The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, May 29, 1851, Image 1

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Meuatcb to News, Literature, poctrn, !-Zicience, Agriculture, the Eiift'usion of Wald 3iiformotion, enteral Intelligence, ',amusement, i{lancets, c.
Is published in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh
County, Pri,every Thursday
At $ t 50 per annum, payable in advance, and
$2 00 if not paid until the end of the year. No
paper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid
except at the option of the proprietor.
AnvenTisemesrs. making not more than one
square, will be inserted three times for one dollar
and for every subsequent insertion txentyfive
cents. Larger advertisctncnts• chargd in the,
same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines
will be charged seventy-ft ve cents, and those
making six lines or less, three insertions - fur 50
t.. 'A liberal deduction wilt be tnatle to those
who advertise by the year.
re Wire in ' HMllillOil SI, Mir door East
ol the German IlifOrmed Church, nearly
opposite the "Friedensbothe Oyler."
The Navigation Opened !
Philadelphia, .3llentown (S• Mauch ('hunt
For transporting merchandize between
Philadelphia, New Elope, Euston, Free
mansburg, Bethlehem, Allentown, Weiss
port, Mauch Chunk and White llaven,and
oil intermediate places along the Delaware
and Lehigh ciliumls; shipping from Budd
Condy's Third Wharf, below Vine street,
:on the Delaware.
Ilave:lat( ly purchased the
Line of Beats,
known for the last two years as the Tren•
ton and Lehigh Transportatiuti Line and
I•reaivas us Cuuk's Line.
They being new beginners, hope, by
careful and prompt attc•utiun to their Lll6l
- to get a liberal share of patronage.
The proprietors have large and mono:-
dious Siorc Howie at all the above named
btopping places.
./7 EN7' S :
Stephen Long, Philadelphia,
Samuel L. Opie, New Hope,
G. W. Ilousel & Co., Easton,
& A. Bachtnan, Freemanshurg,
Charles Seider.•liethlehem,
William Hecker, Allentown,
Lewis Weiss, Weis:Tort,
'Robert Nlauch Chunk,
A. Pardee & Co., Hazleton,
llorton & Blakeslee, White Haven
March 6
Lehigh County Mutual Fire Insurance
Capital $ 000.000
DinnOTons—Jacob Wunner.l,rael Wes
er), Jonathan Diefenderfer. Jacob Yeager,
Jacob theninger, Daniel 11. Bastian, lli
ram Schantz. 1-lenry Schantz, Peter Wick
ert, Reuben Danner, Jacob Schmoyer, Ed
%yard K. - older and Ilene v i le Yoder.
"rbi§ safe and well establiched company
is always ready to insure all kinds of build
ings against fire, and upon the most reason
;Able terms.
Person wishing to insure in this Co;npa
ny can inake application to any of the of
licers, or to their ngvn t s ..._,E ( / / vin K r ip er ,
Esq., in North Whitehall or Bonevillo
Yoder, in Trexlertown.
'Alay 15
.3 . . es,
-ovem.. Adopts this itiLthod to termite his
friends and the public in general,
that rte bus made Allentown his pc rmanent
residence. Ile has opened an (Alice at his
dwelling, opposite Kuib's American I lotel,
a few doers east of Pre Li, Guth & Cos.
Store, where he twill be happy to oiler his
professional se re ices in the science of Den
tistry. Ile will call ut private residences,
if requested.
t." - e' His terms are reasonable, and having
fled much experience in the professions,
feels satisfied that he can give. general satis
A Ilentoee n, A Aril 24, 1851
liast Sotke.
All persons knowing themselves indebted
fri the hooks of the hue firm of C. Loch in an
«nil Brolher,"‘‘ ill ph are obLarva, thaubis
is the last notice extended to them. They
Will therefore plewp call upon Benjamin
Loeldrain, one of the lirni, who has the
books in hands for collection, and to settle
their accounts, if they wish to save costs..
After the 20th of Nlay next, the books will
be plaeed in the hands of a Justice fur col
---11 v
.1 rill I;7'
!lave lately returned from New York and
„Philadelphia, with their Second arrival of
ainorm will be found the latest French
and English stele of
'Ladies _Dress Goods,
Such as Berrzes, Berege de loins, fancy
colored Pollard Silks, Silk Pop
lins, Lawns, while fancy Dress
Goods. such as Null, Swiss
Bishop Lawns,
ured and plain
plain and figured Muslin, prints, gloves, hos
iery, &c., all of which will be sold 20 per
centtun cheaper than at any other establish
ment in town. •
A large and varied assortment of gentle
_Spring and Summer Dress Goods,
such as Cloths, French, English,awl.' mu.-
ican,lttnell Cassinicres and rest
ings, 4.e.
The goods have all beeri selected with
the greatest care, and the assortment is such
as will not be found in any other store in
A llentown. The public well know that the
motto of the New, Yi , rk Store is
Quick Sales rIWL Small Profils
Therefore heel) it-in recollection that
Kern & Kline's Store' is the place to make
good barmins.
tlny 13. '-4w
The Navigation Opened,
e ln*s,l4 • , s - A --. "---ir - ATatA
- - •
on Company,Lchigh Transportati
Give notice that they are now prepared
to receive Alerchandize and forward with
promptness and dispatch from Philadelphia
io Easton, I.lethleheur, Allentown, Mauch
Chunk, Penn Haven, White Haven, and
Wilkes-Barre, and also to all intermediate
places on the Delaware and Lehigh Canals,
and Lehigh and Susquehanna Hail Road.
The Proprietors would inform their
friends, and customers that they have
from their• Old Stand, Brocks's Wharf, to
the First Wharf above Vine Street, direct
ly opposite the Salt Store of Wright t\-
They also forward Goods to and from
New York to Wilkes 13arre and intermedi
ate points vie Delaware and Raritan Canal,
and Delaware and Lehigh Canals.,
Goods Shipped by this Line from New
York will go by S. Neilson & Son'
Line of Vessels to New Brunswick, which
will be forwarded at the Albany Basin,
I?oot of Cedar street, North River. Any
information required can be had of Messrs.
Stewart & Mettler, No. 61 l)ey Street, at
Messrs. Neilson & Son Agent's office, No
SS West street.
Merchants and others having goods to ship
froin New York to any of the above places,
will find this route the nearest and most ex
The Proprietors have large and commo
dious Store I louses at En stun, Bethlehem,
Allentown, Mauch Chunk, IVhite Ilaven
arid- Wilkes Barre.
I I. S. Nloorhead. Philadelphia ;
J o hn updveke, Easton ;
Burheck & Knauss, Bethlehem
A. J. Ritz, Allentown ; •
A. \V.. Leis' nring, Manch Chunk ;
A. Pardee &'oo., Penn Haven ;
131alresleti & . 11ollon, White Haven and
April 111, iISSI fig—tlm
Whit's Ice .Cream Saloon!
Fr . HE season is now approaching for this
delicacy, and in view• of the better ac
commodation of the public, the . undersigned
has lately refitted his
Ladica and Clentlemen's Saloon,
in a new. neat and fashionable style. 10E
(MEAN' of all kinds, with other seasonable
delicacies and luxuries, will be served up
from this time to the end of the season.
fresh Vegetables, domestic and foreign
fruit, &c., constantly kept on hand.
• Thankful for past patronage, he is ready
to accommodate all his old customers and
as many new ones as may think proper to
favor hint with a call. •
VirOpen every day and evening except
Sail day. AARON
Allentown, May $. •
is EOl 0 11 - '• E IP
Mewly Refitted!
Builders Look Here.
-- .76 . ..1
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•Pc...Mi :•"::::..;7%....4.-1 , 1 -
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al' al 1 J) 11,1 ILI
The undersigned announce to the public,
that they have just returned from Philadel
phia and New York, with a very lafge iot
of Hardware, consisting of
mD, HonSe Furnishinn ,
Cutlery, Conch Trimmings,
Saddlery and Shoc-findings, all of which
will be sold at extremely low prices. They
ask the public to give SAEul;l's HARDWARE
Srona, sign of the
a cull, in order to convince themselves of the
fact, that a 'penny saved is a penny made.'
0. & J SAEGER.
May 9
To ilostse-lictpers.
A great assortment of House furnishing
articles, such as
ENAMELED and tinned inside, cook in! ,-
vessids, sauce and stew pans, prjserve ket
tles, fish and ham kettles, frying puns, grid
irons, waffle irons, &c.
TEA TRAYS and Waiters, from com
mon to fine, in sets and dozens. Also, goth
ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns,
KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and doz-
ens ; also knives only ; carvers, steels, cook
. and butcher knives, with a variety of other
scissors, shears, from the best makers ; one,
two, three, and 4 blade knives.
SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes,
pick, axes, &c.
SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass
polished steel fire sets and standards, coal
hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons &c., and
for sale by 0 & J SAEGER.
IROINL—A lot of Elatnmered and Rolled
Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English
Band Iron, 1-loop Iron, Cast and Shear
Steel, square, flat, and round, just received
with Anvils and Vices', and for sale cheap
at the store of U & J SAEO ER,
GLASS.-150 Boxes Gla,s, S by 10, 10
by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 10, and
various other seizes, for sale by
TO NIECIIANICS.—TooIs of every de
scription, such as Bench and Moulding
Planes, Hand, Parinel, and Back Saws,
Brace and Bitts, Auger Buts, Hatchets,
Squraes, &c., for sale by
• 'l'o SLIOEMAKEIIS.- 7 -Just received a
new assortment of Morocco and Binding
Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs
French llubers, and numerous other artic
les belonging to the shoemaking business
NAILS,-300 Kegs of the best Nails,
13rads and Spikes, just received and for sale
by U & .1 B,IEOEII.
OILS & VA of all kinds,
boiled and taw, Turpentine, •Newark Var
nish of all kinds, Glue &c.,--will be sold
cheap by it& .1 SAEGER.
PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes
of John I3ell'S best wake, also a large assort
ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap
I, 0 &)J SA EG ER.
WIIITE LEA 0.-2 tons of W bile Lead
just received, Pure and Extra; and fur sale
HOLLOWAIIII-500 Iron Pots and
Kettles, just received and for sale at very
reduced prices at the store of
May S.
To Builders.
A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor•
Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks,
Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush
esi and a variety of other building 1-lard
ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper
than ever by 0 & J SAEGER.
May 8.
Two Journeymen Tailors
• Two Journeyman Tailors, of sober and
industrious habits, and good workmen, can
find constant employment, either by the job
or week, if they make immediate 4pplica
tiop to the undersigned, residing at Sieg
fried's Bridge, in North .Whitehall town
ship, Lehigh county.
• 141,ny
Cloeks and Watches.
charks s. aliaSSeY,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends
that he has recieved at his establishment,
nearly opposite the Gertnan Reformed
church in Allentown, a large assortment of
COnStstitia of UI:rLU and
, .
SILVER Patent Levers,
SLI - Iforc i and
rL i
rPrarti.(i plainh W r a; 1-
es sold by.him are warranted, and as low as
the same quality can be purchased at other
establishments in town or elsewhere.
Ilis assortment of Clocks consist of Brass
eight day, thirty hours, and alarm, from :1
to 12 dollars.
II is selection of Jewelry consists in part
of Gold rings, Bracelets, Breastpins, Broach
es Gold and Silver Pencils, IVatch-chains,
Keys, Gold Pens, of a superior quality, &c.
Ile has also on hand a variety of
1.9 11.1777CLE5,
Such a steel-beads for purses and work bags,
Silver tea an - d table spoonsJilold - and - Silv! r"
Spectacles, to suit gages, Spectacle glasses,
Silver thimbles.
Every article sold by hint, is warranted
to be such as represented, and should they
prove otherwise can be returned, and the
money will be refunded.
I lis stock has been purchased with a view
to supply the citizens of this county with
good and genuine articles in his branch, and
which have been selected from- the best and
most extensive houses in New-York-and
Philadelphia. Ile hopes by due attention to
his business, and liberal prices, to have a
share of patronage.
Vii - Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, repair
ed in the hest manner and at the shortest
notice. Old Gold and Silver taken in ex
change for Goods. Call and sue, then judge
for yourselves.
May 1, ISSI, 4{;
.11~bi r r OR S OT CE
(n the Orphan's C'ourt of Le
-\ high County.
16 the matter of the Account
..... „ .
";1 4 of William Jones and Irwin Jimes.
Administrators, &c., of all and
singular the Goods. Chunks, &c., of Jacob
Jones, of North Whitehall toe uship, Le
high county, deceased.
And now May 7, ISSI, the Court appoint
William S. Marx, Auditor to audit and re
settle said Account, and make ditlribution
according to law.
By a Buie of Court, A nil itors an ,
ad to Report the evidence produced before
From !hr Records.
Teste:—J. D. LA WALL, Clerk
The Auditor above named will attend to
the duties of his appointment, at his office
in A Ilea town, on Friday the:loth day of May.
at 10 o'clock, A. M when and where all
persons interested may appear.
WM. S. M A RX.
Mny 15. I: —4 w
. i .r.1r., 44. In the Orphan's Court of
A: Lehigh Lehigh County.
'ttly In matter of the account of
'''';; ° :6744t• Philip Roth uuJ Charles Keclr,.
Executors. &c , of .thlum
late of Salisburg townshir. decea.-ed.
And now v the Court
nl -
point Jaincs S. Reese. Auditor to audit and
resettle said Account, and wale di:oriliti•
Lion. The Auditor to report all the evidence
produced before him.
From the Records.
Teste :—J. D. LA W A L.L. Clerk
The Auditor above 'mined will sit on Sat
urday, the :11th day of May, at his office, at
10 o'clock, A. M., when and where all par
sons interested may appear if they sea
May 15.
Office in the %P-tern froin room of the
Imibing of John D. Lawnll, formerly. Ilorn
beck's, west of the Courthouse.
Allentown April 4, 1850. —t
\Vnr•.axits Daniel and James Fatzinger,
trading under the firm of D. 4. J. Falzin
er, in the Butchering business, have•n u ade
a voluntary assignment, of all their proper
ty, real, personal and mixed, baring-date on
the 80th of April, 151, to the undersigned,
for the benefit of their creditors. This then
serves as a notice to all persons, who know
themselves indebted in the books of the said
firm, that they must make settlement with
in 30 days front the date hereof. 'And such
who have yet legal claims against said firm,
will also present their claims well gahenti
cated within the above specified time.
. ass i s . nee.
May a •
Catasauqu'l Headquarters.
44 . t Most re§pectfully in
/I"viies the attention oldie ?..4 pu blic to the fact that
c , he has tuk en the above
.„*"*.tlc4. ; ,, named (louse, rticent,
10" b 12:111 4"' • • • • I• J
1 JA t s It • occopit.c .c ,•
Knouse, in the village
of Catasauqua, and that he is nuw prepared
to accommodate visitors and the travelling
public in the best manner. llc will give
his sole attention 'to his business, and there
fore confidently believes that he shall be
enabli d to render satisfitetion to whoever
inns favor him with their custom.
Ilis TABLE will, at all times, be sup
plied with the best the market affords ; his
13AR be stocked with the choicest Wines
and Liquors ; his STA 131,1 NU attended to
in the best manner. His rooms tire large,
airy and convenient, and the utmost clean
liness will be observed in the Beds and Bed
ding. 111 short, the proprit;tor of the "Cat
°salmon Headquarters" will spare no pains
or expense to render his guests comfortable.
He therefore cordially invites his friends
and - the public generally to - give - hittra-call—
May 1, 1851
Q - "adoring cEstabli9l)thent.
Gcorge Krek,
A borTs this method
inform the citizens of Al
,ntown, and the public in
that he has taken
le house formerly occupied
I !miry P. Nagle, on the
ouch side of I la mi Iton street,
.ar the Court House, in the
iorough of Allentown where
... op, new and fashionable
to which he invites the fashionable public
for an early call.
Ile will attend promptly and faithfully to
all business entrusted to Rita, and is fully de
termined on being second to none, warrant.-
ing a good fit, with neatness and dispatch.
Ile is in regular receipt of the latest Par
is, London and Philadelphia Fashions,
which enables him to cut Coats, Vests and
Punts, in real Bun-ton style.
April 10 111-3 m
vAtAir's Notice,.
2•14i-1., L. the Court 01 Common Pleas
•- t,
al Lehigh County.
In the matter of the uccount of
Jacob Diflinger, Assignee of Wil
"Ys ham 'l'. Derr, under a voluntary
And now May 7th, 1531, the Court ap
point E. S. Moore, E.3q., Auditor to audit
and resettle, and make disiribution.
From the Records,
'Pude :—N. t1.1.1:1E. Prothonotary
The Auditor above named will attend to
the duties of his appointment on Friday
the sixth day of June, nt his office. at 10
o'clock, A. M., where all persons interested
may attend if they see proper.
May 2.2.
Oren , in Vell ion
Farmers Look Here !
.71 13 0 RA" S
The subscriber having purchased the
right of "Lamborn's Patent Cultivator" for
'Lehigh county, now offirs this valuable ag
ricultural implement to the farmers of this
community. As th,T undersigned manufac
tures the Cultivators at his establishment in
the villtwe of Catasituqua, Hanover town
ship, Lehigh county, he can warrant the
workmanship to be of the most durable
To all who letve made use of it, the full, satisfaction has been given, and all of
whom agree in pronouncing it as superior
to any Cultivator now in use. It may fur
ther be said, that to this Cultivator the Pre
mium was awarded by the Franklin Insti
tute, October, 1850.
The subscriber purchased the Patent at
the close of last season, and had not a suffi
cient opportunity of introducing it to the
public, yet succeeded, in manufacturing a.
few of them, which the following named
persons has had in use, and recommend it to
the public as answering the purpose in n
efficient manner, to viz: Peter Bell, Dani
el Siegfried, William Schwartz, Frederick
Guth, Sam& Keller, George. Yeager,
Abraham Rohn, William Rohn, William
Yaeger and Charles E. Chandler.
IrarA Cultivator may he seen at the Hard
ware Store of 0. & J. Saeger, in Allen.
town, where orders will Le receiveilamt
tcndcl to by
May 22. ' 11-3 m
Neatly executed at the "Reaister" Office.
Von Mue!Jeri - the -InstOriaiii
"Two principles govern the moral and
:intellectual prog,rOss of the world. One is
perpethal progress ; the other, the necessa
ry limitations to that progress. If the for
mer alone prevailed there would be nothing
steadfast and durable On earth, and the
whole of social life would• be the sport of
‘vind3 and waves. It the latter had exclu
sive sway, or even if it obtained a miichiev=
ous preponderancy, everything would pet
rify or rot. The best ages of the world, are,
always those in, which these two principle§
are the nio.4 equally balanced. In such
ages, every enlightened man ought to adopt
both principles into his Whole mind and.
conduct ; and with one hand develope What
he can, while with the other, restrain and
uphold what he ought.'
"But in wild and stormy times, when'
this balance is destroyed by attacks on the
conservative principle—or in dark and bar
barous times, when the principle of pro
gress is unduly checked it appears to me
that every individual should take a part, and
should become, to a certain extent one-sided.
in order to form a sort of counterpoise to the
disorder that reigns around him. When
fear of truth, persecution-for opinions,-and
stupid persistency, weigh down the human'
mind, the best men of their age must strive
even unto martyrdom, for progress. When
on the other hand—as in our times—:de
struction of every kind is become the riding:
and preponderant tendency all distinguish
ed men must attach themselves obtinately to
old opinions and institutions."
11 —3l n
German Eennomy.
In Germany nothing is lost. 'rho pro•
duce of the trees and cows is carried to.mer
ket. Much fruit is dried fur winter use.'
You see wooden trays of plums, sliced ap
ples, at,d cherries laying in the sun to dry::
You see strings of them hanging from there
chamber windows in the sun. The cows'
are kept up for the greater part of the year ! :
and every green thing is collected for them.
Every little nook where the green grass
grows by the roadside, river and brook, la,
carefully cut with the sickle and carried'
home, on the heads of women and childteni
.in baskets or tied in large clothe: Not a'
thing of any kind which can pt:6'sibly'be
made of any use is lost. Weeds, nettles;'
hay, the very goose grass which covers
waste places, is cut up and taken' fee this'
cows. You see the little children efanding - .
in the streets of the villagesr in the ritrearns
which generally run down thenif var .
washing these weeds before they are given
to the cattle. They carefully collect the
leaves of the marsh grass carefully cut their
potato tops for them, and even if other
things fail, gather green leaves from the
woodlands. One cannot help thinking con
tinually of the enormous waste of such
things in England ; of the vast quantity of
grass on banks, by roadsides, in the open
ings or plantations, in lanes, in church
yards, where grass from year to year springs
and dies, but which, if carefully cut; would
maintain many thouand . cows.
To pursue still further this subject of
German economy. The very cuttings of
the vines are dried and preserved for win.
ter fodder. The tops and refuse of the hemp
serve as bedding for the cows ; nay, even
the rough stalks of the poppies, after the
heads have been gathered for oil, are sailed,
and all these are converted intvmanure
for the land. When these are not siiffi
dent, the children are sent into the weeds',
to gather moss and all our readers familiar '
with Germany will remember to have seen
them coining home with largelundles of
this on their heads. In autumn the falling
leaves are gathered and stocked for the
same purpose. The fir-cone - 4' Which with
us lie arid rut in the woods, are carefully Col
lected for lighting fires.
In short, the economy and care of the
German .peasant are examples mall.' He hal
fur years been doing that as it regards
agricultural management to which th'e Brit;
ish public is but just now beginning tofttin
its eyes.—Time, also, is as carefully eCond
omized as every thing else. Theyiare ears
ly risers, as may well'be conceived, when
children, many of Wheat' come from come&
erable distances; aro in schoviakeli in the
morning: Its they tend' then'cattle'', or
their swine, the knitting never cep es.
and hence the quantities of stockings'end
other household' things, which they acCuM
ufatt3 are astonishing. • '
Cavid Crockett used to say of 'Lt
late Philip Hone, with yvhont` he; waa..itt:
Congress; that he was the perliteek •
ever knew— .leituse why?" said' the -,Oolco.
nel," he alters pelts his bottle on.the. ; aide •
board before lie asks yet to drink, andihan
turns Ilia back so as not to see hOiiir.ttiueb
you take ! This, adds the COonely , iiwhat
./ call real perlitenete."
ri"Tlie Provjdt.nee TranseriptrtYitiara
is n lady
. in that city so atistoeratidoballthe'
refuseS to take - ti newspalicrbdatino tfierie
per is mad° of ra gse! , • • • , .
VirAll . wilco wish:id .
Leas' khan thdy eana4 •