• II " 1----------- . GLEANINGS. Whig state Convention. (.•• ‘,,k*Califolnia State election takes place on HuNTilsonox, August 25.—l'he Pennsyl the 7th of September. va ni a Whig State Convention met here this FO - Why is a child like a compass 1 Because morning, at 11. o'clock, for the purpose of it is often boxed. Schocking 1 nominating a candidate • for the office .of IfirF4izabeth Itudisill, residing in Hanover, Judge of the Supreme Court. thia7Strite, is one hundred and two years of age.— On motion of C. 'l'. Jones, John Fenian,. Tlieold lady goes fishing occasionally. Esq., of Cambria county, was appointed tern- The Peru . 111., Chronicle, of the 101 h, says that porary Chairman, and R. A. Scofield and .$12,000 were paid out for corn in that city dur- Peter Sailor. Etrq•. Heeretkirie3. in ,, the past week. The market rates for a good On motion of M. Myers, a committee was appointed to report permanent officers, and :article were 4to 55 cents per bushel. . the Convention adjourned until 2 o'clock. rirSince the sth of July there have been sold •at the Clinton, Mo., Land Office, 120,000 ae.res. On re -assembling JACOB GOSSLER •A part o fnton, the proceeds, one hundred thousand Was chosen President of the Convention, and 'dollars in coin, were carted to St. Louis. a number of Vice Presidents and Seereta- IV-Florida is represented at the World's Fair t i es were appointed. Mr. Gossler ; on taking the Chair, made in New York, by sundry large alligators • an eloquent address, which was enthusias- Esr7-fhe barn and 'contents of Charles Beck, in t tinnily . applauded: •Forkes township, Northampton county, was de- 1 1 David Blair, Esq., then sudmitted a rest). stroyed by fire on Saturday last. c l 1 lotion declaring it to be inexpedient to nomi- EV'The Brick Masons in Sacramento, .a ► . '1 nate a candidate for the Supreme Bench, lave determined upotilito per (lay, as their rates , nod recommending the Ho 'Phottias S. . -of wages. I Bell, of Chester county, to the support of the 'lgirEl,Gov.l3rown, Minister to berlin, has se. I i people as an independent candidate. 'Phis leered Jas. M. Porter, jr., of Easton, Pa., as his . I resolution was, on motion of John Fenlon, Private Secretary. I Esq., amended so its to provide for the op- Canee/hdon of belief Notc.v.--The Commission' i pointment of a committee to report resole tees of the Sinking Fund of the. State caused to be tiOna expressive of the sense of the Conven 'cancelled to•day September Ist, Relief Notes to tion. This committee was as follows the amount of $92,598. George W. Elder, Mifflin . ; James M. Sel i lets, Juniata ; Wm. H. Irwin, Mifflin ; D. An Eccentric Member (J . Congrus.—Hon. Caleb . E. Stout, Becks ; S. 13. Lauffer, Westniore- I. yon, who has just returned from a visit to Er-; land ; J. J. Patterson, Dauphin ; Daniel rope, is a member of Congress elect from the 1 ilea, Lancaster ; IV. S. Rolan d ; y or k ; John Fenian, Cambria ; C. N. T western section of New York, and is said to be aylor, talented and exceedingly eccentric. A corrcs- i Bucks, s ho immediately retired to disch arge pendent of the Philadelphia Inquirer says: I the duty assigned them. "We have seen him before now, with a plaid During the absence of the Committee on silk, cravat, monkey jacket and green and black Resolutions, David F. Robinson, Es..q., of pants, in a gay ball room, the observed of all ob. Franklin, and John Williamson, Esq., of servers, perfectly at home in his oddities, and Huntingdon, were called upon and addres s really beloved by all who knew how good a heart sed the Convention. is hidden behind his California rig. Ile devised The committee, on their return, reported the seal of the Slate of California—was Clerk the following resolutions, which were unani of the Constitutional Convention of that State— mously adopted has been beater of despatches to China and Bra- .lie.solvcrl, That we re-affirm our ad he y.ii I believe—came home from California and ranee to time. honored principles of the W hig ( stumped it for Assembly three years ago and suc- party, and shall ever consider it our duty, ce eded—when the senatois iesi F ,,,,st ~, a-r.,..i ' h e as well as pleasure, to give them all the sup s Bill, he too resigned to defeat the Senator Port we can command. from his district—was elected-run as stump can- Resolved, That we condemn the policy didate h is congress—was elected, of course—can pursued by Gov, Bigler and his administra tion, in Priding thousands to our already enor make as telling a speech, or as taking a fugitive mous debt. R poem as almost anybody and we predict will I esolved, 'That we recommend thetile be the fi rst man asked for by strangers in the gal of the Public ‘Vorks of the State, that the lery of the House of Representatives. -after Con people may . once more throughly be relieved . gress meets. I from the burthen of taxation. Every consid- Printing Office for Sale.—Wc notice that the i erasion of public policy demands that the Sheriff of Bucks County offers the iloylc.slown 1 Public Works be placed beyond the reach IVaiekturver, with all its material and subscrip- of speculators and party, or personal favor thin list at Public Sale. The sale is to take place ites-corrupting as they now are to public and party morals, at the ex nise of our honest on the 14th inst. The editor says that the rea• eon of his failure is ant tbutable to the non-pay - 1 w ) iling PeoPle• al"- mem of his subscribers. Resolved, That the tax payers of this Commonwealth are requested to.look at the reports made by those interested in the con tinuance Of the present system of our Public Works, representing them as profitable to the State, and producing a large amount of revenue, and, 'ask themselves if this can be true, while the heavy taxes levied upon the people for the payment of the interest of the State, debt, and fur-the support of these saute 11 which the Cutildtet lltliere 11-71 e. ,r Elhcr.— An illustration of the inestimable value of ether in surgical operations was furnished by a case which came under. our observation a few days since. Dr. Sand of this City, amputated a man's thigh, and, as usual, ether was adminstered pie. ulnas to the operation, to prevent the patient's d, and suffering. The operation was performed, \ '-• Public Works, for the erection ot .as the poor fellow recovered his consciousness debt was contracted. those around congratulated him that it was "all I sale 'That t w e t t are ,. in favor of the over." ..1 know better," was his instantaneous of t h e Pu blic ..'or.i s fur the purpose of reply. ..You can't humbug me in that way !" S I reducing the ...Ante debt,the repeal of the And it was not until he had seen the amputated 1 State lax, 1 , . th e annual :Kell limb that he could be wade to believe that it had I —ate. tax, roil to prevent "(3 l ululation (il a floating State debt, which been cut off without his feeling it.—N..Y Tribune. 1 causes poor laborers and others e mployed on the State works to be shaved twenty per, cent. or more of their hard-earnings, to ob tain the necessaries for the support of their families, while the labores on the public works of corporations or companies, are reg ularly paid in cash for their services. Resolved, That we are in favor of the construction of a Railroad to the Pacific, by either by combined or individual effort, or I the General Government—provided it Prolific.— Jeremiah Gordon, living near can be done by the latter without involving Waynesboro, Pa., has a brood sow that has hail 1 the nation in a serious debt, or infusing cor sixtymne pigs in at months and out of this num, l i roption and speculation to the injury of the bet' he rai s ed "1........................ 1 country. lyel3 12 2 ,- 1102 .e.),aa,,,11 Resoled, That we are still the advocates of the Whig policy, as it regards the protec- OF I tion of labor, internal improvements, and the Valuable Real Estate. I support of a pure. and independent judi- The• undersigned offers to.sell at Public dull. th 4esolved, That this Convention approve Sale, On Saturday the Ist of October next, , e nominations made by the Democratic on the premises, one and a half .Hiles above Whig State Convention of March last, for “Siegfried's Bridge," on the road leading I the offices of Auditor General, Surveyor front Catnsauqua to Cherryville, in Allen I l General, and Canal Commissioner ; and township, Northampton county, I • 1 that believing them to be eminently worthy, A Valuable Plantation,• ! and well qualified to fill the respective ofli °containing 83 acres and 14 perches, 5 acres \ ces for which they have been nominated, of which are excellent meadow, and .acres I earnestly and unitedly recommend them to good woodland, the balance is-farm land of I the active and zealous support of the people the best quality, adjoining lands of Charles I of Pennsylvania. Nagel, Stephen Kleppinger, George Ilow- I Resolved, That we sincerely regret the er r and others. Thereon is erected a I decease of t e a tha miable and honest man, ' , c.- - i. 2 Story Frame Dwellinir i that true h and patriot, John Price ..'4 7 .1 urn 6'l ViV Mt i Douse, ‘Vetherill, of Philadelphia. His eminent services to his party, and his wide spread Wag0n1141:;'.,...;:a a Swiss Barn, a large and small Housi ngs. og stable, and other neces- I benevolence to his fellow men, have enshrin sary outbuild A Spring of good water I ed hiM in the grateful hearts of his fellow citizens. His memory shall grow brighter is near the house, also one near the barn, as years pass away. and an excellent apple orchard and other John Fenlon, Esq., then offered the fol fruit trees are on the land. lowing; • The sale will commence at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when' the conditions will be I Resolved, That we deem it inexpedient made know n, by for this Convention to nominate a candidate I for Supreme Judge ; but that the judicial experience and integrity of the Hon. Thom as S. Bell, commends him as a suitable can didate for all parties, and that we cordially recommend him to the Whigs of Pennsyl vania for their support. David F. Robinson, Esq., moved to amend by striking out the name of Judge Bell, and i .inserting that of Alexander King, Eq., off Bedford. This a menendment gave rise to a long discussion, in which the whole subject, MI6 discnss,ad Jiro and con—Messrs. Lill Perlin!), Jacob. li(gionn arid W m. 11. Irwi " favoritto the er , : :inal ;intim:4ooll;lmi M e ssrs D. F. Rubio:wit, Caleb N. Taylor, C. Thom .on Junes and Matthias Myers opposing it After which a motion way made, and carrie to pioteed to ballot for a candidate, The names of George Taylor, of Huntin don, Alexander Kine..oflindlerfl . and Th.-, The Norwalk Tragely.—Acqoital of the Con- duotor.—The trial of Charles H. Constoch, con ductor of the train on the New Haven Railroad which was terminated on Monday, by a verdict of acquittal. There were three counts in the in. •dictment against the prisoner, each charging him with manslaughter. The jury were out from Friday evening until noon on Monday. DANIEL NAGEL. Allen township, Sept. 7. . - Ds°lntim' 01 Partnership. Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship heretofore existing between Thom a s Moore and Nathan Laudensehloger. in the . Grain and Coal business, in Allentown, has 'beeti dissolved on the Ist of September, ltss3, by mutual consent. All those who know '..'itlitimtielves to, be indebted to said firm, are • earnestly requested to call on Thonies 1/oore at the old place of business, where the bolts will remain for a "short time, and settle their . j accounts, in order that the buyiness of the old firm can be brought to a close. - THOMAS l‘rtiVßE. NATHAN LAUDEICBCIILAOIIII., Sept. 7 w as A. Budd, of Philadelphia, were placed in nomination. On the third ballot, Thomas A. Budd was nominated by a majority of one vote, and was subsequently declared unanimously con firmed, by the Convention, as the Whin . can didate for the Supreme Judgeship, to.fill the place made vacant by the death Of Judge Gibson. The Convention then adjourned. MA It RI En On the 4th of September, by the Bev. B. M. Schtnucke r, Mr. Charles Nixon, to Miss Mary dim Dewirc, both of Easton. in dlOtl ligh and •ty , nds and the ve• entered pcimoDlinl Briduig, N South Bust core Sir, Inform their f ern!, that they skip in the iderchant ' ilOring y followed Breinig, at nue the sni ve than el i , fore. adopt t min their old hundreds o they will at i lishment, in zhiouable [dace, and h is and Net Nmest and Ft everbron7ht to this chusti in Philiidelp Foe it etablet them to sell Imt ex than any other . istallishment o he kind in Ilentown. They lavt selected tl eir Goods t ith an eye to durabilty and fan. , and hay none but the latesttyles, in th market. ' heir stock of Goods ttnone other articles, consist of Cloths oral' colors and prices, Cassimers, of French, and American manufacturies ; Vestirgs, 6ilh Velvets, Satins, Silks, Wors turd tad other descriptions,figured and plain,' Sb,'s and Shirt-collars, Stocks. Cravats, Ha . dkerchiefs, hose, Suspenders., &c., be sWs many other articles coming 41 their litl of business, and all will be sold at the 'oust prices. Their stock of Readymade Clothing, coprises every thing in the clothing line, fln an over-coat down to an under-shirt, ado up after the latest and most fashiona b styles. There stock being so extensive, th none t‘ ill leave it, unless fittedfrom the "Ittom to the top" Customer Work, , - - vibe done up as usual, and for their work thl are willing to be held responsible, :, .okia..., practical workmen in the "urf cutting, and all the work is Made up and their own supervision. Tnkful for past favors they trust that ' attenin to business, "small profile and quiciales" will he the ineans of bringing new ,stotners to their establishment. J. Mc Itro ino, - Jon TEL Ant, • Jonf4 . BREINIG. Ahtown, Sept. 7 ' 11---6 m aunty Commissioner , To Electors of Lehigh county, those oplentown Borough, especially• FLOW CITIZENS ! I hereby ntler my self tour consideration as a candidate for the co of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, - - - at thitctober election. • It elected I shall eride4r to discharge the duties of said; officemestly,. and with a view of pl'onto timr t best interests of the Borough of ' Alrentn. Ist; will promise to favor the subscrip- I tion of least one hundred thousand dollars; (or thpurpose of tunneling the Lehigh Nlouno, said s.tim to be paid out of the counrreasury. 2d will go in for constructing three or louvre Bridges over the Jordan at Allen towto be paid likewise out of the county Irur3. t I wil. oppose nny new Bank charter, ext its location be in Allentown Borough. 1. I am also opposed to any Rail Road cblr, unless it be one to pass through or mthe market house in Allentown Bor• ot. I am down on the Macungie Rail B. which is now in course of rapid con wtiori, because it does not lead to Allen- Borough, for the consideration above rtioned, I trust you will elect me. JACOB NEW HARD. i3ubject to the decision of the County Oention. 7, 1853. 'AIEDITO 4 3 gthillill !, In the Orphans Court of Lehigh -).('`l. County 9•;,5-' • In the matter of the Account '-' of Daniel Mohr and Solomon 'ne , Executors,&c., of Geo, Elaine, dec'd. nd now, Aug. 30, 1853, the Court op a John D. Lowell an Auditor to audit resettle said account and make distribu according to law and to Report all the once submitted before him. Front the Records, TESTE.—N. METZGER, Clork. lie undersigned auditor -in the- abore i will meet on AYaturdatp.the 24th inst., l o'clock A. Mott his office in Allentown, i•re all those interested may' attend if they proper. JOE-1N D. LA WALL, Auditor. eptember 7, 1t,53. 11-3 w ehigli Co., Bible Society. 'bore will be a public meeting of 01 , tuts of the County, Sncietv he Egypt Church. on Suncky Ootobt i. commencing ot 2P. NI. Addresses toil delivered in the English, German, am bably the Welsh languages. kllentown. Sept. 7. an Ordinance For the preservation of the Health of the Borough of Catasniipm. . Whereas experience bath shown that it is necessary in all populous committees to en force by law an observance of those sanatory regulations' without which diseases of the most dangerous character are either genera ted, or their virulence greatly aggravated.— Therefore, Do it ordained and enacted by the author ity of' the corporation of the Borough of Catasauqua, in Town Council assembled,' and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. l SEc'r. I. It shall be the duty of the co- l - cattier of every house within the limits of the Borough in the 'nitwit of May, in each , and every year to cleanse the cellars thereof I of all dirt, decayed vegetable or other impure 'natter, calculated to geoerate disease and to' cause them to be thi iroughl y w!:liitewashed with fresh liner; and also to cause the privy vaults attached to such houses to be purified by putting therein at least one bushel of quick lime, during the month of June in each and every year ; and every such person neglect- , ing or refusing to comply with and observe the provisions of this section, shall, on con- viction thereof pay a fine of live dollars for the use of the Borough with lull costs. ' 1 &cr. 2. It shall be the duty oldie oc cupant of every house fronting on or adjoin-' ing any street or alley, that has been graded, curbed and guttered, in accordance with the' Borough regulations to keep the gutter in front of his or liar house, or lot, free from all stagnent water or other impurities, under the penalty done dollar tier each and every day that the same shall be allowed to remain un- cleansed, to be recovered for the use of the, Borough as floes or like amount are recover able. &cr. 3. No person or persons shall tcast, carry, draw out or lay the carcass or head body of any fowl, or any filth from privy, vaults 4.c. on any part of the commons of this Borough, or on or near any of the', streets, lanes or alleys within the Borough, without burying the same at least four feet below the level surfbee of the ground, under' the penalty of one dollar, in addition to the costs of removing or burying the same, to be recovered as herein provided for the use of! the Borough, with full costs. I SeCT. 4. No person shall erect any hog! pen or permit arty manure or filth of any kind to accumulate on that part of any lot within the Borough adjoinit ° or any street or ' I alley thereof (the side walk of which have - been been graded and paved fur the use of the public) without inclosinrr ° and separating The same from the street, by a close fence of I boards or oiler suitable . material, at least seven feet high, and so constructed as to pre- vaillin escape of any filth or impure water therefrom into the street, under the penalty i of three dollars, to be recovered as herein ; provided fur the use of this Borough with costs, ad on a second or other conviction I fur the (same ()Mince the additional sum ol'l ti e do lar per day, for each day, that his elapsed since his or her conviction. Seer. 5. If any distiller, chandler, soap ,„ , e , 1 maKer,.othaer or other person within this j Borough, or their workmen or servents shall I at any time hereafter discharge or permit :ratty impure, nauseous or oailnsive liquid to i flow into any stre:it, lane or alley, within this I Borough, Or c I IVO, Or cause to be collect's!, any stale, putrid flit, aid, garbage or filth . whatsoever, in or near his, or her distillery, workshop, or slaughter house, between the first day of April and the last day of Octo ber, he or she, so ()Minding, shall lisrfi.it and pay on conviction thereof the sum of live dollars, to be recovered for the use of the Borough with full costs. SECT. 6. If any person shall sell or °nig. lbr sale within the limits of the Borough the flesh of any animal that has come to its death by disease or accident or that has been sick or diseased, at the time or its being slaught ered, or within one month previous thereto, or the flesh of any call' that has been killed under the age of twenty-eight days, any blown meat, or other impure or unhealthy article of provisions, he or she, so ollbniling, shall tbrl'eit and pay for the use of the Bor ough the sum of ten dollars with lull costs. Seer. 7. It shall be the duty of every adult, and every parent,.guardian or matter of every minor, residing Within the litnits of , the Borough, who has not had the small) pox, or been vaccinated so as to have taken the cow pox regularly, to be, if an adult vac. 1 cinated, or in the case of a minor, to cause I such minor to be vaccinAid between the . I first day of' April and tW.h . day of May, under the penalty of one dollar to be recov ered lbr the use of the Borough, with rill' costs, unless unable to do so by reason of, poverty, and it shall be lawful for any regu lar physician residing in the Borough on ap plication ofsuch resident,adult,or the parent, master or guardian of such resident minor as are•unable by reason of poverty to pay the vaccination f'or, to vaccinate such adult or minor, nl any time . during the months above mentioned, and present his bilk therefor, properly authentiC.llted for an amount not ex ceeding the fee usually charged for such I services, and recover the same of and from the corporation.' Seer. 8. It shall hereafter be the duty of every practising physician” within this Borough, to report to the Burgess tbrthwith, the existence of any ease of small pox, scar- letina, or other contagious or tualignent di sease, within the school limits of the Bor ough, on receipt of which report the Burgess shall immediately notify the teacher or prin. eip.a of every school, academy a nd semina ry, in the Borough, requestiny sand Teacher or Principal to dispence with the attendance ir all pupils residing in the flintily in which •Lieh disease, exists. And any Ph:;siitian i :eacher or principal or all st:lo , ..leactid , to ir seminary us ithin this lloreugh negivothig a* relusiiig to rini l l ,l Y whit the Pruvisirll's "I . 'his enact now, or who 'shall after Mod) .attiee receive into his or her institution itnv l iiiiill from or out of re,y ti ll :oily in whirls .Lich disease has Iron se as aloresaul report ' .L 1 to exist, mild codified by the attendiug Physician that the sane has disappeared or caused to be dangerous, shall on conviction ing reiuig, idS'eubith iblic in gen -no Partner usiness, ty Neligh intend to e 111011! r. They 8 measure ustomers, ew ones" heir new .sent the 'oods, ving pur- York Ell2l • 01, ¶-4w thereof, forfeit and pay for tho use of the Borough the sum of ten dollars with full costs. SECT. 9. No privy shall hereafter be erected within the limits of the Borough un less the vault or cellar thereof has been dug or sunk to the depth of at least eight feet from the surface or the ground, nor any now erected, continued iu use (without being cleansed) after the cements thereof shall have reached two feet from the surface, under the penalty of five dollars, to be recovered for the use of the Borough With full costs. SECT. 10. On complaint made to the Burgess, that any inhabitant permit any of funsive or unhealthy nuisense . to be and re main on his or her lands or possession, the said Burgess is hereby-authorized and em powered to direct the street commissioners and high constable to enter peaceably anil view the matter or cause of complaint and make true report thereof it' writing to the Burgess, who after hearing the same shall order and direct the high Constable to give at least twenty-four hours notice to the pos sessor of the said lands to retain e or abate ,the said nuisence, and if the said possessor does not within that. time begin to abate or remove the said nuisence, and to continue on until the same is done, it shall and mar be lawful for the Bor g , to issoi, his precept to the high Constableolirecting him to take with him one or more of the street commis sioners of the Borough, and as many other persons as may be necessary, with imple inents, and enter into the said land peaceably ! to remove or abate the same. Seer. 11. The high Constable shall keep a jest and trite amount of the errpences or reinoNiog or abatim2; the said nuisence, which CMICIICCS, provid e d they shall ap;tear just and reasonable, he shall he entitled to 'vetiver from the possessor of the said land, in an action in his own name before the Burgess, with costs of suit. St:c.r. 12. If any person or persons shall think themselves aggrieved by the report of the high Constable, he, she, or (lay may ap peal to the council, a majority of whom are hereby authorized to bear and determine the same, provided notice of the said appeal be given either in person or by writing to the chairman of the council within twelve hours after notice (riven to remove or abate the said nuisance, and the chairman of the council is hereby required to summon the council, tin the purpose of hearing and determining the said appeal. Enacted into an ordinance at Catasatupta, July 2.5, 18b3 DAVID THOMAS, Burgess ArrEsr—Owen Rice, Sec. OrOvan 9 s Ctnut By virtue and in pursuance of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of the County of Lehigh, there will be exposed to public sale, on Thursday, the 29th day of September, at t o'clock in the afternoon, upon the premises, a certain Lot or Piece of Ground, with the appertenanceP, situated in the Bor ough of Allentown, in the county of Lehigh, aforesaid, bounded on the west by William street on the north by a kit of Jacob %Veda nth on the east by n public alley. and on the south by a lot of John Fogelman, containing in (runt on said William street about forty feet, more nr less, and in depth two hundred and thirty feet, the lot is in good fences. Being the real estate of Daniel K. mpr, dece'd, late of the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, aforesaid. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and due attendance given by CHARM'S W. W MAST, il/nl.lf. By the Court, N. Nirrzura, Clerk. September 7, 1833. —Ey - - - Thomas Brown, 1 . 0 va . l LE teillk Adopts this method to inforni his Ws ass friends and the public in general, that he has opened an Office, No. 15, West Hamilton street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, where he is prepared to oiler his pro fessional services to all who may call on him. Teeth will be inserted on Gold or Silver, from a singly Tooth up to a whole set, on the most approved plan. Teeth plugged with Gold or Silver, is a good and substan tial manner, and extracted in a easy and ju dicious way. His prices will be very reasonable, and through strict and careful attendance, to the profession, he trusts, that a generous public will extend to him a liberal patronage for which he will always feel grateful. Allentown, July t?.7. N.w vicatxxv al Meeting. A meeting of the members of the Lehigh County Agricultural Society. will be held on Saturday the 10th of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Public House of Joseph Laubach, in the Borough of Catasauqua, Ilanaver%township, Lehigh county. A general attendance of the mem bers at►d those who wish to join the Society is requested August 31 WILLIAM S. MAIM • ATTORNEY S. COUNSELLOR. AT LAW Oflico in the eat,teri, front room of the building of John D. Lawnll, formerly Horn beck's , vest of the Courthouse Allentown, April 4; 1650 811 Ne Paraters .Limebitrisers Loam N...:4RE. The undersigned have just received, and crw stantly h,cp on howl, a . larl!e supply of kin( of Cual, Su it bits for Farmers and LimeLurners; and the coaNconsibming pub. lie in general, which they will dispose of at the lellow;ng reduced prices: Chestnut Coal ut $2 25 Ex; ra Nut Coal, $2 :17 Egg, Stove and Lump at t%3 37 EDELMEN, HANSE & Co. April 20, 1853. ARTICLES Flour • Wheat . Rye . . Corm . • ME Buckwheat • • Flaxseed • • • Cloversced . • 1 imoth}•Sccd • Potatoes • • • Salt ...... Butter • • • • Lard ..... Tallow . • • Det , l3wEtx Ham . . Flitch Tow-yarn Egg.- telie Whiskey Apple - Whiskey Linseed Oil. Hickory Wood Hay .. • • IF4 , ;Coal•— rcut Coal • • • Lanip Coal . • Plaster En. Kon.Ett, President: 11-2 w QM 1i or Coal_! s turrent. pric -------- . Allent.Easton Plaid WM 5 00 1 20 75 65 Barrel EIBE EOM Pound 1)07. Gall. 60 450 11.1 00, 3 50 1 2501 8 501 4 50 Cord 'Pon Ton II Glorious News ! The largest supply of goods ever brought to Allentown, can be, found at No. 31. EAST I I AMILTON STREET, KECK and NEWHARD'S • EffaL Ir. of IniSITIOX. These gentlemen adopt this ethod to inform their friends )d the public in general tat they have lately entered ,to partnership. under the ,ove mentioned firm, and ill follow the R CU ANT TAILORING RUMNESS, branches at the "old stand" formerly kept by Keck and Leh, directly opposite the "Register Office," where they are prepared to sell at the lowest prices all kinds of fashionable Goods, such as blue black and fancy colored Cloths. Cassimeers and Vesting,s,Winter Clothes, Collars, Han kerchiefs, Cravats, &c. They also keep on hand at all tunes a large and fashionable as• sortment of Iteadymade Clothing,' such as Coats of every color and description, Pantaloons of all styles and prices, all kinds of Vestings,Shirts and Undershirts, Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, &c., all of which they will sell at Extraordiplary Low Prices, that no one, who visits their establishment, can help to buy either Coat, Pants, Vests, or something in their line of business. They have just returned from Philadelphia and New York and have replenished their Stock of goods that it may with right be turned the Allentown Hall of Fashion. The work they turn out is under their own supervision, and havitrg, engaged ono of the best Cutters in the country, they will be able to turn out the "best fits." Coats, Pantaloons and Vests will be made up to order after the newest fashion, no twitter Whether the material has been purchased of them or nat. They return their thanks for the favors they have received end trust they wilt bo continued. Cation plates as they come out are al ways kept for sale. KECK & NEWHARD. Allentown, August 31. If-3:n. NXleatown Ileatlemy. The Trustees of this Institution, respect fully announce that the Fall Term will com mence on Thursday Ist of September. Under the supervision of the present Principal, Air. J. S. Gregory, the school has received a liberal patronage, and has at tained a position of the highest rank. During the vacation, very great additions and improvements have been•made to lho Academy buildings and furniture, and pu pils will now enjoy all the advantages of a thorough course of instruction, earnest and efficient teachers, and spacious and conveni ent school rooms. (inmoN InAen, T Ro m As WEAVER, Board ilrammkr THOMAS 13. WILSON, of NVILLuot R. CRAIG, NATHAN i l E'l^mmt, Trustees • llonmc E. WRIGRT, I Allentown August 21 (Dtplictril alien:owls Rail Road. By authority of an Act of the Legislaturu of the State of Pcnnsylvania, approved thu nineteenth day of April, 1853, entitled "an Act to incorporate the Allentown Railroad Company," and in conformity to the provi• sions thereof, Notice is hereby given, by the undersigned commissioners, tho Books (or receiving subscriptions to the capital Stock of the Allentown Railroad company will be opened on Wednesday the fourteenth day of September next, at the public /louse of John . F Bechtel, in the Buruugh of Allen town, from the hours of ten o'clock A. M. to five o'clock P. M. under the direotions of said, Commissioners.' John F. A. Sanford, William S. Wetmore, John T. Johnson, ''Thomas Chambers, Simon Cameron, Francis W. Hughes; Jacob Dilliovr, Christian Pretz, Fry, John D. Stiles. Jesse Samuels, James T. Garigwere-. Hiram J. Schantz, August 10 JOB JPRIMIWPG., Neatly executed at the .4Reaintex Camp." 5 00 1 00 81 00 88 50 1 50 5 50 2 75 75 45 3 15, 20 24 24 85 23 85 4 50 1 20 00 1 4 00 3 00 3 50 4 50 i 6 00 1 25 00 4 50 3 50 3(10 1260 ESE COM mi3sioners. ¶-4w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers