char• acter is so extensively circulated, or so gen or,dly esteemed for its practical ability.— Nearly all the Valuable Paleala which ia_ sue weekly from the PATENT OFFICE are Illustrated with Engravings, and the claims of all the Patents are published reg ularly in its columns as they are issued, thus making it a perfect SCIENTIFIC AND ! MECHANICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA of information' upon the subjects of Mechanical Improve-1 nients, Chemistry, Engravings and the' Sciences generally: Ii is published weekly in quarto form situable for binding, and each . volume contains FOUR HUNDRED AND Six ,' TEEN PAGES of Reading matter, • Several Hundred Engravings, with a full and com- 1 plete Index.. Its circulation on the last Vol utne exceeds 23,000 copies per week, and the • practical receipts in one volume are worth to any family much more than the supscription price. The following CASH Penns are offered by the Publishers for the fourteen lamest lists of subscribers sent in by the Ist of January, 1855:-8100 will be given for the largest list ; $75 fur the second ; $65 for the third ; $55 for•the 4th ; $5O for the fifth ; $45 for i the sixth ; $4O for the seventh ; $35 fur the eighth; $3O for the ninth ; $25 for the tenth; $2O for the eleventh ; $l5 (or the twelfth; $lO for the thirteenth ; and $5 for the four ' teenth. The cash will be paid to•the order lof the successful competitor immediately after the Ist. ofJanuary, 1855. TERMS :—One copy.• one year, $2 ; one copy, six months, $1 ; five copies, six months, $4 ; ten copies, six months; $8 ; ten copies, twelve months, .$l5 fifteen cop ies, twelve months, $22 ; twenty copies, twelve months, $2B in advance. No number of supscriptions above twenty can be taken at less than $1,45 each.— Names can be sent in at different times and from different Post Offices. Southern and Western money taken for supscriptions. Letters should be directed, post-paid, to MuNN & Co., 128 Fulton-Street, New York. Messrs. 141uNN &Co. are extensively en gaged in procuring patents (91 new inven tions, and will advise inventors., without charge; in regard to the novelty of their im provements. New York, August 23. '~—ix—se New Goods. New Goods. Builders Look Here: A NEW ISSORTIONET OF II•IRD1fr•IIIIE I The undersigned announce to thepublic; that they have just returned from Philadel phis and New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of • T .-, !louse Furnishing .Brtieles, Cutlery, Coach Y'rirnmings; Sad/cry and Shoe-findings, ail of which! will be sold at extremely low priceS. They ask the public to give Savaer's Hardwarei Store, sign of the • elef i r PIZ? a call in orderto convince themselvesef the fact, that a 'penny saved is a penny made.' 0. & J SAEGER. 111—ly April 22 To Motase-licepers. A great assortment of House furnishing articles, such as - ENAMELED and tinned inside, cooking vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket tles, fish and ham kettles, Irving pans,grid irons, waffle irons, &c. TEA TRAYS and Waiters, from com mon to fine, in sets and dozens. A Iso, goth ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. • KNIVES and FORKS—in sets rind doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers, steels, cook and butcher knives, with a variety of other manufactures. April ¶—ly POCK ET and PEN KNIVES—Razors , scissors, shears, from the best makers; one, two, three, and .4 ( e ‘nives. SHOVELS, sp , hoes, chains, rakes pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, I ron and brass polished steel fire sets and standirds, coat hods, - tailors' irons 'smoothing irons, &c. for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April. 22, 11-1 y IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, lloop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat, and Tonna, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for safe cheap at the store of 0 & J SAEGER. GLASS.-150 Boxes 8 by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 16, and various other seizes, for sale by. 0 Sr, J SAEGER. TO SHOEMAKERS.—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubers, and numerous other artic— es belowling to the shoemaking business 0 Sr, J SAEGER. 1 1-ly OILS & ‘'A RNISI I.—Oils of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue &c.,—will be sold cheap by ANES.--A full assortment of Plana of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. W f lITE LEA D.-2 tons of White Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April, 22, 11-1 y NA I LS.—:3OO Kegs of the best Nails, ta.a.t..., “taal,3taest rvooolvoa oral fnr Rale by • ~ 0& J SAEGER. . .. __ 11-4Jil April 22, HOLLOW \VA RE.-500 [ron Pots ana. Keitles, just received and for gale at very reduced prices at the store of 0 & J SAEGER, 'PC) NIECHANICS.—TooIs of every de scriptionAsuch as Bench and Moulding Planes, Eland, Panne!, and Back Saws,, Brace and Bitts, Auger Buts, Hatchets, Squares, &c., for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. s—ly Jatitt try 0, 111 11 1% o The subscriber, residing at No. 32, East Hamilton street Allentown, a few doors East of the German Reformed Church, adopts this method to inform his friends and the public in general, tkat ; ,he,lias established himself as an Uhdertaker, and will constant ly keep on hand a large assortment of all . kinds of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, and other Coffins, trimmed and stuffed in the neatest styles. He has also prepared him self with a Very Convenient Dears°, • to convey the dead to the grave, or else- where. He also keeps on hand an assortment of Shrouds, and will make it his business to attend to everything connected with a funer- • al, with great puntunlity.. He has followed this branch of business for the last 25 years and knows the vt , ants when a calamity occurs, thereupon invites the public to give him a call, 'and he will be found to render perfect satisfaction. t..1-1e returns his sincere tjianks to his old friends and neighbors in Saucon, for the many favors he has received from them, and further states that his Son continues hi' tho business at the old s tand. He • keeps' on hand an assortment of household furni ture, and attends to funerals as heretofore: His wifo also prepares Shrouds. SAMUEL SELL: March 16 1-iw O & J SAEGER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers