Rallying under a British Flag. The %Vilmington (Delaware) Journal of "Tuesday inform us that a Democratic 'Amass meeting" held there on Saturday last, the, British national flag floated over the platform on which the speakers stood ! And under that flag a Democratic orator is reported to have denounced General SCOTT as a coward and a thief ! The Democratic party is entitled to all the benefit that can accrue from a general know .ledge of these facts. They bring together two of the distinguishing features of Demo cratic organization in the canvass, and ap propriately symbolize the influences that pre .itt work to prbmote the election of the Dtm •ocratic nominee. it is proper that a party which is hailed by Britian and her colonies as peculindy favorable to British interest, . s h ou ld display the British flag wherever Democratic machinery is in motion. It is natural that the . men who are not ashamed to rally under a foreign flag at an American meeting, called to discuss American politics should be bold enough to heap epithets on the name of General SCOTT. British in trigues, and maybe!) British gold, deserve some acknowledgment : and the Delaware Democrats have only played a candid part in hoisting the Blitish flag, and in outrag ing the character of one whose, earlier dory 'is associated with the humiliation of that lag upon the American continent. The American people trill readily com prehend the whole affair. Tll F. CAMP!, N 1N TENNFSSF.F. We 'copy the folimying interesting itvms trom The kizn.rrille Regiykr. All the signs, indicate that East Tennessee intends to do her,,whole duty November : gentleman writes us from Ihncnck county, -under date of the 11th instant:— lynst evening, while distributing the scenes in the life of General Scott a noted Demo crat .came up and asked me what f had.— I told him the life of my old commander in ;Mexico, and he asked for n copy, remark ing that he was for Scott against the world. .No man lives that can get my vote against Scott.' snid he. "The other day heard and old English man, whi) is a DeMount. say he fought with the British 1812; that h.' was taken pris• neer by General Scott ; that ho was never better treated in alt his life, as NV••TO OM the prisoners ; that he loved General Scott as he (lid his father, and, if he was able to get to the polls. he would cast his vote for Scott. We will do our duty in I latienek you may tem assured. There are ninety votes: in niv District. iiiehich twelve are Whigs. I will insure th.y votes for Scott in November.— 'ark that !" 'A letter front a gentleman in Monroe, under date of the 2lst, •Seritt a ill get that Whig vote in Monroe and smite Democrats. I was in the lower counties a few day ago, and reliable men who have hitherto acted. with tl e Democratic party that will support General Scott. They say they don't' know Pierce, but Scan's name and his deeds have been familiar to the country for forty years, and he the man for them.'" Going fur ;'calf.—The Fi•chburg (Mass.) Ile -villa says : • • "We hear of Democrats and Free Soilers in •every direction a ho d'clare their determination to vote for OM Chip at the coming election.— 'One of these is Cephas Chase, of Leominster, 'brave old veteran of the tear 14 . 1812. Ile rill 13- led in 18(18, and served till 1815, during which lime he was Serceant in Col. floyd's Regiment, "and fought in nearly all the frontier battles, where the gallant Scott won his first laurels. Mr. Chase (regards his old commdnder with almost rever. •ential affection, and though a staunch Democrat in his political creed, appeared surprised. when asked if he should vote for him, that it could for a moment be supposed he would vote for any body else. ANOTIIERBCIENTIFIC WONDER.—Pepsin ? -an artificial Digestive Fluid Gastric Juice. A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Rennet, or the fourth Btorrinch of the Ox, after directions of Baron. Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist. by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No. 11, North Eight Street, Phila-, delphia, -Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaun dice, Liver Complaint, Constipation, and Debilty, curing after Nature's own method by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. See advertisement in another column. MA HUI ED On the 2d of October by the Rev. Joshua Yaeger, Mr. Jonas Bitgey, to Miss Sibilla lbach, both of Heidelberg. On the 10th of October, by the same: Mr. Richard .th - nbrun. to Miss Elizabeth New man, both of Upper Saucon. On the 26th of September, by the Rev. 3. S. Dubs. Mr. Christian Reinert, to Miss Leanna Focht, both of Allentown. On the 30th of September, by same, Mr. 11qtry Beier, of 'North Whitehall, to Miss Susan Reber, of Washington. • On the same day,by tho same, Mr. Thom as Yehl, to Miss Kitty Ann I?einsheinter, both of North Whitehall. On the 10th of October, by the same, Fe hr Bauman, to Miss Saturn .Rehrig, both of Washington. On the some day, by the same, Mr. Mo ses Mader. to Miss .dngelina Siegfried, both of North Whitehall. On the same dny, by the same Mr. Wil liam Reichard, to Miss Elizabeth .Eckert, both of Allentown. On the 10th of October, by the Rev. Mr. Zeller, Mr: John Schneider, to Miss Julian Benner, both of Salisburg. On the oth of October, by the same, Mr. Nenry Schneider, of Salisburg, to 10163 Cat harthe Haag, of Monroe county. In Pi negroye, on the 28th Sept. by the - Ear. Joseph M. Saylor. Mr. itichard Pick le* of Illinois ! formerly of Schuylkill county, to , Misk,O'ophia Wenner, of Allentown, Lc . • •, .41;:0411qty. =l6. DIED. On Monday evening the 17th of October, in this Borough, of old nge, Elizabeth Knauss, widow of the late Jonathan Knauss, aged 74 years. Capitalists Look Here I F OR ahillka.t„ V alvkable, Real Est itt In allentown, WLLL be sold at public sale, on Friday the sth of November next, at I o'clock, at the Public House of Benjamin Ilagenbuch, in West Hamilton street, Allentown, A Splendid Town Properly, situnted on the corner of a public alley and Water street, containing in front 74 feet and in depth 230 feet. Thereon is erected a large and convenient. Double Two Story Stone —O, • t: DWELLING HOUSE, with a beautiful Spring in the cellar, and a well with - chain pump in the yard, near the kitch - en door, a — large Swiss Barn built of brick with all the necessary out-buildings „to it. The lot has a number of the host kinds of Apple trees, in bearing condition, besides other fruit trees. The location is a Ipnutiful one, and the conveniences of water, about the house are worthy of consideration. It is rt kind bf property not often ofrered in tntn•ket, and worthy the attention of buyers. as the prop erty will be sold without reserve. The condition will be nwde known on the day of sale and due attendance Erivril by • ABRAHAM BU'Z'Z, .Tvsighee of Edwin liarlachrt October 23. —3w Election Proclamation. Pursuant of an act of the General Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed on the 2d day of July, A. D., 1839. and also in pursuance of an act to establish a uniform time for holding an clectiorr for electors of President and Vice PresidenVfn all the States of the Union, approved the 22d day of Janaury, 1815, and also in pur suance of an act of Congress, prezrcriding and fixing one unitoi'mday for holding the Presi dential election throughout the Union, en titled •'ae, uct to establish n uniform time for holding election for , I,ctors of President and Vice President in all the States of tfie. Uni on," approved Jantiary 22,1845. I Jes . eph F. Ni whir rd Sheriff of the County of Lehigh. do make hnown 1w this proclamation to the electors of said comity, that an Election will he held on Tuesday the 2il day of Novem ber next, at w!dch time Electors for a Pres ident and Vice Prisidi tit oldie United States are to be elected. I hereby make knon•n And rive pui)- lie notice•, that the places of holdinu the pion.- :said elections in the several dis•ricts ‘vithin the count s• of I_,f high nee as follm‘s, to wit : 'l•lte electors of South tv;ird, of the lior nh of Allentown, at the house of 1 I 'idol. John K/rcl•ner. Tho vli-etors 0 North Hard, of the Bor otwli of A U,olown at the house of .Iloger .5• Gw,gicere. The elvetors of Northampton to \vmdlip al the Court h in A Ilt•ntown. The elremrs of Salit•bur , towadtip, at the house of ;John "Fos!. electors of South whitomi; township, tit the 1101/Se of ~ 7 1r:rander 11. Loiter. Tht; r h •c:ors of 1-rtnover township, nt the house of C'hurleN I?iticr. The I ctors of Um!. Saucon, townslip, at the house of I)unirl I noper. The riveters of Weisenburg, township, at the house of John ',Firer. The electors of Heidelberg township, at the house of Henry German. The electors of North' hitehall township, at the house of Jacob Roth. The Plectors of Lowhill township, at the house of Marlin Seibert. The electors of Upper Macungy township at the house of Aldison Erdman. The electors of Lower Macungy township, at the house of Henry Mohr. The electors of Uppvr Milford township, at the house of Henry Dillinger. The electors of Lynn township, at the house of James Seiberling. The electors of Washington township at the house of B. 4. C. Peter.. . . FrThe election in the said several dis tricts to be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon and shall continue without interruption or adjournment until seven in the evening—when the polls shall be closed. And the Judges of the respective districts aforesaid, are by the said act required to meet at the Court /louse in the borough of Allentown, on the third day of after the elec tion, being Friday the sth day of Novetn her, then and there to perform the things re quited of them by law. JOSEPH F. NEWHARD, Sheri Sherifi's Office Borough of Allentown, Oct. 20 1852, S VIV IV LE IV Mt Q The undersigned respectfully begs leave to inform his friends and old acquaintances, that he ;silt present engaged as salesman in a Wholesale Grocery and Commission estublishment,No. 82 or 84 Dey Street, New York, where he would be pleased to see them. Recollect the place No. 82 or 84 Dey Street. GEO3IG.E WENNER. *-4w October, 20. Agricultural Meeting. The Executive committee—consisting of all the officers of the Society- T will meet on Saturday the 2.4 d of October next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Public House of lienry Leh, in Allentown. Punctual at tendance is requested as business of impor tance i•• to ko transacted. 1 2 irPl.rsons having demands against the Society. be it for premiums or otherwise will present them for payment if they sec prop or. 'EDWARD KOULER, President. ,Alleptown, Oct. 20, 1852. g 2 '7. 'Z 3. ,„ : . scs = sc, = na CD CD C• CD rp i: " ..•• ••D •• = •-1 . c ' O , O ' S • g. .1.1 c a v.: . . DD tlq °• "'• • . --: (10•••••C —•• • al . & .? • a . 3 • 6' C C Fo . F. • • • . . . . = =- -T4 in FZ' • • • • • ' • = = • • 'b • • i ,., ,_, _, _ .—, ..., z.v —, r i . zi.,. .—' , .z.., c t '. •:)101.6trillirgl 7 . ..._ . „-• I . rs . . .... .... ez. ob 2 /4 /. 0 tm as , . t ''''' . • , in2%% ao I c ,": .4 •TL" t.D .. i _ t 4 p m j .:, ,:,:, cl .0 CC PO ••-• AV to cr., S! ap- ~ .X C. o— , . CZ. C:1 4a. On -4 C: •—• I . j.,0 .... ...... ..... ...... .... t,,,, ... .....1 ... m 4 ... ...i C. 3 C: .14 "CI CZ C) CI) s4=4 0 .t OD CC CI .4 C. CA cz. .-• cm w... CL cl: C of- , ,—..:.. .... ... tl; 10 CA CAD C I I 2 , D '44 C. GO CA, GO GO l ' Z ' '.. ^. . GO '-';&) 4 Pr , 8 2, '6l 4 23 27 :1 Si - • . . 2 (9 54 ag E E; 'a' 5 t 5 c% = u• c: to„ 'e: c ~..„ or, -- ti 4D , .A. I.D cr .-. L., 2. co .--. r i .74 4: 5.,. 0; i 4- I: ' .. - 9 '7 :4 .—'• 4.- C .1. C C = CC: CA -4 c.... o•r- , I c' 2,7 CD 4, 4 a CD ct or CA U . .q U Gc. .4 w .4 4 , CD v 1 0 Cti CD CC -4 4, 7.,D ZJA t.D A I C% , 2L JC I .-..-. CZ Z. 7 t• t•D .-, tO .-, .-. 1.. D CZ -.1 :IC -1 rX CI ::-.: z;. ;74 T., , c-,‘ ..., ..4 ez -, c 7 c: 4- -4 4- a = iC: V) = .--t W. t:: 67 1.. D e.:-^ e..: C.' .4 4.1.• .••••• C c.O Of. C. 4.72 CI% 4.3 CAC 41. ' I ; .... .... ".. ..., w.., ...... ..., --. 1 a-. Gr a i ~ ."r, GO GE ZZ. 14, CZ'. 672 C:::; CC 4•D CZ C.::: -- .4 c 7, o=l Ng cr. ar m if ' ix. a U. CD o.• C.O %eV Mal 7.9 I• j •-; 4,2 --CZ, 0 0 0 0 0C.4 I C.: , -4 Cr t: '471 lA. CZ , Cr CIC 01:).CA C.D ; M=MIICRU=r=:I GD .I CZ /...D Cox c - - on %.01 -4 t z, ao, 1.. CC 1.0 2 n rn rn ti t. 7 ro fD -4 CD tn , nr CC/ C 4 CD CD JJQ .. •-•cwt aJof.-stati;b.CD s- IY. 1.4 .41 bml 1441 Yowl 11.•11 1.41 1.41, C• 7: bg. tn -4 -4 CJI t iD 0. oF- CT: 0 2.7 C.Z. , ....- Gr , :::. --I-4 :A 4. .- 0.. CA = ....4 •—• C.C. 10 1,0 1,0 t.O t: 1--•—• 7,0 00 Co• -00 l 00 Gr •11. C GI C - Co:. t: so. - , 1 ••—• C:1 Cdl tr: C a ..., ..., ... .... ... t„D .... .... 4.,,D .., ...., ..... 0 Cc =4. zo ?..4. GU - a - .P c C c c -p c = tr.... a :14. rt-• •-• -4 f 4 4..: = 0:0 tt) c (t. 4 ,4•• o s C:.: 0 0 CD CZ t• CD .-... C.D GC C:. 0: 0: - -1 ao -e o cn CD CD 0 0-- 01 CO '4 CD 01.4.,Q1 -4 Cl' ...... .74 C.: a GC a ••••• ZW, (1; tz, - 4 "4 Gr '47 kX , CC: 1•D MEE :L..: •• c•r: .• Effl GM ro I 4 (.5" tr! l J" !Zs '^ 14 ' ' az. - ; 74 EVE Welch's National Circus .IaND & Co. and DREILSBACII & CO's 31 a 2,sp Clwn AN' 10 s IR a et 14 United' ' m Among the ost promlineShntak oferean the artis o tes For I srie. may he found the following mines, viz : J. G. CAD \V AL 4DEll—t he unsurpas sed Pour and Six Ilore Rider. THOMAS MeFARLEN— the greatest Somerset Vaulter in the known world. L. J. LlPNlAN—Dramatic, Scenic and principal Rider. DAVIS RICH AlthS—the world's only bare-back Rider, whose daring feats over bars, gates &c., on his Wild Prairie Steed strikes the beholder with wonder and aston ishment. E. M. DICKINSON the celebrated Coinedian and Comic Singer, acknowledged by all to be the greatest singer of the age, J. SWEET—whose style and skill in personating the character of the Aborigine, or Red Man of the Purest, stands unsurpas sed. G. BERRY, WILL EXHIBIT AT ALLENTOWN, on Friday November sth, and at QUAKERTOWN, November (ith. T HE public are respectfully informed that these Two VAST MENAGERIES, uni ted for the present season, form by far the largest collection of Living Animals ever ex hibited in thiS or any other country. 0 VD.R 150.d.217,11.1L5./2.217) BIRDS can be seen under this Spacious Pavilion, 286 feet in Length, for one Price of Admis sion. • Hours of Exhibition—from 1 to 4 P. M., and 7 to 10 in the evening. SDAUSSION 25 cents No 114' pri,e • The Cortege will arrive in the town. on the morning of the sth instant, about 10 o'clock, and the Carriages, Cages. Van, &c., containing the Animals, Drawn by 120 Splendid Horses ; Headed by Neuper's Philadelphia Brass Band ! Will pass through the principal streets, affording an opportunity of beholding one the most Gor geous and Imposing Processions of the kind ever seen. A Double Performance in 3 immense Per- forming Dens I Herr Drieshach, in tho two and Signore [lideralgo in the other. . In the course of each exhibition, Herr Driesbach, the far famed Lion King, will enter the Dens of his Wild tenants of the Forest, Lions, Leopards, Tigers, Cougers, &c. And give a display, the same as when ordered by the special command of Queen Victoria, Louis Philip (late King, of the French) Emperor Nicholas of St. Peters burg, and the Royal Family Hapsburg House of Austria, SIO.NOII.E RIDER.RLGO will also perform his highly trained animals, sepernie and entirely different from Herr Driesbach's showing the different,powers of mind over the Animal Creation. Welch's National Circus: Pons . Albite, New York, and National piplift4falrat' M=l=:l tt i 9 at Tt t'D it 2 , D ' COI CD 9.i . S! CD az a.r. .--: ?,.... J. G. CAI/wAcAnEn, J. LA NI: wouTuy, R. W I LLI A MS, 13113=111 MASTER WILLIAMS—the Juvenile Gymnastic and Antipodean performer,. whose truly pleasing performances must be seen to be admired. Last, though not least, the TWO unrivalled Clowns, WIL L 1.9 MS .IND Di! VI 8, whose Puss, JOKES, RON MOTS & WITT!. cisme never fail to keep the audiance in a perfect roar of laughter. N. B. .Positively but one price of mission to Menagerie and Circus combined. Allentown 20, 1852. 11-0 w Tn the several 3s,sessors of Lehigh Co The Assessors of the borough of Allen town, and of the several townships within the county of Lehigh, are requested, and hereby directed, to meet in the Commis siOner's office, at Allentown, on Monday the first day of November next, for the purpose of taking the required oath of office, and for obtaining the books, papers, warrants,. and instructions for making a new triennial assessment. By order of the Board of Commissioners. J. M. LINE, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, —3%v. Alle town, Oct. 4, 1852. S Northamp. Water Company. An adjourned meeting of the Northamp ton Water Company, will be held on Satur day the 23d of October next, at 1 o'clock in the,alternoon, at the Public House of Major Eli Steckel, in the Borough of Allentowni•to receive and dispose of the report of the Com mittee appointed at the meeting held on Sat urday the 9th instant, to ascertain the prob able cost of expenses in putting the works in first rate order, and the mode of• raising the necessary funds of paying for the Mill properties. Punctual attendance is desired. WILLIAM H. BLUMER, See'y. A Ilentown, Oct. 13, 1862. ll-2w JOB' JPRIMTEPG, Neatly executed at tho ..Register" Office 'B3IVaI(INVO 'llDilifoll l - Mme F L - 3 s ul u Icsie e tim , et' 'Silt 31(10H 112 'aoilizti n .0313ppg `. (3 11 1 :1 = 'MVO ssr~.!/ ft, • e cte t i t 'tom `Sant. `slaylnlis ..fajad — "Ic'111111 - - •.ear4a,y ;:t 6 = . • , oia• Pap - - ‘ia.faic - -'ssnnu,y te G, - - •`zlnnynsj - - la.tooir - - -'1111!11 - 'ltoming I r I - - - - - •b!tup - - 'tiosiu‘ Er . tu estrinn Director. Master of the Circle Ist Burn, Clown. aultamc, 1 3 111 V SaVA S MAYA Valuable Plantation. 4 The undersigns offers to sell his valua ble plantation at , rivate Sale, situated in South Whitehall ucwnship, Lehigh county, adjoining lands of Peter Troxel;'• Henry Roth and John Troxel, containing 100 acres, strict measure. ~~ The improvements consist in a large two story Vet 5 " • . St:ME -? • : 1 DWELLING DOUSE, with kitchen attached, a log house, a large stone barn, a first rate hog-stable, smoke house, and other out-buildings. =I The land is of the best limestone soil. with a lime-kiln on it. A proportionate part of the land is meadow, some excellent IP 0 01110LaM111 and the balance good arable land in .a. condition, the whole under good I mantial fences. There are also t I with pumps on the property, one 4.Vkitchen and the other near I 4 ::T:1 - An excellent ix - i' > . .• Apple Orch rd, with a large variety of the choic t apples, besides other fruit trees. The J rdan creek runs along the farm. _____ Fe Persons wishing to examine. the farm, can do so by calling on.M r. Owen Schneider, who tenants It ; or to the owner near "Ilartman's Dam," where they can also be come acquainted with the condition of sale. DANIEL TIIOXEL. ' August 19, 1952. 11- 7 0 W/, It first Bate at c i Staub. The undersigned ofierii his for many years established Store Stand, extensively known ns "Trexler's Store" near Trexler's Furn ace, in Longsvgtfirk p township, Berks ty. The buildings consist in a 2.1 / Story Store louse, an adjoining building used as a stor age house. There is also a very convenient two and a half scary dwelling house, near the. Storehouse. The stand always bore the name of being one of the best in the coun try and continues to bear that name. Possession can be given on the Ist of April next, or sooner if required. The terms can be made known upon en quiry of the undersigned, who resides near by. W 1 LLI M TREXLER. Sept. 9, *-4w baluabic "Q:auctit Zttutb! Offered al Private Sale. I'lm undersigned 0f '....0,9-,4-44frv, fers his valuable rl4;:r • • Tavern Stand ' 35 t at for sale, situate in the j i Mi:lll4r •;, village of Millerstown, acungy town ship, Lehigh county, adjoining lots of Doc tor Hoffman, James Christman and others, with two acres of land to it. The improvement consist in a two story stone House, with Kitchen attached, a two story Wash house; laige and convenient Sta bling and Sheding,Otike House, a nover failing Well with a Pump; before the door, besides other necessary outbuildings. Persons in search of a likeiproperty will do well to extunine this befo're 'maiming elsewhere, as it is one of the best ecCiuntry tavern stands that can be found. J. PETER HAAS. 41illerstown, Sept. 9, . ¶-4w Gwynedd I.3oatdino. School POI? MOPS. SitnatelB4 miles from Philadelphia, on the Turnpike leading thence to Bethlehem. The course of instruction will embrace all the usual branches of a liberal English Education, together with the Latin language. Familiar Lectures will be delivered on dr subjects of Natural Philosophy, Chemis try, and Astronomy, illustrated by appro priate apparatus. The location is healthful, pleasant, and easy of access; public stages to and from Philadelphia pass the door daily. The winter term will commence the sec ond day (Monday) in the Eleventh mnnth, (November,) and continue twenty weeks. The terms for Boarding and Tuition are $6O per session, and no extra charges. . A II communications should be addressed to the Principal, Spring-Elouse P. 0. Mont gomery county, Pa. DANIEL FOULKE, Principal. Litton Fotima; Jr., 'reacher. References: John Gilbert, 179 North 'Third street, Phila delphia. Thomas Foulke, 76 Livingston' street, New York. Edward A rtman, Milford, Bucks county. Oct. 12. C. III; R ky elitarney at Law. Has resumed the practice of his profes- sion in Allentown. or tio may be consulted in the German and English languages. August 12, 1852. 11-1 y Adjourned Court, In pursuance of an order of the President and Associate Judges of Lehigh county, no tice is hereby given that an adjourned Court will be held at the Court Hduse, in the bor ough of Allentown, commencing on Friday the 20th day of October next, at 10 o'clqck in the forenoon. for trial of all matters not requiring the intervention of a Jury. All parties interested are requested. to attend.„ FRANCIS E. SAMIELS. September 1852. OF A Its the atm. pricto current. ARTICLES. I Per Allent.Easlon Phil& Flour Barrel 4 25i 4 00 4 25 : Wheat .. . . 'Bush) 87, 80 98 - Rye I 75 60 82 . Corn . . 70 60 6/ Oats 35 38 81 Buckwheat . . 47 60 65 Flaxseed .. . 137 1501 50 Cloverseed . i 400 550 520 'I imothybeed . 300275 2 75 Potatoes .. • 30 66 75 Salt 40 45 30 Butter . . . . ;Pound 18 18' 00. Lard .. . . I 12 8 7 Tallow .• . . i 9 0 8 . Beeswax .. . 2 2, 25 28 Ham . 121 10.__8_ Flitch — . . . . 1 - OE -- 8 . Tow-yarn. . . S: 8 7 Eggs ... . . ' Doz. i 10 12 .20 Rye Whiskey I Gall. f 22 1 22 2 4 1 Apple Whiskey! 20 40 48 Linseed Oil .. I I 85 85 85 Hickory Wood Cord i 4 60 4 50 6 00 Flay .. . . Ton 114 00 12 00 12 00 Egg Coal . . . Ton 350 4.66 Nut Coal . . . 2 50 3 00 3'%ii Lump Coal . . 1350 3 50 300 Plaster ... . i— 460460 2 60 New and superbly equipped GRECIAN ARENA, combining a full and brilliant EQUESTRIAN TROUPE, with an ex tensive, talented, and efficient Dramatic Corps, comprehending in the entertainments , all the most pleasing Feats of Horsemanship, Gymnastics, 4-c.,. Represented by a full Dramatic Corps, Splendid Troupe of Horses, &c., &c. To perform St Stletdown, on Widnesday, October 20. • .dt Bath, on Tuesday, October 10. The procession will enter the town at 10 o'clock, A. M., the Band being drawn by the elegant Postillion Team of Twelve caparisoned Horses, mounted by riders, and dressed in a gorgeous manner, Among the prominent members of this establishment are Mr. .Richard Rivers, the most accomplished single horse rider in the United States: Madame !food, and Mad-• ame Catnilla Gardner, in their beautiful. Parisian Horsemanship; Mr. E. Derious,. Mr. //'bite, Mr. Rivers, Mr. J. Shindell ;• Masters St. Luke and 0. Derious, and. others of world-wide celebrity. Clown, Mr. DAN GARDNER. •-• Mons. GREGOIRE, the strongest than in the world, who will break any stone or rock of the largest size and hardest sub stance, with his naked fist . 1 This must be seen to be believed. The Brass Band, led by Mr. W. nether by. will enliven the entertainments. The interior will be illuminated by several superb' new Chandeliers. The Performance will tsrminate. in the evening with a Grand Dramatic and Eques trian Spectable, of world-wide celebrity, with songs, choruses, combats,• processions, etc., entitled, Mazeppa, or the Fl ild Horse of Tartary,. Taken from a popular poem of Lord Byron, and re-produced and adapted'for the circleZ4ith a most attentive and careful' exhibitions.* the powerful situations so graphicallyAncribed in the great Poetic' Legend. 04.o 4 . ti, - ; The Castellon pronounces tils terrible arid: awful doom upon Maze'Ppa, to meet which he is forcibly bound to a litizeltrlqicoki,. steed! His 'flight is•closed with a Grand Torchlight Tableau ti Itlazeppn, under the name of Cazimer, afterwards ICing of 'Vann ry, - Olinska, daughter of the Castellan, in love with Mnzeppa - - - - Madame Wood.. The music and overture directed by' fletherbv ; the varied and splendid costume* by M rs. 'Rivers ; every descripiion'of link (alive Decorations, appertaining to' Poland' and 'Fakery, by Mr. Phickapur. . The grandl y romantic spectacle will ter ; . • minatu with a magnificent Living Epee.: trian Statue, upon a moving Pedestal, rep-• resenting the beautiful Olinska seated on , her charger, supported upon the shoulders• of a Troupe of Tartars—exhibiting the most perfect training of the noble steed - and the indomitable courage of his intrepid . rider. . For Programme of Performance.tfee bills. Doors open at 2 and. 7V.clock. Par- , ..i• forams° to commence at 21 and 7t , ci'clocke P. M. Admission 25. cents. B. C. PALMER,. Agent: Oct. 12 Dissolution of Partnetsidpr Notice is hereby given; ther thei , Partner- . ship heretofore existing under Oe ATM of AfcCarty and Hoffert, has bet* dissolved , by mutual consent, on the Ist off)ember....• The business will be continuediati counts settled by A. E. McCarty. A. E. MCCARre, REIIIIEh' HwirpE R T .11--3 An October 6; 1852.:.. 'amp..iiiet Laws, The Perriphlet. Laws passed : to the last , session of the, Legislature, thairportion for . Lehigh county have been received:At Ilia. Plottkonotet7's office in Allentown::':,Tbose . whtrareenutled to a copy wilt Oelfilibd•te ceive it. F.zg. sA.m Pioets, *iiitionbir ej - 1t,362.'...1:?-.,, lierioui OEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers