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An s3t IiNTS, making not more than one Privare, will be inserted three times fur one dollar find for every subsequent insertion 'Wentyfive Abuts. tai.gdy" advertisements, charged in the same proportion. Those notexceeding len lined Will lie charged seventy-five cents, and those Malting sit lints or less, three insertions for 50 fi,ters, , . . liberal deduction will be matle to those advertise by theyrar. who .. (foor East . L Wire in liamtt:,: (Me of the German Reformed Chun--; neadY opposite the “Friedensbote Ogice." • AMERICAN HOTEL, AND GENERAL STAGE OFFICE, Corner of iamillon and William Streets, ALLENTOWN. John V. Rechiet Announces to his friends and the public, •t that he has purchased _. ! ..y.1 , :dc , l_ N. the sierk and fixtures ...k 7W., 7 1P:ilkN. of the above named Ho ,i,erii;,' -... - ijit i k' . , t .. 3 Lel recently occupied Aqtm. - -_ - 7.- by Jonathan Kolb.- 1 lc 11 '.: :.T: __. , _ _. _ _ _ _ Ifj 10 if, " 1 ,,, N, , c Ihe house is one of the W"- - ,:: f -.2L- :,,:c.;”..-- largest and most conve nient Hotels in the bormgh, and its location, in the immediate vicinity of the Court house and public offices, makes it a desirable stop ping place, as well to the men of pleasure ns of business. The proprietor therefore, assures the public, that he is now ready to accommodate all who may honor him with their custom. in the hest manner. Ilis TABLE will always be supplied h the best the niarliet.nifttas..l..the BAB w;,4, a., ohoicest Wines and Liquors ; the BEDS and ROOMS are clean and com fortable ; and, in fact, everything is arrang ed with a view to the convenience and coin fort of his customers. In short, he has determined to spare nei ther pains nor expense to make his house I qual to any in the country, and he there fore respectfully solicits a share of the pub• lic patronage. Allentown and Pottstown, and the Easton and Reading Stages, stsrt from this house. It is also the stage office for the other lines that leave Allentown: ,April 29. riithic*Faiatcoaraccameamacfaceg S ECKERT & CO'S.I A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 8 Tobacco, Snuff and Segar 0 Vi. Ci 'a It 9 . t. 3 4 A few doors below the Ger man Reformed Church, lEN N 13! Hamilton Street, 0 1f.,1L ca ATOW,. PA. 1 10 la' GOOL)S, ALL WARRANTED.au 6 gl Dec.. 18. '. . • "- 11-1 y tiennegameagermoommatecon EYES RIGHT, NETSPHA.T AND CAP Manutactory in illeutoivn. E. WU. Wieder, • Respectfully announces to the citizens of Allentown and ita,yicinity, that he has late ly established himself in _the above business, in the Store room formerly 'Occopied by' Messrs. Meriz and Landis, in west Hamil ton Street, in the Borough of Allentown, where. - he has just received an extensive . 1111V7 n ew Stock of.superfine •••• a „,:11G1 DOUB, /UMW, \ a ll •of which he wii; be tibia to t)lspose oil on the most reasonable tem*. Ms stock of Gentlemen's hats, is comeos ed of•the beautiful and costly to the most or dinary article; In other words from a Five dollar to a5O cent hat.. And such that will be.corne the old. as well as the young. The same may be said of his Jar STOCK OF CAPS, which consists of superfine and'ordinary. Tia the Ladies. • He has a word to'say, he invites their par-• ticular attention to his stock of• Fure, his assortment of • • Baas, Maill, Cuff ii, &c. cannot be beat in . Allentown, and he is pre pared to sell them with but a very small ad vance. Hats will be manufactured to order upon the shortest notice, and upon the most sea. sonable terms. Mr. Wieder, trusts that by keeping a good assortment to Select from and :easonable prices he will bilibkitO se: "r, a sip re of public patronao. r - vovettbo: 13. • • 11---441 • lii glitylmv . ovtaut ew s New Store Opened sdelman, Masks t Co. On the south.tt•est corner of Nlarket Square and Hamilton Street, directly oppo site the "Eagle Hotel" in Ailentown, which they style the cheap Fartnerd' nod Mechanics' Store. They have just returned from Philadel phia, with an entire new and well selected stock of the cheapeit and most beautiful Spring :InO, Summer Goods that were ever exhibit in Otis place, em bracing all the • Latest and most FashionaNe S,yes, to which they invite the attendance of their friends and acquaintances generally. These goods have been selected with great care and attention. We name in part, Fancy Style Spring Silks, all widths and qualities, Foulard Silks, Black and Fan cy Colored Silks, Berege de Laincs, Persian Cloths, [root French de Laines, Ging- • hams, French Chintzes,fancy Lawns, -Calicoes, jroni 3 to twelve cents a-yard W HITE GOODS, Of all descriptions, Jaconet and Swiss Ed gings, Insertings, Linen and Cotton - Laces. 306 New style Ladies' Needle Work Col lars from 61 cents to $1,50, Wristbands, Cuffs. &c. •A good assortment of Hoisery, Gloves, Mitts, &c. always on hand. A large assortment of silk and cotton Umbrellas. Parasols of all styles, colors and prices. • - euriTLEMEN% French, English and American Cloths, of various colors, Plain and Fancy Cassimers, Satin and Fancy Vestings, Satinetts. A large assortment of Woolen, Worsted, Lin-. en and Cotton 'Goods for Spring wear.— Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Collars, &c. Also, a benitiful and handiome 'assortment of Goods for Boys' wear. They are satisfied that they have selec ted a stock of goods as cheap if not cheaper than ever before offered in Allentown, and are determines] to sell them nt a very small advance. They hope therefore that through strict attention to their business, they will be able to draw a large share of public pat ronage for which they will ever be thankful., EDELMAN, HANSE &CO. Allentown, April 29, 11-6 m OVICCUSWare. The subscribe ry-Arit have also a large - 1-- W stock of fresh fain -= 4 - - ity Groceries, Prime, Java and Rio Cof fee, from 10 cents a pound and as low as 64 cents, Sugars, Teas, Molasses Cheese, Spices, Crackers, Raisins &c.,•&c., Butter, Eggs, Lard, Hams, Sides, Should ers, Potatoes, Onions, and Soap, for which the highest Market prices will be given in exchange for Goods. All Goods sold at this Establishment are warranted what they are represented to be. Call and examine for yourself. Goods free ly shown with strong inducements to buy. EDELMAN, HANSE &.Co. Allentown, April 29, Ti -am Grain Wanted. 50,000 Bushels of W heat, Rye, Corn and Oats wanted, r for which the highest am rhet prices will be paid by the subscribers, at their store on the South west corner of Marltet Square and Hamilton street, in Al lentown., EDEEMAN, HANSE & CO. Allentown, April, 29, 111-61 n To Fishernien and Hunters ! wake Notice. The.undersigned residing in Bierysport, Hanover township, . Lehigh county, give no- tice hereby, that they will not suffer peisons to fish or hunt uptin any cf: their lands.— SuCh then,. who will not listen to their warn. ings; will not complain •if .they aro. dealt with•in the strictest sense of ihe law. . • JONAS BIERY, • ' • BIERY & . FREDERIaIC, BIERY. April 22. Two Piano Fortes 1P410114 Caltalit 2 anal The underaigned has just fin- MTV ishe d and has ready for sale, two six and three quarter:octavo Piano Fortes, with Rosewood cases.. Apply at his Porte Manufactory, in Ha milton street, west of. Hagenbueh's - Hotol, in Alfeatown. • SINIQNSWEITZER. April O. . . 16=41iik Y. ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA., MAY 13, 1.852 BY Attention! Make 'Room FOR THE Clothing Einporinm OF HECK & LEH. They take this method to in forth their friends and the public in general that they still continue the lIIERCIIANT TAILORING Businems at their old stand,di wetly op. posite the "Lehigh Register" printing office, and that they —although much is said at other places of to prices—will sell as cheap, if not cheap et, d ict a at any other establisment, in this or any other place, and if any thing. still a little cheaper. Til,r l7 will always keep on hand, a full supply of- Ready-Made Clothing, of every descriptions, and have on hand at present a large supply of seasonable goods, at their "Emporium." They are both practical. Mechanics, and no work is suffer. d to pass unless fully examined by them, so they can warrant them to be not only du-' cable, but made Up with neatness and taste. Customer Work Will be punctually attended to, and made up' to order in the most fashionable manner, nu mutter wheth,:r !he goods are bought - elsewherei - itwill - be - thankfully-received, - They are thankful for favors heretofore received, and they will make it point to serve all with entire satisfaction, ',uhich they trust will secure to them more favor.; and be the means to extend their custom still further. Call and examine their stock, before you purChase elsewhere,. and satis fy vourselyes with what is said above :Allentown April 29, WitZkUiltalMc. To the Heirs of Paul Ilalliet, deed Notice is hereby given, that the under signed, one of the executors of the last will and testament of Paul Bela, deceased, late of North Whitehall town4ip, Lehigh county, is ready to pay all the legal Heirs or Representatives of the said estate. Since however, the estate is yet in law, it will be necessary to ask of each and every Heir or Representative,a Refunding Bond, with ap proved security, before his or her respeative portion can be paid. The legal Heirs and Representatives and those who may be in terested, are requested to make application for their respective portions to STEMIEN BALLIET, jr., Acting Executor. 11-6 w April 22 New Millinery in Allentown! rfl.rs. A. S. !Kaufman, ..;,. j . : ,) 0.. , Respectfully invites the ' : ',..;,:....'j;1:rtPr,:. - . attention of the Ladies of A1•J:z.,r,....?:::',-;.V) •J:z. , r,....?:: : ', - ; .V) ;W: lentow n .anti its vicinity, that ..". .-: ~.=. •,,V.!; . sitte still keeps open on the . 1 ' ' east cornerof'Wilson's Row' near the German Reformed i . Church, directly opposite .J. B. Moser's Apothecary store. She has just returned from Philadelphia with a new And Fashionable Millinery Stock, comp'rising the latest styles. Her stock con sists in part of Gossamer, Braid, Fine, Hair and Blonde, Jenny Lind Looped, Pine Sat tin and Pearl, Albona and Sattin, Imperial and Tripoli, China Pearl, Coburg, and eve ry other style that can be named. Also Cas ing Bonnets of all kinds. Artificial flowers of every description, Caps, etc. Repairing, shaping, whitening'and pres sing done after the latest fashions, and equal to any city establishment, and done at the shortest possible notice. Having followed the business for a num ber of years, believes herself competent to give full satisfaction, and hopes that a gene rous public will still extend to her a liberal patronage, for,which she will always feel very grateful. To those who have favored her with their calls, she returns.her thanks. April 15,, II G. SICKEL, BRASS WORKER, Philadelphia. Respectfully tnforms the citizens of Al lentown and its vicinity that ho continues at his old stand N0..3.2 North Second Street . . the manufaeturiog of Gas lixturci, Sickels' Patent Fluid Lamps; Chandeliers, qirandoles, Boquel Holders, 4.e.; 4,e, He also manufactures %Fluid and Pine Oils. His prices are moderate, and his orders will he filled with the greateit dispatth.— Tfi ere f ore rimieniber place, Nci. 82, North Second _ Street Philadelphia Nov.- 27, 1861. • ' • t yy~, k-t-- t . Tanners Furnishing Store ! William Grin', • CURLER IN ALLENTOWN. Herewith makes known to his friends end the public in ge moral, that he still con tinues the Currying Business in all its various branches, at his old stand, directly opposite Hagenbuch's Hotel. He has just returned from New York; with a very large stock, which he is determined to sell at city prices. Sole Leather. -Ile constantly keeps on hand an assortment of . Red or Hemlock tan ned sole leather. Also an assortment of Oak tanned, which he will sell at the lowest prices. Calfskins and Upper Leather, of the very best quality at reduced prices. Rids.—He has nn assortment of Span ish Kids on hand, that cannot be excelled in quality or prices. Oil.—lle always keeps on hand the very best quality of Tanners' Oil, which he is able to sell at Philadelphia prices. Persons wishing the above articles will do well to call on him, before they purchase elsewhere. ALL KINDS or EIIDES will be taken in exchange for goods, or will be paid for in cash. Punctuality in his business, and the low prices of his goods will induce not only his old customers to continue their favors, but will induce many new ones to favor him with 'their calls, He returns his thanks for the favors heretofore received. WILLIAM GRIM. May 6. Rentorol. GEORGE KECK, TA ILOR IN ALLENTOWN. ql -3 m Informs his friends and the public in gen eral that he has removed his shop in the sec ond. story above Ileber's Store, directly oppo site 0. & J. Saeger's f lard ware Store, where he still continues the Tailoring Business, and will at all times be read! , to make gen tlemen's apparpl, after the latest London, Paris, New York or Philadelphia fashions. Having employed experienced hands, and being determined to render satisfaction to all such as may favor him with a trial, he feels confident of a continuance of their cus tom. Ile tenders his formercustomers his grate ful ncicnowledgements for past favors, and hopes by reasonable prices, and punctual at tendance to his business, to merit their con tinuance. April 8. ¶-2m The Navigation Opened. yet= . 1.211112 kgi . - - TRANSPORTATION COMPANY give notice that they are now prepared to receive inerchandize end forward it with promptness and despatch from Philadelphia to Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Penn Haven, White Haven, and ilkesbarre, and also to intermediate places on the Delaware and Lehigh Canals, and Le high and Susquehanna Rail Road. The goods will be received and shipped at the first wharf above Vine street, directly oppo site the Salt Store of A. WRIGHT & EW. They also forward goods to and frdm New York to Wilkesbarre and also to all intermediate places, via :Delaware anti Rat.- iton Canal, and Delaware Canal. Goods shipped by this line of vessels to New Brunswick. The Schooner-R. F. Stock ton, Sloop Fox. and Grey Hound, will be found at the: Albany Basin, loot of Cedar Street, North River. Any information required can be had of Messrs. METTLER, RENNOLDS & CO., No. 64 Dey street, or nt NEILSON'S Agent Office No. 88 West street. Merchants having goods to ship from New York will find thks route the nearest and most exPeditouS. The company have large and commodious Store Hcitises'at'Els tern, Bethlehem, Allentown-,' Mauch Chunlc, White Haven and Wilkesbarre, Jacob Able having disposed of his inter est in. the late firm of Ahle, - Wilson &Cp., the busineSs will be continued as heretofore, by the remaining partners, who 'hope . by strict attention to business to secure a liber al share of patronage. 'DRAKE, 'WILSON & CO. Proprietors. d 1 GENTS: H. S. Moorehead, Philadelphia, John Opdycke, Dimon, ' Borheck & Knauss, Bethlehem, A..L Ritz, Allentown, A. W. - Leitsenring, MinehtChunk, A. Pardee &Co., Penn Haver Horton dr, Belles Willtesbarre. Allentown, April 22, 1852, NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. N. D. KNIGHT , . Manufacturer of Impwved C:ltin Pumps ALLENTOWN LEIIIOII COUNTY The undersigned takes this method to in form the public generally; that he continues to manufacture the new and Improved Chain Pumps with Iron Curb, for which he has just got out a new patern and is now prepared to fill-orders for same. A constantly increasing demand for these Pumps, resulting in part from the great improvements we have lately eff.cted in their construction. affords, substantial evi dence of their superior adaptation to the pub lic wants. We, therefore, nave no hesita tion fn saying that they give better satis faction to purchasers, arc more economical, and do their work more rapidly and with less expenditure of labor than any other Pumps in use. Their operation gives tno don to the water, and thus effectually pre vents it from becoming stagnant and impure. They are made so as to be readily pin in operation, even by experienced hands can be put together at the Factory or be sent away in parts, as customers prefer ; and they can be easily and cheaply trans ported to any part of the country. He trusts the low prices for which he offers his Pumps, will be an inducement to those who want the article to give him a call. May 0, Large Two Story Mouse artm lumal-AL) A large and commodious Two ;y Story Brick Dwelling House, will) • 9 • Open Front basement, situate in • east Hamilton street, in the Bor ough of Allentown, lately occupied by Jas. Roney, one door east of Dr. John Romig. For further information apply to ELI J. SAEGER. Allentown, April 22. . w Doctor William J. liomin , / Having returned to Allentown, offers his professional services to %);' • hisfriends and the public. Office .11L-- at his residence, in Hamilton street, south side, first corner below Protz, Guth S. Co's. Store, in Allentown. February 19, —I y F SALE. The undersigned oilers for sale a second hand Coal Gas .9pparalusoybich he will warrant to be able to furnish from 50 to 70 lights an evening. It will be put into op eration at any place required, and will be sold at a great bargain. He further informs the public that he will put up,. the Apparatus, at but a trifling cost. He will put up the Gas Works in villages of from 5 to 50 houses and furnish' every thing required for permanent lights at but a trifling cost. The Apparatus .offered above is the one formerly used for lighting east Hamilton street. The wants of the community re- ' quired more lights than this was able.to l furnish. The Apparatus can be seen at any time by calling at the Apothecary Store of W. F.. DONOWESKY. If—Ow May 6 let OK1 4 .11C 9 111 Q To the Directors of Common Schools of Lehigh. County. • . In pursuance of the 32nd Section of an act, entitled, "An act for the regulation and continuance of n system of Education by Common Schools," passed the seventh day of April, A. D., 1849. . We the undersigned,, Commissioners of Lehigh county.— hereby publish .4 State •ment of the amount to which every district within the County of Lehigh is entitled for the School year of A. D. 1852,—0ut of the annual appropriation of $200,000 by the said act; as per report made to this office, by the superintendents of Common 'Schools, as follows, to wit ; , '.• . ~ . ~ .. • llentoWn, - , • :,. .-_ 316 79 Hanover, • Heidelberg, . .-- - . .. ' _ 114 94 • ,owhill, . • . - : . - 8216 Lynn, . - 163.1;1 Lower Mecunoy • -•- • 204 21 ' Upper Metcungy. '` : .. - . ' 175 56 Upper Milford, - . • - 322 08 Northampton, ' • • , , 74 26 Salisbury, • - 163 53 Upper Saucon, • • • • - '244 90 Weisenburg, • . 149 31 • Washington, _.: . . 134 30, North Whitehall, . 247.66 South Whitehall, 253 59 SAMUEL KNAUSS, , . . . ' . PETER ENGELIIANi Cornmissiortera, DANIEL HAUSMAN,. ' .. • • " ATTEST :-J. M: LINE, clerk.- • - ApriT 29. 'i - ;',- • ~ lll-.-4w ... .7011 .P.R.LIMTING4 Nee;ly executed iltegistee' Office. ii -3 m = MEI lEEE ••----- NUMBER 82. Boot & Shoe Establishment In Allentown. Shaffer Hunter . • Respectfully inform their friends and the: . : public in general, that they have lately 7 bought out the Stock of Mr. John Reeser t .: and will continue at the old stand, in Hata-, ilton Street, between the Allentown Hotel:, and J. B. Moser's Apothecary Store, where:: _they are prepared to execute alt orders ik . their line of business. They also inform flier' . public that they have just returned from' . Philadelphia with a large assortment of - .t' Ladies, Misses 4- Gentlemen's . Gum Slioes:' EaMii htb aidatie They also keep: on hand of their own manufacturC, a general assortment of extra fine and coarse Gentlemen's Boots, Monroes and Shoes.—.. Also, Ladies' and Misses' Morocco and I'm.' nella Gaiters, Bootees and Shoes. ' 'Boys and Childrens, Boots and Shoes—all made of the hest material, of their own selection; They will warrant all their work, and or.',:g tiers will de executed at the shortest notice - ,:. and in the neatest manner. The hands ie.,: their employ are of the best that can be, found, both in the Ladies' es well as Gen. tlome l's branch of the business. Thl assortment they keep on hand is very extensive, comprising every article that may be called for in their line. Persons who are in want of a pair of good Boots-or-Shoes,-an-article-highly-necrsary to keep your feet warm and dry, will do well to give them a call, before purchasing elsewhere, as they do not intend to charge anything for showing their goods. April 15 New Spring and Summer (DOCADZI .11 the Mew Pork Store.' The undersigned take }his methcid to in form their friends and the pftlie in general, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and New York, with a large assortment of new and fashionable SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, that cannot be excelled in this county. Wo hereby extend to you a polite invitation, to call at the New York Store, one: door east of the Post Office in Allentown, and you will,' • find that we can suit you with- the most fashionable styles of Goods the market can' '' furnish. Our stock combines every article of Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, and 'no one would ask of us to euumerate them all. Among them are to be found kinds of Dress Silks, Salina; Berages, Berage de Loins, alpaceas,. Mouslin de Laines, Lawns, -Gingharns, , • Callieoes, Edgings; 13. c. fgrc, • • ALso— Afull assortment of Cloths, of all colors and qualities, fancy Casimexes, SW netts, Tweeds, Vestings, and other fashion'. able goods too tedious to mention. Call and examine our stock', for we are prepared to satisfy all. • • KERN & KLINE. GROCERIES.. The undersigned have just dili t tr`c3;' received a large atock'of new Groceries, such as Molasses. • , Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Spices, Chocolate, &c., which, they offise for sale at • the lowest cas h prices. KERN & ILINE. " QUEENS WARE. A large assortment' ote w,ueenstvare psi' recieved and for sale at the store of KERN & KLINE. MACKEREL. MACKEREL. Just received and for sale a view lot or. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, in whole, halves; and quarter barrels. KERN & KLINE: SALT, SALT, SALT. A large lot of Liverpool Ground and fine Lalt just received and for sale by KERN & KLINE. • CARPETS, • OIL CLOTHS, LOOKING GLASSES; , DRIED PEACHES;dr;c:. • are all articfe - which are offered for sale ve-* ry cheap at the store of KERN &KLINE:. COUNTRY PIIODUCE.= All kinds of Country Produce' ,will taken in exchange for Store Goode, for i'vhiclic the highest nuttket price will be allowed. KERN & KLIN.ErI Allentown, April 8, 1852. ' ELISHA FORREST, ATT . ORNE4 „ATM C411144L0R AT LAW; Office on the East side of.Hßgtilton streetie formerly,oinupietl by John 18:04houipEsqi• Crean consulted inAbe.EngAhlitril 'German languages., April 15, ", , .~ ."t 4c,' ,: ~ REZ 11-Brn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers