e ‘4 4 A;;;" , re, • \ 1 1 • • ,A I N sr,--'3 •• / : • 1:? -`24 ' t .'Y • N tv e II :d a • :)„ -L-13."4.49 .1%.; • •:fty ' 4 / "':'° 1;"' _ 7 ' / may// t / - ru _ 7; t 1 ,•• Art ?, A A 1 7 • t• y :V• , • _ _ _ arm . - JOI - tare - wa, _ MIMMMIIIar - :- I reinteb to NftVs, Eitcrature, 3311dni, , 44i•rt•i 0 1 1_ ,1 '• niffur;oil of ticicu iformation, (/cnerat lntetigenccrAinuEicincitt, iictructh, &r. VOLUME Vl. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, Is_ fuLfislied_in_!/cc _l3or_o_~t; ;!c r f ~Ul~~»!n! .n;_lcleigl~ County, Pa.,evary Thursday AMIUSTIUS L. RIME, Xtst 50 per annum, payable in advance, and $2 00 if S not paid until the end of the year. No paper discontinued, until all arrearages ate paid except at the option of the proprietor. lAttraterrscmcnrrs, making not more than one square, will be inserted three times for one dollar and for every subsequent insertion wentyfive cents. Larger advertisements, chat ..ted in the sameproportion.--Those not-exceeding ten lines will be chirged seventy•ftse cents, and those making six lines or less, hree insertions for 50 cents. ETZ'A iiheral deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. lice in Hamilton SI., one (1001' Ell'il of the German Reformed Church, nearly opposite the "Friedensbote MERCHANT'S HOUSE. MM!I=IMI --_-,- GI fil M 11.,Z2 1 / I .:illi]ffolll.lQ3_l - :, T if, gl ~ 1 ,r. g tE.:. 1 174, 1 E,2 .I::::aaart 1. !- -,_ - - ,- ; --- 'itt--B2l.tro l vi - .-... li.-'.' ?.. 1 ., .c.,'".:' 1•1.1 1 't..`... 1 i f.;.7W 1. --- - T,. - - - '-•••:" : ..`• .'...,:.._,-.::::-'-'..-... = rt-lETeldriii.;.' ':' '...: • ~ :. '„ 1f.r.11:4 /1111-1 E undersigned reit , etftillt• , informs 1 his friends and the travelling public, thiii he is still keepito , the will known Hotel in North Third SL u No. t.',17, cilliod the oliCrehtfe,l9' iloci•ge, which is the most cooveniont hum the City to the travel:Ma ru.:tam ted as it is nearly in ih I centro of l',a,mess and A musement, and convenient to the prin ciple IZailroad and and other DepijS. lIC will spare no exertion or expense in furn ishing, his table with all the market afrords. fits house is large and convenient having eighty rooms, lurnished with single and double bedditm. Persons visiting the City tvith !heir famil ies can lie furnished w th• Mrivate roeing and chaTiwil only Seventy-Jive cents per day. Persons with their ewe conveyances can be accommodated with a god yard awl stabling. WILLING I-I. BUSII Phil. Jan. 2J, *—:3ln L3or. 'HERE Gr;eat Exeitemeat! RONSVTII Not Cowing to Allentown ! But SAMSON, WAGNER & Go., nre 1101 V selling oil then splendid stock of Goods At First Cost. Now is the time to make good bargains and save money—at the begininng of the New Year. itfr It is.,also a very suitable time for those, who may have old accounts to settle. Dont fol•get the place, one door east of Hag,enbuell's Hotel. SA.msoN, WAGNER & Allentown, January 15 Good Horses and Safe Vehicles: aiientoevos lAN ex - y VAS it i t3U . S - 11.111 • THE stibscribers take this method to in form the public that they have lately enter ed into Partnership in the large -Livery tstablishment" formerly owned by George Beisel. They have completely replenished their large stock of VP 4 I I I. HORSES, 'CARRIAGES, &c. Oitkp. Th e i r Horses• are safe and all 'goo trave era ; their vehicles mostly new nnd'of the latest style, and such as have been used are repaired and repainted in the best manner. They continue the business •at the old stand in 'William street, in the 13o `rough of Allentown. They will altvays be prepared to furnish their customers at the shortest possible no tice with sure and gentle horses, good car riages and careful drivers if requested. ':Families can be suited, at all times with we !deka, to•their particular tastes. • Their charges 'are reasonable, and in or der to continue the high credit it has here tOfore ,gained of being the ~b est livery estab lishment in.:Allernown,", they will leave nothing nndOne to keep on hand the best and safest horses, the neatest and most splen dre'carriagel;:and Sober and careful drivers. • 'Their charge's are very reasonable 'and hope by strict attention :to business 'to sat in: . fy all those who may faVor theewith their custom. 11OFFINI AN & CONIPANY. September IS, 155 c--13m kFAAHLV NEWSPAPER. N ew c„ific, i ! f ‘ : : : , , . J...,,:)...:.),,,,.c. 1 r.,a..-.) , y....-J.:1 , 71 ,-, ..(1 - :: , 1 1 1 ri ri7.,1 (1 : 7 R. 4lt 1 &Cl)—%>s , .. i ._ ci . 7 ,7 ye.. : , :-. tz:, c, tfx,, ,• - , „..:,,, i ...., ,t, q . '., 1, °: 2 robqePo sing' qnd Sorq- t r' (.., s) 3 I._ ( I ( .. o r i 9 1 W; ••,,. ill '.;' '-9 r, o t (1.7),) - 'i .71'0 ii kzo 4 +.4 ,9 ° A few'. doors below the ' C e r- ~:: 1 ~ :.? 1, 9 man Reformed Church, g ____s Hitniiiton—street, , -----1 ;.1 ~., ALE - AV.:VP:O%I7N ) PA.. n A '.% i , ', Vi 1 :‘; :":; 0: I ':' N ENT 0 r ; ' Li;t - , -- Ar— G OODS ..iLL, 11'.1 RPI-vTP I) - "-• -' ~1 3 :,.. rr '''' -.) r' - '• '') Tr 7' . D 7/4.9 r. , . 0 - Dv(' 18. /7P:ed . ii .- Lifi V il ' esql P t .iri: d . New T Ito ;ttmt.tmce to the public, that t! 'v lut , o ju-t r,.•tntm•d from l'lttladt.r -I,t)M f o l d ;New a very largo lot of llanl 'nre, conz,h-titt. of liouse 3rticles Cofich Trimmings Yriddlrry and ShnNfintling,s; ;11l of which tv;11 be sold ut extremely due: prices. hev rtslc the public to give SAl:afttesllmtpwAttr. sign o f th e , a VIZ!, 7. a e.tii, In order to convincer themselves of the fact, that a Tunny saved is a penny wade.' 0. & J SAEOEII. Mat `i t!" f Ely."C'Pg. 2rt 'l—.o:hi, It (l I lou-r furl) llii :.lie' c.. ).p.tl 1111 ME I NA. hut and hp:, 1,, : pan -3, grid irons, wain,. TEA Tiz nod wilitvr, rt : oni com mon to rio,, in dozens. A Iso, goth ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KN I VES and PORES—in sets and doz ens ; also Icnives only ; carvers. steels, cook and blucher knives, with a variety of other manufactures. POC ET and PEN KNIVES—Razors, scissors, shears, from the hest makers; one, 100, three, and 4 bade kid yes. SHOVELS spades, hoes, chains, rakes, pick, axes, &c. SIIOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel (ire sets and standards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothinv, irons &c., and for sale by 0 & S.1.1:0E11. UON.—A lot of I lannnered nod Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, I loop iron, Cast and Shear Steel, tainare, flat, and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of Sr, J SA EC; ER; Alay 8. y GI,ASS.-151) Iluxcs . Gips, by 10, 10 12, 10 by 11, 1:1 by 11, 12 by 16, and various udier scizvs, for tzulo by . TO SrIOE \ AIERS.—Just rrevivod a now assortin .o! of Alorwoo and IlOolio! , Leatlior. L,tt ts, Shot , -Ihroal. \Voodoo Fronell Rotors, and noworoos othor artic les bclonging to the -s rt & J AE( ER. 011. S & VAIZNI:4II.—OiIs °full kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all I:inds, Glue be sold diva!) by o&.1 SAEGER. PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Re l's best make, also a la i•ge assort ment of Carpenter's !rook , , for sale cheap 1) , 0 & J SAEGER. 51-1 w NIEC.I I lANICS.—TooIs of every dc scrihtion. inch 'Bench and NFoulding Planes, Hand, l'annol, and Flack Saws, i Britet. and Ili•ts, A nee • r 13itts, I lie.chets , &c., !or ~:de by • 0 & 5.% EGEII. I I I OLT .0 \V A R E.--500 Iron Pots. and Kettles :just received and for sale at very reduced prices at the store of 0 & 3 SA EG ER. May S. NAILS,-300 Kegs or the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. WHITE LEAD.-2 tons of W bite Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by. 0 &J SAEGER. May 8. 11-=-1y A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor Cocks with mineral knobs, german Locks, Latches, Bolts, hips, Screws, Paint Brush es, and a variety of other 'building Hard-. ware just. unpacking, and for sale cheaper than ever by " 0 & J SAEGER. May 8.. . y WILU tM S. MARX • • . ATTORNEY d cotrrisimLOWAT LAW. Office•in. the western • front room . 'of the bullring of John D. Lamall, formerly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse. Allentown April 4, 15.50, jr-tf Goods ; 0 &J SAEGER To _Builders. ----..;.':: -- _ 4 %2:- . ... , !.. - ..L.::':.:Li, .-,:.:-. c .. .5.:L. -- , ~.. ----::;,--,;-: 1121 A LLENTOWN, LE Val COUNTY P kRCH , „ _ prA • Irt4Mteegt2PMgMitMMFMIMMagrAMMODIR X3 M " - :..(2:::.D":r..f:..;: , 7*.j..7.t;', - /•.:.;L:r , ".;i...."..: 7 i;;J:::: . : ,- ,i , :zi:i.:. 71 ::::: - . 1 .:: ,,, 1.._ , z TEL V 1 it3urest\l , 's 0- Di' 11 11 1 2 2 'P , iX Ti• lb b A 31 '1'l;(! subscriber would respectfully inform irr public in g,eneral, that he hcs just open- I his IKY-LIGHT DAGUERAEIN RIOONS, presdy constructed for the purrose of fiving superior Da L luerreotypes, in Hait*l to] Street, n few doors below the gentian IVoroted Church, third story of the newly ercted building 'occupied by Air. J. 11. huh ttB 11 SlOVe und -Tinware Depot. ks it is a well established fact, that Da; gill wan Likenesses in trite perspective can only b tai.en by Sky-Light. 'File position of It.: retails for blending . beauty e.f light and i Lade. enables him to give the most sp;-n:id anlthe um>t lilt hbe atol 1 . lie 1!:1S 11(101'111111141 1101 W Orr any o , 7ture unless perfect in every respect, he woidd respectfully solicit all those who wish to have a correct likeness of hi ! ,- 11 fin ish, tot tvor him with a call. Likeresses taken of all sizes, with or with out cultn . s, single or in groups, in a Slyly not surpassed in this . place or tti,t largest Cries, on cloudy as icell as clear days, on the very best of plates, in cases, lockets, breast-pins. tinger-rows, &c. Such are the advaloqgo.s of Shy-Light, that he is enabled to produc- pert, et likenesses of children in the short time of only seconds. UV- - We recommend ladies to dress in figure or dark drosses. Prices of of Pictures according to size, and picture:, warranted dural:;e. [3 - Entrance tit the above lfooms at the Girt Alley below J. fl. Bush's ware-room. N. 13. Imtruction given in the art, anal ap paruitusaud stuck furnished at city prises. S. W. LIUIiCA %V. January (b 4J-3111 VIA &Nitytwo..o.oors . Dea .Easiota. LUCAS HAINES, IWOU1.1) respectfully invite the atten v tion of his old ensioinevs, iu ffenernl, and the COUNTRY 3IE1I (21.1 A NTS io articuLti, to the kir* , a:-:•ort inent :.:11 , erior nod o i tut:ity ui HATS and PS, 'tunable for the F.PRING ?AD ', - ,ljitrlEU MAIM which he has to,l tt.eivr'd and is selling at reduct d privL Ile has also I a large aiisortmert of 31 0 / es kin, leuNsiu, RIM. 4\' ady, Paiil6 Braid, Le 1.11 P anam a, ,f 5 . .ft:;. ('at la Straw, • and every other kind of !Luiz, and will he ati!tt to suit the taste and iaclinafion of all who way favqr hint with a call. • StOC I IE. has been seltf ed with the greatest care, Int,vina slfiat the greater, part of his hit in the tuannf; tire of hats, ;)e knows that he can sell as leap, and as neat and gen teel au ;wick- , other esdtbtnblishtuent either in East. or the Cities His Stand on the north li,le of '..`47nrth ainpton street, le doer above R.ader's Store, and nearly op ',site the Easto Bank. COUN"; AIERCIT NTS, will do well t.'!xamine his st h, as he is prepared to acintitedate trier on the low est toritlS. Easton, Altt • W. II SICKEI , B11.216S: , _l7o7oR*tEll, Respectfully 'forms the citi ns of Al lentown and its vicinity that h continues at his old stand No. 3.93 N •th Second greet the tonnufactur (••• of Gas Fixture' Sielcels' Patel Fluid Giran les, Bogue.' Pates, 4.e., 4. , Orlie also tufactures Plait , nd Pine Oils. . • - IHs prices n; moderate, and s orders will be filled w the greatest di. etch.— Therefore ream tber the place, To. 32, North Secorid S cet Philadelphia., Nov. 27,1.55'. ly ;: • . ' Feishiohria iladdphia. I:)cicticcd 7.lc,,iivanlcltt. Whore now i Where is he ! Ask the mighty hnst Of freemen in our native land! A million voicts n•t!l respond, ‘Vhile each one proudly clasps his hand To his wainn heart, awl with a tear For him they honor, answer—!Here! Where kh- i In the frozen North, In the va , l empire of the \Vest, M=IM That rallt•ina name is known and West On land, the, watchword of the free— The Sailor shouts it on the sea ! Where is he ? Far lieyond the reach Of his fierce wiforgiviiil In vain does malice sulvc t.. crush • Colosal ,vnius with its blows— The arrows winged ‘I Olt envious aim, Break 011 the blight t•ltielit of his fame ! Wheic is he When thew"ll' , l-110 gr2ar, The partie , p:Ettnies or to thy, Are all forgot, win weep Aetatiol 11 1 ,1 , ha:towed t:i Nye or Cloy! When then will he their names who dare Defame Etho all:taters—were 1 • 4.13.i..-3cci!iiitccraci 13.election:i. Pi ; , :;!:ig'.:lar Diyan Sums ors ago there flourished in Glasgow n Cod, of yolinv; men, which. from Ow exlrem. , it. Ilu,acy its mellibers, ;Ind III: ~1 their or4ies, teas conum - mly my, 6 .w«., they held one grand anon;! oMi 1, in which each one tr i e d 10 eN ,•••1 othrr in drunliennes; and Ll;apbm m..! uu thrst. nce,t i m there was.: no Ltr amm..1.1 them wl,ose lurid li *ht ',vas trtore comtimmous than that of yowl , Mr. Archibald IL, \vim, endowed ‘vith talents and a handsome person, Irtd held out nyeat promise in his boyhood, and raised hopes NV Hell had been completely frustrated by his subser i aent reckless dissi pation. One roorriii,o. ;titer rcts mite, from nn an nual .11r. .1 tchibald l;. b ar l m , re tired to bed. d Mllowing thrill : Ile fiterit d PIA In lti:i:: if wo.s• norm on a faverit , hLtel< horie that Ito always rt:de, end Lc e is proceeding towards his e we hott , t..--Illeit etinntry etel»wer od with trees, and -on tied it:eat a hill, now ntirelv Ludt over, a.III p la of ti ll . tit 1vh.111., the tit' the ni tilt I.revt.iit.• I hi: th,lit.cilv di.-cern itor„ sotldt „:, Lis hott-e•s reins, say ing, •• t -nn lien-1 tt o with me !" A n d ate you ! ' exclaimed the young mad vith a volley of oaths, while he strut: ,led to Iree , That you tell-see by-an,ltlty,' returned the other in a tone that CNC:I-Ca unaccounta ble terror is tho yt.uth, xv!in, plunged his spurs itett his hor,e, attetti:ted to fly, but in vain. Lexever ftt , t the animal 11. w, the stranger wos ,till beilde him, till at length, in hi: de-perate ell art to escape, the rider was thrown ; hut in-trad of h dashed to the earth as It- expected, he found forting-1,1116w, still, as it sinking into t'ic evels of the earth. /kit lett... t in a p. riotl being putt t...) this mys terious tlet-e-nt, hr 1111111 breath to inquire (It his h 0 VI ;15 Gill besitlt.t hint wither itiov w. r.' geia.4 . • °X here I am ? Where tirs• ,;ten ttd.iittr me?' he exclaimed. 61', ) 11,.11 ! ,tratiLr.oL;.and iut mcdirtr,2lt echoi.s npt.ittvd the to h 11, to.hell 1' At length a light appeared, which soon increased to hlav ; but, instead of the cries, the groans, and lamentations which the ter rified traveller expected, nothing net his ear but souads of music, mirth and jollity; and he found him ell at the entrance of a superb building, far exceeding any he had ever s.ien eon: ironed hy human hands..— Within, too, what a scene I No molt, employment, or pursuit of man on earth but was there being carried on with a vehemence that excited his unniterublo autnement. Thero the young and iovely still swain through iht! may o 's of the giddy dance ! Th-re the panted steed still born tie brutal rider through the excitement of the goaded race ! There, over the mid night race, the intomper.ite still Bawled out the wanton song or maudlin blasphemy ! The gambler plied forever his endless game, and the slaves of mammon toiled through (ternity their bitter tasl; ; while all the mag nificence of earth paled bolero that Which now mut his view. Ile soon perceived that he was among st old aconaintances, whom he knew to be dead, mid each, he observed, was pursuing the ot;ject, whatever it was, that had for metly engrossed him; when finding him self relieved of the presence of iris unwel come conductor, he ventured to address his former friend, Mrs. D—, whom he saw sitting 2 as - had been her wont en earth, ab- sorbed at loo—requested herlo restfrotn the game, and introduce him to the pleasures of the - Place; which appeared.to him be very unlike what he had expected and in deed.an extremely agreeably ono: But with the cry of agony, she answered, that there 4,185 g. was no rest in hell ; that they must ever toil on at these very pleasures ; and innn merable-voices-eciiocd_through_theintrai able vaults. 'There is no rest in hell !' whilst throwing open their vests, each dis closed in his bosom nn ever horning flame. These they said, were the pleasures of hell ; their choice no earth was now their inevita ble gloom. In the midst of the horror this scene. trmspired, his conductor turned, and, at his earnest entreaty restored him again earth ; but, as he (pitted him, lie said, 'Remember ! in a year and a day we meet enry _again I! At this crisis of his dream the - sleeper awoke, feverish and ill ; and, whether from the eflect of the dream, or of his preceeding, oreies, he was so unwell as to he obliged to ket p his bed for several days ; during which period he had time for many serious reflec ! Lions which 'terminated in a resolution to abandon the club and his licentious compan ions altogether. fly was no sooner well, however than they flocked around him, bent on recov ering so valuable a member of their socie ty ; and having wiml from him -a COOrOS SIOII Or the cause of his defection, which, as may be supposed, appeared to them emi nently ridiculous, they soon contrived to make loin ashamed of his good resnlntions., ne joined them again, and resumed his for. mer course of life ; and when the annual saturnalia came around, he found himself with his glass in his hand at the table, when the president, rising to Anake the accustom ed speech, began with saying. •Gentlenmn, this is leap year, it is a year and a day since our last anniversary,' &c. The words struck upon the young man's ear like a knell, but ashamed to expose his weak noss to the jeers of his companions, he sat out tho feast, plying hinisellwith wine even inore liherall y.than usual, in order to drown his intrusivethoughts, till, in the gloom of a winter's morning, he mounted his horse to ride home.- Some hours afterwards the the horse Wa3 1001111 with his saddle and bridle on quietly grazing by the road side about half tray between the city and Mr. 13's bons..., • whilst, a few yards off lay the corpse of his master. This is a true story and no fiction ; the circumstances happened ns here related.— An account of it was published at the ;line but the copies were bought up by the fam ily. Two or three however, were preserv ed, and the narrative was reprinted. We give tip., We have in our titnc§ tnet with so.n. , good electioneeter.A. In this car good old county of T05c0100..9 we have some that ar. hard to heat. Wo have seen some of them walk into a large crowd, and in less than ten minutes shake hands with evert' man present, inquire allecttonately into the state of his health and that of each member of his fondly, and express the deep est sympathy on account of the "lout,* which was injuring tit.' crops. Nor was this all ; for, while the candidate was thus sympathizing , with one snvt.r , -i, , 211 on ac count of his misfortunes, ho :would almost in the saute breath, succeed in convincing an other '.constituent" that upon his election depended the question whether or not a plank road should be [no le to pass by the said constituents door, and whether or not the valueless sixteenth section in the town. ship, should he enriched by:an equalization of the school fond. We have often won. tiered how on earth the people are ever able to decide who to vote for, when all the can dittates are such. clever fellows, and nll make such fine promises. SOlllO. years ago, before the Palmetto State had determined to secede, we had oc casion to pay a visit' to the pleasant village of Carrolton. The weather . being quite warm, we concluded to stop, during' the hoot of the day, at the house of an old Flor ida fellow soldier, whom we had not seen for tunny years. Ile had retired upon his laurels, and. having got married. had, we understood, been faithfully fulltilling one of the most important of the scriptural injunc tions. Three or four chubby flaxen-head ed little Crats, almost in a state of nudity, were playing about the, yard, and we had not been long under the roof of our hospita ble friend, before he caught-rand dragged up before us the, largest and appaiently the old est of the group. The little fellow came forward very reluctantly, and as he was tightly held by the collar of his only gar ment, his struggles caused it to cover rath er less of his person than strict - propriety re quired. As soon as the youngster was brought in, the father exclaimed : "Leek here at this bcry, Squire, and see what's curious ahem. him." The first thing, of course, which struck us was the curtailed state of his wardrobe, but this evidently was not the point to which our friend wished to direct our attention. The next peculiarity which wo noticed was a very complete and darkly defined cir .cle, quite .visible around the circumference of the little'rellow's face. ThiSiVe presiiin ed :had been caused by a hasty effort to wash hirri,'the result of which was that the dusty particles had been removed from the central pari around the eyes•and nose, and had'been snusly'tind Symetrically arranged NEUTRAL . IN POLITICS, !tumors of Electioneering, NUMBER 22. into the aforesaid circle. We no doubt look= ed somewhat puzzled, and were about to remark that we thourht the little fellow had a very comical expression of countenance, when luckily wo4vere cut short by the fath er's remarking:— "Alt, Squire, I see you don't knoW any thing about reazioLocY• Why, it ain't no longer ego than last week that Sqnire P— came along here, and he hadn't more 'n got into the yard, before ho says to no, 'Rus. sell,' says he, 'bring that little fellow here. What's his name ? Absalom, is it ? Well, It's a good scripture name, I might almost, have-guessed that was-it, because his hair has growed out so long. Russell, have you ever had this boy's head exittniited ?" continued Russell, "this sort a, took me hack, 'cause I didn't exactly Jinow ghat the Squire meant by having his head examined. So I told him I believed the old woman 'tended to that. Ile laughed right out at this, and then tobl me he meant fur- nologically. Ile then took•Absalam, there in his lap . , and after feelin' around his head for bumps, as he called'em, he says to mb, osf , cl,' says he. 'do a good part by this boy he's bound to make a man if you give hint half a chance, for he's got a head just exact ly like Bonaparte and General Washing ton.' I'll tell you what 4 is," said' Russell, addressing as very emphatically, "it's my opinion that Squire P—is about the smart est man we've got running for the Legisla ture, and holt get my vote sure !" We left our old friend soon-after,-deter mining in our mind that before we ventured to become a candidate for any office, we would have to take some lessons in "furnok egy." I Curious Wagen The London Morning Post thus describes he accomplishment of nn extraordinary feut: will bet any man one hundred pounds that he cannot make a million strokes With. pea and ink within a month." They %vete net to be mere dots or scratches, but fait I drawn strokes, such as for the child's first lesson in writing. J 1 gentleman accepted the challenge. Themonth allowed was the lunar month, of only twenty-eight days; so that, for the completbn of the undertaking an average of thirtysix thousand strokes per diem was requird. This, at sixty per minute, or three t holland six hundred pet hour—and neither tlr huinan intellect nor the humun hand ca be expected to an more—would call ((nen hours' labor in ev ery four and twenty. With a proper feel ing of the respect ilmto the observance of the saldiath, ht. it•tertln'd to abstain from his work, on the Su nays; and by this de , termination he diminhed by four days the period allowed him ;It the same time by so doing, he increase the daily average of his strokes to upwait of forty-one than sand. On the first d,' he executed about fifty-thousand stroke on the second near , ly as many. But aJength, after many . days, the hands been!: stifiand weary, the wrist swollen, and irequired the almost constant attendance nionte assiduous rela tion or friend to besptkle it without inter ruining its progress eq. the paper, with a lotion calculate d' to ti!ve and invigorate it: On the twenty-dd day, the Million strokes, exceeded bylome few thousands, "to make assurances #ubtly sure," were . accomplished ; and tk piles of paper that exhibit them testify d' s to the courageous l heart, the willing han , and die energetic mind, nothing is impdble.: These inter esting papers are not Fed in the archives of the Royal Society, larhichtheir author is a fellow, but were rimed and received by the person who palhe wager- Sowitlg Cl4r Seed. • In answer to au inqsy made in the lett number of the Newspar, ns to the best time for sowing clover seedqemarked that it is my opinion that MOM slng or winter is the time, for the following lons : Clnver sou • in the fall is apt to be l i ed. First: By the dry weather which usitly prevails in Octo ber and November. Sdnd : if the weather is favorable, and the cloir should get a start, , the action of the frost iuld be more liable to destroy the young an tender roots, me - - daily in clay soil, whirl have seen the di ver drawn entirely froithe ground by the expansion of the, soil 1 . 41 frequent freezing and thawing. I have arays succeeded by sowing in March. Thdirst good snow that fulls in the month of Adroit sow your seed; as you can see it on thanow, and thus sold it more evenly than wild on the ground, and when the snow melts i, leaves the ground soft and moist, and the sod is buried evenly nt the proper depth. \lien the first wand weather comes it spriws up and becomes sufficiently vigorous to Ife through the sue ceeding fall and winter,- Mr. Look a here,' so,da young lady just commencing to take lc sons in painting, holding up a samplo of Ili • skill to her Moth er, 'see lily painting ! citt you tell mo.Ahat this is ?' Ma, nfter looli ng at it for some timnanswr ' •• 4 Cow or a roso,but I rem° t, hnvo n oar, s 1,1 •>.." e ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers