Devotco to ipolitio, Nctuti, fitcraturc, poctri), Agrifulturc, the Miffivion of ttoefttl Itfonatio, eciicral illa rKeto, zr, VOLUME VII-. THE LEHIGH REGISTER,' I Proclaim the Glad Tidings I Look E-lere Morohthlts Grent Fteiteinent lsimbli.lhed in the Borotigh (V . ,lllcnloten, Id high 'Ur, i 4, ) 'Yelling chcaptr Hum ever Jor utiJ, .' . ,• , 1 ,, f , ': 1 4 -"VPP . t.-!;:': - ------- •_--; -- -- AT THE rimintll,Pa.,erery ThurBthlll 1 e.;r....,..",•,-VS-eazi..;`- '..37 4 -- t' ; ' -4 ------ - 4 : , ...i'; . zi , ... - . 4 ...!- , ;;;;1......1. , ' - ' 4 " .....- - r 1 1$1Y A Eta li;WrlFtii r d . 11t19 IEE E 1 flit first arrival of Fall a 1 W• i 'Y . ' " -:-'''----;•-""----";-'' :""------ - ' ric .. inter gyms ,r. 1.4 E. z: .:i ..i ~;,',.;:_i,- , ::7-c9. ;, -. 1 7-,. !-% jr - , k r O s . Vecrokes' S't6ve, 5 Itsl stl per annum, payhhle in advance, and 1 j w . t. ~,,i,ii . ,,( 1 . V ..' ......;:5..T.4,, , 'T.':' . 7 .,.... ,':' . "'''' - ';" 1, :. '''''''''' l , 7 : ..; ,_,.:... OppnB fie Ho ire . ttch 's Hotel, dllenlown. ,t,'2, no if not paid until Me end of the year. No ! .I. W. Gamut would respectfully inform - . , ..' ~z ~„ paper discontinued, until allarrearages ace Paid kite citizens of A Ilentown and vicinity that .24,ez;.:-!;:t.,-:14/....;;.1-:,..7:-.f''',.:::.i4 The customers of he above well known ........e...5..•-&x:, ,, , , ,,:t'...4.2:..%4.-- except at the option of the proprietor. Ibe has just received his first supply of Fall it 1„, 1 „ i ,rri,,., , „,„i- ,/;',/ gtoro,and the citizt tm generally of LelMrli AnvsirristoissTs. making not more than one 1 and Winter goods,•which for variety of style .l.t.Riee . ll:till v '.!, 1 1 li. il lnli CIL/Uli 'county, are respectfully informed that it is square, will be inserted three limes tor one dollar , and price cannot be surpassed by any in imiNtity Brzipv, , E,AEN now stocked with a splendid assortment of and for every subsequent im:ertion . wentyfive l town, or country, both far and near. IDELPIIIii IC WHITE ILIVEN. seasonable goods, compiiiting in part cents. Larger advertisements, chat zed in the I His stock of LADIES' Duels :SS GOODS, Con-. PHIL A Splendid Dress Siiks, • same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines ! aisting in part of DeLains, Cashmeres, Co I The undersigned takes this method to In, Rich Brocade Camelon, Plaid, Striped, Ot lorm his friends and the public iii general, ' will be charged se venty-five tomtit], China and Watered Silks ;superior 'making six lines or less, three insertions for 50 Plain 131ack and Fancy Silks, &c., &c., is that he lately established a Black Dress Silks], of all widths, and very such as cannot help but give entire satisfac- Line of Boats) best makes. • tion to all who will favor him with a Nov for the transportation of nil kinds of Mer- fuel' Lyea velvels, call both in point of quality, sty le and price. chandizc between Philadelphia and White Black and Fancy colored Crtpe Shawls, (,'fortis, Cassimeres, Saitinets, &C, .j Haven, and all intomediate places, at rc- t with a great variety of Seasonable Dress This department is also stocked with a r/ "" ,! f tei g his ' , Goods ; comprising, Lupin's French Meri sseneral assortment which will besolil of the ' lie is prepared to receive goods of nil i nos, Paris Printed Cashmeres, and De lowest rates, or as cheap as the cheapest. kinds front A. &. J. Wright, ‘,2d wlmrf above Laines, British and American do Lathes, The assortment of doineStic ( - mods such as Vine street in Philadelphia, and forward Ginghtuns, Chimes, De Berger, &c. Tickings, Checks, Muslins. Drillings, Irish phew without delay to White Haven, and cloves and 'Embroideries, Linens, &c.. &c., is also such as will give i all intermediate places. Ribbons, Fancy, White and domestic Goods. , Thankful for the v ery liberal patronage entire satisfaction in every particular. • I heretofore rece ived every effort will be made The stock, in (act, comprises every variety Etc has a first rate assortment of Red, Yel of new and desirable Fancy Dress Goods, to merit a continuance of the saute, low, Grey and W bite all wool Flannels, also will be shown with pleasure to all who may Welsh and sack Flannels,:c . otton flannels, .I,geats for die Line. Kitiseys, &c., &c., together withfavor us with a call, and will be sold to those a genetal A. & .1. Wright, Philadelphia, wishinir to purchase at prices its low as the assorthient of Gloves, I loisery belts, Needie- Cl. &A. Bachman, Froemansburg, qualities of goods can be bought for in any work—Collars, &c., &c., all of which will Charles Seider, Bethlehem, ofthe Eastern cities. Call an d examino be sold so as to give entire satisfaction to James Kleckner, Allentown, befote purchasing elsewhere. ihe customers. Horton & Bolts, White Haven, C. 11, SAMSON , He has a very fine assortment of Silk, Wm. 11., Proprietor'. 'lli bet and Cashmere Shawls on hand which East Allentown, lune 3, Ris2. 11 7 - , lin Ready Made Clothino . will be sold very cheap. • i n 8 ~, . He returns,: !hanks most sincere for the ...1 -- Entirely' new , and expressly adopted to • liberal share of patronage bestowed upon - 41 • baittautc (Lavern M an n: the Season, comprising every , description of illen's Ircaring ..llpparel, such as Dress him heretofore, and hopes by strict attention Offered at and Frock Coats, Sacks and Monkey Jack to business, and studying, to please and tic cbiumodate his customers to merit a cumin- i Prlv a t e Sale. • ets, Pants, Overalls, Vests, &c., &c., made of all sorts of goods, to please the taste and mince of the same. So please give him a • THE undersigned of- accommodate the means of all. 11e, has al call one and all at the old corner knOwn as the red sign opposite Seider'S Hotel. - ' • g e , .....i.!..,1":: ' .' :„,' -N go -. ii.•:-..--.., lets his valuable .. sea fine lot of J. W. GRUBB. $ l l '-r - 5 Fi , '• ', . Tavern Stand . MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, , i s. e s 4 '..,-C'E: . _ e 7 ¶—Gin „,...•-•', 1) trw - 1 - 4,,---f•-i for sale, situate in the which will all besolcl at reduced prices, then - ----- .I' WM -?it' ''-‘ village of Millerstown, If coat or pants you want to fi t, i . /1 a i 4.-„,,,,- 1 , 14 ".:-...;-_,,,Low er Mactintsy town- And on your person neat to set ; a l ship, Lehigh county, adjoining lot; of Doc. I Such wants we promise to supply, tor Hoffman, James Christman and others, And suit the pocket and the eye. ..vith two acres of land to it. Conte one, come all, come short and tall, The improvement consist in a 1 wo story • We kindly ask attention ! stone House, with Kitchen attached, a two There's every thing at Bazar Hall. story Washhouse, lame and convenient Sta- In our line you mention. biing and Sheding, Smoke' House, a never Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings too, failing Well with a Pump, before the door, Bought low, and well selected ; besides other necessary outbuildings. Of every style and every hue, Persons in search of a like property will By fashion not rejected. do well to examine this before purchasing, Then once again, we bid you call, elsewhere, as it is one of the best country Your trouble will repay ! tavern stands that can be found. .. 13y profits small at Bazar Hall, J. PETER HAAS. The attraction of the day. Millerstown, Sept. 9, 'll—iw C. H. SAMSON: --, --,--- - 11--,lw . r . . anti s Furnishins? Store! EMI A liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. nirf Office in /1(1?? 1/0 St.. our door East the German Relimned Church, nearlg , apjwsite the "fricalensbote (Vire." Allentown ACadelllV. J. N. Gal.:twin'. A. MN. Emily Durilnir Gregory, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. Miss Jane Gregory, Principal of the Fe male Departinent. l'he Fall Term of this Institultion will commence on 11'ednesday the first day of September next. In making this-announce ment the trustees cannot refrain from ex presSing their firm conviction that the Acad emy is now in most efficient hands. Better adi - antages in all the branches of a thorough education- have never been offered to this coirmiunity. The satisfactory result of the ' Spring term %% hich has just closed, commen ced and carried on as it was under tin harms sing circumstances incident to the introduc- - - don .ofiiew preceptors and a comparatively new system has convinced us that the In stitution will ere long become one of the best in Pennsylvania. Parents wishing a school *here their children will be well governed and correctly taught the English language, where their sons a ill he well prepared for College or :Mercantile life, will du well to patronize this our own Lostitution. TERMS .4 ND !WC/1770,VA' The Academical year, commencing: the first day in September, is divided inio four terms of eleven weeks each. The vacation's are as follows, one week at Christmas, two weeks at Easter, and Ike weeks proceeding the first of September. Tun lON FEES Primary Studies, per term $4 00 Coninion English Snidies, do .. $4 50 and $5 00 Higher Englii.h StuAie's willi Classical. $6 0 0 Classical Studies, trith Gelman $6 50 French, per term $5 00 Music, " .. HOO 'se. id Piano, ~ ~ 2.00 Fuel fur the winter, 50 Pupils ‘vhorenntin less than two terms will be charged one dollar per term in addi tion to the above prices. No pupil will be received for any period less than one.term. Pupils, at the commencement of each subsequent term, Will be expected to give notice to the Principal, if they do not intend to remain during the whole of it, otherwise they will be charged for the whole, Deductions for absence will be made only when caused by sickness, and extending through one-half of a term. Tuition bills s.honttl be settled - at the end of each term ; no LIN must remain unsettled longer pan two terms. Y]ulVON 11111'14 . XIL E. "VDU:IIT, NATIIAN 1111:TZ(1):11, Coop Tilwr As W Il cum 4 3 • A licillown," Aug; 19, p 33.!. COaelinlaiiiiis 3. bli c4 1111 ) ellt ( 7 ) -11. 0: . .ffis. alien loam. A Prit 4 .• Respectfully announces to his friends and rthe public . in general, that he :Ain continues ton a more extensive scale, the Coachmaking Business, in nil its various branches, at his well known , stand, in west Hamilton street, directly op posite Hagenbuch's Hotel, where he is al , ways prepared to natnulacture to order at the shortest notice, and alzo keep on hand, Barour hes, Fork Wagons /lOC KANN Al S, Carryalls, for beauty and durability cannot be excelled by any other eslablit , liment in the county. Ile uses none but the best mate rial that can be Secured, while his workmen are second to none the state, consequent ly he feels assured That the vehicles he turns (JUL will bear inspection in any community. He will warrant his work as it is all done anrderhis own supervision. Wooden or Iron axle-trees manufactured to order, and all kinds of repairing done in the neatest, cheapest and mast expeditious manner.' EV - florses, old vehicles ; &c. &c., will be taken in exchange for wagons.. Thankful for past favors, he hopes that by strict attention to business, to merit a'contin ual increase of public patronage. , May 2 o. . ' if---3tt) . • ...-....... .----..—, • . • _.. ---_—___ - -____ ----=----- -7- - - - a - _ - *--- . • .. _ • _ ,-__ - __ill- ia . - ------ - • • ----- --'--------- ---'- - ._----r —...._-__—____- 0 1 ,: . ;;. i: 4; .. t ,...k.; ... 7 ; .1 ,.. 4 ; ." e ~, ', . 1„.7. .0..... •.:.''. ._,--------.,---:-..=-----_- ---7=-=.7-=-L---7-----L,7--....7--_,--,,iev‘ 1, -s.,;:ti - - ,_ • ,-..-..-- ....,,r tCre . 1. - :4rii. --••••• . ....., -0- 7 Ir. - - -2 =-- -- ---, ---- T. -f -- -- - - .'-7 - - -- .; ,r -- -----. - ~-;:to;,z, ~- 0-ripe i-: - 1 1): ' " 0 0. r-,, • , .!it. t, •.4 "*.,-- ,-311 -f-t t -6 '.. - - - , - - ~- - --r, -- -,:,--; ~., .- Tr_ _,-_-.- _',', .. 7,._ - • - NQ'-' ' 4' pv ---='-------- - - r'e.' ... a .- P *..;•-• ',.... . 0 _ ?? • . e--.., ,•,.• • ...e T -,- _-- - ;,-- . .k-_-k,-- j i--- -.. 7 i------- ‘,..„-- ---,l= • .•t ,$-, -,‘„ ----------4--.1-_-__ ' ' *e.:.• ` . ,,ic; ~/.: ~-,?-• 6 -;:;,, -- . 4s :,;;f : i .OA., 0 , .` s': '-- 4 -• 1,-?, --,,., R ;.-. 1-:. ....,,,. 3 1 - ' .l-- .?"- -0 : 7 --- -- -- - -- " , :-_ -7 . - _---. - _7.7--- . - „Y.- 5 . ,, , 1-k..., ,• I .....,:,:i. r " Z:F.-• - .. . '..01'. -.!... ;g: 7' ..... -‘ ii • , , r--r- --- : -- _ , tp l ,4. ---,-- .f...e--, Iti i ' 1 -----'50:1, =' ZA ' r •Z ‘..., 4 -r.e,.. ,-.1. (... . _- - ..- -- = -- 4- "."-,-- .- -- --...,- - , • ":„• --,,- -,-- •i•ze, '-%-. "":". • - , t. ;- .... . 111110 ,„;.,.....x..;:44p., .. , , ., ff , 0,, 1 g ..-gei„! .' 7 *.!- - rS - .40 , , .-,--: ~ ......,, _.. ~,,.. . ~. --_,_-_,:-...-.,_ • „ .., 1 -7,0- Pt' .r- ~:kcotlVl,' 1 1 , 4 e. 'i '-' 4' -.,v. P 4 '4 ....... ,1-- -15- .. F .4 .., . c- 0wft.;;' , . ,.. 0.?!,,- . ..."' 1.4:, i 1•.,,., ____ -I M ( * . ....- - . fj•tri..-- ... 1 %. '. . ....).1. &? 7-,,, ,- 1. - trl , -X. 1..;:4"'-',.:...-- .. ---r .:: - 2. 17 • - -' , .1:5 ., 1q ry. p - 1 - . - "t__ ‘ `.!:.- _. _ _ _ _ _ - --..,...r.'n. .....r.......... ,::',..-!;.1`..?...e..A, .., 4 .' ‘ 9_, A , _!..- ^ff.,...-• A FAIIIIL. = Rooms in the Third Story of TIIMCS Bush's new building, one door east of the "Register"•printing office, where he coutin use to take the different styles of Daguerro type Pictures, by sky-light. Ile can war rant his Pictures to be perfect as life. He returns his sincere thanks for the very libe• rid patronage he has received, and hopes by producing satisfactory likenesses, to merit a continuance of patfonage •froth au intelli gent public. S. W. BURCAW, Sept. 9, li—:3m FALL MILLINERY GOODS, FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS, .No. 45 South Second Street, Phiadtillphia. • alr AVINQ completed the improvements Lam -to their Store, are now opening a large and bdieitiful assortment of . Palk Fancy Feathers., • French and American Flowers; Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, • F incy Bonnet Stuffs, ' Corded and Plain Velvets, • . Satins, • Gros. d'A friques, Laces, &c. &c. • To which they invite the attention of Mer chants and Milliners visiting the city. Philadelphia, Sept, 28, 1852. Y NEWSPAPER. September 23, 11,52 tr) CEA 1L 1 vim dues not know that J. IV. Gamut ;ells the cheapest and hest groceries in town and ;also that he has just received a fresh supply which he is selling cheaper than ever, at the red sign mrposite Mr. Seider's (loud, J. IV. GRUBI3. SALT SALT. • The subscriber has just received a Inge lot of salt which he will sell in quantities to suit purchasers. J. W. GRUBB. Ti liE NOTICE. That J. W. Gnt;an has always on hand an assortment of mackerel .%vhich he will sell as cheap as the cheapest, the red sign as ever. J. W. GIILIL3B. Dissolutioit of Partnership. 'l'h e subscribers, who have been doing• business undtr the finis of James Wilder Co., ut Catasatmua, Lehigh county, in the boat bildiug and boating of coal, have dissolv ed partnership on the 19th of August. Those indebted to the late firm, will please make payment either to Janus Ginder or Edward Weiss, and those, who have any claims against it, will also present them for payment. JAMES GINDER, EDWARD W HISS, LEVI HAAs. EV The business of boat building and boaling of coal, will be continued as h'erko fore by James (limier and Edward Weiss, under tile firm of James Ginder &Co September '2, Burea w's Daguerreotype, AND PICTURE GALLERY. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ALLENTOWN, .L - --b - William Grim, CURUER IN ALLENTOWN. Herewith makes known to his friends and the public in general, that he still con tinues the Currying Business in all its various branches, nt his old stand, directly opposite Hagenbuch's Hotel. He has just returned from New York, with a very laree stock, which he is determined to sell nt city prices. Sole Lealher.-L-fle constantly keeps on hand an assortment of. Red or Ilemlock tan ned sole leather. Also an assortment of Oak tanned, which he will sell at the lowest prices. Ca/Mo . /is and Upper LeaHier, of the very best quality at reduced prices. Kids.—l le has an assortment of Span ish kids on hand, that cannot be excelled in quality or prices. 'always keeps on hand t he very best quality of Tanners' Oil, which he is able to sell at Philadelphia prices. • Persons wishing the above articles will do well to call on him, before they purchase' elsewhere. =I ALL KINDS OF HIDES will 'ee taken in exchange for goods, or will be paid for in cash. Punctuality in his business, and the low prices of his goods will induce not only his old customers to continue their favors, but will induce many new ones to favor him with their calls. He returns his thanks for the favors heretofore received. WILLIAM GRIM. 11—tiro OE Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship heretofore existing in the mercantile business, in Allentown, under the firm of Kern ,S• Kline, has been dissolved by mutu al consent, nil the 13th instant. All those, who know themselves indebted to the said firm, be it in NoteS or noel: Dt•bts, will call !Ind settle their accounts between this and the fifteenth day of September next. Such too, who have any claims against the said firm 1011 also present them for settlement ot the undersigned: Allentown, July 29 JOB 7 1 Neatly executed at the “Regiater" Office. Sep. 111111Y111111.) tIIII2IIL s',oll;red tagrare, t:_•3 Greenwich St reet, :3 doors from Barclay, NE IV I'o SIGN 01' TUE (MCAT PAD LOCK, .Ind in the immediate cirinily 01 . the Hud son Erir and Harlem :Railroad Depotand fraBhington Market, Would call the attention of Country Mer- Chants and buyers of Goods to his complete assortment of Pore* and Domestic Hard- W re, which he oilers On as favorable terms as any hake in the trade ;--11M011g which { arc A ines's Shovels and Spades, Rowland' s Shovel's and Spades, Rowland's Mill and t Crosscut Saws, Field's Tachs and Brads, Sparables and finishing Nails, Piles and Rasp, Shoe Thread, Awls and Tacks, !Trace,. I falter, Ox and Log Chains, Axes and I laichets. Tin'd mid En'd Hollow-ware, Tea Trays, Bar and Sheet Lead. Gunpow der, Shot, Percussion Caps and Wads, Sash Weights, Iron and Brass Wire,,Slates and Pensils, Chain Pumps, Sieves and Screens, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors and Shears, Wade and Butcher's Razors, Wrought Nails, British Lustre, Knob and Dead Locks, Chest and Till Locks, London Emery, British and Am. Britannia, Plate and 1-look Hinges, Hav and Manure Forks, Scythes and Rifles, Brick and Plastering Trowels, ,Braces and Bitts, Collet! Mills, Sad and Taifors' Irons, Stair Rods, Bath Brick, Oven's Bladting, Brushes and Cor dage. Boonton and Fall Itivcr Nails at the LOWEST PRICES. September 9, ¶-3m-3d—ny . teltWalo The undersigned will continuo to forward application for •discounts to either of the Easton Banks, as. heretofore, at Ids office in Hamilton street, Checks and Drafts cashed, and cash Drafts to any part of the United States, furnished at moderate charges. WILLIAIii 1-I. BLUMER. Allentown, June 3, 1552. ¶-3w WILLIAM S. MARX ATTORNEY d COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office in the western frodt room,. of the building of John D. Lowell, formerly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse. 'Allentown, April 4, 1850. .Ir,--tf IT-Ow i FOR IiIARAIER AND MECHANIC. ZOOK HERE! Stows Stoves Stoves , , Jaws IL Blish, A LLENTOWN a few doors above Bretz, Guth & CO's. stori, and nearly opposite the Brin ing Office tad Bookstore of the Friedenbote, g tit:". ; tr , 4:iii J11_,. ; , „ L. ~,,,, i ,,..,,,„,,,: ~,._., --77----,---,----,-. T .,-. 1 ,0-.,„ „., , ,1,,,, . ~, •:' t 4 ,5w '''''' _! b:‘,11:_k7i:•.1,;?7,:1.' .72:417:P;C:r",;;!' w :....*:-..".....'-' •.;•?, ,,, 111 / - „...' ... 2, ;,11 1 . , ; .._ , .. , A, , ...:,-.: '..', ::.;' , h, ' . - . --,z- , , , others. .. gcortment consists in part of Wool al 1 Coati Stoves, also New Egland and Air-tight Cooking i 1 stoves, of all iizes a n 1 prices. ! The Globecookin stove do. f The Capitl coelii g stove do. The Coin dem cool mg stove, do, And othei(:oal am.l Wood stovesfor Par ilors, Rooms, )flices,C arches, Taverns,&c. Ho also minufactu is snd keeps on hand an as.zorttnett of opper and Sheet Iron i Coal Shuttle.; Coal Sieves, tined Boilers, Waffle Irons. tin Kettles with Copper bot toms, and ma y other articles. 'I% N WARES of every desciption used for family purpo ses. loan ofacured of the best material. Persons tviliing to purchase articles in his lino of hisiness, are politely invited to call at his stile and convince themselves of his splendidassortment. r.:7:01d Roves, Copper, Pewter, &C. will be taken i exchange for new goods, and old Stoveswill he repaired with new cylin ders, at tl shortest notice Septenher ` l , VIIV A r CE S ALE ()I' A Valinble Plantation. The udersigned ofThrs to sell his valua ble planttion at Private Sale, situated in South Wirehall township, Lehigh county, adjoining lands of I'vter Troxel, Henry Roth, a naoh n Troxel, containing MO acres, strict inet•ure. The uprovements consist in a huge two • . story ? STORE D , WEI:F.III%G EI,OVSE, with kinen attached, a log house, u lac:re stone ban, a first rate ho , r-stable, smoLe house, al other out-buildinas. The hal is of the best limestone soil, with On it. A proportionate part of dn th land is meadow, some excellent ,1-.4, gl ° o land thoalance good arable land in the best conditi4, the whole under good and sub slantiaiences. There are also two wells with pings on the property, one near the P,,,T,3 7 kitchen and the other near th 6 bunt. 1 1-.4 An excellent Apple Orchard, with alarge variety of the choicest apples, besith,other fruit trees. The Jordan creel; runs ;twig the farm. t,Ti';''ersons wishing to examing the farm, can dso by calling on Mr. Owen Schneider,. who tenants tt ; or to the owner near 6 , Elainan's Dam," where they' can also be comutcquainted with the condition of sale. DANIEL THOXEL. 11-6 w Aguas 19, 185'2 C. M. Rii i, k, eltiorney tit Law. , its resumed the practice of his profes sionin Allentown. 'Fle may be consulted in the German WI English languages August 12, 1852 ELISHA FORREST, ATTORNEY AND CODNSELLOR AT LAW. Office on the East side of Hamilton street, falnerlroccupied by John S. Giboits, Esq. jr"- - 1..,an be consulted in the English end cerman languages April 15, la O.) te 111 Ighl Notice is hereby given, that the under :kited have appointed Mr. William Scholl, cf Allentown, an Agent to sell Tobacco in :heir name. JOHN F. Rune & SoNs. Allentown, July 15. 11-4 w Northampt. Water Company, Notice is hereby given, that the Steel:- holders of the Northampton Water Conipe ay, are requested to meet.on Saturday the ?Eh of October next, at 10 o'clock, in the lore soon, at the Public Elouse of Col. Eli Steck el, in Allentown, to discuss business of touch importance to the company Punctual atten dance is requested. M. D. EBERHARD, Secretary, 130 , pt, 30. ‘. ¶-2w A school-teacher, who has been engaged' a long time in his profession, and witnessed the influence of a newspaper on the minds' of a family of children, writes to the editor: of the Qtrclen.s.burg Journal, as follows I have found it to be a universal fact with-- out exception, that those scholars, of both sexes and all ages, who have access to news-- papers at home, when compared to thoso! who do not arc— Takes this !meth od to inform the pub lic, that he has just received from Phil adelphia, the larges stork of STOVES ever brought to A llen• town. Ile has port ' chased forCwsit and is consequently able to sell cheaper than .I Ist. Better readers excelling in pronunci; ation and .emphasis, and consequently react morn understandingly. 2d. They are better spellers, snd define. words with greater ease and accuracy. 3d. They obtain a practical knowledge of geography in almost half the time it requires• others, as the newspaper has made them fa-. miliar with the location of all the important places, nations, their governments, and. do. , Inas, on the globe. t4 elth. They are better grammarians r • ro* having bf , come familiar with every variety of style in the newspaper, from common. , place advertisements to the finished and cies-- sical oration of the statesman, they more read ily comprehend the meaning of the text, and consequently analyze its construction with, greater accuracy, sth. They write better compositions, using . . better language, containing:morei thoughts,' more clearly expressed., (kit. Those young men who have for years been readers of newspapers are al ways found taking the lead in debating so cieties, exhibiting a more extensive knowl edge upon a greater variety of subjects, and expressing their views with greater clear ness and correctness in the use of the lan guage. --- Carly Impression Always Lasting, A correspondent of the Muncy Luminary says—l was lately much interested in a con versant's' between a prominent locofocoPiercre man, free trader, and Henry Collony, a dis tinguished mill Wright, now of Williams port, hut formerly of Washington county, N. Y., a frontier county. In reply to the Pierce man's urgent desire that Collony should ad here firmly to the loco ticket for President. Mr. C. made the following observation : "That during, the late war I was a boy of 9 years old, and rifler hearing of several en gagements in Canada, his parents and neigh boring families were fearful that the English, army and Indiams would cross to the Amer ican side, and make a general havoc and massacre of the revidente upon the frontier, that lie and his little school associates, [re siliently assembled in little groups, and after talking about the dangers that surrounded them and their friends our little hearts beat. tumultuously' - Ind anxiously but we parted each night with the consoling reflection that with Scott as our Protector, Commander-in chief. (who we considered the Napoleon of America,) we need feat' no evil, and while we kept near him and his army, our lives. nd the lives of our neighbors were secura. That little hand of boys is now scattered far and wide and the survivors-thereof, to a man still retnember the gallant Scott and the im pre:tsion he made on their youthful hearts; that impression never. never can be ef faced, and in manhood's prime they will never turn their backs upon their old war worn friend and Protector. 'Now, sir, al though r ilsorar , r , ' supported the Dem ocratic ticket, and know many of the survi vors of that little halal who voted with me, that now hurrah for-Scott and will aid in his election for President of the United States." ig—lin Oil Saving Seed Corn. But few limners justly calculate the ex tent to which their crops are affected by the. seed. begets like." "As we sow so we reap," are old aphorisms particler patak ing of both sound and practical philosophy. If we sow imperfect seed we may expect to reap imperfection, with a decrease in qual ity in a just ratio from present organic defects —whilst if we sow perfect seed we may ex pect to reap greater perfection, increased its the same ratio as the deterioration of the former. 11-I y Now, to the thoughtful and practical.far.. mer, this is a consideration worthy of exper imenting, in order to determine the true results. To secure good seed corn and improve the quality, quantity, and time of ripening, try the following : In the fall, when your corn is ripening go through the field and pluck from thestalka such ears as are tho earliest—being:already ripe—also havinr , in view those.stalks bear. log the largest and most ears. Having fur. nished yourself with a sufficient quantity for seed, place it in some dry situation, that the cob may become completely dryias,that wilt keep it from feezingin the winter, which or • a certainty, if allowed to do, will destroy its; power of germinating. In this situation it. :nay be allowed to remain until spring,. when on removing the husk, it will be found. in the most perfect state of preservation, and , seldow, if ever to fail in the germ. Experiment. thus 'tor. several kucce:unver years, and if there is no marked improve -t_,,, meat in your corn; both as rtigardq and quantity re,cord it dB known law of rf . ," ature‘ 7., . . . V-6 in Al Newspaper In a Family-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers