EN w'^`iaWl`~ ti sre'~,~4oFu}, ~- ohtiyl aer w #v. ~s; i. OBE MO =EMI EMMEN , , : 1 . ... ME Mcuola Nrtun, Citcraturr, I,3octni, (Zirienre, 21.cirintittne, the Oiffusion of tleful 3 TOLOIE VT; ~" .~" • THE LEHIGH•REGISTER, lh published in the Boicti!gh of Allentown Lehigh County, Pa., every 7)Sursclay 11_31' "WOES TlL T .:".t.irs_i r tiiliE, - Atsl 60 per annum, payable in advance, and 12 00 if not paid until [be end of the year. No paPer: discontinued, until all arrearages are paid except at the , option of the proprietor, Anvairrisayssrs, making not more than one square, will be inserted three times for one dollar 'and for every subsequent insertion wentyfive cents. Larger advertisements, chat Aed - in the a m e- proportiot —l Phosenotexce - mlitroli n i sel!I he charged seventy•fio• cents, and those making six lines or less, three insertions for 50 Cents. VrA Liberal deductioa will be made to those who advertise by the year. Ogice in Ilanzitton St., one door East of the German Reformed C'hurch, nearly opposite the “Friedensbote Office." BY. 3. V. Ilarnes, 11 EMTIS T. ots s od iform his 14 ;:i 4 - 17 i frien Ad ds p andthi meth the public t i a nn general, that_he has made Allentown his permanent residence. He has opened an office at his dwellinz, opposite go/P8 American Hotel. a few doors east of Pretz, Guth G. Co's. Store, where he will be happy to oiler his professional service's in the science of Den tistry. He will call at private residences, if requested. U?" His terms are reasonable, and having had much experience in the professions, feels satisfied that he can give general satis faction. Allentown, April 24, 1851 - EVES RIGHT! NEW HAT AND CAP Manufactory in Allentown. • E. 01. Wieder, Respectfully announces to the citizens of Allentown and its vicinity, that he has late ly established himself in the above business. in the Store room formerly occupii-d by Messrs. Mertz and Landis, in crest Hamil ton Street, in the Borough of Allentown. where he has just received an extensive • . : :10 new Stock of superfine --' 4 ‘ Hats, Caps, Haas, Muffs, &c. • all of which he will be !able to dispose. off on the most reason:Able terms. His stock of Gentleman's hati4, is compos ed of tby.-leautiful and costly to the inn.-1 or dinary In other word,. from a Fire dollar to a5O cent hat. And i.tich that wilt become the old as %veil as the young.. The Anine may be said of his ``, -- 2,Z-' STOCK OF CAPS , which consists of sup!•rfint , and ordinary To the Ladies. has a not.] to my, lo• oivitestlmir par• tiCular attention to his ztoeh M Fors, his assortment of Conk, &c 'cannot be twat in A lien tow n, and 1w i> pry.. pared to sell them with but a very small ml vance. ' flats will be manutacrered to ordcr upon the shortest notice, and upon the most rea. ionable terms. Mr. Wieder, trusts that h) 'keePing a good assortment to select from end reasonable prices he will be able to so cure a shore of public patronage Noveinber 13, 41101T.D11';3 11011111 In the Orpha»4' Court of Le. high County. In the matter of the account of Peter ( - hoes and Flillarius Ken. •nol. Executors of Julian Kennel, deceased, latuof North ‘Viliteliall township. Lehigh County. And Itow March 17,1852, the Court ap point Eli J. Saeger, auditor to audit, resettle . said account, and, make distribution accord ing to laW; and report to the next stated Or.. plums' Court, including all.the evidence sub- Mitted before him. From die .Reiords. 2. NATHAN METVER,...nerK. - The auditor above named will attend to the duties:of his appointment at the house of Elizabeth and Margaret Kerinel, in North 'Whitehall . township. Lehigh county, on the .'4lst day of April,next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, where all parties interested may ;attend: ELI J. SAEGER, Auditor. I. April 11-3 w The unkrsigned begs leafe to announce 'that he does not intend teachirrg echool this summer ;•'but :wi:I• give private instruction to those who will call at his residence, in William Street, above ,Andretv." Parents having children that theywish to send, will please makeapplication Ideek-kepp. Ingon a new"and impreWed method will be taught to those who desire it. Mtvcit MEG . o t ., u i: `;'.My. 117{ L, . .• . • ..: .. ,_ -• ..,',..:: .1 -., 7.--.' - . f . '-'1 . ....-; . , ~ ,•• • : .:...t rZ"-..-- . 7:::. ,:y '..•-., ^ . • ' , ' .. . ' • —e s .": ` 4 .ff , ,':f ,- ',,- ..... 1. . - 1 ,- .;.:, - - , s.-.-, .- \....`. t .1. - ,-. -.....".'-..- * i • '.:" -' •' : i. - .:'",- , .. - ': , .:i..... - ;: - : - .. : ".' . . 'i *, - i i• • '..; - ... ,• ;•:,.. - f; - “_.14::;;. ' :...'_-:',1",• e _..:::.:.r ..‘.. 1 -,'.' _. . , ...;,-, , . . , '• • ' - --. - 10 " . '-' . " i - ' '..-- : ' '.'.. '' F. . '' - ' ' l :.h . 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",.‘... , :„`...).;,....:,...,..- :_, : ..7 ,1 1`7';,1 . :;:t':'.•:2. - 9 . ....-_ _ • • - A FAMILY ' - . . . . Snow generally. 7'he eidee te so steep that 'Principally to the. keen wind which drove I The Down of Spring. their knees, andintersected by various fences the snow very soon blows Darrow -is melted e the_ flnefroienemow_into_our_face•s arid eyes. ,aniiin closureeeenenteinste'sl - 61 being brauglie liTfact, it is n, solid glncie,r, with fre quente_it_tould-not-have-be e n owing - toserr - dritrk= DV tirE MARVEL. to attacit•the Anteriten force in fleith, which enormous - ceevicewesom e as ouch as a hum ' ing anything strong for we hod forgotten • woeld have been equally effectual for (Ilse' dred feet wide, others not more than a font, to take even any' wine with us.—Paper by ; I love to trace the brenk of Spring st e p lodging it, they lad been led on directly in but all so deep that one cannot see the bot. , Mr. 'l'llorton, r e ad to the Royal Geographi• i ' les step ; I lun g ev c n those lone rain storm s front; where it•cent weSsteepest, and where torn of the In. It is thi•se that make the ns- I cal Society. i ... I that sap the icy fertressee of the lingering' ithll,7,,,,eit:rl,r,tt'.tile,ul7;;7l,l;id,enca,sid;t.,m,licgri:(eit.no‘Avli',eitxll.'• cent more particularly dangerous; for they ______...,....__________ I Winter,—that :nett the not upon the hills-, are frequently covered with ri slight crust of A limonite Story. I ; fold sw,•ll Iho mountain brook s ;—that make 1 10 'ed to tin. Close tool IV,Ii-direct,d fire of ice, which gives war as soon as you put , Illy pools heave no their gliessy ceremetes their everiy, they %revered. gave way, and_ f01i0.% hie : „f t e „ , ‘ „,i hem, ,i,lmmette,_ei.,,eittitg, feig,,__feol-litick-in-dieurcher-towards tee landleg your foot upon it. When there is 110 snow I The Boston Tinier; relatve the the color of the ice i s , diff erent i p I h y p . .._ parts . p incident As an_ilhestratioil or the manner in t one nos into tin , wa , t ,,,,, id the_cepart• ride,.. Here they we're toxic iy rallied by - but - when - thero - 18 - ra iglif -- ebat, as was tee . which hey du things Down Etet : their efiicere, and a et-coral note led up to i 1 love the gentle thaws thin you can trace. case when we we're' itecending, owing to Al. w months since, a gentlerenn, whoin d ee h t , dee. by the se e nett e „,,,, b an e s the chirrer. 13tit by ilitel her blunder of the rain On the pri•vious eight. the °joy we .shah give for tie • lime the uncomninn lisl slirioliiii , front the graa; and by the gen. those placed in nuthority over them, a sup chnnce. tif ;safety is feeling one's way hy tip of Smith, Le cam,' ell:morel! of one o f the 1 i: , t be o,p tilt rit• entitle,- enves. I love to see reit ply of balls for the field ertillerei being sent strikine the ground with one's+ stick. W e I fain st daughters of tent city of bentoios i . , —; out the senile Flo ; es by it stouthern 'wolf, from the ;Inhume department at Boston e e were frequently (Mimed to !mike lens ! . air. She was an ornament of one of the liltlhet I tv,,,,,, was found to be of larger dimensioni tlinifs the reflected sun duos double duty to prevented the further use o coifs to avoid the fn.:sures.; but ocsasemaily i circles—pOseeS et 11 of wealth its well as beam ; the earth, and where the frail 0110711011 e or fi tted the calibre of the guns, and this over ' sight of canner they so completely barred the pub that we , ty, end hence was art e arth of devotion to ; the. Mint blush of the arbutus, in the midst were force dto make the bee.e of it ; arid go ; twiny unmarried young mere Smith, how- •of the blo t Akre!) atmoephere, will touch th e field artilltey that (fey. Again did them, over the thin crust of ice as quickly and i ever, soon obtained ilie highest place in her I . your heart like a hope of [leaven, in a field • Americans, from behind their entrenchments. lightly as w e could ; but I confess the feel- ; riffections, and they were erigaged to be trier. r •ot graves ! Later conic those soft smoky pour upon them a .deatructives fire. Again ing was one I shall not easily forget. The ; Tied. But before the happy event took days, when the patches of winter grain show they were repulsed, and driven .in confusion wilid continued to increase as we got Ili g li.! place, it teas necessary for Smith to make a ereen under the shelter of leafles woode down the hill. Al this critical moment, Gen. er ; the chards rind fog were very thick, and I visit to California, mid he tuccordingly set 11 Sr " the last snow drifte reduced to shrunk Clio ton, trill:out netitiog for orders put him . vie w there was 110 lie much to ir ur 11- • -emit tor the land , f 0., 1•1 Peery one knows ' . ..i i e,1,3e,. '-' • e . i eii ekeletons of ice, Ire upon the slope of self. at the head of a •sinall detachment (two pointinents ; tor when the atmosphere Is : that it ISi grin WI y uir. pa ri ICU kriy from 1 ti,„1 , 111 hills, leaking away their life.' battalliens.) which hastened over in bouts ) • clear. the Peak of Orizava must _ COlMllliared„ we y Doe. ii_lia,eand that in ...the :00et elepse 1 .e , . • from Boeton. f . Then, the graes at eentr door . Krona 1(0.3 , • OW mast eXlee.Sise and 11111.2iiiltelit view in : Pre the jaorttey not and b.t. ', veil he made. „• I • he re inforcement, though small, was pe,itii•••iy know ; tlit. color of time . sprouting grain, arta , the the I?...plittlke Now arid then we got a Simile til 011 r reittl,•re ma v , most sermotiable, and the presence of Qin. the lilnceswell, and buret. I 1 e glimpse of the summit. tie. elij •ct of our arn• that mouths tiro oyes I.) vourg, I 'dies on the burls "on lon himself proved of maternal service in nencle e bloom upon the wall and the !alien ; but after having climbed till half verge of matt iinolly ;and toimetimes. what • - ' • mile ine the seediere and preparing them for tini;ltm will ill Out. plumbe wear broldices ot white. 'l'l ''' s P" l '" anotie•r onset. To nn onset the third and past 11, the' inclination having been Cori:. may l'a (Imre news to ace. .I.ling oriole, picks strings for his hammed( hi. ,,, , wenn. . Hs .L. , ,' Kandy about (i 0 di , greei.. ~e found OtlY. ens he iichieved i n eueel t s fir( y were, they rushed up the ', on . the et carmine and the spnrrows twit . iit selves 'still about 1.083 feet from the top, IV'ell. dent. ; tee absence of Smith, with it e•eretihie impetuosity, and-carried the The old elms threw down the 4 din. and the inclination of tht• remainder ah nit young, lady, his Hai elev.!, ens beset with ; l'air's•eitemy' s redoubt at the point of the bayonet. fl event and color their: oar with arei i;; 7o d e g. l'he et hid ti as now.so furious that admirers, and oh ! fickel woman, one ter- 1 413. 11 } ' ii, ~ I I • - (Jr this time the Americatee' supply of we could hardly strand upright ; the there uniphed over her tender end soscei tible ; and r l .. e ' l. `" i f •I`,%'‘',`-'.'. Y :"' ho l l '''''` ii v t l° ''';` i . vu t r h i :' eptyder in . f2lll; to fail; - 6411- they fought on monester was at 2-ro. and no pe rson wh o heart, W e will call this fortunate Lotha• I ' ir .' l nl ! t u t .l ii .C ,' '' ' ":',Y .I ' l e . •, I. F .; 0111 ' brrieeite Oriel even, it is sub!, mnintained the has been accustom e d to the lower mountnins rio's name [Jaynes. win , determined not in the ' ( . s ,. r s _ . , c.1(3:5;'7:15,,:ij0i :, " ,...:: "I''''' apt i ri ,i , 0 Y ; euritt:si. Irbil their citillhe'd musters, until at _. ;of Europe call inerighie the hitt, r keenness be ea unfeeling as to desert his sweetheart. , , ; e rine oohs stn era% ish. - tune ' i l :f t.r i l l i trelest vet,. 1 tst•they were disloged and put to fl ight.--. ttiiiiceliancou, e c i ec ti olit . i. ; t i tf 7 n oo fr o tri f oti s wind at that temperature about as Smith h o d done, mid had the day fixed ! e 11... e e , ; ._, ,, ~•.• • •,,, 1„... tvi 1 , • , _ t; i Theirell r, trt teener io utter disarray, there Lie meg n r mt above the level of the .sea , ely for an early 1 eriod. The wedding dresses r u " , , 1. " 1. 1 a ' ( : • : .5. ' , i ," 11 1 , : do, ‘• •;;;,, pitch, ,t hi , tt as no more than ri show of pursuit against • . • • Lerman companion In gan to spit blood, and were arrange el—the nice mww w hatehey 00- ; , e _ t.;, , ..,,,,, . ~.., „; . , '''" 1 1 ~, I Li.. C.,• ~ . I ' r•' 111 : htl . . 11 -0.1 ,' sit fr.nel eoyert•ly in inseinte Ascend of a Illexican Volcano. i inv.:elf was much fatigued an that W.. cali-eroe with leer ftills around the edge e _ : 1 i i• '' ,i '.. , :` ,, 1 , 1 . i . • " ' , ,r •. .. "•':' 1 :: l i l l '; , • • i ', . 1• ::. ;, • •• '1,12,, eleceestown Neck free' the ere...is-fire! of ' tev"cr Na. 1 was obliged to remain at the Pasco te agreed , though with much regret, that it were MI ill folded and laid away in 1 .. .. 1 , i ' ' " ' ...," 1 ." / ;<• ' t ' 1 , :' %' i d ll'altiie.i; 'lotteries. arid the Gloucester wan t the et, r. na . tix of ?eery: ; and the yt cional for some days, being unable to obtain wee not worth while incurrilie great risk On. buneiti draweN— a spang new Stilt Of : c , f-tt . • r A• 1 1 0 • cherry ereterhe ill ;ill tle. lealee rews, tt iill. " • It me. only chaneing- the tonn a guide and u nwi lli ng to attempt the aecent fur the mkt. of ond ,, avoliocz to reach the top clothes. late e t eishi on , w a s made for the ex- i t r e d .' 1 , - Clod's Isi In ii •• 111 hers. bill retaining the plesiee - or a gallant ulone. I lied set my mind upon a French. (during such untoward weather. At thi s peered bridegroom ; and indeed every pr, ie I 1 :, 11 ;,, - ,.. ; . I ; ri r' r ,': thou „ i, „ t, ' i f • l ,''',. " 1 ' elate rie relatine timelier settle lit exploit, '' wEs man, who, within afi w d a y s pr e vi ous :, h a d ; maim I endeavoring to take the height , but eratent was made fir the important ev••iit. ''''' ” II -v• " s "'''''-' '''''' lane '''' '''' '.. oats . say tint -die reitioain of five and twen- A nineg, ;el this. comes t h e rich rains of' ascended the Peak of Onzava twice, up to Ito my great vexation the barometer et mild Both parties lied the ••till" and could tifferd 1 le lei:a:reel treetamierable British soldiers sprin g The alit ctions ot a boy erete ire its vi ry summie—an exploit which he is !oat act. for some reason [have riot vet been to do it. toted triumpeant qtr that fatal hill." with ware tr, miter tle-in ; end the year blos be.lieved to Imre been the first ever to 11111 , e ~:bur in 1111.4. .50g/In'. / did lit utmost to hell', Al. a otiolo, poor Smith is on his way home Such was the battle which • 30ilis with fl eveN. 1;11I the ClOl/tIS 110ccr not ( line apt. performed. His name is Alexatider 'nag- I a spirit limp ; but althotieli I contrived a Ilill'ill2: made a copied retinu e in the laid , ie. conaideriee the ail .= - .• • ' ri . 1 lit e , h,.„„. I over nit A pill sky. telliery—like shadows 1::,, received (ram ( 1 1 1 '1)° ,011 . 0 1 1 of line ground non, arid he lode •d deserved to be mention- ; shelter for it. the wind 'vest so vielent th at Where - ..they ban e people." til I upon innocence. The showeN Come getd• ghbving flight eel for having, twice "rtaken so perilous. j (ass unable to lielit anything, and consee rant of the chailgo that has token Hite,. 11 . 0 h.iiii- of Biti• kt ' it 1 1 1711 1 Rod difficult an exited ion entirely by him- 1 quently to obtain the boiling water pram.— the atlectiona of ins betrothed, inid lii, heal! , I .r ' i ffil dill' 11 "i"' 1 3' to the earile—with now : 1. 1.1,.,..,,,, iv,.,., .• 'r a • The loss of , . . 3, . , .I:ll,l(ihnee.. coneidering them sell. and over ground ot which lie was per. 1 I cannot but think, however, cr.:nearing, beats happilt• ite he nears his miner home. ; 1 1 11 Heil a elietese of sunshine to 11 "t"' nutril;:.•; fectly ignorant. The first time, he tvas ac. 1 this with the aecent o! Popoc;ttepetil, that we Ile arrives on the very. evening 0 „ „. 1 ,,, e , the drop s bright--like so irethy tea ire of joy. ,i,ii ~m,.t i : •a t iti f; l,,l lll l( .. i - that . tiurither well comp:third prat of the way by several ofil- were at bast 17,000 feet above the level of the nuptials of the ineousistent mistreee are ; Ille rate of winter is cold, and it ce mes in s ,/ eo . %yowl i ' , l . fa lle n ;. . above 220 kit try but none of them succeeded hi reach- the sea, and thin tlit• summit must. be above to take place. Bich bride arid 1,1.1;1,m-rea m ; iti Iliiter scuds teat hlied yon : !:b e the rein e ._ , _ 0t ' , 0 ,..1t _um( behind f l ue Americans, hay -11;,1_,;,11 furt, ,;.I‘.; sec 1, eturenchments, sut tee th e eunimit except himself. On his re- 18.000 fret high, though it is generally con. are already attired lii their wi..-ifillito ; I 1 c.oldes ' id April teeth-. I le n e y eti ree d y , h e e• re e ls ., vlt . e . re-r. . ACCOrdillg to their tent to the plain, the Alexicansiu the neigh-; Sidered lower tlittil the. filmier ; hut the heielit —eased clothes. The bride i s a t her boll- 1 wendsy,---t et leviegly—ii!,ts the steeJ el n :. ' , t . .1 a, tmunt, their moire toss in killed and twilit, villeges laughed so much at the idea I has never vet teem calculated from the top. er s house—the 'Pte iti his own. The , bride to the alter. , womided wns under 450 None ef fits having reached the eurninit, which Certain it is ' th at the ascent of P , tilocalei e ti!' ceremony is to take lilac,. width) an hien-. i li &les h, , t gaiher Mo. thp storm elniels , i , t , , 1; • '. . . among . ; ; oI %Sas more lamented than their wile era , potsed impracticable, tout he offered ;is a Mere wade Colitpont•(l with this both in Smith, the deluded rushe s to deep his sw••,•t- l of t‘'iliter, eee and heave aleillii. site iinri -I..l.•etar4.2t,lteral ll,' alien, a inan in them prime it they •% mud mike him a flag, to carry n ' &meet. and dirlicrilty Prom that point el' h 'en mhi breist •oi I hiss Cr •riii e• chet- 7 tri •nel eteep c into ulele end itetets,• 1 • ni . . ,e, . _ .• , , „ ~.„.,, • • • • • ,•;' • .. ',' ','- ef life. of tried ent•re • - t of '- e t . git a powers per ue arid plant it on the top. 'Phey made I plainly sate the smoke issuiror from the top. ry 11113 the chid:m:3 hir hi, Iti:1:; .111•...i1 ., --- : i'maciles (lie s , ae. I to 1.0 , very 7.• tlitie ; ea: . :ilasio. i , rind I.lghly proud...Mg abilities. ' Illoi one, five yards long and two wide, i end were told by Alexander n i _teem) that it I 1,. enters the lioii:e. The it , eo. , - , •1 , •,a !e•- : Own. ar • a C 1).,.. of whi1e.Wt0... , ,,•11!..‘iv how. r, which, together with a flag-staff three yards I did riot proceed front the crater len from a holds him. She ell tee 10.,.. S.;:i!,. ,:, ii: -: : that, !hit your eyt• bos el :Ise.] iis yen lay 011 ~. -Th-;"---.1--------- .1 he holy Firpolehre. and a halt long, made out of a tree, still crack in the rock itst , lf at the very summit, deli, for hp hulks a:1 thal whe, •••:via and 1 1.11.200 d With ow (It.licioo s I.toottor of" aa green and heavy, and a crowbar, he cal rii•d Ile described the crab ras being smaller all that brid a l rebe, wit ad ite.e' white I,ele. ; A pril sun :—nor bur r You se Imo noticed 1 I 'l' h' ll l l the felloe log in the Debuts: up the stiouirem mid vict en tim e ly pl ante d on teen ti al Of POI ( fret la oil, 11101 stated that , and so forth. teem :emend:ie. Si,.. is fol. 1 1111 r a little bevy of th,,,,,,.. fl mow, clouds .. .‘centiltio 7 to the arrangements lately wide I its loge, et lama. Wian I urriv,d lit (h.. i stoolit• issuers frn.n two or three imitits at Ily attired its a bride—fait tVilere i+ ill b,• the ;h e I t, grouped treeether inn snethre compnity. e n t tie Nlthj,Cl of till Holy. p laces at JerUset- Pasco, I :;al9 it still fls Mg U teri. Orr hie idle heitool 411 .' 11 hit ‘t ith no en-at deeree Of 1 hridvgloolui ?IL COlll,l MA lit. lit., for !-11.• i 13ii . t presently, you Sue acres: 0 1 ,, f l „• d,, t i ) „ few, the Otroinen Porte has decided on re reture, lies ea. re ill the prin.:tete I activity ; twice is seen in jai lie from olio ; certatok• could not Lave te.,•ii amide awart• ', dark grey stroa!;s :stretching like IrIOS of I s•nriii tz t,t the F'rencli : I. The key of the lint 11 lif the district oy mill the 111.1.11uritte:,, !point 11 the V.•ry preCillit44 n 6 olol'll Side' of his relltro. .111 t•Nplatoltiolt allt,t. be ; iiiisti., (nun Ow f , rol.'ll bosom of tee I reley i„ gn•at I.:Nitre!) of Bethlehemn and those of rho heed e d by a band of iimeic, alio %tile lewd jof the inemitailts. Tinesarre. pectilierity of made: I Ilea spot of slat. Whore the coliparly of S , L l e. 110m'. 4 , $0 that the.. Christians will no 4111 1411 billed. A letter fru-n me imorrupted 1 the lower lip, beinEr, to the smith; :amt the ..iiiiiett a ." cried S.imii, , , c ion is the watt. i clouds is lai'e , lotr; and with cm t asv shift- loriger lee the Pri , 'Or , .'rS ofthe Greek monks ; Idol In lilt se gunge -et, amid on the alterneu ir ; Weller • to the eon!' innininiue in this crater , ince of re:l thr• r. , I ,, Lr of the helm the ff., lof :,,wi:ii.o-i. Chi th c , y will bt! toatCeforth a bl y to enter and eo . ea the 14th t e .epril, lie and i alai it young and crvviC.'S on it, sides !Inv fi I ' , I With errs. 1 jelieue iesir,--eoit e li tie will ma permit ; hit - le es over you, ni i ,l drip lip tr ba ,1 1 , ..1 i n. 01/' : fr.i. , :y. 2. Two gardens belonging and Li,fitittli belonging to the sttlettlog ebtubltato ionised sitiphor. I)titimz the few iiiiuliti., i ;in di:. ildiociiist th e and iii.i!ci. th , fl, yes ni!piii,ing to the church, nod 'which the her to reple• She _• e , elready 'item the mein, binned togeilit.r on hoesebace to the we reimoined at this: point. my 114111(1, le•- features of her od lever the flaiele ttes of i elietere aiiil the to dip with tio it „,...,.„,„1 Greek:. hod tekeu possession of.' 3. In the hums of vegt Limon. The weatt .ier was fur cern.. so b, numb el thin they del ma re. i ; tier Heart like i iie hicks on the D , •lawert. ; b 1 " 1 "t3'• cl eire l i o f the 1 loly SepulchrealJerusalern. from promieitig. for it was pouring, nue ; cover their feelill , 2B till we reached the bate , i land Raritan Canals • ore le ion' 01 1elii•11. :1:111 , I "l'he cattle lingetr still, cnewilie the new the French will receive th e lower' part of cre te ; gress: earl childhoell latiehsi •seet-lv li''' a ' "/ ,''" llr ':'lles of 1110 Holy Virgin. For and out leullitg (pine so stroller as when 1 tom. nod them with great pair'. I ill.. waters of her nett/ love Jre rdpiiily rasa attcerielt•d Pepecieeputil, I did not aiiticipate lt was •impo s s i bl e to dt•scend very rapid- I m e like; a torrent in. flier showy homen lat the warm Nan ;_o r u„,1,,,. L i,„ ,c,,,,,„. mare than a ceetury the Pre.ncli have hot entir e success. A ode of amen three hours ly, on account of tro• ti,00., I have deecrib- ' lit a -1 ves with emotion, her brim:bine becomes: I roil, crotches wait eager ear,. the panel. ofits had 111,. line or the gallery built over their. through thick turests, awn the edge ot a led slave; 11111 d 111;11 .1 .114. jet. %%Ina vent- 'baud I rapid and eintemiodic. She thinks of a n o: I fall. , 4. 'rim Franks and L ehis will be' admitted Ingboully precipitate filVltte, brought tie 10 and slippery. As it ryas I Pot Inv Iran on I• • . •I II . ' , g tf . (1, • 1 • V 1 ' , ale nt i. ae lit , , it rt o t, I ',title i ea•s . t., :thane in the teeth of the Holy Virgin; a hut close to the banns 1.11 1 / 1 -4, 421•11iti1l rat a .. , ~ a thin crust, and doter) I went ;. but luckily 1 with Sim:h.—Smith was her first 'ore Ire , Battle of Banker llill. , . , placed node~ the lo•ook of Ceuron, in oho place culled ••El Puerto," well kiii,tvii to for me. only with one lee, for the cri•vice. h e d II linp-puilition rielit hi a setth•iiii i ll I Th. follourino. is nn English accoitht of vallt•y ofJohnstipette 5 instead of exact the'cmitiabandists of the coulary, bellig the though deep 1 (or l•notig 1 anything was not h er ufh.ciiiiiis,iirul had power to hick out all t the Bade of 13tiril«e• . .1-1111. It is co pie 1 . eie the. restitution of the silver star, stolen path they make uof for their einueginig tt ids enough for both. Accoriiiiig to the intrud ers . The lovely creature fell ainiost i from Lord Malion's • "flistory of Engl.inil. by lie. Ureelis on the ht. of .Nlov. 1810, the operatioes from tu ne. coast. lei borfirig ewe- advice of till. gold~, we had taken no spec- lithiu m , into the anus of Smith, mid ex- I from the Pelee of Utrecht." It is in the ' Freer:he:had cement themselves -by repine: ter point at this place was 100,1 Fahrenheit. mel ee i. , log it by timelier, after the departure of the with us fur, as lie truly snid, it was claimiites ; main, and imp/reed narrative: tildteatieg a height of I 1,005 feet. At 5 necessary In see the diinger well iii order to I I -Deart•st, dearest. forgive—l nen e yours 1 "When the Enetish approeched the stitn• ; numerous pilerieue, who will this year flock , to the place at the solemnities of Easier. o'clock ran the mor n in g of th e loth wrestart- avoid it. (4011 my getting, back to the but c alone" province pretty death. that if slie•l ~n i t of 13n•ecrs Hill. the A mr•ricatis encoun (Al again on liereebeck, being myself lernitd therefore. we coneratulated.ourselves n peel did not lose Ifayfles less $ll6 lowed Smith ; tercel them With ertMat coolness ancl deter- ' By a eGincitlence which happens only eve; with a long-point e d s ods, a baromet e r cud deal upon feeling no dierigreeable• sensation more. 1 millet:on, nberving their It till width' " I i I . t. f;''''' Scare, thee- fetes will be celebrated two thermometers, end a pair of cricket in the eyes; I counted without my host, The. who!e affair was explained in a inn. eighty or a litindred yards. and then ;mute ; shiniltaiwously by all religious sects in o'6 shoes. We were not able to avail ourselves for after returning to th e Paso, and diaieg trient'e She was 11 tired in her li urinals and tog it with rintilly ;the. 'l'hen were blown ; eqsl ' in ' ) '''''t• Tlo: French may, besides, of our horses for more than about two miles, I be g an to real great heat about my eeme Why should ehe nut wed I A carriage was I the INi tti the silly predictions of Herd build a church Mein. mixed and • neighbor which brought us to an. elevation of above and head. I went to bed. and half an liner at Ch.. d oor , a nd lino it Smith, his Mi .- linnet- Sandwhich and Colonel Grain is to the al. i int' villege to Ir't It lehein, called Beelu Jellies I) ro ty al , e n•peir mei enlarge the small 12,000 feet. Here we dismounted Mid be- afterwiirds the in fl artintion Mere:teed, rind i ii , an d Iwo friend s , eater .11. **. * I legged deficiency of conragtein the celedists / ' coliveut in which they are-kept imprisoned gun the ascent in goad euree e t rat exactly 0 time pain was most intense; eel(' water win •I'lle British province that night contained predictions which, besidee being mu this. case I o"clock. 'rime first Hirt of the path was my only remedy. but so fictive tens the in- two of th e happiestmarried •I • ' , , ~. , ,, ~ , for the three e months which they passe( oho mond J in the utterly raise and groin - It/wee, ttaVe :t tv.i . v3 a Holy Sepulchre.. l'lie same fathers, very steep, and over home sullies and mass ; flamation, that the wet rags dried tip mul world. S u tendency to defeat theinsedvem.— I . . • ere ma ale() repair their principal Church of tho con; ses of rock which h a d tumbl e d from above; became hot in three or four minim's. rin 1,, ,, t hirn wholtas been !Armed in a similar Such predirtione, it is plain, had not been I it woe exceediegly fatiguing, especially. as two days 4 was quite blind. and for tWO (Jaye predicament. picture the despair of Ha yties. forgotten by Omen. whose honer they assail. I vene-iti which they reside at Jerusalem." the large stoned occasionally slipped from more I did not dare to look lit the light.— on learnieg hew he had been tricked, how- nd., It is said thin when - wee of the EU.' under our feet. We were further mi,commo. Nov lam tolerably well though there is , •t•••r, not to commit suicide , hut to become gash rersiments drety nearer thee the' ru'i.t ded by .a furious wind. which:came driving still a cholla over distunt objects. I belie-Vt• a lecturer on the new liquor law of his ott•ii many of tholArnerictins opilnsite coPed we ' down. from th e top o t . time mounfam, matte I shall recover from this entirely, but I can State. \ley he, like the happy, do good to to its comet:Maim/ officer,'"Colon• I Aber- ' our boo ache, and impeded our respiration conceive the repetition of such an' attack his country ? • crornbie. are. th.• Yerikees cud O n 1"---iend se much, that every time we stopped to take might do permanent injury to my .sight. Of most cue Were not. On the other ' breath, we were obliged to turn our backs ,hand, e J ili:1 wane'sere•' "1e ,4 odds course . , all the skin peeled:a me fac e ; bum 1 MP - H e who does hies best, however little, the Pi . •-h • • Inn;( •• '- 1 - ' • to the wind: After about an hour Of `this illy German tompaptim, though he. did rot lis always to be distieguished from him It le. Ile:mins! 004. By o h o unskillful direction painful timileling lateen aye .get Co the pets 'miler. at all him his eyes: presented the does no th ing. ' - aftheir 6hiiirs, !het were encumbered with maireht tinowline. Which is Very ,ennsiderhe Most l'itiatirdihury . emit ara rice. Flit s face three iiiiYs'fprovisiotts, and their IthapsaCks bly lower an Ibis mountain than at Yo taco(. , wee' in i swoll e n - that his most intiitirre friend three (hell. bilbltst • epetil. Snomi.line it . can- hardly-be called, would not have t m eabgelifsid h in t, Hiu cheeks Under this livery. lead and borwath n for the mountain is one Mass of ice, with a evere-eovered with largo blisters filled with beirning slim they had . tolled' up a rugged coveeiet of nee ;pop 'Om two inches Of blood. This and my blindness I attribute hill covereg with long; grass, reachite4 to 9 ¶-1y 11— lin MOSS. J fiVa • %,.4 I';)octictil Dcpartment. The Crop of Aoorne. sr E U. smarms:Er • There came a man in days of old, To hire a piece of land for gold, And 'treed his suit in accents meek, "One crop alone is ail I seek; That harvest o'er, my claim I yield, "And to Its lord resign the field." T he_owner - aothe - misgivings - felt, And coldly with the stranger dealt, But found his last objection fail, And honeyed eloquence prevail. S.. took the proffered price in hand, And for one crop leased out the land. The wily tenant sneered with pride, And sowed the spot with acorns wide ; At first like tiny shoots they grew, Then broad and wide their branches threw, But long before those oaks sublime, • Aspiring, leached their forest prime, The cheated landlord moultering lay, Forgotten, with his kindred clay, 0 ye vi hose years unfolding fair, Are fri,ll with youth, and free limn care, Should vice or indolence desire The varden.of your soul, to hire, No parley hold--reject the suit, Nor let one seed the soul pollute. My child, their firs approach beware; With firmness break the insiduous snare, Lest, as the acorns grew and throve Into a sun-excluding grove, Thy aiva , a dark o'er shadowing tree. Shut out the light ol heaven from thee. MEM I),WN,- ilj.; (11G-11 CO. k~' ~~?i r ~r'; . ES= - .carcr all the tine arts, inutic i 3 thne whiCh has the most influence on the passitn,r. and which the legislator ought more to en courage. =I NTY, PA., APRIL 8. 1852 ~y'~C`• tit= ^ ~, ~' ;+' ~ w. NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. ,~4;;•~:~; r: Zti - iffii=E friA tvonien; who had kept a lit grocery,.was brouglht to her death-hed. an .l was on the point' of breathieg hey ..tat, %ylien she called her husband to her bed side :. _ . . i ");Itnie," sho fnintly Bail;' I, ihere'iMis. sur Al 01l Jllk—she"owes tne six' shillings !!' ! ~ 0i..1t !" oxchtitnell her !titbit:lnd, oßiddy cl.trii , it, ye'rtr sit:Able io the In: t !" ().3 ..l'is., tli.nr—nn' there's Misses McCraw; 1 ow.. hut ti dollar." . . --' ,,. ' . O t', but jabers ! and ye're as Apathies ever 1" 3 " • ',c 12• L. %~~. : t elt mr... • gtm - _.1 ,. :(1.M8_ - ,E1.1 27. . e ,5g :, UP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers