Foreign News. Arrival of the Asia. Rumored Turkish Victories.—Despatches were received to-day at the Turkish embas sy from Vienna confirming what I.lo's said yesterday about the defeat of the Russian General Uschakofi, the retreat of his corps on Bessarabia. It is also stated that the forts %aid to have been captured are still in the hands of the Turks ; that the Turks have crossed the Danube at a point between Ni topolis and Rutschunk ; that 20.000 Turks are on their way-to Trojan's-wall or Rassova, and 25.000 for the same direction from Shum la. All these movements were spoken of yesterday and the day before, and they are again announced to-day. Reports are also rife about advantages near Kala fat. But all these have to be confirmed officially. The Patrie states that the account of nn advan tage having been gained by the Turks on the Lower Danubeappeared to be confirm ed. is positive," says that journal, "that the General. in-Chief of the Russian army, after,the passage of his troops into the Dob rudseha, considered his position so critical that he demanded reinforcements from Bee. sarahin, Odessa. and even Sebastopol." Porliame»t Protect gs.—ln the House of Lords on the night of the 7th, the Earl to Malinesbury wished to know whether there was an y troth in the report that the Rus, ian fleet had 'left. Sebastopol. and landed a number of trool , s at the mouth of the Danutri Nothing could be more mortifying than the inactivity of our fleet in Beicos Bay under such circumstances, when it might easily have intercepted theßussian rein forcemeets. The Earl. of Clarendon replied that he had reason to believe that the Russian fleet had not quitted Sebastopol at till. The Earl of Ellenborough deprecated all criticism on the conduct of our naval and miliary commanders. The [louse might depend upon it that necessary consequence of failure was sufficient to deter those coin manders from doing wrong. Lord J. Russel said, he thought the Sultan had reason to complain of the conduct of to Government of Greece with regard to the in surrection in the Turkish Provinces on the j "borders of Greek territory. Her Majesty's Government in concert with that of France and Austria, had given such directions us they had thought proper to the Minister at Athens, and he thought Greece was an swerable kir this unfortunate occurrence. In the [louse of Commons, on Friday night 7th, Lord John Russell confirmed that Austria was concentrating troops on the Ser vinn frontier, but as negotiations were still in progress, he could not state what course Austria would pursue. France.—The Departure of Prince Na poleon for Turkey is now fixed for the Dth. Marshal St Arnaud expects to leave next day. The following 4 , order of the day" has been addressed by the Marshal to the sol diers of Africa. • •'Soldiers—ln a few days you are to leave for the East. You are going to defend allies unjustly attacked, and to take up the defi ance flung by the Czar at the nations of the West. From the Baltic to the Med iterranean.Europewill applaud your efforts and your success. You will combat side by side with the English, Turks, and the Egyptians. You know what is due to corn rides union and cordiality in the intercourse of the camp devotedness to the common cau.fe on the fi Id of battle. France and England rivals in other times are now friends and al lies. The two countries have learned to es teem each other while combatting. • "United, they command the seas, and their fleets will feed the army while famine is in the camp of the enemy. The Turks and Egyptians have laid out against the ene my since the commencment of the war.— Aloud and unaided they have beaten them in several actions. What will thty not do when seconded by your battalions? "Soldiers The eagles of the Empire re sumes their flight—not to menace Europe, but to defend it ! Bear them before you ; and like them, let before.we quit Franco repeat the cry which so often led them to victory Empercur ." How will Germany Sef.—Since despatch es of March 5 no further advances ofany sort have been made the ‘Vestern Powers in any official from, but on the other hand, Austria, in sending Baron Von [less to Berlin shows determination to strain every never to bring about a cordial and spirited co-operation of the two German Powers, of course, Lien en tendu in the interest of Austria. While Prussia will be called upon to enter into what will virtually be an alliance offensive and defensive with Austria, by which the latter will gain the assistance of the forayer in case of being attacked or disquieted in Lombardy and . Hungary. Prussia will receive the same security of assistance (Min Austria in case of Poson or the Rhine pics,rices being attack ed or disquieted. If the two powers decide on asserting and 'maintaining a strict neutrality, they can pro duce, with the help of the Bund, which for such n purpose, would be;immediatelv giv en, a force •of nearly 1100,000 men for the protection of their common fatherland. If they adopt the view that German interests ore injured by the stopping up of the Da nube, or may be extremely improved by weakening the power of Russia in the Bal tic, and perhaps abolishing the Sound dutieS they would, though losing the Bund, still be able to bring fmni 600,000 to 700,000 men into the held for simultaneous action in the South and the North. Congress and the iarilL Five months has Congress been in ses sion yet scarce a word about the modification of the tariff. We begin to suspect that the subject will be indefinitely postponed. The two houses have so many other irons in the fire that they can hirdly reach the tariff be fore the dog days ; and then the weather Will be to hot to work upon coal and iron. The bill of 1846 works well. It keeps the treasury full and running over in spite dull the coriuptiona at Washington. To clear oft the surplus a new batch of Galphin .and Gardner claims was lately laid before the &Date; under cover of the Gadsden treet,f; but as they have been repudiated, other ex. pedients for aeaching Guthrtes's spoils must be adopted. or the fueds will continue to in crease upon his hands. Still, we suspect that Congress will let the tariff of 184(1 alone for another year, upon the principle that an overflowing treasury is no serious inconveni ence to the public interests after all. ‘Ve may yet want the money for Santa Anna, or for Cuba. Who knows? Intoxicated Monkey. Jack . , as he was called, seeing- his master and some companions drinking, with those imitative powers for which his species is re markable, finding half a glass of whisky left took it up and drank it off. It fiev.i, of course, to his head, Amid their roars of laughter, he began to skip. hop, and dance, Jack was drunk. Next day, when they went, with the intention of repeating the fun, to take the poor monkey from his box, he was not to he seen. Looking inside, there he lay, crouching in a corner. .Come out,' said his master. Afraid to disobey, he came walking on three legs, the fore-paw that was laid on his forehead saying, as.plain as words could do, that he had a headache. Having left him some days to get well and resume his gaiety, they at length car ried him efi to the old scene of revel. On entering. he eyed the glasses with manifest terror, skulking behind the chair; and on his master ordering him to drink, he bolted. and he was on the house-top in a twinkling. They called him down. Ile would riot come. MS toaster shook the whip at him. Jack, astride on the .ridgepole, gunned de fiance. 'A gun, of which lie was always much afraid, was pointed at this disciple of temperance ; he ducked his head, and slip ped over to the back of the house—upon . which, seeing his predicament, and less afraid, apparently, of the, fire-than of the fire water, the monkey leaped at a bound on the chimney -top, and, getting down into a flue, held on by his forepaws. He would rather be singed than drink. He triumphed; and although his master kept him for twelve years after that, he nev er could persuade the monkey to taste an other drop of whiskey. pm. Dr. ul/iris's Old Year's Trarning. Philadelphia Market. SATCRDAY, April 29 The FLOUR market is dull to-day, and on ly about 100(1 baiTels found buyers at $5,621 for straightbrands, and $8,871 to $9 per bar rol for extra ; holders generally are free sel lers at these rates. The demand for export is limited within the above rango of prices. CORN 'MEAL and RVF: FLOUR are but little inquired for, and held at previous quotations. WHEAT—There is very little offering or sel ling, and holders are firm. Some small lots are reported at $2,05 for Red. and $2,10 for White good quality. CORN is steady 4 with further, sales of 5 to 6000 bushels at 86 cents, afl.)at. Ryn is scarce at OS cents. OATS are dull at 53 cents for Southern, and 55 to 56 cents for Pennsylvania, afloat.— Si:l.:as—Very little doing. Wilisary is sel. lily. at 27 cents fur barrels, and 29 . 1 cents for hhds. MARRIED. On the 30th of April, by the Rev. Richard Walker, Mr. Jamed Shafer, to Miss illaria St ahr,. both of Allentown . On the 17th of April, by the Rev. Daniel Wieanil, Mr. John Bright, to Miss Emelt na Frederick, both of Upper Hanover. On the 23, of April by the Rev. Jacob Vo gelhach, Mr. Reuben Rafter, to Miss , Yebina Heber, both of Upper Saucon. DIED. On the 28; h of April. in Allentown, of fe vvr, Sarah. Jane While, in the 17th year of her age. • On the 17th of April, in Upper Macungy. Lucy. consort of Mr. Hermon Rupp, and daughter of Judge Haas, in the 30th year of her age. Ou the 21th of Nlarch, in Weisenbur o ,.., Elizaseth, consort of •Ucurge Acker, aged 89 years. On the 21st of A pril,in Hereford, Berks county, Dania Icyrich, aged 6) years, I month and 13 days. Ells remains were de posited in the Cemetery, of the church, in Weisenbitriz, where he formerly resided, followed by a large concourse of re lations and friends, on which occasion the /IVY. Mr. Schindel, delivered a very appro priate sermon. On the 21th of April, in Salisbury of con sumption, John CM, aged about 51.1 years. On the 16th of April, in Upper Milford, John •Wieder, aged 83 years. On the 26th of April, in A Ilentown, C,leorge, son of Levi and Susann a, Koch, aged 3 years. On the With of April, in South IVhiteliall, Pluton Peter, infant son of Gideon and Ma tilda Roth, aged 7 months On Saturday. the 20th of April; in South Whitehall, Emetina, daughter of Daniel Wisser, in the 3d year of her age. On the 29th of April, in Hanover, John C. Peter, son of Reuben and Henrietta Ihrig, in the 16th year of his age. Union Cemetery. Notice is hereby given, that an election for the -permanent officers of the "Union Cemetery Association," will be held on Fri day, the 12th of May next, between the hours of 1 and 5 o'clock, P. M. at the of fice of John I). Lawall, Esq., in the Bor ough of Allentown, where all those interest ed, are respectfully requested to attend. Also, that on the following day, Saturday the 1:31h of May next, precisely at 3 o'clock P. M., in the Court House, ig Allentown, the lots will be drawn, where all those who have subscribed for the same will please at tend and draw for themselves, otherwise the same will be drawn for them by seine other person. appointed for the purpose. By Order of the Association, J. W. M i meos, Secretary. May 3,1861. 1:1-21v prices Current. —Per Allent.Easion 'A`hI'ICLES Barrel Bus h . Flour Wheat . • • • Rye ..... Corn . . • Oats . . • • Buckwheat • • Flaxsr_•ed . . • Cloverseed . • imothybeed • Potatoes . • • Salt Butter . • • Lard Tallaw . • • Beeswax . . . [Tam Flitch . . . . Tow-yarn. . . Eirg9 Rye Whiskey Apple Whiskey Linseed Oil . . hickory Wood Flay •• • • Ecrg Coal . . . Nut Coal . . Lump Coal . Plaster . . . . Pound Doz Gall Cord Ton Ton Street Paving. Sealed Proposals will be recotved by Jo seith F. Newhard and Victor Blumer, until Thursday the 4th of May next, for digging down two sections of East flunilon street, from the western side of Sixih street Lc: the w-stern side of Church alley and from thence to the western end of , Market Square, and for paving and delivering the materials, viz : Stone, Gravel and Simd. The stones must be flat and square, no less than six inches in thickness, and moun tain stone, with flat sides and ends, which must be set from curb to curb, on a bed of gravel ; each stone must be well hammered down and tho cracks filled up with mountain sand; so that the whole presents an even sur face. Smaller stones, of 4 inch thickness and 8 inches in length, with flat tops, may be used when neccessary. The street which is about 48 feet wide, must be dug down about eleven inches: The proposals must be made per running foot along said street, and the work must be fin ished by the first of Septemper next. Responsible security for the fulfilment of the contract will be rtquired. By order of the. TO WN COUNCIL. 11-1 W Al:entown, Mav 3 100,000 Gifts for the People ! LOSIAII PERHAM F. uhmits to the People of J the United States, his THIRD MONSTER GIFT ENTERPRISE, in: connection with the Exhibition of his Magnificent and Immense Mirror of N. & S. America. At .dcademy Hall, 003 Broadway, N. Y. 100,000 Tickets Only at $1 each, will be sold Etch purchaser of a Ticicei is entitled for the ADMISSION OF FOUR PERSONS to the Exhibition, will he presented with a num bered CcrtificatP, entitling the Holder to One Share in the following 100,000 Gilts: A FARM, located in Harrison Township, alo cester co., New Jersey, and within 15 miles of Philadelphia. It embraces over 100 Acres of Land, in a high slate of cultivation, with Dwel ling, Barns, and over necessary Out houses, in good repair. '1 here is a large Orchard of Choice Fruits. Tide Indisputable. Valued St 1.16,000 [Any information in regard to the Farm can be obtained of DELAN REDFIELD 'tenant on the premises ] A perpetual loan without security or inter. 5 000 Do d 9 do do 2 000 Do do do do 1 000 2 do do do $5OO ca. 100 10 do do do 100 1 00 The Celebrated Trotting Mare. "Lilly Dale,' who can trot, in harness, a mile in 2 40—valued at 1.5 5 Rosewood Pianos, valued at $5OO each, 2,5) 5 do do do 300 do 1,5 [A portion of the Pianos are P. Gilbert & s Oelebrateil iflohans. Others of Hallett, Davis & Co's Splendid Instro. Merits.] . _ _ I'he Splendid series of Paintings known as the Mirror of New England and Ca• nadian Scenery, and now 'realizing a handsome income by its exhibitions in the East valued at . 22,000 3 I,.,ght and Beautiful Car. „$22.3 each. 675 10 Gold Watches, 100 o 1.000 40 tt 50 2,000 100 Pens and Cases, 5 500 ft 000 Pencils, 3 , t 15,000 91,819 Pieces ot Cnoic••, Popular Fash ionalde Music, 25 cis. each, ICO,OOO Gifig, Valued ni $96,380 ONE GIFT FOR EVERY TICKE P. In order in ensure to all concerned a pefeetly fair ard satisfactory disposition of the aboye. qiits, Mr• PERHAM proposes that Inc share• holders shall meet together on TIIURSDAV EVENING; JUNE 22, 154, . (or sooner. if all the Tickets arc sold—due no. lice of which will he given,) a t spore suitable I place. hereafter to be de , itenated, and appoint a COMMITTEE OF FIVE PERSONS, to receive the property, which they may dispose of in such manner—by kit or otherwise—as the Shareholdi ers, in general meeting, shall direct, the Commit tee giving good and sufficient bonds, if required by the shareholders, for the faithfUl performance of the duties required of them. Shareholders residing out of the city of New York, will stand,upon the same footing astresii dents, and whatever may fall to their shares will be forwarded to them in such manner as they may direct, after the partition has taken place. • • •All orders, for tickets, by mail, should be ad, dressed to JOSIAH PARHAM, ACADEMY HALL, 663 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. If it should happen that all the Tickets are sold when the order is received, the money will be returned, at our expense for postage. Corres_ pondents will please Write distinctly their name, residence, county and State, to prevent errors. Or if convenient, enclosed and enveloped, with their directions on it in full—in which such Tickets as they may order will be returned. E. irright, ITTORNET di. COUNSELLOR ,AT LAW Office No. EZEnst Hamilton Street, in the Borough of Allentown. Mr. Wright speaks the German language, consequently can be consulted in that lan guage. Allentown,Oct. The subscribers .would hereby inform their cusiorners, and the public in general, that they have just returned from Philadel phia, and are now busily engaged in unpack ing, a very large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, comprising in part as fol lows: U 00 8 00 8 50 2 DO 1 60 1 80 DO 95: 1 10 70, 72' 90 92' 40 44 50; 5(1 60 1 87, 1 25, 1 50 4 00! 5 00! 5 50 2 50‘ 2 50: 2 70 65 1 60, 1 80 - 55, 45! 30 For the LADIES we have any quantity of Fancy and Plain C)chaines, Silk Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Poplins, &c., also Silk and other Shawls, Kid, Silk, and other Gloves, Lace Goods of all styles, and qualities, and lots of other goods in their line. 18, 30 10 10 10 10' 22; 22! *2B 12 11! 15 16 9: 8 7 12 12 20 33, 3:3' 33 30: 86 36 (30 60, 85 4 56 6 00 800 12 00'15 00 25 50 4 00 4 50, 5 50 3 06 3 50 4 00 4 00: 4 50* 5 00 4 50 6 00 2 60 For the GENTLEMEN, we have n large assortment of Cloth plain, and fancy Cash meres, Linens, Satins, Silks and other Vest ings, Cravats, Collar., Tweeds, &c. We cot dially invite all to come and examine our sled( of goods, the beauty, qualify and cheap nets of which we I el cot,tideot cahoot be surpass , . d by a tiy door wor hy comp tutus. PRETZ, GUTH & CO. April 26. 1554. • Groceries, The subscribers have lately 4.6 7 purchased a very large lot of Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, ac., '• ,vhich they will sell whole- sale and retail at very low prices. We in vite the Country merchants to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we think we can give them rzond harg.nins. PIZETZ,GU ITI 4. CO. Allentown, April 2(5. 10 barrels and 25 half barrels, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Nlackerel, which they are disposed to sell at a very small profit. Peaches, Raisins, &cc. 50 bushels prime dried Peaches, halves. 25 boxes best barrel Raisins. 25 kegs Lexin do. 50 dox. painted buckets. 200 doz. Corn brooms. which they will sell wholesale and retail at the lowest market prices. PRETZ, GUTH & CO. Allentown, April 2;s. --- Salt: Sall! 200 Sack Liverpool Ground Salt. 50 do. Ashton's Fine do. 100 do. Dairy do. For sale by PRETZ. GUTEI & CO. Allentown, April, 26. , Nut, Stove, Egg and Lump Coal, in any quantity desired, for sale by. PRETZ. GUTfI & CO. Allentown, April 26. ¶-6m REICII.II7II'S MU 311D2 W1D12,3 At the sign of the Large Shoe, in Ham ilton street, near the Courthouse, in Allen town, is the place to buy cheap 41 ' - Boots & Shoes. This too is the place where you .v.. 16.. ' 4 will find a larger zs ~,,. assortment of all kinds of Boots and Shoes, of any place in town. Call and see, and you will be convinced of the fact. rrSeveral Journeymen shoemakers are also immediately wanted. The subscriber informs ..____ .c „ .. ,l the public that he has pur dindivig, chased the entire stock of .).-------, --- Horses,Cariages,&c.,com prising the Livery Stable of Charles Sea• grt rives, in the borough of Allentown, and Election Notice, that he intends to carry on the business more extensively than ever. Ile has added a Notice is hereby given that an election for number of beautiful New Carriages to his five .%lanagers of the "Northampton %Vatter s as well as increased the number of Company" will he held on Monday the jll'th 1 es. flit is therefore prepared to fern. of May next, between the hours of- 10 In 1 1 , all who may favor him with a call with the forenoon, nod 4 o'clock in the afternoon, 'GOOD and SAFE HORSES, and Vehicles at the Public House of.itronsta+3.2gt-I•wkWorpetta_."' , 1 of every description, front a first class eight in Allentown. , .ftlia AIIIII-eirslotaktio4Flbu's to a Sulky or single horse. fly Order of L're iti:737 Ey a strict attention to business, and a de -1 "I' r "'"" Prekid"n'• 'ore to please, he hop ato merit a liberal Allentown. A 1 i , Im,-3 1., ;% . snare of patronage. Charges moderate. 4 l THELA frkS; , ' -. ruAD d ne jr 17 - Large parties will be furnished with conveyances, with or a IthOUL drivers, on the Morris L. Hallowell & Cot, 1 ',, most n aonahle terms-. I lirGive us a call, at the old Etiind of 147 Alarhet Street, Ask the attention of buyers to their very Alley, north of Hamilton street. large and avractive stock of SILK ANO 1 IVILLIA Al R. LEH. FANCY GI CODS, winch will be sold at ( Allentown, April 26. ¶-3in Greatly It educed Pilot's, for the remainder i of the sea-on, to cash and six months' dealers JONATHAN RELCHARD. Al:entown, April 19. ¶-4w .23,705 TERMS.—Six months' credit or six per cent discount for cadi. Prices for Goods invariably uniform. April 20. It-4‘v Hiram Brobst o 'Dentist in Allentown. Respectfully informs his friends 48 4= and the public in general, that he still continues the practice of his profeision, in all its various branches, such as filing, cleansing, plugging and inserting from a sin gle tooth to a full set, on moderate terms. His office is in Allen Street, one door South of Dr. C. L. Martin, ,No. 43. Allentosirn, August 10. 411—ly Notice is hereby given, that the under signed have taken out letters of Administra tion in the estate of John Spinner; dec'd,. late of Salisbury township, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know themselves in debted to raid estate, be it in notes, bonds, book debts or otherwise, will see the neces: city of making settlement within six weeks from the date hereof. Also those who have any legal claims against said estate will pre sent them well authenticated to the under signed for payment. • REBECCA SPINNER, AARON SPINNER, 5 AWlRilli3eB May 3, 104. • New Goods. Mackerel PRETZ, GUTH & CO. Allentown, April 20. ¶-6m Coal! Coal! 11'0 al' /II c, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Boot and Shoe Manufactory In Allentown. Tha undersigned take this method to in form their friends and the public in general. that they have lately purchased the Shoe 'Wore of Daniel Miller, and continue the bwi ty "e- - 41Eti manufacturing of FASHIONABLE Boots & Shoes, ns heretofore at the ""Old Stand" N 0.9, East Elandlton Street. Allentown, under the firm of Beckman and II illy. As new beginners they invite the public to give them a call, particularly the Lady customers. They are both experienced workmen and their %rot k is mode of the best materials by the best hands and under their own direc- tions, and they will stand good for any work turned out of their store. They also keep a full assortment of Gum Shoes on hand, comprising every style and quality. Ordered customer work done up in the hest and most durable manner, in any style desired and at the shortest notice. Also re paring done upon as short a notice as pos sible. Timms CAsit. HECKMAN & WITTY. 11-13' January 4, 1851 Valuable Town Lot, For Sale. • The Subscriber oflors to sell at. Private Sale, a Valuable Corner Lot, situate on Bridge street, adjoining the premises of Rev. Charles Becker, in the Borough of Catasau• qua, Lehigh county. The Lot is 60 feet front, and 180 feet deep with spacious alleys running along the sides and rear. The lot is handsomely fen ced in and wee under cultivation last sea son. For beauty and location the lot cannot be surpassed by any in the Borough. For further information apply to John Boyer, Esq., corner of Church and Second street, Coma uqu I, or David G. Jones, Fo,T. elsville, Pa. Catasnuqun, March 15. ¶—tf TiVannt ea a l co Q, FOR. RE. T. The undersigned offers his three story brick [louse, situate on the North side of Hamilton street, No. 21, one door west of Schnurman, Newhard & Co's Store, in Al lentown for Rent, from the Ist of April next. THE HOUSE gre,''P. is large and commodious, has an " upon Front, and is calulated for a business house, being in the very heart of the . business part of the town. There is also a two story back building, with Kitchen, Pi aza, &c:, with the Hydrant water in the yard, a large garden and valuable fruit trees. Also a frame building on the end of the lot which can easily be converted into a Store House. For further information inquire of the subscriber. CHATILES SCHOLL. 11-2 w March 29 LIVERY STABLE. Store Stand for lient. „A r• The Store Stand at the * south-west ci i iner of Hamilton 'i, 2. and Sixth streets, is offered for rent. "ossession given on the first day of April next. It is one of the best business stands in Allentown, and the building is commodious and conveniently arranged Apply on the premises, to SOLOMON GANG WERE. Allentown, Jan. 4, 1854. ¶-4w Wrateaaallo Notice is hereby given, that the under signed have been appointed Executors in the last will and testament of Nicholas Mink, late of Salisbury township, Lehigh county ; therefore all persons indebted to his estate, be it in bonds, notes, book debts or other wise, are requested to 'make payment with in six weeks from date hereof. Such who have any legal claims against said estate, shall present them for payment within the above specified time. WILLIAM MINK. 2 r. ri t gauaN Eaccutora. March 22. • T-6tv • Grain Wanted. 50.000 Bushels of Wheat. Rye, Corn and Outs wanted, for which the highesi market prices will be paid by the subscribers, at their store on the South west corner of Market Square and Hamilton street, in Al lentown. EDELMAN, HAIM & CO. AllisstOwity Ara VJ New Family I Grocery Stoi'e .dLLIXTO irwr: THE subscriber takes this method to ina , form the citizens of-Allentown,and the pub• lic in general, that he has opened A Family Grocery Store. at the stand Tomerlv occupied by Di!linger' & Craig, No. 27, North 7th street, near the Market Square, where he offers foi sale for Cash or iii exchange for Country Produce, a large variety of Family Groceries, such as .... CulDe,Sugar,Mo- •••• ...i. t 7 — r. - 4 lasses, Chocolate, ~.I . :4;:zr-. mai' t'i . 11 / 2 . " T • 1 dbl k '''' '—im. i>' r ° l° .„.. vr ,a, ret lin ac 111 1 1 1 ...:1 10. , 1 - 1 --"-'.- ." Pepper, Allspice, ------t---- - '- - - Ginger, Salaratus, baking and washing So. da, Salt, Allum, ;Madder, No's. 1, 2 and 3, Mackerel, pick It d Salmon, pickled and smoked Herring. Codfish, dried Beef, 1-lain, shoulder, Flitch, Lard, Candles, Vinegar Soap. Brooms, &c. ALso, all kinds of fruit, such as Lemons Orang• s, Prunes first quality in jars, aNd ill kegs for pies, Figs, Raisins, pealed and . un , pealed dried Peaches, Apples and Pears, Tomato Catchup, Mustard, Pickela in boys ties, Cherries, &c. In connection with the above business, he slso continues the manufacturing of Segars ; of every price and qUality, which he will sell or exchange to country merchants for all kinds of produce. He also continues the Candle manufacture ing business, and will sell by the box any quantity desired,or exchange them for noun. , try produce, such as Butter, Eggs, Lard ; Ham, Shoulder, Flitch, Soap, Cherries, dri• td fruit, Wax, &c., and allow therefor the highest market price. He trusts that by keeping the best kind of Groceries, &c., and by manufacturing the best kind of Segars and Candles, he will be able to merit a liberal share of public patrons age, for which he will ever be thankful. LirThe undersigned is also the appoint- ed Agent for the sale of Hoyt's celebrated fine cut, chewing and smoking tobacco, snub, &c., all of which he will sell as low as it can be purchased either in Philadelphia or New York. CHARLES H. RIME. Allentown, April 19, 1854. 111,-13m Tdi2DILBII,2 DIT111111DIP) .7Plusic Teacher. Adopts this method to inform the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that he has made this place his home, and intends giving les= sons on the Forle Piano, Violin. 11 47 , rt'i brass and wood instruments, sing - ing, Sac. He also gives instruc tions to full bands, arranges and copies music of every description, for all kinds of instru ments. He also tunes and repairs Pianos. For further information please enquire of Messrs. dmos Ettinger and Joseph Weiss." He resides in sight street, near the Luthera an Church. Mt. Benkharti resided for 6 years in Be?i glum, (Europe) during which time he held the honorable post of music Director in a number of music choirs, also teacher in sev eral Institutes. lie served for the last four' years as music teacher in the 4th Artillery Regiment of United States. lie made this place his home, on account of his health; which has been failing for some time. rp-He is in possession of the highest re- Commendations. Allentown Feb. 22 Map of Lehigh County. From actual Measurement and Surveys throughout the whole County by Adolph Aschbach, C. E. The Subscriber will publish shortly, pro vided a sufficient number of signers be ob' teined, a new and complete rano of Lehigh County. The surveys are just commenced, all the public roads, and the locations of the places for worship, Post offices, School-houses. Country Stores, :Mills, Public [louses, Smith shops, NV heelwrig,hts. Ore beds, &c . , are to be marked: The names of the property holders generally (including all those in the county who will subscribe in advance to the map) are also to be inserted upon their places, to be illustrated with Vignettes of views in Lehigh County. Plans of the principal Villages on a largri scale will be inserted in the margin, also a beautiful Marginal-map of Allentown. The plan will be plotted to a suitable scale so as to make a large and ornamental Map.- To be engraved and delivered tosubscribero handsomely colored and mounted for FIVE : DOLLARS per copy. JAMES D. SCOTT. Publisher. No. 110 Chesnut St. Philadelphia. • Allentown March 15. lll.--21TY )1(01a0 Notice is hereby given; that the under;i signee has taken out letters of adininistraz lion in the estate of Sbra7sairt Fenatertimeh er, late of Weisenburg township, Lehigh county. Therefoie all such who are it]; debted to said estate, be it in notes, bonds or otherwise will make psyment on or belora the Ist of June next. And those who have any fecal claims against said estate will pre sent them well authentcated within the above specified.time. BENJ. GRIM, jr., Administratde. April 10. 4-6* laci)VlE(OLUci Notice is hereby given, that the under signed hos taken out letters of administra• lion in the'estate of Peter Unangst, late of Salisbury township, Lehigh county.-- Therefore, all persons indebted to said es tate, be it in notes, bonds, book debts, or otherwise, will make pityment within six weeks from the date hereof. And those, who have any. legal Claims against said es inte, will see the necessity of presenting them well outhentitated, within the above speci fied time: EDWARD Linvu, Admireat April id, 1834. 114-6 w ¶-44
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers