burns he ascended into mid-air his strength returned,'and he soared majestically up as has been. narrated. After his disappear ance his worthy master said, with a discon solate'air, "Well, I've seen the last of my eagle !" but thinking that ho might possibly find his way back to his haunt, a chicken was tied to a stick in the court-yard, and just before dark master eagle came back, his tar wings rustling in the air. The chicken cowered down .to the ground, but in vain—the`" eagle saw him and pounced down in a moment in his old abode. Whilst he was busily engaged in devouring the chicken, a plaid was thrown over his head and he was easily secured. After this es cape he was sent to the Zoological Gar dens, Regent's Park, where he may be re cegnized by his having lost the outside claw `of the - left - foo . Sueoesa in Life ---Tha Public Ledger_ truly observes, that the great eu k ot those who tairivi lifeare - Tutnt - 4 — thraugtr' their own demerits. Not that industry, energy, and capacity always command an immediate return ; for frequent and fierce are often the buf fets which the best men have to encounter. But in the long run, enterprise, economy, knowledge of business, assiduity, and an honest policy, will carry the day. A.man with these sterling qual ities is like cork; he may be submerged for awhile, but he cannot : be kept down. Just in proportion to the perfection, in which he enjoys these - attributea, will be the•completeness of his success. If he joins to them unusual fitness for his pursuit, his triumph will be both earlier and prouder, for in every business there are oppor tunities which a sagacious mind of this sort will see ; and to detect these turns in the tide, which leads onlo.lortune," requires talent peculiar to the partleOlit„pro onion, rather than that which . , is naivorsilE' , . , Among the, fruitful,causetrcf , failure which cannot too often be imPicsid up on the attention of parents, is the adoption otart imeigiable eat ing. A man who might have made a rod farmer, happens to be born of ambitious pal enti, .who think, erroneously, that - it is more honoraide to have their sons a doctor; accordingly, he Is sent to college, learns Latin, attends lectures; gets a diploma, and then settles down to . kill people till his incapacity is found out, when he starves.-- Or a lad is forced, by equally ill-judging pa.. rents, to become a merchant, when he should have been left to become a lawyer. Or an engi neer, instead of an artist. Or a farmer, instead of a mechanic. In short, there is no end to the mistakes which are made, by ignorant or foolish parents in starting their children in life ; and the worst of these sorts ra_crrors is, that they are the least easy of remedy', because a business, once adopted, is not easily laid aside. ,To spend years in a college, in a store, or at the vocation is a wrong one, is disheartening to all but men of the hardest stamp. Case of Jerome Feekerl.—ln the Philadelphia Court of Quarter Sessions on Saturday morning, Mr. Reed, the District Attorney, inquired of the Court if there was any objection to the discharge of Jerome Feckert, now in custody, and lately accused of the murder of Joseph Rink. Judge Kelley said there was no objection to it; and he thought that security should be required for the future good behaviour of the prisoner. The coun. eel for Feckert remarked that he was willing ro ship in the United States service, and leave the country. It was finally determined to bring Peck. ert up to Court today, when the Court will de cide either to take bail for his future good be havior, or permit him to ship in the service. Mr. Doran asked the District Attorney it it was his intention to try Arthur Spring for the rnur der of Joseph Rink. He said that his client• did not want to lie under the Imputation of commit ting the atrocious deed, of which he had asserted over and over again, his innocence. Mr. Reed said that he would inform his friend, Mr. Doran, in good time, whether he intended to try Spring for the Rink murder or not, and when he should do it. A Curious Praller.—The Syracuse Star, is re sponsible for the following : ..In the State of Ohio there resided a faTily consisting of an old man by the name of Beaver his three sons, all of whom are hard "pets," who bad often laughed to scorn the 'advice and trea ties of a pious, though very eccentric Minister who resided in the samolown. It happened one of the boys was bitten by a rattlesnake and was expected to die, when the Minister was sent for in' great haste. On his arrival he found the young man very penitent, and anxious to be prayed with. The Minister, calling on the fam ily, kneeled down and prayed in this wise : .4 0 Lord, we thank thee for rattlesnakes; we thank thee because a rattlesnake has bit Jim.-- We pray thee send a rattlesnake to bite Sam; and, 0 Lord, send the biggest kind of a rattle snake to bite the old man, for nothing but rattle, snakes will ever bring the Beaver family to re pentence :" • Ron, J..F. Sinnona.—This gentleman, former ly a distinguished Senator of the United States from.Rhode Island, is about as thorough a con vert to the new Spiritualism as any man that has ever been heard of. Ile exercises his faith with the, truth like simplicity of a child. The follow is one of his letters: 4 . WASHINGTON. March .12. 4.Bince Iwrote you last, I have had some of the most extraordinary physical manifestations from my old friend Calhoun, that `I have yet hoard of, ending with a short Communication in 'writing with Gen. Hamilton, Gen. Thompson, Gen. Campbell, (all his most intimate friends,) as well as one of Calhoun's sons, to whom I %eve submitted it, who _pronounces `it a perfect fats simile of his handwriting. - ";""Illave also had communications from Web" sta. throigh a writing medium, of the most ex trsordimuy character. A gentleman of the high est Order of Intellect, present at the time, said dread old .hilotio.bers . from Plato •ual to Zlie fil)igt) Register. A !lento n, Pa. WEDNESDAY, NAY 11, 1853, CANAL COMMISSIONER. Moses Po.wittall) OF LANCASTER COUNTY AUDITOR GENERAL. Alexander K. McClure, I= SURVEYOR GENERAL. Christian Myers, OF CLANTON COUNTY Pittsburgh and New York A - correspondent-olthe-New-York-CouricratL Enquirer points out a connection with Pittsburgh which can be realized almost immediately. I "In - yourartiele in - Tuesday's paperi• headed 'New Railroads,' you show the railroad corn• nications projected for a direct line from the city of New York to Pittsburgh and westward, and-you state also - with - great-forcei-the-vast importance of such connection. The projected lines which you mention, will require however a long time for completion, and I would now call your attention to the direct line of railroads from city to Pittsburgh and westward. Of this line, the whole, with the exception of thirty miles, will bb in successful operation within three months from this time. The importance of this line of communication is so well under stood by the capitalists interested in it, as to in sure the very early completion of this thirty miles. This route will be as follows: New.Jerseli Central Railroad—in operation. Miles From Elizabethtown Point, N. J., to Eaa. ton, Pa., - 63 From Easton to Allentown, - 14-77 Allentown Railroad. From Allentown to Auburn, (on the Philadelphia and Rending Railroad.) 30 Dauphin and Susquehanna Railroad. From Auburn to the coal mines at Rauch Gap, 31 From Rauch Gap to Dauphin, on the Sus quehanna, 29-57 Pennsylvania Central Railroad—in operation. Frain Dauphin to Pittsburgh, 248 The above you will perceive, is nearly an air line "from New York to Pittsburgh and westward,P This scheme pleases the Pittsburgh papers mightily, and so it does us. Reading and Harrisburg The Lebanon Valley Railroad Company, connecting Reading with Harrisburg was organ ized on Friday fait, by the election of Gon. Simon Cameron, President; John Tucker, Robt. Coleman, Wm. Strong, Isaac Eckert, Sarni. Bell and Jno. W. Killinger, Directors,; and H. A. Muhlenburg, Treasurer and Secretary. An efficient corps of engineers will bo put on the route immediately. The names included in this list is sufficient evidence that no time will be lost in completing the road, $200,000 of the stock has already been subscribed in Reading alone, and a large number of shares have been taken in lieu of damages by property holders along the line. Allentown and Reading Among the many Railroad bills passed by our Legislature at its last session was ono cal. led the "Allentown Railroad." This bill as wo are informed allows a•road to be constructed from Allentown to Kutztown, or any point on the Railroad• between Rending and Port Clinton. It was smuggled through the Legislature in the last days of its session, and it is said that many of those who voted for it were not aware of its provisions. The grand secret of the bill is, to connect the Lehigh Valley with the Read ing and Harrisburg road, thus forming the short est and most direct route front New York to the far West ; and also the most direct route to Washington City and the Southern slates. They do not Understand. We agree with the Albany Knickerbocker, that a merchant had jest as well expect to get rich )3y closing his doors and keeping his goods concealed from public view, as to hope to suc ceed in business without advertising, while his cotemporaries. are continually exhibiting their stocks to public gaze, and inviting calls from purchasers. It is just as natural for the subscri bers of a newspaper to buy from those who adverti*e in it, as it is for children to follow soldiers when on parade. Tho simple fact of seeing certain goods published every week has an irresistible attraction that Will fasten it upon the mind, and never fails to guide each reader to the very store at which his or her want Can be at once supplied. Every merchant of common sense knows it to be so; and yet many of thorn fail to resort to the very meth od to make sales which is used to induce them to make their purchases. A. Foot for. Farmers. The Reading Journal says: The voice of ex. • perience every where has declared in favor of drilling in wheat to, sowing broadcast, accor- ding to the old method. The wheat this season invariably looks better where the drill is used ) and in most instances so marked is the differ ence in favor of the drill, as to lead to the im presSion that the grain 'will more than repay the cost of drilling. Farmers, abandon your gold fogy' notions and keep up with the inm• provements of the ago. A penny saved is not always a penny earned. There.is such a thing as bung.hole eoonomy, and many—quite too Many, will continue to practice , it. The Shoe Business.:—Tke i pionpects for a good shoe business this 441111n:are flattering, The stock of shorian" hand left over is small; a large profits, yet still give encouragement to manatee urers to'continue their efforts. Stock is high, Ily be an increase In the 000,000 worth of shoes 1). ors/Ai/Ma. Court Proceedings The following cases were disposed of dnr. ing last week : Commonwealth vs Aaron Rchrig. MBank and 'Battery on Charles Forrest. In this case it ap peared that the defendant, who wr a school teacher in our neighboring Borough of Catania qua, had whipped one of his scholars rather se , verely. FOr this he was indicted and convict ed. Sentenced to pay a fine of $1 and costs. Commonwealth vs John &Ilea. Defendant was indicted for stealing a pistol. The defendant had boon confined in the county jail for some time; on being brought up for trial, he stated that he would try his own cause. The plea of "not guilty," was thereupon entered for him. After the testimony of the Commonwealth had 'been closed, the defendant made his own state men{ :Mite Coutt — a - tcd Jury. From-this-it-ap peared that the pistol had not been stolen by him, but purchased - from some one fora trifle, -- and - aftefivards - sold-foretecnilreight-cent Jury acquitted him. Commonwealth vs Philip Baer. Indictment for selling liquor without Licence. The defen- dant was convicted but not yet sentenced. •Commonucalth vs Charles Losh. Assault and Battery on Charles Ibach. The defendant and prosecutor are young gents of the town, who got into a little quarrel, growing out of a Satur day evening's promenade on Hamilton street—. Charles was convicted but has not yet been sentenced. Commonwealth vs Edward Powell. Assault and Battery. The District Attorney entered a Nollc Prosequi in this case, on payment of costs by defendant, and his giving security in the sum of $lOO to keep the peace &a. for one year. Commonwealth vs Jacob Ueberoth, sen., Jacob Ueberoth, jr., and Augs. S. Dooy. Indictment for a forcible entry and detainer. This case arose out of a claim of right to prossession of a valuable Zinc Mine, in Upper Saucon town ship, this county, on lands owned by Jacob Ue beroth, lien. The material facts in the case are expected to come before the Court in a civ il suit to be tried this week, involving the tittle to the mine referred to. We therefore defer further notice of it, till the result of the latter suit is decided. Business Notices New Goods! New Goods ! - 7 Spring has fairly set in and Summer is fast approaching; this be ing the case our friends over the way Messrs. M AO "Breinig, have prepared themselves with an assortment of Sprin'g,and Summer Goods not to be excelled by nny Merchant Tailoring establi& merit in this Borough. -.Thesegenileu3ark tirade , termined, to keep pace with the Writ of the times' in fashion, style and ,worlimariship t . ' and befng both practical mechanics, they have ne'diffiatilty in pleasing their customers, they releTorth No. 3, East Hamilton Street. • Lehigh Tranefibkathni Company.—, Th is comps. ny have passed all their boats through the break, and arc now prepared to transmit freight from any place on the immediate line upon the short est notices. Their Boats are all in excellent con dition, and maned by sober and industrious crews. Merchants, Mechanics and Tradesmen, see their card in another column. Pleasure carriages.—Strangers visiting Allen.' town, are no more certain to admire the general beauty of the place, than to remark the good taste displayed here in the article of Pleasure Car, riagc.s. Among the manufacturers who have con tributed to this brancls.of k life's elegant necessi ties, none are perhaps entitled to greater credit than Mr. Robert Kramer. He is himself a weal man of superior skill, aed knowing when a job is done right, is careful not to send any- thing out, like King Richard ' , scarce half made up." See his advertisement in another column. Book Notices The Knickerbocker.—The Muy number, of this monthly periodical has been received. It is admitted to be ono of the best American Mag azines of the day. Every thing in it is good and well repay the time, expended in perusing. The editors table is a feature peculiar in this Magazine and is alone worth the full price of subscription. For five dollars, persons can se cure the "Knickerbocker," the 'Home Journal,' and the "Musical World." The reputation of the latter Journals, one as' a "family paper," and the other as a "musical record" will alone repay tho price of supscription. Persons wish ing to subscribe can do so by addressing Morris and Willis, New York. Illu.stratal Magazine of Art—The.May num ber is the fifth of this admitrable work. No. less than forty. illustrations abound throughout its pages. Each number contains sixty four pages and present a very beautiful appearance. The articles with which its columns are filled, aro of such character, as at once conveys to the mind of the reader the impression that the ed- itors are adepts in the art •of catering for the public taste. Appleton's Mechanics Atagazino.—This is anew publication, devoted to the interest and instruc tion of the Mechanic, and published by D. Appleton & Co. No. 200 Broadway, New York, at three dollars per annum. The presont num ber contains a sketch 01 the Railroad bridge over the Genesee river, at Portage, New York. The pier is 30 feet above the water upon which the trestle work rests at a height of 190 feet; the total height of the bridge being 234 feet above the .bed of the river. Persons wish ing to examine this work can do so by calling at our office. £W No. 4 of this Magazine has not been re ceived, will the publishers aee that we get it? All Berka.—The farmers of Berks county, at a late meeting of the Agricultural Society, have resolved to contribute a block of native stone with suitable inscription; to the Washington Monukent. For this purpose the Executive cum. mince has bean authorized to receive contribu tions from the citizens of the several townships in which they reside, to be limited to five cfnts from each person. The list of the contribu(tirs to be kept by the Society. Death of Aidge Gibson The Judiciary of Pennsylvania has lost its greatest ornament. Hon. John Bannister Gibson Judge of the Supreme Court, and for many years Chief Justice of the State, died at two o'clock this morning, at the United States Hotel, in this city, where for several days his afflicted family have been awaiting in agonizing sus• pense the termination of his honored life. His disease was an aflection of the stomach, which completely baffled the best medical treatment. It is a satisfaction to know lhat•his lust hours were not disturbed by severe suffering, and that even when prostrated on the bed of death, his great intellect remained unclouded to the last. His death is a severe loss to the State and a bitter affliction to his . family and friends who, with all their admiration of this talents, - were-more-strongly-bound-to-him -by-those gentlip and generous traits of personal character of which the world at large can - know Redding. —Judge-Gibson-watr horn - in - fiurlislcO'ennsy I vania, in the year 1780 and was consequently seventy-three years of age. He was the son• of Col. George Gibson, a well-known and distill:. guished officer of the revolutionary war, who fell while fighting with the Indians, at St Clair's defeat, in 1791. He was educated'at Dickin son College where he graduated in 1800. He then studied law under Thomas Duncan, Esq. of Carlisle, and was admitted to the bar in 1803. After some interval employed in the selection of a place to commence practice, he filially opened an office in Carlisle. He was sent twice to the Legislature, in 1810 and 1811,giv ing a zealous support to the administrations of Governor Snyder and President Madison. •In 1812 Governor Snyder appointed him Judge of the 11th Judicial District, just organized in Northern Pennsylvania, and in 1818 he was elevated to the Supreme Bench. • In - 1827, on the death of Chief' Justice Tilghman, Gov. Shultz appointed him to the vacancy, and he held the office from that time until 1851, when the amendment to the Constitution made the Judiciary elective. Having received the Dem ocratic nomination, Judge Gibson was elected to the Supreme Bench by a large majority, and drew the nine yearsyterm, of which scarcely a year and a half had elapsed-at his death. This is a mere outline of. a Jong judical Ills which was marked as much by labor as it was by sound learning and clear atellect. The-Penn sylvania reports contain many thousands of cases in which he was engaged, in a large por tion of which he delivered the opinions. These 23prrnons are recognized every where as among the soundeat,-the .iditarest, the most learned, and the; most:' itiipOrttintlo be found in any American , : rerolts:::Thay fiava•inade Judge GibsOuiditatrte respepted Ihoughout the Union and fiieViath Will be lamented wherever legal learningle appreciated, as that of one of the most brilliant lights of the American bar. In addition to hie professional accomplish isents, Judge Gibson was a man of refined and elegant taste and a ivartn lover of the arts and of letters. He was indulgent, kind and stead fast in his friendship, and never forgetful for a service, however slight. Throughout his long life, over forty years of which were spent upon the bench, he bore an unspotted name and his surviving friends have the consolation of knowing that he has achieved that highest of of all honors which springs from a faithful per formance of all his duties.---Evening Balkan. Where the IVloney Goes. l'he importations of Foreign goods at New York, during thrssfirst four months of the pres ent year, amount to no lees than thirty millions seven hundred and fifty-one thousand, nine hundred and twenty three dollars, being an in crease over the same period of last year of ten millions, nine hundred 'and twelve thousand, seven hundred forty six dollars. Of this sum eleven millions wore for silks alone ; seven millions for woollen goods; six millions for cot tons. Free ' rade is in the ascendant. No wonder mo ey is scarce. Allotment of Contracts On the Lehigh Valley Rail Road. Sect. 10. Miller & Bowen. 4: 11. Thomas Craig, Jr. 12. 13. John F. Wallace & Co. 4 , 14, 15. Amos Lentz. 4 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. David Lowry & Co. 4 , 27, 28.. James Andrews' & Co. 4 , 29. Alexander McKey. 44 30, 31. Kuntz & King. 44 35. James Andrews & Co. " 37, 38. Miller & Bowen. 39,40, 41, 42, 43, 44. James Miller & Co. ~ 45, 47. Duffin & Wireback. '• 48, John Maguire. Masonry in River Bridge below Mauch Chunk, George Kisner. Regrading of the old Beaver Meadow Rail Road, from Mauch Chunk to Lehighton, Daniel Bertsch. From Lehighton to Perryville, Jonas Bowman. All the sections not giien in this list, have been let, and are in progress, except a few very light ones, which-will take only about two months to complete, and which will be put under contract during the coming fall. Arthur Springs Death Warrant !—The. Sheriff of Philadelphia, on Monday last, received from Harrisburg, the Warrant signed by'Gov. BroLsn, dooming the blood.stained and heartless Mur derer, Arthur Spring, to the ignemlnions death of the Gallows ! The Execution is fixed for Fri^ day, the 10th day of June next. Sherrill' ALLEN . , accompanied by Mr. llazle burst, his Solicitor, went the stima afternoon to the County Prison, and read the Death Warrant to Spring, who assumed a careless air and again persisted in his innocence, denying.any partici paiion in the Murder of Mrs. Lyncht and Shaw. Tickling.—ln Troy last week, a young , man was fined three dollars for tickling a married la• dy. Tho man plead common usage in justifica tion; bat the lady argued, (and she had , the beat of it,) that if It was common usage, it as not common right, and that every lady possessed the, right of choosey her own tickler. - Recovery of a Horse The following incident related by the West Chester Register t Examiner, shows two things —the value of Advertising, and the importance of our German farmers learning to read and speak the English language, so as to be under stood when away from home. The Register says :—‘.'Last Thursday week two young men entered our sanctum, and commenced talking to us in German at a furious rate. Having for gotten most of the little we ever knew of that language, we cut them short, by shaking our head and saying that we could not un derstand. Unhappily they knew as little of English as we did of German. Here was a dilemma. Something of more than ordinary importance was evidently striving for utterance —they were the beaters of some unusual in telligence, but-were unable to make-themselved understood. At length one of them bethought him of apiece of writing - in his pocket; and - handed - it - torusTitisroooTwas - itrGertvm We motioned one of them to read it, and by pronouncing more slowly than in conversation we understood from it, that a horse had been stolen from Benneville Reber, near Heidelberg Berks county, and that they were members of a horse company in pursuit. After a long siege we managed by the aid of their little English, and our little German, together with a plentiful quantity of motions to get what we wore satis fied was a correct, though brief, description of the horse. Front this we made up an adver tisement, and they paid for it and departed.— On Sunday, we learned that the horse was iden tified by this advertisement, and in less than two days after the publication, information was on the way to the.owner where the horse was to be found. Here is a striking example of the benefits of advertising. From information in our possession, we are lead to believe but for that advertisement, costing but half a dollar, the owner would in all probability never have heard front his horse. Murder in Armstrong Counly.—The Alleglw : ny Enterprise states, that on Friday last, a melt named Cassell, captain of a section boat on tae Pennsylvania canal, when near Freeport, got off the boat to fasten a line on the berme side, and, while doing so, was murdered. The crew of the boat searched the neighborhood. but were unable to find the murderer. The murder created a great excitement in Freeport, and a large num. ber of the citizens started in search of the wretch but the latest accounts state that had not yet been discovered. The darkness of the night pre; vented those on the boat witnessing the deed. Verdict in the Murder Casein Pittsburgh. Eight and a half Days in the'jury Room.-9n Saturday morning, at half past 11 o'clock, the jury in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Afary Delaney, alias Jones, came into court, 19614' agreed upon a verdict. They found the defen dant, Mary Delaney, guilty of manslaughttr, but recommended her to the mercy of the c t turt.— The counsel for the defence, after the verdict had been recorded in the docket, took exception to it, on the ground that it was delivered to the court in writing, the finding of the jury not be•• ing pronounced by the jurors in open court. The exception was entered on the record. The jury, in the case retired on Thursday evening, the,2d of April ; consequently they were confine to the jury room for eight days and a half. burgh Post, May 2. Another Murder.—We learn that a mea i natned Casper Landparter, for whom a bend' warrant was issued at Pittsburgh, was overmaken a few miles from Butler-by the officers, mid arrested.— Under pretence of changing his linen the officers went with him to his room in the, tavern, where he drew a pistol and knife, antl i kaled , one of the officers instantly, and wounded , the other so sc'• . vcrely that he has since died. 'Bite murderer, is of French extraction—five feet.len inches high, about fortyfive years of eke, one eye very bfack high check bones, and very dark complexion.— He was seen, it is supposed, within ten, miles of Meadville, on Sunday last, in the vicinky of the road to Franklin. i New York and Erie Railroad Earnin s.—Tho receipts of the Erie Railroad ( or the °nth of April, were $423,076 56. Receipts or April, 1852, $320,622 95 ; increase $102,25 ,61. - The aggregate receipts for the first filar months of the present year have been $1,407, 1 295, against $945,303 same.time last year. The Erie Rail. rued has only been completed throlgh to Lake' Erie two years, and it cannot be f onsidered as thoroughly done until a double trtek is finished. An income 0f55,000,000, which NOII probably be the amount recieved this year, isbut a foreshad owing of what may in future bp/expected. A Hunter of Kentucley.—Thcl r correspondent of the Evansville Journal, write,' as follows, about a Kentuccy hunter: ' "Wat Ecicman—it would/o you good to see him—has followed hunting f a livelihood since the year 1831. Since that periud he says he has killed 38 bears, 984 wolves, 3,847 coons, 990 foxes, 901 wild geese, 2,040 Occason's, 44 ground hogs, 80 wild cats; 14 pole-cats, 209 minks be, il sides squirrel, quail and other s all game be yound his power to calculate. 7' e sum he has realixed from his game, skins, 48cc falls but little short of $12,000." A Dashing "Jour."—The editok of the Cincin nati Nonpariel went into his °lgoe a few days ago, and found a new compositor at the desk; setting like the devil, (printer's devil.) ;Upon a close obsgient, the volunteer dur, prolied to be no one else, than the much adpired snd,renown ed Lola hlontez. Theeditor of the Ban bad made inviduous remarks in noticing her tieb tin that city, and in the way of retaliation she • ent.into . the Nonpariel aloe, pqt an article it ty which rather eclipsed the Bun." - Railroad Slode.--Itia'etated that t e .perte of the earnings of fourteen Itallnierla inn. India eriminately fiorn Ohio, Ilarylittid,P.. niylvanist, New York, venal In Jana' a d'Georgla, show a unfrersal ineriase Na - hr ringing from 11 to 100 per cent; and in one ot two In stances to about 160 per cc Thi Indicates a flourtahlogt condition. • I • GLEANING rirA Union Whig Convention has been cat• led in Georgia, to meet on the fourth Wednesday id June. artoiet ffivetor - dred at th , almshouse in New Dedford, Masse, on Sdaday, t the advanced aged of 108 years. 1 - .3" the Artesian tell now being bored in Charleston, S. C. has already attained the depth of 1061 feet. Major 'Weldon, the kngineer, is confident of ultimate success in his search for water. a'The Detroit Pree Press say.; that in that city no less than $lOO,OOO are Invested in the manufacture of ale and bear, ant that the brett. era consume 60,000 bushels of Orb' annually. EITIf a man would only 100 at himself when he was drunk, he never wou i rrink again.. U I 'll is said that if you ntly tickle a bull. frog 'on the back - of the - head - with - a - feather,--he will sit and cry like a child ' - PrThe United States p secs-a hundred mil. lion acres of public land tlat t e oot o hew.ate man never trod. The French gov nment maintains (Orr, thousand four hundred nd twenir eight priests, at an annual expense about nine millions of dollars. OrHe who wane good sense. is unhappy in having learning, fir he has thereby more ways of exposing himself. De c fi ni terms before you begin discussion. Doing this oroughly, will often end the contro versy bef e it has begun. CrNeter marry until you can face the music of the bylcher, grocer, dress maker, twenty.eight cousinsand several babies. igrWhy is an old coat like an iron kettle'! Becarse it represents hard ware. ri'Slanders are like flies, that leap over all a mat's good parts to light upon his sores. ar Col. James W. Coffroth, formerly connec. te,J with the Spirit of the Times in this city, and Ittiterly a member of the California Senate, has been appointed Secretary of that State. cfr F. K. Curran, of Marietta, has been ap pointed to a Clerkship in the Philadelphia Post Office. Or The Secretary of the Treasury has re, moved all the present light house keepers in Maine, twenty-four in number, and appointed Democrats in their places.—A Clean Sweep. tar J . M. Haldeman, Esq., was, unanimously elected on Tuesday last, Preaident'of the Harris !nag Dank in place of Thomas Elder, Esq . ., de ehsed. ;re.The. papers-throughout the great West .s peak of the growing grain crops as being in the most promising condition, and giving token of an abundant harvest. Hoarding Silver.—A recent trial in the Dauphin County court brought to light the facts that two German families, living in the same neighbor hood in our county, had hoarded up a large quantity of silver for thirty years, and we pre sume it would have been hoarded for many years more but that a servant girl found the box es and bags containing it, and helped herself to a few hundred.' What-a -rediculous system it.is to keep money hid away in a house for years and years, losing the interest and being subject to all the attendant risks. Instead of doing this, all persons having money' should loan it out to some prudent business men; and have it all the time accumulating.—This would help trade and commerce, improve the country, and increase the fund for the owner,--Dean. Railroads in the West.—Same idea of the busi. ness done upon the railroads of the West may be formed from the following. A few days since there started from Detroit . ; a train of eighty jive freight cars in one string, propelled by two of the most powerful locomotives in the country. The train was bound for Chicago, and the greater part of its vast load was carried to the mer: chants of that thrivtng village: Since the first of April, just such trains have started almost daily from the depot of the Central Railroad for the same place. On Thursday evening a pas senger train left the depot for the weat,composed of 29 most splendid new passenger and lug gage cars, of this company, containing 900 pas sengers, and almost one quarter of a mile long. Two Great Discoveries-:-We are told, that two important discoveries have recently been made in the manufacture of oil and the production of light. Although probably known to quite a num ber of persons, the details have not yet been spread before the public If we are correctly low formed,the oil is obtained with singulareconomy and abundance, benzole, which Is ,also one of the products in the distillation of coal, is by an improved apparatus, converted Into gas for illu mination.—Bosfon Transcript. The North Penurylimners Railroad Company.= . The Legislature of the State, shortly previous to its adjournment, passed an act changing the corporate name of the . Philadelphia,tastou and Water Gap Company to that ofthe "North Penn• sylyania." We have used the nett? styli of the company in an , article in another column, and we presume that after the next ,meeting of the Board of Directors, all ionsiness of the company will be transacted under the new style.—D.Nems. E.Death by Contracting Divan From a .I .f ertet , Dr. Peter A. Stoutenburgh, ono, of the l'd'Orotiers of Queen's county, L. L. ,died !Os reilitOtio6, East Norwich, on the 9.2 d ult. it appear, that the celebrated trotting stallion °male, of width the Doctor was the owner.) was Alice:with the glanders, and ultimately had to be killed. In his attention to the animal the, Doctor In some way became diseased, which progressed so, rapidly that in a few days It termiate&fatally. Growing .Madtkr.—A gerisin agricultural jour nal in this State has been .endeavoring to per suade the farmer to grow Midder.",,,lt is genet . * ally thought, however, that thqhrmers bad bet ter tiot Undertake it, as , theylvouldcoute in com. 'petition with the :.I.ocofo'co- c:fileereetikera thou. sands of whom - have been growing madder ever since the 4th of Match. The Guillotine Gorged-411e Posttnastir. Gen. eral, Mr. Campbell, is sweeping out •the Whig Postmasters in all direethini, He out oil the beads of about a hundred a day.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers