111 ig,lllllmvortaDlN ew s 1 , : - J• T<E?" - - - New Store• Opened BY • 17' Ede Wan, Manse OP Co. . ... On the south-west corner of Marke Square and Hamilton Street, directly oppo , . site the ' , Eagle Hotel" in Allentown, which ' , they style the cheap Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. They have just returned from Philadel phia,-with-an-entire-new -and-well-selected stock of the cheapest and most beautiful ,-. 1 . Spring and Summer Goods . that were ever exhibited in this place, em :bracing all the • Latest and moat Fashionable Styles, • to which they invite the attendance of their friends and acquaintances generally. These -:, goods have been selected with great care ,and attention. We name in part, .'• Fancy Style Spring Silks, all widths and gualities,Foula rd Sillcs, Black and Fan cy. Colored Silks, Berege•de,..-. Laines, Persian' Cloths, 001.-French - de - Laines, Ging. haMl7l,44ch Chintzes,faney Lawns j., ..! Calicoes, frOny. • WHITE' Sisfbm lt Of all descriptions, Jaconet , an ~ Ed gings, Insertings, Linen and Cotton 900 New style Ladies' Needle Work Jars - from 64 cents to 81,50, flristbanda, Cuffs. &c. A good assortment of Hoisery, Gloves, Mitts, &c. always on hand. A large assortment of sillc and cotton. Umbrellas. Parasols of all styles, colors and prices. • GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, French, English and American Cloths, of various colors, Plain and Fancy Cassimers, Satin and Fancy Vestings, Satinetts. A large assortment of Woolen, Worsted, Lin en and Cotton Goods for Spring wear.— Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Collars, &c. Also, a bealtiful and handsome assortment of Goods for Boys' wear. They are satisfied that they have selec ted a stock of goods as cheap if not cheaper than ever before offered in Allentown, and are determined to sell them at a very small advance. They hope therefore that through strict attention to their business, they will be able to draw a large share of public pat ronage for which they will ever be thankful., EDELMAN, HANSE & Co. Allentown, April 29, IT--6m - - - Groceries deP fitteenstvare. • The subscribers have also a large Lkdrio i stock of fresh lam- -P&L ily Groceries, Prime, Java and Rio, Cof fee, from 16 cents a pound and as low as 61 cents, Sugars, Teas, Molasses Cheese, Spices, Crackers, Raisins &c., &c., Butter, Eggs, Lard, Hams, Sides, Should ers, Potatoes, Onions, and Soap, for which the highest Market prices will be given in exchange for Goods All Goods sold at this Establishment are warranted what they are represented to be. Call and examine for yourself. Goods free ly shown with strong inducements to buy. EDELDIAN, ['ANSE & Co. Allentown, April 29, If —6 tn Grain Wanted. 50,000 Bushels of Wheat, in and Oats wanted, for which the - highest market prices will be paid by the*itbscribers, at their store on the South -west . corner- of Market Square and Hamillon street, in Al. lentown. . EertsmAN, Unser, & Co. Allentown, April 40; Stone Coal. — The undersigned have just received a large lot of Stone Coal of all the different qualities; and will always keep them on hand, to be sold or exchanged for all kinds of Grain at the lowest cash prices. EDELMAN, FIANSE & Co. Allentown, May 13. 111-6 m PRIV ATE S AIM OF A Valuable Plantation. The undersigned offers to sell his valua ble plantation at Private Sule, Situated in South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, adjoining lands of Peter. Troxel, Henry Roth and John Troxel, containing 106 acres, strict measure. The improvements consist in.a largo two ~.. .2 3 ,•; story '2 . ::: : i ... ''''' ' STONE - gli ~.,. ~4 DWELLING ilOlUtiE ) with itchen attached, a log house, a large atone barn, a first rate hog-stable, smoke hoUse, and other out-buildings. - -The land is of the beat limestone soil, with a lime-kiln on it. A proportionate part of the land is meadow, some excellent WO 0/AL.I.7VD , an th e balance good arable land in the best i condition, the whole under good and sub stantial fences. Thera are also two wells with pumps on the property, ono near the -tf . ,:,-.. kitchen and the other near the barn. !4ti.s\s - An excellent .. C - . . Apple Orchard, with a large variety of the choicest apples, besides other fruit trees. The Jordan creek rune along the farm. cir Persons wishing to examing the farm, can do so by calling on Mr. Owen Schneider, who tenants it ; or to the owner near 4.l3ertrnen'a Dam," where they can also be come acquainted with the condition of sale, August 19, 11112. DANIEL TROXEL. Grand Exhibition -OF- New Fashionable Fall and Winter 114)( 5 'iMei a AT TUE • • New Cheap. acre • OF Getz .6 6 Gilbert, These gentlemen, take this method to in form their friends and the public in general that they have received a very large and well selected stock of Full and Winter Goods, which they aro now ready to dis pose off to their customers at the• lowest prices. Their Fall and Winter stock has been selected with the utmost care and consists of Clothes, Ca/minters, Satinets ) - Flannels, Gloves and Hoseiry, besides De= laines, A lapaccas, Lusters, Ginghams. Plain and Figured Poplins, Muslins and Prints, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ctueensware, Hardware, Looking Glasses, Stationary, Books, &c., To which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, confident that the fullest satisfaction, both in price and quality, will be given to all who may favor them with a call. The highest prices will be paid in ex change for County produce. They have reason Jo be thankful for the favors received-thus far and hope by atten tion to business, disposing of their goods at ?all profits, good treatment towards their customers to merit still a greater share of customers. GETZ & GILBERT. Siltapauq un, Septa, 16, Groceries Fish ace Salt. The , •undorsigned have just received an emirs ritiNStock of Groceries, Fish and Salt which titeiy intend to sell at the low est prices at their Store in Catasouqua, Le high county. ' ,- crarz & GILBERT. Sept. 16, 1052. li-6m COAL I COAL The. undersigned haVeqopened_n Coal Yard in Catasauqua,-andswill -constantly keep on hand all kinds of Coal which they will sell at greatly reduced prices. GETZ 64.GILPERT. September IG, 1852. am eadv-made Clothm b . The uncl4signed keep all kinds of Ready made Clothing., on hand, and will make to order, at the lowest possible prices. • GETZ & GILBERT. September 16, 1852. 11-6 m aim nmanama The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 169 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, CAPITAL 300,000. Continue to make Insurances on Lives on the most favorable terms. The capital being paid up and invested, together with the accumulated premium fund affords a perfect security to the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a BONUS at stated pe riods to the insurance, for life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 1844, amounting to 10 percent. on the sum in sured under the ; oldest policies, to 8 per cult, 7.1 per ceht, &c., on others in propor tion to the time of standing making an addi tion of ;$lOO, $87,50, $75, &c., on every $lOOO - originally insured, which is an aver age of more than 50 per cent on the premi ums paid, and without increasing the annual payMent to the company, • su .? Bonus Insured' " 'Addition No. of PoI icy. No. 5-I $lOOO sloo— 88 3500 250 208 4000 400 275 2000 124 336 5000 !. 43750 Pamphlets containing table's of rates, and explanations of the subject ; forms of appli cation ; and further information can be had at the office in Philadelphia, or on applica tion to A. L. Ruin:, Agent in A Ilentown. B. W. RICHARDS, President JNO. P. JionEs..l7elrtury December 13 mniblyaln 1111V3 1 111.41 alfred Lagrave, 225 Greenwich Street, :3 doors from Barclay, NEW YORK, siari or plc GREAT I'AD LOCH, ..and in the immediate vicinity of the Mat son River, Erie and Harlem Railroad Depots, and Washington Market, Would call the attention of Country Mer chants and buyers of Goods to his complete assortment of Foreign and Domestic Hard ware, which he offers - on as favorable terms as any house in the trade ;—among which arc Ames's Shovels and Spades, Rowland's Shovel's and Spades, Rowland's Mill and Crosscut Saws, Field's Tacks and Brads, Sparables and finishing Nails, Files and Rasps, Shoe Thread, Awls and Tacks,. Trace, Halter, Ox and Log Chains, Axes and Hatchets, Tin'd and En'd Hollow-ware, Tea Trays, Bar and Sheet Lead, Gunpow. der, Shot, Percussion Caps and Wade, Sash Weights, Iron and Brass Wire . , Slates and Pencils, Chain Pumps, Sieves and Screens, Table and Poaket Cutlery, Scissors and Shears, Wade and Butcher's Razors, Wrought Nails, British Lustre, Knob and Dead Locks, Chest and Till Locks, London Emery, British and Am. Britannia, Plate and Hook Hinges; Hay and Manure Forks, Scythes andltifies, Brick and Plastering Trowels, Braces and. Bitter, Coffee Mills, Sad and Tailors' Irons, Stair Rods, Bath Brick, Oyen's Blacking, Brushes and Cor dage • 43oanian' and Fall River.Naila at Mt LOWEST PRICES. • • September 9, • * • 94—ate`ird'ffY ll= OILS & VAIINISH.--Oils of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue &c.,--will be sold cheap by O& J SAEGER PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. 'A 'noun t or policy and bonus payable at the party's decease. TO MECEIANIcf..- --4 . 60i50f every de scription, such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Iland, Panne!, and Buck Saws, Brace and Kitts, Auger thus, Hatchets, Symms, &c„ for sale by $ 1100 2750 4400 2175 5437 WHITE LEA D.-2 tons of White Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by • 0 &J SAEGER. April, 22, 11.—ly __. 11OLLO W WARE.—wo Iron Pots and Kettles, just received and for sale at very reduced prices at the store of 11-ly NA I LS.-300 ICeg,s of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April 22, ¶-3w To .11uilders. A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks, Latches, Bolts,H inges, &crews, Paint Brush es, and a variety of other building Hard ware just unpacking, and for sale cheapel than ever by 0 & J SAEGER. ATTORNET & CO,UNSELLOR AT LAW. Oflice in the western front room of the building of John D. Lawall, formerly Horn beck's, vest of the Courthouse. Allentown, April 4, 1850, FALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FRENCIIMILLINERTGOODS, No: 45 South Second Street, Phiadellphia. HAVING completed the improvements to their Store, are now opening a large and beautiful assortment of Paris Fancy Feathers, French and American Flowers, Fancy Bonnit and Cap• Ribbons, Fancy Bonnet Stuffs, Corded and Plain Velvets,. • Satins. d'Afriques,Laces,,&o. &c. , TiO which they invite the Utter:lion of !der chstas atid Milliners visiting the city. Philadelphia, Sept, 28, 1862. Builders Look Here. A NEW ASSORTMENT OF IffaßD Fre4RE The undersigned - announce - to - the - public, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of „,,-c - ; . r - house Furnishing .9racles, •i"...7 Cutlery, Coach I'rimmings, Sadlery and Shoe-findings, ail of which will be sold at extremely low prices. They ask the public to give Saeger's Hardware _ Store, sign of the • •;.‘ .1a• pm, a call in order to convince themselvesof tye fact, that a 'penny saved is a penny mvde.' 0.-&-J-SAEGER. 11-13, April 22 To Ifozase•Keepers. A great assortment of Housf/ ; furnishing articles, such as ENAMELED and tinned inside, cooking vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket tles, fish and•harn kettles, frying puns, grid irons, waffle irons, Sr.,c. TEA TRAYS and Waiters, from com mon to fine, in sets and dozens. A lso, goth ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS.—.insets and doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers, steels, coolc and butcher knives, with a variety of other manufactures. • April 22, POCKET and TEN KNIVES—Razors, scissors, shears, from the best matters; one, two, three, and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, pick, axes, &c. 9.Y.gktt4 4 u4 , TQNGS, Iron and brass polisheMlaWl fire sets and standards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons, &c: for sale by 0 & J SAEGEfi r April, 22, IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, Hoop Icon, Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat, and wand, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of 0 & J SA EGER. GLASS.-150 Boxes Gluts, 8 by 10,70 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 16, and various other seizes, for sale, by TO SEIOEMAKERS.—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French litibers, and numerous other artic les belonging to the shoemaking business WILLIAM S. MARX Just received a' large lot of all Wool Blankets, which will be sold as cheap as the chealtest, call at the Red sign as usnal. GROCERIES Who does not know that J. W. GRUBB sells. the cheapest and hest groceries in town 0.1;0 also that he has just received a fresh supply which he is selling cheaper than ever, at the red sign opposite Mr. Seider's Hotel, J. W. GRUBB. 11-ly The best Molasses in town is to be found at the old corner known as the Red sign, op posite Seider•s - Flotel. J. %V GRUBB. September 23, 1852. 11-6 m Situate 18. t miles front Philadelphia, on the Turnpike leading thence to Bet Melton. The course of instruction will embrace all the usual branches of a' liberal English Education, together with the Latin language. Familiar Lectures will be delivered on the subjects of Natural Philosophy, Chemis try, and Astronomy, illustrated by appro priate apparatus. The location is healthful, pleasant, and 1 easy of access; public stages to and from Philadelphia pass the door daily. The winter term will commence the sec ond day (Monday) in the Eleventh month, (November;) and continue twenty weeks. The terms for Boarding and Tuition arc :SOO per session, and no extra charges. All communications should be addressed to the Principal, Spring-louse P. 0. Mont gomery county, Pa. IjANIEt FOTTLItE, Principal. Hecu FouLNE, Jr., Teacher. References : j r ,L.,(iilbert, 179 North Third street, Phila delphia. Thomas Foulke, 76 Livingston street, New York. Edward A rtman, Milford, Bucks county. Oct. 12. . • *-4w 0 &ISAEGER U & J SAEGER 0 & J SAEGER Adopts this method to inform hi 4 4= friends and the public in genera that he has made Allentown his permanen residence. He has opened an office at his dwelling, opposite Ko/b's American Hotel, a few doors east of Pretz, Guth & Co's. Store, where he will be happy to offer his professional services in the science of Den tistry. He will call at private residences, if requested.. 0 & J SAEGER. Ci" El is terms are reasonable, and having had much experience in the professions, feels satisfied that he can give general satis faction. Allentown, April 24, 1851. Fort Allen House, WEISSPORT, CA RBONCOUNTY, PA., HIS is a new, elegant and commodious -a• house, erected on the site of old Fort Allen, with which are associated so many remembrances interesting to the antiquarian. It was opened for the accomodation of the public on the first of May, and affords means of entertainment for travellers and families, surpassed by none. The rooms are large and airy, the adja cent walks and .scenery spacious .and de lightful, and no pains will spared to provide the guests with such rarities and delicacies as are come-at-able and render their stay agreeable. The Stalling attached is large and conve nient, and an attentive and faithful hostler will always be found at his post. August 12, ISa2. 11 ' -tf ELISHA FORREST, ATTORNEY ANDpOUNSEELOR AT LAW. Office on the East side of Hamilton street, °sisterly occupied by JOhn S. Gibons, - Esq. far Cau be.consnhed in the - English and German languages. April,l6, lADIES WAND 1 1. The subscriber would respectfully inform the Ladies in Allentown and vicinity, that he has just received a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, consisting in part of lLlous DeLains, all Wool DeLains, thous De Beges, Cashmeres, Persian Twills, French Morinoes, Paraniett as, Cubreg and Thibet Cloths, Plain Black and Fancy Colored .allapaccas, Las. Tres. Plain Black and Figured, Silks, Fancy Colored Silks, • of every diseription, All of which he will sell at prices wl , "ch cannot be undersold in the place or as vi cinity,. J. W. GR0 1 313. November 3. 11-3 w • SH4WLS SMIIVLS !! Just received and for sale at very low prices a general as sortment of Long and Square Bay Stai. , Shawls, Thibet Shawls also Children Shawls. J. W. GRUBB. jrool COBlibriN J us t received a very fine assortment of Wort Comforts, Children Ties,Finods, Coats, s c .;., which will be sold very cheap at the tied Sign, J. W. GRUBB. Cloths and Cassimers, Just received a first rate assortment. Black Brown arid Olive French Cloths, Bangup Cloths, also Cassimers and Sattinetts of ev ery description which will be sold at prices which are not undersold in the Town call at the Red Sign as Ever. Blankets Blankets. Allentown, Nov. 3. MOLASSES. Gwynedd Boarding School FOR 1101'S. Dr. 3. V. "Barnes, "PEA' TIS T. BY GEO. MOYER. rannicaymmu. s A. IL ECKERFS 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i g iT WF obacco, S gad Segar A few '::::s belowtlle Ger- il min Reformed . Church, n iHamilton Street, o 071 o ALLENTOWN, PA. LV"GOODS ALL WAREANTED..E 3 fg ' a Aug. 19. 11-1 v s UC1DD22000200.2200000-00Gmarnioa ___ THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1633 CHESNUT STREET near Fifth street. Chalks N. Bancker, Gco. W. Richards Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Boric, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent and limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as lowas arc consis• mitt with security. The Company have reserved a large Conti n. gent Fund, which with their Capital and Priem. ums,safcly invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist 1848, as published agreeably to an Act of As sembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgages, . $957,513 64 Real Estate, 84,377 84 Temporary Loans, 125,606 73 stocks, 62,325 60 Cash, &c., 54,568 29 J. W, CIRUBB $1,284,309 94 Since . theirincorporation , a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million Iwo hundred thottaand dollars, losses by fire, there by affording evidence of the advantages of insu. ranee, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptess, all liabilities. CHARLES N. RANCHER, President, CHARLES G. BANCKER, Sec'y. The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and arc now prepared to make insurances on every descrip lion of property, at the lowest rates.- 3. W. GRUBB f--6in AtIGUSTUS RUNE, Allentown G. F. BLECK, Bethlehem. Allentown,June 13, 1848. 4-1 Y (Corrected Weckl,y from Bicknell's, ran Court's and Thompson's Detector.) I Ilk of N Amer.ca par Mechanics bank of . Ilk of Pennsylv. par , Newark . i ' Bank of Commerce ; Mechanics bank at ' late Moyamensing par; Burlington par Ilk of N Liberties par • Mechanics & Man- Bk of Penn Towns. part ufacturers bank par Farmers & Meehan .par Newark banking & Kensington par' Ins. Company I t, Manuf. & Meehan par New Dope & Ucla Mechanics par ware Br. Comp.failed Girard par Orange hank Philadelphia par: Peoples hank 80 Schuylkill pat j Plainfield bank Southwark par; Princeton bankpar Western par Salem banking Cu. par Commercial Bank i State bank at El iza or Pennsylv. par bethtown, Newark, Bic of the U States 12 eamden,N.Bruth— UunsTnr BANKS. I wick, pat Bic iif Chambersburg, 1 i S uss" bank 1 I I Union bank Bk of Gettysburga Bk of Pittsburg i . Trenton bank. en. par Bk of Snsq. County 85 i Var db7ville bridge I Bk of Chester Co. par , company 25 ,_, - -- ... ..,flutitint. ..- I . tiltof Germantown par' DELAWARE. 1 lieu of this subject.. His experiments with i i 13k of Danville par 1 The Banks of the state I'Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, ob 13k of Delaware Co. parlor Delaware are all a 1 I mined from the living human stomach and Ilk of Middletown' 1 par. from animals are well known. “In all ea- Ilk of Montg. Co. par' ; NEV YORK. ses," "he says" "digestion occurred as peXs 1 o ll u lc i o u t n lo ia rttl i n n l i b c e & ri oar i New York City bks ,; fee tly in the artificial as in the natural di:. ' Bridge Comp. pare Chelsea batik sogestions." Carlisle Bank 1 : Clinton bank 50 .6's a Dyspepsia Curcr.—Dr. Houghton's Doylestown Bank par; I Commercial bank 10 ! preparation of, Pepsin has produced the Easton Bank par; Lafayette bank 50 I most marvellous effects, curing cases of De- Exchange Bank i 1 Washington bank 70 Linty, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Eric Bank 2 ; Cous Tur BAN KH• Farmers & Drovers Dyspeptic Consumption, supposed to be on Bank . A b llcghany county the very verge of the grave. ills impossi-. ank Franklin Bank ' Binh of America 35 70 ble to give the details of cases in the limits Farmers Panic of of this advertisement but authenticated Bucks County .. par do of Commerce 40 do of Brockport 35 certificates have been given of more than Farmers Bank ot Lancaster do of Lodi 25 200 Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, P a r Farmers Bank of do of Olean 36 New York, and Boston alone. These were Reading Par do or Tonawanda 50 nearly all desperate cases, and the cures do of Lyons Farmers' Bank of 23 were not only rapid and wonderful, but per- Schuylkill co. par il° of Western New York Harrisburg Bank 1 Bingham;t bank4o „,p on. 30 ma i n t e is nt a . great Nervous Antidote,' and from Honesdale Bank I; Canal bank 5 the astonishingly small quantity nebessnry Lancaster Bank P ar ' Cattlraurms county to produce healthy digestioii, • is believed to. Lancaster Co. Bank pall 3 1 bank • ' . 35 act upon Lebanon Bank Lehigh Co. Bang GO Erie county bank,so E Farmers &Drovers leclro-Illagnelic Principles !—There is Lehigh Navigation bank no form of Old Stomach Comlaints which Co. Script. 10 Farmers bank of Sc 5 . . it does not seem to reach and remove at once.. Miners Bank of par neca county :JO No .matter how bad they may be, it g ive s Pottsville Merchants & Manaf. Hamilton bank, 30 instant relief! A single dose removes all the . Lewis county bank 60 Bank, Pittsburg. I I; ; unpleasant symptoms, and it on!) , needs to Mechinics bank at 46 be repeated, for a short time, to make these Monongahela Bank, 1 ' I Buffalo 45 Brownsynle, good effects permanent, purity of blood and 3 ;Merchants bank at Taylorsvil le Del. vigor of body, follow at onte.: It is parlicu- Bridge Company, 25 ; Buiralo Millets bank of New larly excellent in cases ofNausea, Vorniting, West Branch Bank, 1 York ' 10 CraMps, Soreness of the pit of the - Stemacb,• ' Wyoming Bank, I ;Oswego bank 20 distress after eating, low,_ cold,'state of the.' lock Bank, I 'Phenix bank 35 Blood, Heaviness, Lowness of Spirits, Des NEW JERSEY. Staten rslnad bank 50 Belvidere Bank if State bank ofN Y so pondency, Emaciation, Weakness, tenden- - Burlington County St. Lawrence bank 76 cy to Insanity, Suicide, &c. Bank p ar Union bank 25 Price one dollar per bottle. One bottle .. Commercial Bank 75 United Statesbank so Cumberland Bank par N. York bank. Co. '7O will often effect a lasting cure. Fanners Dank par Tenth Wark bank; 25 REPSIN•IN POWDERS, • Farmers & Meehan White. Plains bank fi Sent by Mail , Free of Postage.. For con; , , • : ics Bank,Rahway i ozy•All other banks on venience of sending to all parts of . the coati-• rn Farers&Merchants mentioned in the above try, the Digestive. matter of, the -pepsin; is Bank, Mid. Point, i list are from I tot per put up in the form of Powders, with direc— Morris Countybank 'if cent diScount - Lions to be dissolved in diluted alcohol, wa tryThe notes Of all Banks marked with • dash ter, or syrup, by the patient. - TheSe . powr (—)are not pure '- assn by the brokers. ders contain just , the aurae matter as the . . . bottles,' but twice, the quantity for the sainu • price,,and,will be sent by legit, free, of ..Post;, age. for one dollai.sent (postpaid)-to Dr. J S..Houghton, No. 11 North . Fight , street, Philadelphia, Pa. . . .. . ~. Six. packages '. for five' dollars. Every . Peeling and bottle bears the written signet-' tu re of oJ. S. Houghton, M. D., .Bole :Pro -o"Agents" wanted in, eveiy. tewoinrthe Unttett:States. : Very .liberal diSeoutot gi,. yen to' the trade. DroggistkPosttnastem. and Eleoliselle' is are desired to act itiagents, . 41.ugnst . 8:* . '' • ' . '• 11---1 y , • .. , Ir-ly SALT SALT. The subscriber has just received a Inge lot of salt which he will sell in quantities t suit purchasers. J. W. GRUI3B. 11-43 m Brandreth and Wrights Pills,. Country merchants and others, are-here by notified, that the far famous Pills o Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Brandreth, am constantly kepi for ,sale at the office ,of, the ! ,-, Lehigh - .Register" by till dozen bona at Wholesalaprices. ' v. • .1 .Tul y -1 - m - ' INDEMNITY Directors: Bank Note List. 11—Clan PEPSIN e7N d2RTIFICL/1L DIGESTIVE A Fluid, or Gastric, Suicel A GREAT DYSPEPSIA CURER I Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Lie big, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton. M. D., No. 11, North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for In digestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice ; Liver Complaint, Constipation, and Debility curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. t"1-lalf a teaspoonful of this Fluid, infused in water, will digest or dissolve Five Pounds of Roast Beef in abom out of tho stomach. Digestion.—Digestion is chiefly per, formed in the stomach by the aid of a fluid which freely exudes from the inner coat of that organ, when in a state of health, called, the Gastric Juice. This fluid is the Great Sovent of the Food, the Purifying, Presen:-, ing and Stimuating Agent of the stomach and intestines. Without it there will be no digestion —no conversion of food into blood,: and no nutrition of the body ; but rather a, foul, torpid, painful, and destructive condi• tion of the whoe digestiVe apparatus. A wealc, haf dead, or injured stomach produ ces no good Gastric Juice, and hence the disease, distress and debility which ensue. Pepsin and Rennet.—Pepsin is the chief element, or great digesting principle of the Gastric Juice. It is found in great abun dance in the soid parts of the human sto mach after death, and sometimes causes the stomach to digest itself o or eat itself up. It. is also found in the stomach of animals, as. the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used by farmers in making cheese, called Rennet,, the effect of which has long been the spe cial wonder of the dairy. The curdling of mile is the first process of digestion. Ren net possesses astonishing power. The sit). mach of a calf will curdle nearly one thou, sand limes its own weight Of milk. Baron Liebig states that, "One part of Pepsin dissolved in sixty thousand parts of water, will digest meat and other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this wan( may be perfectly supplied, we quote the following Scientific Evidence:—Baron Liebi,g, in his celebrated work on Animal Chenustr, says: "An Artificial Digestive Fluid may. be readily prepared from the mucous mem-. brane of the stomach of the Calf, in which various articles of food, as meat and eggs.. will be softened, changed, and digested, just. in the saiM: manner• as they would be in tho• human stomach." Dr. Pereira, in his famous treatise on "Food and Diet," published by Wilson &. Co., Net. York, page 35, states the same• great fact, and describes the method of pre paration. There are few higher authori ties than Dr. Pereira Dr. John W. Draper, Professor of Che mistry in the Medical College of the Uni versity of New York, in his "Text Book of Chemistry," page :386, says, "it has been a question whether artificial digestion could be performed—but it is now universally ad mitted that it may be." Professor Dunglison of Philadelphia, fir his great work in Human Physiology, de votes more than fifty pages to an examina-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers