Just Established Zfly fountain licr,to.utant ! ! The subscribers have lately entered in co•partnership, and have rented the large and spacious building known as the "Old Banking House," which has undergone a thorough repair, and is now opened as the Allentown Fountain Restaurant. The proprietors: are teeth young a RI ac tive business men, and those who will visit shier cf_.tablishinvot, will ry soon convince themselves that tiny h lly understand their but inoss. 'l'h i ty mill always I,e)p on Fund, a ft.( sh supply of the he tt , l.):, Claws v..lit n in season, Lialunies, footer, Ale, Beer anti All kinds of fruit, such rts Oranges, Lem ons, Figs, Raisins, Prunes, ppleF, &c., &v. Almonds, Pea and otlicr Ntits ; Candies of all hinds, and every other article that may conic in their line of businei,s. They have also furnished their Ice Cream Saloons in the most fashionable manner, which makes them II desirable place of re sort, after passing through the toilsome la bors of the day. They hope by punctual attendance to business, they will be able to gain a share o pubic rat renege for N\ Lich thuy will iii‘%ll) s be thalnkful. April 21, 1,552 Stn Ladies and Nenileman Bead! J. GIUJBB Would respt elitilly inform the citizvo:. of Al!, !flown and (1 ! (. piddle 1.. , ..11t.ra1iv. that ho has jto.t opcncti leis Nt w Stock of Spe• .? aA' fir PY kf,' 1' I e 4 . CYf'7 'll tale this !Hotbed to in- Inrlll the public that they have lately elder -I'./11?7' ( - )1' j d into Fartnerrltip in the larte -Livery Cloths, Cussimpres, Caslimaretts,ot -:!•••••• 1 :: oil ro," formerly ot.viied by GL'Ortte tot - lades, Linen Coatings, Postings, &a, I 'Boise!. They have completely replenished Also a splendid assortment of .1(111 es 1 „eg ,c 1; i Dress (...:oorls, such as Beray, P,era. : t.t do Baines, Ginghams, Jaconets, v - fi • Plain and Fig,ured Swiss, Calicoes, &e. i I„1:, s tiro safe :toil all The assortment of Gloves, .Ifilis„Viock. ; lousily new ings, c , o/hirs, &c., is also verl, . (400 D: and of the lat , s'y le, and such as have and CHEAP. bet . lll.l!.. , t'd ale 1011114(2d and irpainted in the , hest 11!:IIIIItq. C 010.1111.10 the business llo3lEST IC t;; ari'!:4l. \ iniam :trot, in the 130- Thig'-department-is-also-well-stocl , ed- T ar,h-or- 4 1-Ilont rwn . with such as Aluslims, 'ricking Checks.i '.',:tty atways be prepared to furnish Diapers, l'oweling,s, Drillings, Flannels &c. I I •I•. ,1:A11 M••., the . possible Groceries, (iltternsicare and Looking lice with stir,• at:.l p;ontle huises, 000 d car riaftes and tat , kt! (I; ivt•rs if requested. Ills assortment of Groceries, eleteens. I Fatt,il;.ts ran 1,,.,t,':. dot times with ve ware and Looking Glasses, is such that hicl tt, tla it p.trieoltir tast.tst. • , will give satisfaction to till, in quality and t and is nr prices der to (...ntiautt tlut credit it has hero- Fie does not wish to flatter the public !ohm' “1 , t,.t estab making large pretentious ; but merely soh- lisinncltt i,i .11h-ui,wnt" trio y n ill :t ;lye tits n call, as he takes pleasurolit :311(r,v•iig und“iit• it. Lr, p ett hard the best Goods, whether they purchase O r not. and :•ate.td Imistts,the limiest and Inest spirit- Come one, come all and eiee him a call, :it di..! Co. shill 11:,d carultil drivers. the old stand in IVilson*st Bow, south e a,-„,; Tbt•ir clte.rto s aro very 1 - on:enable aid corner of Market Square. ! I.t p: ;;t:(.1111,11 to 1,1;,ii;. Allentown, May 13, Wonderful are the IVortis of riaiure The people say that I have the best cheapest Grocerivs in town. I believe it, for the ipnintily r, l l i (n . l(lflee of ihe L• a •t. Farmers. ratacalhar this lac! ; la be round at the oid corner, opposite 31r. ti idets l ho tel. J. NV. Allentown, Nlay 13, IS5'2, _ New Boot, Shoe and Leathcr Store in Allentown. 11 (AVE V ego' GO an Have lately emeriti IMO Partner , liip in the above business, and have taken the large and spacious house on the collier, di rectly opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, in Hamilton street. They itiform their former cw.tomers and the public in general, that they intend do ing business otra more extensive scal, , , than has ever before been done it) Allentown.— They keep how dO to 50 hands in employ, by which means they will he able to fam ish customers week lit the shortest possiLle notice. Their stock on hand at present colorises a very lawe assortment of Gen tlemens,' Supellino, Patent Leather, French tli — V., Morocco and Calf' skin Hoots e lial/i o "' ,;....:(4.... t o b ri ii i , c ( il l i oit s y l ir l s , e s l b i t i oo r' t o " j is ::!:::': Ladies shoes is indeed very huge, as they intend to be able to fill out large orders (front country merchants) among which can be found every possible style of dries shoes, such as Jenny Lind's, lho„ , ki ns , Lore Boots, Jenny Lind Biots,Polhos, Slip pees, Ties,Goiicrs. Kossuth, Excelsior, Strop, all th abovo styles aro marinfociurcil of Patent 1,, other, ICald, Morocco or basting. Children:of every variety and styles plain nod fancy colored. They manufacture with . a view of furn ishing stock to incrchants from the country in nay quantity, and they will warrant all the goods they manufacture to be . of better material and more durable ; and at prices less, than they call be purchned in Phila delphia. full assortment of shoe findings, of every description. Also all kinds of I walk er, Oak and Hemlock tanned sole leather, hip, Calf and French Morocco, liid, Pat ent Lining Leather, all of which will be sold • at city prices. They invite merchants and customers from the country to give them a call, exam ine their large stock of goods, and we• as sure them they will not go away dissatisfied. We say again, remember the place—oppo site the Odd Fellows' Hall, in Hamilton Street, Allentown. RONEY & GOOD. March 'IL St I Ready Made Clothin 'ore, g N. D. KNIGHT illumflacturcr of In Allentown !! • Melia* •le Improved Chain Puinps. Adopt this method, to inform their friends ALLENTOWN Lumen COI 7 N TY. and the public generally, that they have The undersigned takes this method to in just returned from P,hiladelphia, with a form the public geneially, that he continues very heavy stock of to manufacture the new and Improved Spring and Summer Goods Chain Pumps with iron Curb. of the most fashionable Etyle, from all of which They tvill make to order and also keep on hand a lary.t• supply of Clothing, rtt Fitch prices, as cannot be equalled in any estahlishinent in this or any neighboring toe. n. Their present large Stock of cloth ing consists in part of I)ress Coats, of eve ry imaginal:le stele, for Sating ;old Summer wear, Pantaloons, fancy anti plain of all prices, Suntim r Pants in great variety ; Vests, Satin, flincy and plain, Drawers, Shirts, Collars, Cravats, &c. & c. all of w h ich they ale deteiniined to sell at the lowest prices. It is therefore "money mule" Ur :hose who wish to purchase clothing, if they first call at .Vdi , .;•/e bcfurc they purclute elsewhere. • (.)tilers of every kind, be accepted with pleasure, and punctually attended to ; and ats Ihvy are l'ruclicol none but the Lest weihnianship will Le still; rrt d In (,ass Iht it 6nutls , sa that they ran lv;:mil:t•thc lii v iwunilocttirc 11011-1 .0 CIS ThouWu! for pa,t favor, , . th, y la,pv punctual attendance to lat,it.cs... liil;,- 1)1c jobs, the y gill I . ac nide to gain a contit:- uoticc of fav , rs from o gcnurous All,litewn, April 15. 6 ,;-11111 Good Horses P.m! safe Vehicles! 1(1'k:10i:rid IMIIME & Si (11,11 . 1ys P. 11):tit k`k, Co. 111'lrIZ'1 1 JOEBERS, I .1.1 8ruitz1t , ,...1 . ;. 1 Boor South (f. g_g AVE now on hand, and will he receiv iite. daily tliroti! 4 ll the season, New (foods direct fan: the European minitinic- IllieS, :10(1 C:101 .Nvicii , ms, rich fashionahie fancy Sill; Our stock of liich lUelions , , comprise}, every variety of the lim:t am! utc. t Lcantttttl dcsigns Mealy of cur nre 11;utiorneturctl ox• Int"sly to our older, from etir and parrot's; and stand unrivalled. \Ve ufkr our p.oods Ira in a Cash, at lower pi cus than any credit I louse in America can All purchasers will find greatly to their interest to reserve a portion of their money and make selections from nor great variety of rich cheap gouts. Ribbons rich for rionnets, Caps, Sashes and belts. Siiiis, Satins, Crapes, Lisrxs, and '1 Fly tons. Ern hroide ries, Cdlars,,Cheinisetts, Ca pes, ri Sleeves, Culls, Edgings, and In erhurs. Entla9itlered I?evicc, Lace, and flein titch Camloic 13londs, illusions, and Ernbroidered Laces for Caps. Emliroidered Lams for Shawls, Mantillas and Veils, I loniton :11c1,1vn, Valencicnces, and Brussels Laces. English and \Voce Thread, Smyrna, Lis le Thread, and Cotton Laces. Li,le Thread, Silk, and Sewing Silk, Gloves. and 'Mitts. Froneli and American Artificial Flowers. French Lace, English, Anwrican, and Italian. StraW Bonnets and Trimmings. New York, 'March, :25, T—fm Oflice on he East ide Or I Tumilton street, formerly occupied hy John S. Gibons, Eq. t Can he consulted in the English and term: n languages. April 15, 411-7-6 m A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor .Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush es, and a xariety of other building Hard ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper than ever by 0 & J SAEGER. May 8. • \ E 1 . () '1: :1!( \Ll* ! (I.n•ri: I ELE):A*A. nunc:r• ‘S: 4 ( Iruk, ELISHA FORREST, ArI'ORNEV AND COUNSELLOR Al LAW. To Nuirders. for ‘vflieli he jw:t got alit a new patern and is now prepared to li!I orders for bailie. A constantly increasing, deniand for these. Pumps, resulting in part from the great improvements we have lately effected in their construction, affords, substantial evi dence of lit it superior adaptation to the pub lic wants. We, therefore, nave no hesita tion in saying that they give better satis faction to purchasers, are more economical, and du . their work inore rapidly and with loss espenditnre of labor than any other Pumps in use. Their operation gives mo tion to the watar, and thus effectually pre yi tits it from becoming stagnant and impure. They are wade so as to be readily put in operation, even by expetienced hands can be put togi. then at thu Factory or le seal a w l a y i ll parts, as customers prefer: and they can be (asily and cheaply trans ported to any purl of the country. i le trusts the low prices for which he offers his Pumps, wifl he an inducement to iht se who want the article to give 111111 a rill. .flay 6, br. _II.E.V.T.Nr!t; 7'. dopt, this method RI inform his an.7.r ..13r"..rfriellils and the public in g.•ni.ral, that he lias made Ali( mown his permanent rc:idel.ce. 11, open -.1 office at his (I%x( Hine:, opl c itc KoTh's American Hotel, a few d,or.-- east 61 Pretz, ;nth is Co's. Store, whi•re he will be happy to offer his prok.•:sii•ral sert ices in the science of Den ti: try. He will call at private residences, it rt tricsted. • S v - r - II is terms are rt asonable, and having had much elperionce in the profssions, feels satisfied that he can give general satis faciii.n. Allentown, ,Ipril Issl. AiIIEEICA N HOTEL GENERAL STAGE OFFICE, 1 . " LEt,.4lllo2.Land_tEilliant_XtEect., Al ,LENTO "vl' N. vi r ehtB .filech Fe/ A nuimiliceL , to his friends and the public, c. - i tht,t lie has purchased i, ‘---- the stuck and fixtures . 1 .1);:f.,.!.- . N., ,,,.., ch the above named I.lo tC'''''.l..ll7,ls:ri - . , tiriVe Ltel ri cent Ir occupied i C.4 .i. H.';'' - ' 1 !1 rfi l iff fi i k ."-' - !iy Jonatha n . I\7olb. ' i7,11,_, , N 1 Hie house is one of the 'Y'''', , t;f-`---:::::_:1:—:;_;:. - 7:•;.----- larne: t at:d most conve nient ! hit, I.: in the Leriiti: h. and its location, in the iminediate vicinity of the Court house aril pithiic itnicus, initLus it a de s irable stop pin!: H:lco, n, , well tfi iht• tool) of plcat,tire to M il Ic- f, 111 , ) , INIC,111:11. 110 f. 7; nu, ' roinly 10 ;1 1 ,1 whii way honor hint with cilz-iuAl, in t h e 11,E xeill akrays be supplied wnh 1;•,t n:nrI;( talrords ; the BAR vvi.k ' l „. , and Li,inws; the and IZOWIS are chilli ;Ind coin tortalde ; and, in ! s ail, everything is aiintig ed will' a view to the convenience and'com- I ort of his In short, Lc hos determined to spare nei ther pe.ins nor exp_tie to wake his house c i lia! to any in the country, and ho there top' cifu.tPy so:wits a share of the pub lic paironao. The :111elitown and Pottstown, and the Wading SuTos, :tint from haunt. It is also the stage office for the other lines that have Alk mown. Anil "ii 111141,1AM.5. MARX A'I"I'OIiSP.T A: COUNSELLOR AT L AW tfflice in the western front room of the building of .101 w I ). 1.11 wall, formerly liorn bec Vs, tvust 01 the Courthouse. A Ilentott u. April -1, 1850. I:—tf '.4:1:1'2 I.ShnlillYillii4 The Girivil Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. Ili:) Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, CAL TA IL 300,000. Continue to make Insurances on Lives on the most favorable terms. The capital being paid up and invested, toget her with the accumulated premium fund affbrds a prifert curily to the insured. The preminni may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a BONUS at stated pe riods to the insurance for life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 1814, ainouotinp, to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to 8.1 per cult, 7.1 per cent, &c., on others in proper tion to the tinw of standing making an addi tion of $100,5b7,50, $75, &c., on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver-; age of more than 50 per cent on the preini- tints paid, and without increasing, the annual' payment to the company. No. of Su m Bonus 'Amount of pulley and or bonus payable at the Policy. Insured Addition.' party's decease. No. s•' $ 1000 $ 100 $ 1100 — ~ 88' 3500 250 2750 208 1 4000 400 . 4400 275 J 2000 124 . 2175 . 3361 5000 ! 437 50 ; 5437 Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of the subject ; forms of appli cation ; and further information can be had at the office in Philadelphia, or on applica tion to A. L. RUME, Agent in Allentown. . W. Ricungns e President. JNO. F. JAMES, 4Chillry, December 13, • 1. 1 . ilvlle s ME riiA,ooo 13ushels of W heat, Rye, Corn mid Oats wanted, for which the highest market prices will be paid by the subscribers, at their store on the. South west corner of Alarkct Square and Hamilton street, in Al lentown. EI)EEMAN, I lANSE CO. — 43 in I Allentown, April 29, , 'RI 0.11-N 1 Inv o taut ely s • r New Sto BY re Opened Edell:Nan, Manse eV• Co. On the south-west corner of Market Square and Hamilton Street, directly oppo site the "Eagle Hotel" in Allentown, which they style the cheap Farmers' and l'ilechanies' Store. Tlioy hare just returned from Philadel phia, with an entire new and well selected stock of the cheapest and most beautiful pripz g and Summer Goods that were ever exhibited in this place, em bracing all the Lafrst and 7110 . 8 i Fu.shionable Styles, to which they invite the attendance of their friends and acquaintances g enerally. These *ands have been selected ‘vith great care and attention. We name in part, ,St,'ie Siaing ,Slas, all widths and qualities, Foulard SAN, Blachinul Fan- . ry Coltacd lirerg,e de. l'erNian Cloths, 1t uul Fre iirb de Liam's, Ging- I.l,rns, rich Chin! z(v.pwcy ( . (flirtsts,,jo;7ll 10 Oral:I' Cents a yard IVIIITE GooDS, Of all M setiptions. Jaconct and Sxviss Ed gnx,s. Los( rtings, Linen and Cotton .I,uees. :NM New style Ladies' Needle \Void( Col lars from 6.: cents to I,uU, \Vristbands, CutlS. &c. A good assortment of I loisery, Gloves, Alilts, &c. always on hand. A large at.siirtinciit of silk and cotton Crilindlas. Parasols of all styles, colors and nrices. GENTLEMEN'S IVEAR, French, English and American Cloths, of various colors, Plain . and Fancy Oils:sinters, Fatin and Fancy Vostini , s, &unions. A large wmrtment Of Woolen, Warstod, Lin en ;Lod Cotton (loads far Spring wear.-- (.2 la vat., Pocket Handkerchiefs, Collars,&c. Also, a boaltiful and hawkaine a.sortnient of (load: , for I3nys' wear. • They are satisfied that they have .roloc tad a :dock of goods as.clica ) if not circa ter than cm' before of crud ,Vilentown, - and are determined to L' el I LIMA itt a very small advance. They hope tlierelnre that throimh strict attention to their business, they will be able to draw a lame share of public pat ronage for which they will ever be thank Cul., EDELMAN, HANE Co.& Allentown, April 29, Groceries 8P tilleefflSTVa re?. The subscribers do,e Loi 4erAteh o a f k f o rc a hl s„f.i r i g n-,1....Y:i . uy rneerie 1), lime, Java and litt c'ol - from Ili cents a pound ;Ilia IS Ii;ly ;IS Altd :l :: S v S Lad, !lams, tildes, Sheti'd er.s. l'otatoes, Onions, and Simi), for which the t :\larliet prices will be given in e. , (elian t 2o for t. All t muds sold at this Establishment are warrant' d what they aro represented to he. Call and examine fur yourself. Goods free ly shown with strong inducements to buy. • Ein:LMAN, & Co. Allentown, April '29, ir—Gin Grain Vdra,ntecl. Stone Coal. The undersigne'd have just received a lin7e lot of Stone Coal of all the different qualities; and will always keep than on hand, to be sold or exchanged for all kinds of Grain at the lowest cash prices. Enr.t.mAs, HASSE & CO. Allentown, May 13. If— oin II G. SICKEL, BRASS WORXER, Philadelphia. Respectfully informs the citizens of Al lentown and its vicinity that he continues at his old stand No. 3°,l' 'North Second Street the manufacturing of Ga.s Fixtures, Sicleels' Patent Fluid Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandules, livid Holders, rYlle also manufactures Fluid and Pine Oils. His prices are moderate, and his orders will be filled with the greatest dispatch.— Therefore remember the place, No. 32, North Second Street Philadelphia, Nov. 27, 1551. ( 1 0 4 9 1 1 a a) TVA ...„a Philadelphia Easton and flitter Gap Rail Road Company. Notice is hereby given, that, at n meeting of the Clominissioners appointed to oman 7 ize the above named Company, held lune sth, IS5'2, at the “Earml Hotel," North ;3rd street, Philadelphia, it was. Resolved—That books for receiving, sub scriptions to the Capital Stock of said Com pany should be opened on the Sth day ofJu ly next, at Po STECKEL ' S Hotel, A Ilen town, Lehigh county, to remain open from 0 A. M. to 6 I'. M. for the fern of three juridical days. MILTON COOPER, • PETER SIEGER, . J. M. HOLLINOSIIEAD, Committee of Commissioners. Allentown, June 17, 1852. ¶-3w / AT Valuable Property / PRI ra TE MILE. The subscriber now offers at private sale the property. situate at the south east corner of watnilton and Margaret Streets, in the Borough of Allentown. The improvements consist of a large and convenient ;Ili Erick Ma Hm nsion oe, :11° --- 14 3—built in the most substantial and fin !shed manner, and surrounded by beautiful Shade Trees. It occupies with the ground attached, one entire square, 2.10 feet front and 480 feet deep. A, brick stable, Ice house, and other out buildings are upon the grounds convenient to the house. The house will be sold if desirable with part of the ground. The title is unques tionable, and payments will be made easy. 4.7 i J. ,S'aeger, agent for M. T. DALE. Allentown, Jan. 8,1851. ¶-6w INDEMNITY. THE FRANKLIN FilE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1633 CIIi›NUT 6TIIEET near Filly street. Chat les N. Bunchy r, Geo. W. 'Richards Thomas Hart, 'Mord. I). Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Bone, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris,Patterson, cI)NTINI7O to make insurance, permanent and limited, nn every tict.eription of property, in town ;tint miuniry, at rates as lowas ale COIIS!S• (ant with security. The Company have reserved a large Contm gent l'itnd, which with their Capital and Priem. mns,sarely invested, airord ample protection to he te,surcd. The assets . 01 the company, on January I st 1848, as published agreeably to an Act of As setnbly,‘vere.,is follows, viz: Mortgages, t, ' ,957,53 64 Real Estate, 84,377 84 Temporary Loans, 25,605 73 Stocks, 62,352 50 Cash, &c., 46,48 39 ,258,900 94 - Since theiri ncorporation , a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million Iwo hundred thausand dollars, losses by fire, there by afibrding evidence of the advantages of insti ranee, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with prompless, all liabilities. Cll2l I.ES N. DANCE ER, President• CITA - FILES G. BANCKEH, Sec'y. The t3ubscrihers are the appointed Ag,ents of thu—above-mentioned-Instilutionrand-n re-now prepared to make insurances on every descrirt lion of properly, at the lowest rates. AUGl7B'l'liS L. BUHE, Allentown C. P. BLECK, Bethlehem. Allentown, June 13, 1948. 41-1 y 1 1 .3DIIETND J. iVIONEER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAM' (Vire a h w dorms west of ('our/ House. 110 cr.!) cin:e.ulted both in tin. (icr ;Ind 1.:ti.41i:11 A Ilciito‘vii, April •1 fjcit. ' ' , rret • fllt -„ 1 ,• " , 1 '1i.11,11.N.1:(,j 111, of N .`..in rflea pai Meebanie, bank of Bk or Pe1ur.1,,.. pat Newark Bank or ctimmerce .M e ch an i e s ba n k a t late Aloyameledng par Burlington pal Ilk or N Liberties par Mechanics& Man- Ilk of Penn Town,. par ulacturers bank pat rarini rs & Meehan•par Newark banking & Kensington par Ins. Company ).. Bailiff. & Meehan par New hope & Lela Mechanics par ware Br. Comp.failed Girard par Orange bank • I Philadelphia par Peoples bank BO Solitiyikill pat Plainfield bank 7-- Southwark pay Princeton bank. pat NVestern par Salem banking Co. pal Commercialßank State bank at rdiza of Pen nsyl 13k of the U States Cur sTur 13Amis lik of Chambersburg 1 Ilk of Gettysburg 1 13k of Pittsburg ilk of Susq. County 85 Ilk of Chester Co. par j company 25 Bk of Germantown par, DELAWARE. Ilk of Danville par The Banks of the state 1.11; of Delaware Co. par of Delaware are all at BI: of Middletown 1 par. ~ 131: of Montg. Co. par NEW YORK. Bit ofNorthumben oar Columbia Bank & New York City bits 3 Bridge Comp. par Chelsea baud( 80 Carlisle Bank 1 Clinton bank 50 Doylestown Bank • par 'Commercial bank 10 Easton Bank par. Lafayette bank 50 Exchange Bank i Washington bank 70 Erie thank 2 COUNTRY at N K S. Fat mers & Drovers 1 ' Alleghany county Bank bank 70 Franklin Bank / Bank of America 85 Partners Bank of do of Commerce 40 Bucks County par do of Brockport 35 Farmers Bank of do of Lodi 25 Lancaster Pat do of Olean 35 Farmers Bank of ; do of Tonawanda 50 Reading P ar i do of Lyons 21 Farmers' Bank of. (to of Western Schuylkill co. Par. New York 30 Harrisburg Bank 1 1Bingliampton bank 4(1 Honesdale Bank , 1 i Canal bank 5 Lancaster Bank par Cattaraugus county Lancaster Co. Bank pat • Lebanon Bank 3 ' hank 35 Eric county bank, s'o Lehigh Co, Bank 50. !Farmers & Drovers Lehigh Navigation , bank 5 Cn. Script.lo Farmers bank of Se Miners Bank of neca county • .10 Pottsville P ar Hamilton bank, 30 ijferchants &ManaL Lewis county bank GO Bank, Pittsburg. 3 Mechanics bank; at 46 Monongahela Bank, mini° 45 Brownsville, 1 Merchants bank at Taylorsville Dcl: mini° Bridge Company, 25 Millets bank of New West Branch Bank, 1 : York 10 Wyoming Dank, I o Oswegobank 20 York Bank, 1 , Phenix bank 35 NEW JERSEY. Staten Islnad hank .50 R State bankolN Y 80 Belvidere Bank Burlington Count v St. Lawrence bank 75 Batik „.„ n 1 Union bank 25 Commercial Bank ' 7 - 5" United State.s ban Co. 70 k 30 Cumberland Bank par,' C N. York bank. Farmers Bank par 1 Whi te Plains sb ba nk 25 IFarmers & Mc‘dlan 6 -Iv ics Bank,Rsh way otherbanlis on Farmers &Merchants mentioned in the above Bank, Mid. Point, list are from Ito 2 per Morris County bank # cent discount o". The notes of all Banks marked with • dash 1 / 4 —)are not purchased by the brokers, Directors /). I, DIM par betbtown, Ne wa rk, Cainden,N. Bruns wick, pat Sussex bank Union bank Trenton bank. co. pa l Yardliwrille bridge PEPSIN 41?TIFICIAL DIGESTIVE Thlia l or Gastric Smite A GREAT DISPEPSIA CURER ! Prepared from Bennet, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Lie big, the great Physiological Chemist, by .1. S. Houghton. M. D., No. 1 1 . , North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for In digestion. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Live; Complaint, Constipation, and Debility . curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. Of - Half a teaspoonful of this Fluid, infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours; out of the stomach. Digestion.—Digestion is chiefly per formed in the stomach by the aid of a fluid which freely exudes from the inner coat of that organ, when in a state of health, called the Gastric Juice. This fluid is the Great Sovent of the Food, the Purifying, Presery : ing and Stimuating Agent of the stomach and intestines. Without it there will b,e digestion--no conversion of food into blood, and no nutrition of the body ; but rather a foul, torpid, painful, and destructive condi.: tion of the whoe digestive apparatus. A weak, haf dead, or inju red stomach produ ces no good Gastric Juice, and hence the disease, distress and debility which ensue. Pepsin and Kennel.--Pepsin is the chief clement, or great digesting principle of the Gastric Juice. It is found in great abun dance in the soid parts of the human sto mach after death, and sometimes causes the stomach to digest itself, or eat itself up. It is also found in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used by farmers in making cheese, called Rennet, the effect of which has long been the spe cial wonder of the dairy. The curdling of milt is the first process of digestion. Ren net possesses astonishing power. The sto mach of a calf will curdle nearly one thou sand times its own weight of milk . . Baron Ltebig states that, "One part of Pepsin dissolved in sixty thousand ports of water, will digest meat and other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want may be perfectly supplied, we quote the following Scientific Evidence!—Baron Liebig: in -his-colebrated-work-on-A nimal-Chentistry, says: "An Artificial DigestiVe Fluid may be readily prepared from the mucous mem brane of the stomach of the Calf, in which various article's of food, as meat and eggs,. will be softened, changed, and digested,just in the same' manner as they would be in the human stomach." Dr. Pereira, in his famous treatise on "FOod and Diet," published by Wilson Co., New York, page :33, states the same great fact, and ,describes the method of pre paration. There are few higher authori ties titan Dr. Pereira 14. John W. Draper, Professor of (The mi:-try in the :Medical Colleue of the lini ver:itv of N( w York, in his -Text Book of ENE Chemi:lry," aLre ~ a ys, "it has been it que:,ti,m ‘vbether artificial digestion could be performed—but it is now universally ad mitted that it may be." Professor Dunglison of Philadelphia, in his great work m Human Physiology, de votes .more than fifty pages to an examina tion of this subject. Ills experiments with Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, ob tained from the living human stomach and from animals are well known. "In all ca ses," "lie says" "digestion occurred as per fectly in the artificial as in the natural di gestions." As a Dyspepsia Curer.—Dr. tfoughton's preparation of Pepsin has produced the. most marvellous effi!cts, curing cases of De bility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and: Dyspeptic Consumption, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. It is impossi ble to give the details of cases in the limits of this advertisement—but authenticated certificates have been given of more than 200 Remarkable cures, in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston alone. These were nearly all desperate cases, and the cures wore not only rapid and wonderful, but per manent. It is a great Nervous Antidote, and from, the astonishingly small quantity necessary to produce healthy digestion, is believed to act upon Electro-Magnetic Principles!—There is no form of Old Stothach Complaints which it does not seem to reach and remove at once. No matter how bad they may be, it gives instant relief! A single dose removes all the unpleasant symptoms, and it only needs to be repeated, for a short time, to make these good effects permanent, purity of blood and vigor of body, follow at once. his particu larly excellent in cases of Nausea, Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach,. distress after eating, low, cold, state of tho . Blood, Heaviness, Lowness of Spirits, Des pondency, Rmaciation, Weakness, tenden cy to Insanity, Suicide, &c. Price one dollar per bottle. One bottle will often effect a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN P OfFDER 8, Sent by Mail, Free of Postage. For con venience of sending to all parts of the coun try, the Digestive matter of the pepsin is put up in the form of Powders, with direc tions to be dissolved in diluted alcohol, wa ter, or syrup, by the patient. These pow ders contain just the saMe matter as the bottles, but twice the quantity for, the same price, and will be sent by mail, free of Post.. age. for one dollar sent (postpaid) to Dr. J S. Houghton, No. 11 North Eight street,. Philadelphia, Pa. Six packages for five dollars. Every packag andbottic bears the written signa ture old. S. Houghton, M. D., Sole Pro prietor. • reAgents wanted in every town in the United States. Very liberal discounts •gi-• Yen to the trade. Druggists; Postrritisterii,- and Booksellers are desired to act as agents; August 8
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