Splendid rietures. A decided preference is given to the P. 17 guerreotypes wirle by S. \V-. Burcitw, Ne. 26, East Hamilton St. A nd.do you I:cow the reason ? Because he is daily producing . Pic tures unsurpassed in lifelike and brilliancy of tone. Also, Pictures retaken, of which the country is floodkl"with. ' know that hundreds of people are awfully imposed on, by being stuffed wilt n miserable (caricature) which hurt us to look at. So the hest way is for those who wish to Ilan good Pictures taken, call on Burcaw and you will :five your money to have them retaken. N. B. Pictures taken by a largo sky light in rain or shine, and as cheap as good work can be done. • Allentown, Nov. n. Glorious News 'I. The largest supply of goods ern Lrot:g: to Allentown, con be found at No. 31, EAST EIAMMTnN STREET', KECK and 11,1111.111 D'S Lof 3;'sl 1.119.1 4 . These ci tit:,tmo adopt thi= method to inform and the pudic io grin. ral that they have :itio:y ent,red into partnetibip, mtiler tFr above d tine, itoil tvi;l follow CIL: Moito it ANT t.nrtN ( I N .1 - 11 . -51: 5 brenrhf•s et OW "5 fi formerly kept by Keck and Leh, chr( c,:v opposite the "Register t Wire," wh. re i h. v are prepared to sell at the lowest prices all kinds of fashionable Goods, sorb as hime black and fancy colored Cloths. Cassim. , f2r, and Vestings,Winter Clothes, Cellars, I fan kerchiefs, Cravats, &c. l'hey ;41:4n k un hand . at all times a large and fashionable as sortment of Readymnde 1'n)1113:11g, -such as Coats of every color no ,I,!•cr,i)t inn Pantaloons of all stylcs and yrirt a:I hind of Vesting s, Shirts and rind.. Cravats, Suspenders, dc., all which they will sell at Eilraordinnry Lon - Fr;lr.elk, that no one, who visits their esniblislonero, can help to buy either Cost, Pants, V •s•s, or something in their in of busim As. They have just returned from Ptii laded phi. New York and have reideni•lied their -of goods that it may with ritiht t rut d Allentown flail of Fashion, The work they Will Out . Ulabr their own supervision, And having evreged•one of the best ruttcrs in the coniory, they will be able to turn out the "best fits." Coats, rantaltxats ;said l'estm will be made up to order after the newt...! fashion, no matter whether the material has been purchased of them or not. They return their thanks for the favors they have received and truA they will be continued. Fashion plates as the- • come out are. al ways kept for sale. KECK NEWHARD. Allentown, August 31. -311 (rand Exhibition Of Fasliinable Fall and Into. cf.-toco).j • AT THE New Cheap Star© OF' Getz di' Gilbert, These gentlemen, take this method to in• form their friends and the public in giint•ral that they have received R very 'mii and well selected stock of .rlll and If iutir Goods, which tht y are now ready to di, pose off' to their customers at the luwit4 prices. Their immense stock has been nekcted with the utmost care and consists of Clothes, Cassimers, !Solfincts, Flannels, (=loves and Iloseiry., bc. , ,ides )i - Mines, A lapaccas, Debas he, 0' 11a'ns,l'la in and Fig ured Poplins, Mudins and Prints, Boots, Shoes, flats, Caps, ailt`l`nSlVsro. Hardware, Looking Stationary, Books, &c., To which they invite the atti•ntion of th. ir friends and the public generally, confiJent that the fullest satifaCtion, both in price and quality, will be given to all who may favor them with a call. Thu highest prices will be paid in ex chancre for County produce. They have reason to be thankful for the .favors received thus fur and hope by atten tion to business, disposing of their sands at small profits, good treatment tov..aic:s their Customers to merit still a greater share of customers. GETZ & G 1 1.1311: September 14. Groceries l'isth er, The undersigned have •just received .an entire new Stock of Groceii..s, Fish and Salt which they intend to sell at the Iow• est prices at their Store in Catasawma, Le. high county. GETZ & GILBERT. September 14. COAL ! COAL ! The undersigned have opened a Coal Yard in Catasauqua, and will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Coal which !hey will sell at greatly reduced prices. GETZ & GILBERT. September 14. •Ready-made Clothing. The undersigned keep all hinds of Ready made Clothing, on hand, and will make to order, at the lowest possible prices. GETZ & Cataanuqua, Sept. 14. ¶-6m New Goods. New Goods. Builders Look kiere. II ;NEW ilintllYiENT-OF IMRII - 14 3 0 , 11tE fif —:lin onl•r*nvd announcr to the public. that tht . . hovc p 1 t r, , toit:od from Philadel phia and N v lark , " ith a voi..Y 1a rho lot of I lirdw;lrv, uf t at:tti.; c alt /. 1 0. - !.)r rz;(if /114 7)/;.t. It t 3, 'rigrry, ;:rh 7 riminiti.f4 . l, litry nil of wh;cll will by ::,1! lat cl'n.rw.ly :ow Fie, s. They :ink the rtibi:c to S.to! . tcr's laidwalt! St, rt., if tht. t.cd. 11; th, that a April ,:3 To fs7f rx. A rrt•'i iT.'artmcnt of faroviling, E.N A :1i .;..!.r:,1)::::::1::nned and :!...\\ pri:.•ervc ki•t t;es, fi. h ;. , 1 ham kt , tl.•. - F, frvim4 iron, vca!!! , '!`Ft and \V:,itor7 , , from urn ;lryi rno, in doZuni.'. Ak O. n:Of 11- it. form') , i.nd in V7trl( . l y Of Inittorn,. KNI i 'E.: , an ts and dcz ens ; rtl:,r; knives only ; carvers, steelt, cool; and butcher tvith n varit ty of other manufactures April POCK ET and PEN K NI VES-IZazors, sitt:srs, frcm the hest makers; one, two. thr,y. ;illd 4 blrule Ebives.. silt )1. I:I , pgdes, hoes, chains, rakes axes, c. • )VEI,Fi and '1•tl1i;S, Iron and trasl. , poi hi d i, 4 , 1 tiro si t mud standards, coal smoothing' irons, &c. for sale by April, '22, IR( IN.—A lot off lantricred and Rolled Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, [loop Iron, Cast and Shear Stvel, square, flat, and • round, just received with Anvils - and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of 0 & J SAEGER. GLASS.-150 Bores Gl.r.F.,` , by 10,10 . by ve, to I y 11, 10 by 15, 12 by Iti, and various: othcr seizt e, for :•ale by KEns.—Jug! received a new a,sartinent of Morocco and Binding Ledthor, Shoe-thread, NVik.den Pegs French RuLiers, wind uutacr, ue other artic let3 lelon3ing LU the ;AK ma kitig busint ss 0 & J sAr.uliiz. 011. S & VAR:MS[I.-ons of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turrininn, \r-varli Var nish of all kinds, Glut! !in sold cheap by 0 & J SAD_ilf,R, PLANES.—A full assortmcnt of Planes of John I;ell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for salt• cheap by 0 & J SAEGFAI. lIITE LEAD.—• 2 tons of W bite Lead just received, Purc and Extra, and for sale April, 22, . liiTs of the best Nails Unds and ;.3pikes,just received lacti for Fale by 0 J SAEGER. April 27, g,; -3‘v I101,12)1V IV A liE.-4500 Iron Pots anu len jtv4 rectivi. d and fur sale at very reduced prices :Lc store of 11P.C11 ANII,2S.—Tork: of al:cry (lc srldinion, such as I;encli and Mouldinc- Plant.o, Hand, I'annLl, and Hach SawS, Iltace and Bats, An:; , r thus, Hai:chats, fat attic by Jan 1.1 try i 5, Ti'o E. 47e E . A splendid iq't - i - ritnetwol Front and Parlor Locks with militia] knobs, gcrnian Locks, Latche , sßolts,llingos,Scrt ws, Paint Brush vs, and a varivty of other buildh: ware just unpaekinE; and fur 4-. ale cheapet than ever by January 19, 1553 kr . s 4 Jus . t received at the Store of the 'subscri bers, a lot ht dill Picks,' William Brady's Patent. Thhi is a Now Mechanical :Tool, the best ever invented and holy wants to be usvd to the proved. Apply soon. April, 13 Grain N.Va,ntecl. 50,600 Bushels of Wheat. Nye, Corn nod Outs tvantvd, for which the, high&st market prices will lie paid by the subscribers, nt their store on the South west corner o f Market Square and Hamilton street, in Al lentown. EREI.MAN, & Co. Allentown, April-'2t) V,.Talt7l l .nn• Timothy flay, Wheat," Rye, Corn and Oats, for which tho. hi,gliest market price wiil be paid Ly . ? PI ETZ, GUT[I & co. May 4, 1853. 0 . • ' ¶-6w pylltly made.' (). J 6,1 EGER. !; -- ! c-1 v 0 & J SAEGER r i; -13 & 1 SAEGEIZ &J SAEGER. & J SAEGER. O & J F.G17.1; 0 & SAEGER. ti- 1y 0. & J. SAEGER 91-4 w Y all Y asUlems 1 . 'AI .I)Y3 ILI ik 1? KEP Dania iM A TiALEn TOWN. The nridei:igned mhos this method to in form his friends and the puklic in general, that he has latchy received front New York and Philadelphia a splendid , asortment of" -- - dit - Hats, Caps - , --- • ,`,o' ;.c ,_ MOTs, Boos, oars, Furs, &c, ' . all of which he will sell at the low- set prices. He also manufactures all the above men tioned articles lo order; upon the latest styles, and understands the business practically as well any manufacturer in town. He also employs none but the most finished werknien that can be cot. This then is the seer( t that "Neck's liars" take and wear so wr 11, and are now "all the go." fle holds forth one door west of Schnur nino's Store on the north side of Hamilton sheet, Allentown, where lie will •he happy those who way favor him with their cus!Pn. I Ir returns his sincere thanks for the ma ny f.Avors he hac thus far received and trthits :Lai his giiods and tie it txtremr low prices, induce'nut only his old customers but of new curs, to purchase of him. WILLIAM KECK. elllcnton•p, Sojt. I-1 SP" 3 C I 00d3t Cost. _ Bey 4 . 32.43ey go 41:111 Oasincss. Terms Cash subscriber would respectfully inform !be citizens Of Allentown, and the public in encrat, that he is selling his Entire .Stork• t,re Groh's at first co:Qt prints. in ()pier to quit busirit•t s. The stock consists of a t.et , t•ra I variety of e vcry d:•scription olGoode, and therefore invites the attention of all to this positive fact. So all t ho want Bargains, please give hitt' a call at the "Peoph Store." Sepirmber 2R ' cot:. t zx.ccrx.c., rxcleccoccce.;.zczozs..2 .5 5 .2 E. W. Eckert's 8 ~ 0 0 0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . rl It) a a ;Tobacco, Snuff and SenrB ,' t:.l Q V 10Q0M1-2,9 ca to 0 3 N0..30, East Hamilton Street, 8 C 4 Q 4 CI Q AIL I, ENT4)WN, PA. a i i. r GOODS ALL Ii'ARIL „..-_-, 8 'a July 20. 1: I y t ) ,, , cZOCIDCMCCCOCCCICCOCOZICCC'CLO labetnnita againc4 to9i) bit .... EIRE. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPINY of Philadelphia. orricE, No. 1633 CliE UT 6TIZIar7 Near Fifth Street. STATEMENT or ASSETS, $1,315,534, January Ist, 1S:13, Published agreeably to an Act OF ASSEMBLY, BEING First Mortgages, auto' ireeured, $1,021,366 6:3 Rea listaie (present vuue 10,- 000) cost. 80,447 63 Temporary Loans, t• n a mpe Cal teral securities. 06,457 Gi '(arks (present value i;76,191) cost. 62.255 60 Cash,&e. &C., 52,1)45 51 $ 1,315,534 OR PERPETUAL OR LIMITED INSURANCES Math' on every tte:-..cription of property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, at rates as low as are consistant with securitt Sipco their incorporation, a period of went}'-four years, t hey have'pa id over three nt Pilaus dtillurs 111: , S 11Y Flan, ther,by of fordiug evidence of the ad vantarre of Insur ance, as the ability and disposition to meet with promptniss all liabilities. Directors: Cliniles N. Bancker, illord. D. Le ‘t is. T(lins Wapaicr, Adolp. Grant, David S. 13rotvii, Jacch R. Smaitli, Morris Pititersbri, (Act>. \V. Rickards, Izaac Lra, CHARLES N. 13Asciiiin, President. C \ T. Es G. 13 UN (.1Z Ell SCC/Tilliy• IT - The subscribers areJlni appoinled Agt nts of the above mentioned institution, ana s itro now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, at the low est ratee. A. L. RIME, Allentown. C. F. FILECII,. Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 1b52. IS YLii'll. 1 ,1.1.01131 11)1)0D:a . In Allentown. ~ 6 , in,„ The undersigned hereby in i4tri4. forms his friend's and the public l'i ;, m in general, that he offers his set.- tival"' t,.. V Ic CS as Veterinarian Surgeon, (or Farrier,) in all its various branches. Ile feels confident that with a practice of many years, and with the assistance of the best medical works, that he is able to give full and entire, satisfaction. Lit'llis charges- will be• very moderate, and he further states, that in cases where lie cannot give the best satisfaction, he asks no pay. HENRY RITTER. Alkntown, Oct. 19. 1-3 m TralaWleD ) , A few Journeyman shoemakers arc want ed by the 'Undersigned in Allentown, No. 55, East Hamilton street, (near the Court [louse,) he, has always n large assortment of Briots, Shoes and gum Shoes on hand, which he will sell low for Cash. JONATHAN REICHARD, Allentown, Oct. 12. 11--3 w Rev. C. P. Kessler, A. M. Principal.— C. 13. Wolff, A. 13. Principal A .:,istattt.—C. T. Ilerrmann, Assistant and Teacher of Music.--T. J. Grcs-s, ache'. of the Prim ary Department.--:hiss M. Stanton, Teach er of the Female Department and of French and Dra‘N - 'l'he winter sessions will begin on the: Ist of November next. Such as wish to send their sons or daughters to this School will phase apply soon. Boys from abroad can board with thy Principll, young Ladies can find good board and lodging in private fam ilies in town. The Lehigh Transportation Comp. Give: No•ricit that they are now prepared to redeye inercbandize and forward it with prompiness and dispatch (rem Philadelphia to 'Easton, Bethlehem, All. ntown, Mauch Chunk, Penn Haven, White Ilavon,•and IViliiesbarre, and also to all intermediate places on the Delaware and Lohi , h Canals and Lehigh and Sthquehanna Railroad. The proprietors Would inform their friends and oistomers that they have added sevr ral to a' Brats to their line, which will dreatly faciliate their business. They still continue to do business at the old stand, first wharf above Vino street. directly 0;16:3ill! the Tali Store of 11. & J. Wrioht.- • They also for ward goods to and from New York to IVilhesharre. also to all intermediate places via Dylan are and IZariton Canal and Dela ware and Lehigh Canal. Goods s hipped by this line will go by A. S. Neilson's line of vessels to New Bruns wick which will be found at the Albany Basin, foot of Cedar Street, North River.— Any information required can be had of Reynolds & Clark, No. 100 West Street, or at Nielson's Agent office, 88 West Street. The Company have large Store Houses at Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, White Haven and Wilkesbarre. J. %V. GRUBB. • 11-(ity DRAKE, WILSON & Co., Proprietors AGENTS. Aug. J. Ritz, Allentown. 11. S. Moorehead, Philadelphia. John Opilycke, Easton, Borheck & Knauss, Bethlehem, A. W. LeisenriOg, Mauch Chunk Horton & I3olles, Wilkesbarre. Allentown, \lay 5, 1553. eillorncy at _Law. has resumed the--Practice of his profes sion in Allentown. Fir fle may be consulted in the German and English. languages August 12, 1:7352 ITTURICEY COICASELLOIL AT LAW Office No. 52, East Hamilton Street, in the Borough of A Iletnown. Air. Wright speaks the German lan gunge, c oils( fluently an be consulted in that lan- g tinge Allentown, Oct. 5. Dr. 3. V. Alavues, _D Eel° .TIS T. gr iift No. 45, East Hamilton street, A )41444 lentown, adopts this method to in form his friends and the public in general, that tie has made Allentown his permanent residence. Ile has opened an office at his dwelling, opposite Bechtel's , American !le lel, a few doors east of I'retz, Guth & Co's. Store, where he will be happy to oiler his professional services. in the science of Den tistry. Ile will call at private residences, tf rtqucsted. 1-1 is terms are reasonable, and having had touch experience in the professions, feels satisfied that he can give general satis faction. Allentown, April 24, 1951. T-1 y Coachnialiing Establishment 111:011M 1111111:P1 Rospectfully announces io his friends and the public in general ; that he con:inues on an extensive Seale, the in all its various branches:, at the old stand in West I latnilton Street, No. 5.2, directly op posite Ilagenbuch's Hotel, where he is al ways prepared to mu u factuee to order at the shortest notice, and also keep on hand, Fashionable I chicks, cr_such as l3tn•dttches, llockatray.y. Carryall, Fork fragons, .S'ullerys, 4 c. ,S.e. which, for beauty and durability cannot be Surpassed by any Coachinalier it! the State or elsewhere, while his terms are as reason able as those of any other establishment.— He uses none but the best materials, and employs none but the best of workmen—, consequently, he intends that the vehicles. manufactured nt his establishment ..shall take the shine" of all others manufactured in this part of the country. Ile professes to understand his business by experience, and therefore assures the public that he is ena bled to render satisfaction to his customers. Call and judge for yourselves. ta'Wooden, or iron axletrees made to or der : and Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and on the :nest reasonable terms. Old vehicles taken in exchange for new ones at a good bargain. Alny 11. The Allentown Seminary. C. P. KESSLER, Principal. Allentown, Oct. 12. NaNi,satlon Oveilca. Sc.ytk 4 :11t ( 7 . 1 - l e ti .:"1-3 6. Y 441 • - 17. - - • 6 . 1" . ,:• ( • i. C. M. Itii k, 11. E. -Wright, In Allentown. Coaehmaking Business ROBERT KRAMER. 11-6 m pcniis.3nluania (Elotting ij all. Ilreinig, Neligh and Breinig, South East corner of Hamill )71 and Seventh Inform their friends and the public in gen eral, that they have . etitertd into Partner ship in the inerchant-Talioring Businessi- As'?lately followed Ey Neligh -.„., and Breinig, and intend to .6!,;••--.!•`) continue the saute more ex [ ri,..• 4' , 44:::1t" i ten , ive than ever: They ....:k 1 • , fi z. l ;., .‘ therefore adopt this measure to inform their old customers, In. i ',-ti-` and "hundreds of new ones" 1 I I)1 1 that they will at their new .4,./...... ~.„..1.11,,, es , ablishment, present the Newts! and Fashionable Goods, ever brought to this place, and having pur chased in Philadelphia and New Yurk it enables them to sell lo%%erlnn any other estatdishment oldie k aid in AI entown. 'clic). Lave selected their Goods wit lan eye to duia and fancy, and have none but the latest styles in the markt t. Thuir stock of Goods amoug other articles, consist of Chahs of all colors and prices. Cassimers, of French and American manufacturers ; Vestin , s, Silk Velvets. Satins, Silks, Wors terd and other descriptions,figured and plain, Shirts and Shirt-collars, Smocks, Cravats, Ilandki 'Thief's, [lose, Suspenders, &c., be sides many ether .articl, a coming, in their line of Lusiness. and all will be sold at the low( st Flees. 'nit it s;tick of iZcaitytivide Cloifting, comprises ever:,/ thine,. in the clothing lino, from an over-coat (lowa to an undet-shirt, made up after the latest and most fasbione bh• stele.. Ttmro beim , so extensive, II:at nom' 'i ill leave it, titled from the "bottom to the top" COO mer Welt, twill be done np as usual, and for their work they are willing to he held responsiblo-, two of the firm being practical tv , rktnen in the "art of cuttinz," and all the work is made up under their own' supervision. - Thankful for past favors they trust that attention to business,. "small profits and quick' sales" will he the mcans of bringing new customers to their establishment. J. Ismte ammo, Join NEI.IOII, - JOHN L. BREINIG. Allentown, Sept. 7 11-6 m 11Pholesate Commission Idlerchants. WEN ER, & Co. No. 246 Washington St. New York. fr-:Im The Undersigned hereby respectfully in form their friends and merchants generally, that they have established themselves as -Wholesale. Cominit•lsion Merchants and Produce Dealers," at No 2.16, Washington Street, in the city of New York. They have facilities to render every in ducement to Pennsylvania, as wi ll as other ' State merchants to trade in this market, with their various articles of merchandise, where in they can at all times realize a price, su perior to any other in the United States. It is an acknowledaed fact, that the great trade heretofore wending its way- to other markets, is now rapidly finding avenues through the various additional Roads. to the Great Emporium of New York City, and why is this ? Because merchants find upon trial a profitable result. They begin to open their eyes, and see how long they have sullered by other mar kets, whereas had they had a market like the one open to them, the result by this time, would have contributed materially to their welfare in business. 11-1 y WM Merchants consulting their own interest plainly see, that all inland Ports, are inade quate to consume the amount .of produce and other materials sent to them, arid the result follows. that a great amount of the same find its way to the great centre of at traction New York, to which place, other city speculators go to make their profits, and in this they generally succeed for the consumption and exportation there, is so much greater and prices consequently more rt tuunerating. Thew are upwards of thirty Steamships now running, and others in progress, and will soon be added to the various lines, maliint regular trips to and from this port to the various' ports of Mir Southern States, Cubit, South A merica, Cali forniu, A ustralia, England, Ireland, France and L'ollle of the German States, and hundreds of ships are constantly sailing, to and coining from all ports of the World. All then come hereto procure a share of our countrys production, and w York city being the greatest commercial city in America, and ,the most convenient port of access by ships and steamships,it is therefore constantly flooded by them, carrying a way an enormous a.nount of merchandise. The Undersigned, therefore solicit con signments of all merchants, that may feel disposed to give the market a trial and they hope by prompt attention thereto, and per severing uflorts to procure the highest market ; rices, to gain a liberal share of patronage. N. 13. 7 —Any further information can be had, by addressing the above (inn. WENNER, 13REINIR & co. Geo. Wenner, P. B. Breinig, jr., F. H. Weidner References : C. & L. Denison, No. 82 & 81 Dey St., New York. Silkinan, Sheffield & Co., 226 Front St. Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 327, 329, 331 Pearl St. David D. Wagner, President of the Easton Bank, Easton.• Augustus Luckenbach, Esq., Jacob Rice, Odder and Lerch,, Bethlehem.,' Grim & Renninger, James P: Kling & Co., Weidner & Saeger, Allenieivn. October 5. Sheet, Alleiriown For Cash, Allenterwn .c.l.6aclany. The Trustees of this institution, respect fully announce thnt the Pall Term will Com- IHONCe on Thursday Ist of September. Under the supervision of the present Principal, Mr. J. N. Gregory, the school has received a liberal patronage, and has at tained a position of the highest kink. During the vacation, very great additions and improvements have been made to the Academy buildings and furniture, and pu pils will now enjoy all the advantages of a thorough course of instruction, earnest and efficient teachers, and spacious and conveni ent school rooms. GIDEON lIIACH, THOMAS XVHAVER, Board flyroins liece. THOMAS 13. 11 . n.sos, o f • WILLIAM R. Canto, NATHAN Nlwrzomt, Trustees HOBERT E. WRIGHT. J A Pentown A ugust 21 Nonce to Travelers ai? .470 /14.1/L P .LEVE irefle,Teal ALLENTOWN AM) POTTSTOWN. I Tin' traveling. public are hereby respect • fully informed, that from to day, June Ist, P... 553, a daily line of stages will commence running between Alb mown and Pottstown, and in connection with the Reading Railroad convey passengers to Philadelphia. The Singes will leave J. V. Bechtel's, American. I loud, A:lentown, every morning (Sunday& excepted) at 2 u'eleek A. M. and the pas— sengers will arrive in Philadelphia at half past 11 o'clock A. M., and in time to take the \Vestern Railroad train (or Pittsburgh.. They will arrive in Pottstown in time to take, the morning up-train to Reading and Potts-. ville, and arrive at the former place at 10,. and at the latter, at 12 o'clock I'. M. The undersigned will spare neither time, expense, or trouble to make this line one of the best to travel to either of the above named places. He has engaged sober and careful drivers, fast horses and good 'coach—. es, and being that the route passes through a delightful country, many will choose to travel it on this account. CtIAIZLES SEAGREA YES. Allentown, July I. 411-3nt Sanders' School Books. The subscribers who are largely engaged in the publication of School and other Books, have, lately made arrangements for the Pub lication-of one of the best Series of School Books,—being seven in number,—ever pub-. !idled in this state. They are calculated for the gradual progression of the pupil in, the ordinary branches of popular education. /\ cannot fail to 1 \ The illustrati ns are admirably adopted and .• the mind upon sound moral principles which is ever the foundation of a • good education. On the whole they believe Sanders' series of School Books by far the most complete. that has ever been published and would, respectfully recommend them for adoption in all the free schools in the State. SOWER & BARNES, No. S 4, North 3rd Street, Philadelphia. June 29. • ¶ —3m TAKE NOTICE. The subscriber having procured a ?ash ionable Tailor, is now prepared to do cus tomer work of every description, at the shor test notice mid in the most fashionable. style, also all work done in this establish-. meat, warranted to give entire satisfaction. Call at the corner of Eighth andflatnilton. street, opposite Ilagenbuch's Hotel, at the Mil Sign. J. W. GRUBB.. Allentown, August 3. /I_ w ADllOll' , 3 4,4 eLt the Orphans Court of Lehigh. fr. County. In the matter of the Account of 4)4.4,01% Martin Kemmerer, Esq., Admin istrator of Charles Druclieniniller, dec'd. And now, August :30, 1453, the Court appoint Charles Foster, an Auditor to audit and resettle the said account and make dis tribution according to law and report to the next stated Orphans Court all the evidence which may be submitted before him. From the Records. N. Alk:Tzoca, Clerk. The above named auditor will meet for the purpose of his appointment, on Friday the With of November next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of Jesse Kline, in Salisburg township, when and where all those interested may attend if they think • proper. November 2 11 )h, aaTITM0/14) 14 a •to the CRYSTAL PALACE. Central IL It. of New nrstly• Excursion tickets will be sold to leave Easton by the 01 or 0: 1 A. M. trains on Thursday October 13th, and every succeed ing 'Thursday until the close of the World's Fair, December Ist, returning with either train the same or the next day. Fair for the excursion, including a ticket of admission to the Crystal Palace, 62,50. Tickets can be had of A. `Vint, Hope's• Express office, Allentewn, on the day pre vious to each excursion. Also tickets can he had nt lope's Express Office in Bethlehem. Allentown, October 12. = T-Cv IF - 4 7. iTI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers