Glorious Nms ! The larzest supply of ;m u ll ever brbuglit a Allentown, can be found at No. 3 1 , EAST Ilmtir.ToN STRr.r.T, KECK and NEWHARD'S 1141, IL of F. ,N FIT o.l'. These !rentlernen adopt this method to inform their friends and the pullic in general that they have lately entered into partnenhip, under the above mentioned firm, and will follow the MERCHANT TAILORING ITIFSINENS, P branches at the "old stand" formerly kept by Keck and I,rh, directly opposite the "Register Office," where they are prepared to sell at the lowest prices ali kinds of fashionable Goods. such as blue black and fancy colored Cloths. Cassimeers end VestingS,Winter Clothes, Collars, I I a a kerchiefs, Cravats, &c. They al,o keep on band at all times a large and fashionable as sortment of Readymade Crollsiztg, such as Coals of every color and d ri I)! inn, Pantaloons of all styles and priers, all !duds of VestingS, Shirts and Undohits,( rs, Cravats, Suspenders, &c., all of which they will sell at Extraordinary ILow ra.r.ceF , , that no one, who visits tlwir can help to buy eitht r Coal, Palos, V , s' or something in their line of }nisi ncss. 'l'Lev have just returned from Philadelphia and New York and. have repleni-Inal their Stork of goods that it may with right he turned the Allentown llall of fashion, The work they turn out is undo•r their .own. supervision, and hating engaged one of the best Cutters in the country. they will be able to turn out the "best fits." Coats, Fauzialoons and Vesls will be made, up to order after the 11,-Wost fashion,. no Imatter whether the material has been purchased of .them or not. They return their thanks for the favors they have received and trust- they will be continued. Fashion plates as they come out. are al ways kept for snl+•. KICK & NEWHARD. Allentown, A ofust !;-3,n mnilt, ac001t.)::;i.,3 Grand Exhibition Of Fashinable rail and in cr AT THE New Cheap Store OE' Getz 6' Gilbert, These gentlemen, take this method to in form their friends and the public in general that they have roceived a very large and well selected stock of Full and 1; juicy Goods, which thiy are now rt•atly to dis pose. off to their customms at the lc,wt,st prices. Their immense stock has .Loon selected with the utmost care and consists of Caothes, Ca.f:! , :ivaters, SatEnris, Flannels, Gloves and Iluseiry, betides laines, Alapaccas,Deba: , lle,Gin:4liams...l 3 l:lin and Fig ured Poplins; Muslins and Prints, Boots, shoes, Hats, Caps, Queens:v.lre, Hardware, Looking Glasses, Stationary, Books, &c., To which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, confi , lent that the fullest satisfaction, both in price and quality, will be given to all who may favor them with a call. The highest prices will be paid in ex change for County produce. They have reason to be thatthful for the favors received thus fur and hope by atten tion to business, disposing, of their goods at small profits, good treatinont towards their customers to merit still a greater share of customers. GETZ & GILBE I'. September 14. . Groceries _Fish 69 Nat' e. The undersigned have just received an entire new Stock of Groceri , .s. Fish and Salt which they intend to sell at the low• est prices at their Store in U a Le high county. GE I'Z & GiLuEler. September 14. COAL I COAL I The undersigned have opencd a Coal Yard in Cutasauqua, and will constnntly keep, on hand all kinds of Coal which they will sell at greatly reduced prices. GETZ & caLBE:R.T. September 1-1 Ready-glade Clothing, The undersigned keep nll kinds of Rra•lfr made Clothing, nu hand, and will make to order, at the lowest possible prices. GETZ & cilLuEnT. Catasauqua, Sept. 14 ti3lll t DID 3 John Stone A. ,t ones, NO. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Are now opening for the Fall Trade, n large and well selected nrsortrnent of SILKS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, AND Millinery Goods in general Confining themselves exclusively to this branch or the trade and importing the ler. ger part of their stock, enables them to otter an assortment, unsurpassed in extent or variety, which will be sold on the most favorable terms. September 2S. New Gnocis. Builders Look klere. 19 NEW • ASi‘.-;011711!ENT OF (d 1 /_;? re .1? ! The ander,i :ned ;mnounce to the toddle, that they have t returned from Phil:lM- ' phia and New Yolk, itlr a very large lot of Hardware, r,qo i,ring. of .IrticieS, ./.1/+ )7/, ( tntin s. ,%;allery um! nil ni mill be ~ . ., 0 1, 1 -at cXlr. rant as.k the to I lat(Nliat• CI Fl a aLt , a call ill u i•lrt•tocnneincrlLent`t•lcrCofthr fact, that a , pently k a pokily wade.' & J s.ll.:(_;Erz. A pril 22 To _ED; r rl-3, A ;r.'nt tit of flow:A , furt.idting arliel. , s.: , irh ❑s E. , ;lo,li.ll,l:l)and'inned vei.. , l•;-, Sallee and rins, pr,•:erve ket tles, fi s h lo , ttlezs, frying p:111S, grid- EMI MEM TEA TH.% V;i anti ','miters, from com mon to fine, in sets and dozons. h ie tint, 111 set ,and in rnriety of pntt, mos. lii\lVE:; and Ft 11: :sets and d o - ens ; also knive: , .. only ; carver:•:,:teels, cipol; and butcher knivos, Nvith a variety of other manufactures April 1)0C:1iET and I'EiN I11•:1VES-1?.azors, scisdoQ, : , hears. frm the best makers ;one, two, thr. and .1 knives. SI D) \ ";:1,1;, hoes, chains, rakes pick, a S1101'1:1,0 and TONGS, Iron and brae poll-ied steel lire :Att.- , rind standards, coal hods., tailors' hens :intro' hinty, irrat - 4. &c. fur salt , by A pril, lot of I iannnered and ro:IeLl Iron, Sheet Iron, A n-:ericiln and Er.: - !1;s11 'Lind Iron, I 1,.0p I ron, Got nn.l Stud, re, flat.: , nd Tound, just received with Anvils and Vices, and fur sale cheap at the store of ( ) & J SA Ed Eli. GI,ASS.-150 Cox. s Cal-5,'. , 4 by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 11, 10 by 15, 12 by NI, and various other serzcs, for side by 0 &J SAE:GER. SII()EMA rec.'ivcd new a:.sortment of Morocco and Rindine. r,eather. :Thoe-thr; id, NVonden Preoch and etnnecoas other nrtic- Ics longit:g to the shotnnal:inrr bu, O & J SAI'.(II.IIZ. 011,s v A ENl „, ;l l . ___ ( e r n ii kinds. . !lail(al and raw, 'Farpcntin,'. Newarl; Var ni:dt of all kind:, Glue b :.old cheap by PI,ANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's I.•c:1 make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, • for sale cheap - 0 .('‘..; J SAL'Aik:P. NV WIT I,EA D.-2 tons of W hile Lead jug received, Pure and Extra, and for sale I,y U .1 SAEGER. April, 22, 1::en: of the l o t ilrels and Spilcesdu:A received Old for s ile I,y U J SAEUER. April 22; I 1( )1.1. ,0 \V WA I; E.--1;00 Iron Puts ano Kettles, just received and for sale at very reduced prices at the stop• of 0 & J S ECER. TO \1 EC! 1 ANICS.—Tuok of every de f , cription, such ns blench and, Aloulding Planes, Hand. Panne!, and Buck Saws, Brace and Bits, Anger 13ths, Sgur.res, &c., fur sale by 0 & J SAEGER. t --IY Jan t: try 5, To firi:iffik4'S. A splendid a-sot -Lit - tent of Pratt tand Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, Borman Looks, Latchets Bolts, I ling( s.Sercws,'Paint I!(rtn , h es, and a variety of other buildlnfr Hard ware just unpackinc . , and for sale cheaper than ever by 0 & J SA EG Janunry 19, 1533. SZ: T: Just received at the Store of the subscri bers, a lot of Alin Picks, William Brady's Patent. This is a New Nlechardeal Tool, the best ever invented and only, wants to be used to the proved. Apply soon. 0. & J. SAEGER. April, 13. li-tint Grain Vira,nted. 50,000 Bushels of NV heat.)lye, Corn and Oats wanted, for which the highest market prices will be paid by the subscribers, at their store on the South west 'corner of I.larket Square and lA:unlit on street, in AI• lentown. . Envt.mAN, IlAtism•& Co. Allentown, April 29 ¶-6m WANTED. • Timothy [lay,. Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats, for which the highest market price will be paid by . PRETZ,.OUTII & CO. May 4, ley. T-6w ¶ -3m iron :C BIM & J SAE( 5-13 U&, J SAEGER till I' at,;11% -ft , 1) 11-1 0 4 Ili ;110 't) . 't 'll • " i ; EN A LEA] XTCP Thv imilersirmed trio s t kis nit t hod to in frm his fricl:ds nut! the I;eldic in f even. I, that hp has haply rVet'l P;c \V - York and Iphia a Fplondid a<srivnlcr,i of Muffs, neßs, CurN, Fr 69, ill' of which he trill sill at the low- rric, s. Ile alto r.trinttiarturcs all the nl.ove men tioned attirle to on!, r. upon the lat. st y •atol understands the litt , intss lulu-ideally as tv, II as any manufacturer in town. Ile also itiplo‘s wait. but the most finished w(slimen that rim 'pct. 'rids then is tl•e st•crct that "K, clz's I lats" tal:o and wear :a atid are nr.w 'all the co." • Ile bolds forth one tier went of Schnur •m•tit's Store on the !mob side of I Idmiloin net, A lliaitown, where he will be h: t . to at.' who may favor him with their ONE 1.1 h !Orris his r , incer , t!•. , ny f hns•this fnr reenivrd .u;.: .s tint , . 11- °Go is rod their nxtrt Inv 1.. w vi!l in , ;t:cc not only his old cu•it. - )na•rs btd lots rcw (mus t to 11 . ILLIAAI NECK. Al!ent3wn, Silt. 11. ti Z.! P ' 43 l E•L ' e) • ercler to orril IV:31r1 The sob:cr . :l,or vvoultl re.pectfilly irtfot.T.: the C 11.17.. 11S.Of and the public i , . ger.oral, that he is F: Hipp: his Entire .\!i k (1 . G.,ods at fast co. , t priers, in order to quit Ltriness. Tito s.trick consists of a rer.t.ra I varirty of wit. itylle,criptiou of ;o6ds, ;Ind thi n fore invites the t.ttentioo of all to this positive fact. So all e ho avant 11,1r , Yains, please give hint a call et the "Peoples Store." SlTtctril,cr w:1 - ,rzir,cr,r..c.ccty . cr.rm.nteraccazg.. - 4 EE IA Eel'eri'" .Y . - —.I 11 .". t 2 t • NVIIOLi:SALI: AND Ttr:FAIL C./ LI 14 t; P TObacco s Snuff and Segal'` ` :; ~,,, 0 T) 'lil '.) T ja la a e; ;:: No. ao, East 1 lani:ton Street, i 1.," 4 ALL.cyrom,.N, P. 1.. r e 4,-3 - . t. ' l 2 :? GOODS ALL 11.11a:ANTED ..,2_l ‘r.. f lily 20. if -iN Ezzcur:tr. r. ;110011111th 1 7 1 THE FIRE INSEILINfr. CCIPPii of MiladAphia. OFFICE, N. I 6:13 UT 6TREET Near l•Wth STATF.MEN'r OF A t;.,Q f,D1,315,534, Jsatuary IM, 1'53 PatbliAlled agrcenNy go au Act •A S L 13 13 I N G ulzazes, ktopy ',cut ,I, n,tate (pruaeut vacs 010, - 000) c,si Tv pora ry Loans, n amp eea a- t stock , (rrt , eut value ; 1 (76,191) cost. fit; Cash, &e. &e., 5:: ;If s. 1,315,3 1 4.H) PERPI:TVAI. on LIMITED 1.0-UNANui.s Wad. on every dv:criplion ul i.ropt•ity, in TOWN AND COVN FEY, at rail's fIS Imp ;IS 1111.CMIS ith SrCOTIII Since their incorporation, n pi tied of twenty-four pat rF, they 11,i ye paid. ov r I hre r et illions (fellers Less nr therebt; ttf foading evidence of the ad vantaLle of Insur ance, as the iihilny and disposition to meet with promptuus,s all Direehas I Chailes N. Dandier, Mord. D. Lewis. Tebias Adolp. E Samuel Grata, David S. Jacob IL Smith. Morris Patterson, j Geo. AV. llictiaciF, Isaac Lea, CHARLES N. BANC IZER, Preaide.Ht. Cn.%1:1.1:s G. B Seery. t,:ry. ClZ — The subscribers are tin• appointed A 7, nts of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, at the low c.q. rates. A. L. TitME, Alknywn. C. P. IThECII, I.l.2thlchrui. 111cntown, Oct. New Supply or co: ) ,i! Eate°llB(PS Lisliebararncrs YAGGIE 'File undersigned have just received, and constantly keep on hand, a lame supply of all kinds of Coal, suitable for Farmers and Limeburners, and. the coal consuming pub lic in general, which they will dispose of at the following reduced prices: Cliertnut Coal at S 3 6 27) Extra Nut Coal, $ . 2 37 Eel, Stove and Lump at 87" Eum.mrs, ITANsu &. Co. April 20, 1853. • —lO • Hiram Brobst, Del:Vast ill Allem:town. Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he still continues the practice of his profession, in all its various branches. such as filing, cleansing, plugging and inserting from a sin gle tooth to a full set, on moderate terms. His office is in Allen Street, one door South of Dr. C. L. Martin, No. 43. Allentown, August 10. ¶-1y tti • 1::'.!1Y 1 s h t r k •••••t • • • "NO.< Thet)- • Traysporiailen (";nl.p, Glyn iCt TICE I thoy are nnw pr,Tarrci to r, dry,• ni,ocknair.• uud ft•rv, , ,rd it st'i'lt Fritninnvt-rz and disratnli fn . in I': iia.':•!;•Jia 12,1 , -tnn, thinln in, 'A 11 ,, ntc...1 n, ILu:clt Cl•ot,lc, I ), nn flavnn, W Litc Ilavvn, o,ar and nizo to nil int , rinc:ll,,to 1 0. ! n,• : ,., on rn, I.iwnre and and I higti a•rl Tiohinn 'l'ho proprintors would infcyrin th, it and cu,tonivrs I.:tvo t>eciral flottt., , to tinor lino, which will vrratiy tindr Ti.uv continue to do likinnf. , rn the old :tand, dir , Hy 0; I ,,, ite tine t:‘r,l , . .::ore if 11. kl , z, J. IV lit. t0r v...,r,l to and to td,o to n:1 no, rna (limn s via a r.• and 11,rnoti Lai,al aid 1, , t. 'lll,rd. t.l-; !tit, Ity t! it , 1.1. A. N lino of 1., 10 cci l< NV I iCh %VW 110 It I." Al. tttv ft tt oft-trt ry r•-- A n y t w r,tr :ti:l t r, (1. t , IHI (4 rtf.4 sk.; Gad., lifit; 11 . 1,4 :•;;r. 1, tti :,t 2 , ;/, l oti's A t , ftc: Ctice, •`ll t. 71 - .0 'try I.lvt. ro 1 lotl,-es at 1.: octn, 1:. to, Alit ittt.wii. A:ttucli Chunk. n at.ll 11.111.,•;.1.tti )“,:a;:r., Wm , - us Co., l'apri, tors-, At ,E;\ A g .T. A:. .1 - 11n7. 11. 73. .11”tiruht td, Pt.l:;;;ll.lphia. Jahn (Ipdvelo-, Borhcck & A. NV. I.“..;;l•ming, I lolturt & s, Ik . ;l l ,:t.sbiti re. -11; , ..iit6wri, N 1,4 5, 17)53. J. W. Gi11.7138 Iles of prof, E eion in 5-6 w [l - 11.! inly Lr u.n,u;tccl in GL:nrul Eng'Hl lailvi;(2.l - : A u.;ust 1!7,5*2 N.J. •ki,17.:ISLI.1 . 11111h011streol, A I ,entown, adopts this method to in form ins frier—is and the piildic in ffeneral. that iw has Allentown his perination: resiih.nce. fie has tied :in ()trice at hi-. niivitisite /levied's Ano.rienn Il,;- ,el, a few doors east ui Pr ti, Guth ;s. Co': Store, while Le NViii Lc itt ip, to •r hi prolessitniai s-9.vices in the JCiCI:CI2 of Den tistry. lle call at pri%ate residences, if requested, car ie tt rins are reasonable, anti haw inn much rxlr rived- in the prudes-ions, feels satisfied that he eau give general satis• faction. AlltAltown, April 21, 9'- 1 Y C0;1( . 111112 i ;1 7 g ES: p. etfully ati,l the putilic In :„• , •14( an ext..i.sive ; 7, 1,6^_1,366 El 417 6:; riCeSiECT.I in is r itIOUS VAld S, nt ilt- t a nd in Virm S:rr ri, Nr,. ov iiimitr 1 lapotil,tir I Iwo', rcht rr br i tti %ray:. pri.ritrt ti to oviiii:trittro r at d i e tt awl it:t.o VO'l.l, 116.4q"‘ 7177' E'a! ,- !tinizti:v I h!sle9 ) 11 1 1 4;2 " - f• h i;rtrwo• I? I„ iiro y,o, 'arrgidi4, it) k which, Mr homily atid doralMiiy cannot be suriao.ised by aiiy Co;• in the State or elsewhere, while hi term: , are as reai His' those Of any tutor stalilishraynt.— [l,‘ us, s none hut die best niatetiali., anti employs.. mete Lut the br,:t. of IVOTI:Well— consillit'lllly, he inttrids that the vehicles manufactured at toAr the of all others manufactured i n ibi s p ro t of the co.tintry. lie lied, sses to tocler..tmal hi.s bu-iiic::3 Iv experit ucr, and therefore assures the poLlic that lie is env.- il to render siitifaction to his customers. Cail rind for 3:ourrelves. 1”. , ,1cri o' iron , 'es nindr to or der : and of all kinds (loin , at Ow shortet:t notice and on the most ri..atinable • terms. Old rvbiel.s laken in cxcLange for new onus at a g, owl barp;iin. ituBEF.•,T EnAllEn. May I I. c,l—(;nt 4 .0.1.7•:-Fp.,. In the Orphans Court gild:high County. i•!:! In the matter of the Account of '' . 4-10 ,4 Conrad Wert, Administrator, of the estate of Catharine Farber, dcc'd. And now A unrust WC Court appoint Duns Hausman, an Auditor to audit and resettle the said account and intike dis tribution according to law and-report to the next stated Orphans Court including all the evidence which may be submitted before him. Prom the• Records. • TEsTE.—N. Alrrzcrn, Clerk. The undersigned auditor, above named will attend to the duties of his appOittniont, on Saturday the 12th day of November, next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the House of D. and a Peter; in ‘‘' as h ngt on township, when and where all persons in terested may attend if they think proper. • BOAS HAUSMAN, Auditor. October 19. 40/I JRillistrifyirei°G, , Neatly executed at the “Reuister Office." Nu tn - rtilcva tOINe,P t, C. M. II Thvenes ITIS Er. J:Kricrito-cur.ra. 1 D 'ISIS 5 .?3 (,‘"' rl't tit '4) flirt 113 sf u 3 1.111nEi , 11).1allia LCiotl)iii!:t-E;c111. Ereinig, Neligh nna Brtinig, Novili East corner of Ilam!It m and •S'eventh Aired, ..fillddown. Tafnrrn their friends and the public in gen crril, that they have (Merck' into Partner :l,ii? hi the ICI. eircD?asti 'En If.orinr.; ETZlifilef l 9 ! 1,1 #: 4 l Inn Iv fdh:w«l I y N,l;cli ..., 4 1 /. -and Ilrl•inip, and intend to !.-..,'"";:-..: - , 4 .....'.! continue the :am? 1110 to r":i ."* " . . :1 ' 27. : l , l:Si yr: than r %Tr. They i .- ." :.. '4 Lterefore adopt this inra , tire '... '. : :;,-• to infr , rto th, ir. oh! cti , totners ~-.....,:.r ,i t _,=Land -hiliolrt.d. (.11n , w Data ,, I/ i 1 t ha t Cory will at. their new ..,;,:,-.,.........t,..( snl l . l .i,litnent, rr..:ent tho Nuntst ami Fnsbionab:e GiC;C:dR, ever brotleilt to this Floce. and Inivoirr rur chuscd iti Philadelpida•nnd New Youic IP° r CO: SID it cr.alas thnin to than any wilt :12:1-1.n.unt of Ow nd in A !lei:town. y 1 !iv,' st I. CI( their (I:Onl!S 1111 to dinabi!Uy an.! tat cv, an.! Lave it, IIQ lent !!!!!!St in ti.t. !Will:Ct. Tilt 11' anion , * oih, r artirli's, con , it of s I,f ail c tors and rrirti,. Caist,iliu is, , f I'relich and Anyrniian inanufactur, r ; 1 - t Silks, anti a h, r ti f=hues an l Shir-tuilais, f t u:•;};, chiefs, I toisc, rs. r • attic L s c n,iii, iu their C :1:1 t•L` :LI 11l die lutrc .t prlccs. Their of Ili • flij.y Ina d !Cs( convrisys trot y tl,ini iii di" front an cvel-c.nt cluwo to ,th under-=Lint, in:vie up arty'. the latt•i‘t ;A n.n t In to ma -I,lc stocl, being. 5..0 tixtenzive, that nuts will lean' it, unlqs tinted front tire 'iLuttoin to the top" CUM C mer %York, will be done up es n=n d, and for their work they are willimr to lie hi 1,1 :Tensible, two of the firm bi intr workincri in the earl nf cuyin2," and ail the %yolk is made up tin ler thi it own up rvision. for past favors they trust that attention to I,u-in-ss, tier Fos and quick Heil! l.c the turans of bringing nizw customers to thnir .1. ls.A.Ac 11:trisio, .I,mx Jous L. DitinNlo. E , - 1 y Alit ntowr, S , Ft. 7 V. Pik 0 if '. l ;faC. COrlii»iSiOri :litn:llarits. I ST E 1: gro:riltl , l4 G l ir; No. 213 V, a.,Sitoian Si, kw Tiorli. Urnipr:,igurd hereLy form their friend.: and hien-hunt , ,g( nerary, shat they_ have r.,t.klAishrd the, in, lye.; a; ‘N' ho I ate Curnini, , iOon orchanlS and Produce Donl.'r , , — at Ni.t.lit;, I ,‘ ;_;•rret, is the 01.:1k•A' . liave facil,ties to reniler every in lilet.1:1e111. 4) Iv3r:11. as will as other State rnerel,ank In trade in tLis ic;:tiket, with • it (.1 inn, , .vhere• iu trt y can at ;1 1 .1 to any other i e lhe I t i nu Ficl,ttatx:e.l.totl fart, La: Erroat tAdt. h,.r.tofave.w. odiwr its way to other ts, i rapidly 4inJil avemms t1m.u....h the t.tri,rts a Itlttional IZ tii t, th. (4 at 12. of N •tv York (2;tv, and why is this' Llocauso merchants find upon 1 prolvalde ri It. They hetijit to t th it eyrz, and sre j,, ; ‘..v 3. I.y oth-r mar kets, whereas had they 0 mark. t like the one rp..n to them, thy rc,tlli. hy this time, wc.tild have contrtbutt!d tilatelially to tht it in In int 'S. Merchants con! , uliia2; their cwn interest plainly see, ,that all inland l'ort, are inaile mate to consume the amount of produce and rrher materiols sent to them, and the result follows. that a Croat amount of the :ante cm(' its tray to 1110 g rent contr.! of at traction New York, to which place, other city speculators go to make their profits, and it this they sticaeed fcr the consumption and exportation there, is so much greater and prices cansequonly more remunerating. Thew are upwards of thirty Steamships now running, and others in progress, and will soon be tb:til to the various lines, re , idar trips to and front this port to the various ports of our Southern States, Cuba, South America, California, Australia, England, Ireland, France and some of the Gorman States, and hundreds of snips are constantly sailing to and coming from all ports of the Woi Id. An then come bore to procure a share of our countrys production; and Nett• York city being the greatest commercial city in America, and the most convenient port of access by ships and stcamships,it is therefore constantly flooded by them, carrying away an.enormous a.nount of merchandise. • The Undersigned, therefore solicit con signments of all merchants, that may feel disposed to give the market a trial and they hope by prompt attention thereto, and per severing eflorts to procure the highest market prices, to gain a liberal share of patronage. N. 13.—Any further information can be had, by addressing the above firm. WENNIM, 1311EINIG & Gco. Wenner, P. B. Breinig, jr., F. 11. Weidner _References C. & L. Denison, No. b:2 & 81 Ucy St., New York. Sillcinan, Shefrald & Co , 220 Front St. . Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 327, 329, 331 Pearl St. . David .D. Wagner, President of the Euston Bank, Easton. • Augustus Lacicenbach, Esq., Jacob Rice, Crider and Lefeh, Bethlehem. Grim & Renninger, James-F. Kline & Co., Weidner & Saeger, Allentown. October 5. ¶-6m Ac,aae,ul)-. The Trustees of this Institution, respect fully announce that the Fall Term will com mence on Thursday Ist of September. Under the supervision of the present Principal, Mr. .1. N. Gregory, the school has received a lil t r,il patronage, and has at tained a position ol the highest rank. During, the vacation, very great additions and improv: tin nts have been made to the Academy Imildincs and furnitnre, and pu: pils will now enjoy all the advantages of a thorough course ol instruction, earnest and Ificient teachers, and qticious and convenir ent school rooms. ClinEoN I SAM, '1 . 11031.1,3 I•AVER, I E 11 'OMAN iii re, TuomAs 13. IVit.sos, s of AN'n.T.tAm 11. CHAU:, NuA Mr nI ATs rzo n, Trustees. lloamer lVittooT. J• Allentown . .1% ugust N t • - ;)•-• 4tril: - 11 . r 4,)=. 1).11 tne IA,IE EZe/Ween LULENTORN AND POTTSTOWN. The traveling puLlic are hereby respect fully informed, that front to &iv, June Ist, 1'..53:1, a daily line of stages twill commence running hempen Allentown and Puttgown; and in connection with the Reading Railroad convey passengers to Philadelphia: The Singes will leave J. Y. Bechtel's, American Hotel, Allentown, every morning (Sundays excepted) at 2 o'clock A. NI. and the pas sengers will arrive in Philadelphia at half past 11 o'clock A. AL and in dine to ladle the Western Railrond train (or Pittsburgh. They will arrive in Pottstown in time to take the morning up-train to Reading and Potts ville, and art ive at the former place at 10, and at the latter, at 12 o'clock I'. Al. The untlerigned will spare neither tune, expense or ;rouble to make this line one of the best to travel to either of the above named places. He has engaged sober and cariiul drivers, fast horses and good coach es, and being that the route passes through n delightful country, many will choose to travel it on this acc,unt. CIIAI:I,E3 SE:ACRE/11'ES. Allentown, July 1. SOillerS l Setool The suhscrihers ‘vho are largely cr.,Qnged in the publicatiol of Scheel and other 1;tiol;s, hrtve lately made arrang,lnents for the Plb lication of one of the best Series of SclNbl 110 , flis,—being, seven in nurnlynr,--ever pub , in this state. ''hey are calculated for the Qradtial prog.rossion of the pupil in the ordinary Lranches of popular education. idustrations ore admirably adopted and cannot fail to fix the mind upon sound moral principles which is ever the foundation of a good oduraliva. tia the whole they Lolieve Sanders' series of School flaobs by • far then toast complete, !hut has ever bred published and would ' , pectful!y rec: , mtnorl them for adoption in all the free ... , ,chnels in the State. SO IV & BA BN ES, Nn. 81, North 3rd Street, Philadelphia. Tuna t 29. ¶ —3m TAKE NOTICE. The subscriber having, procured a Fash ion:lbl,, Tailor, is now prepared to do cos tomor work of every description, at the shor test no:ice and in the most fashionable style, also all Ivor!: dope in this establish ment, %vat ranted to give entire satisfaction. Call at the cornor of Eighth 1)1)(11Jan:than F!rovt. opposite Ilagettbuch's (fowl, nt tho. IL_l Sian. J. \V. CatUBB. Alit:mown, August 3. 111-01‘,.. A:MAID:V:3 TIDIVI:IL • la the Olphans Court of Lehig,h, ( ()may. ,1,,t_114 ; 4 : In the matter oldie Account of .4. 1"41 0 ' Martin Kemmerer, Esq., Admin istrator of Charks Druckenmiller, dec'd. And now, August 30, 1?•453, the Court appoint Charles Foster, an Auditor to audit and'resettle the said account and make dis tribution according to law and report to the next stated Orphans Court all the evidence which may . be submitted before him. From the Record's. N. 51ETZGER, Clerk The above named auditor will meet for'. the purpose of his appointment, on• Friday. the 25th of November next, at 10 o'clock in: the forenoon, at the house of Jcsse Aline, in,. Salisburg township, when and where all! those interested may attend if they think" proper. November 2 ZINUCOUTMOLECE)TrO j to the CRYSTAL PALACE. Centehl B. R. of New Jersey. Excursion tickets will be sold to leave Easton by the 0.1 or 91 A. M. trains on' Thursday October 13th, and every succeed ing Thursday until the close of the. Worlds• Fair, December Ist, returning with either train the same or the next day. Fair for the excursion, including a ticket of admission to the Crystal Palace, $2,50., Tickets can be had of A. Wint, Hope's Express office, Allentown, on the day pre- • vious to each excursion. Also tickets can be had at [lope's Express office in Bethlehem. Allentown. October cm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers