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' , C.!..!-.0.4? , 13Fe;,i . " •': • ~ j ci , ,! _ 7 .., ,A 4 , r ,.....t --, ...•:. - _:" 4 ,% , ...*= , i. ,- -• ,1 ..7,..%.. ,,,,,, ,` ~_6‘,- . "....:%....,,,1.* .o' , 4 . ---"----' . - QC . - _. ... - 2: -. : :__ . ~ , . ...!,, . .::- P e.k-te.*-7.::: ...:., 4...;er '; .0- , '.., •••:',,, - : 46:rt,_,_:•-• Z. - - 4.- ,, ..-- , ..-7-1_" _:_ --- -- , 7, , L:. - -' ,- .0 . .. v ., 1 5.....5, ',.'4,•; ; , - g..4. ‘ - '4 ,-, t ,-- - - Mcuoteb to acctuo, fitcraturc, 13octri), :Zicience, alccl)ctitio, 2griculturc, the 'lLlifluoion of ibefttl 3fliormation, ecncral Jutelligcnrc, CAnitt9clitent, &71. VOLUME V. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, LY puldi.shed in the Barmzgh if' Allentown, Lehigh County, Pa.,erery Thursday AUGUSTUS L. IMUSIE, At $t .10 per annum, payable in advance, and 00 if not paid until the end of the year. No paper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid except at the option of the proprietor. Anyclurtsxm its:Ts, making not more than one square, will be inserted three times for one dollar and for every subsequent in tion txentyfive cents. Larger advertisement, rhargil in the, same prnpnrtion. mit exceeding ten lines tcill.be charged seventy-five cents. and those Inahing lines or three instil for IMII Fi'A lil erai deduction wit! he made iu tlit.s. who advertise by the year. • C_ - O//ire in Hamillun St., one door .Enst lfie Grn•ionn Ileforided reh, nearly opposite the "Frieden,lndhe ?t2C T. • 8.• ILSE UR G Green Tree Store Jacob EA. INFORMS the citizts of Salsburg, and -Lthe public in t:teneral, that he has since Ow first of April purchased and occupied the well hnown property, formerly owned by 'AIN Kam., near A Ilt ntown, and has opened The Salsinirg Green Tree ::tore, 'whore ht. r.c..ivril one of the httget:t and at,sortiiii•tit of t.'prin.7, ;Ind . Sulit:ncr Goods, C‘yr ,fferril at Ow slat cz.t caw buen oka.rvcd in dn.:Ail:ll , A! of Ills (lonik, mid they %I'm. piliclid,uti al the f t ,we,t I .riees. (,)/./ duke is one of 'cin, ha noes upon the moan of Frorits and 412!tick Sales. Ills stoelc conirrisr, ;k:1 t 6 varieties -quill patterns or . ididir (;00r7S. such as SilkB, .1/41(/:)e -iin De brines, llorcgt.v,ellbrinc,N, .llpacas, Prints, 4-e., ,vr. For the Gentlemen ht has Cloths, Cassimercs and Vcstings, ns well :F. , a lame selvction of .Gooils for Spring and Summer wvar. I luis alr , r) oxcellcut assoilinrnt ail c'.ll)S, 13()()'1'.4, Sh oes , ; roct. rivs, I lard wa re, Fish, &c. l'he public arc respectfully invited locall and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. as it is largo,and will positively he offered at the lowest possible prices. w;11 always pay the highest mar ket prices for all kinds of Country Product taken in exchange for (foods April 17 Good eVeays 10 64111 Ts:.: WO (0 - Q d. •9 rash io mild e Beady-made CLOTHING STORE, I ins been removed froiri the Odd Fellow's 11811 to tht• latililitur formerly oe.ettpied the "Allentown Savirm: Institution,• , nearly opposite the (I••rutan Ileforue•d yl'llll.ll. •,c here they litive pr t opened ❑n e%itete'ive variety of the twit tim hi m! . ever Li m tip in Allentown ; beim , all entirely n, w assortment, consistim, of CoATs of all kinds, PANTALotiss of every pattern, t:s•ts and VESTINGS of time Intent and most fashionable styles, together with Sesersticas. mind Sumer Com.Aas, CtmAvA•rs, &c., &e. All of which they will sell at prices so low its, to Excite the Astonishment! and secure the patronage of all those Whe will favor them with a call and examination of their stock. 'l'he•y continue to do all hindA TOM WORK in the best mann&r, and at Fhort notice. E ''.41,1; 477'S 111111IllINTED.27 By strict attention to business, and by neliing all their goods (LS cheap as the claw- ! pest, they hope to secure a liberal share of potren agv . N. 11.—The Imes! Position plates always on hand and for sole. A Iltottown, Nlorttli 1:1; 157,0 .il - ..t.i' , .:1, 1 / 4 '(.i,!.,ll:L'i -) , !•;voit, tb signed have taken mit len or 61 A ti m Of the estate of /'rh.i. Kort:. 1:110 of 'Upper Saucon toWnship, Lehigh county.—. Therefore all persons who are indebted to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds, Book debts, or Otherwise, will please make settlement within 3 months front the date hereof, and also an persons having claims against "said estate . , :vitt please to present them within said specified tiine.. ACOI3 COM: ELL. ? 3d , mrs HA n R.l KURTZ, 5 ntv 17, A FAMILY NEW iliailoring o.7l3tabtlisliment. George Kee f.., I )•.. Aunrrs this nwthod I ...,r 7 „.„. .„ to inform the citizens •.1 Al_ 1 , 44 6.4' lentown, and the pal in 4 ii. - " ? ',' general, that he has talcen .-!,..*: ' . ,' . V.c the house fortnerly.occupted ''•:4: V t . ;::-..; by Henry P. Nagle, on the ni l -- soul h side of Ila mi Iton street. \I 1L I l i near the Court House. ill the 11 1 .orour:h of Allentown where he hos opened a ncw and t-iwhionablo 'FAIL( ELT:\ 111,1.51 to wilicit lie incites the fashion:11)10 puldic for on vorly cail. Ile will attend promptly and f,ithfully to all husincss entrusted to him, and is fully de utrmined on tieing second to none, tvarrant ing a g,ouil p, with neatness and dispatch. Ile is in regular receipt of the latest Par is, London and Philadelphia Fashions, which enables hint to cut Coats, Vests and Pants, in real 13on-tuts style: April 10 The Navigation Opened, Lehigh Transportation Company, Give notice that they are now prepared to receive Merchandize and forward with promptness and dispatch from Philadelphia to Easton, Bethlehem; Allentown, Aland] ('lmnk, Penn Haven, ‘Vbite haven, and' Wilkes-Parre, and also to all intermediate phut., on ihe 1 )elaware and Lehigh Cainds, and Lehi and P.uad TIP.' 't would inturin their MME f r om Ih,ir ()Id 13ucl,:s f, to OP? Whin!' tticive Ito , :-. , tiovt, ly oppo;:ite the SAL Store II Hwy aI. o 6 . o.ivard 1.1t)o(1:; In alid fin Nvw lull; to NVillscs I;arrt; ate luritbF rirt I ),• . :1‘1;:nr and limit:tit Canal, ,mil I tolawart. and Li•fii,4ll Goods Shipped hv this Line front Nett' . Volk trill go I , v S. Nei & Smi's of Is In NI'W tcluch trill hi' lor.ward,d at, in Holly ILlFsin, Foot o; Cedar street, North Pim.. Any inkirmation regoired ran he had of MescrF-7. !Stewart. & A!etticr, No. GI I t ,, y Street, at Alt.rs. 1 , i 1 LK: Son oqiev, No Wt-A '(fret. Alt reliant,: and of hers Layne , : (muds to ship Crow New York to any of the above places, will find this route the neUrest and most ex peditions. The Proprietors have lar , e and cortnno dnus Store llottses at Eaqun, Liothlehetn, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, White Haven and Willies Barre. g l -3:11 .1 E.V ' 11. S. :11norlicall. ; John )plyche, Enston ; licirhoek &. knalt,s. Bethlehem ; A.. 1. Ritz, Allentown ; A. NV. Loim•nring, Mauch Chunk ; A. Pardee & Co., Penn Haven ; Blake:doe & Horton, NVllito Haven and Wilkes-Barro. April 10, ISSI Every Day Brings Something New 011 I'S A Great. Country! Newly Established Cevat 15 I ffooi 65' Nhem kloo A. &, ; 2 1 till. ;AV, 1,2111;•STE( TIT'LL I' inform their many - I J'a' friends and the public in general, that they have lately established themselves in -... t , the fashionable 1 Boot & Shoe ..., a ,,m 0 1i1E1F$SNE . SS, f t.......,..... (Mnoewer's I fat Store, and nearly opposite the “llegister" Printing Office. They have just received from Philadelphia, one of the largest and best selected assorMicnt -of STOCK ever brought to Allentown. They have yur chased for cash, and are determined to do business upon no Other but the They would here bog leave to state, that etoontets savo themselves the irotildo crotlit.n, then will poAtivelv foe ie it. To -orh, lisowoti , r, \Om tt ill .10: 1 1 With thPm or on :he princ;plo, will I nod a 0 in the prico of 1100..6 an d , •11oe7 cqual p,r.cont. leFo than they pae upon a (!rcdit, 'Plies' trill always ht. prepared to do cos : tom work at the shortest notice. and trill do I tip Ladies and Genflrmaies work in OW In test 8 . 1111 most fashionable styles. hadies', IMisses and Childrens' fancy dress shoes, nod Gentlemen's and Boys fine and coarse Boots, always kept on hand. -. 'They hope by practical attendance to bits ! Slness nod i.uch reduced prices, to be able to merit a share of public patronage Nlari,;ll EMI •••- tt - NEW II 0 V' I , : IP A Ig.E, NV 1 ,SON & CO., Proprietors Cif Sh 1 1; 1' incipte. _ ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA., JUNE 19, 1851. Great Excitement AMONG THE Boots ' , H Shoesats Caps. ' The undersigned have just returned from I New York and Philadelphia, and bronekt I with them the !cutest. handsomest•and most assorts nnt of • BOTS AND „, SHOES, flats and Caps, as fol:Oxvs Altm's Boots as low as per pir.-- inu would seater ) the fact, and tilt'y are a ,uoe , l ;,i it - DIE!MCIE cheap that you will he the price. Shoes for men. lads and at very low prices. And for ih. holies , w, really have the preniest assortment of Spring, and Summer Shoes, yon can Inv your eyes upon, and will he sold for less money than ever_offered_befure. Fur_ gen tlemen we have a most splendid assortment of the latest city styles 131aek, bea rer, and Silk - 1-- ii*'' `..' N:' which will be sold Friuli $1,25 to !'.5,00 a Piece. Panama, Leoltorn and Palm leaf hats for gvntleincli nod lads. of all sorts star sizes, and will be sold cheaper than' as any .otht r eslablihrnent in town. And now Ladies and ibmtlemen we are point to Lire you some tight On the sub see a large and hand sortment of MEE= Lord. 17flitl awl Camplunr, 7'rt- Lamps, fur el I Mr pal Mrs. icr rls a call and examine our z.mcli, %ye charm. nothing Mr :him iiiLr, rvli LC 1:1111 at plices varying- from oli.• to live I)01'! hi' ril,itte. it duiir 111 .11% art. ;S:,)1.••• 111 nini [oh Arci•t. A I,S().—A lurgt. Va 'Hwy nro fur 1.2-• hop. .2-ain s lilu ral poriou Holk run;wc•iu futtir,.. 1,ot• THE FRANKLIN FIRE ViSi'LlriCE I'O3IPANY of of•TIc1.:, 163.; CIIi.;;;NUT near Filth :•;fleet. Chili las N. Banclicr, 11' . Thomas liart, Nord. 'll, Loci Tobias IVagner, E tuts , Sainucl t 7 rant, David S. Brown, 11. Smith, Morris l',it wrson, CHNTINIT to to,the 10. 0 1ratwo, permatteit over' (1.2 , g...11101mi proprriv, it and mmiitt v. at rates arc Cllo,l' lam with ~cctiril t liacc :lent which huts, safr.ly ilkV. sled, afford the The assets of the company, on January 1•I ISIS, as published up ecabiy to an Act of A:. sembly, were as follows, viz: , r, —:lin Nteratzes, Heal Estate, Temporary Loa iis, ( • 1-.11 Sr' thole int•orp , ra:lon, ilerind oreniign,u, year , , lb , 1' 'lat ., ' pal.' 11 ! , :. :It .! • //.. 71;o01 huu riU//, ' / Td b\ allot III!:07 i. 112110.0 (.r tier adva,o'LTl's Of in ,n caner, Avell as the ability and rli,.llo,:jti.ln to meet tvith penult - gess, all Haigh:nu:. CHARLES N. 13ANCKL', CITAIRLES G. BANC SeCy. The t 4 ttly , orilwit , are the appoint: t! tt the above inenttontai prepared to taaht• tiott Of property, at 0 A I'M'-T• V.lll,Et'f Allentown,Jutte 13, 1818. 11, •) ATTOPNhIY AT LAW. Mice one door eivd. of Kolb; l iottd, Al It!mown, Ltddlzh county, Pa Allentown, March 2S - I='7' :AT WirritrAi I janiod and James Fatzinger. traditi . tinder the firm of A. J. Pa/ zio gr r, in the Butchering business, have made at voluntary assi;Tonwitt. of all thvir prriP r ty, real, deal wrin, d ii 30,a April, ltlsl, to the underdv,n..d. for the benefit of their creditors. This then serves as a nutlee to all persons, who know themselves indebted in die books of the' said Brat, that they must make•st.ttlenu'ut with in :30 days front the date hereof. Aml such who have yet legal claims against said firm, will also present their claims well authenti cated within the above specified time. JuSEl'll NONNI:MAC:IIER, Z . 3 ss i„„ THOMAS 0. GENItINGEIt, fit .,,, GEE irfel TS, I I w IN 111:11 ITN hiretlorN r:,590,558 65 '5,358 1205,4:19 oo 5,5e,:i s 7 $1.•22‘),(1'.17 1,7 ECM EMI 4 U - - ( ; . ' ' 1215 ME=MI The Late Major James Rees. ~ j Aida. JAMES REES, of G eneva , di e d at that place on the 21th nt the r i p ,. ;o r e (years. Re was horn in Phil adelphia, of an ancient Welsh family, and was early in life the COOfidelltial Clerk oldie ureat Hobert Morris, the financier, who, next to Washington, devised the means that conduce(' the Revolutionary War MICL.SP fuIIy. The Major had also been the Dep tuy o..nuier-Nlaster-General to Washing ton in t h e notorious whiskey expedition in Pennsylvania in 1791. He had also held the same lice in the two northern armies • under Wilkinson and hard, during- the war ith England of 1`412.. Ile ever -discharg ed his public and private duties with prompt nes,„(bi'hy and inteurity. The Major's I.... Aden, ; neva was occasioned by a • rued ',hit by his patron. N:1:(1:-. tht• rr. l.n r tii; The derlmim.:,t. years ( - tithe Nlaj , at's truth ful life welt , pa,sitil at ( feneva, where he had many opportunities to become wealthy, but the moderation of his teMperament was such that it contentud. him to discharge the duties of his agencies. with a competency, rather than to he avaricious of money. The. last public office that he hell was that of Postmaster, con fered on him by President Harrison. • Ile had, also, for more than a fourth ola century, been the first warden of the Episcopal Church in ( leneva. Ills death has made a wide.chastn du his. fami ly and in the social circle of that place, where the memory of his uniformly gentlemanly di•portment of the old school will long be 'l'lll. w) it r• of tills tint ict. had rf.i..ived Cum.') the Alajor ,eve r:11 iott'resti rig anecdotes, whir h 1,i,-; n 1•161/11 to I. Nlorris had re:l - tens cait: iu coil ip.ci inn I'. ill) ( arid Alr. .I , ,cry,s to 1.,c, 01.1 ,•xcit , a 1,1, riotic elute nt ,t—.74•l•N• ;her, of, ar,,l it hall 130 given ht`ro in liit• own worrir:— Ii wi- Iht• v , rtr 17‘.1 ;hat Mr. Mor -11.1...1,..mi1v. I wish earl I, .111 V lii. I.; t =BM 1V:1:1,11,04)o :•joar••.' Al t}lo um was rvatly,and i)roroecit.cl ‘‘...Jl Air. Altirtis to tlie jo•lc-iori or Allrlitt aod In a low 111 , :11 , litS I ,ftlV Lli Gt'ller:ll flint 111.4 si.r v:iht ni,prwaulling nu 1101%.4.10C1i. Till' (ftitnl- NV ltla ern viiy. They Lodi sat .down uvula Ir_ in t! at (place. Their discourse at first w;:s upon tl.e miserable state of, the army ti tl.e want of bread and clothin* and the Comeral said. .The head of my column wi 1 soon lw in t•i! , ht on our way to the head of E:k.' The discourse soon varied to the pros pects: cl raisiou funds to procure supplies for his landsbing troops, as I could perceive that tears were in the eyes of both. Said Nlr. Alorris I )..ar tleneral, I bare made my li,st etrurt—my Moos are in the market n. , lons varyino from lie , . Itondrrd to live I . •.,t000nl dollars. 1 have already received , wom v thou .a dolors from sour: friends -•:1;. ;111111^ . tho C/IlniarS-7-and hate that not fp . re ready ttir your military chest, tat! %vitt forward to vou . utlwr stuns as they mad• come in, %yid; Ilour and pork also 'Fhe neneral seized the hand of :11r. Morris, i • say intr. '.ltay au infinite God bless yon, tny dear Nlorris, for this timely relief. It will sae toy wen front starvinti, and may win us a victery.".l2he tears rolled down their diet-Its, nod I tsar unable to avoid weeping Elie child. It was tu,w that I hcard tin drain and fife, and .. , non there advanced tin lit ad of a volniim rfpitle-farvd, lit I tint Id len II , their cotintenno c!,s bri,4lo.onet: nz• they heheld their chief in converse %vitt' the e rent • l'ovtonstor.' tiitt•lcs of these men Avere without shoes to their let t--,le lind on , shoe and some one i , o-t—n ..f no old cont ma no • L , , ,d t:ttioers hull their :Ear' 11121 . ; Ind CISI . WIiCtu . 'Fhis column 2 .:11( mis l; •r r wn Illtt hope :Ito; Hi \\)l:;.hinotoi to iiitt.rcept the maid} of (..'orliv• ;Wis. what sticces well 1110 Wi lt nod that -it end ed ttlorloody ut Yor!;towit, as it elided the ‘var." Similar accounts may have been gathered from the memory of those who are very rap idly passim , to another world ; they should be preserved in the simple form in which they come from such eye-witnt!SSes, that be speaks the lone of the day to which they re late. The story just mentioned fkun the lips of the truthful .llajnr Rees lets referance to that al Inv wllicli ta;11;•rt d and 3.• t hyld toiNther at Valloy Forto, through a winter 01 indescribable severity and distress. It was peculiar feature of every private sold of the 12evulutitmary, Army, who acted on principle. to deem itimsell to be a part and parcel of the cause of freedom, and respon sible for the conduct of the war; no tidier influence, under (Ind, could have held to gether an army in such a winter •as that at Valley Forge, and it required such a tnan its 'ashington, to sustained tlw spirit of such an army, and such a mind as Morris's to 7ield thcrn the Tt;tfr cf lift NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. A Heroine of the Revolution. Many will rementher, that, towards the close of war, Colonel Tarleton passed through North Carolina. °wine t o sou p + rati.re not known, he spent two nights ill Ilalifax county, - one within the hospitable grove of Willie Jones, near the town of Halifax, and the other higher up the coun try, near "Twankey Chapel." Either be cause he was scarce of provi!iionr; and horses. or from a malicious desire to destroy the property of the American citizens \vim were opposed to the British, he caueld all the horses, cattle, hogs, and even fou Is that he could lay his hands on, and destroyed, or appropriated them to his owo The male; and most of the female inhabi tants of the country, lid from the a:Troneh of the British troops, and hid themselves in the swamps and forests adjacent ; mind, when they p a -,:r•fl through the tipper part of the county wlld.• •;•• ; on , '•; the premises on which sle. lived. Nlis. (them Miss Bishop.) -stood her grow. I." and faced the foe fearlessly. But it would not do they took the horses and cattle, and, among the former, it pony of owm-and - drove th—ri oil' to the - camp which was 'about a mile distant. Young as she was, she determined to have her pony again, and, as she must necessarily go to the Brit ish camp, and go alone, if no one would nc 7 company her. And alone she went, on foot, at night, and without any weapon of defence, and in due time _arrived at the carne.—Bv whit means man ag,ul to gain an audience with Tarleton i. ' not known ; but she appvared before him unannounced, and raising her.irlf en-et. said, I have come to you. :;ir, In .le.ninol ME restr;rati , .;; Ply pr;:irrly. your I:navi.sillellotvs:qoh-; from my father's Yard.' l "14.1. IllIderZ , V,111(1 tWI • 1 )!k,1 Tarieinn. 1111:111 coalp1.•: It "Wed], sir," said "y..ur rwzni.h mei; rod coats cause Illy fadieCs 1;:i.1 al -, ud stm-doun. stole my pony, and I 110 VO ll.aii;oti here, alon ;I:11 u n io ntert,..l,; o ri l i m and demand him : and. sir, I inti: , t ‘v: l .l have him. I fear not your ;non ; they art. their (....ewar(llv hearts wi.l do her bo:iiiy injury." And. jte-t the livjet id a camp It, r own dear little. pet pony at a (11,tance, she con tinued," There. eir, is my horse , . I slitill inOtent him and rile peaceably home : and if you leave ant• of the ~ entleinately Gylirr, destitute, or if you have any regard for toy sanely, your will see, sir, that I 3111 not interrupted. I;ut before 1 I wish to say to you, that he who can, arid will not prevent this halo and cowardly stealing from hen-rousts, siahles, and barnyards. is no better, in toy estimation, than the mean, good-for-nothine.. guilty wretches who do their dirty work with their own hands ! (loud night, sir.''-And, without waiting further, she tool: her pony uninterrupted ; and g.allowped safely home ; for Tarleton was 1.:0 much astounded, that he, ordered that she should he permitted to do as she chose. Airs. Powell died in her native county, in IS-10, lifter she had attaiiivd a (.reen old floe of her grand-children. 11 iihatn i•;. Parker. voliiim.ered in the .%1;-Y..- icon war, arid died at C.'eralvo in 11. , ic0. Another, Richard 13. Parlcer, is residing in Halifax coutitY, N. C., a most respectable and worthy citizen.—And n trrantl-dan7ll - Mrs. Mary E. Sledge, (wile of W. 'l', Sledge, and sister of the two last mimed o...ntlenten) also lives in Halifax colony, besides oilier relations. who all, no doubt, do to her memory ; hut oth. rs shou'd for She was one of the mild • spirits of the tintes that tried men's souls. —i'eq,u/t.'B and Lathing . in (he Head Sea. Heated and tatigutid, we prepared for a gcnvral bathe—as a private party ; fur the pil,Einis determined to reserve their ener gies for the sacred Jordan, the lake of So dom being in id by them in horror and a bontinatior, h. 1.1 ~ ' or iu which the 1:1! was b hl, Old d. • tlt:11 Lavtn C t!, I t 11' young ducks imp Ole 11(:111,- chuckling like an old hen on the banks. We pltin.red Disastrous was the, plunge —rapidly enough head after head popped up Irmo the execrable waters—hair twitted, eys smarting, and tongues burning from the intense sulphurous hitter saltness of the den testable liquid in which we were immersed ; water it was not, nor bitumen, nor salt, nor i:ulpluir, but a disgusting eompitund of all four. -A hogshead of it would serve as an eon t ic for -all Asia Minor, and leave some ual lons to spare against the flit epidenlie ; von could neither sink nor swim in it. Talk of a fly in molasses, er a wasp in a barrel of tar—l could find no parallel for a bathe in the Dead Sea. But the stifFerings of lily companions Were a trifle to what I felt; cut and maimed in consequence of my superior horsemanship. 1 jumped into the water ns raw as, a beef-stesk, and jumped out of it—as if I were flayed alive. How nv"r, let me be , just to thirt abominable mix- ME] ' tint , : if I smarted for it, now wounds were effectually cauterized, • completely skinned over—the cure was perfect to a miracle. N'N'e dressed with the cmr.fortable sonsntion of IM.OI who had Leon well coated with mut ton suet, still, gre;Fzy sod extremely out of -sort , , with n creeplng feeling over ;he ; and remounting, turned our steps m to the (r I; of the JordaDublin Citivtr .ll.(qr (I iar. f o lh, %e i w r de.-cription of a visit to Bot copper mine, in England, is from n work reci;ntiv published, entitled "Rambles beyond Railroad." In complete mining equipment, with candles stuck by lumps of chic to their felt hr.te, the travellers have pain fit lydesconded hyperpendicular ladders and filony: wet rock passage fath om, ih.wit into pitchy darlineSS. The 1111- 11 , q who snide= Ihcie ral:S a hat/ ; and their 1 , -it.r.'ncc to the, surface is thus described : hundred yards out tin. der the y the he‘f, and twenty Nth= tons, or a hundred and twenty feet, below -the-sea level. Coast-trade-vessels are-sail ink over (-lir heads. Two hundred and for ty feet beneath us men are at 'work. and there are galleries deeper yet even below that ! The extraordinary position down the face of the cliff, of the engines and other works on the surface at Prottallack is now explained. The mine is not excavated like other minds, under the land, but under the sea. I;,:aianli.,sl. If tLc reader could on ly hat-. Ic•hidd in our cup c dose togeth elyli ip: nn oar 'a• ad:, dad:nose en wir, .6[)3. i,, most c , riainly have ,i. rcitli a vio! nt strocli of fancy that hr W'lSl.ni.iuq Jotirn 111)ffil a coacher, of t 1. 1 t g.lom "After listening. for a lee? moments, dis ! taut unearthly noi..e heconie:; faintly and:- lw, iiy. terhius moaning that fell on the car as wed leal Iv it—a r0.m.1 that might proceed from erne. it denial& distance, G • 0111 Solon ioni ,!ihi height—a sound unlike any thin, that i heard on. the upper ground, in the free air of heaven—a sound so sublime moo mirth and si iII so ghostly and itnpres sine, when listened to in the suLterranean veer sea of the earth. that tv continue in stinctively to hold our peace, as if enchan ted by it, and think not of eominimicating to each ;her the stringo feeling and aston ishment which it leis in:Tired in us both from the first. "At list the miner speak , anin, and tells us i 1 , 40 whlt we hear is t h e serf lashing the riielis a limidred and twenty feet above us and the waves that aro breaking on the beach beyond. The tide is now at the flow, and the sea is in no extraordinary state of agitation ; so the sound is low and distant just at this period. But when storms are at their height ; when the ocean hurl., niminmin alto': mountain 'of water, then the ma re is terrific; the roaring heard down here in the mine is so inexpressibly fierce and awful, that the boldest ineo at work are afraid to continue their labor. All nscend to Ow surface to breathe the upper air and. stand on the film eaith—drcading, though no catastrophe has ever happened vet, that the sea will beak in im thcin it they remain the cavort below i•n.),1;!Ii to tkr•• to vr- 11. 111'o tb to :land up t!le 1 :0-;ti ti we now occupy, and ~or candles hither and thithter in the dark, cot t—e tho bright, pure cop per Ltreakitp4 ty in evcry direction, Lumps of ooze of the most lustrous green color, naversed by a natual network of thin red vein': of into, appear hear and there in large iriecr,olar pinches, over which we tor dripping slimly and incesLantly in - certain plact. Tin' is the salt water per colating through im:isible, crannies in the' n Ott slut lny days it spurts out furious i'• i!,in continuous streams. Just over he:ols we cbi,ervrt a woodtm plug of the of a man's hg , there is a hole here and the phis , is all we hare to keep out the sea. iilmmense wealth or metal is contained iri t rtiof of this gallery, throur,hout its whole length ; but it remain:, and will always rollinin untouched ; the miners dare not take it, for it i 3 pat!, and a great part, of the rock which forms tht , tr only protecting against the . MI, and which has been so far worked away here that . its thickness is limited to an average of three feet only be tive-a the wa•..r and thelallery in which uuw stand. No one knows what might I the col is oi mmee of another day's labor with the pickaxe on any part of it; 'A certain Editor, being caught by bin wife in the act of embracing a very plump and pretty girl, told her, in order to excuse himself, that ho would embrace her atstr; were ii not the case'that he was unable to do so in consequence of. n press of 0.'14r Matter. NUMBER 37, .1 Mine 'Under• the Sea. \.:;" t I rt "11.1vino•comlnipl;c:::,•;1 thr<r parCirtilars, ;;;;..; rxt t, 1 . , u= to koop strict silence. ; I slwech- ~)t U 1.) t.Joli nt tip;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers