Invasion Of 'California. The appointment of Pierre Bonaparte, a cousin of the .French .President, to-the con sulate at. Charleston, S. C., with a salary of .six thdusand dollars is beginning to occa sion speculation on the part of the Ameri-' can press. In ctmnextion with this-appoint rnent, the Paris 'correspondent of a morning eotemporary, mentions, thata large number of French soldiers have been sent out to Cali fornia in disguise, and that the large French fleet in the Pacific, ostensibly destined to ,watch Japan, is most likely intended to op erate against California. The two facts are . considered, by the correspondent in ques tion to forbid warlike intentions on the part :of the future emperor, against this republic. For one, We have no fears, however on 'this point Not that we think it impossible 'for the European despots to assail this coun try ; because, with their vast means, such an assault would be comparatively easy.— ,But it is one thing to make an attack, and :quite another to succeed in it and the abso lute rulers of the Old World, (ruin Nicholas rdownr•know-this,------The-Anterican_people_ cannot be conquered by any foreign pow er, or even by an alliance of foreign pow er they' may fall a victim to internal dis -iie-n7siori.; they may through their own fol ly, separate and thus commit - suicide ; but if they remain united, and thus continue true to their great prinCiples, banded Eu rope cannot overthrow them. The vast ness of their OP'll indomitable spirit, and the righteousness of their cause, will be a buck ler to them, mightier than that of Achilles. There can be no question, nevertheless that one of tlre weal:est - points-in-the t tory of the republic, is California. The distances of that State from its sisters of the onfederacy is so great as to forbid the pos sibility of timely assistance in case of inva sion ; while - the lawless condition of a por tion of the population of its cities, lessons the probabilities of a successful resistance. 'l'he prize, too, is one toleiript an_unprinci pled invader ; and just the sort to inflame an imagination like that of France. A ter ritory like California, teeming with gold, and commanding from its geographical pos ition not only the Pacific ocean, but the back door of the United States, is a booty that Louis Napoleon would give right hand for, or' lie knows less of the temper of the French people than we suppose he does.— Such an acquisition would probably fix him permanently on the imperial throne. It would gratify the love of glory su dear to the Gauls, yet without embroiling him in • war with his absolutist neighbors ; and this is exactly what policy dictates to Louis Na poleon. Nevertheless, we du not regard California as in peril, any more than we look on Pier re Bonaparte's appointment as threatening a disolution of the Irnion. • California would it is true, be a brilliant pear for Louis Na poleon to pluck, if we may use a favorite metaphor of his uncle : but the golden fruit is guarded by to many dragons, in the shape of confederated free states. The thing is not to be did, even by a French t]ett and army. Easter Sunday. On Easter Sunday the anniversary of Christ's resurrection, many singular cus toms were formerly observed. Among those was one which was very prevalent;•especi nlly among the poorer elases, some of whom believed implicitly in the truth of it. , They would rise early on this day. and walk Into the fields to see the sun dance," says a writter on 'ancient customs "which, says an• cient tradition, it always does on this day." The custom of giving eggs on Easter is observed in the Greek Churches, and in Russia the Emperor himself, when at Church on Easter morning, presents eggs to some of the members of congregation. This cus tom is said to have originated in the theolo gy of the Egyptians, Persians, Gauls,Greelis Romans, &c., autorm..ralf of whom an e gg was an emblem of the: universe, the work of the Supreme Divinity. Easter and the New Year have been marked by sinfilar distinctions. Among the Persians, the New Year is looked upon m the renewal of all things, and is noted "for the triumph of the Sun of Nature, as Easter is with Christians for that of the Sun of Justice, the Saviour of the World, over death by his resurrection." The feast of the New Year was celebrated at the Vernal Equinox, that is, at a time when the Christians, removing their New Year to the winter solstice, kept. only the Festival of Easter. Hence, with the latter the Feast of Eggs has been attached to Eas ter, so that eggs are no longer tnade presents of at the New Year. ;In England, Ireland, and other countries, different games are played by the children with Eggs, which they harden by boiling. •and color with juice of herbs: On Easter Sunday the altars of the different Catholic aChurches are generally decorated with or •nnments of various kinds, and some of them -in the most costly style.—Ev. Post. Large Two Story house DVD Mat A large and commodious Two ( Story Brick Dwelling House, with • :r: Open Front basement, - situate in east Hamilton sweet, in the Bor ough of Allentown, lately occupied by Jas. 'Roney, one door east of Dr. John Romig. For further information apply to ELI J. SAEGER. Allentown, Aprit.22. ~l'i' I~'~ul II IL The stockholders of the Northampton Mater Company, are'lieFeby notified,; that e n election for five Managers, to serve' for the ensuing-year, will be held .on 161onday . the 10th of May next, between the hours of .10. A. M. and 6-P. M., at the house of Major XL.I STECKEL, in the Borough of Allentown. !,ly'Order of the Board, M, IVEBERFIARD, Secretary. if—aw , pril nw Growth' of Chicago. When in 1830, General Scott visited the tnliirtry post at Fort Dearborn, nt the mouth of the 'Chicago River, on Lake Michigan, the little 'hamlet numbered, including the garrison about two hundred inhabitants. Six years afterwards there were 456 arrivals at Chicago. which were equal to 50,000 tons, and in 1837 its population was 8,000, with 120 stores, (of which 20 were whole Sale,) 30 physicians, and 50 lawyers. • About five years ago a convention met at Chicago, to further that policy of improve ment of Western navigation to which the city may be said literally to own its very existence. For it was on the representa tion of General Scott made to Congress after his visit to Fort Dearborn in 1930, that the first appropriations were made for the im provement of its harbor by the erection of piers. How indispensable how imperative ly demanded by the interests of Western agriculture as well as trade, this policy was, and is pretty plainly shown by the growth of Chicago, which sprung forward as a race horse from the stand the instant that measure of aid was given by Congress. When, in July 1817. this River and Har bor Convention met at Chicago, it centained in round .numbers_ 17,000 inh-bitants. In 1848 the city numbered 20,000 inhabitants. On the Ist of Jannary, 1852, its population is estimated at 40,000. 7 Hunt's Merchants Magazine. .11UR1° LiST. Fort• May Term, I 552. GlittiND JURORS. Allentown, Leil is Schmidt. Upper Saucon, Elias Kuhns, Andrew Wint. Hanover, Thomas Frederick, Samuel Col. Lowhill, Jacob Zimmerman. Upper Alilford,, Charles Foster, Henry Ortt, Charles W. Wieant, Ehrhard Weber, Samuel Kemmerer. North Whitehall, A halm Yellis, Jesse Hallman. Heidelberg, Henry Gellman, Elias Ru. dy. Samuel S. Kistler. Salisburg,, Morgan. Apple. South Whitehall. Peter Troxell. Lynn, John S. Kistler. Washington, John Balliet, John Fenster. maker. eisenbu rg, David Berner. Upper Macungy, John Lichtenwalner. PETIT JURORS. Allentown, Paul Knauss. Amos Ettinger. Upper &mum. George W. Fcering, Geo• Blank, jr., Enos Erdman, Jacob Erdman. Salisbura, Edwin Klein, William Mar kel. David Kemmerer. North Whitehall, John Romig, Christian L. Knauss. Peter Leinberger, John R. Kuehner, John Trumbauer. Upper Milford, Charles E. Roder, Solo• mon L. Holder, Samuel Stnuffi•r. Weisenhurg, John Leiser, Thomas G. Gehringer. David Stein. Lynn, Tobias SMith, Christian Kistler. Aaron Donert, Samuel Harmony. Lower Macungy, amjamin Russel, Na than Walbert. Hanover, Henry Fogleman, William Sae ger. Heidelberg, Stephen Smith, Henry Smith, Jacob Herder. Washington,Charles E. Beck. Upper Macungy, Willomihby Fogel. Benjamin Fogel. South Whitehall, Samuel Butz. Just Established Vjc fountain nreitauraut ! The subscribers have lately entered in copartnership, end have rented the large end spacious buildine known .as the "Old Rankin , * Flouse," which has underaone thotouult repair. and is now opened as the Allentown Foural4in Restaurant. The proprietors are both yeung• and ac tive business men. and those who will visit their establishment, will very soon convince themselves that they fully understand their business. They will always keep on hand, n fresh supply of the best Oysters, Clams when in season, Balonies, Porter, Ale, Beer and Meet]. All kinds of fruit. such ns Oranges. Lem ons, Figs, Raisins, Prunes, Apples. &c., &e.. Almonds, Pea and other Nuts ; Candies of all -kinds: and every other article that may come in their line of business. They have also furnished their Ice Cream Saloons in the most fashionable manner, which makes them a desirable place of re sort, after passing through the toilsome la• hors of the day. They hope by punctual attendance to business, they will he able to gain a share of public patronage for which they will always be thankful. April 21, 1852. UVW2V22IO To the Heirs of Paul Bailie', dec'd Notice is hereby given, that the under signed, one of the executors of the last will and testament of Paul Bailie& deceased, late of North Whitehall township, Lehigh county, is ready to pay all the legal Heirs or Representatives of the said estate. Since however, the estate is yet in law, it will be necessary to ask of each and every Heir or Representative, n Refunding Bond, with ap proved security, before his or her respective portion can be paid., The legal Heirs and Representatives and those who may be in terested, are requested to make application for their respective portions to STPIIEN 13kL.L7ET, jr., Acting Executor. April 22. HOLLOW WARE.-'-500 Iron Pots and Kettles, just received and for sale at very reduced Trices at the store 'of I=•'171': The undersigned has just fin- . • ;. • ' I t fished and .has ready for sale, two six and three quarter octavo Piano Fortes, with Rose wood cases. Apply at his Piano Forte Manufactory, in Hamilton street, west of Hagenbuch's Hotel, in Allentown. SIMON SWE[TZER. April 0. ill —3 in Pip El E LEHIGH TRANBPORTATION COMPANY -AL give notice that they are now prepared to receive merchandize end forward it with promptness and despatch from Philadelphia to Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch _Chunk,..l?..enn_Haven, White Haven, and Wilkesharre, and also to intermediate places on the Delaware and Lehigh Canals, and Le high and Susquehanna Rail Road. The goods will be rt , ceived ..and_shipped_at_the first wharf above Vine street, directly oppo site the. Salt. Store of A. WRIGHT & NE:PII EW. They also forward goods to arid from New York to Wilkesbarre and also to all intermediate places, via : Delaware and Rar iton Canal, and Delaware Canal. Goods shipped by this line of vessels to New Brunswick. The schooner R. F. Stock ' Htom-Sloop--Fox-and-Grey—Hound,_will_le_ found at the Albany Basin, loot ° of Cedar Street, North River. Any information required can be had of Messrs. NI ErfLER, RGYNOLD3 & Co., No. D. street, or at NEILSON'9 Agent Office No. 68 West street. . Merchants having Roods to ship from New York tvill find this route the nearest and most expeditous. The company have large and commodious Store Houses at Eas tern, Bethlehem, Allentown. Mauch Chunk, White Haven and Wilkesbarre. Jacob Able having disposed of his inter est in the late firm of Able, Wilson & Co., the business will be continued as heretofore, by the remaining partners, who hope by strict attention to business to secure a liber al share of patronage. DRAKE:, WILSON & CO. Proprictol:s. 11. S. Moorehead, Philadelphia, John Opdycke, Easton, Borhecic & Knauss, Bethlehem, A. J. Ritz, Allentown, A. W. Leisenring, Matich Chunk, A. Pardee & Co., Penn Haven. Horton & Belles, Wilkesbarre Allentown, April 22, ISt2 In pursuance of the several acts of As. sembly of this Commonwealth, relating to "County rates and levies." We, the undersigned Commissioners of Lehigh county, hereby give notice, to the Taxable inhabitants, the (MN ners arid agun , c of real estate and personal properly, taxable for State and County purposes, that appeals will be held in the Commissioners office, at Allentown, for the benefit of all persons in terested, for the several Wards and town ships, of this County, as follows, to wit : For the North and South Wards of the Borough of Allentown, and the township; of Northampton, Hanover, Salisbury, and Up per Saucon, on Wednesday the sth day of May next. Fur the townships of Upper Milford, Up per Macungy, Lower Macongy, Weisen burg, and Lowhill, on Thursday the (ith of May next. For the townships of Lynn, Heidelberg, Washington, North White hal I, and South Whitehall, on Friday the 7th of May next. On the same days and place the Com missioners, will receive sealed written pro posals for the Collections of State and Coun ty Taxes, for the present year, the sureties roust be named in the proposal. The Com missioners will however not invariably con fine thernielves to the lowest bidder, but to the one, who they believe to be to the bet ter interest of the County, and to the district fur which he collects. SAMUEL KNAUSS, 1 PETER ENGELMAN, Commissioners. DANIEL. HAUSMAN* ATTEST :—J. 11. LINE, Clerk. April 22, 411---3 w To Fishermen and Hunters ! Take Notice. The undersigned residing in . l3ierysport, Hanover township, Lehigh county, give no tice hereby, that they will not suffi..r persons to fish or hunt upon any of their lands.— Such then, who will not listen to their warn ings, will not complain if they are dealt with in the strictest sense of the law. JONAS BIERY, BIERY & FREDERICK, ' SOLOMON BIERY. April 22. • *-4w H. ROTH & CO. • 11-3 m —AI! new for this Spring, and cheap too— Embossed •do., do., Plain end Printed Papers, Marbles, Hall Papers, of every kind ; Satin Papers of the best production of France and England ; the low-priced Satin Papers, so much in demand ; togeth er with the cheap Paper, at ten cents per piece. Transparent Window Shades, Bull Holland, by the carte or piece, Tassels, Cord, &c., all of which. have been selected with the greatest care. Purchasers, -at %vl le sale and retail, aro invited to examine this stock, as we assure them it will be to their interest. 0 & 7 SAEGER Two Piano Fortes 71.) 1 11 0A11.41E1 The Navigation Opened. .d GENTS: App cal Notice. Look ! Look ! ! Gilt and Velvet Wall Papers, 'LONGSTRETII & BROTHER, No. 7 North Third Street between Mar ' ket and Church Alley Philadelphia. April 21t: • New Goods ! New Goods ! Builders Look Here. A NEW ASSORTMENT OF LURDIPPeI RE ! The undersigned announce to the public, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and New. York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of House Furnishing -grades 1 ?" 7 4 3 143. Cutlery, Coach Trimmings •Vaddlery and Shoe-findings, nll of which w7l he sold at extremely low I ask the public to give S.tEoun's ItAanwAnt STottu, sign of the 111,111,9 a cull, in order to convince themselves of the fact, that a 'penny saved is a penny made.'. 0. & J SAEGER. !f—ly April, 22, To House-Keepers. A areat assortment of House furnishing articlevsuch as EN AAI ELM.) and tinned inside, cooking vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket ; des, fish and ham kettles, frying pans, grid irons, waffle irons, 6,:e. TEA TRAYS and Waiters, from con-i -t:mon to fine, in sets and do ens. Also, pill ' is form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers, steels, cook and butcher knives, with a variety of other au u actu res. POCKET and ['EN KNUVES-11.azors, scksors, shears, from the best makers ; one, two, three. and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hues, chains, rakes, pick, axes. &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel fire sets and standards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons, &c. for sale'by 0 & J SAEGER. April, 22, —IY IRON.—LA lot of Elammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Baud Iron, I-loop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat, and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of 0 & J SA EG ER. ¶-3m GLASS.-150 Boxes Gla:s,S by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 10, and various oilier seizes, for sale by , TO SHOEMAKERS.—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Lew lwr Lasts. Sh o p-tm.,,,,i. Wonol..>" French 'tubers, and numerous other artic les belonaing f!rlcinfr business 0 & J SAEGER, OILS & of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue &c.,—will be sold cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John 13ell's best !Italie. also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, fur sale cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. TO MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de scription, such as Bench • and Moulding Planes, I land : Patine', and Back Saws, Brace and Bitts, Antler Buts, Hatchets, Squr,res, &c., (or sale by 0 J SAEGER. NAILS.-4300 Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale by U & J SAEGER. WHITE LEAD. —2 tons of W bite Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by J SAEGER. April, 22, Boot & Shoe Establishment In Allentown. Shaffer el Hauler. Respectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that they have lately bought out the Stock of Mr. John Reeser, and will continue at the old stand, in Ham ilton Street, between the Allentown Hotel and J. B. Moser's Apothecary Store, where they are prepared to execute all orders in their line of business. They also inform the public that they have just returned from Philadelphia with a large assortment of Ladies, Alisses .f Gentlemen's Gum Shoes. They also keep on hand of their own manufacture, a general assortment of extra fine and coarse Gentlemen's [loots,•\lonroes and Shoes.— Also, Ladies' and Misses' Morocco and Pm nella Gaiters, Bootees and Shoes. Boys and Childrens, Boots and Shoes—all made of the best material, of their own selection. They will warrant all their work, and ders will de executed at the shortest notice, and in the neatest manner. The hands in their employ are of the best that can be found, both in the.Ladies' as well as Gen tlemen's branch of the business. The assortment they keep on hand is very extensive, comprising every article that mny be called for in their line. Persons who are in want of a pair of good Boots or Shoes, an article highly necessary to keep your feet warm and dry, will do well to give them a call, before purchasing elsewhere, as they do not intend to charge anything for showing their goods. April IS. • 17-8 m The subscriber now offers at private sale the property situate at the south east corner of Hamilton and Margaret Streets, in the Borough of Allentown. The improvements consist of a large and convenient "a' ' Brick Mansion 110iiiiie " built in the most substantial and fin ished manner, and surrounded by beautiful Shade Trees. It occupies with the ground attached, one entire square, 240 feet front and 480 feet deep. A brick stable, Ice house, and other out buildings'are upon the grounds convenient to the house. Th,, house will be sold if desirable with part of the ground. The title is uriques• tiouuble, and payments will be made easy. Eli J. Saeger, agent for M. T. DALE. Allentown, Jan. 8. 1551. TAILOR IN ALLENTOWN. Informs his friends and-the-public in-gen eral that he has removed his shop in the sec ond story above Reber's Store, directly oppo site 0. & J. Saeger's Hardware Store, where he still continues the Tailoring Business, and will at all timea be ready to make gen tlemen's apparal, after the latest London, Pa rds,_New :York or Philadelphia fashions. Having employed experienced hands, and being determined to render Natisfaction to all such as may favor hint with a trial, he feels confident of a continuance of their cus tom. Ile tenders his former customers his grate ful acknowledgements for past favors, and Lopes by reasonable prices, and punctual at tendance to his o loejLaess, to merit their con tinuance. April 9 In the Court of -CommOn Pleas of Lehigh County. . In the matter of the account #. ie.' . of Benjamin Fogel, Assignee of John H. Romig, under a voluntary decd of assignment. And now, Feb. 20. 1852, the Court ap- point E. J. Moore. Esq.. auditor to audit, resettle the account, make distribution, and report to the next stated Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh county. The Auditor above named, will meet fur the purpose of his appointment, on Tuesday the 30th of April; at 10 o'clock in the fore noon, nt of E. J. Moore, Etq., in Allentown, where those who think proper may attend 0 & ) SAEGER. Ipril 8 Ready Made Clothing Store Adopt this method, in inform their friends and the public generally, that they have just returned „from Philadelphia, with a very heavy stock of of the most fashionable styles, from all of which the•v will make to order and also keep on hand a large supply of Ready-Made Clothing, at such prices, as cannot be equalled in any establishment in this or any neighboring town. Their present large Stock of cloth ing. consists in part of Dress Coats. of eve ry imaginable style. for Spring and Summer wear, Pantaloons, fancy and plain of all prices, Summer Pants in great variety ; Vests, Satin, fancy and plain, Drawers, Shirts, Collars, Cravats, &c. &c. all of which they are determined to sell at the lowest prices. It is therefore: "money made" to those who wish to purchase clothing, if they first call at Areligh Dreinig, before they purchase elsewhere. Orders of every kind, will be accepted with pleasure, and punctually attended to ; and as they are Practical Tailors them• selves, none but the best workmanship will be suffered to pass their hands, so that they can warrant the clothing they manufacture in every particular. Thankful for past favors, .they hope by punctual attendance to business, and dura ble jobs, they will be able to gain a contin uance of favors from a generous public. Allentown, April 15. 11-3 m Dissolution of Partnership, Notice is hereby given, that the late firm of Samson, Wagner 4- Co., in the mercan tile business in Allentown, was dissolved on the Ist of April, by mutual consent.— Those whn have claims against the firm will hand them to C. El. Samson, for settle ment. Those too, who are yet indebted to the late firm will please make settlement at the above . place, as the books will soon be put in other hands for collection. C. H. SAMSON, A. A. WAGNER, I. YINGLING. J. W. MICKLEY. April 15,' • A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, german Locke, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush es, and a variety of other building Hard ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper than ever by 0 & J SAEGtR. May S. JOB 1 7 111MTIMG, Neatly executed at the "Register" Office. Valuable Property AT PRIMITE MILE. Removal. GEORGE KECK, A111D11,12 9 3 From the REcoril, TESTE—F. E. &UMW'S, Proth'y E. J. MOORE, Auditor. 91-4 w An Allentown!! OPeligh Breinig, Spring and Summer Goods To Builders. prices Uiurrcnt. ARTICLES. I Per Allent.Eaeton Phild Flour Barrel 4 25 4 00, 4 25 Wheat .. . . Bush.' 82; SO' 91 Rye . 68 60 72 Corn ... . . 65 60 61 Oats 37 88 88 Buckwheat . . 47, 60 05 Flaxseed . . 1 60 1 150 150 Cloverseod .. 1 4 001 6 50 520 1 imothybeecl . 2602 75 275 Potatoes . . - 701 50 76 Salt 40 45 30 Butter .. . . Pound 161 18 30 Lard I .-- 10 8 1 8 Tallow .. . 8! 9 7 Beeswax . . 22 1 25 28 Ham —l2 10 8 Flitch .. . . I 10 •'8 a Tow-yarn. . Eggs . .. : Doz. 32 12 20 Rye Whiskey Gall. 22 1 22 28 Apple Whiskey 851 401 4B Linseed Oil . . 851 851 se, Hickory Wood I Cord 4 501 4 501 6 00 Hay. . , . Ton 12 - 0012 - 0012 - 00 Egg Coal . . . 1 Ton 850 400 450 Nut Coal , . 1 250 300 354 Lump Coal. . 3 . 60 3 501 3 00 Plaster .. . 450 4 501 260 New Millinery ni Allentown!' Mrs. A. S. Kaufman, Respectfully invites the : *; s 4; ; Akit attention of the Ladies of Al lentown and its vicinity, that sloe-still-keeps-open-on-the ; )1 east corner of • Wilson's Row' 1' 3 near the German Reformed Church, directly opposite J. B. Moser's Apothecary store. She has just. returned from Philadelphia with a new And Fashionable Millinery Stock, comprising the latest styles. Her stock con sists in part of Gossamer, Braid, Fine Hair and Blonde, Jenny Lind Looped, Fine Sat an and Pearl, Alhona and Sattin, Imperial and Tripoli, China Pearl, Coburg, and eve ry other style that can be named. Also Cas ing Bonnets of ail kinds. Artificial flowers of every description, Caps, Repairing, shaping, whitening and pres sing done after the latest fashions, and equal to any city establishment, and done at the shortest possible notice. Having followed the business for a num.; ber of years, believes herself competent to give full satisfaction, and hopes that a gene-. rous public will still extend to her a liberal patronage, for which she will always feel very grateful. To those who have favored her with their calls, she returns her thanks. April 15, '! j ' — 2rn Sound the Tocsin 1 An Unprecedented Display of 64)01E40 old the Old Corner of Hainiliors and James Streets, .911entotm, The People's Stove Rome had her Ctesar, England her C;rom, well, France her Napoleon Bonaparte, and Allentown a STORE where goods may be purchased at the most reasonable prices, as any one can be satisfi• ed who will call on O. H. SAMSON, late of the firm of Samson, Wagner 4 Co. who has just received a splendid lot of SPRING GOODS Which are the admiration of all who have viewed them. They are cheap, too, and no mistake—not cheap just on one yard of the counter and dear all over the other, but from side to side, from front to mar, and from top to bottom, whether ton% Ina mao or anything else you'll find. His motto is 'SMALL. PROFITS AND QUICK SALES" with the Ready John Davis down—the on ly way to do business, oas is business." Now ho don't intend to enumerate what he has ; he will not say a word about his sleek Cloths and Otsitneres.; nor the ele- gant supply he purchased for Dresses for his La 4 Vvienas nor about the Silks and Satins and . Ri6- bons and the thousand other matters that go to make up a tip-top assortment, because he not only anticipates, but •is sure, that all who expect to appear in unparalleled appar el, will come and see for them selves—judge for themselves, and buy for themselves; (just as he does when. he goes to the city,). His Groceries, Conyst ofa large gifizeit o Z supply, selected nogi: with great care, and comprises all kinds of various articles iu general use. His CLUEENSVARE embraces a beautiful assortment, from which a choice cannot tel to be made. Ready Made Clotiting A complete assottmont of every dearly: don, cheaper than the cheapest. Cloths, Cassiincrei, &c., made up, to the shortest notice, in style calculated to sur: prise the Parisiene, not the "Natives" only —and still he complies with his motto, "NO' fit no pay." With such inducements held out to an impartial public, rt' Hottentot Wou!Writ fora moment doubt but what is bound to eclipse all his.compe;itors. A na now take his advice --"Buy cheap while sluggards Sleep; , And you will have goods to wear and kiip „ So come one and•all And givo me a call:.. C. H. qii) , .doN, April 115,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers