-----=---............---_ "Know Nothings" at New Orleans. The Farmer's High School. A cerreadondent of the Tribune gives An act, intended to establish the "Farm an account of the election of the Bth inst., easyigh School of Pennsylvania," has been (or three Aldermen in the First or Ameri- pd by the Legislature. By its provi cart District of that city, which resulted in a sions the Presidents and Vice Presidents great victory for the Know Nothings—the of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Socie majority for their ticket'being 1756--out of and the Presidents of the several County a total vote of 9134. 'The e xcitement dur- Agricultural - Societies, which shall at any ing the day was very great. Large dolega- tirrieliave been organized more than one 'lions of the Know Nothings acted as ttguard , year,ahall be ex-officio members of and con- , pgainst fraud, and every vote taken wns a ! stitute the, Board of Trustees ; who shall legal one. In the Seventh Ward (where the S meet at Harrisburg, on the second Tuesday ballot-box was destroyed at the last election) of June, and proceed to the organization of there were only eight hundred votes cast : the Institution and select a site most eligible and those gave 118 majority for the Know within the Commonwealth for its location, Nothings. At the last election there were where they shall purchase or obtain by gift, 1419 votes said to have been, given, out of grant, or otherwise, a tract of land contain which, number the Democrats claimed to ing at least two hundred acres upon which have 1000 majority. This result has not they shall procure such improvements and 'surprised the American party, but the Dem- .alterations to be made, or will procure on In ()cults look rather black, and are somewhat stitution properly adapted to the instruction taken aback by the' immense vote the new of the youth in the art of Farming, &c., . party have polled. As soon as the votes i The persons designated by this law, are were counted in the Various Wurds.proces- requested to meet at the office of the State sions of the party were formed, headed by A gricuhural Society, at Harrisburg, on the flag of our Union, and encored the ballot Tuesday, the 18th o FRED'K WATTS, f June, 1854. boxes to the Mayor's office. In passing the CreS'c'eni and old Della offices cheers were 1 President P. S. Agricultural Society given for those papers, but the True Della , Carlisle, May-sth, 1854. (which was the only paper in the District ' •••••"'"'""------ which supported the Democratic ticket.)was saluted with groan's. At night the Know Nothings attacked the coffee house of Mr. Murphy, at the corner of St. Joseph's and l'ehoupitoulas streets; the doors were forced 'and everything within the. house was demi , ished; brick bats were hurled, some one hun dred pistols fired, and the excitement was fora time very great. Several persons were wounded. Edward Burns was killed on the spot Martin Mahon, who had just ar rived form New York, was stabbed, as also some others. The cause of the destruction 'of the house was that pistols were fired front the building, as the Reformers or Know Nothings were passing. The Know Noth ings areftferming a regiment of National ..Guards ; two companies have elected their officers and organized.--The Sun. FIGURKS FOR TILE PROPLK TO LOOK AT.- The c, neral appropriation bill passed by the Legislature contains the felloWing fiscal items, which we copy as a Matter of some interest to the tax-payers :—"Governor's .salary, for the present term of his office, $3,- 000 per annum, but after the expiration of it, shall be $3,500. For the support of the Common Schools, for the present fiscal year $230,000. Section 14 raises the Salaries of the Chief Justice and of all the Judges ser eral thousand dollars it) the aggregate. For the payment of the interest on the funded debt of the Commonwealth, $2,000,000. For the payment of motive power debts on the A Ileghany Portage Railroad contracted last fiscal year, 1b53, $121,5i3 b 0; for debts contracted on that road prior to the Ist of December, 1852,$11,409—provided that no debt or claim shall be allowed under the provisions of the next precceding sections of this act, until it shall have been examined and certified to be correct and justly due to the Auditor Gvnoral by Nimrod Strickland, John P. Purviance, and John Strohm, ap pointed commissioners for the settlement of such claims and debts—to enter upon their duties within 09 days after the passage of this act, and to have power to send for per sons and papers. For the Pennsylvania COlonization Society of Pennsylvania, 1,800." Whal is a Fop I—A Mr. Stark, in a lec ture before the Young den's Association at . Troy, N. Y., thus describes a fop : ~T he fop is a complete specimen of an outside philosopher. He is one third collar, one sixth patent leather, one fourth walking stick, and the rest kid gloves and hair. As ,to his remote ancestry there is some doubt : but it is pretty well settled that he is the son of a tailor's goose. He becomes ecsta tic at the smell of new cloth: He is.,some what nervous and to dream of tailors - bills gives him the nightmare. 'Hy his' hair one would jUgo lie bad been dipped like Ar chilies , but it is evident the goddess must have held him by the head instead of the heel. Nevertheless, such men are useful.— lf were no 'tadpoles, there would be no frogs. They are not so entirely to blame for being devoted to externals. Paste dia monds must have a splended setting to make them sell. Only it seems to be a waste of material to put five dollars worth of tnitteri, 111 on five cents worth of brains." Daowstn.—A german name Bernhardt was drowned in the canal, in the South east ern extremity of this Borough, on Wednes day morning last, about five o'clock, under the lollowing circumstances. On Tuesday evening last he got on a canal boat,. at Wheelers Lock, above Allentown, „next morning at the above named place,, he fell overboard. Ile was able to swim and was peen swiming down tho canal, about fifty yards, after hjs cap, when he suddenly punk and was drowned. Mr. William Weiss and several of .John Rice's hinds soon re covered the body. An Inquest was held by a coroners Jury, who rendered a verdict in accordance with the above facts: An empty wiskey bottle was found in . his pocket, and it is supposed he was intoxicated when he fell overboard.—Bet/Ahem Timm: COI4FIESSION.—The Wash ington Sentinel, a Democratic paper in good standing at the federal capital, and conduct ed with marked ability and independ ence, says : "there is: no disguising the, fact thitt the Democratic 'party, powerful arid tri- Rrhphant' as it was twelve months ago, is now supine'and indifferent, and distrustful. There is no disguising the fact that the ele ments of opposition have been - groiving eve ry day. universal distrust has grown up among the people, even among the truest and sternest Democrats, who believe they have been duped, defrauded and cheated, and that high places of the government are surrounded by mean, low and contemptible men, that keep•off from higher sources eve ry expression of honesty and disinterested ness, and_ do but 'crook , the pregnant hinges , 91 t4c ll lo that thrift may follow fawning. IVIARBIED. On the "'Slit inst.. in Bloomfield, N. J., II 7.lliam S. Marx. Esq., of this hormit2h, to Miss Jo.sephinc Ir. Baldwin, of the former place. On Wednesday morning last, by Rev.. C. F. Schteller, D. D.. S. L. Cooley, Esq., se nior Klttor of the Rastoniatt, to Miss Caro line, daughter of J. H . both of Easton. On the I.lth of May, by the Ile!. Joshua Yager, Mr. Henry Moyer, to Miss Maria Gressinan, both of Coopersburg. DIED. On the 20th of Nlay, in Allentown, Eve Heist, aged 70years. On the2oth of . May, in Allentown, Polly &le cow, o,se 31 years. (hi the 20th of April, in Erna'as, of spinal affection, Thomas Everitt, aged years. On the 12th of flay, in South Whitehall, Horace Schindel, son of Henry and Lovma Litzenberger, aged 3 years. On the oth of May, in Upper Saucon, ✓hnbrose Henry. son Of Henry and Susanna Cook, aged :3 months. Appeal Notice, In pursuance of the several acts of Assem bly of this Commonwealth relating to Coun ty rates and levies, we, the undersigned, Commissioners of Lehigh county, hereby give notice, to the taxable inhabitants of the township of Lower Milford, the owners and agents of real and personal property, in said township, taxable for state and county pur poses that an appeal will be held in the Com missioners' office, at Allentown, for the ben efit of all persons interested, on Monday. the 3d day of June next. Also, proposals will be received on the same day for the collection of the State and county taxes in said township for the pres ent year. DANIEL HAUSMAN, JOSEPH MILLER, - Comm's. • JOHN WEBER, Comm's Office, Allentown, May 21. 2t Gleason's Pictorial, A RECORD of the beautiful and useful in Art. The object of the paper is to pre sent, in the most elegant and available form a weekly literary melange of notable events of the day.. Its columns are devoted to origi nal tales, sketches and poems by the Best Amer.can Authors, and the cream of the do- fnestic and foreign news ; the whole well , spiced with wit and humor. Each paper Beautifully Illustrated with numerous accuv rate engravings by eminent artists, of neut.- ble objects, currenr events in all parts of the world and' of loco and manners. altogether making a paper entirely original in its de sign, in this country. Its pages Contain views of every populous city in the known world, of all buildings in the eastern or west ern hemispheres, of all the principal ships and'steamers of the navy and merchant ser vice, With fine and accurate portraits of eve ry noted character in the world, both male and female. Sketches of beautiful scenery taken from life, will also be given, .with nu merous specimens from -the animal king dom, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea. It is printed on fine white paper, with new and beautiful type, presenting in its• mechaLical execution an elegant specimen of art. The size of the paper is fifteen hundred and sixty-four square inches, giv ing ti great amount of reading matter and Illustrations.--a mammoth weekly paper of sixteen octavo pages. Each six months• will make a volume of 416 pages ; with about one thousand splendid engravings. TERN 3 :-I VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. 1 subscriber, one year,. 00 4 61 10 00 10 It 20 00 copy of The Flap- of our Union, and one copy of Gleason's Pictorial, when taken together by ono person, one year, for $1 00. Lar No traveling agents are ever employ- I ed for this paper. EirThe Pictorial Drawing room Compan ion may be obtained at any of the periodi cal depots throughout the country, and of newsmen, at Six CENTS per single copy. Published every Saturday, by F. GLEASON, Corner of Tremont and Broomfield sts., Beston. May 17th lg. E. 'Wright, vvroltNima. COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office No. G 2 ,Bast Hamilton Street, in the Borough of A.lleniown. Mr. Wright speaks the German language, consequently can be conbulted in that lan gunge. Allentown, Oct. 5. prices eurant. 4it710LE.5% Per 1. Altera .Easton I l'hild Flour. . . . Barrel 900 900 950 Wheat . . Bush. : 200 2 00, '2 10 Bye ... • • I 00:1 00' 110 Corn ... . • ; 75, 72' 00 Oats ~. . • ! 45' 401 44 Buckwheat . 50! 50 1 60 Flaxseed. . :37' 1 25' 150 Cloverseed . • 400 5 001 550 limothybecd . 2 501 2502 70 Potatoes .• . • 60! 80 Salt 55 ( 45 ( 30 Butter .. . . Pound Pij 18 30 Lard j 10; 10. 9 Tallow .. . 10, 10 8 Beeswax .. . 2 2. 22 28 Ham • i 2 11 15 Flitch .. . I() 0' 8 Tow-yarn. . ' 8 8 : 7 Eggs .. . Doz.l 12 12 20 Rye Whiskey Gall.' 33 33 :3:3 Apple Whiskey 30 30 30 ' Linseed Oil . . 60 60 85 Hickory Wood Cord 4 50 (3 00 8 00 Hay .. . . Ton 14 00 15 0025 50 Egg Coal.. Ton 400450 5 50 Nut Coal . . ' :3 00 3 50 4 (10 Lump Coal 400 4505 00 Plaster . . . 450600 2 60 TREASURER'S ACCOUNT GE VIE Borough of Cafasaizqtra, FOR FUR YEAR ENDING 31ARCII 30, 1554. JoSlll'A flew, jr. Treasurer in account with the. Borouf, - ,Th of Catasanqua;for the year ending March 30, 1554. To cash received of David aery, $l,OOO 00 To cash received of Charles Sieg ley, collector of Taxes, 00S 47 To cash received of sundry per sons lor fines, 11 05 To cash received for Exhibitions, 5 00 To caA received of Christian Weher, 1,000 00 To cash received of Jonas fiery, 1,200 t)0 To cash received of sundry per sons for building stone, 'TOTAL, CB. By Cash paid fur grading s,trects to street commissioners, Building Lock-up, Professional Services, Sundry Expenses, Bofough Survey, Stories for front street, Account of Real Estate, Printing, Salaries, A. Rohn, fine remitted, 13ALANcc, $1,352 33 I the undersigned auditor for the Borough of Catasiturina, do certify, that I have audi ted and adjusted the account ofJoshua Hunt, jr. Esq., Treasurer for the said Borough of tjatosauqua, ending on the :Mb of March, 1554, and that I find a balance of tw•o hun- dred and eighty dollars and one pent in the hands of the Treasurer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set roy hand, this 30th day of March, ISGI. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auditor. c.:atas.auqua, Moy 17. 11-4 w iID QllOl-114 Notice is hereby given, that the Execu tors of the estate of Frederick Miller, dec'd. lute of Washington township,Lehigh county, will meet on Mondayand Tuesday, the 29th and :10th of May next,•at 'the Public House in Labarsville, in order to execute deeds to all such who have purchased property of the estate of said deceased and transact such other business as may be brought before them• On the first of said days. the Grain in the field. belonging to said estate shall be sold at Public Sale. May 17. ¶-2w Dissolution or Partnership, Notice is hereby given, that the Partner-. ship heretofore existinr , between William Steeled, and Moses .dlilight, trading under the firm of Steckel .81bright, in the Bor ough of Catasatlua, has been dissolved by mutual consent, on the 21st of April last, The business will be carried on hereafter by Moses .9ll.ight, at the 41 stand, in thc Bor ough of Catasauqua, Lehigh county. WILLIAM STECKEL. ' Moses ALBRIGHT. Catasauqua, May 111. ¶-9w Notice is hereby given, that the Dedica tion of the “I-larmonian" will take place on Whit Stinday and Monday, the 4th and sth'of June next, at the St. Paul's Church, in the Borough of Cutasauqua, Lehigh county. Service will be delivered in the Eng lish and German languages. Several emi nent preachers are invited. The religious public aro respectfully in vited on the occasion. GEORGE BREINIG, JOHN BOYER, . Elders. Catasnuqua ? MM ay 10. , ¶-8w Thomas .Isrowit, DENTAL SURGEON. Attends to all operations on the . 'Has s .. Teeth in tho most careful and sci entific manner, and inserts Teeth on an en tirely now and improved plan with contigu ous Gums. These Teeth are fur better and superior to the' best block or single Gum Teeth now in use. rirPlease call, and examine specimens. Office Nb. 15. West Hamilton Street, (up stairs.) opposite the Odd Fellows' Half. Allentown, Nov. 9. 11 -31 n 7 , • 11-2vy e-I DR. $1,382 33 ME 114 -191 200 64 130 H. O. WILSON, DAVID M r.wrz, }. Ex'tors. PETER HORRIS, . . •Dealcation. Worman's Spring. A family of the Benda!, tribe of Indians have piched their tent, at "Worman's Spring," and intend sojourning there for a short Linn.. The family consists of nine persons ; the old gentleman and lady, three sons and four daughters, all orw hom are quite intelligent, speak the English language flu ently, and are constantly employed in the making of fancy baskets, fans, mocassins, canes, rings, bracelets, &c. which they Mier for sale to visiters, The spectacle is quite an interesting one to persons of this: section of country. Alf that can, should pay the "In dians" a visit. ArrrThe old lady also prepares several remedies for itheumatistn, and other disca- May 17th. Agricultural Meeting. The executive committee of the "Lehigh County Agricultural Society" will meet on Satuday the 27th of May next. at the public house of John Schantz, jr., (11alliets) at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, to adopt a list of Premiums and appoint the time of holding the next annual Fair. EDWARD KOHLEII, PrcEidi Allentown, May 21. . ' V It c, Important to those Interni;ted. undersi , !ned Attorney at Law, re iding in the Village of Quakertown, Bucics county, l'a., wishes to. linoul al the where abouts of Jacob Wile sen., Salisbury, Jacob Wilt, or Chri,tinn Weis:enbur.ff of North ampton township, Lehigh county, revolu tionary sold irri, or their widows or child ren. They can hear of something to their advantage by addressing him. LEWIS B. THOMPSON May 21 Oa tl Lb" . Isti•it ." Notice is hereby given, that the under 'signed has taken out letters of administra ' lion in the estate of Peter Unangst, late of Salisbury town4dp, Lehigh county.— Therefore, all persons indebted to said ct.s• tate, be it in notes, bonds, book debts, or otherwise, will make payment within six I weeks from the date hereof. And those, who have 'any legal claimi against said es tate, will see the necessity of prosenting them well authenticated; within the.above speci fied time. 237 Si 55U 60 39 1 7 .1:WARD LERCH, Ad April 19, 15.51. 11-6 w Cott 1,) 11 Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship heretofore existing under the firm of./. W. Bernd, has been dissolved by mutu al consent, therefore all those who are in debted to said firm will see the necessity of settling their accounts without further notice. They also inform their old friends and the public in general, that they have formed new Partnership Under the firm of John 11. Bernd 4- Brothers, in the Crain, Flour and Milling business. They have opened a Flour and Feed Store in Allentown, in con nection with the Milling business in Salis bury, and are now prepared to fill orders for all kinds of Flour, Rye Meal, Chop, Corn. Oats, &c., and deliver the same if requested upon the shortest notice. Their terms are liberal if dono upon the Cash principal. they trust that by punctual attendance to business they will merit a share of public patronage. JOHN 11. "BERND. WILLIAM IL BERND. JESSE 11. BERND. April 12, 1851. 91 —6 e: 280 C. M. It u n k, dittoracy at Law. Ilasbresumed the practice of lilts profes sion in Allentown. • cz. - Ile may be consulted in the German Ind English languages August 12, 1 tis 2 Hiram Brobst, Dentist ill. 1111eMown: itr o Respectfully informs hisfriends and the public in general, that he still continues the practice of his profession, in all its various branches, such as filing, cleansing, plugging and inserting from a sin gle tooth to a full sot, on moderate terms. His office is in Allen Street, one door South of Dr.. L. Martin, No. 43. Allentown, August 10. Y a Cr) co Itk Noice is hereby given, that the under signcet has taken out letters of administra tion in the estate of ..lbroltont.Fcastermach er, late of Weisenburg, township, Lehigh county. Therefore all such who are in debted to said estaterbe it in notes, bonds or otherwise will make payment on or before the Ist of Juno next. And those who have any lt;aal claims against said estate will, pre- . sent them well authentcated within the above specified time. BENT. Gam jr., Administrator. April 16. A GREAT AND Nover. ENTEaratsn.— We publish in our al vertisino . columns a magnificent Gilt Enterprise, (the third of a series) started in New York by Mr. Perham, who has been long and favorable known throughout the North and East. Art'exam ination of it will present features that com mend it to the attention of every man, wo man and child In the community. We have only to say that the iformer enterprise of this indefatigable manager have been char acterized by the greatest fairness, and given the utmost satisfaction to all concerned.— Send in your orders for tickets as early as possible, they will uncloub,t,ecPy_kie taken up in a short titnei' ' 31ity 2--4 t CHARLES SCHOLL. 9-4 w - -thV i'- 1 7 New Family_Grocery Stare MI aiut t EdreTo sr.v! THE subscriber takes this method to in forM the citizens of Allentoom, and the pub lic in general, that he has opeoed A Famify Grocery Store,. • at the stand formerly occupied by Dia,',ger & Craig, Np. 27, North 7th street, near tilf Market Square, where he offers for sale for Cash or in exchange for Country Fracture,' a large variety of Gamily Groceries, such as u. ,_.... Coffee, Sugar,Mo. ~ r......e, ---- V VS4 lasses, Chocolate, ...ciai -7rtipli ! il ia xi mi gi-:,,, ni • LW " Tea, red and black il'ffiVaPiPqn -, cZ .. . '-. ri ' Pepper, Allspice, .'- -- - '-'-''''''' Ginger, Salaratus. baking and washing So da, Salt, Allum, Nladder, No's. 1, 2 and 3, Mackerel, pickled Salmon, pickled and F moked I herring, Codfish, dried Beef, Elam. Shoulder, Flitch, Lard, Candles, Vinegar Soap, Brooms, &c. M.so, all kinds of fruit, such as Lemons Oranges, Prunes first quality in jars, and in I kegs for pies, Figs, Raisins, pealed and tin ; pealed dried Peaches, Apples and Pears, Tomato Catchup„Alustard, Piclzels in bot tler, Cherries, &c. In connection with the above business, he also continues the manufacturing of Segars, of every price and quality, which he will I sell or exchang,a to country merchants for all kinds of produce. _ I le ako continues the Candle manufactur ing business, and will sell by the box any quantity di sired,or exchange them for coun try produce, such ns Butter, Eggs, Lard, (lam, Shoulder, Flitch, Soap, C he: ries,.dri d fruit, Wax,. &c., and allow therefor the marbi t price. Ile trusts that by beeping the best bind of ( iroceries.&c., and by manufacturing the best kind of Se„oars and Candles, he will be able to merit a liberal share of public patron age, for which he will ever be thankful. 67J'The undersi,gned is also the appoint ed Agent for the sale of Iloyt's celebrated tine cut, chewing_ and smoking tobacco, snuff, &c., all of which he will sell as low as it can be purchased either in Philadelphia or New York. Cu/ails PUKE. Allentown, April 19, 1b5.1., 11—Cm , l q• ..Irr•r• 96. i ' I 'NIA 11 11..i .'P) MA il A a., /I ii kit A ii 0 s .7-.l7eis i c Teacher. . Adopts this method to inform the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that he has made this place his home, and intends 'giving. les sons on the brio Piano, Violin, . -brass inir .s,, and ,c w i lod ea i l n s s o „, t ru i i ‘ n e e s o t i s n , , s t i r n u g e - N . tions to full bands, arranges and copies music of every description. for all hinds of instru ments. He also tunes and repairs Pianos. For further information please enquire of Messrs. limos Eltirr,4Te and Joseph Weiss. He resides. in Eight street, near the Luther an Church. Mr. Benkhart, resided for 6 years in Bel gium, (Europe) during which time he held Ihe honorable post of music Director in a number of music choirs, also teacher in sev eral Institutes. Ile served for the laSt feur years as music teacher in the 4th Artillery Iterz,iment of United States. He made this place his home, on account of his health, which has been failing for some time. 1:-.7'He is in possession of the highest re commendations. Allentown Feb. 22 F Isville one Work s, Grist Milk Foundery, and Machine SIIO.PS• The subscribers respectfully inforM their friends and the public in general, that they have put the above works in full operation on the Ist of March last, where they will be prepared to execute all kinds of Grist 11Porlz, IrNA having engaged a competent miller, 2,1/ ( Llkitnd Other assistants. It will be their aim to manufacture Flour, Rye Meal, &c., that cannot be surpassed by the best brought into market. The Foundery and Machine Shop will al so Le attended to With the full purpose of ac commodating their customers at the shortest possible notice. They' will ho prepared to furnish Steam Engines, Force Pumps, Straw Cutting Machines, Ploughs, Parlor and Cooking Stoves, and all kinds of castings the public may require. The undersig ned being machinists .them- Selves willatterd personally to the business. Mieta.mt & JONEs Fogelsville, March 8. —tf Store Stand for Rent, 4„,, The Store Stand at the ,uu "'south-west corner of Hamilton ." • r ..4,-a“...-144 and Sixth streets, is offered for rent. Pussest,ion given on the first day of April next. It is one of the best business stands in Allentown, and the building is commodious and conveniently arranged Apply on the premises, to S,oyacoN GANG WERE. Allentown; Jan.l, 1854. w k folk inizoa Timothy Hay, Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats. for which the highett. market price Will be paid by PRETZ, GUM Sc CO. May 4, 1553. To Rudders. A sp:Ond id assprtment of Front and Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks, Latchws Bolts,Elinges,Screws, Paint:Brush es, and a variety of otllor building Hard ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper than over by 0 & J SAEGER. January 19, 1851:- Country Produce. The highest market prices will be 'paid for all kinds of country .priduce by. PreTZ, GUTU BslDo.. Allentown, Nov. Il(E, ill—. a— New Goods. The subscribers would hereby inform their customers, and the public in general, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and are now busily engaged in unpack ing a very large and well selected stock of Drefas Goods, comprising in 'Vat. as Jot lows: For the LADIES we have any quantity ac Fancy and Plain DeLaines, Silk Ginghams; Lnen Lustre, Poplins, &c.. also Silk ant( °the( St: awls, Kid, Silk, and other Gloves; Lace Goods Of all styles, and qualities. (kg lots of other ,7onds in their fine. For the ifsmEmEN, we have a large. assortment of Cloth plain, and fancy Cash-. mores, Linens, Satins, Silks and other Vest.; inns, Cravats, Coliarsisi'weeds, &c. We cordially invite alt tolfome and examine out stock of goods, the beauty, quality and cheap-. ness of which we feel confident cannot be; surpassed by any of our worthy competitors. PRETZ, GUTH & CO. , April 20, ISSA. Groceries,. The subscribers have lately,' , &ray, _ purchased a very large lot of, Waal Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, &c„ !-46- - 7.= Which they Will sell whole sale and retail at very low prices. We in-, rite the Country merchants to give us acals before purchasing elsewhere, as we think we can give them annd bargains. ' 1 3 11ETZ,GU11 - 1 CO. , Allentown, April 2t. • —Ora Mackerel 10 barrels and 25 half barrels, Nos. 4, 2 and 3 Mackerel, which they are disposed to: sell nt a very small profit. lIIETZ, GUTH &CO. Allentown, April 26. 11 --ark Peaches, Raisins, &c. . .. 50 bushels, prime dried Peaches, halves. 25 boles best barrel Raisins. 25 kegs Lelia do, • .50 dox. pointed buckets. 200 doz. Corn bro o ms: 1 . , ..: which they will sell wholesale add retail at the lowest market prices. PRETZ, GUTH & C_0,.., ~ Allentown, April 20. • 41r!—Giri 11,:: Salt! 200 Sack Liverp o ol Salt. 50 do. Ashton's Fine do*: 100 do. Dairy do. • For sale by PRETZ, GUTH & ctr, Allentown, April, 26. 11-64 Coal: wall Nut, Stove, Egg and Lump Coil, in any quantity desired. for sale by. • PRETZ, GUTIA& Qq, Allentown, April 26. I.IE TiON ADD 331)1 tYDIalk At the sign of the Large Shoe, in Hiim i ilton street, near the Conrthouse, in Alicsii 7 town, is the place to buy chedp • Boots & Sheetri. too,le . plaCe ,where yotk eadita. .444 will find R Innen assortment of all • ,E 1348 Bootg aad, Shoes, of any place in town. ••Calland see, and you will be coavinced of the . :•. 0 ; Lk'Several Journeymen shoemakers are also immediately wanted. ' JONATII AN REICHAR"D...., Al:entown, April 19. IJ--741 ¶-i vi. Wi n 0 ti. 411 la 1 4 Notice is hereby given, that.the.underi signed have taken out letters of Administra7. tion in .the estate of John Signnen,ileciii,4 late of Salisbury township, Lehigh.county; therefore all those who know themselves debted to said estate, be it in notes,. hoods,: book debts or otherwise, will see the asleep: pity of making settlement within six week from the date hereof. Also those who havit any legal claims against said estate willpre.; sent them well authenticated to the under= signed for payment. REBECCA SPINNER, 2, • : AARON SPINNER, didMiladei May 3, 1851. " 11--64 yali./L)11 Tawmaa Just received at the Store of this 'aubacti: hers, a lot of Mill Picts, William 13rady'a Patent. This is a Naar Mechanical To9t the best ever invented and bnly wants tti bb used to the proved. Apply salon. 0. & J. SAEGER.. 1-9lvsr April, 113. Spring NliltinPry Gods John Stone & Sonori No. 45 &urn 2tl STREET; PuiL4Ditt.Pmf, Have nqw in Store, of their inipo - Cation, a large and handsome cissiiitnient RIBBONS, SILKS, FLO W.PR§ • CRAPES,, . • and every article suitable tp,tlie Milliner Trado;to which constant, addition will tie made throughout the seasorripthereby ehdb ling them to offer the largest and moat dap siruble selection of articles in their Una Wbct found in the City. . Phila. March 22. li--'2m444 Y12`37 112111 • In Ailentilankrip • 2 ,. The undersigned hereby in. 1 1; 0 , 4 11C forma hi), friends and the publip 000 in general, that be offeril his ser. vices 'reterinarian Surgeon; (er Farrier ? ) in all its various branches: lie feels tontident thtt; With a phictipe many yeirs, and With the assistrinkb *o'er, best medical works; that he ik J9'to j ive fult and entire' satiefriceNtit ' , • tarHia chardeii *ill ha v and he 'further kltt.g;I:16•• . " int/PrVi cannot go awes r. ere . t! no P au *" ,oet witiokoion. hiLiPt4 OE :HENRY kilt .. 1 4 21. 1-4111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers