GLEANINGS• 12rForty.three steamboats were discharging and receiving, freight at, St, Louis on . Saturday week, and ten at Wheeling on last Friday. Pit-Oranges, weighing 14 ottnee t have been sent from Bermuda to the New York Crystal Palace exhibition. 'Or The Chambersitarg Whig states that two drovers recently, purchased in Washington coun_ ty, Md., for Mr. John Landis of this county, four large cattle, whose average weight is 2600 lbs. far An ox, 16 heads high, and weighing 9500 lbs. has arrived at Si. Louis from Weston, Mo., in route for the New York World's Fair. 1127 - A steamboat Will shortly ply upon the Susquehanna river to Sunbury, Pa. rip The first potatoes this season made their appearance in the. Savannah market on the - 9111 and sold at $1 per quart. ©'The visit of the Pope, to Paris, is now spoken of as doubtful, Louis Napoleon . _ having declined to make any concession on the marriage question. 10" Men have not altered materially since Shakespeare said:qo be honest as-this wcirld goes, is to be one picked out of ten thousands." CrThe lead mines which were discovered a few years ago below Sunbury, Pa., and which were at that time worked to some extent, have been purchased by. a company of gentlemen, who intend going into the lead business. Or Diamonds are sometimes found in the crops of chickens in the diamond districts of Brazil. OTThe "rapping" mania is filling the lunatic asylums with victims, and doing more mischief than any other nuisance that ever existed. The bed-chambei of Napoleon, at Si. Helena, is now a stable,and the room in whiCh he breath ed his last is used for threshing and winnowing 1211:2 Cr The favourite airs played by the native bands in India are, "Lucy Latig." .Carry me back," and the other negro meledies. Su says Bayard 'raylor,_who heard limn at a marriage festival a few days after reaching Bombay. . Female Prink:v.—The New York Mirror says that an advertisement appeared in,4 morning pa pet...girls to learn the printing" trade, and it was melancholy to see the flocks of girls thronging Ann street in seach for the usituations." `IgAJLRIEI O'a'th' . . 2.8 d 'Of :April:, by. the Rev: Isaac Beller,- Mr; Atiob'lllferkel,7 of- Richtnond, lir Berkscounty, to' Nisi Erriqfct Sch va \ tx, of 303 Mactingorliifcounty.'... -.. ". • .:, ,• On the 10th of April, by the . g v. m. A. Helfrich, Mr. David ..Ttnerr, to iss iya ria Derr, both of Weiienburg. r On the 19th of April, by the sa e, Mr. Francis Busse, of Allentown, to Mt s Na ry . .ann Schiele, of Weisenburg: • ' On the 21st of. April, by the Rev. .A. Bauer, Mr. George Bauer, to Miss Oa D. Clauss, both of Lehighton. On the 29th df April, by Rev. Josh unYea ger, Rev. Charles Becker, of Kreiders ille, to Miss Carolina Yeager, of Hanover. DIED; On the 25th of April, of diarrhea, in liartOe, Siark county, Ohio. Charles Berm formerlY of Allentown, aged 20 years. On the 7th of April, in Lynn township,; Catharine. wife of Jacob Fenstermacher, aged 79 years. On the 25th, of April, in Allentown, .. flare C. Ehrig, aged 9 years. On the 29th, of April, in Catasauqu Dallas Gangzver, aged 2 years. Dry ,Goods Dry Goods! The subscribers would hereby inform the public that they hay ereceived their Spring supplies of New Goode,and that they were so much engaged in seling,thern, that they forget to advertise, but as the 'printer's say there is nothing lost by advertising, they will follow their advice and make known, that they have received their third spring purchase of Dry Goods, among which are the most, desirable articles for Ladies and Gentlementi wear,lhat the New York and Philadelphia Market affords, which will be sold at very red vced, price 4. GROCERIES. . - They have just received a large supply of Groceries from NeW York and expect to reCaiyain a few days; by the Delaware Canal q uantity, purchased in Philadelphia inOe beginning of the months of March and APril;all • of-‘oich will be sold at a small adtrance'oh the cost. • • PRETZ, GUTH & CO. May '4,1e53. if—Ow . SALT.. . 2QO sacks Liverpool Ground Salt, 75 sacks Ashton Fine Salt tofeale by' • FRETZ, GUTH & CO: ANAIDTh E R EL, " 2' a r;'fi;lp 'and half barrels also scalefish ' hi-whole baiiels at a very low price for sale' by - • WIETX, GUTH & co. Stone • Oo Chesnut i •Btove, Egg:and' Lump Coal, ill any quantity desired for sale by Pwrz; qUTH & CO. ••• „ „ „ , • , WAN T ED. "Pirnidhy Ray,' Wheat ‘ Rye, Corn and for,widoli'dio."'higatn; market , prlce wt l ba:1)04 by PRETZ cAUTEI •Sc, CO May '4,185% ' ¶--Ow -• • • litelat i rTAP• • A:good Cooper. .wity,iowlyi to wor himself and emPloytotkeptlpivskk far, hi in making rout pittrelav - prooe , bo. workman need apply bat tb.ik good wor man constant work and' gQ int*:3ol.l: • gutirrapted. ' r • PRETZ, WITH do CO: '''Jartiiety.2, 1858. ' 1 - • 9-44 w autwta In AND ILI) FOR 8.1. LE. WILL be sold at Public Sale, on Satu - day the 21st day of May next, at 1 o'clock in the,afternoon, at the Public House of Mr. Benjamin Ilagcnbucli, in the Borough of Allentown, the following ay, it : Tilo Story Br! , ,?.; Situate on the North East . corner of Eighth and Gordan streets, all in the Borough of Allentown, 120 feet front on Eighth, and 40 feet in front on Gordon street. Attached to the house is a vary handsome Piazza and • Porch, a good Cistern° with a chain Pump, lightning Rod, &c. The Lot, is handsoniely enclosed - with - a - pale - tame, and 'planted with good fruit trees.• The conditions will be made known on the day of sale and due attendance_giyen. by PHILIP KLAY. 'll-3w May 4. Malgita7illtato Zongstreth af•lirothe HAVE removed directly opposite the old stand, to the superior five story store, No. 8, NORTH THIRD STREET, And are now fully prepared to exhibit to the public, an UNSURPASSED VARIETY of 111.1 LI, PAPER, From the lowest priced AMERICAN menu factu re, to the superior ENGLISH a FRENCH, from the well known houses of DELACOURT, ZUBER and others. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. The most efficient and polite workmen employ ed to hang the paper, if required. Philadelphia, May 4, ¶--175—0w Allentown Seminary. The Summer Session of this School, will commence on the Ist of May next. Such as wish to enter are requested to apply early to the Principal. _ _ April 6, 1853. Pelton's System of Geography Splendid Outline This system of teaching Geography is ra pidly becoming introduced in all the schools throughout the country. The series con sists of seven' maps, each covering about .fifty,:square feet; boldly delineated, brilliantly colored; varnished and mounted,, and form ing the most magnificent, as well as the most usefUl part Mlle furniture of the school room. ' Pelton's Key to Hemispheres. This is intended_for the use of pupils corn me,ncing the study, and a good knowledge of the Geography of the world may be ob tained from it. Pelton's Key to Full Series, Containing a minute description of each state and country, the olitical and physical features of• the earth, &c. forming a complete epitome of the whole subject. W here these keys are used in connection with the maps, no other work is necessary in the hands of the pupil, and their cost is about one third the usual price of a Geography and Atlas. Wherever this system has been tried, it has excited the admiration of all who wit nessed it, ,and we might fill a volume with the testimnpials received in its favor. Wo I append but one. Rsanzao, March 1859. Believinthe introduction of Pelton's sys tem of teac ling Geography -by the use . of his series of utline Maps, into the schools of ,otti. city, wo d enable the pupils to acquire At better, me lasting, and more practical knowledge of that science, than is general ly acquired, dirt ono fourth of the time usually devotet to that study, the under signed, Teckhe)l in Reading, most cheerful ly reccomnkenOlt to the Directors of the different wads, 7pr their;adoption. T. SeVern, Pm ypal, N.W. Male Gram mer School.. " Rachel D. ris trn, Principal, N. W. Fe \ - male Gramme S 001. . '- goo. It TricY , 4:lncipal, N. W. male ndary 'School. try S. Halls, lacipal;N; W. Female .. -. tdary School. . . V. ; Hamlin, Prncipal. Orem, Principal, S. W. Siicondary M. l A. Jeffras, Assisfent. • Peter Cleaver, Prnbipal, S. W. male Secoodary School. , . S. Abbott, Principal; S. W. Gramtner School. . Sec! M Seco H. M. School C. Heebner, Assistant.' , , James S. Lee, Principal ; Spruce Ward Gra4mer scltool. Jqhn T. Budolphy, pritcipal, Spruce We'd Secondary School. Lydia L. • Cresson, Prineval, Spruce Ward Grammer School. 111 C. Bertolet, Principal, Secondary School: \ , %erg() Printz, Principal, S. E. Ward Gra mi S. School.noi:ne e i r Principal, S. Gra mer School. . B 11, W. Jones, Principal, E. Ward .\ Ward Sec ndary School., , tharine Hynemart, Principes. .E E. yV Secondary School. `, oph Milsburgsr, Principal, `E. v ir; C. A. llchooalr.per, Principal, N. \E . 'rd H. IlteralMl,Prinpipal, N. E. W. s eco i,.• dary ScooL :,.,./..\ • Price' f fall mirk* ape $25 00. " Maps received bY,..itie-filill,liii era, nod. Maps or Keys set, to Ail )P.t Ake countll: .•\. • ' I \ ~ . , S e , • ' . ... t rae. • • . ... , 1 ' ..13ookee le add P' lie hers.,, 84,,Dt.:rhird t,redt,: Philadelphia. tp1, , 1553., ',.;• - ' :;• • 11-4 m No. Phila OB PR cipeditiou Office of the 4 =I =EI C. R. KESSLER ¶-4w aps. T the a l‘egieter."- 1~ env Allainery Goons \\NW? Respectfully invites the attention of the La • dies.of Allentown and its vi -41, si^o inity thttt she•imiatigaiowit'ire . f W Is o n teßow 0 11 1110,East Hamilton street, A lentown near 'the - German Reformed Church, directly opposite . Voilimilratifirsy***aa, where she has received a large assortment of new and Fashionable Millinery Goods. Her variety consists in part of French Lace Blonde, Blonde Lace, Fluted Lace, Embroi dered HairTripoli, - colored embroidered Bel grades, English Dunstables. All kinds of Casin Bonnets, Mourning bonnets, French, and all kinds of A rtificials, Caps, Facecaps. and all kirids - of Ribbons, &c. &c. Repairing, shaping, whitening and pres-. sing after the latest fashion, and equal to any city establisment, is_ always done at tho shortest possible notice. 4141.selissarlittitm, makes it evident that her stock of Bonnets, is of the most fasionable selection, and prices correspondingly reason able. She trusts that a generous public will extend to her a liberal patronage, for which she will always feel grateful. UV - Country Milliners will find it to their advantage by giving. her a call, as she will sell to them at a very low advance. . April, 13.. ¶-3m man Mall. A German Ball will be held on the ing of the 10th of May next, (Whitmonday) at the UNION HousE, of Henry C. Roth, on the North East corner of Market Square and Seventh Street, Allentown, to which lovers of good music and fashionable German dime. ing are politely ihvited. 10" Mr. ROTH, has engaged a full band of German musicians of Easton, who will be present on the occasion. HENRY / O. ROTH. May 4, Allentown Hotel. The undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the , public in ueneml, that they have on the first of April became proprietors of the Public House, lately kept by David Heller, on the North west corner of Hamil• ton Street and Market Square, Allentown so well known as the ameittolvis' Hole- Oir.4ic4 they. have fitted a new and. hand ..4;;1.1..1,9\...*: • ~.eorne style, .forthe ac CommodatiOn of the home and travelling Am. 110111.1,11111c7-7-7-_,. custom. Their Table willalwaysbe supplied with the best the market affords. Their Bar with the choicest liquors and wines, and prompt and obliging servants are always ready to attend to the wants of their cus tomers. They have taken the House, with a de termination to spare no pains or expense, to make their Hotel equal to any in this county, and by personal attention, to give any satisfaction to their customers. They.therefore respectfully request those who visit. Allentown, either from the imme diate neighborhood, or from a distapce to make The dllentown Hotel, their home, and test the truth of their assertion. WStarr,ea leave the above Hotel, daily for New York, Philadelphia, Reading, Ert ton, Mauch 'Chunk and Hamburg. DAVID. KILIPER. TILGHMAN H. GOOD. Allentown, April 13. ¶-3m Dr. S. V; Barites, DEMTIST. -..---- No. 48, East Hamilton street, Al " 1 ''''''' lentown, adopts this method to in form hill friends and the public in general, that he has made Allentown his permanent reeidence. He has opened an office at his dwelling, opposite Bechtel's American Ho tel, if few doors east of Prctz, Guth &Co's. Store, where he will be happy to offer his professional services in the science ol Den tistry. He will call at private residences, if requested. re His terms are reasonable, and having had much ,experience in the professions, feels satisfied that he can give general satis faction. Allentown, April 24, 1851 New Supply of Coal I Farmers .Limeburners LOOK HERE. . The undersigned have just received, and constantly keep on hand, a large supply of all kinds of Coal, suitable for Farmers and Limeburners, and the coal consuming pub lic in general, which they will'clispose of at the following reduced prices: ' Chestnut Coal at $2 25 Extra Nut Coal, $2 37 Egg, Stove and Lump at $3 25 • EDF,LMEN, HAIM & CO. April 20, 1853. . if —Ow Queensware ! Queensware ! A general assent - gent of Tea and Dinner setts, Chamber setts, Pitchers, Bowls, Tea and Coffee cups, Glasswarut of every de `seriptioroogether`with a general assortment .of trvery article in thatline of goods, to which the attention of those contemplating house keeling are,particulatly invited. J. ,VV. GRUBB. y` arch 30. ' 11—Ow , SATIP. SALT. A larta titiiintity-of Groand and fine Salt, l RETZ,OUTI4 & CO. December- "1-4 w holesale Variety Store, Wm. S. Weil, No. 39, WEST HAMILTON STREET, ALMA' , jo l ter Infjpps)is fri e p • en A eta.lMOWhas a y r oved his estab is!.l me the three stor building, on the lar k a NfflUisid of West .a , • on str t, N 0.39, a f Ea .9 0 , , i.i i• e buc,,, I.t :I wit t -s •n o.en ' ! intr ( '. 1 ways keep on hand, a large and beautiful assortment of new and Fashionable Jewelry, Violins, Violin Strings Buttons of all de scriptions, French and Domestic Suspen _ tiers, Whalebone; Combs of alt kinds, plain and ribbed Perrusion ( aps, Linen and Cotton Tapes, Books and:Eyes, Slay Bindisigs,•La: - - - ce s, Edging, Bobinet, Col- • lars of all descriptions, La dies Dress Trimmings, Kii• ti ,Pins_, German . y.g Pit ' Bread, Need- kpoo otton of different make, all kinds of Fancy Soap, and Perfumery, Razors and Razor Straps, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Lead Pencils, Slate Pencils, Britania 4- lest Silver Plated Spoons, and Sewing Silks. He also just received 100 cases of his supe / rior friction Matches, which are so ex ensively known thoughout this county and ich•he will sell as cheap if not cheaper han they cari be bought elsewhere. The friends of Music will take notice that he sells Musical instruments either by the - dozen or by the piece. Country Merchants will bear in mind, that he will always keep on hand a large as sortment of the above mentioned articles and many more which are too tedious to men tion in this catalogue. The above articles will be sold wholesale at prices as cheap as they can be purchased either in Philadelphia or New York, and to convince his country. friends of this fact it is only necessary for them to call and examine his stock of goods and price them. Mr. WEIL, hopes by punctual attendance to business, and'by adopting the motto, of iismall profits and quick sales" he will se cure a liberal share of public patronage. WILLIAM S. WEIL. April 20, 1953. . 11-6 m New Boot and Shoe Store, John F. Reeser, "•.• Respectfully informs the citizens of Allen town, and "the public generally, that he has `re-cothrikced the fashionable BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, -No. 13, East Hamilton street, two doors west of J. B. Moser's Apothecary Store, where he is now manufacturing, and will keep constantly on hand, a large as= u sortment of c „,ga sim . 440 Ladies and GENTLEMENS' Boots and Shoes 01 every description, which he will sell at moderate prices. Work made to order at the shortest notice. For neatness and durability, he can confi dently say his work shall not be surpassed. He will employ none but the best work men, and will give his close personal atten tion to his business. The public patronage is therefore respectfully solicited. Give him a call. Recollect the place. Allentown, April 20, 1853. ¶-3m A NEW LANDLORD ! At the Rising Sun. •'. The subscriber takes this method to inform 4 1 13 5!. his friends, and the T public'in general, that he has lately taken 111111111(1111r- the well known tavern • stand in the Borough of Allentown, sign of the RISING SUN, which he has refitted in the most comfortable manner. He has occupied the same from the lst of April last, and he will make it his business to add manr.other improvements to the convenience of those who' may favor him with their custom, and make it equal to any public house in the place. His Bar will be supplied with the choic est.of liquors, his Table set with all the sea son affords; and his Beds are all new and clean ; in short, neithei trouble or expense will be saved, to accommodate .customers in the very best Manner.: His stabling large and convenient, with the hydrant water, in the yard, and an atten tive ostler to attend to customers. He trusts his strenuous exertions to ac commodate thoi&idle may favor him with their calls, will be the means of bringing him numerous new .thetomers. • 'JOSEPH WENDEL. A pril 13...''' 11-3 m 11-11 • Lehigh Co. Bible Society. A general meeting of the friends of this Society, will be held in Friedees: Church, Washington township, on ....Whitmonday, May lath, commencing af...10 . o'clock, A. M. •It is sincerely hoped that:all who feel an interest in the circulation of the. Bible will endevor to be present. April 27, • • w Synodal Meeting. The Goshenhoppen Classic, of the Ger man Reformed Synod,. will hold their an us! meeting, at Zionavllle, Upper Milford towdship, Lehigh county; on Tuesday Sd, and 'continue to the sth of May next. The friends of Religion are respectfully tnvixed to attend. " ' ' • ' Mr. Krauss's Music'Etriod' &vim tit festival with presence. ' By order.Vll4eCoileri:egcstion: ' Upper !Wilford, April `,2;r:. WI II3 • C‘47 (EKM:EO a Grand Exhibition -OF- alkonable Spring and Summer (0 (Mb ei 8 AT THE New Cheap Store OF • Getz 4* Gibert, These gentlemen - , take this method to in form their friends and the public in general that they have received a very large and well selected stock of 'Spring and Summer Goods, which they are now ready to dis pose off to - their customers at the loWest prices. Their Spring and Summer stock has been selected witiathe utmost care and. consists of • Clothes, Cassimers, Satinets, Flannels, Gloves and Hoseiry, besides De laines,-Alapaccas, Lusters, Gingham. Plain and Figured Poplins; - Muslins - and - Prints, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Queonsware, Hardware, Looking Glasses, Stationary, Books, &c., To which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, confident that the fullest satisfaction, both in price and quality, will be given to all who may fa vo them with a call. • The highest prices will be paid in ex change for County produce. They have reason to be thankful for the favors received thus far and hope by atten tion to business, disposing of their goods at small profits, good treatment towards their customers to merit still a greater share of customers. GETZ & GILBERT. April 20, 1853. 11-6 m • Groceries Fish 4' Salt. The undersigned have just received an emirs new Stock of Groceries, Fish and Salt which they intend to sell at the low est prices at their Store in Catasauqua, Le high county. GETZ & GILBERT. April 20, 1853. 117--Om COAL ! COAL ! The undersigned have opened a Coal -Yard in_Catasauqua,-and-will- constantly keep on hand all kinds of Coal which they will sell at greatly reduced prices. , GErZ & April 20, 1853. ilf=-6tn • In the Court orCommon Pleas Of .Lelligle Coutigi: February 12, 1853, the court adoptiid the following rules to be Observed hereafter : ' “Hereafter the terms of the several courts of Lehiffh county, shall continue two weeks at the December and February terms ; and if necessary, two weeks at May and Septem ber terms, and the business therein shall be regulated as follows, to wit : First—The first week shall be devoted to the business of the Grand Jury, and the tri al of criminal cases; the disposal of cases on the argument list, of the Common Pleas, Orphans Court, and Quarter Sessions, and the regular Orphans Court business of the County: That the regular Orphans Court day shall be Tuesday of the first of the term, on which day the acknowledgement of Sher ill's-Deeds shall also be taken. Sccond—The second week of the term, shall be devoted to the trial of cases on the civil list, and to the hearing of such motions for rules, etc., as are usually granted with out argument; but no regular argument shall be heard during said - week, so long . as the Jury are in attendance. From the Records, TEsrg.—F. E. SAMUELS, Proth'y. April 2,11--4 w C. M. R, u n k, attorney at Law. Has resumed the practice of his profes sion in Allentown. 13rHo may be consulted in the German and English languages. August 12, 1852. WILLLIM S. MARX ATTORNEY.& COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office in the eastern front room of the building of John D. Lawall, formerly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse. Allentown, April 4, 1850 'GROCERIES! Who does not know that J. W. Grubb, sells the cheapest and best groceries in town and also that he has just received a fresh supply, which ho is selling cheaper than ever, at the Peoples' Store, opposite Hagen- buch's Hotel. December. 22. =lntl% TaTzs.acl Just received at the Store bi the subscri bers, a lot of Mill Picks, William Brady's Patent. This is a New Mechanical Tool, the- best ever invented and only wants to be used to. the proved. Apply soon. & J. SAEGER. if—Aw A Prilo3. 1174X212 salaloavt3 The.stockholders. : of. ,the Northampton Water Pam pany, are herebyymti fled, that an election for'five Managers, to serve for the , ensuing year, will be held on Monday 'the, 9th of May next, between the hours of 19;' A. M. and 0 P. At, at the, how. of J. W: — lsnnAcn, in the PorougiC t ef Allentown By • Order i .istaiLßoard. ;, 'T 1 EAVEtt, President 11-13 w, , April 2Q :Coutary Produce. rpountri Produpe taken oxohange and see for `votirselves, do not (forges; the' Once .aTiii:People's Cash 'Sillie s , cornet 'of Hamilton dnd Pith streets, opptishe,Hitenbuch's Hote.S,:.• • , -.. -,,, . , •.`. -- i.,ti:T .-. ,,.,... , 1 • 1.;,,i.W, .Alkiii.taro;.:March 80.•'•A • ARTICLES.' Allept.EastoraPhild Flour Barrel 6 09 5.00 6 00 Wheat .. . • Bushl 95 1;10 112 Rye 78 81 81 Corn 55;:'.",00 '6O Oats ..... . 86 88 68 Buckwheat . • 50 . 6 85 Flaxseed . . 137 150 150 Cloverseed . 4005 50 625 imothyseed • 250 2' 270 Potatoes •• • 20 36 LW Salt 60 45 30 Butter . . . . Pound 16 18 30 Lard 10 12 • 9 Tallow . . • . - 10 0 8 Beeswax .. ; —22 - . . . .. 2 Ham 12 . 12 16 Flitch .. . . 10 12 81 Tow-yarn. . 8 - -7 Eggs ... . . Doz. 10 20' 20 Rye Whiskey Gall. 22 /2 24 Apple Whiskey 26 23 24 Linseed Oil . . 60 _B5 85 . Hickory Wood Cord 4 50 4 50 0 90 Hay . . . Ton 10 00 20 00 25 00 Egg Coal . . Ton 360400 4 50 Nut Coal .. . 250 8.00 859 Luny Coal . 350860 8 00 Plaster .. . . --- 4 60 . 4 50 .2 00 ' Millers' Boot and Shoe Store The subscriber takes this method toxin? form his •friends, and the public in general; that he has lately established a new i hm. BOOT & SHOD Storer- - ...ismou the . . . shop, east AllentOwo Hotel, on the North eideolifoniiitorr street , NO; 9: Where he i lierpfOted2,", ( #o a splendid Store Room,antlikaki; prepared ° with a .large' assortiriskim work to accomodate his custOiers in every branch of his busi.' ness,„al,h,e following are named among some ells prices; Fine Calf Skin Boots, from $350 to 95 25' Coarse stout do 2 50 to 9 ,50' Boys' do do 1 00 to 2 2 Ladies' Morocco Slippers, 70 to 1 25 Missies,, and Childress according to quality; and sizes. He will sell at Philadelphia prices, Whole-: stile and Retail, and to Country Merchanti, will make a very liberal deduction. As he always employs the best of work- men, and works up the best materials in the market, he is enabled to stand good for an work turned out by him, and, feels confident that the same will prove satisfactory to hi's customers. Persons therefore will see to, their tidvaa: tage, and call on him before purchasing else.: where. He returns his sincere thanks for the many favors he has received from a kind public, and by moderate prices, good work, and duo attention to business, hopes to merit a con' tinuance of the same. ' March 23. 1853. In persuancer of an act of general assent . - - bly of the commonwealth of Pennaylvania; entitled "an Act relating to ,County Rates and Levies," approved the 15th day of April, 1834—And the acts of A88(11,611, cent current therewith. We the nnitereign'Sct Commissioners of the County el - Lehigh, hereby give notice to the taxable inhabitants' the owners and agents of real and personal' property, taxable for the use of this Cminti of Lehigh and the CommonWealili of Penn: sylvania, the Inn keepers, Tavern' keeperel, l and all persons desirous of keeping tin Init or tavern, returned according to la*, Within the County of Lehigh, that an appeal for the,benefit of all persons interested, will be held at the several townships and botilith' of Allentown within said county, tir.ydt 4-1 y North 4. South Wards Commiseione~ .. office, Allentopin, on ThOsday May 6. Lehigh Weird —ComMissionera tiffiee;. on Friday 6. Weissetiburg 7 —At the'houso of John Lei: zer, on Monday 16. f Lyntt—At the house Of David Bleiloi, . orY ' Tuesday 17. Heidelburg.L-At the houseof ry Ger- - man, on Wednesday 18.•• . Washington--At the hielee of D. Qr. Peter, on 'rhursdair 19:-- r- : - North IThilehail—At the, house of 'die Shantz jr., on Friday 2(1.' . • South Whitehall —At the. fietlie, of A: W. Loder, on Monday Hanover--At the house of Charles Ritter on Tuesday 21. Salisburg—At the houee'of fohn Yost; on Wednesday 26. •• , At which time and : places the Comjortis: sinners will receive written piopeiehl , for the collection of the Stateend.County.Taxes for the preient year.. - The,dite milk tie mentioned in the pr,ophittle,et.the same tinte: D4tat;'.H.tvartAri-, Joesrtr' Mn ER COmmissioneri of Lehigh CotintY. , Attest—J. M. LIN ' S, 91 0 k; Cseronireiintere Office; .' ,411entoein;Airil 'O, 1863:S = J. VV. GRUBB,. wait kinderot ROW !the PlArs-igne- ri hand, kee and will. snake; to' top* C l othi lgt T i nt nossitile pricee. . ... • Ready-made" Clothing , order. at the 413 W girZ 11:GILBERT. —Bm , Catosauque-, ~ , , •" , ,300 Dozen M Corn oms . The :undersigned. have Jot received Three Hundred Dozen Cora Brocome,bound with Tic aid Wire. 1010 1 44 - will eel& Wholesale aadßetail, at very 10 'll TZi,GRO prices Current In •Illentown•'• DANIEL MILLER; P-3d TAXES. Try an n ual Avi 1131 1 . --4 vi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers