Elcuota to Nclu.i, Literature, poctri), acicltrc , itircljaitico, ',Agriculture, the Oiffuoion of Maul litformotion, ecurral Ifiltelligenrc,/amitinment, liaarticts, VOLUME V. THE LEHIGH REGISTER Bpu i is le in the Borough of AllenfLum, Lehigh County, Pa., every Thursday BY AUGUSTUS L. RIJIIE, At $1 50 per annum, payable in advance, and $2 00 if not paid until the end of the year. No paper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid except at the option of the proprietor. ADVERTISEMENTR. making not more than one square, will be inserted three times for one dollar and for every subsequent inset lion t wen tyfive rents. Larger advertisements charg,tl in the, same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines will be charged seventy.five cents, and those making six lines or less, three insertions for 50 cents. rfri% liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise bY the year. Cac Ogice in Hamilton St., one door East o/ the German Ileformed Church, nearly opposite the "Friedensbothe Office." &ILL SIB G Green Tree Store Jacob G. Mille ass, "ffNFORMS the citizens of Salsburg, and . 0 - the public in general, that he has since the first of April purchased.and occupied the well known property, formerly owned by Mr. A7inc, near A Ilentown,and has opened The Solshorg Green Tree Store, where he has received one of the largest and most extensive assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, ever offered at the stand before. The great. est care has been observed in the selection of his Goods, and they were purchased at the lowest prices. Old Jake is one of 'em, he goes upon the motto of Small Profits And Quick Sales. stock,comprises all the varieties and patterns of Ladies' Dress Goods, such as Silks, Lawns, Ginghams, Mouse lin Dc Laines, Bareges, Slberines, .dlpacas, Prints, 4.c., .s•c. For the Gentlemen he has Cloths, CassimereS and Vcstings, as well as a large selection of Goods for Spring and Summer wear. He has also an excellent assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware Fish, &c. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as it is large, and will positively be offered at the lowest possible pricss. Wfle will always pay the highest mar ket prices for all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods . April 17. 14001 c IMRE. THE CHEAPEST WATCH STORE IN PHILADELPHIA, No. 1130, North Second street, Corner of New street. Silver Verge Watches from $3,00 to 10,00 Silver Lepine " " 8,00 " 12,00 Silver Patent Levers, " 12, " 30,00 Gold Verge, ‘, " 12, " 20,00 Gold Levine and Horizontal, 18, " 28,00 Gold Patent Levers, 26, " 36,00 Heavy Gold l'atent Levers, 35, 6 , 60,00 I am able to.sell greater bargains than any other store, as I have a good judge employ ed to attend all Public Ssles and auctions, to purchase all watches that are sold very cheap. WANTED-2 good journeymen to work at Watches. Ea'Silver Spoons and Spectacles manu factured and sold at the usual low prices of the finest Silver. Fashionable Jewelry of of every descsiption on hand. JOHN FRIES, Corner of . Second and New streets 11-4 w May 1. Sharpslicioters Take Notice. A Shooting match will take place on Fri day the 9th of May next, at the Centre Ho tel of aaron Guilt, in South Whitehall tsp. Lehigh county, for One Hundred Dollars, in Gold and Silver, at a distance of 100 yards with bullets on a rest; and at 50 yards off hand, and with shot at 50 yards off hand—now is your time to make money—nothing required but to drive the nail, them you can .pocket the Gold and Silver. tP The marksmen, of Berks, Carbon, Bucks, Northampton and Lehigh are ihvi ted to attend, wenn sie 'Arm Schnabel ge metzt haben wollen: If it should so happen that. the weather is unfavorable, the match will come of on Saturday the 16th of May next, . John Roth, Jeremiah-Kern, Amos Brous, Solomon Poter, l " Jos. Cackenbachi Jonas Peter, Edwin helper', Jacob Gackenbach May l', , till l ® ir _..------ 2:------,-- '- __••- ,- • -=-=--------.-r-- --------=--__ ,5' 1\ \ * ' - -----=., --.. - -- - —---.- - -_ - ---_._-= -----_- - -- . ,4 . k_ —_-- , __—_-- - - - - - - - -i---_ -- --_---- - _--._- - - - . - ,,.. , ,,\ 5f%, , -------. •el - E -- .7;- - ' -----7 :: . -:_71: -- -a -,------ k *.liiiio,4, o. sOil• \ ', ,,W- - , • ---,.----_- _,Z .. f.f . , T - - ; --- ,,e .6--- :. ,___7__ -__ l!•y ., :;* :„.._ •• - ...; - I:_tVe-_,1i1 2 '. ' ''.4 11444 '\ \* \ ZI -- •-• --= " ---.------1-.-- - . ___-, ~., __, -._*'%.l • • -1, ' , • ;.1::::"..::!_ ...-...,1,5:_. ! ..1 ,- ‘ ./- \-'l+ • • . , 4 .. :.: ••• -..- :: 4 ' l f r I • 4k, ,/,e -, v: -0 .... , 7 1., . ~ 1 ' .- , fg- .. ,: : :. '-• • , ~... .r , . • „. ...„4.,.. - . - - ,4e-- - - ' •".„ , t‘ , ..z , ~ , 1 =- - -t - . e, .. _ ___, . 4. •••:' k *rirl: `,6 • *...t r -, ,q 4 :`l .6 V i i ' ll ' '. ~*ii :16 -' `4:% •i S: s '•,'" -. - ---- , ----77- ---v- .---.-. , fi P0::: 44 0+0, 1 4'` 46,c1 6 71.:CF3P,t, 2- : 11 • , , , ..4 aip .'" , ,, , ----- ; - ..:::; 5 2:. ? .)..*A 1 /• , : 6 ,..,_"' tr '''' 1r ,;., ; , » . :40:1,1?...., , ,R . 41 ,ft, -,,, i .:, ~,•• t • .:` ..:A• o ' - ,,,..N ---" -v•-• - --_9-_- •-'"- --... -----;_ - - - 4 127 .- 4 1 6, k'5.,..• ".,-. ..-1. - --- A FAMILY NEWSPAPER, A large assortment of Looking Glasses just received and for sale low at the store of the subseliber. THOS. B, WILSON. ¶-3m Just received a large assortment of Cluecnsware, consisting in part of Tea and Dinner Setts, Fancy Glass Ware, Man tle Ornaments, together with a general as sortment necessary for Housekeepers, all of which will be sold at the very Invest prices. THOS. 13. WILSON. 111—,1w The subscriber has just receiv ed a fresh supply of Coal., which he offers.at the reduced prices of 52,50 per Lou for Ches nut, and $3,50 for Egg, Stone and Lump Coal. THOS. 13. WILSON. April 10. 11-6 w Adopts this method to inform his 'lsis r.: friends and the public in general, that he has made Allentown his permanent residence. He has opened an office at his dwelling, opposite Kolb's American Hotel, a few doors east of Pretz, Guth & Co's. Store, where he will be happy to oiler his professional services in the science of Den tistry. He will call at private residences, if requested. " Ilis terms are reasonable, and having had much experience in the professions, feels satisfied that he can give general satis faction. New & Popular School Book. Comprehensive summary of Universal History, together with a Biography of Dis tinguished Persons, to which is appended an epitome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, General Astronomy and Physi ology,adopted and used in the Public Schools of Philadelphia. Teachers and School Committees addres sing letters to us, post-paid, will be furnish ed with copies for examination, rk - A full and complete assortment of Books and Stationary for sale at the Low est prices. • Charles Bmuse E. S. JONES & Co., Publishers, S. W. corner of Fourth and Race streets, Philadelphia'. May 1 1%.-2W • Spring aild Sumner soomo Fr HE undersigned has just re ceived from Philadelphia and New York a very desirable assortment of • SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, He respectfully invites his customers and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, which is large and well selected, and embraces in part, L'abics ;bear e00b.5, such as black and colored, figured and plain Silks, Garage de Lab's. Mouselin de Lam es, Silk and Worsted and Si/k and Linen Poplins, .41- 'paces, Lawns, Brazil Lustre, Gloves, Stockings, Ribons, Lnces, &c., &c. ROTA - tanT2lll3 a full assortment of plain and fancy Cassi mers, black, blue, brown and mixed Cloths, Cashmeretts and Summer Cassimeres, Vest logs of all kinds, &c. I have not the assurance to say that Twill sell my goods per ccut or even 20 per cent. less than My neighbors, but I do say, and with confidence, that they will compare in quality and price with any other estab lishment in the place. THOS. B. WILSON. April 10, 11-43ni. Coln 2". E TS.- The subscriber invites his cus tomers and others to call and examine, (be fore purchasing elsewhere) his splendid as sortment of 3 Ply Super Ingrain and other Carpets. Also, Floor, Stand and Table Oil Cloths, all lately receieed from Philadel phia, arid which he will sell at.a very small advance. THOS. B. WILSON Ground Plaster. Ground Plaster constantly on hand and for sale at the Store of the sub scriber as also at the Mill of Jos. Deitrich. THOS. B. WILSON. • *Mackerel. A new supply 'of Mackerel in,l Barrels, Halfs and Quarters, just received and for sale by THOS. B. WILSON Looking Glasses. CR 0 (WIER Ifit April 10 COAL. Dr. 3. V. Barnes, p.E.VTIST. Allentown, A pril 24, 1851 ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH C Every-gay-Brings-Something-iiieir: 0111'S Grt'.ll 0)111111y! Newly Established rash Root Shoe SIOPC. GooiX. fit, S lirar, R E.STE( TFULLYinforin their many friends and the public in general, that they have lately established themselves in the fashionable Boot & Shoe EBIUSEWESS, one door cast, of Crangewer's flat Store, and nearly opposite the “Register" Printing Office. They have just received from Philadelphia, one of the largest and best selected 'assortment of STOCK ever brought to Allentown. They have pur chased for cash, and are determined to do business upon no other but the cash Principle. They would here beg leave to state, that customers shall save thoinsolves the trouble of asking a credit, as they will positively re fuse it. To such, houwer, wbo will deal with them upon the Cash principle. will find a difference in the price of Boots and shoes equal to '25 per cent. less than they pay upon a Credit. • They will ahvnys be prepared to do cus tom work at the shortest notice, and will do up Ladies and Gcnt!eznan'..s! work—in- the -latest and mo t fashionable styles. Ladies', 'Misses and Childremi' fancy dress shoes, and Gentlemen's and Boys tine and coarse Boots. always kept on hand. They hope by practical attendance to bus- siness and 1. itch reduced priceS, to be able 1 to merit a share of public patronage. 'larch 13 11-6 m. ! "Formers' am: WC:hulks' Bank of Enslon." Capital Stock of $300,000, WITH Linnwry To increase to $400.000 WE THE UNDERSR;NED, missioners named in au Act, provi ding for the Charter of "The Fanners' and \lcchanics' Bank of Easton" passed at the recent Session of the Legislature of this State, will open the books for receiving sub scriptions to the capital stock of said I-3ank, at the Hotel of David Connor in the Bor ough of Easton, On Monday the 12th day of May ISS . at 10 o'clock A. NI. of said day, and the said books will be kept open at said bowl from day to day lot six days, if deemed Ilt.c(,s sary, and all persons competent to enter in to a contract will be pertniued to subscribe according to law: each person will be per- Mitted to subscribe on the first of said days in his own name, or in the name of any other person by whom he shall be author ized, for one or two si ares. and on the sec ond day for any number of short's hot ex ceeding four. and on .the third day for and• number of shares not exceeding six, tind on the fourth for any number not exc ,, edint_f eight, and on the filth or any succeedin g day for any number of shares not dirt two handrod, including such shares as shall have been subscribed on the previous days, and if at the end of six the another of shares authorized by Law shall not be subscribed, the Commissioners will adjourn front time to time, and from place to place until suffi cient number shall be subscribed. The Capital stock of the said Bank will be divi ded into shares of 50 dollars each. Every person will be required to pay five dollars on each share before subscribing and twen ty dollars on each share within sixty days thereafter, the residue to be paid in such in stalments as by the By-Laws of the Corpor ation shall be direCted. •Payments to be notes of specie payin mon wealth. J. H. Keller, Peter Gross, R. S. Chidsey, John Stillwell, . I'. S. Miclder, • David• Conner, E. 13. Mixsell, Robert S. Brown, J. De Young, April 2.1, 1 1 -13' N otice is hereby given, that the under signed have been appointed Executors in the last Will and Testament of Henry It'or man, deceased, late of the Borough of Al lentown, Lehigh county. Therefore all persons who are indebted to said estate, be it in Notes; Bonds, Book debts, or otherwise, will please make settlement between now and the twentieth day of July next, and also all persons bovine claims . against said es tate, will please to present them within said specified time. - WILLIAM WORMAN, NATHAN .1111TZGEll, Executors JOHN WORMANt April 17. _ _ 11- 4 w lade in gold, silver or Banks of this Coin- Christian Lange, C. H. HumphiTy, S. K. Hongland, 'l'. IL Sitgrenves, C. Nicholas, C. C. Field, Peter Uhler, Ger,rge H. liouildie, George W. Yatt-.,. WHIM S. MARX, ATTORNEY at COLTIVSELLOR AT LAW Office in the western front room of the buildmr of John D. Liman, forinerly.ll orn beck's, west of the Courthouse. MACKEREL, - I Constantly kept SHAD, CODFISH, on hand and SALMON, I for salo HERRINGS, by PORK, J. PALMER &CO. HAMS AND SIDES, Market StAluirf, SHOULDERS, • in LARD AND CHEESE] PHILADELPHIA. Februnry 28. ¶-3m-1i 11-6tv OUNTY, PA., MAY KlB5l. . .ot:t1 • .0141ug 03f3tabli.91pnent. ... George Meek., )? 2 ADOPTS this method . 1., . - ~ to inform the citizens of Al, 4,.,: : , - l e l' lentown, and the public in 1' .. 4 general, that he has taken 4e •$• A the house formerly occupied 4,- . ` , V '-" 'Z. F.Nagle, on the .. .., f, by . Henry a l c Li• r . if - south side of Hamilton street, iI t - near the Court House, in the ' - --',- • ' ,Borough of-Allentown where he has opened a new and fashionable TAILORING ELTA BLI RH MENT, to which he, invites the fashionable public for an early call. He will attend promptly and faithfully to all business entrusted to him, and is fully de termined on being second to none, warrant ing a good fit, with neatness and dispatch. He is in regular receipt of the latest Par is, London and Philadelphia Fashions. which enables him to cut Coats, Vests and Pants, in real Bon -ton style April It) We Study to Please. Your attention is respectfully invited to the extensive and %veil t•oloctrd stock of 23:gildissg iMau-derarc A T 4) ;LS, now ofrvrcil by ilie.sukcribcrs;con:, , kling in pun American Print Door Lochs, uptight, with night work, plated . or brass furniture, or Porcelain all Colors ; Do. plain ; Do. and Store Door, Horizontal or Upright; Do. Rini Locks, all sizes and qualnies—white orbrass furniture; Do. Nlortice Locks, all 'sizes and qualities, with plated, white or brass furni ture ; Do. Latches ; Do. and Rim Closet Lucks, plated or brass escutcheons ; Amer ican Drop, Stop, Thumb, (bite, and Smre Door Latches; Also, imported Locks and „itches 01 every description ; and American Lou Hinges, olall sizes, hist or loose joint ; Shutter, (lute, Door, and Spriiio Bolts, of wrought or cast iron atal liriss, every description; Screws. Spr igs, llue. Sand paper ()film best quality ; Amer ican Azle and :Sham Axle Pidley. , , of eve ry vtt iety ; American Buttons, plain cr on plates, brass, iron, or bronzed ; American Noli.s, plated, white, iron, or wood, all kinds ; f3a.th-ccird, common and patent, with other articles too numerous to montion. L;:, -- Nails and ..-.:ash-wviglits at Factory I :'u :111 Goods delivered free of chars,, to any pan of the City and Districie. At this Establishment can be found one of the largest and best asset tinents of Milk and Fancy ~Vobs for Locks, ,S•c., in the City ; sonic patterns of which, cannot be seen, or obtained, at any other Store. \ r l • Spear & Jackson's Back. Panel. Hand and Hipp Saws, imported expressly . to lie tail Soles, till sclerlrd u•ilh. cure; Sok!:1!,!;ont. , for the ceb•bt•ated Planes, made bt• E. W. t.jarpenter, of Lancaster, l'a., bent, all I mart of split wood, and the Hitts ;froundand tried. Beatty'3 and SN'illianis' make of Chisels, Axes', !buckets, •Urawina knives, tdl warranted good ; and Slack•'s ntl;t: of A twers and Anger Lins, ail sizes ; American Squares and I3evils of every de scription ; American Hales, Gaages, Saw setts, Compasses, Screwd river.% &c. ; Amer ican C. S. Hammers, Claw and liivetia L T, all sizes ; 'Anvils and Vices, all sizes ; Steel, Iron, and Wooden Braces, with C. S. Kits, in great variety ; W. Creaves • & Son's. I3utcher's, and other celobrated makes of Chisels, riles, Plane-irons, &c , &c. ; dis' celebrated carving Tools. :Ili shape, ; ma'..ing one of the best and 'nest 'Xtetsi.•c assortment of Building Ilardware nod , Too/s in the City. At this Establishment it iseonsidered a pleasure to sliou, Goods. You are incited to call and examine the assortment, and hear the prices asked, before purchasing else where.—Cody: A:sa) sm. vs. Hy-pectftdly, 44'...11. :Wet:LURE & BRO., N. 11:t11,(1 bowven 7th arid p lav 1. Allentown April 4, INSO. 11-41 l I TQD te a co w 4 NEUTRAL IN POLITICS, In Allentown. 1121 b 110111 4 , Etatisfics of the Ceneus. A cerrespindern of the National Intelli• gencer, Air. I )at by, the eminent geographer ilt 4010 IVE R, has preparel for that paper a series of n :synoptic tallies. of the extent rind population -2.2 u ILLY - informs his of each poEtical section ii.f'the United States, •rw-la'lriends and the• public in general, that the number of inhabats to the square mile he has tak en the well kneWn Tavern [louse in each State, and t h eh . tiverage p„puiation of the to each se• - ile ' Bull's Head, , • at the corner of Allen qffra:. v . and Andrewst., where he will be happy to flfliik' ir ill;ZlZNetito4 accommodate his old . gaux, _ customers and friends. His best efforts will he directed to his ta ble, so that it be furnished with the most seasonable the market affords, his bar filled with the choicest wines and liquors, his beds clean, and his yard large and continodious, with an attentive hustler al ways at hand. He trusts that by punctual attendance to business, he will be able to secure a liberal share of public patronage, for which he will ever feel thankful. • April 24. 11,1 —3 n iri —3in A'etv Livery Stable, IN A L LENTO WS. 71 1 49 I:: subscriber takes pleasure to inform 81 the citizens of Allentown and ti n pub lic in general, that he has, in. connection with his Hotel, established a new - w LIVERY STABLE, and has fitted it up in a inanner which he confidently hopes will secure for hint a liberal share of the public patronage. II is Carriages are all new, and his horses good:- Those who have riding to do, either for business or pleasure, are therefore invi te.l to give him a call. i its charays arc vcry reasonable and hop,: hv strict ontattion to hit:days,: to :cd who way favor him with thvir r\aril Catasauqua ilemiquarters. JAMES FULLER, Most respectfully in • v ites the attention of the public to the. fact that .. 4 400177521ariV>phe has taken the above tii named flet.se, recent- . h•k I ttl ly occupied_ by J esse Ai- . ...7...;:,.:-`-•Knouse, in the village of Untasaugutt, and that 'he is now prefmred to accommodate visiters and the wavelling public in the best manner. lie will give his sole attention to his busine:-..5, and there fore confidently believes that he .hail be enabled to render satisfaction to whoever may favor him with their custom. Ilis TABLE will, at all limes, be sup plied with ,the best the market affords ; his BAR be stocked with the choicest Wines and Liquors ; his STABLING attended to in the hest manner. His 'rooms are large, airy and convenient, and the utmost clean liness will he ObSei Ved in the Beds and lied - ding. In short, the proprietor of the "(int asauqua (10.1dpi:triers" will spare no pains or expense to render his guests comfortable. iliefefore cordially invites his friends and the public fienerally to give him a call. May I. It+sl. 11 . 1 ) 41,112, To the Directors of Common Schools of billet Cumlty. In pursuance of the tltlant Section of an act, entitled. "An act for the rerrulatinn and continuance of a system of Education ity Common Sella Ms." pas , ,ed the seventh day 1 Apri!..A. t•`.'l• tli titukrsigm , d, Commiz,ioners of IA-Lgh County--her, by publish a Star r • moot or the amount to which ever• district within the County of Lehigh is ',lidded for the School year of A. D. 1552,---ont of the annual appropriation of $.200,000 by the said act ; as per report toade to this Mike, by the superintendants of Ounonon Schools, as follows, to wit ; Al;. mown Borough, tlanovcr Lip., - I - • - - Lyon, - - ',ewer Macungie, Upper Macungie, - Upper Milford, - Northampton, - Salisburg. - , Upper Saucon, Weissenburg, Washington. - North Whitehall, South Whitehall, BENJAM/N SAMUEL KNAUSS ' PETER ENGELMAN,- ATTEST :—J. NE LINE, Clerk. ¶-4w April 17, Neatly executed at the “Reaister" Office. REUBEN MOYER. a' -3m . $316,79 - 227,52 6 114,93 - - 163.13 - 201,20 - 176,56 - - :325,08 - 71,26 - 163,53 - 244,90 - 149,31 - - 134,30 - 247,66 - 253,59 1 CO MMissioners, =:=! ..juare un, in tacit stc:ion. From the first of these tal;les it appears that tho proportion of puiudation in Maine to each square mile is 17 New Hallturshire 3i yer moat :39 Massarhusrirs 137 Rhode Island 12); Conn. t.tl N. 1 - or!; ::7; population in j this section is to each square mile, the aggregate numb i r of square miles being 119,2:30. and the aLrgaegsto population 5,- ; :J27.0 la . . 'fable i‘aa,lar two that Newer-' sey has a population of 7I in each square mile, Peniiylvniiit 1,.,..; ; . ‘t y a re 41 m:lryinnd Vir:411110. I ; popu lation -I I. f o r 1:1101b:.'r ; , !;I;.'llt` mile,: be mg 127.970, am; the rojui,oion 'Pubic number three , fives Npith Caro lina a population of 19 to each square mile, ,:outh Cnrulina Ch•Ornia 70, Florida I ; the averago 1:3, the nuinber of square miles being and the pniudiedon `2,150,- 090. North Carolina, South Caroline, and. Georgia, with a joint area ofl:3l,soo:quaro have an agg:regate population of 2,- 413,909, or a fraction over Iti to the square TrtLle _number-roar - shows that tire six tven.,,Atlainic jast enumerated have an rtMa of 436,300 ~ioare miles, a popula- Itinn of 13,;;1.1,712, :ti,d an aggregate popu lation to square mile 31. Table number five exhibra3 in Kentucky' a population of 11) to the sqoarr mile, Ohio' • -15, Indiana 20, I lii ois 15, Wisrarnsin 4, Aliciii,cynn 7; averap:e 174 the area b&ing 1 :11 I, 3-10 square miles, arid the population 5.-107,370: Tho first four named in this divi•-. , ioa have 91; u.) the siTior,! mile, sixth that Tennessee liar', a' popuhnion of 21 to the s4,u.ito r.i!e,..Ala -I.una 13, Alis.4:issippi 18, I.Onisi,rna Ar kaosas 4, Missouri 10, lowa average 10, the area being nearly 370,000, population' 3,905 ; 000. The writer says there is an annual in crement of . three per cunt, to the popula tion of the United States, and that at this rate the aggregate population Of the Uni ted States in :DOI will be one hundred and two million:4, and yet with a distribu tive population of only thirty one to the s4ioare. The First White Man in Africa. r . Thompson, of the Aleadi ihission, thus speaks of the sensation he producod, when first seen by the blacks: ••Ilere, u here they never sa.w a white anti before, I am u great wonder to them. 'lshey have flocked from far and near for IW9 month to see ine. Some are afraid to shake my bated, but most come to tell me Flow do you. do.!" They generally come with great diffidence and reverence, and some, and even chief,, have come and kneeled at my feet to shake my hand as slaves and subjects approach to their masters and kings in this country. They all con sider me some su i terior lk."ing. Whenever go into any town I have to sit a king time for the crowd to gather and gaze at me, without being willing to leave toe. If in the house, it is crowed ; if sitting down to write or read outside, they crowd round me, and stare and wolider ; if I walk in the town they run before and after, shouting and ma king a great 'wise, if eating every 'notion %.'atched and many made about tat• manner. "\Vity, ,7eti he eats , with tt knife f" lily little he takes" "Gentlemen in this country t at with their hands." "Why look that rice is not 'tear einat4ll for one man, he leaves half of it ! Proomoie (white men) don't know how to cat, "and such like re. fualks." Thus it' n-huge town, where Igo toe first time, I get but little quietness except in the night and then they generally keep up such a noise by drumming, singing and dancing till midnight, that sleep flies from Ille till 1 get so nervous I cannot sleep after their noise has ceased so that it is ex ceedingly wet.ting on toe • night and day. "They consider 1110 supernatural and if none attempt to worship all fear me. In various places chiefs and otbers have called the a god ! One chief called a meeting to give 'me an answer whether they would leave the war, "don't you know this man is a god ! Look at him ! •We don't know where he came from—•whether he walked here, or dropped front the clouds ? When he came, Clod came. What he says God says 'and what he says we - must do, &c. Another chief (on the other side of the war) heard 1 had written his name in a book, and was greatly terrified saying. "Oh dear what did you tell hint to write my name in book for to make medic Don't you know he is a god: and knows how long I shall live and can kill me when he pleases 1" At: anoilt I arts inni;-- • • .her time 1 was talliing and looked at my notes in blind pilled mark ; the bailie chief said, "Don't von know he is a god ? See how he :it?t•l3 things where we . can Vp noth ing! . 1 am afraid of him, plenty. What. he says is law and must be done," &c . NUMBER 31.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers