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V 1 ' ~1 .4 . - ... 4 . 11 ... ~.." , 4t 1 .....- ...., ...i, ~.. .40,.. . . ...... • :,,,,. .1 -&01.A..„ :,- --A , c4iv,04.'1,p-- , ....--- ^•••••• ' le _ • -_,—:-- .7.- <,- - F t -i a s ' '..ez -4. • ." ••';' ' I . . "•••• ''''''''-- / 1;14 4,r-V,- 1 , 1. , -4 , •'i i r r - '''' + ' `• - ' 2 ... -- . ---- f-'- - .1.,.. • • 1 4 .. • . ...,:t- ~ ,5. . ..r ,. _ fp , efr , ' '.. , e ~ 1 ". ete I" i - •-•- ''''''''' 4 --'"" - - - - - - .... 7..... — ...r.,-,,..-....`= • .,..,.., r,,,,,-.;..-.1 . 4" ....,,',,,' 4 4 ::: :, • : er' . ..,is . ''...,;„1, - ;, , ~ . .1,,.0r • 0:e na.;" . _1 1 ..- „• ~ , ,, ,e . • , ...,,,s;', • ; ,,, ,;41-7r.c"._-• • A FAMILY NEIVSI"AI'EP ____-...... ._,...__,"_-= ..-....;:1ify1ri.,,:, 1 / 4 !....,,t-:...r.-.9_,1. .7- -,...-._ .... - Ocuoteero Nemo, Eiteraturc, poettn, fjciencc, '2oriculturc, the niffut - iion of tiorful , I :s'nforniation, (.sencrol "Ininficmcnt, VOLUME VI. THE LEIIGII REGISTER, publivhed in Hie Borough of A llentown, Lehigh Count y, Pa.,cvery Thursday IRV AUGIUSTIJS L. RIME, tsl 50 per annum, payable in advance,and 200 if not paid until the end of the year. No paper discontinued,until allarrearagcsare paid cxcept at the option of the proprietor. Atl V BHTI VlOl EN rs, making not more than one square, will be inserted three times for one dollar and for every subsequent inset don welityfi ye cents. Larger advertisements, charArd in the same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines will be charged seventy-five cents, and those making six lines or less, three insertions for 50 cents. tre'A Liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. re 011ie c in Hamilton one door Rost of the German llifornunt Church, near)il opposite the "Friedensbuie Office." Allentown Academy. J. N. GuEconv. A. 31., Principal. Mrs. Emily Dunbar Gregory, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. Miss Jane Gregory, Principal of the Fe male Department. Fite Fag Term of this Institution will continence on Wednesday the first day of September next. lb waking this allilol/11Ce ment the trustees cannot refrain from ex pressing, their firm conviction that the Acad emy is now in most efficient hands. Better advantages in all the branches of a thorough education have never been offered to this community. The satisfactory result of the , Spring term which has just closed, commen cod and carried on as it was under embarras sing circumstances incident to the introduc tion of new preceptors and a comparatively new system has convinced us that the In stitution will ere long become one of the best in Pennsylvania. Parents wishing a . school where their children will be well goVerned and correctly taught the English language, where their sons will be well prepared for College or Mercantile life, will do well to 'patronize this our own Institution. 711:R JS .4 ND [Wad S The Academical year, commencing the first day in September, is divided into four terms of eleven weeks each. The vacations are as follows, one week at Christmas, two weeks at Easter, and five weeks preceeding the first of September. TUITION FEES Primary Studies, per term sl 00 Common English :Undies, do ~ 'l4 50 and $5 00 Higher English Studies with Classical $6 Ott Classical Studies, withAf ennui% $6 50 French, per term $5 Ott Music, o o 13 00 Ilse of Piano, ~ ~ 206 ruel for the wittier, 56 p ur n s - w h o r em ai e l e s s than two terms mill be charged one dollar per term in addi tion to the above prices. No pupil will be received for any period less than one term. Pupils, at the commencement of each subsequent term, will be expected to give, notice to the Principal, if they do not intend to remain during the whole of it, otherwise they will be charged for the whole, Deductions for absence will be made only when caused by sickness, and extending through one-half of a term. Tuition bills should be settled at the end of each term ; no bills must remain unsettled longer than two terms. GinNolv InAcit, R. E. Witufirr, NATHAN 111 ETZO ER, THOS. IL CooPER, l Thistees, THOMAS WEAVER, I HER nAN Rt 7 Pr, Allentown, Aug. 19, R 352 Good Horses and Safe Vehicles: athentown lA.Ncry THE subscriber takes this method to in form his friends and the public in generel, 'that he has lately purchased the "Livery Establishment' formerly owned by George Beisel. He has completely replenished the large stock of ffirm HORSES, CARRIAGES. U. W Hi • „ s Horses are gentle and all good travellers ; his vehicles mostly new and of the latest style, and such us have been used are repaired and repainted in the best manner. Ile continues the business at the old stand in William street, in the Bo rough of Allentown. lle will always be prepared to furnish his customers at the shortest possible no.; flee :with sure and gentle horses, good car riages and 'careful drivers 'if requested. Families can be suited at all times with ve hicles to their particular taste. Ills charges are reasonable, and in or der to continue the high credit he has here tofore gained of being the "best livery estab lishment in Allentown," ho will leave nothing undone to keep on hand the best and safest horses,the neatest and most splen did carriages, and sober and careful drivers. •His charges are very reasonable and hopes by strict attention to business to satis fy all those who may favor him with their custom. optombor 18,1881.8' °r"'irilt"."-Ink _ . rIN ate, Sale OF Valuable Town Properly. The undersign e d wishes to dispose of his Town Property • at private sale. It consists of a splmidid two story HOUSE n 1, and lot aground, situated on the west side of Allen street, in the Boromrh of Allentown, near the Market square, ad joining on the north by a lot of Ephraim ; Grim, on the south by the lot of widow Schantz, an the west by a public alley, acd !containing, in front 20 feet, and in depth 230 feet. Thereon is erected a new two story Brick house, with a two story kitchen mulched. There is also a wash kitchen on the premises; ['or beauty and convenience there is no better property in Allentown and persons wishing to purchase in . Allentown will do well to examine it before they pur chase elsewhere. 'Flic conditions will he made on very ac commodating terms. Persons wishinn to view the property can do so by calling upon the owner. FRANKLIN STETTLER. Allentown, July 15, 1559. T-3in Anther Grand Exhibition. Great attraction at the Nor ra,,lt Store, or the "lied sign," opposite Seider's Hotel, J. W. Llitunn, has just received another splendid assortnwnt of Ladies Dress (Aunt's consisting iu [ut .01 Browy. Brow De Leans, Molts Berage,.Ve. which he is prepared to sell at prices lower then these articles have ever . before been of lered and solicit:inc.:lll from all at the old stand. 71? ;yr asuks! ar as ols! Just receivi d atiotlivr large lot of the above article, which will be sold at greatly re duced prices, corner 11'Hz:on's Row. Alay. 27 leit rtp (g. vi) 4 If any person or persons have purchased of the oritdoal ner, lots No. ;12 and :16 of the Allentown Cemetery, he, she or they, will please call on 1 : „EritEs Elsa, Treasurer of the association, between now and the first day, of October next, and pay the taxes due on them, or they will revert to the original owner. Notice is also given that Tintoihy Odd ner, has been appointed to dig the graves and keep the Cemetery in good order; therefore any person requiring his services will please call on him. PETER NEWHARD, Pre.sident. .(11plitilwn, Amt.. 19, 1t:45`2. 111-7 w Dissolution or Partnership. Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship heretofore existing in the livery busi ness, in Allentown, under the firm of 11q#: man Compan . y, has been dissolved by mu tual consent on Uhl 2tith of July. All those who know themselves indebted to the said firm, be it in Notes or Book Debts, will call and settle their accounts between this and the first day, of October, next, and such too, who have any claims arrainst the said firm will also present them for settlement to T. P. Hoffman, who has the books in hand. TIIONIAS P. HOFTMAN, August 19, 1852. !!-Gm Seliing cheaper than ever LtniEs, if you are in want of Berarre De Lain,. or any other kind of a stuniner 'dress, just drop in and be suited at the cheap store of J. W. Grubb; as he- is now dosing out his stock of the above articles at reduced prices—call soon at the Red Sign, opposite Seidees Hotel July 22 AIM% eiVte,ati. 'rho dedication of the new Odd Fellows' Flan, at Catitsauqua, will take place on Sat urday, the 11th day of September. The dedicatory ceretnoniee...to commence at 10 o'clock. The procession to be formed at 1 o'clock l' M. precisely. Addresses will be delivered in the afternoon by Pass Grands Schindel and Wright, at the onll. the neighboring Lodges nre respectfully invited to attend the ceremonies. EDWIN M►CKLEV,I COMMitiCe JAMES CLARK, . • DAVID W►I.LIAMS, of OWEN FREDERICK JosEr►► Lituuneu, J ./Irrangement. August 20, 11-3 w. A PRIME ARTICLE OF ORLEANS, SUGAR House and Syrup Molasses, al ways on hand at the new cosh store, corner of Wilson's Raw. J., W. GRUBB May 27. X-4w ENGLISH AND GERMAN JAR PRINTING, %sr Zfeall' .e . : E A„ . II,..LENT . OWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, '1 ) 1.., SEPTEMi3EIt 2, 1852, N SE O, Allentown Hail of Fashion. cor„ GE v II-n ERAL TA ti/ton a G nd Willia FFICE m Ircels, • ALLFAT 0 'X N . iriCdCr ea' 11.9ffer. Joh?. I ° . _Bechtel tz,spvetfully announce to the citizens of • Allentown and its vicinity, that they Announces to his friends and the public, 'have cf lately associated themselves for the purpose that he has purchased 1, the steel: and fixtures of manufacturing ~.„— ` ,g,tv.:''',- i - . T.-:.• of the above named 1 lo- Etats and Cap 4 ''',777r Z .. ..e. :7' AT ',11: , ... - t '...:qui ',Teno r occupied 5--- -- of various *styles and lash- L'a''' - ' 21 ` .. " 1 "...;' , 4. 1. aki hi: - . .11.',7,t-: j lly • Jonathan Kolb.— ( 4 54 1 r ions, all of which they will sell at 110 . 1,1 i „,,,,_s''','il ' The house is one of the (c 1 Ilholesolc or Retail, at rates cheap- - . ? - ' ,, r.." - -- - 2 - .1 --. .1---,-.:,, , largest and most con ye er than the same were ever before offered talent [fowls in the borough, and its location, , in this place. 1 in tho immediate vicinity of the Court house They being both practical !inners and I and public offices, makes it a desirable stop touch experienced in the business, feel sat- l ping place, as well to the men of pleasure islied that they can give entire satisfaction as of business. The proprietor therefore, to all who will favor them with their cus. • assures the public, that he is now ready to tom. accommodate all who may honor him with Remember the stand, directly opposite their custom. in the best manner. Barber & Young's Hardware Store, I.Vest flis TABLE will always be supplied Hamilton Street, known as E. M. %Vieder's with the best the ma rket' affords ; the BAR Hat and Cap Store. with the choicest wines and Liquors : the nr"Country merchants supplied on ,rea- BEDS and ROOMS are clean and coin sortable terms. Having juct received the fortable ; and, in fact, everything is twang latest Fall and Winter styles, they will be ed with a view to the convenience and cow prepared to fill orders at:the shortest notice. fort of his customers. They hit've also on hand a full assortment In short, he has determined to spare nei ther pains nor expense to make his house of Furs, such as Muffs. Boas, Cuffs, &c., all of which will be sold at the lowest pri- equal to any in the country, and he tficre- CCP, , fore respectfully solicits a share of the pub- tm 7,- .ln'n , or.oncsnonocsr44:;:,—,4w - ots(ir, N 41 9 A. 11. ECKERT, r ' c ' g , .3 r 3 WHOLESALE AND itt,-rAn. ( . 1 4.1 ti ° 'II el i 3 obacco, snuff and Seal n ~.; o , ° A few doors below the C-ter-'-' i 0 0 man Reformed Church, r ' . .. ) t., ,S 1 Hamilton Street, £:, rl e LI ALLEVIIIPLVN, PA. ~., .t. il £3 ~ 0 E — V" GOODS A LL IV .1 RI M A rEA /-, 1 E ) 0 A tiv. ID. 11--- I ‘ 4 j 0£3,10£1 0 (.1 , ..1 7 a is:`. .7 0ae.11,,:,,: , • 7,7tc - ,,c->act ..1,.)•.., J. W. C; Li 13 B. —liral. Fort Allen House, wEisspußT, CA R BONCOUN rY, P%., 9 1E1 IS is a new, elegant mid commodious house., erected on the site of old Fort Allen, with which are associated so many remembrances interesting to the antiquarian, It was opened for the accomodation of the public on the first of May, and allUrds means of entertainment fur travellers and families, surpassed by none. The rooms are large and airy, the adja cent walks and scenery spacious and de lightful, and no pains will spared to provide the guests with such rarities and delicacies as are come-at-able and render their stay agreeable. The StaLling attached is large and conve nient, and an attentive and faithful hostler will always be found at his post. August 12, 1552. --31 n The members of the "Lehigh County Agricultural Society," will meet on Satur day the 4th of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Public House of PE TER HAAS, in NI illerstown. Punctual atten dance is requested as business of importance is to be transacted. N. •13. The persons named as Judges, appointed at a former meeting, will please give notice to .1. .31. Line. Esq., Secretary of the Society, on or before the meeting on Saturday the 4th of September next, wheth er they are willing to serve in that capacity. Those, who do not give notice to that effect, will be looked upon a . s•not willing to serve,. and others will be appointed in their places. EnwAhn kom.ua, President. August 26, —2lv 11-1 w attorney at Law. Has resumed • the practice of his profes sion in Allentown. LVI-Ie may be consulted in the German and English languages. August 12, 1852. ELISHA FORREST, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office on the East side of Hamilton street, formerly occupied by John S. Gibons, Esq. IV - Can be consulted in the English and German languages. April 15, Notice is hereby, given that the under signed have appointed Mr. William Scholl, of Allentown, an Agent to sell Tobacco in their name.. JOHN. F. Ruitu & Sons.• A Ilentown, July 15: Gram/ Exibition _A August 12 BY GEO. nOVEB. Agricultural Meeting. C. M. R u n k, X1(1)92a A4ERICAN HOTEL, lic patronage 117"I'llo Allentown and Pottstown, and the Easton and hca lin, Singes, stbVt from this house. It is also the stage °nice for the other Hoes that kayo Allentown. • April 29. iii_3lll Ladies and Gentleman Read! J. W. GRUBB Would respectfully inform the citizens of Allentown and the public generally, that he has just opened his New Stock of Spring and Si9ll9ll:Cir C 1 1(0 CD CONS/S7I.VG LV P.1117' 01' Cas:4ina!we, Ca:don:irons, Cut tollitill.S, IAIIIOIII VCblillgS, &C. Al, O a :..pleadid assortineal of Ladies Lh'ess Goods, snrh as 1-;,.rage, 13,rago do I,aittes, ;ingliams, Jaconois, Plain and Fi , o rod Swi:ss, Calicoes, &c. The assoriment of (110rt.. , i, ,Work ings, Collars, &c., is also very 0000 and 1)932 ESTIC siri iIIODS. 'This department is also. wall stocked with such as Al uslins, Ticking. Checks, Diapers, Toweliugs, Drillings, Flannels &c. G rucc ries, Quer»sicare and Looking Glasses. His assortment of Groceries, Queens ware and Looking Glasses, is such that will give satisfaction to all, in quality and prices. [le does not Wish to flatter• the public by making large pretentious ; but merely soli cits a call. as he utkrs pleasure Goods, whether they purchase or 110 t. Come one, come rtlt and 2 - ive him a call, at the old stand in Wilson's Row, south east corner of Nlarket Simare. Allentown, May 13, - - liondertal are the Works ofNature The people say that f have the best and cheapest Groceries in town. I believe it, fur the quantity sold is evidence of the fact. Partners, remember this fact ; to be found at the old corner, opposiM Mr. Sellers flo- J. W. GRUI3I3. Allentown, May 13, 1852. —6m Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship heretofore existing in the mercantile business, in Allentown, under .the firm of 6ent.4. Kline, has been dissolved by tnutu al consent, on the 13th instant. All those, who know themselves indebted to the said firm, be it in Notes or Book Debts, will call and settle their accounts between this and the fifteenth day of September next. Such too, who have any claiMs against the said firm will also present them for settlement to the undersigned. Allentown, July 29 Doctor William J. Romig. / Having returned to Allentown, offers his professional services to his friends and the public. Office -CAE at his residence, in Hamilton street, south side, first corner below Pretz, Guth & Co's. Store, in Allentown. February 19, Q^fy ¶-1y J. lie Pity Davis, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office in 'the room one door east of Lewis Smith's Drug Store, formerly occupied by R. E. Wright, Esq. 121rAir. Davis can be consulted in both languages. -May 13, 1852. 7-4 w _it.AD T—liin WILLIAM KERN, JAMES-KLINE. Just received a large lot of Rakes, which will bo sold very cheap at the ew cash store, corner of Wilson's. Row. J. W. GRUBB. 11—Om NAILS.--300 Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. APO' I ii-thu - NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. ZiEerchants Look Elere igil Li 1" . :ir; ' - ' l -•. • - 'iV i t-r . P llfe n bra ....,--,T , ..,"& i d, IpS -,-;,.; ~ .1 2. :L._ _., _ :r 7g l i ii ii;igillit z gAt'Pr'r t.. qt• Merchant's Transportation LINE - BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA & WHITE lill'EN. The undersigned takes this method to in• form his friends and ihe public in general, that he lately established a New Line of Boats, for the transportation of all kinds of Mer chandizc between Philadelphia and White Haven, and all intermediate places, at re dure,l fr•rishlx. Ile is prepared to receive goods of all kinds from A. 5. Wright, 2d wharf above Ville street in Philadelphia, and forward them without delay to White Haven, and all intermediate places. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore received every effort will be made 4 to merit a continuance of the same. .I,gent3 for Ore Line. A..& J. Wright, Philadelphia, G. & A. Bachman, Proentansburg, Charles Seider, ilethlehetn, James Kleckner, Allentown, Horton & White Ilaven, • Wm. [l. G.tencn, Proffietor. Lint Allentown, June 3, 155.2. Ig-4 m Boot Shoe Establishment in Allentown. Shalka• Hun Ica% IZespectfully inform their friends a . nd the public in general, that they have lately bought out the Stork of Nit.. John Reeser, and will continue at the old stand, in Ham ilton Strom, between the Allentown Hotel and J. IL Aloser's Apothecary Store, Where they are prepared to execute all orders in their line of business. They alum inform the public that they have just returned from Philadelphia with a large assortment of Ladies, Misses k Gentlemen's Guinn Shoes. jiwyr also keep on hand of their own manufacture!, a general assortment of extra tine and coatse Gentletnen's Boots. Monroes and Shoes.— Also, Ladies' and Mi!!ses' Morocco and Pru milk Gaiters, Bootees and Shoes. Boys and Child rens, Boots awl Shoes—all made olthe best material, of their own selection. They will warrant all their work, and or dprs will de executed at the shortest notice, and in the neatest manner. The hands in their employ are of the hest that can Le louild. both in the Ladies' as well us Gen tlemen's branch of the business. The assortment they keep on hand is very extensive, comprising every article that may be called for in their line. Persons who are in want of a pair of good Boots or Shoes, an article highly necessary to keep your feet warm and dry, will do well to give them a call, before purchasing elsewhere, as they do not intend to charge anything for ahoy ing their goods April 15 To the Ladies of Allentown. We want all the ladies in Allentown and its vicinity to call and get a dress of Berage, Berage de Leine, Lawn. Gingham, or any thing else they may•wish, at the now cash store, corner of Wilson's Row, the• place just revived. J. W. GRUBB. • • - - - - -- .Large Two Story house 11(01,13 MatitQ cl A large and commodious Two Story Brick Dwelling House, with m V i . Open Front basement, situate in I east Hamilton street, in the Bor ough of Allentown, lately occupied by Jas. Roney, one door east of Dr. John Romig. For further information apply to ELI J. SAEGER• 11-3 w Allentown, April 22. To Builders. A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush es, and a variety of other building Hard . - ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper than ever by 0 & J SAEGER. May 8. , Rakes Rakes ! May 13, 1853: ews ‘r,cir ."4; xd - •i7: 1_ • New Store Opened BY Edeman, Manse Co. On the south-west corner of Market. Square and Hamilton ,Street, directly oppo site the "Eagle Hotel" in Allentown, which, thoy style the cheap Farmers' and Mechanics' Mite. - They have just returned from Philadel— phia, with an entire new and well selectedi stock of the cheapest and most beautiful Sprit§ g• and Summer Goods that were ever exhibited in this place, em— bracing all the Latest and most Fashionable Styles, to which they invite the attendance of their• friends and.acq.uaintances generally. The goods have been selected. with great and attention. We name in part, - Fancy ,S7yle Spring Silks, all widths awl quail! ies,Foulard Silks, Blackand Fan- cy Colored Silks, Berege de Lollies, Persian Cloths, 11'0°1 French de Laines, Ging-- 11(17113, French Chintzes,fancy Lawns, Calicoes, from 3 to twelve cents a yard:. WHITE GOODS, Of all descriptions, Jaconet and Swiss Ed— Insertings, Linen and Cotton Laces.. :300 New stylo Ladies' Needle Work Col— lars from 6.! cents to $1,50, Wristbands, Cuffs, &c. A good assortment of Hoisery, Gloves, Mitts, &c. always on hand. A large assortment of silk and cotton Umbrellas. Parasols of all styles, colors and prices. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, ' French, English and American Cloths, of various colors, Plain and Fancy Cassimers, Satin and Fancy Vestings, Satineus. A large assortment of Woolen, Worsted, Lin en and Cotton Goods for Spring wear.-- Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Collars, &c. A Is°. a bealtiful and handsome assortment of Goods fur Boys' wear. They are satisfied that they have selec:. ted a stock of goods as cheap if not cheaper than ever before offered in Allentown, and are determined to sell them at a very small advance. They hope therefore that through; strict attention to their business, they will be able to draw a large share of public pat• renege for which they will ever be thankful., EDELMAN, FIANSE &CO. Allentown, April 29, ¶--am Groceries 4S . Queens:rare: Vtiv The subscribers 1 , 11247,7 have also a lar g e i`,!:l 2iLj . . ,2. 1 " stock of fresh ity Groceries, Primo, Java and Rio Cof— fee, from 16 cents a pound and as low as 61 cents, Su g ars, Teas, Molasses Cheese, Spices, Crackers, Raisins &c., &c., Butter, E gg s, Lard, Hams, Sides, Should= ors, Potatoes, Onions, and Soap, for whicb the hi g hest Market prices will bo given in exchan g e for Goods. All Goods sold at this Establishment arer warranted what they are represented to be. Call and examine for yourself. Goods free— ly shown with strong inducements to buy.. ¶-3m EDELMAN, HANSE & Allentown, April 29, 11-6m5 Grain Wanted., 50,000 Bushels of Wheat, Rye, COM and Oats wanted, for which the highest market prices will be paid by the subscribers,. at their store on the South west' corner or Market Square and Hamilton street, in Al— lentown. EDEEMAN, EIANSE & Cot. Allentown, April 29, in -43m Stone Coal. The undersigned have just received• a , large lot of Stone Coal of all the different qualities ; and will always keep them on) hand, to be sold or exchanged for all kinds of Grain at the lowest cash prices. • EDELMAN, HANSE & CO. Allentpwn, May 13. 11-6m.1 To Country Storekeepers and IPE.4 PERS. The subscriber respectfully call the atten tion of storekeepers and, weavers to hia fine. assortment of Cotton and Linen Carpet Chain, Cottqg Yarn, 776 Yarn, Candlewick, Indigo, Blue Yarn,. Cover Mt. Yarn, Cotton Tidy and Stocking Yarn. COTTON LAPS, of ) of all sizes and qualites, WOolen•Stosking- Yarn Carpet Filling, acc.:&n.. • • • All of which I Will sell as low as any in store the city. R. T. WHITE. No. 1148 North Bd, St Pktdtobia • NUMBER 48._
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers