NEW Gl , zi S. The undersigned beg leave to inform their ma iy customers and the public goner all that they have 'tit reitirned (rum L'hil- adelphia and are now busily engaged in un packing one of the Itandsorwtzl and largest stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS aver brought to this section of country. LA DIES-we cordially invite you to give us a call as soon ns prncticable and exam ine our stock of Dress Goods in your line, and if you do not ncknowlydge at once Clint the beauty, quality, nod cheapitef,s of the goods far surpass your expccutuous,•twe w;li be mute in future. atNTLENIFN—we also , have a wry large and complete nsettincnt of goods in your line, and respectio ly invite you to come and judge. for younelves, ns pro feel confident that the goods will give :Jutisfac lion both in fineness and quality. PRETZ, & CO. October 2, .11ill <VICE 47: E The subscribers have now nu band, r, o Barrels, Halls and Quarters. Nos. 1,2, and 3 new innhi which 'will be sell . whole sale and retail at the lowest prices. PRETZ, GUTH & CO. Allentown, October 2, ISSI. Every Day Brings Something New Ours A Grent Country ! Newlylllsta,blishecl Cash .1106,1 S I` DESPEr linform their many 411 -a•friends find the public in goneral, that they have lately established thorns( Ives in the fashionable DlOt . 11 , 41 „,. v v . . 4 ,4§41,„ Bus! 7i F. !1i fEt L - 4-ok one door east of Gangewor's llat Store, and nearly opposite the -Register" Printioz Office. They have just received from ,Pffiladilphia, one of the largest--and best selected assortment of STOOK over brcutrht to A llowown. They have pur chased for cash, and are determined to do business upon no other but the Cash --Principlei They would here beg leave to state, that customers shall save themselves the trouble of asking a credit, as they will positively re fuse it. To such, however, who will deal with them upon the Cash principle, will find a difference in the price of Boots and shoes equal to 25 per cent. less than they pay upon a Credit. They will always be prepared to do ens• torn work at the shortest twice. and will do up Ladies and Genii( man's work in the latest and most fashionable styles. Ladies', Misses and Childrens' fancy dress shoes. and Gentlemen's and Boys fine and coarse Boots. always kept on hand. They hope by practic.ll attendance to bos siness and i.ticit reduced prices, to be able to merit a share of public patronage March 13 Good Horses and Safe Vehielcs: delentowaa Liver's . st al)11s1v.0 3ut. TILE subscribers take this method to in. form the pub!ic that they have lately enter ed into Partnership in the hir , 2o "Livery m• nt" formerly owned by Cil-oroe 'rtwy have completely replenitdied , their !time stttcr: of Wf: 4 iiINV , ES, iri.R.IAI; &c, ....4 41. 174 Their Horses ore safe and al' good utevellers ; ;heir vehicles ly and of the latest stye.. and, such as I.ate been used are repaired awl repaittlt d in the best manner. 'rho. continue the ni the old stattd in \Villiatii street, in the Bo rough of Allentown. They will always be prettared to furnish their customers at the shortest 1 ,t.5, q 1d,. nn tico with tour and gentle horse s. gittl.l car rincres and careful drivers if requested. Families can he suit-d at all tint, s with v,. bides to their particular tastes. Their charges ar.- ', and in or der to continue the high credit it hits here tofore gained of being the ••best livery estab lishment in Allentown," they %%ill;rave nothing undone to Ice, it on hand the hest trtnd safest horses, t he tu.r.te:t and most splen did carriages, and sober and careful drivers. Their charzes are very reasonable and hope by strict attention to leisine:..s to :,:ttis fy all those who may favor them with their custom. IIOPFNIA.N & COMPANY. September IS. Issl. _ttm Buyer's Ink taffy, nminvED To NO. 144 RACE STUET, (Uetween Fourth and Filth, opp. , sco. Crown St.) PHILADELPIII.I Where the Proprietor is enabled, by in creased facilities. to supply th e g ro demand for HOVER'S ,INK, which its wi.le:pread reputation has created. This Ink is now so well establislm t l in th e good opinion and confidence of die Ameri can Public, that it is scarcely necessary to say anything in its favor, and the manufac turer takes this opportunity to say that the confidence thus secured shall not be nhused. In addition to the various kinds of Writ lag Ink, he also manufactures ddolitanlint cement for mending Glass and China; - aS well as a superior Hair D . ve; n trial only is necessary to insure its Inture use, and a Scalhig Wax, well adapted fur Druggist and Bottlers, at a very low price, in large or small quantities. . Orders addressed toJOEPH E. HOVER, Man u rooter(' r, No. 1•I4 Race Sired, Between 4th S. sth, opposite Crown St., PHILADELPHIA. 11--Om September 23. New York Store Cheap Bargains to be Made S. GITAIt C aVo' 0 oi Ge,o.a.,s The undersigned take this method to in form the public, that they have just returt - cd from New York and Philadesphia, with a CA IIGO OF GOODS, at which they are now engaged in onpack- Mg, at their old Stand, in West Hamilton Street : next door to the Post Office. They are satisfied that they can please all who may see proper to give them a call, and such who fail to give them a call, will certainly miss:a bargain as a largerassortinerat of goods never was rffered in Allentown. They have nti,,ph.d the ph-in of "rjuick wiles with small profits.'' Farnit•rs, when you route to Alit mown, step into the "New York Store" and examine the mountains blgoods, and you will save 1;) per cent. To name all the goods would, he impossible as it would lilt the whole papar, we thercfOre,on ly name the following : I,n.dies I-Oress Goods. Such as Sills of all gnaliiirs and colors chenper than ever they were offered in Al lentc.wn, Silk Poplins, A ipaccas, Mon de 1 Alines, all qualities of Calicoes, &c., &c. Ska Nl:envis Bay State Shawls by the case, cheaper than ever before offered, also a heavy as. : , nrtnient of other sitawk, of all odors and slyles. In short, ail styles of fancy dress ,zoods, G- liczzceze: Eyes Night.' We have filso raja some :mention to the selection of Goods for tour wear. IVA , have n contplet assortment of black and Inky color..d Clothes, Cassinwres, Satinvis, Drillitq:, Vesting:9, fancy Cravats, and all (Att.r fancy goods fyr n,odeirien. 3 7LI 5 ! Thcir stock of 11 uslitts, l ioc h s _Flat:nets. :Nlatichesti.r Ciinghatus. &c.. is ex large, and with pleasure are they pre rarvtl to show them tvithout charge, tally give diva] a call. rwtwioroaito.F.4l have ako a full stock of nr T . grort I les. suchas : tht IIII , II ! .1+44 Sugar, Collet., Teas, Spices, Fish, Stilt &c., &c. Q Hid it E. Unite n larL-e as,truncot of fashionabh tatioon,ware in 101 l setts or by the singlt ',ire,' all at the lowezt prices. TI 1 tn" I !AXE ALSO ON fIA''SD A larf re assortment of . C'nrpet Chain, fancy 13tickils, ts &c., I,nnlciu, gins - sus, 01 all sizes, Carputs of varioo, potent:s, awl • as cheap as can bi• Dot in A lit•liwwl). CouNTity l'itoorcE.---A II of coun try pr(:.luce will be taken in exchairro for for which 'be warlict rico will be alluwotl. Thoy are thankful for pa 41, f a vor, an d hope by seiiithz Cheap:llA cola , tatilly keep inz a full assortment of ,Dods they twill honthforce be able to keel) the custom the'v now have. and be alde to add many new ones, wl i:1 will find. them always iv die right place. K ERN 6;,- K LI N E. Septeinbvr WEB / r ‘) " I? VANT S S ILA The f,ubscribers talw- this method to in form the citizens of Ilentown, awl the sot roundimT country, that they have lately pur chmed the rOiht of Arnold's Patent sash Lock for Lchich county. This Locl, for simpli riiv ain a l of any thing in the way: of r ant.up, and is even slip c . rior to the Sash Weights, and at Jess than evidence of its simplicity and du rability lVt' would only Mt El hat it has taken the premium: , of all the Fairs, whore it has been exhibited for competition. Oi this oiritiber is the ...Vw For!; Stun of Dill and P...y50" "Saito lair of Mart-- laud in 1% , 50. rind Fair of thi•Anierican In -ti;ute" in 1,50. of recommen thitions robrlit h' ;bided, hum it ult ra ce: , t,ary, as the article will recommend S. I'. I.luTz & co A tigu.q 21, - P. Dl° E3 Fp, Altorney and Counsellor at Lau., No. 17, NORM SIXTH STREET, PIIILA DELI)! lIA. • Mly I. 1:—:;in 13:deer's Improved Churn. pith Double spiral heel. So tinnwrons tire the Churns, that we had almost come to the conclusion, that 2111 were but mere modifications without ;toy essen tial improvement and under these impres sions we sliehtly examined this Uhtern.— Closer investieation, however, lots led 21: -, to difFerent canclusion. As the most and the Icast observable improvement is of tyn the most importnnt, appears to he the case here. Mr. /lakes...). Churn is slim le, du aide awl not liable. to get out of repair. uasi:y worlied, secures n constant supply of pure air, displacing the gas as it is created, nod produces thorough and rapid agitation ofthe croon. The mechaniciil construc tion of the Paddles is such as to he the most perfect in ' bringing tiie L'utter together infire to twenty 111111(11Cs. The Bond ri . naliiies of the Churn, have been fully established, as it has been tested in trials with other Churns, and has brought butter in far less time, and in much greater quantity and of a better quality. The simplicity of 'construction renders the cleaning of this Churn less laborious than any other now in use. They may be examined and purchased from the subscri ber, at his workshop ; near Siegersville, North Whitehall township, Lehigh county, on very reasonable terms. • J. CULBV.RTSON. Sirgcreville August 14, Coachmaking Establishment in alien down. -111 1)-11 lit ali l , , Respectfully announces to his friends and the public in gvnenil, that he continues on an extenSi ye scale, the Coachmaking Business, in nll its various branches, at the old stand in Kett Hamilton Street, directly opposite Hs LTenbuclis Hotel, where he is always prepared to manufacture to order at the honest notice, and ttlig . heep on baud, 4 7 11 M. Barouches, Oinnilanses, Rock * 7:5 " . aways, Carryalls, Fork Msg. OILY, Blly,its,lkPlls, 4•c., ef.c Which. for beauty and durability cannot be surpassed by any Coachmaker in the State or elsewhere, while his terms are as reasonable as those of any other establish ment. lie uses none but firstrate tuuttui als, and etnploys none but the best of work inen,--consequently, he intends that the Ve hicles manufhctured at his establishment ".,hall lake the .hint rig" of all others man ufactured in this part of the country. Ile prefesses to understand his business by ex perience. arid therefore assures the public dug he is enabled to render satisfaction to his customers. Cull and judge for yourselves. E Wooden or iron a x letrees made to or der : and Repairin7. of all kinds done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Old vehicles -taken in exchange fur nrw ones at a good bargain. 111/111E111' KI11:11138. July 10. IVILII.III S. Vila, ATTORNEY .t COUNSELLOR AT LAW Oflice in the western• front room of the bitil , ho , of John D. Lawall. formerly , Horn beck •s, ‘cert of the Courthouse. - A IFentown April I. 1.150 13.1 a TIS T. Adopts - ilfis method in Inform his '-Cll._ friends and the public n general, that he has made Allentown his permanent residence. Ile has opened an office at his dwellino., opposite Koth'B American I hotel, a few doors east of Pretz, Guth Co's. Store, where he will be happy to olb-r his professional services in the science. ()I Den tistry. Ile will cull at private residences, if o gitcsted. 1 - ;i' His Limns are reasonable, and having had much experience in the professions, f , els satisfied that he can !!ive general satis faction. A llentown, April 21, 1851. _Fashionable It Cal) Altrauf.actoy. Aar lEa.oloaa. LUCAS HAINES, respectfully invite the ntten lion of his old ciis!oiners, the public in i , etieral, and the col.; y AIEIZ- Cll A NTS in particular, to the large as,,ort• input and superior style and quality of lIATS and CA t'S, suitable for the SPRING- AND SUMER, TRADE, which ID! has jut received and is suiting at retinct d prices. Ile has also on hand a larfre as:sortinent of % ---, d/o/cshin, Silk, Biaver, Neulria,,Roligh ,S. Ready, Palm, Are-::. , :\ Braid, Li ,;., , limm, Panama, t..c•-•-='-• Camilla Si rate, and every other kind of Hilts, and will be able to suit the triste and inclination of all who way favor hini . with n cull. Els Stock ha: been selected with the greatest care, nod having spent the eleater part of his life in the manufacture of hats, ho 'mows that he run E. , II is cheap, and as neat and gen leel an ariiele as any other esialitablishtnent isither in Easton or the Cities. Ili Stand is on the north side of North ;ln' yen ,ireet, ono doar ahoy(' Ruder's Store, and nearly opposite the Eastor. Think. co .',VTri .IIEI?cII.i.V CS•, will do well to examine his stock. as he is prepared to accommodate than on the low est terms. Easton, Nlay 20 COAC 1 MANUi',If 7011 y, Allentown, . iIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE I,ATE- J5l. - LY entered into paanersi,ip in the f:ninonkble FiEAMEING in all it various lwanethee, at the o!d Ntal.ll, when' the same toisincss was lo!lowt d by Joseph South A Ilrn street. They have prepared themselves with materials to manufaclure all kinds of Faghionable Vehicles, . from a one-horse buggy to a four-horse coach, or in A i r • 1-sy any style that may suit the ( 2 1 fancy of the custoiner. The acknowledged ability of the partners, in linibliog, Painting. and Trimming, is a sufficient guarantee that their vehicles will stand the test for beauty nod durability with any manufactured in Pennsylvania.' r=v'Oid vehicles--repaired at the shortest notice nod at very moderate prices. Their •work will be warranted to be durable. Thankful for the many favors heretofore received, they feel assured that no out' who will favor the firm- now, will go away dis satiified. SMECK, 12110 ADS & 9-811. September :I, .1013 .PIZIA'TifOrG, Neatly rit tire igirtistre,',clAi943, - ''' • FASIIIONAULE Jewelry Establishment ! Cheap and Good Watches. Jewelry& Silver-ware, ".1 sale and retail, at No. t)6 North ..:P• Second street, corner of guar ry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever IVatches, full Jewelled, IS caret cases, i I r Lever Wutche's, full .jewelled, Silver Lepine Wataes, ji w elled, $ll and over Silver Quartier Watches, $5,00 to lu Gold Pencils, • $1;50 to 7 Fine Gold Rings, 37.1 cts. to SO , Other articles in proportion. An quoos warranted to be what they are sold for. Constantly on hand, n full assortment of fine (101,1) JEWELRY • and SILVER WARE. A Iso, an assortment of M. J. To bias & Co.. E. Simpson, Samuel & Broth ers, E. S. Yates & Co.,.John Harrison, G. 4- R. Beesley, and other superior Paten! Lever AThremenis, which will be cased in any style desired. Arrangements have been made with all the above celebrated makers, the best man ufacturers of Liverpool. to furnish at short notice any required style of Watch, for which orders will be taken and the name and residence of the person ordering put on if requested. 0. CONRAD, No. OR North 2nd. Si: Importer of Watches. Philadelphia, Nov. 29. 11-1 y 111.111 lIBMIATIII.I The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and 'Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. li;9 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, CAPITA L noo,ooo. Continue to make Insurances on Lives on the most favorable terms. The capital being paid up and infested. together with the.accumnlated premium fund aflbrds a poled security to the insured. The premium may. be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a•BONUS at stated pe riods to. the insurance for life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 1841. nmotintin2 to 1() per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to Ni per ct.nt, 7.1 per cent, &c., on others in propor tion to the time of standing 'flaking an addi tion of $lOO, 5t...7,50, $75, on every $lOOO orieinally insured, which is on aver age of more than 50 per cent on the premi ums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. I= No. of Pt Sit in -, Bonus ,Atnoant of policy and i or howl, payable at the I.(ilic Y .!ltisure " Addition. parly'N deiteaqe. No. 5-i $ MOO $ 100 SS 3500 250 200 4000 400 2000 1 124 3361 5000 437 50 Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of the subject; forms of apidi cation ; and further informat,,m can be at the office in Philadelphia, Or c., apl.iica• Lion to A. L. Emir. A , .ent in Allentown. W. IZlenAltns, President Jsn. December 13. T—ly. BAN'IE NOTICE. ArTwATIoN \\'ILL rill MADE to the next Legislature of' Pennsylvania. fur the incorporation of a Bank, with gene rnl discount and other banhing privileges, to b, l o cat e d at the Boroueli of Allentown. Lehigh county. to he called the "Farmers' and AlechatiirB' Bank," uu ith a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, %%hit the privilege of itterensing the same to Two Hundred Thousand Dol'ars. Eli Steckel, ;Thomas B. 1111 snit NoloMoll .Inshita Ihmse, Thomas :V( tiger,Nam 11. Craig, lames John Schnormem, '.lo spit Dietrich, Tho Taos 11. Irticlocr,,Charles Masscy. ne 1911 US% HD J. 31 OUR, ATTORNEY COUNKELLOR T.LAW (Vier a few doors ty` the Court IhmNe. Ele can be consulted both in the Ger man and English ',manages. Allentown, April 4. • T—t(' 3 ames L. SeISNI4_,T, Co. MEI ~PIi(IDUCE AND GENET:AT, COW 1)1I isseoa► efferebanis, No. r)7 Now!! Ilitinnyrs, 13o1ow Vino Stryet., Philad,lplgia, .kdoitt. this titt•thoil to inform their ftionds and country merchants in general, that they havi , littelv established the above business, in all os ‘'ariotis hranches, at No. 67 North Wharves, where they will be happy to at tend to the wants of their customers. • A momy, the many articles constantly kept .at hand nl Ilried and Pickled will he Mond all assortment of dlarl,•rrc/. Saran'', Slim!, Herring: Blue Fish, Cod l•'isk. Pork•. Lard, Shoulders. Chetse, A !lawmen will be sold at the most reasonable ,prices. IZecollect the place Nla reit ti 'Lp «:) 'a la :a iy Q. The undersitzned have lately purchased tlw well !mown . Store Stand of tlw late Dan iel Litiltei Ar. in west. Ilamihon Street, in A I lentown, and now offor it fornent.::- The Store room is 2'.1 by,SO ri.0..• .Geller under the whole, and a room .on the second floor. The Store three story, and very. spcious. Possession can Le given immetliattily.--: For further information inquire of Fut4iTrmikortrmi . . . . • ' PETE . Fi'Tanitt.f.; ..')" • ' $3O and over $l6 and over $ I 100 2750 44(1(1 2175 61'37 ' '' 4 j=-- 1 y LOGE HERE! A Certain and Effectual Cure,' The subscriber, Druggist in the Borough of Bethlehem, Northampton connty, adopts this method to inform sufferers of a Rheu matic complaint, be it Inflamatory, Chronic or Acute, that he prepares an article of med eine, that will effi..ct a certain cure of this wide spred and painful diSease: ft is put up in (loan bottels, each bottle accoimninf ed by a box of Ointment. The liquid to he taken internally, and the ointment external ly. The genuine article can be had only by the undersigned, a practical Druggist and Chemist, and originator of the medicine. Price two dollars per bottle, or six bottles fur ten dollars—which Will be sent to inva lids in any part of the county. free of charge. All orders must be accompanied with the Cash, or they will receive no attention. This medicine needs no puffing, it speaks for itself, while perfectly harmless in its ope ration it eradicates the system from the effects produced by unskillful treatment. It has already produced some astonishing cures, and of cases where the patient has been confined to the house for years, and those• that got_ahroad only with. the use of Crutches, were set at liberty by the use of from one to six Bone's. Certificates of cures can be shown from the most respect able citizens. 7 i , None is genuine without his written. signature in blue ink. HENRY GANGWER, Proprietor, Bethlehem, Penn. December 12. IT,-7.1y The undersigned hove enterod into Co•putt ners hip under the Firm of Itawreace, TO CARRY ON Paper and Rag Business, Al' NO. 5 MINOR STREET, pill L:1 U 1: 1.1911%, Where they intend keeping, a Large As. sortment of; Papers, &c., consisting in par as follows : Writing Papers; Wove and Laud; Amer can and English. I3ieh l'o;ts and Note I'aper; IVove and Laid gilt and Plain. I olio pOA, oat Caps. Printing Pa pets, all t,izot-,. Hardtvare Papers, from JD by 21 to bt• 19. Colored and 11'hite tissue Papers, Amer lean and Enolish. ll.Mlingsworh's Puten Pdp-rs. Colored and White Shoe Pa p.n. , . cow mon end extre sizes. Buff Envelope 'a pers.. Cri!nrori Printing. and Cover Pours. Alan;lla Papers, all tzizest,. Glazed IZtyal cGlors. Blue. Medium and I'tlterin Papers. socret and (.'“l'd Papers for (..nifec tiorters. Rag, Alztoilla and Straw Wrapping l'a perp. Come:, Binders', Box, C'ap and Trani. Boards. White and Buff Envolopcs t Local, Lc t• ter, Note.and Card sizes. (rents for Bliss, Potter & Co', /'lll.\'%'l'l?'.ti' ('.4.111). in lack no, •hcets, whitc and colnrcd—odd siz,s. cut b ordcr. Also, their hilt, Vtgored tttol Plait oltized Pa i.0r.4. .101 IN RIAIBV, late of SS N. Third Si N. S: \\ PENCE, late of No. 3, \I i• nor Sired. N. 13.-500 Tons of Rags wantedin tx clwrtre tor. , l'hi:adelphia, July 3 IEW-10H DIVORTERS iVNI) JOBBERS, V reem , k) gcs s.: co., T.,II3EIZTY STIIEET, Bctsvoit 11'1)(1:Iwo!' -ari:l .1-(lBwnt,tS7rect !s;EAR Pn3T. oF ft' c Vork • E I are re by daily artivals w from Europe, our Fall arid 11. um nssortmont of rich, latihiontilde,Jaocy sill alit ntillinerll goods. - ;Ve respectitilly invite all Cash Porch-is ,•rs, thorow_tidy to t'XIIIIIIIIO our Steel: and Prie,.s. nod, as INTEnrsT oovitirxs, fvel ttopti lota oar Goods and Prici.ti trill halite, them to Sel,ct: from our i•stablislonetit.— l'a icola r ant ntiou is dt•voted to govits mid inatly of . the orticAes are mim. l:tetur. II expre.ssly to our ardor, and cannot he surpass, d iti twauty, style and ducal.). fitaitt Parl',o24 iiibbo/16, for E Int, Ca; , Nccli, and [3l .sa.'in and Trtyrta Ribbons, of all width and colors, Velvets, and Cacut rarcts. (or I lats P (others /Imerican and French 3,ilii chil Flowers. Pic/ling:J, and up Trinrn lags. brr)s Trial/fling. large assortmenl, Embroideries, Copts, Collars tinder sleeres and Cags. 17,1 c Embroidered reViere and Ilcmsaleh Cambric; Crapes, Lissef, Tarlclims, Ilasion and Cap Laces. rnlencienrs. IlriesselS, Thread', Silk and lisle Thread Laces. Kid, Silk,,swk Threild, , 3lerino Gloves and Milts. • • 17,ccured and Plain Sleds!? Booleyßishop Lawn and jaconel..llaslins. Examsa,TßENen, AMERICAN AND ' [TA OAS • I STD. W GOODS. Augys.t - 28, ' . . lirandreth and IV tigits Pills. CountVymerchants'and others; are here by'' notified, that the 'far famous: Pills n Motors William A. Wright; and Benjamin Brandreilt, :are constantly kept 7 for sale at tho'office4of the •Lehigh Register" by the d6vin •hoxest at!vvholeliale price w •.1 t.• Aifother Scientific Wonde r ! niaE,s7irs . , mule, A GREAT DISPEPSIA•CURER! Prepared fronfßinnet, or the fOu'rth StUrntich . of ifit.. Ox, afterr. 'dirittions 'or . &iron Lie.; big, the great Physiologic/if Chemist, hr 1 ."8.1 - lemghton. M. D., 'No. 11, North Eighth' Street, PhiladelPian; Pa. . This 'is n truly wonderful rernedy for In. digi.stion„ Dysprpsia; 147)* Complaint, Con.vtipaNdn, curing alter Nature's own Method., hir Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. ' ' L..'"lirtlf a teaspoonful of this Fluid, infused in water,. will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours, out of the stomach. . . Digestion. —Digestion is chiefly per.- formed in the stomach by the aid of a fluiil which freely exudes from the inner coat of that organ, when in a state of health, called '+ the Gastric Juice. This fluid is the Great , - Solvent of the Food, the Purifying,Preserv-- Mg and Stimulating Agent of the stomach' and intestines. Without it there will be no. digestion -- no conversion of fond into blood, • and no nutrition of the hody; but.ratherai foul, torpid. painful, and destructive condi tion of the , whole digestive apparatus. weak, half dead, or injured stomach produ- . tes no good Gastric Juice, and hence the disease, distress - and debility which ensue: Pepsin em! Rennet.--Pepsin is tht; chief element, or great digesting principle of the. Gastric Juice. It is found in great abaft - - dance in the solid parts of the human -sto mach after death, and sometimes causes the itomnch to digest itself. or eat:itself up: It is tilko found in the stomach of animals, ns he ox. calf, &c. It is the material used by Partners in making cheese, called Rennet, the effi!ct of which has long been the spe cial wonder of the (Wry. The curdling of. Wilk is the first process of digestion. Ren net possesses astonishing, pcwer. TIM sto mach of a calf will curdle nearly one thim sand times its own weight of milk: Baron .'big states that, "One part of Pepsin lissolved in sixty thousand parts of water, will digest meat and other rood." 'Diseased dnmachs •produce ten good Gastric Juice, Rennet or Pepsin. To shOw that this want. may be perfectly supplied, we quote the following Scientific Brit/owl-11*cm Liebig„ in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says: "An Artificial Digestive'Fluid may he readily prepared from the mucous 1111111-• mine of the stomach of the Call, in which various article,: of food, as !neat and egos, will be softened, changed. and digested. jost in the same manner as they would he in the human stomach." Dr. Pereira, in his famons treatise on -Food and Diet," puldished by Wilson & New York, parae S 3, states the same treat fact, aid (I, , serihes the method n 1 pr. - oration. There are few higher'nuthort- Ties than Dr. Pereira Dr. John W. Draper, ProfessOr of Che mistry in the Medical College of the Uni versity of New York. in his "Text Book of ';'hemistry," pane :3SIS, says, "it has 'been t question whether artificial digestion could !)e performed—hut it is now universally ad flitted that it may be." Professor Dunglison of Philadelphia, in is , work on Iluman Physiology, de votes more than fifty pages to an exatnina ion of this subject. this experiments with Or. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, ob :tined from the living human stomach'and frcrn animals are well known. "In all ca ses," !!ho says" "digestion occurred as per reedy in the artificial as. in ,the natural di zest ions." li i -4 / 1 11 .gs n 11ippep.s Outr.—Dr. Houghton's ireparatiou of Pepsin has produced the Host inarvellow: effects, corimr ca. , ies of De- Mity, Emaciation. Nervous Decline, and I!vsplptic Consum pticn.:mppot-ed to be on •he very verge of the grave. . It is impussi- de in give the details of cases in the limits ,1 this advertisement—hut authe;hticated certifirmes have been given of More than , 10 Prwarhablr Cures, in Philadelphia, New York, and I3oston alone. Thel . 3e were nearly all desperate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, bin per manent It is a great Nervous Antidote, andirotn astoniFhingly small quantity necessary !0 j)roduce healthy digestion, is be•licrcd to act upon • 1 - 4 7retro-Ifagnetic Principle , 4. l -,There is no form of Old Stomach Complaints which it does not seen: to reach and remove at once. No matter how had they may be, it gives instant relief! A single dose removes all the impleasant symptoms, and it Only needs to ho repented, fur a short time, to make these gnod.elleets permanent, purity of blood and vigor of body. follow at once. It is particu— larly excellent in cases OfNausea, Vomiting,. Cramps; Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, listress after eating, low, cold, state of the. 13Iond, I leaviiics s. Lowness of Spirits, Dec pondency, Einsci dion, Weakness, tenden— cy to Insanity, Suicide, &c. • * • Price one dollar per bottle:' Onb bbttle • will - often efliTt a lasting cure... , I. •', • 1 9 1:1 7 .5'1N 1.'011:'.01:If`S. Sent by Mail; Piece pf Poitngti.. •Ftif.con— ven fence of qebding toitll'irrrvof the noun try, the, Dige;stlye rfuntOi of the 'tu,Tidn' pot op in e•Torm:olliotideriOi•ith duet Lions to be dissolved in diluted olcohbt,'..*l- tt , r, or tyro p, 'l‘)ist tiiitiiintr T . tet6 jiOw ders contain just thesathe riiitteer'efil•the. bottles, but twice the tiUnntify for the sant° • price, and will be sent by mail, free of Nisi: iiriri--for-one-dollar-sent-(postpaid) to_DrL.l . Si F-longliton, No. 11 North Eight streK. Philndelphin; Pa. ''' ... Six packages for five dollar &jets package rind' bottle betirs the writtlAt•Signn:— . tare of J. S. licitighton, M. D., Sole -phi— prietor. • WAgents wanted iubktery town in . this United Suttee: • Very liberal •disctiutits'-ki= yen to the trade.. - Drug'giste; Posteniteteto and' HboliSellerstirci desired teat rth ettitilli, A tiutiM' 9 2:, 0 911
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