Gii , , Terrible Disaster at Wilmington. 1, . , , , ~ t t • t • ILISINOTOS, May ai'. Our citizens, were.,thrown into a terrible . commotion ' shortly'before .11 o'clock this morning;; .auteetesion . cfleports, as if of thutiderfficcortiPatileitAlthli serisible jar of every, building,: irt:the,p)ece, while the con ctission'of the air caused Immense destruc ',don tp,the glass. Doorsamd windows were burst °pelt,' as if shaken by firi.earthquake. • It was soon ascertained •to, have proceed .ed from an explosion of poAderot the cor nei of Fourteenth and Orange streets, and ' in that vicinity. the destruction beggars de scription. An earthquake could not have caused greater destruction. . . Three large teams, containing 450 kegs of powder, the whole estimated at five tons 'Were on the.way from the mills.of Dupont do Co. to the warf, for the purpose of being shipped. In • passing along Fourteenth street, the last wngon was oppoSite Orange street, and immediately in front of Bishop Lee's elegant residence, the other wagons , advance, the head one about sixty .feet beyond. It is not known which of the i wagons first exploded. or how the powder l 'l 3ecnre i 3 ignited. Nothing but fragments re-i Main of wagons, horses and drivers. Bishop Lee's house was terribly shatter ed. The roof was lifted up bodily, and bro ken into fragments, the front wall blown out ; ,the floors broken up, and every window and l door torn away. The beautiful garden, and even the summer-house, well known to eve ry visitor to these churming grounds, were 'destroyed. The Bishop and his family were fortu pately absent, attending the Convention of the diocese, in St. Andrew's church, a few i silqn,res off. A female servant was in the ousp, with a child. The latter was slight y hurl.; the servant is badly cut. but is not dead,,as was erroneously . reported. thrca,houses on Orange street, below Fourteenth, were completely destroyed.— Of one frame house, not a portion remains , standing. . A young Irilliiiian; boarding with John :McLaughlin - was fatally, injured and died .short,ly after. McLaughlin was very bad ly cut and his, clothes torn, olf. His wife is very seriously injured, and her child, about two years of age ivas missing ind .if ivies supposed had been killed, when it N . v:i6sub, sequently taken from the Mier uninjUre:d. 'The families of Wm. McCoy and Richard Reynolds, living in the other houses are all snore or less injured. She wife of the lat- / ter quite seriously. The residence of James Canby, corner of Market and Fourteenth streets was terribly shattered and will have to come - down. The inmates-were badly cut by the glass rend 'falling plaster. The brick stables st,nd barn together with the carriage house and fine garden, were all destroyed. On the opposite- side of the street, the vie - gam *residence of James P. Price, Was so much injured that it will have to be rebuilt. On the south of Fourteenth str , et, the barn and stables of Joseph Price, John H. Price, and James E. Price, were complete ly destio3cd. In the latter, Robert [lee ry, n colored man was killed. The following were also killed : ---.John Re ese,Thotnas Talleyand Thomas Hughes, employed as drivers of the teams. Thti true; along the street and in the gar dens bordering were stripped of their leaves and. some torn ,up by the roots. Fragments of the wagons horses and drivers, were blown in:ittrious directions. A human arm was fottrid at ,a distance of 300 feet; one of the driiers was blown over the trees and the fragments of his body lodged on the shore of the: Brandywine, which runs behind Bish op Lee's grounds. • the walls and other objects in the • r • houses Injured by - the explosion, were dri v ken towards it, instead of from it. The ap pearance of the houses shows.that the great vacuum caused by the explosion had caus ed the. air in the hoUses to burst them. In Nr. Price's house, the heavy folding doors Vetween the ,parlors, which were closed at "the time, were forced violently from the hinges, and carried to the end of the room. The windows and doors in every case were driven outwards, The tire of one wagon, weighing 100 lbs. was thrown a distance of 200 feet, and a , fragment of another tire,4 inches broad, was driven, directly through the trunk of a large tree. Though nothin can be found of the Wagons except Small - fragmenis the places where they stood is marked on the bed of the explosion, has beeen sunk nearly two feet. Nearly all the houses along Orange street ' as far as Tenth have the glass broken and the plaiter of the interior shattered from the walls. t. 'On Market st. adjoining ,the residence of 1. E. PriOe,. 00 el e gant k dwelliolga of John B. Pinter, John Prfrp,.)4: T. Price , were gretitly injureti iodltte furnitdie and glassware brakep.. Seven dwellings on Thirteenth itilieef,Valled Bright's row, were much tihmaged-the windows shattered and' the plaster dettiched froth the walls and cell:. The,e4lo§ion caused ,a terrible sensation • fhroughout the city. In the neighborhood the people rushed from the hotises to great terror. A gentleman riding on horseback some dis tance from the head of the Wagon . felt the ground trembling, and at the sdrite moment • was lifted from his 'horse, and'seeing daws 1 01111 - No' tliestreet, thouaht an earthquake had occurred. Many S uppose' that persons Passing along the street at the time were killed, and their bodies,delarßY ed. So far only Ave are known to hovibeen kilted. • The bodies or' frailideats orlotir have been found 'and an inquest held'on the remains by John Moore, Deputy. Coroner. The explosion, was - felt . at the' brick'neet . ing' hbuae, thirty-fie Miles *sOuth'of:Wil. brit glen. • Ttle,totai.loss is. estimated: at np lesti thim $76,000.• including: the powder 'add'teams, • val ued at'Ssooo: • ' The Messrs ''Ditpont'are'oft the grouad actively engaged (104 ,all they 'can to te .lieive the sullerepe. 'lhey`tieelaiti their in ,..tentioq•to,pay,a4 the damage done to. prop- Among the injured is the wife of Richard Reynolds who had her leg broken; . A lady living *sr Bishop Lee's residence says that a few rimments before the explo sion she saw a man. walking toward the. wa gons. The explosion prostrated-her 'and when she recovered she could see nothing Of the man, and thinks, without doubt, be was. killed. One week Later from Europe. The'Steatner Asia at New York on Thurs day afternoon, brings Liverpool dates to 20th May, one weak later than the ad vices by the. Franklin. Her arrival brings newa, of the Artic aboutwhose non arrival apprehen itigns were begining to be felt: she got ashore dp the Tualtar in the Irish Channel, and hiving been got off; was compelled to re turn ,to port for repairs. -THE CITY OF CA./OM/W.—A report was current at Liverpool on Saturday, that the steamer City of Glasgow had foundered at sea. tier passengers and crew are repor ted to have. been carried into Africa. The report is said .have been. received by a gentleman in ,Londonderry from one of the passengers. THE WAR —lt was rumored at Paris that a telegraph despatch had been received an nouncing the bombardment a'nd capture of Revel, in the Baltic, by the combined fleets. No particulars are given, and the story is doubted. Russia has assumed a threatening atti tude towards Prussia. The Anglo-French armies contemplate an invasion of the Russian terriory. It was reported that the Russians had met with the loss of 1500 Men. Colonel Sulimnn Bey has also defeated the Russians at Rthova. Vienna, Tuesday night.—Tho Gazette states that in consequence of the•great con, centration of troops on the north eastern and eastern frontiers of Austria, 05,000 re cruits will be raised. This measure is con sidered an open declaration that Austria will not be bullied by-Russia. The Vienna conferences are to be renew ed on the basis of the new Anglo-French and A ustro-Prussian treaties of alliance. The general depot of the Russian Artille ry and stores at Futcheny has been burnt by the inhabitants from a feeling ofrevenge.— The loss was immense. Pour hundred houses were destroyed by a Are at Constantinople on the 4th of May. ?Hive Napoleon and his officers worked to eltioinguish the flames. Twenty Russian merchant ships hive Veen captured by the allied fleets since the boinbardment of Odessa. Great surprise has bpen expressed that Odessa has not been blockaded. Shipsareconstantly loading, and unloading there. A large fleet was taking in produce at Archangel. One. American and two Russian ships had arrived at Cronstadt, and navigation was considered open. The American vessel had a cargo waiting for her. MA RBI E D. On Sunday the 27th of May, by:tho Rev, C. F. We!den, Mr. Francis Huber, to Miss Maria' Berkcr, all of Bethlehem Borough. On the 4th of June, by the Rev. Jacob Vo aelbach, Mr. Jeremiah WonSidler, to Miss Catharine Shafer, both of Upper Saucon. At the same titne . the same Mr. Ed- win Bitting, to Miss Maria Lieber, both of Upper Saucon. On the 29th of May, by the Rev. Joshua Yager, Mr. John Stout, of Reading., to Miss Blithabeth S. Yoder, of Oley, Bucks Co., On the Ist of June, by the Rev. Joshua Yager, Mr. George Kline, to Miss Rebecca Shafer, both of Allentown. On the:4th of June, by the same, Mr. Wil liam Kunckel, of Coopersburg, to Miss, Re— becca Brinker, of Salisbury. . Oh the sth of „Tillie, by John P. HolbliCh, Esq.; Mr. CharleS Frederick [reale, to : riles Mary .divine, both of Allentown. DIED. In this borough on Saturdliy last, of con. sumption, Jane. eldest daughter of Charles Eckert, aged 13 yearS. ,On the 19th of May, inTreemont, Ohio, John Leh, formerly of Ileidelburg Lehigh county, aged 59 years. • . ' On the 31st of May, in Allentown, Ml 'nom F. Koiptih, ton of Fred: Soto, aged 3 Years., Thomas Iron Company. EASTON, itITIC 7, 1854 Notice is hereby given, that the following gentleman were elected Officers and Direc tors of the Thomas Iron Company at a meet ing of the Stockholders: - Peter S. Michler, of Easton, President. C: F. Randolph, Easton, Sep'y and Treas PIRECTOV.S.' • E. A. Douglass, M. Chtinch.A 0. A. Imeltenbach. Bethlehem. Peter S. Michler, Easton. Ephraim Marsh, Jersey City. William H. Talcott, du' , John Drake Easton. . Russel S. Chidsey, Easton, June 7; . . ig-2w 11(UU 4 LtC0a4 Office vf lhE!..Allentown Iron Co.? lihiledelphia, May 26, 1864. An election for Seven Directors of the Al lentown Iron Company, to serve for twelve morwhs, will be belt' at the office pf the Company, No•;3 Walnut St., on 'Thursday the (fifteenth day of June, between the hours of. TO 4-111. and 5 P . . M. JOHN F. CABOT, Secretary. May 31. An election will be held op Saturday, Jhne 10th, et the Public 'house of Charlcs . Ehrie,.in, Allentown, for a Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, and four Assistants.-- Polls *open, at 2; and close at'6 o'clock in the afterpoetn, ' GRAND GONSOLIDATION OF THE! Two Largest lud.Most Popular Equestrian Establishments in the world, viz;—the well,known Companies WELCU'S NATIONAb CIRCUS AND WPM° ME Of Philadelphia, and Lent's New York Circus ! FORMING Two DISTINCT EXHIBITIONS, Blended together, and both given under one Immense Pavillion for n Single Price of .I(bnivtion—reports by inferior companies to the contrary, notwithstanding. The CA, solidated Companies, Will Exhibit at Jl(letdown. On Thum day June, ltith. Doors open . at 2 and 7 o'clock, P. M.— Performances will commence half at an hour alter opening. ..14.utssioN25 cis. tar No Half Price. The great Resources obtained by combin ing there two Extensive and Well-Known Troupes, will allow of a degree of Brillian cy being produced• id their Entertainments unparalleled in this country, and unsurpas sed in any other. A great variety of Per formances • now in this country, and pe culiar to this establishment, will be found comprised in the bills, and it is confidently believed that the Novel Brilliant and Ex citing Represethations of the double Troupe will form a feature in the amusements in A tnericii, which will be remembered with gratification for years to come. The Bright array of Talent attached to the ConSolidated Establishment includes a great number of the most diStinguished names in the Equestrian Profession, most of whom are as well known in Europe as upon this side ri cc s eurrent. ARZ/CLES. Per I Allen! I .Easton I Mid Barrel Bush., Flour Wheat . . • • Rye ' . . . . • Corn . • • • Oats ..... Buckwheat . • Flaxseed . • • Cloverseed • • 1 imothyseed Potatoes • • • Salt Bulter . . •. • Lard Tallow . . • • Beeswax . . . Ham Flitch . . . . Tow-yarn . . Eggs . . . . Rye Whishey Apple Whiskey Linseed Oil . . Hickory Wood Hay .. . . Egg Coal . . . Mit - Coal . I Lump Coal . Plaster . Pound Doz Gall Cord TGkri Ton Corner-Stone Laying. The corner stone of the now English Lu theran Church iu Allentown, will be laid on Sunday, June 25th., services both morning and afternoon. Addresses will be delivered in english & german. The committee expect that among other clergymt!n, trio following will take part in the exercises ; Rev's. E. W. flutter, Philad., C; F. Welden, and L. Heydenreioh, Bethlehem, and J. Yaeger, J. Schindel, and others of this county. Building Cornmillcc• —2w Juno 7, 1854 Notice to Builders. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed will receive' proposals until the 24th of June next, for the erection of twelvellwel ling ,houses at the , Thomas Iron Works,' in South 'W hitehall township, Lehigh county. For further particulars please apply at the works. SAMUEL 'THOMAS. May al. 11-4 w covacem. Notice is hereby given,'that the under signed has taken out letters of Adgtinistra tion,•in the estate of Stephen Ritter, late of the Borough of_Allentown, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know themselves to be indebted to said estate, be it• in Notes, Bonds Book Debts or otherwise, will make settlement of the same, within six weeks from the date hereof. All thosb who have any legal claims against said estate, will present them well authenticated to the unr dersigned within'the above Specified time. JFREMIAIt BITTER, Adm'st. Allentown May :31. atavti TacomeL Just received at the Store of' the subscri bers; a kit of Mill Picks, William Brady's Patent"; This is ti New Mechanical Too, the beet ever inveMed and only wants to be used to the proved. Apply . sopn. • . 0. &J. BAWER. April, 1 11—oat of the Atlantic. Among the mist prominent of the Equestrian Stars, are Miss MINNA the great Prussian Equestrienne ; Miss Ex.elsa, the youthful, fearless, and fascinating rider, M issef ANGELINE. SOPHIE, IRENE, and JEN NY ; \Voltam., the very best Clown of the age; E-lIRAM W. FRANKLIN, S. P. STIONEY, H. F. NICHOLS, J. HANKINS, W. KINCAOS, B. STEVENS, MASTER WILLIE, and numer ous others, Au. xxows/ TO FAME, and Une qualled in their respective departments.— For a full description of the Mit,otwiceNT ENTERTAINMENTS to be given, the reader is referred .to the descriptive bills at the prin cipal hotels, as it would be.Unpossible to give an adequate idea of their VAST EXTENT AND VARIETY in the limits of a newspaper advertisement. Each Afternoon's Exhibition will termi, nate with the extremely laughable French Equestrian Burlesque, entitled LE JOCKEY ; while at night, the Performance will con clude with the great Legendary, Hippodra matic Spectacle of ST.GEOROE AND THE DRAGON, produced with all the Original Mu sic, Superb, Dresses, Appointments and Ma chinery employed at the National Amphi theatre, in Philadelphia, where if had an un preceiented run. The piece abounds in Grand - Comdats, Terrible Encounters, and Startling incidents ; concluding with the Grand Procession in honor of th e rescue of the Princess, and the TRIUMPH OF THE CHRISTIAN KNIGHT. ta"For further particulars see large and small bill•'s at Hotels,. The above establishment will also Exhib it at Cherryville, Wednesday, the 14th of June, next. The second drawing of Lots in the Union Cemetery will take place at the Court House in Allentown, on Saturday the 17th of June next, commencing at 3 o'clock precisely.— No Lots will be sold at the supscription price after that date. Lot holders are also notified that the third instalment on their Lots .will be due on the first of Juno next, which they will please pay without delay to the Treasurer. 9 50i 9 00, 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 7& 72 501 90' 50' 50 I 37 i 1 25 4 00 5 00 2 50' 2 50 80 1 60 55i 45 101 18 10; 10. 101 101 22' 22' 12' 11' 10' 0' Si 8 12 12 83; 33 By order of the Board of Managers. WILLIAM S. YOUNG, Treasurer. Allentown, May 31. 11--3 w OF THE Bokoogyh of Calaqsarista, FOR THE TEAR ENDING MARCH 30, 1851. JOSHUA AUNT, Jr. Esq., Treasurer in.aeeount with, the Borough of Catasauqua, for the year ending March 30, 1854. To cash received of David Biery, $l,OOO 00 To cash received of Charles,Sieg. • t ley, collector of 'Faxes, 00S 47 To cash received of sundry per sons for fines, 11 05 Tq cash received for Exhibit-ions, 5 00 To cash received of Christian 20 :33 85 8 00 25 50 15 50 400 5 00 260 30, 30' 006 A.: Ol 4 50; 0 00 14 00'15 00' 4 00 1 1 4 501 a 00 3 501 4 001 4 .501 4 50' 6 00; Weber, 1,00000 To cash received of Jonas Bier3r, 1,200 00 To cash received of sundry per sons for building stone, 257 81 By Cash paid for grading streets to street commissioners, . 2,743 09' Building Lock-up, 550.53 Professional Services, 60 00 Sundry Expenses, , 30 19 Borough Survey, ' 114 74 Stones for front street, l9l 99 Account of Real Estate, 200 00 Printing, 64 00 Salaries, 130 48 A. Rohn, fine remitted, . , . 8 30 BALANCE, ' . . . 280 01 • • $1,392 33 the dndersigtied auditor for the Borough of Catasauqua, do certify; that I have addl. ted and adjusted the account ofJoshua Hunt, jr. Esq., 'Preasurer for the said Borough of Cata.sauqua, ending on the 30th of March, 1b54, and that . l find-a balance of two hun dreohnd eighty dollars and ono cent •in the hands of the Treasurer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, this 30th day• of March,lBll4. JOHN W ILLIAMS 9 Auditor., Catasauqua, May 17. • ' 11111 UDINII In Allentown. The undersigned hereby in " 7L" Ii K forms hie friends and the public P in general, that he offers hisser. vices as Veterinarian Surgeon, .(or Furrier,) in all its various branches. lie feels confident that with a practice of many years, and with the assistance of the best medical works, that he is able to'give full and entire satiefaction. • 'His Charges will be very , moderate, uad he further, states. that in cases, where he a snot give tho best satisfaction, ho erne ropay. - HENRY BITTER.. BANCRER & HowEs, Agents. Allentown, Juno 7th, 11-2 w Cemetery Notice. TREASURER'S ACCOUNT DR. . . $1,382 33 TOTAL, cu. . Ail Mart 11.0111110 i 5.. ' ' In th.eorphans Collet of Le •- - ..,- ~ . • e high. County. • • ' '-'-• - lo the matter of the Account 0.. _ 1„1. ofJonas Pder; Xxecutor of The w9_ . obold Peter, late of Wa4hingtOn township, Lehigh county. And now May 5, 1854 . the court appoint John F. Ruhe, Esq., as Auditor, to audit ands resettle the same account and make distri bution, according to law, and make report of his proceedings to the next stated Orphans Court, including all the evidence which may be submitted before him. From the, RCCOrdS• TESTE-N. MIETZGSft. Clerk. The above named auditor will meet for the purpose of his appointment, on Friday the oth of June next,• at 10 o'clock in the 'forenoon, at the house of Thomas 0. Erin- kinger,- in Allentown, where all• those in terested can attend if they see proper. JOHN F. RUNE, duditor. Allentown. May 31, 1854. .11-4 w II War a CU ft 0 . Notice is hereby given, - t at the under signed have taken out letters of Administra tion in the estate of John Spinner, dec'd,. late of Salisbuty township, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know themselves in debted to said estate, be it in notes, bonds, book debts or , otherwise, will see the neces sity of making settlement within six weeks from the date hereqf. Also those who have any legal claims against said estate will pre sent them well authenticated to the under signed for payment.• REBECCA SPINNER,. AARON SPINNER, a Z RdininiSeS may 3. 1 854 . ¶-6w nowacc.a,,, Important to, those Interested The undersigned Attorney .at Law, re siding in_the Village of Quakertoria, pocks county, Pa., wishes to know of the. where abouts of Jacob Wilt, sen., Salisbury Jacob Wilt, or Christian Weiesnburg, of 'North amPton township, Lehigh county, revolu tionary soldiers, or their Widows or child ren. They can hear of something to their advantage by addressing him. LEWIS B. THONIPSON. *-4w May 24. U(DULt(O2IO Notice is hereby given, that the under signed has taken out letters of administra tion,in the estate of Peter Unangst, late of Salisbury township, Lehigh county.— • herefore, all persons indebted to said es tate, be it in notes, bnods, book debts, or otherwise, will make payment within six weeks from the date hereof. And those, who have any legal clitims against said es tate, will see the necessity of presenting them well authenticated, within the above speci fied time. EDWARD LErmi, Admin'st April 19, 19$1. 11-6 w lilbVa(DUlc. Noice is hereby given, that the under signeet has taken outletters of taministra- titin in the estate of Abraham Fensterniach er, late of Weisenburetownship, Lehigh• county. Therefore all such who 'are in debted to said estate, be it in notes, bonds or otherwise will make payment on or before the Ist of June next. And those who have any legal claims against said estate will pre sent them well authentcated within the above specified time. BENJ. Gaut, jr,Administrntor. April 16; Dissolution of Parts ership. Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship heretofore existing between William ,Sleckel..and Moses illbright, trading under the firm of theeke! 45• illbright, in the Bor ough of Catasauqua, has been dissolved by mutual consent, on the 21st of ,A:pril,last. The bustness will be carried.on hereafter by Moses .11bright, at the old stand, in the Bor ough of Catasauqua, Lehigh. county. WILLIAM STECKFIL. MOSES Az.naionT. Catasauqua, May 10. ¶-9w Thontas Brown; , DENTAL SURGEON,. • Attends to all operations Mr the 4 44::: - Teeth in the-Most careful and sci entificpannervand inseits 'Teeth -on-an en tirely nevi, and:improved plan with contigu ous Gums. •These.Teeth•are far botterand superior to t,he best single. Gum - Teeth now in use. rarPleastf calf 'find - examine ,specimens. Office Nci i 1 . 0, West Hamilton ;Sired,. (up stairs) opposite" - the Odd Fellows' Hall. • etlledtown, Nov. 0: ¶-3m TO THE LATE AND NEAR TRADE. Morris Lf Hallowell & Co.i • '147, Market Street, Philadelakia, Ask the attention of buyers to their very .large. ; and attractive stock of _SILK AND FA.NCir GOODS,.which, will be sold at. , Greatly Re duced . Prices, fqr the remainder of the se ason, to cash and six months' dealers. . TERMS.-.-Six months' Credit or six per cent. discount for cash. .Prices for Goods invariably uniform. April 20. li-4w Store Stand for Rent. The Store Stand at the all, south-west corner of Hamilton . and Bixth..streets, is paired for rem, osscssion given on•tbe firs(kday of April next. jt is one of the, beet Impipess elands in, Aliontown ! and the„.bpiltiiim• is commodious and ,Oonvenientit ariaogoir Apply 012 the premiseso to , ••• . . „, , 401,0,1K1N Garstawana. flentown' Ira 4i . 1854, 15.-4 iv ftVosePli, ireis;,,.,. ... Watchmakerh An. Allentown, ' , ,Takes,this me hod to infarm'hits *lends and the public in general, that he etljj eattt , tinues the Watchmaking Businesty. ' in al} its various branches, at his "old stand"- No. •114 : West Hamilton street, nearly oppo site the "Odd Renew's Hall," in the Borough• ofiAlleatown, where he has just received an; entire nitV, and Constantly keeps on hand a splendid stock of • —.** , Park' and Offle e . s *-= ~ Chicks, Qold and Silver / a ' ''fi, Watches of various des- - ' • ' ,:. ) ?Z criptions,.a. large assort .; 4 ", •,..,/,, ~ - ) ~'. ment of Ear, and Finger . 1h..,, - - . 1 . _2 ...-- rings, Silver and other table an , tea-spoons, a large assortment of . , Gold S.pettaciei, oarlet. also Silver and. other Spectacles, suitable for persons of all ages, tum,hei with a large.. variety of other Jewelry,4nd such other ar ticles usually kept in establishments 91 this kind. ALSO :. ' ': • _ . . A Large Assortment tVt Mts. Violin Bows and Strings of the 66.d:quality, and all other articles used on Violins. Piano Fortes. ORM Just received a splendid assort ment of Pianos of the most celebrated man ufactories. . Me/trdicura of the most celebra ted makers in the United States. The whole of these articles will be sold at the most reduced prices, arid be will warrant that every articles sold by him will be ac cording to contract. rirßrass instruments Will be furnished to order, at the shortest notice and at prices far below what they can be purchased else where. Repairing.--This branch of business will be attended to as usual, with the strictest punctuality. He further returns his sincere thanks for the patronage so liberajly bestowed upon him for a number of Sears' past, and trusts• that by Strict attention to• business. punctu ality and libtral prices of his goods he will be further thought worthy. of the publics patronage for which he will always feel thankful. • '• JOSEPH Wsiss. January 18,1854. ll-13rti LIVERY STABLE: The subscriber informs the public tht4 be-has pur digatiF, • chased the entire stock of Horses,Cariages,&c.,com prising the Livery Stable 'of Cbarles;Pea • greaves, in the borough of Allentown, rind that lie intends to carry on the business more extensively 'than ever. He has added a number of beautiful New Cafria'ges to his stock, as well as increased the number of Horses. He is. therefore prepared to furn ish all who may. favor him , with a call with GOOD and SAPB HORSES. and Vehicles of every description, froth a Brat class eight horse Omnibus to a Sulky of single'horse. By a strict attention to business,and a de- - sire to please, he hopes to, merit a liberal share oftpatronage. • Charges Moderate. ' tartarge parties will be:ftitnielied with • conveyances, with or withoth drives, on the most reasonable terms. ' ' • riroivO •es!a call,'at• tilenid.•ittin4 of. Charlee'Scagrenves, first•stable in Church Alley, north of Hamiltrth sereet‘ •' WILLIAM ft. LEH. Allentown .; 11-3 m Fogelsville 'Work& Grist Mill, Foundery, and Machine SllO,P*, , • • The subscribers respectfully infurm their friends and the public' , in'zetteral,,tbat they' have put' the above works Pt / full operatio n ! on the Ist of-Mardi last, !whech AlieSr tvjll be prepared to execute all kir* ot:• Grist Wort, • having engaged' apompetent miller; and• other assistants... -1,1 ; will 'be • their airn to tartnufaCture Flour,llye Meal,'- &c., that cannot be . , surpassed by the best brought info market: • The Foundary and 'Machine Shopwill al- • so be attended to with , the full purpose bias-' cotnmodating their tOsttunera at the star • possible notice: , They will be prepare Ito • furnish, Steam Engines, Force Puiripa, Straw Cutting Machines, Ploughs; 'Parlor • and Cooking Stoves: and all kinds of castings the public mayzisquire. . " Thrii.tinilersigned tieing machinist's' them- ' sellie3 will attend personally to the tininess. Mrcrtunrdr. Yoram - t Fodelaville, March 19.••• t :,,,, Notke is hereby givekti,tiii : 1 1 ' liner:. shift heretofore existing utiget ,'. 'firth' of 4t. 4. W. Bernd,•has been !dissioCd'by mUtu al consent, therefore aik' theatifttwito awl in- ,' debted to said finn %., , trAl see the lidoessitl of settling theiraccountkyvithout fiirthdt vottce.', They also infoirn theli old friends mid the public in general, that they have forded a now Partoershirinder the arm of John H.. 1 Bernd 't Brothero ; in ,the Pion r Milling bush:Asa.' They' -have' !vaned a Flour and Feed. Store in Allentown, in con— nection with'. the Milliniebitsibees • iti Solis bury, and a t e now prePared to fill'ordere'for . . all kinds of Fleur, Bye Meal„,.M o - p, p orn . ) Oats, mac., and;deliver the same if requested Open the shortest notice. Theikterms 'aftr iikejaVjf49iie , Orin Abel Cash pontipal; they trait - Abet' by punctual • attend** to bus: pnsstbsy will went goblins 9 cl 4 o4!%Patronlige. %N)' • •• JOEIN:Ii BERND.' . ~ • ; • • WILLIAM,IttrAND. , ;ESSE'''. BERND. • Apiil 12; 18 64. : •• q—tho ClookOtry The hikhiioCinar 3 / 4 4:prii:es wiU be paid for all kinds' Of Country,produco , PRETZ , C M% .11•.-6 W liEl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers