Tali ADD 0.11 8 MB t~c ~~e:~~~^ ~~~~~~~ OF Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods IN ALL THEIR VARILTICS AT TILE New Cheap Store OF Gitbci.i, TN THE BOROUGH or.cATAsAuguA, . These gentlemen, take this method to in form their friends and the public in general that they have received a very large and well selected stock of Hinter and Spring Goods, which they are now ready to dis pose off to their customers at the lowest I prices. Their.immense stock has been selected with the utmost care and consists of.. Clothes, Cassitners, Sa fields, Flannels, Gloves.and Iloseiry, besides De-1 laines, Alapa cons; Debashe,GiuLThams.Plain I and Figured Poplins, Muslins and Prints, Boots, Shoes, Ihits, Caps, aueensware,! hardware, Looking .Glasses, Stationary, Books, &c.; To which they invite the attention of thei r friends and the public generally, confident *that the fullest satisfaction, both in price DIM quality, will be given to all who may favor them with n The highest prices will be paid in ex change for County produce. They have reason to be thankful for the favors received thus far and hope by atten tion to business, disposing of their goods at small profits, good treatment towards their customers to merit still a 4greater share 'of customers. GETZ & GILBERT. September 14. T-6m Groceries _Fish Nall. The undersigned have just received an entire new Stock of Groceries, Fish and Salt which they intend to sell at the low est prices at their Store in Catasanqua, Le high county. GETZ & GILBERT. Septenther 14. 1:—Om - - COAL . The undersigned have opened a Coal Yard in Catasauqua, and will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Cool which they will sell at greatly reduced prices. GETZ & 011,13FXIT September 14 Ready-made Clothing . . The undersigned heel) all kinds of Ready made Clothini?„ on hand, and will make to coder, at the lowest possible prier s. CE rz. & CILDEP.T. Catasaurlua, rcpt' 1,1.. 11—(hrt .To JLCui(dcrs. A splendidassortment of Frontand Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks, Latches Bolts,' linges,Scrcws, Paint Brush es, and a variety of taller build lug I I aO - just u npackin 7, and for sale chcapei than ever by January 19, 1S;;;; _ _l4 it '4l Cir ci) •.1 The undersigned give notice, agree:ll)l3. l to the I,llys of Pennsylvania, that they fur ( pose mahing application at the next term of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the in corporation of a Bank : to Le located in the Borough of Catasauqua, and County or Le-1 high, under the name, style and title of the! Bank of Catasauqua, to have general Lanhing and discounting privileges. The capital to be Two Flus nano Tuoussxn DOLLARS, with the tinolit. cf increasing it. to Tnnnt HUNDRED TuausAND DoLLAus ; and to.commence operatiOns when the said sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars shall have been paid in. .Joseph 4aubach, 11% . ,9e1hrogro, . I hig. H. Gilbert, Charles lfilliant Gel:, Chas. G. Sehneller, Isaac E. Chandler, S. 11. Lacier, 11. F...S'lraud, Levi, 11(01.v, Charles Owen Isaias Ilehrig, .1. II". Joseph; Lazarus, F. 11. Marlin, Malts Josh tut 110111,j r., Thomas Frederick, :John Thomas, .11r0mier, Jahn • Ileyben Pailerson, 8(1104 Culver.. • June 28, 1854. THE LEH IG•H T i ausvovtation. C omv . Give notice that they arc row prepared to receive and forward Alerchandize of all kinds froth' Philadelphia to Easton, Bethle hem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, and Penn llaven, and all intermediate places. The Goods will be received and shipped at their old stand first warf above Vine They also forward goods to and from New York, via Delaware and Varian' Canal and Delaware Canal. Goods by tlii line from New York will go by A .li. I\EII,SoN'S line of ves:cls to New 13runswick, by Sloops Fox and Grey Hound, which will he loom! at,the Albany LlT±ftn, foot ul Cedar Saect, North River. Any information rckluired i can be had of Measrs. ilnyisoLD CLAVIZ. N o . too, W o st "(met, N. Y. at Neilson': Agent office, bS West street, N. Y. With great increased facilities, they hope to give prompt despatch to all goods, to so licit the patronnizo of shippers. DRAKE, WILSON & Co., Proprietors. • AGENTS. IL S. Nlorehcad, John Qpdycke, Easton. Borhecic & Knows, Bethlehem. A. J. ERZ, Allentown. A. W. Leisenring. Mauch Chunk. A.-Pardee & Co., Penn Haven. • Allentown, April 12, 1551. 11—(3m Danko: kEloclo nub"Lictuctril, /4.1 No. ,Qll., Ilimit:rux Sratm.r, A I.I,FSTOWN. Good Watch Glasses 6.: ' ;t: ' ;l l lr,l6 " A'A t iri T 6 A •- &.A.tr..A . almilzUlunl2MilT9l Best Watch Glasses 121 YANKEE CLOCKS FROM $1,25 to $6,00 Joseph R. Il o & Co. Adopts this method to inform their friends and the public 'in general, that they have lately established themselves in the above business at No. 21, WEsT IlAmn.ToN STamr, where 'they will exhibit for sale an assort ment of goods, lately purchased in New York and Philadelphia, such ns CLOCKS WATCHES . AND Jcwr.mtv. The billowing is a list of their articles and prices : Fine Gold Lapine Wa.ches 20 to $2.1 Detached '25 to 35 " .. full Jew't I. Pat. LA.er, 40 to 75 4. " limiting Case .4 " 45 to 125 Silver Lapine Watches 9to 12 " Detached " 12 to 16 " Patent Lever " 12 to 25 hunting Pat. Lev. watches, 20 to 35 Yankee Clocks, 1;25 to 3,00 1. 4 day Clocks, 8,50 to 6,00 " iron Frame splendidly engraved 5 to 15 Gold Breast pins, from 50 cts. to $lO (10 " Ear rings 25 cts. to 10 00 ah.o keeps on hand a full assortment of Gold and Silver spectacles and Spectable Glasess, purses; port monies, &c. Musical instruments,such as violins, vio lin strings', Musical Boxes, Accordians,a ll of which are sold at wholesale or retail,and at prices far below what they ever were sold in this place. Persons in want of Jewelry will fad it to; be their advantage to give them a call be. fore purchasing, elsewhere, as they feel con fident of satisfying all who may favor them with their patronage. Mr. Imo, is well ; known in this place as a skillful mechanic, I I and all his work will be warranted. Every Article sold by them, is warranted to be what it is sold for, and no mistake Clock and watch makers throughout thel country, will do well to give them a call as they will sell at wholesale and retail eve ry article kept in their.line of business. F.7 - Through the aid of one of Bottum's Patent improved universal Lathe Chucks, they are enabled to make repairs on clocks, watches and ;di Limb; of Jewelry, much cheaper than the old way of workino - , conse quently this particular branch ortho busi ness will he punctually atu nded to and dune ep on the most reasonahle terms Alb mown, June 11, It+sl 4 1' - 0 m J SAJC.I.IIZ. 11-* Glorious News !'. The largeA supply of goods ever brought to Allentown, can be found at No. 31, bIAsT I I,m;:rox ST:turc. Attention Customers ! CHEAP WATCHES, KECK and . NEIVIIIIIIPS ELS IL 1.... o f Fol. 6 EffirD.7. ',, , '1 nese gentlemen adoptthis 1 .4a method to inform their friends ,:t l .! • and the public in general -,-.`-‘7",; :,.v. ; -.... ~,v that they have lately entered 1 4-,57::..: IF into partnership, under the , i -4 1 ..„.1,,, ~,,,..i above mentioned firm, and I :'''. i)4.1 1 • 1 will follow the . ( Al lICIIANT TAILOR:INa fi , in all its various branches at the.ttold stand", formerly kept by Keck and Leh, directly opposite the "Register Office," where they' are prepared to sell at the lowest prices all kinds of fashionable Ooods, such as blue Mack and fancy colored Cloths, Cassinicers and Vestings,Winter Clothes, Collars, Ilan kerchiefs, Cravats, &c. They also keep on hand at all times a large and fashionable as sortment of Ueadyrnade Clothing) . such as Coats of every color and descriptidn. Pantaloons of all styles and prices, all kinds of Vestings, Shirts and tinder.sh i rts, Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, &c., all of which they will sell at Eitvaordinary liLolt . Prices, that no one, who visits their establishment, can 10.1 p to buy either Coat, Pants, Vests, or something in their line of business. They have juk•t returned from Philadelphia and New York and have replenished their Stock of goods that it may with right be turned the Allentown Hall of Fashion. The work they turn out is under their own supervision, and having engaged one of the.best Cullers in the country, they will be able to turn out the "best fits." Coats, Pantaloons and Vests will be made up to order after the newest fashion, no matter whether the material has been purchased of them or not. They return their thank s for the favors they have received and tr ust they will be continued. Ea.:llion plates as they come out arc al v,ays kept fur sale. V. K& N ENV I A 11.1 j' All ',town, August 31. 11- 3 .11 - - . _ • . • c9t (C , lo those 1 titervMcd. The undersigned Attorney at Law, re siding in the Village of ilnakertot‘n, Bucks county, Pa., wishes to know of the where abouts of Jacob Wilt. son., Salisbury, Jacob Wilt, or Christian Weiesnborg, of North ampton township, Lehigh county, revolu tionary soldiers, or their widows or child ren. They can hear of something to their ad vantage by add ressing, him. LEWIS 13. TIIOMPSON.. .L—L•fw May 331. New Goods. New Goods. . • .. , ..„--. , - , -,, T ,„:-- .._ ••,_....; ,: ..... l' - ,-,:•:,- 1 j , , ,.,„..., , 4 - ,1i.r., , ,,-.--.. q - -- - -*--;----"-, • • zt,....--7-:,-.7-.:,. ... 1 tr:ll.' ••.1: -2 , f .7- s . : ; I T . : ,f 5.:-....-v--;;I:,-;'.::=2;:le--'-;,. 4:V 1 ;:k ' -,:::-r-r -:-..-::'' '''--'''rz..7'-:;;;A::,-i',':Iil:,21,i,:igt,,f" '-, - er i .,..../i. , ., „ ...;...v7„ii_.3.11 1 :71:14,01 r ,...,,,„ ..,..;,,,......4,....,.v,, ii tr , A jw ~ 1 11 1 ,1' iu* 013t:'„ el 4 J7l" IVi:::g:r.LW.: --11 44 . 7 1. :''' .:4t l 4 lee rf f ,f3J`i,i,.. 1 :1; , V , . ii,''llll4it, ',,, - gL .; rj 1 pt,tl,:itt.':Z:z----,• 7".1 • • '- 423 L,i111.0/1 tam..rift 't- 1- ' , i '• Ji ...="4:711 . r ,f . : - .. 1 ::,'-filt iti'iNg::4l--cre:,:i; j ,l'a•-,.;----.: ''.--11:',•=1 [Fli 7 ,VY'r,' 1 1 ,LTY: 1 ; I , .11 4 ,, 11. !:- ,y,,,‘, 1 , , L i k ta .; . ,1,, , ,,: t .. , At , iti' ,'l4'- el-- .- _ , ....„....4-2..,- ‘ , 5 ,, i.:.,....i . --:,....---._ -;-, 2 .,...-1 7 , _ ..,..,., .., - - • Builders Loot Here. A rom ASSORTMET OF HARIPWAIRE ! The undersigned announce to the public, that they have just returned from Philadel ph iirt and New York, with a very large lot of hardware, consisting of ?.154 5 ,p5 House Furnishii7g, .qrtieles, Cutlrry, Coach Trimmings, Sadlery aurl Slide-jhulings, ail of 'Odell will /tic sold at extremely luw prices. They ask the public to give Saeger's Hardware Store, sign of the cloy. e,enb, • a call in order to convince theinselvcsof the fact, that a Tenn y saved is a penny made.' 0. & J SAEGER. y April 22 To HOUSe. eepers. A great assortment of Ilouse furnishing articles, such as ENAMELED andtinned inside,cooking vessels, sauce and stew Pans, preserve ket tles, fish and ham kettles, frying pans, grid irons, waffle irons, &c. •TEA TRAYS and Waiters, from com mon to fine, in sets and dozens. Also, goth ic form, in sets;and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers, steels., conic and butcher knives, with a variety of other manufactures. April 22, , POCKET and PEN KNIVES—Razors , scissors, shears, from•the best makers ; one , two, three, and 4 biade-.knives. — SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes, pick, axes, &c. fiIIOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel fire sets and . Auindards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons, &c. for sale by p & J SAECIER. April, 22, IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat, and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of O & J SAEGER. GLASS.-1750 Boxes Glass, by 10, 1(1 by 12,10 by 11, 10 by 15, 12 by 10, and various other e , for :ale by ct&J SAEGER. To SI IOE.MAI( It:11-J.—Jusi received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding, , I.eitther, Lasts, Shoe-thread, \V‘oodon Peg,: Prench Rakers, and numerous other artic , es belonging to the shoeinaltiniT business 0 & J SA bIOI.IZ. 4 :-6111 • OILS & of all boiled and raw, To rpelitine, Newark Var nish of all Glue he sold cheap by (.)& J SAEGER PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best mahe, also a lar:te assort moat of Carpenter's 'fools, for sole cheap by 0 J S AEGE.M. WHITE LEA I).-9 tons of NV liiteLead just recei;;ed, Pure and Extra, and for sale by O & J SAEGER. April, 22, NAILS,—tIOO Kegs of the best Nails. Brads and Spikes ,just received and for sale by J SA EG ER. April 22, 41J -43w 1101.1,0 W-WA 11. E.--500 Iron l'ots one Kettles. just received and for sale at very reduced prices at the store of 0 & J S A EGER 'PO MBCIIANICS.—TooIs of every de scription, such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Hand, Patine', and Back Saws, Brace and Bitts, Anger Bitts, Hatchets, Siitizaes, &c., for sale by 0 & J SAEGEII. Janutry 5, 101 Ifj • 1211 ari . • GI Just . received at the Store of the subscri bers, a lot of Mill Picks, William Ilrady's Patent. This is a New Mechanical Tool, the best evet invented and only wants to be used to the proved. Apply soon. 0. & J. SAEGER. 111-4 w April 13 To lery and collect a tax for dcfraying the expeaccs of the Borough of Catasauqua, for the current gcUr. Be it ordained and enacted by the' Ciii zens of the Borough of Catasauqua, in Town Council assembled, that a tax of live mills on every dollar shall be. laid on the estates, real and personal, in the Borough of Col s:at:qua, and the re,pc.ciive offices nod pus': of roil?, trades and proles. , ions and (leen F.- tionc Of the of the :aid Borough, agreeably to. the last eonlitv tissse z:sment . and the valuation thereof, and the town clerh is hereby required, to wake out dap i licates and apportion the tax acclording)y, and said tax is hereby appropriated for defraying the contingent and other,eNpemiec of the i;dr poration for the current year. Enacted into an Ordinance, at CataSau-, qua, July 10, A. 1). IS;) JOHN BOYER, Burgess JOHN WILLIAMS'. Town Clerk. Cntasnuqua; Julyl9, 155.1. stololPriiatuier 1 , 4 9 Neatlvext.cuted at tho "Rugis.ter Office. An Ordinance, Jos(; le Z'reiss, Watchmaker in Allentown, Tikhes this method to inform his friends and the public in general, that he still con tinues the Wichanakin v, Business, in all its various branches, at his "old stand" No. 11, West Hamilton street, nearly oppo site the 'Odd Fellow's Hall," in the Borough of Allentown, where he has just received an entire new, and constantly keeps on hand at siAendid stock of Parlor and Office Clocks, Gold and Silver Watches of various des criptions, a large assort ment of Ear and Finger rings, Silver and other ons, a large assortment of Gold Spectacles, also Silver and other Spectacles, suitable for persons of nll aces, together with a large variety of other JeWelry, and such other ar ticles usually kept in establishments of this kind. ALSO: A Large Asscrtment of Violins, Violin Bows and Strings of the best quality, and all other articles used on Violins. Piano Fortes. Just received a splendid assort tnlmt of Pianos of the most celebrated man ufacturies. Nclodians of the most celebra ted makers in the United States. 'The whole of these articles will be sold at the most reduced prices, and he will warrant that every..articles sold by Lim will be ac , cording to contract. arllross Instruments will be furnished to order, at the shortest notice and at prices far below what they can be purchased else where. branzh of business trill be attended to as usual, with the strictest punctuality. Ile further returns. his sincere thanks for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon him for a number of years past, and trusts that by strict attention to business, 'punctu ality and liberal prices of his ctoods ho will be farther thought worth.). of the publics pat ronage fur which he will always feel thank ful. JosErn Wciss. January 15, IS:A. w c.,......cc,,,,,,;.::::,:::.,,,,,,....,,,,,, , ,, ,, ..... , , , , ,,, , , , ,, .., .., > e, E. E W. Eekert's „,-; ~., „ CO IV lIOLESALE AND RETAIL f. l , 4) r, 8 Tobacco, snuff and t,- , ,egar2 . ..„, 0 r ro I.l,`at 9 0 r 3 - No. 30, East Hamilton Street, ',...,', A LILEINTONITIV, PA. 0 0 3 - i r ) :$ .7 --- cory)s al.l, ll' IPP .I V11'1) n, 0 ca D July 20. l' -- I Y P, _ __ Z. 13 . I\avuct.; ns.!:. - I°T.lls Informs his friends, and the pub -Tilt lic in general, that he still performs all operations on the teeth, a nd treats die.eases of the gums and alveoler processes in the most effectual and shillful manner. II is mode of insertion artificial teeth, cannot be Stlilia,:sed, fur comfort to the wea rcrand d ribility amtbeautifulness in appear ance. The general satisfaction he has,given for years, Las been duly appreciated by the public. Office No. 4S, East Flami;ton street, a few doors East of Pretz, Girth & Co's store, op posite Bechtels American Hotel December G, 1353 Niap of Lehigh County, ~etzutl 31ritsitreincill and Si rrells hruni.choul the whole County b ‘ ii Adolph liseLbacli, C. E. The Subscriber will publish shortly, pro vilt;tl a sufficient number of signers be LA , tented, a new and complete ilipp of Lehigh Comity. The surveys arc ju•st commenced, all the public roads, and the locations of the places for t , :orship, Post offices, School-houses, Country stores, 11 ills, Public [louses, Smith shops, NV heelv.Prights. Ore beds, &,c., are to be marked. The names of the property holders ,generally (including all those in the county who will subscribe in advance to the map) are also to be inserted upon their places, to be illustrated with Vignettes of views in Lehigh County. Plans of the principal 'Villages on a large scale will be inserted in the statrgin, also a beautiful Marginal-map of Allentown. The plan will be plotted to a suitable Fcale: so as to make a large and ornamental Map. To be engraved and delivered to subscribers handsomely colored and mounted for rive nou.mts per copy. JAmes D. SCOTT, Pi/hi/Sher. No. 110 Chesnut St; Philadelphia. j 1 Allentown March 15. —2m WANTED• Timothy Ilay, Wheat, Rye, Coltri„),lnd Oats, for which the highest market price wi be paid by PRETZ, GUTII& CO 111-6 w May 4, (E) (aril %ad, .nmaim N tice is li. reby given, that the under signed has taken out letters of Adm inistra lion, in the estate of SiThen Ritter, late of the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, therefore rill those who know themselves to be indebted to said estate; be it in Notes, Bonds, 13oolc Debts or otherwise, will make settlement of-the same, within six weeks from the date hereof. All those who have any legal claims against said estate, will iresent them well authenticated to the un dersigned within the above specified.titne. tlr.awatAn Adm'st. Allentown, May • a,;-6w T-- ;n• South Mountain Railroad Co. At a ra p e t t orr o f the CnmmisAioners of the SOUTH MOUNTAINRAILROADCOM PANY, held in pursuance of previous no tice, at the house of David Rank, in Jones town, on Tuesday, the 20th day of June, A. D. 1854. On motion, A. O. 111 ESTER, Esq., was called to the Chair, and JOHN BRUNER, Esq , chosen Secretary. • Judge Mester, on taking the Chair, made I a very pertinent and appropriate address to the meeting, referring to the importance of the honor conferred upon the persons named in the nct of incorporation—the re sposibility which now rested upon them—to act with energy and prudence ; all of which was well received by the Commissioners and the citizens who were unanimously adopted : WIILIZEAS, For the purpose of proceeding to the organization of the company, it was. Resolved, That Looks be opened to re ceive subscriptions to the capital stock of the S'outh Mountain Railroad Company, at the following times, arid places, to wit: At Hamburg, on the 11th day of August next At Shartlesville, on the 14Lh day of Au gust. At Strous,etown, on the 10th day of Au gust. At Rehrersburg, on the 18th day of Au gust. At Millersburg, on the 21st day of Au-' gust. At Fredericksburg ,on the 23d day of Au gust. At Jonestown, on the 25th day of Au gust. At Harper's, nn the 243; h day of August. At Mechanicsville, on the 80,11 day of Au,ost. At Shell's Tavern, on the 31st day of August. At Linglestown, on. t4e Ist day of Sep tember. At Harrisburg, on the 4th day of Ser- Lumber. • Resolved, Thai the following named per• sons will attend nt the diflerrnt times and places of openings of the books, to wit : - Hamburg. Sharkesvilic and Slroase, town—l. •A. Beiteropto, ;vorge Shenk, Benjamin Nontiamacher, Franklin Wag ner, Joseph Seibert. Daniel Moyer and William Shatnmo. lechrersharg—Valentine Brobst, Adam Slimmer, Philip 1‘: lare. and Beni unioNleam Nillersburg—Frederick Horner, lienry Shubert, Isaac Gearheart, Martin Moyer. Fredericksburg—Jacob Houtz, Jacob Snodderly and I l enry B. Seidle. J ews /Nett—John C. Seltzer. John rall ,ner, Esq., and John Ilarper's—John I larper, Lyon Lemberger and David M. fluid:. illechanicsville--Jolin I larpc r,lXtvid Mi Runk and Elias I. Kinz , r. 7'urern-I harper. Mink and Linz , r. Ling/rstown—A. 0. ILdster. E:ir, Ja cob Shell and Thimms B r i ot. /Thrri,sburg-LA. 1). I Ini.4er, Esq , Ham .Ayres, o.:v. Porter and Daniel W. ti rocs. I Resolved, That it be n cutmeended to the President and Diree.ors of this compa- ny, atter their organization, to pay interest l lo the several stock holders entitled to receive I the same, in the months of J inuary and Ju- ! ly in each year, at the' rate of six per Cent. per annum on all instalments paid by them on their several .shares of steel:. Resolved, That all expenses incurred for 1 printing and publishing notices, 6:,c., foil opening of the books, and meetings of the Comtnissioners to receive subscriptions of stock, be, paid out of the general fund. • Resolved, That the proceedings of . this meeting be published :inceessively for three weeks in two papers ill Ilarri , shor , , Lehon ' on. liindin...T. Hamburg :Ind Allentown, and' also in handbills to be distributed Wong the line of the contemplated road. The following resolution vas cfc2red by A datn Shoener, Esq : Resolved, That Gen. William Ayres be rf quested to attend the several meetings for the opening, of books, and address the citi zens. giving them the infornation as to the benylits and advantages to be derived from the contemplated improvement about to be made. 1 .1- 11 y On motion of Dr. Seltzer, Gen. A vres was requested to address the meeting ; to which he responded in his usual happy ftyle, exhibiting, that he was booked up on railroads, together with the general interests of the country ; after which the meeting ad journed. Jonestown, July 12 ISS-1. Coal: Coal. Nut, Stove, Egg and Lump Coal, in any quantity desired. for sale by. Guru & co. Allentown, April 26 ATIII) 0113 The Best and 1 Cheapest Stock ofl Boots Shoe's, Gai -o,,barp. , . 6 00 tors, Gums, &c., / .in the city, at ' , - "n,, Dunbarr's 76, South Second St. Philadelphia, (corner of Carters Street ) Being mostly of his own manufacture, he ,ruarrantees them to wear ; and will sell— wholesale or retail as cheap as the cheapeSt. Easy 4lhoe:s for Old Ladies. Plain and Fancy Boots, Shoes, Gaiters. &c., always on luttidl in great variety, for , Boys, Ptah, Misses and Children. Priees.Ladies Gaiters, of every quality and style, from $1 to $2.50. Gents' Calf Skin 13oots, from $:3 to $3, Patent Leather Shops, Gaiter Boots, Congress Boots, Bdt ttln ,Boots, &a., from $1,50 to $1,50. • • Gum Boots, Shoes, Sandles,Clog,s,always on hand. • rirOld Gums bought and repaired June 2tz, 1551 New Goods. The subscribers would hereby inform their customers, and the public in general, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and are now busily engaged in unpack ing a very large and well selected stock of Drees Goods, comprising in part as lol low„1: For the LADIES we have any quantity of Fancy and Plain DeLnines, Silk Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Poplins, &cr., also Silk and other Shawls, Kid, Silk, and other Gloves,' Lace Goods of all styles, and qualities, and; lots of other goods in their line. 3 For the CEN:PLEME.N, we h ave a li ne assortment of Cloth plain, and fancy Cash meres, Linens, Salina, Silks and other Vest::: ings, Cravats, Collars, ;weeds, &c. W e • cordially invite all to come and examine our, stock of goods, thebeauty, quality and cheap.; ness of which we feel confident cgrinot surpassed by any of our worthy corapetabri.; , • PRETZ, GUM& CO April 23, 1`;51 Groceries. The subscribers have lately, . purchased a very large kof jff S ugar, Molasses, Coffee, &c.,' which . they will sell whole sale arid retail at very •low prices. We in vite the Country merchants to give us a calk' before purchasing elsewhere, as we think we can give them gond bargains. PH ETZ, O UTE] 4- CO Allentown, April 20. 10 barrels and 25 half barrels, Nos. 1, 2 arid ;3 Nlaclierel, which they are disposed to sell at a very small profit. .PRETZ, GUT[-1 & CO. Allentown,. April 26. 11-661 Fcat lies, Raisins, &c. taL , hels prime dried Peaches, halves. 25 boxes best barrel Raisins. 25 kegs Lexia do. 50 (lox. painted buckets. 200 doz.. Corn brooms. which they will sell wholesale arid retail at the.lowest market prices. PR ETZ, GUTH & CO Allentown, April 23 Sall Sall! 200 Sack Liverpool Or'mind Salt. 50 do. Ashton's Fine do. 100 do. Dairy do. For sole by PRETZ, GUTH & CO. Allentown, April, 20. .11-76n1 21theinnit12 ngaiiist bi) in7l77tE. THE FIR RLIN FIRE INSURANCE, CONFANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. i 6:q CHESNUT STREET, Near Fifth Street STATEMENT or • A SSETS, $1,52.5 3 849 68, January 'lst, 185 Vub'lisheal agreeably to an Act OF • BEING First Mortgages. amply secured. $1,199,284 48 Real Estate (present value $llO,- 000) cost. Temporary Loans, on ample Cola" feral Securities. 130.774 26 Stocks (present value $76,191) cost. 63.085 50 Clash, &a. &c., 50,665 571 PERPETUAL OR LIMITED INSURANCES made on every dcz , cription of property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, at rates as low as nreconsistantwith securityf Since their incorporation, a period of twenty4ounvears, they have paid over titre ddlars Loss tw FIRE, thereby af fording evidence of the ad vantant of Insur -anee,a tho ability and iiisposition to meet with promptness all liabi:ities. Charles i . 2ancker, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias IVagner, • 'Adolp. E Boric, Samuel Gr a nt, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patter Sun, GleJ. IV. Richards, Isaac Lea, CnAiti.i:s N. BANCK.ER, ci.ttiT.Es (1. BA NC K.ER, Secretary. t. /"The subscribers are the .appoipted, Agents of the above mentioned Institution,' and are now prepared to make insuralmes ' on every dcicription of property, at the low .lA e6t rates. A*. L. RUIIE, Allentown. • C. F. BLECII, Bethlehem. A.II - entown, Oct. 1852. 11 1.1 . 2 IR e; ¶-4w The subscribe . r, residing at No. 32, East Hamilton street Allentown, a few doors East' of the German Reformed Church, adopts this method to inform his friends and th•i public in general, that* has established himself as an Vndertaker, and will constant.' ly keep on hand a large assortment of all kinds of MEM 4 ' ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, and other Collins, trimmed and Mulled in the twate7t. styles'. .Lie has also prepared 'him= self with a Very Convenient Hearin ? . - to convey the dead to the grave, etr , else tyltere. Ile also keeps on hand an assortment o( Shrouds, and will make it' his • btisineesi le attend to everything connected with a funer al, with great puntuality.' Ile has followed this branch of buiinesc for the last 25 years and lin6weihe wants when a calamity occurs, therd - npor invites the public to give him a call, and he Will bd found to render perfect eatisfactlon. rl-10 returns his sincere thanks to his old friends and neighbors in Saucon, fOr the many favors ho has received from them; and further states that hie lion continues in the business •at the old stand. lie keeps on hand an assortment of household furni ture, and 'attends.to funerals as heretofore: His wife also prepares rouUE Shdt. • • • SA M L SELL. t 1 5.--Chrt • Marc'h 13 = 11-61 r., 4-Gm 11—bin 82,139 87, 1026 ; 040 68 I)lYeclors
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers