Ringgold's Exploring Expedition.. This expedition, which has occupied pub lic attention for the last year, left New-York a few days since for its scene of operations. It consists of five vessels; including a stew , . --kner-of-800- tuns, all which-ara7underthe command of Capt. Cadwalader Ringgold, a naval officer of great energy and persever ance, antrone who distinguished himself while Commander of the Porpoise in , the Exploring Expedition of Captain Wilkes. No exploring or surveying expedition has ever left our shores, deStined to so interest ing and so wide a field of labor ; to a field so little known, and one to the results of which bornmerce - alike with science, will look for- Ward with anxiety and a deep felt interest. Many imagine this to be the long talked-of Japan expedition, with which it has no con nection. The latter has a distinct object in View, that of making a commercial treaty with Japan, as well as to compel the Japan bse"to afford protection to the shipwrecked American seamen, thrown upon her shores. Ringgold!s exepedition_is r for_the_purpose. • - -nf eirplorieg and surveying the shores of the Northern Pacific, and the Islands embraced therein. This will include the north ens. tern shores of Asia, north of Japan, inclu ding the Kurile Islands, the Gulf of Tanta - .437, the Sea of Anadir. and the coast thence to Rehring's straits. On the opposite Amer ican shore it will trace the coast from the British posse . ssions to the same straits. The Alentian chain of islands, which 'extend nearly from ono continent to the other, will also bp examined. Finally, an exploration of the 'Artie Sea within behring's Straits will be made ; not so much with a view of discovery, as to survey these unknown wa ters, which have recently become a place of, resort for our whalemen. At the present I time we know of no Americah or other com merce in these northern seas except by our whale ships, and an occasional Russian yes sel to the town of Sitka, the principal port of Russian America. In former times, extensive explorations were made in these seas, but they were rath er for discovery than for the extension of com merce. As early as 1741 the Russian nav igator Behring made an exploration of the Northern Pacific, when he discovered the Straits which bear his name. In 1799, Cap tain Cooke make a visieto these seas, after the great discoveries which have made his name so &Mous • and in . 1804, another Ra.s siatenavigifor. K ? iinie.nstern, cruised in them touching, arderiona4mihts along the. coast. Many other — Voyager - Were made of minor 'interest, none of whiefeeeern to have had any other object in view than - the discovery of new lands. Cominercedoes not even ap- , pear to have been a 'secondary object.--; Here is, indeed, a broad and antrodden field and, as Captain Ringgold takes with him a corps of najuralists and other scientific men, ith all the necessary' preparations for a most through' exploration, and a full outfit of the best instruments, the learned world will look forward with much interest for a pros perous voyage and safe return to our shores I of this important expedition. If our Government had no other object in view than to seek new fields for our numer ous fleet now engaged in whaling, which is by far the largest in th'e'lvortd,siit would be fully justified in the equipment of so large and -well organized an' expedition. But its objects are broader, having in view the ex- 1 tensian of our - commerce in the seas referred to, and of making known to our seamen the coasts they will ere long be- navigating. This expedition, like that of Commodore Perry's to Japan, was conceived and fitted out by the late aditiinistration, and we have feared that in the great desire to annul every thing that originated with its predecessors, the present Party, in power might attempt to break it up. It has not quite enough of the filibusterrihg thitnacter about tt to take with Young America ; but the American people are now so deeply interested in the two great maritime ek?editions referred to that to recal them would be oriel atthe most unpopular steps the Governinent could take. (Providence Jour. - - M= On the sth inst., by the Rev. Frederick Waage, Mr. Henry Schell, of Upper -Mil ford,, to Mrs; Sarah Treichler, of Washing ton, Borks county. On the' 18th of May, by the Ref., Isaac Roller, Mr, J2lextinder Singmaater, of Mil lerstown, to Miss Hannah Keck, of Upper Macungy. On the 21st of May, by . the Rev. John Johnson, Mr. Charles J. Craig, to Miss Marietta Lane, both of Easton. On the 22d of May, by the Rev. C. IL Kessler, Mr. Uriah,E. Bruner, of Catuira u qua, to Miss dmilia Brad, of Upper Ma cungy township. A New Landlord.' atrawn IL -flesh. Hereby informs his friends and the public in general, that ho has taken the Meehanlesboro Hotel, lately kept by Samuel Miller, in Mechanics boro, South Wheithall E L I - 2:-. -,-,•_ .1 L., i 6 • Lehigh coon ). '" .....wnsp t r • ..., ty, where he will be 110111111(111.--1 .., IA) i • hapey tome his friends ' - - ---- and old acquaintances. His house is favorably situated on the great road from Allentown to.Mauch Chunk, ex ,cellent water , before the door and the best of liquors in the Bar. Mr. Dian is a good provider, keeps an excellent table: clean .beds, in short it is one of the beat public houses tq r be found in the county. He truste .by ..strickt attention to business,, he will Merit a 'good share of pub lic patronage. . .':. . Mechanicaboro, June 1. • ' 11,--8w . • WILLIAM Sjlll,OlX • • ATTOUNICT VOUXECEILYOPE: AT LAW Office in the etnitern froni room of. the building of 'John D. Lawell,.fefinerly Horn beck's, beck's, weat of the Oeurthute. Allentown,April 4, 1840 . • On 19th of May, in Allentown, of apo plexy, Joseph Diehl, aged 60 years. The deceased was deprived of his sight , for the list 80 years. On 24th — • UPP' _rn - tke . ith — of May, in Upper Simon, of apoplexy, Sndreiv Engelman, 'aged 80 years.- On the 25th of May, of the effects of a severe scalding, Richard Marlin My, son of Ludwig and Julian Wolf, in the 4th year of his age. Notice to Travellers _ . - ALLENTOWN AND - POTTSTOWN. The traveling public are hereby respect fully informed, that from to day, June Ist, 1853, a daily line of stages will commence running between Allentown and Pottstown, and in:connection with the Reading Railroad convey passengers to Philadelphia. The Stages will leave J. Y. glichfers, American Hotel, Allentown, every morning (Sundays excepted) at 2 o'clock A. M. and the pas sengers will arrive in Philadelphia at half past I I o'clock A. M., and in time to take the Western Railroad train for Pittsburgh. They will arrive in Pottstown in tit:nein take the morning up-train to Reading and. Potts ville, and arrive at the former place at 10, and at the latter, at .12 o'clock P. M. The undersiar.ed will spare neither time, expense or trouble to make this line one of the best to travel to either of the above named places. He has engaged sober and careful drivers, fast horses and good coach es, and being that the route passes through a delightful country, many will chooso to travel it on this account. CHARLES SEAGREAYES. Allentown, Juno 1. 111-3 m A New Hotel At No. 81, West Hamilton Street, Messrs. E. S. J. GEORGE, have lately purchased the splendid three story brick House of Samuel Lightcap, No. 81, West Hamilton street, in the Borough of Allen town, a few doors above HagenbuCh's tav ern, and have completely refitted it for a public house, under the name of the Farmirs and Travelers 110 TEL, f : = for which the ,permission was granted at the last Court. •The House is well 'calculated to entertain strangers, being located in a very conveni ent part of the Borough. His furniture is new ; his table will he 'slipped with the best the Market affhrds, grid his bar will al ways contain the choicest liquors. He has a large and convenient yard, that can be entered from the front and rear, and his stabling all new and conveniently arrang ed with the Hydiant water near at hand, and good attentive ostlers will always be at hand. Thankful for past favors they trust that by punctual attention to business, and moder ate charges they will merit a liberal share of patronage. They have a large acquain tance through the upper section of the coun ty, all of whom they will be happy to “shake hands with." ELI & JONAS GEORGE. June 1, 1833. 11-4 w WinfkirCO/ba OFFICE OF THE "ALLENTOWN IRON CO. " Philadelphia, May 25, 1853. An election for Seven Directors of the "Allentown Iron Company," to servo for one year, will be held at their office, No. 13 Walnut Street, on Thursday the 16th day of June, 1853, between the hotirs of 10 o'- clock, A. M. and 1 o'clock P. M. J. F. CABOT, Secretary. June 1, 1653. *t--3w Two Journeymen Shoemakers. With the undersigned residing in the Bor ough of Catasatiqua, Lehigh county, two Journeyman shoemakers can find employ ment and good wages. One is required to work on sewing and the other on peg work. Immediate application should be made. JOHN A. WILSON. Catasauque, June 1, 1853, - 41110320111 9 2 11021E14 In the Orphans Court of Lehigh " r County. • I n the matter of,the Account '•• of Benjamin Jarret, Executor of Anna Maria Jairet, dec'd. And now, May 3,-185:3, the Court appoint Charles Foster, Reuben Stabler and garri son Miller, auditors to audit:and resettle the account and make distribution according to law, and make report thereof to the next stated Orphans Court including all the evi dence, which may be submitted before them. From the Records. TESTE—N. METZGER, Clerk. • The . Auditors appointed in the above or der, will meet for the purpose of their ap pointment on Saturday the 11th day of June next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the babe of Levi Dorrtblaser, in Lower Ma cungie tolkinship; where all those interested can attend if they see proper. June 1, 1853. C. M. R - 11 ak attorney' at - Haa resumed the praejleaot jija profea aion inAllentown. , fle,may beconsulted in the German and English lunggnasea. . - • .August 12, '11:152. • 4-Tti DIED. .11:411,LP • _Between ALLEN TOWN. 11-2 w t L, Is hereby given, that die undersikhod have been appointed Executors in the last will and testament of Frederick G. Rifze, eceasedi late - of WO - Borough of Allentown, Lehigh county. Therefore all persons who are indebted to said estate, will please make settlement between now and the 16th day of July next, and also all persons having claims against said estate, will please to present them within said specified time. LEWIS SMITH, • T. Executors. . r FRED . RUHE, JR. May 25, 1853. ¶—Ow EZIAZIE Of Personal Goods. WILL be sold at public sale on Saturday June-11'11,-ot the residence of the late Fred erick G. Mize, in the Borough of Allen town. the following personal property, viz: - Three Beds and Bedsteads, Clothes _p ress„Cook ing-stovei - Tables;ChTtifi;Eiribli= ing Glasses, Time-piece, Canary Bird with coge, 10 shares of the Northampton Water Company, English and German Books, two Hogs, and a variety of household and-kitch en furniture too tedious to mention. The sale will commence at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when the conditions will be made knovvn and due attendance given by LEWIS Executors J. FRED. RUDE, JR., AllefitOWD, May 25 E:=M Spring and Sunimer Goods. The undersigned, residing in Mechanics boro, South Whitehall township. Lehigh county, respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has purchas ed the entire Stock of Goods, . and has done businehs since ther2lst of April last in his own name. • He - will be happy to see his old friends and acquaintances give him n• call, as he has just returned from Philadelphia, with a large and well selected stock, consisting in part Of Dry Goods, Gro- • ceries, Queens- :';' ..!!! • 1.'" 7 ,41.41, 1 1: ware, Hardware, Fish, Salt, in short, every article that is found in a . well filled country store, and which with his stock on hand, makes a large assortment of Goode, such as is but seldom found in country Stores, and which will be sold under the adopted motto of "small profits and quick /ales." All kinds of country. produce will be taken in exchange at the .highest market, price. He retans his sincere thanks for the fa vors heretofore recieved and will strive to merit a continuance of ..the same hereafter. All those who know themselves indebted in the Storebooks of Miller and Afinnich, will please call at the store for settlement of • their accounts. JOHN MINNICH. Mechanicsboro, Mqy 25. 11-3 m Allentown Seminary. The Suintner Session of this School, will commence on the let of May next. Such as wish to enter are requested to apply early to the Principal. C. R. KESSLER, April 6, 1553.11-4 w AIDITOIII In the• Court of Conanon Pleas of Lehigh county, ;ti In the matter of the Account of David M. Kistler and Elias Mentz, Assignees olJacotkAlantz and Wife, under a voluntary assignment. And now, May 3, 1853, the court appoint. ed Samuel J. Kistler, to audit, resettle the ac count and make distribution according to law: From the Records. TEsTE—F. E. SAMUELS, Proth. The Auditor appointed in the above order, will meet for the purpose of his appointment on Saturday the 25th day of June next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the house of Peter Miller, in El eidelburg township, where all those interested can attend if The see proper. June 1, 1853 ~~~~ Dlll tW:YI; In the Orphans Court of Lehigh -'1 ' t. County. In the matter of the Account of David Smih and Samuel J. Kist ler:Administrators of John Smith dec'd. And now May 3, 1853, the court appoint ed John Saeger, Jacob German and Samuel Camp, auditors to audit and resettle the ac count and make distribution according to law, and make report thereof to the next stated Orphatis Court including all the evi dence, which may be submitted before them. From the Records. TESTS-N. METZGER, Clerk. The.A editors appointenn the above or der, will meet for the purpose of their ap pointment on Saturday the 18th day ofJune next . , at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the house of Peter Miller, in - Heidelberg town ship, where all those interested can attend. if they see proper. June 1, 1853. OVOID (lig6C(s/11 Wanted.- • ' A respectable woman Who can come well recommended as a good Cook. can hear of a permanent situation and good wages by ap.: plying at the officepf the 66 1,ehighltegister May 11. - - Hams Lard. Fish, Salt, Potatoes doe. just received at he iiPeoptee Steve" of Fans ::Fans llt • Just received n splendid lot of. Fans, very cheap at the "People& Some' J. W...0401 1 / 3 . , *ity .11,1358:: 11-3 w 4 , 4 in Me Orphans Court of Le e, t 'l. high County. , . I In the matter of the Account Jz' i of Joseph Frantz and Daniel Fraptz,.Executors of henry Frantz, dec'd. Aid now, May 3, 1858, the court appoint Daniel Saeger, Edward Kohler and John Schantz, Jr., auditors to audit and resettle the account and make distribution according to law, and make report thereof to the next stated Orphans Court including all the evi dence, which may be submitted before them. rom the Records. TisTr.—N. METZGER, Clerk. *-3w The Auditors appointed in the above or der, will meet,. for the purpose of their ap pointment on Friday the 10th day of June next, at 10 O,clock in the forenoon at the house of Daniel Frantz, in North White hall, where all those interested can attend if they see proper. • May 25; 1853 No. 48, East Hamilton street, Al lentown, adopts this method to in form his friends and the public in general, that he has made Allentown his permanent ,residence. He has opened an office at his :dwelling, opposite Bechtel's American Ho. a few doors east of Pretz, Guth & Co's. Store, where he will be happy to oiler his professtonateervices in the science'ol Den tistry. He will call at private residences, if requested. riii" His terms are reasonable, and having had much experience in the professions, feels satisfied that he can give general Bevis .. faction. • • Allentown, April 24, 1851. -8w Five Dollars Reward! , - A 'Black Horse, be , longing tothe undersigned,Cap ' vonial tain of the Canal Boat "Mary athington" strayed or was stolen on the the night •of the • 10th .of may. The horse has a little white above the hoof of both his hind -legs Land had onlhinx a full rigged boat harness *hen he left. Whosoever .takes up the said horse, and gives notice to the under signfd, . now lying, below, the, ..Cntneville Lock,'! on the Lehigh canal, shall have the Albino rewariL TOR titkPit J. W. GRUBB /laity iii• '.. 11-6 w The Navigation `Opened'! Philadelphia, dilltntown Mauch Chunk Transportation Line,. For transporting merchandize between Philadelphia, New Hope, Easton Preemans. burg, Bethlehem, Allentown, Weissporty Mauch Chunk, and White Haven, and all intermediate places along the Delaware and Lehigh Canals : shipped from Third Warf, below Vine street, on the Delaware. They _being_new_beginners, hope by tare ful and prompt attention to their business to get a liberal share of patronage. The proprietors have large and commo dious Store Houses at all the above_named copping-places. _ - - HECKER, LONG & CO., Propridors, AGENTS; Stephen Long, Philadelphia, Samuel L. Opie, New Hope, G. W. Housel, Easton, G. & A. Bachman, Freemansburg, Charles Seider, Bethlehem, William Hecker, Allentown, Lewis Weiss, Weissport, Robert Klotz, Mauch Chunk, A. Pardee & Co. Haz;dton,. Horton & Blakeslee, White Haven. May 25, 4853. ¶-3m 3ntientnitv againot t0.a.5 bi) •• FIRE. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1633 CHESNIIT STREET, Near Fifth Street. STATEMENT OF ASSETS, $1,315,534, January let, 1853, Published agreeably to an Act Of ASSEMBLY, BEING First Mortgages, amply secured, $1,021,366 63 Real Estate (present value $llO,- 000) cost. Temporary Loans, on ample Colla teral Securities 96,487 611 Stocks (present value $76,191) cost. 62,285 60 Cash ~drc. &c., 52,045 51 $ 1,315,534 00 PERPETUAL OR LIMITED INSURANCES made on every description of property-, in TOWN AND OOUNTRY, at rates as low as areconsistant with security. Since their incorporation, a period of twen*-foni-years, they have paid over three millions dollars Loss BY FlRE,Thereby af fording evidence of the advantage of Insm , ance,.as,the abilitfand disposition to meet with proitiptifess all liabilities. Directors . . . Charles N. Bancker, Mord. D. Lewis.. Tobias Wagner, . Adolp. E Bone, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob E. Smith, Morris Patterson, Geo. W. Richardm, Isaac Lea, CHARLES N. BANCKER, Pre sident. Coniti.Es G. BANC &Ell, Secretary. . f'The subscribers • are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and a r m now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, at the low est rates. A. L. RUHE, Allentown. ' C. F. BLECH, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 1853. M1M1J1 9, 3 DM% Dr. 3. P. 13arnes • ,DEMTIST. of the most fashionable styles, from all of which they will make to order and also keep on hand a large supply of - - Ready-Made Clothing, at such prices, as cannot be equalled in any establishment in this or any neighboring town. Their present large Stee.kofcloth ig,-consists in part of Dress Coats; of every Ainaginable style, of Spring and . Summer wear ' • Pantaloons ,fancyrand plain of 0.11 pri ces; Sutinner Pants in great variety ; Vests, Satin, fancy and plain, Drawers, Shirts, Col lars, Cravats, &c. &c. all of which they are determined to sell at the lowest prices. It is therefore "money made" to those who wish to purchase clothing, if they first'call on Neligh Breinig; before they purchase elsewhere. ing - consi Orders of every hind, will be accepted with pleasure, and punctually attended to ; and as they are Practical Tailors them selves, none but the best workmanship will be suffered to pass their hands, so that they can warrant the clothing they manufacture in every particular. Thankful for past favors, they hope by punctual attendance to business, and dura ble jobs, they will be able to gain a contin uance of favors from a generous public. Allentown, May 11. 11--Btri • New 13oot and Shoe Store; John .IP . . Reeser, • Respectfully informs the citizens of Altai. town, and the public generally; that he has re-commenced the fashionable BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, No. 13, East Hamilton street, two doors west of J. 3. 'Moser's Apothecary _Store, where he is bow manufacturing, and will keep constantly on hand, a large as sortment of • tMlasi. .wl/04 Ladies and • GENTLEMENS' Boots and Shoes 01 every description,- which he will sell at moderate prices. Work made to order at the shortest notice. For. neatness and durability, he can confi dently say his work shall not be surpwed. Ile will employ none but the best work men,and will give his close personal atten tion to his business. The public patronage is therefore respectfully solicited. Give him a call. Recollect the place. Allentown, April 20, 1853. 82,447 63 Catasauqua and Fogelivide Plan,zroad company. Notice is hereby given, that the Commis sioners named in the Act of Assembly, for receiving subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the "Catasauqua and Pogelsvillo Plank Road Company," will open hooks at the House of Nathan Pegely, in the Borough of Catasauqua, on Monday the 13th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon at which time and place, three or more ti the Commissioners will attend and which books will remain open at said place, if necessary for live succeeding juridical days. • JACOB DILLINGEII, SAMUEL SIEGER, 0 AARON GGTH, ° DAVID THOMAS, OWEN RICE, PHAON ALBRIGHT, ZS' JONA'S BIERY, • • 0 •-• JANES W. FULLER, CHARLES W. COOPER, Catasauqua, May 18. New Supply of Coal ! Farmers .P Limeburners o ft LOON HERE. Tile undersigned have just received, and constantly keep on hand, a large supply, of all kinds of Coal, suitable for Partners and . Limeburners, and the coal consuming pub. lie in general, which they will dispose of at the following reduced prices: . Chestnut Coal at , $2 25 Extra Nut Coal, $2 37 Egg, Stove and Lump at $3 25 EDELMEN, HAMM & Co. April 20, 1853. ll--flw ¶-3w Grain Wanted. 59;000 Bushels of Wheat, Rye; Corn and Oats wanted, for which the highest market prices will be paid by the subscribers, at their store on -the South west corner of Market Square and Hamilton street, in Al- lentown. EDEEMAN, HAMM 'Co&,.. Allentown, April 29, Groceries 4' Queensware. The subscribers Sts.iff f ,13111 • • have also a largo I` . .' IN I MI 11. • stock of fresh fam- - ' ily Groceries, Prime, Java and Rio Cof fee, from 16 cents a pound and as lovi 6/ cents, Sugars, Teas, Molasses Cheese, Spices, Crackers, Raisins &c., Butter, Eggs, Lard, Hams, Sides, Should ers, Potatoes, - Onions, and Soap, for which the -highest lirkel prices will be given hr exchange for Goods.. • • • All Goods sold--at this Establishment are wirrantect vvbat tbeyare.reproseated to be. Call and examine for xpureelf.. -Goode,free, ly ShowrcWitlt Ogren 4 84W:emend:I° buk.. • - • t EbN4wisliausx.sts Co. AllentosvavAkil-29e.. • • It""thri• Ready Made .Clothing 'Stote In Allentown! Neligh Breinig, Adopt this mothod, to in form their' friends and the public generally, that they have just returned from Phil adelphia, with a very heavy stock of Spring and Summer -Flour Wheat • • . Rye . . . Corn Oats Buckwheat - . Flaxseed . • . Cloverseod . '1 imothybeed Potatoes • • . Salt Butter . • • . Lard Tallow . •_. • - Beeswax . . . Ham Flitch . . . . Tow-yarn Eggs . . Rye Whiskey Apple Whiskey Linseed Oil . . Hickory Wood Hay . . Egg Coal . . Nut Coal . Lump Coal . Plaster . . Goods iry kioOtiS Goods The subscribers would hereby inform the public that they hay ereceived their Itirini supplies of New. Goods, and that they : vvere so much engaged in selling them, that they forgot to advertise, - but as the printer% say there is nothing lost, by. advertising, they 'will follow their advice and• make known, that they have received their third spring , purchase of Dry Gocidjp among which are the most desk/ablearticles for Ladies and Gentlemenit,wegi, that the New. York and Philadelphitt Market affords, which Will 'bei sold at'very - reduced piled. • Gds; 0 CE RIE Alley have just received a laige of Groceries from New York and expect`ta receive in a few days by ihe Delaware Canal n large quantity, purchasidin Philed4phia in the beginning of the months of Mardi and April, all of which will lie sold at a small advance on the cost. PRETZ, GUTH & CO. May 4,1853:• ¶-Bvi MILCICEREL: • No. 1. 2 &3, in whole and half barrelg also scalefisti, in whole barrels at a very loss price for sale by . . . SALT. 200 sacks Li ve rod Ground Stilt, 75 saCkg Ashion Fine Salt for sale by PRETZ, GUM & CO. - Cheintii - 86;4 Egg and LuniP 64i; id any qnitutity,ddsired for sale by ' .PRETZ, GUTH 6 CO' May 11.=1863.•' gt-2m' ¶-3m 300 Dozen Corn Brooms, The undersigned_ have lust received Three Hundred Dozen Corn Brooms, bound • with Tin find Wire, 'WhiCh they will sell Wholesale and Retail, at very kiwi prices . PRETZ, GUTH' &Co. • • Allentown, February 23. • .- 11-4 i% Allentown Hotel: The undersigned respectfully inform filch: friends and the public in general, that they have on the Castel April became proprietors of the Public House, lately kept iiy.Daiid Heller, on the North' west corner of Harnil ton 'Street and Market &pinto,. Allentoviri so well known as the • . ~ • - •Illentotast lirotei • • I which they have fitted • up in a new and i Min dp•f-4,T.:•.7-.-14r--.\ ' some - tyls, for the ac= *-?lr6tc, 0 commodation of the 11:40- home and' Efavelling . custom. Their Tablq -0111191,1177...._ : _ , 1.g.. ,,, %__ . will always'be supplied with the bast the market :affords. Their . Bar with the choicest liquors and wines, and prompt and obliging, Servants are always ready to attend to the wants of theiii-euz: turners. 11-4 tv They have taken the House, with a de; termination to spare no pains or expense;* to. mnke their Hotel equal to any in this county, and hy- personal attention, to giki any satisfaction to their customers. • They therefore respectfullY•reauest those who visit Allentown, eithet fiord the iudme dime neighborhood, or from a distance to`, make The s9llentow4 Hotel, titol4,*r home:. and test the truth of their essertipn. . rirStages 'leave The above , for New York, Philiderpliii Reading' Eiii/z: ton, Mauch' Chunk - and - Hambuig: PAvin . , Tft.oninAN H. Goo • Allentown, April la s • 1142131 CDT Lotagstrelli , A•Nrother f ' HAVE removed - direOtik opposkuS tha'old stand., ttithe"superior five story stofe, . No. 8, .N9RTH THjRD STREET; And are now fully'Prepared to exhibit to the% public, an TritsiraPassEri Vaaritt of , artia s • k7ri0nt,...t,4„, , otigat, wiced •r4,l o lc..tainityl•. ; lootthfititortion the auperiorENCiLISUA, , PRENOI-1; Ttnin.the well.known h ou t . e 0f;..;. • • DELACOURT;: ZUB.Ea end" and see before puicha . sing alien! erit. The moat efficient and'polite einploi: • ed to hangthe paper. if retiaitett,.' Philadelphia, May 4, T.:415=44'. , i • -AZ A large quantitrofGroand . andnile.timiti; totaala, , • i•:; . ;' ,4 „, f • PRETZ;Girrgiftd444v, • Decanniter.l4s,, f3Oces -eittrettV ARTICLES:=Pcr nt.nrsateh Barre) Bash. i 'Pound Doz. Oall. 60 4 501 16 00 8 50 2 50 3 50 4 50 Cord Ton Ton PRETZ, GUTH & CO Stone Cod.i. II Ell a FM d cid 1 10 500 1 00 60 68 85 1 50 5 _go -2 70 60 80 80 25 12 12 _8 22 28 15r „ 8 -24 85 4 50 20 00 4 00 8 00 .3 50 4 50 435, 00 Oil 50 ad on. off 191111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers