Mugubw,ltace of Human Beings. There are now in London two very sin gular human beings, of, a race. which has hithertor-been-verr-little-Ir noWn-to-the-ci vil ized world.. They came from South 'Africa where they are called Errrfhmen They are totally distinct• froutall other known African races- - -ns 'much so as .. - if - they had dropped upon this earth from another planet. They aro diminutive in size—merepiamies —and unacquainted even with the art of building, huts. They shelter themselves in caves and crevices of the earth ; when these are wanting they make artificial scoopings on the surface, which they line with leaves• and cover with branches. The Hottentots and Bushmen are the avowed enemies of the Earthmen, and when they meet them Will shoot them down-like vermin. The poor little defencless Earthmen have no refuge but in hole - g, trees or thickets. and the tribe is fast verging to extinction. They are a poor week people—one of Nature's freaks—and destined not to perpetuate their race. Few colonists have seen them ; and although it is known that a few still linger , in the mountains, these are rapidly dying away, and will soon become. a tradition of. ari elvish afrite face of old. - • The •two individuals above mentioned, were carried to England from the Cape of Good nape two or three years ago, and have now become domesticated in an English family. The Morning Chronicle, from which we take these- particulars, describes these little Earthmen as a boy and girl, the former fourteen and the latter sixteen years of age, ant ' , complete little fairies" in ap pearance. The boy is three feet thre3 and a half inches in height, the girl a trifle ud der. Their akin is. of the brightest and most transparent bronze, and' us smooth and polished , as marble. In term the little crea tures are perfect—their delicate limbs stand ing out in the most graceful symmetry, and every motion instinct with the unthought .ease of nature., The faces, although deci dedly-Africanin-feature, are, full of sweet ness and good humor, with an expfession of arehness- and Intelligence: They are named, Martinis and Mora.— .In their - savage state ihey fed on locusts, .ant-eggs,. and such small game as they could °take:l.lW they were carried to England Oiey - liad no ideas of God or any supreme povtg.• Afpreient they have been taught some arthe:customs of civilized life, and : are able to.apeak,little• English words . ; to sing little.English,popuitirairs, and—,the first of Earthmen—to play,little airs on a piano. Few eights , are more ~ interesting to a thinking person .than that of the last of a race of human beings on the pUint - of being blOtt ed out from the face of the earth. The in dividuals in question seem to constitute one of the most•anomalous fermi .of our species ,that. have ever yet been brought to the no dice ,of the,naturaliste or ihe is to that—further'. light will be thrown on" their history by 'scientific re .seveles.—Bosiort Courier.' • The - Gardiner Case, After.a trial which dragged through sev eral months, the jury in the Gardiner case, being unable to agree; have been finally dis •charged. As'all of 'oar' readers-may not remember the points at issue in the case, we will briefly 'recapitulate them. Dr. George A:Gardiner, the individual on trial, procured; some time ago, from the Board of Mexican award of four hundred and twenty-eight.'thousand dollars; but cir cumstancessubsequently led to the suspicion that the memorial and other papers were false on which thisaward Was obtained.— To test this question,. and to punish the Doc tor. if guilty, of one. act, he was charged with having falsely sworn to those papers, and indicted for perjury. We understood that the goVernment is still so completely convinced of the guilt of Dr. Gardiner, 41[4 . it, ag determined to try him again, buk this time on'a charge offer gery,Oharles Gardiner, is likewlie,to,„be prraigiied,bii alleged offence being, that of conspiring with his brother to ,perpetrate the:fraud. Under all the circum .stances, it doei not become us to express an ,opinion"O'n'th:ti - gitilt or`innocence of the tic .cused: - 11,'"hbatever, they have , defrauded .the g overnment in the way it is asserted, we tr,,uir a - new jury will pronounce so unhesi latingly; and that the punishment of the prisoners will be prompt and severe— .f!hiludelithict Bulletin. • Another • new Territory. The Washington' Union contains a coin municution. from Henry S. Schoolcrall, Esq.,..deedriptive ,of section of country which•isknotvn by the name of Alharra.— He.stiya . it ie an attractive, well timbered pad fertile area of country; lying' ,intmedi- Atel4west of the Rocky Mountains, in mild, :temperate latittides,rto which forthe purpose I.ol,ilistinct allusions,. he applies the.aborigi terni:--This area is about fifty Miles ,brottii, and lies parallel to the Rocky Moun. italntilnr.ndistance.of seirkral hu,:dred miles. itgives. rise to both of the main and nunter- Atainbatiluents of the Columbia river. It js it- high : plain,. wikich is cut through by ,these-of luents,- ; ofs a most fertile character, bearing irees,,, and in some places high grass; and 'while . the 'streams create abund ant water , powora for lumber and grain 'nil's and machinery, they are free, or nearly free frominundations Of their blinks. This dis trict probably comprehends twenty-five thou- Istund,sgtiaie. miles, and'if its capacities of preditctitin,' hUve been correctly estimated, urAhl,sustain a population greater than some of the giiitcrn and Atlantic States. A ccord tng to the recent act organizing the Territo . ry.4o37ashin?lon, it lies, chiefly, if not who! , the, 'belifidarks of this new Gov ernmerit." It is ithoglitker a genial country and seems destined to form a link of con ligation oidinarir means of transit, with the, ,rn elijiapurk.Vatley,.thfpug the, Yellow Stoup. It ay be n oticed; that while. the eastern foot of the'rldc4 "filotinutOrt :wee ems volt sand deierte and turning plains. ihe fertile 'lauds in "'this are& 'reach: le the • very tops . of the niestorn ernitienees • • ••• • .RailroadLettihg.—Mr. Eminett,*Chief Engineer of the Cattawissa, Williundsport and Erie Railroad, has issued proposals for grading, masonry, &c., of that part of the .row between Onttawiss Milton, rT-dis lance of abotit twenty-five miles... Propo sals will be received at the -Engineer's of fice, Cattawissa, up to the Ht- day of July, and the work will be divided off in 'sections of about one mile each'. A Eta STortit.—The Elk county .thlvo rate says that a man over on the Siiinema honing has got a tract of land containing two acres, on which there is timber enough to make 20 canoes, 49 timber rafts, 50 spars, 40,000 rattlesnakes, and 100,000. porcu pines. A good timber tract ! The same paper says that n party of Engineers are now in St Mery'S, Elk county, for the pur pose of organizing parties to make prelimi nary surveys in the county for the Sunbury and Erie Road. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER.—Pepsin ? an artificial Digestive Fluid Gastric Juice. A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Rennet, or the.fourth stomach of the Ox, afterdirections of-Baron Liehigi - th - e - great Physiological Chemist. by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No. 11, North Eight Street, Phila- delphia, Pa.' I'his is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaun dice, Liver Complaint, Constipation, and Debility, during after Nature's own method by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice, See' advertisement in another column. NIA 11.11111 ED On the 12th of June, by the Rev. Rich ard Wallier,Mr. Henry Willy, to Miss Sa rah Heckman, both of Allentown. On the 29th of May, by the Rev. .0. A. Hinterleitner, lYilliant Wight, of North Whitehall, to Miss Elicabah Slaul, of Lowhill township. On the 11th of June,.by. the Rev. Mr. Vogrelbach, Mr. William E. Griin, to Miss Loretto Roth, both of Berls county. . • J)111.:1). On the Bth of—lune, in Upper Satteona, Lovina, daughter of Joseph . and Lovina Wittman, aged 1 month and 21 days. On the 10th of June, in Macungy. Anna Maria, daughter of Reuben and Elizabeth 'Danner, aged 3 years 7 months. On the 11th of June, at Easton, I'n., in the 42d year of her age, after suffering fur 6 days from a very violent and painful Erysipelas, Mra. 111. Rebecca Craig, wife of William Critig, .and only remaining daughter of thelate:John Romig, of Allen town, Pa. Her remains—followed by her bereaved husband and eight Motherless children, with many other mourning rela tives and friends—were deposited in the Easton Cemetery, on the 14th instant.— !Pie funeral sernion was preacheiHiy.the Mr. Grey of Easton. Rev. Messrs. Walker, of Allentown, and Shafer, of Easton assisting in the 'services. . U''holesale - Wine and" Liquor Store ) N. W. CORNER OF TIM Mmutt: r SQUAW - , ALLENTOWN, PA. DiLLINGER & CRAIG Inform their friends and the public gen erally, that having . made arrangements with two of the largest importing houses in New York anti Philadelphia, to supply them with - FOREIGN P 1 Wiues, Liquors, Yi'. l -11112..;; -F they have just received, and shall continue to receive, direct from the custom-house stores; the choicest WINES; LIQUORS, &c., such as • Dark and Pale Brandy, Pare liolfand Gin, Port [Pine, Aladeira Trine, Sherry Claret Wine, Jamaica Spirits, 4.e., 4.c., 4-c. They will also always have on hand'aird for sale DOUBLE-RECTIFIED 'WHIS KEY, Wine Bitters, Cordials, Demijohns and Stone Jugs. To all. of which they invite the attention of Store and .4otel keepers, and others wishing to purchase, to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. DILLINGE.R & CRAIG. Allentown, June 15. 11-4 tn ,Taate l s (t ra ct To the Directors. of „Common Schools of Lehigh CDUD y. In pursuance of the 32nd Section of an act, entitled, "An act' for the regulation and continuance of sa -system .of Education by Common Schools," passed the seventh day of April, A. D., 1849. We the undersigned, Commissioners of. Lehigh county hereby publish a State ment of the amount to which every district within the County of Lehigh is entitled for the School year of A. 1). 1853,—0ut of the annual appropriation of $200,000 by the said net : as per report_ made to this office, by the superintendents of Common Schools, as follows, to - Allentown North 'Ward, 105 12 sl South Ward, ' 189 00 Lehigh Ward, 41 40 I:lanover and Catasauqua, 252 00 Ileidelburg, • 107 28 Lowhill, 80 28 ,Lynn, • • 154 80 Lower Macungie, 203 40 Upper Macungie, 166 68 Upper and Lower Milford, 302 4Q Washington, * 140 40 Selisbufg, 169 20 Upper Saucon,- 2 OO 50 Weissenburg; 148 68 North . 241124 South Whitehall,. . : .'.... - 5 . °O 1 Py.TER EriaELNAN, : . •• • - DANIEL iIAPEMAN, Corwnissioners• • . JosEina MILLER, .. ; '. .7 'ATTEGT-: ? —. J. M. L NE, ("kirk.' ...' • -• , !..mtontowu r Jupp Iv, pili• . ..• ' 1.-...5w Valuable Real Estate 0.) U r i fa LbL The subscriber, residing in . the Borough of Catastiuqua, Hanover township, :Lehigh county, offers to dispose at private sale ;he following described property, desirably situ- ated in that rapidly increasing Borough, to viz : Three Adjoining ' I --. • - Two Story Brick . lt , e' POO /1! PM' DWELL IN (4 S ) pat 111 I with a front on Church street of 45 feet, and SO feet in depth, with a piazza 10 feet deep. The lot on which these Houses are erected, is 60 feet in front on Church Street, and 108 feet in depth along a public alley. For further particulars enquire of the un dersigned, residing on the premises.- - JOHN McINTYEII. Culasauqua, June 15. 11-5 w A New . Hotel At Not 81, West Hamilton Street, •ALLENI7OIIVA. :Messrs.- E. S.D. J. GEonott,'have - lately purchased the splendid three story brick [louse of. Samuel Lightcap, No. SI, Wez. Hamilton street. in the Borough of Alkn town, a few doors shove Hagenbuch's taw erg, and have completely refitted it fur a public house, under tile name of the Farmers and Travelers p 0 TEL, vi 4 74 ‘ 1.11 "4.-!kl4 fur which the permission was granted at the last Court. - The [louse is well calculated to entertain strangers, beino . b located in a very conveni ent part of the Borough. His furniture is new ; his table will be supplied with the best the. Market affords, and his bar, will at , . ways contain the choicest liquors. He has a large and Convenient yard, that can be entered from tlie front and rear, and his stabling all new and conveniently arrang ed with the Hydrant water near at hand, and good attentive ostlers will always be at hand. Thankful for past favors they trust that by punctual attention to business, •and ritoder ate- charges they will merit a liberal share of patronage."l'hey have a large acquain tance through tt;e upper section of the coun ty, all of whoin they will be happy to "shake hands with." ELI & JONAS GEORGE. June 1, 1853. laa'l2/1(0/ng. Noliee is hereby given, that the Partner ship of Miller, BraussA" Miller, in the. Lumber busines44, in the Borotigh,of,Alleu tovvii, was disolved by mutual consent on the . 6th 0f..1ime,..1853. Such who have any clainis. ligitiriststhe .Ike firm, will pres em them for payment to Bitausi & Mitzeit, who continue the business at the old stand. JACOB MILLER. CHARLES BRAME!, RUIN MILLER. Allentown, June 8. 4-6 w 4X1011TV11 9 3 , VtDVIIII,. . 0 .7.1.t. r . -4 ' . In the Orphans Court of Lc- C. . ~..V. liN - high County. :1 tes7.,, r 1-, it ' . In the matter of the Account *ilorti'' of Jacob Dillinger, Executor of Elizabeth KIMIISS, late of Allentown, deed. And now, May 3, 1853, the court appoint Jesse Samuels, to audit and examine, and if occasion resettle the account end make dis tributing according to law, and make report thereof to the next stated Orphans Cow t in cluding_ all the evidence, which may be sub mitted before them. From the Records. TEsTr.—N. METZGER, Clerk. The , undersigned, will attend, for the purpose of his appointment, on Friday the Gist of day July next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of Sumuel.ileyeiw. in Allentown, whore all these - interested can attend if They see proper. • - JESSE SAMUELS, Auditor. Juno 15, 1853. 11-3 w Spring and Sunnner Goods. undersigned, residing in Mechanics boro, South. Whitehall township, Lehigh county, respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, .that he has puiclias ed 'the entire " orGoods, . . and has donetusines.s since the 2lst of A PHI last in his:own name. lie . will be . happy to see his•old friends and acquaintances give him a 'call, as he has just returned from Philadelphia, with a large and well selected stock, consisting in part of - ..- Dry Goods, Gro- - • n ' • .11--, , - a• , eau :vol. certes, Q ueens ~...,a. let 'yesi 1 ----1 . er.lor' 9 h, i --,... 1 W ware, Hardware, ' -.l'7A. t..... Fish, Salt, in short, every article that is found in a well filled country store, and which with his stock on• hand. makes u large assortment of Goods, such as is but seldom found in country Stores, and whielt will be sold, under the adopted motto of "small erofits and quick sales." All kinds of country produce will be taken in exchange at the highest marlcet.price. Ile returns his sincere thanks for the ta vors heretofore recieved and will strivt:t.. merit a continuance of the same liefeactell• All those who know themsolvebted in the Storobooks of. Miller mid 'Minn - kit, will please collie. the stoic for settlement of their accounp.' ' ' ' • 1 ,': , • , - ' • JOHN MINNICII: Atechanicaboro, May 25.. .- ~.:. 411,,,:hn • ..Ua s eaT/6 1 0- • . Tux “Ara.sitTometr Inort:Co." Philadelphtg; May45..18500%. . 5 • An election 3even-Pizectuyit of .; the. "Allentown . , frolV, Cottipailk,n to, iskrv,er lei• ono yerirOVEll - bel' Ilehroffiq, Walnut Street; , Qtr,Thoradfir 04.1qkdiy of June, .16153, tbgwee n 2 OM .11 1 I Prfil f . clock, 1 M. and 1 ... .( 1 4JP01P0R.14. y: , oArigl',,Piip*ti6r. ..juno /1 Notice to Travelers ! • c - rfa1.... - ••ii"‘ 4 atc . 4..:f....• • •A - j_rc l VAANIVr/gMi ALI ea lair - . - ALL - EigTOlV 7 P a l e dit egTTSTOWN, 'The traveling public are hereby respect fully informed, that from to day, June Ist, 1)953, a daily line of stages will commence running between Allentown and Pottstown, and in connection with the Reading Railroad convey passengers to Philadelphia. The Stages will leave J. Y. Bechtel's, American Hotel, Allentown, every morning (Sundays excepted) at 2 o'clock A. M. and the pas sengers will arrive in Philadelphia at half past 1.1 o'clock A. M., and in time to take the Western Railroad train for Pittsburgh. They will arrive in Pottstown in time to take the morning up-train to Reading and Potts 7 and arrive at the former p lace at. fO, and at tlke latter, at 12 o'clock P. M. The undersigned will spare neither time, expense or trouble to make this line one of the best to travel to either of the above named places. He has engaged sober and careful drivers, fast horses and good coach es, and being that the route passes through a delightful country, many will choose to travel it on this account. CHARLES SEAGREA YES. Alletnown, Juno 1. ¶-3m migation Ovemea. ' ,• ••• " , • I'Z'••• ;` . , ,- MWerp7 .7: " 7 =i :4-',U 4 .;l7te"i c - The Lehigh Transportation Comp, GIVE NOTICE that they are now prepared to recieve merchandize and forward it with promptness and dispatch from Philadelphia „to Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Penn Haven, White Haven, and Wilkesbarre, and also to all intermediate places on the Delaware and. Lehigh Canals and Lehigh and Susquehanntt,Bailroad. The proprietors would inforni their friends and customers that they have added several new Boats to their line, which will greatly facitiate,their business. They still continue to: do business at the old stand, first wharf 1i,0 . v0 Vine street, directly opposite the Salt iore of H. &J. Wright. They also for guods to and from New 'York AO Wilkesbarre, also to all intermediate, places via Delaware and Raritan Canal and Dela ware and Lehigh Canal. • Goods shipped by this line will go by A. S. Neilson .' s line- of vessels to ,Now Bruns wick. which will he faind---ctt-thn-A Many Basin, foot of Cedar Street, North River.--. 'Any information required. can 60... had of Reynolds & Clark, No. 100 West Street, or at Neilson's Agent office, 89 West Street. The Company have large Store [louses at Easton, Bethlehem, , Allentown, Mauch Chunk, White Haven and IVilkesbarre. Wit.soN & Co., Proprietors. AGENTS. Aug. J. Ritz, Allentown." I. S. Moorehead, Philadelphia. John Opilyclie, Easton. I3orheck & Enauss,l3ethlelietn, A. V l / 4 '. Leisenring, Mauch Chunk. Horton & Bolles, Wilkesbatre. Allentown, May 5, 1953 John S. P. Faust, Informs the p blic, that he is prepared to 'give leisions on th it lin to classes or in private. ' Gentlemen res ng out of Allen town a reasonable distance, wishing to forni classes, can receive all the necessary infor mation by addressing .a line to -bhp S. P. Faust, Allentown, Pa. Charges- moderate and attendance punctual. . ALSO—That he has (in order tosave the time'employed in copying lesscini for elas ,'ses) had published his system of teaching upon the Violin. This book has been pre pared expressly for the beginner and con tains thorough instructions in all the keys, bowing, fingering and tuning, also a large number of exercises arranged expressly to assist the pupil in tonation, with this book before him and the proper explanation of its contents, the pupil will find his progress considerably. accelerated._ . Book . forsale at Blunter, Bush 64. fillentpwn, Junri 8. Tax Collectors. The Tax Collectors of the Borough of Allentown, and the several Townships of the county of Lehigh, for the year 1853, aro hereby requested to meet at the Cotntnis signers office, in said Borough on Saturday 'the ISth day of June next, to givil'satisfac tory security, and take 'Otero- of their ,Paplicates respectively.' Allentolvp-•Ncirth and South Ward— William Declf. Lehigh Ward, Jonas B:Kummerer. Upper Saucon.—Jacob Reinhold. Upper and Lower Millord.--Geo. Bach ' Mull. - Lower Mammgy.—Andreiv Kneedler. UPper Motpuigy.--Samuel . Miessetner. Lowhill.-:Jonathan Zimmerman, Weisenbuii.—George Muss. Linn.--Charles - Everitt. Hetdelburg. 7 -Daniel German. Washington.—Tilgfinian Kuittz. NOrth,Wheithall:—Philip Strauss. Sotith Frankenfield. Hannover,and Catasiuqua.—John Eber hard ; • 41114rg.-t-' Gkloori•Ritter. By ordet , of • %.• mmtssianere J - :` Cotnniialioners Office- Alltintoyvn,k4tne :183i4 • Good Mewasto will =lmam IraMat 4s a Tailoring and and Clothing Store, 31, Vast Hamilton Street, flirectly opposite the "Register Printing Office," llentown. 'These gentleman have just returned from Philadelphia with a very large and fash ionable stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which they will make up to order, according to the latest New York and Philadelphia fashions. They also keep on hand a largo stock of Beady-wade Clothing, of every descriptioni, all of which they will sell so low as to Excite the Astonishment ! and secure the patronage of all, those_ who will favor them with a call and examination of their stock. They continue to do all kinds of CUS TOM WORK in the best manner, and at short notice. .fi'LL FITS FP.II.II.R.RNTED.ja By strict attention to business, and by selling all their goods as cheap as the c/hea pe•st, they hope to secure a liberal share of public patronage. N. B.—The latest Fashion plates always on hand and for sale. Allentown April 27, . A NEW . LANDLORD! At the Rising Sun. • The subscriber. takes this method to inform e his friends, and - the . 14 4"-: . 11 5 1s . rcl public in general, that he has lately Aitken the well known tavern stand in the Borough of Allentown, sign of the RISING SUN which he haS refitted in the most comfortable manner. ne has occupied the same from the Ist of April last, and he will make it his business to 'add many other improvements to the convenience of those who may favor him with their custom, and make it equal to any public house in the place. His Bar will be supplied with the choic est of liquors, his Table set with ...ill the sea son affords, and his Beds are all new and clean ; in short, neither trouble or expense will be saved, to accommodate customers in the very best manner. I-1 is stabling is large and convenient, with the• hydrant water in the yard, and an atten 'aye ostler to attend to customers. •He trusts his strenuous exertions to ac commodate those who may favor him with their calls, vill be the means of bringing him emar.aui .1114iA, .CIII4MTIFITS.• '; OSEPWAVISI-DEL April 13 New Boot and Shoe Store, John P. Reeser, Respectfully informs the citizens of Allen town, and the public' g enerally, that he has re-commenced the fashionable • I3ool' AND SHOE' BUSINESS, East Hamilton street, two doors west of J. 13. llloser's Apothecary Store, where he is now manufacturing, and will . keep constantly on hand, a large as _sortment of witielga a L dies and WINTLEIVIENS 9 Boots and Shoes 11-3 m 01 every description, which he will sell at Inoderite „prices. Wearinade to order at the shortest notice. For neatness and dtirability, he can confi. ! dently say-his work shall not bo surpassed. He will employ none but the best work men, and will give his close personal atten tion to his business. The public patronage is therefore respectfully solicited. Give him a call. Recollect the place. AllentoWn; April 20, 1853. ITIAMO In the Orphans Court of Lehigh County. . f In the matter of the Account of David Smih and Samuel J. Kist . ler, Administrators of John .Smith dec'd. • And now May 3, ISM, the court appoint ed John Saeger, Jacob German and Samuel' Campoluditors to audit and resettle the ac count and make distribution • according to law, and make report thereof . to the next stated Orphans Court including all the evi'. dence, which-may be submitted before thorn. Front the Records. ¶-4w TEs•re—N. METZQER, Clerk. The. Auditors appointed in the above or der, will -meet for the purpose of their ap• pointment on Saturday the 18th day of June next, at 10 O'clock. in the forenoon at tha hotice of Yeter Miller, in Heidelburg town ship, where.all those interested can attend if they see proper.: June 1, 1853. . *—Sw, moteacalM Is hereby given, that the 'undersigned have been, appointed E;tecutors in; the last .will anit,:.testonteit. : if Frederick G. Ritze,' decensia, late„of , theL,Aortnio 7- of Allentovin, Lehigh county: ',,Alft s !)Filftire persenevho.: ore indebted: tosidd'eatitt*ill "please make: settlement,of. iy nem, and also , allporsona hilt* cliPPit, against , 'said preissnt. thnm. Within:Auld llpe.citi6d than., LENVIb Barra, - !; A l 1 '" ..*`• Rune, Jac s x r:YP r f!- May 26 ; .16153: • - N4eW • Prices triuncith ARTICLES. —Per 4llent.Easten Phild Flour . . . . • Dint -2 1 - 5176 r 00 — •5'00 - Wheat .. . . Bush. 01 100 1 111 Rye 75 " Corn 60 6 0,.. 60: Oats ' 1-508 . 68' Buckwheat . •.5 .50 - , "85 Flaxseed .• • .•—• 137 1 50 1' 5 . 0 Cloveisetcd • • 4 550 5' 62 imothybeed . 2 50 1 275 - 2 70 Potatoes •• . 15) 35 '6O Salt 50 45 Butter .. . Pound 121 18 Vso Lard -- 10 ...12 '„!.4)• Tallow . . • •. 101- - .0. ,-- 8- Beeswax .. . 22 i 25 28' Hain • 121 .12,, 15 Flitch .. . . 0, 12 S Tow-yarn. .. 8 7 Eggs .. . . boz. 10 , '2O 20 Rye Whiskey . Gall. 22 1 , 22 24 Apple Whiskey 251 23' 24 Linseed Oil . . 60 85 65 Hickory Wood. Cord 4.501:4 50 00 Hay .. . . Ton 14 00 20 . .00'25 00 Egg Coal - . . . Ton 3 50:4 . 00 450 Nut Coal .. . 260300 ‘3 50 Lump Coal . 3503 50 '3:00 Plaster .. . . 4504 50 2.80. Jnbctimity aga .F.llltE: THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE: COMPANY of Philadelphia, OFFICE, No. 1634 (lIIESNUT,STAF!.7,, , Near Fifth Street. ' ¶-3m STATEMENT OF ASSETS, $1.,3/5i534, Jnastiary lat, 11183: • Published a greeablysto an Act .ASS . EII.BLY, • B ill NG • . First Mortgages, amply secured, $1,021,366.63 Riwal Estate (*sent value $llO,- - 3 000) coat. Temporary Loans, Oa tfluple Colla teral Securities - 96,487. 08 Stocks (present value 1.76,101) cost. 62,286 60 Cash, &e. &c,, 62,945-31 • ei,a3[0,534,9p: PERPETUAL OR LIMITED Ii yillikßANOEßlllatle:L . on every description:of property, in' DOWN AND COUNTRY, at rates as !ow as are consistant withAecurity. Sinee - ,their incorporation, a period - of tweray-four years, they have paid over thiee naillkaa ,dillars Loss mr Fiat, thereby af fordiatsevidence of the advantage of Insor anceois the ability' and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. • Directors : Charles N. Bancker, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Borie; Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson/ Geo.W. Richards, Isaac Lea, . . 1 . CHARLES N. BANCHER, President. CuAritis G. BATZCICKII, Secretary. The subscribers are the appointed k ; i:ltits• of the above mentioned Institution, oo:evity'desoription of property. at t ow. . est.':4tites, teti• • A. L. RUHE, Allentown: -' 4 44iti C. F. BLECH, Bethlehem. Allentown;-Oct: 1852. if —ly" Allentown Hotel. The undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public in 'general; that:they lati;e on the first of April became proprietors of the Public House, lately kept , ,by David Heller, on the North west corner of Hamil. ton Street and Market Square; _Allentown' so well known as the , willeittotuit llotel f Li which they h d ave fitted` Ar('''7 • 'upin a new an +And ;..%1 . .:.' - .,.- . 1.k„.\ some, style; for the' ac: i l. ....... ; :iVt,,,r''.:l ~./ ::' 'g" commodation of- the ~,,, m .,, ...,,,, j. , home . and travelling liflyli(1111,_ _,'l,;,:p, , custoin. Their Table •• • • -.--.'• .P.'-';'-•-•• - ek,- will always be supplied with the best the market , akords'i• Their liar with the choicest-liquors and .wytMes, and prompt and obliging servants areaJways ready to attend to the wants of -their 'cue; tourers. • . . They have• taken tho House, de: termination to spare no pains er,expense, to make their Elatel eiptal to any in' , this county, ind:by persontkl• attention, give any satisfaction to their custoiriers': They therefore reSpecifullyrremitiliatiose who visit Allentown, either from diate neighborhood, or - from, a ditittroWto' make The Allentown,. hotel, their homeo and test the-truth of their assertioti., MStages leavetho above • Hotel;'iieily for New York, Ph i ladel phia, FteridiFlg; ton, Alauch Chunk DAVID 1,319 . aii; Allentown, Aprlll3.'' inmatieasta''auttlaa ~... In the Court of Congnors' 'ilea , ' - 2 ., \ •- • '. ' of Lehigh. count y , ~ , • cs ' ' ''''' • • o f t he .i. , !..,.. , :.?." :In the matter .Account - of David , M. Kistler , nritl,‘Eliae Mantz, Aaeiinees olJaeob Mintz, intl•Wife ; under a voluntary astriintneni. ,• • And now, May 8,1868, the court appoint: ed Sainitel J.,'lCie.iietoirsugitiyeentMelbe ae: coant'andinlikediltrAtiiiiiO4!*3tiiilito NW. , From the iiiiii#4.ll' , 4 7 !"-i: , . ro•,•'?, TirsTE.F. - t;' l3 thiltßOW ... ~ - , The Ansilifiti ctintiA4l,llol4., . nr,• will titiqt.:(oo4l, l l ,i3r1 3 5 0 5P 9t141; . :t. itient 7 .....,,„$,,,,„. fati!.4lay;Alß. e. 430,,, at 10 , 4:4164:iluti::.foloaa0b:•Itt Abilso of .Peeer',, Mi ll f*, , z*-, ; ;.Y9i, 41 .1 1 §S - ' l6l o l shiP , t e . 14114 0 a , 4 4 1 : 0 011 ilttert“M4ji,tl: l l 40 - if they 'afiaippppr. '.... 4 . t . ~...,. r "*.4:,:it f ~. ';I4P4 411008.:' :' ' '' l -' , ,; ' ' ' o'il,i ' ''r - ; - ......8w 114 ,2 4 . 1 4 4 0 0 .°rn an d .. - Otti.vibciehnikeitOininicet price & Co. 1 -43 c, . •• a titot to.Oribß 82447 63
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers