NaNigation Ovelea. , L- 2 . 7 - I -___ - 6111EI The Lehigh Transportation Comp, Grvz NOTICE that they are now prepared to recieve merchandize and forward it with promptness and dispatch from Philadelphia to Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Nlauch Chunk, Penn Haven, White Haven, and Wilkesbarre, and also to all intermediate placeson the Delaware and Lehigh Canals and Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad. The proprietors would inform their friends and customers that they have added several new l3oats'to their line, which will greatly taciliate their business. They still continue .to do business at the old stand, first wharf above Vine street, directly epposite the ,Salt Store of H. &J. Wright. They also for. ward goods to and from New Your to Wilkesbarre, also to all intermediate places sin Delaware and Raritan Canal and Dela ware and Lehigh Canal. Goods shipped by this line will go by A. S. Neilson's line of vessels to New Bruns wickwhich will be found at the Albany Basin; foot of Cedar Street, North River.— Any information required can be had of Reynol4 & No. 100 Wert Streit, or at Neilson's Agent office, EIS West Street. The Company have large Store Houses at Easton, Bethlehem, 'Allentown. Mauch Chunk, White Haven and Wilkesbai re. DRAKE, W ILSON & Co., Proprietote AGENTS. Aug. J. Pitz, Allentown H. S. Moorehead, Philadelphia. John Opdycke, Ea.ton. Borheck & Knauss, Bethlehem, A. ' I V• Leisenring, Mauch Chunk Horton & Bolls, IV ilkusbarre. Allentown, ;May 5, 1853 olesale Wine and Liquor Store, N. %V. CORNER OF TOE MARKET SQUARE, ALLENTOWN, PA. - DELLINGER & CRAIG Inform their friends and the public gen erally, that having made arrangements with two of the largest importing houses in New York and Philadelphia, to supply them with FOREIGN .1P m• i` , !' lllt 11Incs, Liqours, ' they have just received, and shall continue to receive, direct from the custom-house stores, the choicest WINES, LIQUORS, &c., such as Dark and Pale Brandy, Pure Holland Gin, Port Trine, Aladetra Trine, Sherry Hine, Claret Wine, Jamaica Spirit?, 4-c., 4-e , They will also always have on hand and for sale DOUBLE-RECTIFIED WHIS KEY, Wine Bitters, Cordials, Demijohns and Stone Jugs. To all of which they invite the attention of Storo and Hotel keepers, and others wishing to purchase, to call and exatnino before purchasing e:Lewhere. DILL INGER & CRAIG. Allentown, June 15. A New Landlord! gararon L inesh, Hereby informs his friends end the public in general, that he has talien the Alechanicsboro note!, .. lately kept by Samuel MiNur, in /Mechanics • bon), South Wheithall 4.: • townsji., Lehigh coon -74 ty, where he will be aega:ll4 T• 1 happy tosee his friends 001 .1 10 u! and o)d acquaintances., His house is favorably situated on the great toad from Allentown to Mauch Chunk, ex cellent water before the door and the besi of liquors in the Bar. Mr. Druz is u good provider, keeps an excellent table, clean beds, in short it is one of the best public houses to be found in the county. He trusts by strickt attention to business, ho will merit a good share of pub lic patronage. illechanicsboro, June I WILLIAM S. MARX ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office in the ocuitern front room of the building of John D. Latvall, formerly Horn beck's rest of the Courthouse. 4 Allentown, A pril J, 1650 Catasauqua Marble Yard, Opposite Laubacies Hotel. Joseph Lairbach, Adopts this method to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has lately purchased the stock, fixtures, tools &c., of Mr. Leapold Pick, and hereafter continues the business in his own name, at the ..Old Stand" directly opposite the Tavern [louse, in the Borough ol_Cutasatopm, Hanover 'township, Lehigh county, wheie he will be .prepared to furnish Mona Meats, Italian Tombs, Head Stones of all description. Plat forms, Sills, Table Tops, §-e., 4-e., 4.e. together with every other article in his line, of superior quality, and on as reasonable terms as any other establishincnt in the country. • Ile keeps the best and most experienced workmen, .and his prices will , be such as will satisfy those who may laver him with their custom. JOSEPH LAUBACH. Cataanuqua, June 99. li-3111 JOB PRINTING , Neatly and expeditiously excuted at the Otto of the '.Lehigh Jnbemnity against toso by THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. I 6:ii,CIIESN UT STREET Near Pifih Street. STATEMENT or ASSETS, $1,315,534, , January Ist, 1853, Published ;agreeably to an Act OF ASSEMBLY, BEING . First Mortgages, amply secured, 11,021,366 63 Real Estate (present value $110," 000) cost Temporary Loans, on ample Colla teral Securities. 90,187 6l , Stocks (present value $70,191) cost. 02.255 00 Cash, &e. &c., 52,915 51 81,315,534 r 00 • PERPETUAL on LIMITED INSURANCES made on every det - cripTion of property, in TOWN AND couNTRy, rateS as low as cuii;ii:slant. iv h Sinco their incorporation, a period of twenty-four years, they hart. paid over Three millions dollars Loss nv FIRE, lilerrby fording evidence of the athrintao of as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. Charles N. Dandier, M or d. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Bone, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, Geo. W. Richards. Isaac Len, CHARLES N. Baacxr•.tt, Prr CuAntr.s 0. BANCKEII, Secretary. arThe rubscribers are the appointed agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, at the low est rates. . A. L. la.;11E, Allentown. C. F. BLECH, Bethlehem. AllentuWm Oct. 155.2. 111-13 11-3 m Sanders' School Books. The subscribers who are largely engaged in the publication of School and other Books, have lately made arrangements for the Pub lication of one of the best Series of School Books,—being se ven in number,—ever pub lished in this state. They are calculated for the'gradual progression of the pupil in the ordinary branches of popular education. The illustration:3 are admirably adopted and cannot fail to fix the mind upon sound moral principles which is ever the foundation of a good education. On the whole they believe Sanders' series of School Boolts.‘by fur the most complete, that has ever been published and would respectfully recommettd them for adoption in all the free schools in the State. SOWER & BARNES, No, S• 1, North 3rd Street, Philadelphia. Juno 29. 4—Sat Spring and Sinniner Goods, The undersigned, residing in Mechanics boro, South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has purchas ed the entire Stock or Goods, and has done business since the 21st of A pril last in his own name. Ile will be happy to see his old friends and acquaintances give him a call, as he has just returned from Philadelphia, with a large and well selected stock, consisting in port of -usilargcri,.... Dry Goods, M r 'V Areirtq eerier, ()Mee ns- 4 / 101-11,' !ri..! ware, Ilard ware, 7 • .01*. Pish, Salt, in short, every article that is found in a well filled country store, and , 1 which with ,his stock on hand, makes a large assortment of Goode, such as is but seldom found in country Stores, and which will be sold under the adopted motto of :`small profits and quick sales." All kinds of country produce will be taken in exchange at the hi g hest market price. • • Ile returns his sincere thanks for the fa vors heretofore recieved and will strive to merit a continuance of the same hereafter. All those who know themselves indebted in the Storebooks of Miller and Minnie/el, will please call at the store for settlement of their accounts JOHN MINNICH. Mechanicsboro, May 25.• 11-3 m 11-3 m Coachmakinw b Establishment In Allentown. al kb 1 1 amman o Respectfully announcesto his friends and the public in general, that he continues on an extensive scale, the Coachmaking Business, in all its various branches, at the oldistandin West Hamilton Street, No. 53, directly op posite Hugenbuch's Hotel, where he. is al ways prepared to manufacture to order at the shortest notice, and also keep on hand, *Fushiona hie Vehicles, such as Barauches, Rochaways, carryalls, York .1 lagons, Sulkeys. 4.e. which, for beauty and durability cannot be: surpassed by any Coachmalter in the State or elsewhere, while his terms are as reason able as those of any other establishment.— Hu uses none but the best materials, and employs none but the best of workmen— consequently, ho intends that the vehicles manufactured at his establishment "shall lake the shine" of all others manufactured in this part of the country. Ile Professes to understand his business by experience, and therefore assures the public that he is ena= bled to render satisfaction to his customers. Call mind judge for yourselves. arWooden or iron axletrees made to or der : and Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Old vehicles taken in exchange for new ones at a good bargain. . ROBERT FRAMER. May II EIRE. 82,447 6J Direeh».B no above named, auditor will meet for the purpose of his appointment, at theshoeso of Samuel Camp, in Lynn township, on tho 26th day of August next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, where all persona interested can attend if they think proper. July 27. UMW Tig.))Ca 8 Grand Exhibition New Fashionable Spring and Summer AT TBE New Cheap Store OF Getz Gilbert, These gentlemen, take this method to in form their friends and the public in general ,that they have received a very large and well selected stock of Spring mu! Summer Goods. which they are now ready to dis pose off to their customers at the lowest MOGI Their Spring and Summer stack has been selecied with the utmost care and consists of Clothes, CaNsimers, Satinets, Gloves and [lo:s:city, besides De la hies, A lapacca s, Lusters, (..1 bait s. Plain and Figured Poplins, Muslins and Prints, Bouts, Shoes, flats, Caps, Uneensware, Ifurdware, Looking Glasses, Stationary, Books, &c., 'Po which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, confident that the fullest satisfaction, both in price and quality, will be given to all who may favor them with a call. The highest Prices will be paid in ex change for County produce. They have reason to be thankful for the favorS received thus far and hope by atten tion to business, disposing of their goods at small profits, good treatment towards their customers to merit sill n greater share of customers. GETZ & GiLBERT. April 1833. If —6in Notice to Travelers 4-2___ ACJF,4 • - , =- 0 • li t irtk r f ~~-~~, ~~~ 110.1 1• LIME JDcter•ccen ALLENTOWN AND POTTSTOWN. The traveling public are hereby respect fully informed, that from to day, June Ist, 1553, n daily line of stages will commence running between Allentown and Pottstown, and in connection with the Reading Railroad convey passengers to Philadelphia. The I Stages will leave J. Y. Bechtel's, American , Hotel, Allentown, every morning (Sundays excepted) at 2 o'clock A. M. and the pas sengers will arrive in Philadelphia at half past I I o'clock A. M., and in time to take the Western Railroad train for Pittsburgh. They will arrive in Pottstown in time to take' the morning up-train to Reading and Potts. ville, and arrive at the former place at 10, and at the latter, at 12 o'clock P. M. The undersigned will spare neither time, expense or trouble to make this line one of the best to travel to either of the above named places. He has engaged sober and careful drivers, fast horses and good coach es, and being that the route passes through a delightful country, many will choose to travel it on this account. . CHARLES SEAGREAVES. Allentown, June I. siren's Good to all: V.S.MCM 11E 1 .1 4 -1 9 F ASH! ON ABLE Tailoring and Clothing Store , N0. • 31, East Hamilton Street, directly opposite the Register Printing Office," A Ilentown. These gentleman lan vn just returned from Philadelphia, with a very large and fash ionable stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which they will make up to order, according' to the latest New York and Philadelphia fashions. They also keep on hand a large stock of Ready-made Clothing, of every descriptions, all of which they will sell .so low us to Excite the Astonishment and secure the patronage of all those who will favor them with a call and examination of their stock. .Thee continue to do all kinds. of CUS TOM WORK in the best manner, and at short notice. FITY IF.9I?I2.INTED. A:I By strict attention to business, and by selling all their goods as rhrap as the chea pest, they hope to secure a liberal share of public patronage. N. B.—The latest Fashion plates always on hand and for sale. Allentown April 27, - 1141D11.11)111'3 -- gli'111 1 1111 - q. • , : ,,tn.4,..r 4:e In the Orphans Court Lehigh VZrfitof:L'% County. . 4.. 4 In the matter of the Account of s Jonas Haas, Administrator de bonus non, of Conrad Dower, dec'd. May 8, 1853, the court appoint Peter Snyder, Esq., an Auditor to audit and re settle the account and make distribution ac cording to law, and make report thereof to the next stated orphans Court , inn' all the evidence which may be submitted before him, • From the Records. TESTE—N. METZGER. Clerk New Goods. New Goods. Builders Look Here. D Ira RE I The undersigned announce to the public, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting - of fif:t House Furnishing 3rticle.s, vilinetrilery, coach Trimmings, Sadler!' and ,S'hocjindings, ail of which will be sold at extremely low prices. They ask•the.public to give Saeger's Hardwaie Store, sign of the del . -Mid, a call in order to convince themselvesof the fact, that a 4penny saved is a penny made.' O. & J SAEGER. April 22 To House-Keepers. A great assortment of [louse furnishing articles, such as ENA M ELED and tinned inside, cooking vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket tles, fish and hail' kettles, Irving pans, grid irons, waffle irons, &c. TEA TRA YS and Waiters, from com mon to fine, in sets and dozens. A Is°, goth ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers, steels, cook and butcher knives, with a variety of other manufactureS. April 22, 11-1 y POCKET and PEN KNIVES—Razors, scissors, shears, from the best makers; one, two, three, and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS anil TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel fire sets and standards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons, &c. for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April, IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, dal, and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of 0 & J SAEGER. GLASS.-;—,150 Boxes Gla&s, 8 by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 10, and various other seizes, for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. TO SEIOEMAKERS.—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubers, and numerous other artic les belonging to the shoemaking business O & f SAEGER. OILS & VARNISEL—OiIs of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue &c.,--will be sold cheap by O & J SAEGER PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. WHI TE LEA D.-2 tons of White Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April, 22,, ¶—ly NA ILS.-300 kegs of the hest Nails, Brads and Spikes,] ust received and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April 22, 11-3 w EIOLLO W WA RE.--500 Iron Pots and Kettles, just received and for sale at very reduced prices at the store of TO MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de scription, such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Hand,. Pannell, and Back Saws, Brace and Bitts, Auger Buts, Hatchets, Squares, &c., (or sale by Jan tt try 5, A sp:endid assortment of Front and Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks, Latches Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush es, and a variety of. other building Hard ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper than ever by January 19, 1853 at a Ir a It a 1141 E cola I SL . Just received at the Store ofthe subscri bers, a lot ,ot Picks, William Brady's' Patent. This is a New Mechanical Tool, the beet ever invented and only wants to be used to the proved. Apply soon. O. & J. SAEGER. April, 13. 11-4 w ----------- Grain Wanted. 59,000 Bushels of W heat. Rye, Corn and Oats wanted, for which the highest market prices will be paid by the subscribers, at their store on the South west corner of Market Square and Flamilton street, in Al lentown. EDEEMAN, HANSE &. Co. Allentown, April 29 Z'—(lm WANT.IOD. Timothy Hay, Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats, for which the highest market price will be paid by PRETZ, GUTEI & CO. May 4, 1853. 11—Ow ¶-5w A NEW ASSORTMENT OF 0 & J SAEGER & J SAEGER t -- I Y To D'itilders. O & J SAEGER. 11-ly Pelton's System ofGeography ' Splendid Outline Maps. This system of teaching Geography is ra pidly becoming introduced in all the schools throughout the country. The series con sists of seven maps, each covering about fifty square feet, boldly delinee•.eil, brilliantly colored, varnished and mounted, and form ing the most magnificent, as well ns the most useful part of the furniture of the school room. Peltoo's key to Hemispheres. This is intended for the use of pupils com mencing the study, and n good knowledge of the Geography of the world may be ob tained from it. Pelion's Key to Full Series, Containing a minute description of each state and country, the political•and physical features of the earth, &c., forming a complete epitome of the whole subject. Where these keys arc u:ed in connection with the maps, no other work is necessary in the hand's of the pupil, and their cost is about one third the usual price of a Geography and Atlas. Wherever this system has been tried, it has excited the admiration of all who wit nessed it, and we might fill a volume iyith the testimonials received in its favor. We append but one. Believing, the introduction of Pelton's sys tem of teaching Geography by the use of his series of Outline Maps, into the schools of our city, would enable the pupils to acquire a better, more lasting, and more practical knowledge of that science, than is general ly acquired, and in one fourth of the time usually devoted to that study, the under signed, Teachers in Reading, most cheerful. ly reccommend it to the Directors of the different wards, for their adoption. T. Severn, Principal, N. W. Male Gram mer School. Rachel D. Griscom,Principal,N. W. Fe male Grammer School. Geo. H. Tracy, Principal, N: W. male Secondary School. Mary S. Hahs, Principal, N. W. Female Secondary School. H. V. Hamlin. Principal. NI. Oram, Principal, S. W. Secondary School. M. A. Jeffras, Assistant. Peter Cleaver, Principal, S. W. male SeCondary School. S. Abbott, Principal, S. W. Gramtner School. C. Heebner, Assistant. ,James S. Lee, Principal, Spruce Ward Crammer school. john .T. Rudolphy, Principal, Spruce Ward Secondary School. • Lydia L. Cresson, Principal, SpruCe Ward Grammer School. R. C. Bertolet, l'rincipal, Secondary School. George Printz, Principal, S. E. Ward Grammer School. Bell. W. Jones, Principal, S. E. Ward Grammer School. Daniel S. HoII, Principal, S. E. Ward Secondary School. • Catharine Hyneman, Principal S. E. Ward Secondary Schdol. Joseph Milsburger, Principal, N. E. Ward School. C. A. Harper, Principal, N. E. Ward El. Trendall, Principal, N. E. W. Secon• dory School. Price of full series Maps $25 00. Orders received by the publishers, and Maps or Keys sent to all parts of the country. SOWER & BARNES. Booksellers and Publishers. No. 84, N. Third Street Philadelphia. Phila. May 4, 1853. 11-4 m Dr. 3. P. Barnes, DEMTIST. No. 48, East Hamilton street, Al. lentown, adopts this method to in form his friends and the public in general, that ho has made Allentown his permanent residence. He has opened an office at his dwelling, opposite Bechtel's American Ho wl, a few doors east of Pretz, Guth &Co's. Store, where he will be happy to offer his professional services in the science of Den tistry. He will call at private residences, if requested. . His terms are reasonable, and having had much experience in the professions, feels satiSfied that he can give general satis faction. Allentown, April 24, 1851. 11-13' Good Horses and Safe Vehicles! 411entaten lAN cry Establishment. THE subscribers take this method to in form their friends and the public in general, that they have entered into partnership in the Livery Business, in the stable formerly owned by George Heise!. They have an stock of HORSES, CARRIIGES,&c. "7 - Pitir Their Horses are gentle and all good travel ers.; their vehicles mostly new and_of_the_latest style, and such as have been used are repaired and repainted in the best manner. They continue the business at the old stand in William street, in the Bo:, rough of Allentown. They will always be prepared to furnish their customers at the shortest possible no tice with safe and • gentle horses, good car riages and careful drivers if. requested. Families can be suited stall times with ve hicles to their particular taste. , Their charges are reasonable, and in or der to.continue their high credit they here tofore gained of being the ' , best livery estab lishment in Allentown," they will ;entre nothing undone to keep on hand the best and safest horses, the neatest and most splen did carriages, and sober and careful drivers. Their charges are very reasonable and hope by strict attention to business to satis fy all those who may favor them with their custom. c T. P. HOFFMAN JESSE SIEGFRIED. Soptember 18./851. 11.--Sat A GREAT DISPEPSIA CURER ! 'Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baran Litbig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Jfi,ogsr on .. M. D., No. H, North Eighth st., Philadelphia. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Consti pation, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. UP" Half a teaspoonful of this Fluid, infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of , Roast Beef in about two hours out of the. stomach. Digestion.— Digestion is chiefly performed in • the stomach by the aid of .t fluid which freely exudes from the inner coat of that organ, when.. in a state of health, called the ttastric Juice. This fluid is the Great Sovent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving and Stimulating Agent of ' the stomach and intestines. Without it there will tic no digestion no conversion offood into. blood, and no nutrition of the body; but ratherui foul, torpid, painful, and destructive condition of: the whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half dead, or injured stomach produces no good Gas- - tric Juice, and hence the disease, distress and , debility which ensue. Pepsin and Rennet.—Pepsin is the chief ere- - ment, or great digesting principle of the Gastric. Juice. It is found in great abundance in the parts of the human stomach after death, and.' sometimes causes the stomach to digest itself, or eat itself up. It is also found in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used by farmers in making cheese, called Ren net, the effect of which has long been the special. Wonder of the dairy. the curdling of milk is the first process of digestion. Rennet possesses as tonishing power. The stomach of a calf wills curdle nearly one thensand times its own weight , of milk. Baron Liebig states that, "One part or' Pepsin dissolved in sixty thousand parts of wa ter, will digest meat and other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want may be per fectly supplied, we quote the following Scientific Evidence!— Baron Liebig, in his cele brated work on Animal Chemistry, says : "An Artificial Digestive Fluid may be readily prepa red from the mucous membrane of the stomach of the Calf, in which various articles of food, as meat and 'eggs, will be softened, changed, and digested, just in the some manner as they would be in the human stomach." Dr. Pereira, in his famous treatise on "Food and Diet," published by Wilson & Co., New York. page 35, states the same great fact, and describes the method of preparation. There are few higher autherities than Dr. Pereira. Dr. John W. Draper, Professor of Chemistry in the Medical College of the University of New York, in his "Text Book of Chemistry," paee 386, says,"it has been a question whether artifi cial digestion could he performed—but it is now universally admitted that it may be." Professor Dunglison of Philadelphia, in his ' great work on Human Ph ysiology, devotes more than fifty pages to an examination of this subject. His experiments with Dr. Beaumont, en the Goa ' tric Juice, obtained from the living human sto mach and from animals are well known. “In all cases," "he says" "digestion occurred as perfect ly in the artificial as in the natural digestions.' As a Dyspepsia Curer.—Dr. Houghton's pre paration of Pepsin has produced the most mar vellous effects, curing cases of Debility, Emaci ation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Con sumption, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. It is impossible to give the details of cases in the limits of this advertisement but authenticated certificates have been given of more than 200 Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston alone. These were nearly all desperate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but permanent. It is n great Nervous Antidote, and from the astonishingly small quantity necessary to pro duce healthy digestion, is believed to act upon. Electra Magnetic Principles!—There is no - form of ad Stomach Complaints which it does not seem to reach and remove at once. No matter how bad they may be, it gives instant relief ! A single dose removes all the unpleasant symptoms, and it only needs to he repeated, fora short time. to make these good effects permanent, purity of blood and vigor of body, follow at once. It is , particularly excellent in cases of Nausea, Vomit-. • ing, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach. distress after eating, low, cold, state °rifle Blood, Heaviness, Lowness of Spirits, Despondency, Emaciation, Weakness, tendency to Insanity. Suicide, &c. READINII, March 1853 Price one dollar per bottle. One bottle will. often effect a lasting cure. PEPSIN 1N PONDERS, Sent by Mail, Free of Postage. For convenience of sending to all parts of the country, the Dives five matter of the pepsin is put up in the form of. Powders, with directions to be dissolved in dilu ted alcohol, water, or syrup, by the patient, These powders contain just the same matter as. the bottles, but twice the quantity for the same price, and will be sent by mail, free of Postage, for one dollar sent (postpaid) to Dr. J. S. Hough.. ton, No. I I North Eight street, Philadelphia, Pa. Six packages for five dollars. Every package and bottle hears the written signature of J. S. Houghton, M. D., Sole Proprietor. Ur Agents wanted in every the Uni ted States. Very liberal discounts given to the trade. Druggists Postmasters, and Booksellers are desired to act as agents, July 20, Groceries Fisk 3 Salt. The undersigned have just received an . entire new Stock of Groceries, Fish and Salt which they intend to sell at the low est prices at their Store in Catasanqua, Le-. high county. GETZ & GILBERT. April 20, 1853. IT —Om? COAL COAL 1 The undersigned have opened a Coal, Yard in Catasauqua, and will constantly.• keep on hand all kinds of _Coal_which they, will sell at greatly reduced prices. GETZ Ba GILBERT.: April 20, 1853. Ready-made Clothing, The undersigned keep all kinds of Ready made Clothing, on hand, and will make to, order, at the lowest possible prices. • GETZ & GILBERT. Catasauqua, April 20. elttorney as Law.. Has resumed the practice of his profits-, sion in Allentown. • nrElo mny be consulted' in the German ; and English languages. . A ugust 12, 1852, •Araftirßiroiri t iorra, execu.te4 at tho ..Register Office.". 11'1E1'011U a .11N ✓IRTIFICLaL DIGESTIYE or Gastric 'Suite! • C. M. R u n 12113 ~:~.1y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers