Poor House Account, The Account of CHARLES S. BUSH, Treasu rer in account with the Directors of the Poor and of the House of Employment, of the county of Lehigh, from January 1, 1850 to January 1, 1851. Dr. Jan. 12, To balance reccived of C. Saeger, as per account, • S 582 17 January 12,'1'0 Cash received of County Treasurer, per check, 1,000 00 January 20, received of Eli J. Sae• ger, Esi. fine for gambling, July, 1, recgived of county,areas---- •urer per check, 500 00 November 4, received of Edward 'Kohler, Esq. • • - 11 Nov. 7, do. of Jnc.llin ger, Esq. Nov. 7, do. of Thomas Faust, 8S Nov. 7, do. of county Treasurer, 1,000 ec, o,_d:yr of-eau at-5 - - 1 1 1 t eatuferr-E1439-0 Dec 2, do. of Nuabiclter4 estate, 12 S 2 Cr. • . IVASHINGTON TSP, By Cash paid orders, numbering IBoarding and attending Russel S. Irom Ito 156, amounting to .83,405 99 1 Smith, f Balance in Treasarer's hands, I Medical attendance ft.r Lame, 'January 1, 1851, 802 88 i Conveying Simon and Sarah Rcerig --1 $8.708 Bli to the Poor house, --Boarding _und attendin Household-Expenses Dry Goods & Groceries, Stone coal, Firewood, Weaving, Wool, Hats and Caps, Cooper ware, 'Cabinet ware, Tin ware, Cider and Apples, Dried Apples, Vinegar, Fresh 'Shad, Tobacco, Casting, Making and Repairing Bonnets, Making one coat, Shoemaking, — Baskets, Surgical Instrument::, Medicine, Coffins, farming Espen3e4. $909 46 'Male and female servants, 125 00 Ilaymaking, 7 00 Repairing 3 cradles, 3 00 harvesting, 17 12 Making post fence, 23 3:2 (Repairing horse-power and ma( hi up, :31 :38 ' Lime, 1 tso Brick, 2 62 Mason work, 2 OS Two pair flames, 2 25 I Horse, 115 00 20 head steers, 640 00 .1 Rope, 1 75 :Saddler ware for 1840-50, 25 45 'Road tax, 22 70 Road tax for 1850, 16 11 State tax, 27 001 Wheelright work, 4 6 . 2 Blacksmith work, 46 46 1 Wind mill, 20 00 42.11-13 • Issuing and Executing orders cj Relief and supporting out •door Paupers BOBOUGEI OF ALLENTOWN Boarding and attending Anna Lev ers, a pauper, Conveying W. Shultz to the Poor House, Coffin for Henry Schlosser and con veying the corpse to the grave - yard, Conveying 5 paupers to the Poor House, Coffin for a child found in the Little Lehigh, Conveying said corpse to the Poor House, Boarding and medical attendance for Wm. Leinbach, in Mauch Chunk tsp.. Carbon county, • Justice costs for the sante, Serving order of Relief for Anna 'Levers, a pauper, Attending to Thomas Brady, a pau• • per,. Conveying Wm. LeMbach to the Poor House, • NORTHAMPTON TSP. Boarding and attending Garlnch Tie!man, Coffin` for Casper Simon. jr., Two yards muslin and conveying said corpse to the Poor Hooey, Dressing the corpse of CosTer Si- rnon, Boarding and attending Burin Rod- enberger, a pauper. Boarding and lodging Henry Bark . er's children in Mauch Chunk tsp., Carbon county, Aid for Richard Moure's HANOVER TSP Issuing orders of Relief, Conveying Joseph Romberg to the Poor House, Goffin•for Francis Duher and tune .ral expenses,Conveying Andrew Sabi/2 to the Poor House, Funeral expenses for a stranger drowned.in the Lehigh, 7 00 Conveying Samuel Fry to the Poor - House, Boarding and attending Win. Haste man in Block ley Hospital, Phila delphia, Conveying Stephen Robinson to the. Poor House, Funeral expenses for John Bons, a pauper, Boarding and nttendinz F'. H. Stu bar in the Lebanon Poor House, 200 SOUTH WHITEHALL TSP Issuing orders of Rolief, Boarding and attending Isadore Fes binder, Medical attendance for the same, Funeral expenseS for. Isaac Raule, ponaeying Jacob Ilagensweller to the Poor House, NORTEI W ITEII A Lit, TSE` Issuing orders of Relief. Conveying .lithvard INlcAnulty to the Poor House, BoaTding and attending — Elizabeth Wallace, Conveying Abraham Miller and Su- 13 50 :sanna Klotz to the Poor [Joust.. Conveying, Dan. Bartly to the Poor House, 23 95 00 pauper, • Funeral expenses for the saute, $ 8 1 708 81 c:_dorcd, duririr, tinemvn 41') 81 193 LYNN - TSP: Conveying Isaac Lutz to the ruct House, WEISENBURG TSP. Conveying Joseph Bamberg and Ileury Sax to the Poor liou;:e, UPPER M ACUNGY. Conreling Judith Etnig and chi: dren to Poor f UPPER MILFORD TSP. Boarding, and medical attendance for Peter Lebold, - Funeral expenses for the same, Boarding and attending Catharine' Gehhard, Order of Relief and funeral expense 1 , 1 the saute, I:PI'ER IiAIA:mN . '1• I'. Boarding, medical attendance and t nem! expenses of E. Mumbnuer, G 73 Boarding and attending E. Alum. butter's child and funeral eXpenses, Conveying Elutn•y Bachman to the Poor (louse, SALISBURG TOWNSHIP. Conveying .Elisabeth Bower to the Poor house,- - 2 00 Aid to Henry Nngle's family, 3 00 Funeral expenses of F len ry Nock, 700 Conveyinzr George Kerchner and wife to Poor house, - - I 40 Deliveritig said Kerchner furniture, 150 Thomas Faust. Steward, for 11 year, SSO 00 John Blank, Director, for I year ; 20 00 do• extra salary, - S 00, Efeury Schantz, Director for 1 year, 20 00 do. extra salary, - I 1 42 .loons Brobst, Director fur 1 year, 20 00 Dr. 11. J. Llaberacker, for 16 months, 6 , ; 64 du. extra, 1 92 Dr. C. L. Nlartin, for 1 year, 50 00 S. A. Bridges, professional services, 20 00 Clarks S. Bush, Treasurer, 40(J0 Eal lEEE Printing Stationary and Pis!age. ['aid Printing Expenses, - 70 00 do. for Stationary. - - 10 13 do. fur Postage, - - - 77 2 30 MU 80 00 Paid to thti.creditors of Pour Screi- her, a pauper, (deceased) being. mo ney left by said pauper, after his 27 40 2 S-I expenses at the Poor House were defrayed. D. &P. 141.00dring, for Store goods, 2 :37 J. %V. Wilson, subscription. I 15 Benjamin Diehl, for postage. (;•.2 Dr. H. 0. Wilson, medical services, 1:3 Ott J. P. \ Gross, for Store goods, BGo Joshua Semmel. Blncksmith work, 40 Michael Baer, for shoemaking, 41 :32 Adam Schreiber, for keeping pauper, 02 00 1.00 EBM 5 @0 8 00 $3,495 93 Balaaice in Treasurers hands, 302,H8 Total, 1 •16 We the undersigned Ainliion of Lehiuh county. have examined the account of Char les S. Bush, Treasurer of the Directors of the Poor, of said counts•. front January Ist, 1850, to January Ist 1651, and find the same correct as above stated ; a balance of 8:109 and 88 cents in Treasurers hands. I 00 SOO 12 90 3 00 - JOHN K. CurroN, Stedifors 'GEORGE BLANK, irt;,bruary 28. :34 00 2 40 Steward's account. Thomas Faust, Steward, in account with the .Directors of the Poor and of the House of Employment for the County of Lehigh. LEM 4 80 !d0 :l'o cash received on sundry .accounts follows : Balance of lest year's account, MI DO Received of Peter Wenner kir work done on the road, Henry Schantz for I,i busheliof. clo ver seed, 6 00 William Mertz. for 1 peck Cloverseed, 1 00 Anthony Go'l3llllll for J pair panta loons and vest: Mary_Drar_for one shawl. Grim & Reninger fur 150 bushels Oats at 35 cts, Throe different persons for oats, 160 10 00 1 00 7 06 J 8 48 vim Nits Bat 1) , I .S 3"2 Li 1 $23 S 1 SALARIES blO 9S -3,70 S D 1 DR. 487 7 00 1.00 52 50 002 Solomon Dorney for I `day horv'est ing.by o pauper, J. H. Smith for costs for I order of Relief, • Conrad Seem 'for 'l4 bushels fla•x- :3 00 2 50 5 50 seed, John Held for 1 Bull calf, Nine different persons for tallow, Grim & I?.eninger for 569 lbs. tal low, at 9 ctti., Grim & Reninger: fur lard, 212 lbs., at 8 cts., Grim & Reningef for white rtt..gs,'69 lbs„ Grim & Reninger for mixed tags, - 147 lbs., Six different persons for lime, • George S. Xandcr for costs and Iceeping his funnily ut the Poor blouse, Nicholas Mink (ct. hauling 3 loads Peter Ludwig fur A. & 0. Famt do do 41 31 Joseph Good do do 11) 51 Joseph Hammel - fur work done nil TM 40 2 00 MEI El TB TH ;1 50 7 00 VZ.S G 5 • life road, Found in the puelit , t3 of I . JmnJn rs For Beef sold, For horztt• feed, 10 03 7 59 Mig C R. jail nut ns follows MU Elias 11ug , genog fir repairing a cm dk, Ann Getter hes, :11 8 centf:, Catharine No oemacher dor 2t btudi• els ashes, of 25 cts., Benjamin Borger lor mer.ding on ware, Peter Zenner for delivering stone coal to Anna Levers—a pauper, Henry Rogers for a dog, Daniel Eshenbach fur 4 bushels lime, Henry izlchantz for days slaugh tering, Anthony - Gotschall for 6$ bushels ashes, Keck: & Stotler for repairing wagon, Jacob Newhaid for repairing spin ning wheels, James Kleckner fur soap and can dles 'far Casper Simon's family, George Stine lor repairing clocks, Joseph Gadeon dor 2 spectacles, Grim & Reninger for merchandize. Abraham Blank fur ti stone steps, Barber & Young for 'Hardware, Jonaihim Knouse for , 15 lbs. Pork Charles S. Bush, Esq., Treasurer, for balance of last year's account, Daniel Stettler for articles purchased r endue, 1 07 Henry Mertz for apple's, 50 Henry Zimmerman for 1 pair shoes 150 Peter Ludwig for leather, 31 74 A. &O. Faust for leather, 51 11 Joseph Good for loather, 5 81 Lewis Flirt for veal, • 20 Conrad Seem for 4 bushels flax seed, rit 51,50, 6 00 Solomon Reinhold for Cruning, 93 Henry Weber for tin-wsre, 2 92 George Book for sweeping •cliim neys, 1 62, Mertz for 8 bushels ashes, at 25 cts., Jon. Knouse and others fur mowing EIMI $1 40 5 03 $5OO 5 700 Mil Ern MO gross, Henry IV. Mertz and others for liar vesting, 10 75 Joseph Nuneinacher for mason work, 301 I'2 'fraveliing paupers per order, 0 9S Travelling paupers for twain, 1 23 Travelling for Steward, 12 13 Balance in the hands of the Steward January Ist, Ibsl, Stoat on Farm 4 horses, 10 cows, 8 steers. I bull, •1 hei fen, 4 calves, 38 'wad of sheep, 37 hogs, • momns, 1 dearborn wagon, 2 sleds, 2 liar rows, 3 ploughs, 4 wheelbarrows, 1 thrash ing machine, 2 wind mills. Produce of the lion, 305 . 1nufbels.wheat, 81-1 bushels rye, 480 bushels oats, 18. bushels flux seed, 2370 buslo.!: corn in cars, 0 bushels clover seed. 400 bushels potatoes,llo bushels turnips, 30 bushels•oniens, 00 bushels red beets, 1 bushels soup beans, 15 bushels null:hue, 4 barrels pichled .cucumbors, 3000 heads of cabbage, 34. hogsheads .sourlf rout, 115 lbs., hatel4ed .flax, lid four horse loads hey; 20 loads corn fodder, 102 loads -manure put on the land, 1200 bushels lime put on the land, .1838 lbs. beef hides, 135 lb s . calf skin s 1:381 lbs. tallow, 1015 lbs. lard, '1'524 lbs. butter. eirlides made in the House 92 mons shirts, 46, pair :pantaloons, 'lO rust, 45 roundabouts, 62 chemises, 4b wo men's frocks ; 45 peticoats, :15 short gowns, 86 aprons, 17 caps, 45 sun bonnets, OS chil dren frocks, 50 pair boys pants, 11 buys dresses, 26 children shirts, 10 children pet ticoats, 51 Fair stockings knitted, 71 pair footed, 9 shrouds, 4 grain bags, 7 , cl n bags, 8 bolsters, 20 bed cases, 24 pillow cases, 6 pillow ticks; 2:3 sheets, 26 towels, 56 cuts sewing thread, 10:3 cuts stocking, varo, 1261 yards linen check, 179 yards tow linen, 107/ yards linsey woolsey, 49 yards carpet, 482 lbs. hard soap, 14& barrels soft soe.p. Meat Slaughtered. 13,776 lbs. beef, 6,753 lbs. pork, 816 lbs veals. Number•of Inmates. Remaining in the .house on January Ist 1850, 105 Received tiering the year 802 412 . !discharged during the year,4 , 255 Indentured, . 1 Died. . - " 10 Curppe iv len received 5 Ab:...coutied, : • Remaining in the house on January ;AO Ist 186 T, •• • • 133 This number consists.of 52 male adults, - Another - Selentifit Wonder! • 40 white female, adults, 1 -colored female 1' ' ' , ' • • P. adult, 22 white male ,children under 12 EPSINI years of age, 2 colored male children, 15 DIGESTITT white female children under 12 years of - VisV,,,A'A . 4- • • O 1 klik a strie age, 1 colored, of which number there are, - r -9 lunatics. • ' A - GREAT DESPEPSIA CURER! Indentured. i Prepared froth Bennet; or The fourth Stoinach Samuel Zenner to •Tilghman Miller, of of the Ox, after directions.of Baron Lie- South Whitehall,-Lehigh county. big,-the great Physiological Chemist, by THOMAS FAusrr, Simard. S. Houghton. M. I)., No. 11, North • trNrty SCHANTZ, Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. JosAs BROBST, • Threctors ql This is a truly wonderful remedy for ..fn- DANIEL M /he Poor. digestion, Dgsprpsia, Jaundice, Liver Comphiint, Constipation, and Debi/fig, -Directors Office, February '2B, ¶-3w curing after Nature's own metbod, by . iteehMait 6 1 ) . Lth Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. a teaspoonful of this Fluid, infused 111.4NUENG TUBERS 4. DEJLERS in water, will digest or disselve, 'Five —IN— Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours, Boots, Shoes., MIS & Laps. outpf the stomach. iefly—pers 7 formed in the stomach by the aid of a fluid The nineteenth century being the age of which - freely exudes from the inner coat of lagnet ic Telegraphi, Steamships, Locomo that organ,'when in a state of health, called &c., and Mali all kinds of busi the Gastric Juice. This fluid is the Great lies is - done in the very quickest and most Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserv expert manner, it likewise becomes neceS ing and Stimulating Agent of the stomach sar'y fur the trading public, to take small and intestines. Without' it there will lie no profits and make quick sales, in order to digestion no conversion of food intothlood, keep up with the improvements of the times. and no nutrition rif the 'body ; but rather a Upon This prineiple we have determined to foul, torpid, painful, and destructive condi act. We will sell our Goods at such prices as will-astonish_the_buyer. tion of Elm whole digestive_apparatus.---A -The following are_soine of our prices, to weak, half dead; or injured stomach produ wit : ces no gocal-Gastric--Juice and-hence-the disease, distress and debility which ensue. Pqmin and Rennet.--Pepsin is the chief! dem( nt, or great digesting principle of the Gastric Juice. it is found in great abut:- dance in the solid pacts of the human sto mach after death. and sometimes causes the stomach .to digest itself• or eat itself up. It :is -t ° found in the stomach of animals. as ; , the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used by farmers in making cheese, called Rennet, the effect of which has long been the spe cial wonder of the dairy. The curdling of milk is the first process of digestion. Ren net possesses astonishing power. The sto-• mach of a-calf wilt curdle nearly one thou sand times its own weight of milk. Baron _Liebig states that, "One part of Pepsin dissolved in sixty thousand parts of water, will digest meat and other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, pennet or Pepsin. To show that this want Amy be perfectly supplied, we T iote th e following Evidence!—Baron Liebig, in his celebrated work on Animal CheMistry, says: "An Artificial Digestive Fluid may be readily prepared from the mucous mem brace of the stomach of the Call, in which various articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be softened, changed, and digested, just in the same manner as they would be in the human stomach." Dr. Pereira, in his ,fathous treatise on "Food and Diet," published by Wilson & Co., New York, page 35, states the same great fact, and describes the method of pre- Famtion. There are few higher authori ties than 'Dr. Pereira Dr. John W. Draper, Professor of Che mistry in the Medical College of the Uni versity of New York, in his "Text Book of: Chemistry," page 38(3, says, "it has been a question whether artificial digestion could be performed—but it is now universrolly ad mitted that it may be." Professor Dunglison of Philadelphia, in his great work on Human Physiology, de votes more than fifty pages to an examina tion of this subject. His experiments with Dr. Beauniont, on the Gastric Juice, ob tained from the living human stomach and 'from animals are twill known. "In all ca ses," "he says" "digestion occurred as per fectly in the artificial as an the .natural di gestions." '24 f 5 00 4 17 OM MEM BED -2 91 1.3 S !I' Oti ITEM 3 14 90 $39() 11 CUE Meirs Calf-shin limits front $2.::0 to $1,40 du court..: do " I,r oto 3,00 4 ' hip d,, " 2,00 to 2,75 th, Gaiter do •• 1,50 to 3,00 j Ladierc Oaitter ,, " 1,00 to 1,9.7 do Slipper.; and Welts Buskins " 31 to 1,25 f1:1 . large very and emelt sive assortment of Arse read v-inade • 'Boots & Shoes, cheap for cash. 'They also keep tfor tale., a splendid as sortment of Nloleskin.Silk and Slouch A Pitu,t EL T 3." Cloth, glazed, fancy and military CAI', Trunks, Umbrellas, Camphine, Lard and Fluid Lamps, Candelabras, &c., &c. reliecollect the place, one door west 0. & J. Sager's Hardware Store, in the building formerly occupied by Smith's Apo thecary store, in Hamilton street, Allentown. Dec. 19, Stuttering and Stainifiethlg CURED! hi from Five to Twenty Minutes, T HE Undersigned would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of Lehigh and the adjoining counties, that he has located him self in New York for the purpose of E C TU.II LI,Y CURING. persons who are troubled with STUTTERING OR STACHRING. So confident is he of success, that no pay will be required until the utmost satisfaction is given. His method is so easy, that any child five years old may understand it, and yet so efficient, that he will forfeit One Thou sand Dollars to any person•who will stam mer and apply it OE 1111 E i 6'2 1 1;',1 LEM I (36 '7 2 39 1 00 12 2 02 S'i 95 2 00 EEI DR. J. V. AVvettorr, No. 37 Chambers St., New York P. S. For further testimonies as to the efficacy of his method ; he refers to the Me dical Faculty of New York, who witnessed the application upon . a gentleman, who was an inveterate stammerer, and had been 'operated upon by other Physicians, without the least benefit, and astonishing as it may seem, Dr. Wyckoff cured him in 20 min utes, that he was able to speak and read with ease,' without hesitancy or semblance . of Stammering. The Doctor also has over One Hundred Certificates of cu res performed, among which are several medical gentlemen. ENE $390 17 N. B. An letters of inquiry, (post-paid) will be promptly answered by naming the l'ust °nice and .State where they reside. January In. 111—tf. - PUN 0 lz ()ATI. • it aIII2I 111 02) LTIO 171 Chestnut Btreci,•above Philadelphia. T 11E OLD STAND, Occapied for more than a third of a Cen tury. by George Wittig, Esq. T he undersigned would most respect fully announce to the public, that he is .Agent for more than twenty of the most celebrated manufacturers of Boston, New York, Phil adelphia, and elsewhere; and-is constantly _ receiving from them b= g= 3; PIANOS of the richest and most varied styles, of su perior tone, .and of the most superb finish, of 6,6 J, 64, 6.?, and 7 Octaves, which are warranted equal to any manufactured either in this country•or Europe. Juat received, also, a further supply of Church and Parlor Organs, of very beautiful patterns and fine tones. • His Ware room is constantly supplied with a choice selection of SERAPHINES LND MELODEONS, from the oldest and most extensive manufac tories in the United States; among which is a new style of iIEEDOROAVV, hiving Cerium's patent improvements. with. gilt pipes hi front, and case elegantly carved, '.nd highly ornamental. Tuning and Repairing.—Sig. Salvador La Grassa. a. diAtinguished Piano Forte manufacttirer and Organ Buildelywill at tvutl to all (inters. - • OSCAR C. B.•CARteR e 171 Chestnut street; Philadelphitri- A ugust 19. s—Gin .I.s . a Dyspepsia Curer.—Dr. Houghton's preparation of Pepsin has produced the most marvellous effects, curing cases of De,- , bility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption, supposed to be on 'the very verge•Of the grave. this impossi ble to give the details of cases in• the limits of this advertisement—but authenticated certificates have been given of more than 210 Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, New York, end Boston alone. These were nearly all desperate cases, sind 'the oures were not only rapid and wonderful, but per manent. It is a great Nervous Antidote, and limn the astonishingly small quantity necessary I to produce healthy digestion, is believed to act upon Electro-ilkowelie Principles!—There is no form of Old ' Stomach Complaints which it does not seem to reach and remoVe at once. No matter how bad [they may be, it gives instant relief! A single dose removes all the unpleasant symptoms, and it only needs to be repeated, for a short time, to make these good effects permanent, purity of blood and vigor of body, follow at once. It is particu larly excelhmt in cases of Nausea, Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress after eating, low, cold, state of the Blood, Heaviness, Lowness of Spirits, Des pondency, Emaciation, Weakness, tenden cy to Insanity, Suicide.&c. Price one dollar per bottle. One bottle will often eirer!t a lasting cure. • PEPSIN IN POWDERS, Sent by Mail, Free of Postage. For con , venience of sending to all parts of the coun try, the Digestive matter of the pepsin, is put up in the form of Powders, with direc tions to be dissolved in diluted alcohol, wa• ter, or syrup; by the patient. These pow ders contain just the same natter as the bottles, but twice the quantity for the same price, and will be sent by Mail, free of Post age. for one 'dollar sent (postpaid) to Dr. J. S. Houghton, No. 11 North Eight street. Phillide)pbui," Pa. • Six packages for five dollars. Every package and bottle bears the . written sipa t , tore of J. 13,'Houghton,M. D., .Sole . ro.; prietor. • • - rrAients wanted In every town' in - tlio Unitd Osten. Very liber'al dlsekhirita 'gi• yen the; trade:, ; Dreiggihiy Parnaiiersi and Booksellers are`desired tOncLas `Augusts Brandreth's FOR THF. CURE OP • • - Consumption, Coughs; Colds, 4-c.; To. tins nuaLici THOSE - who are suffering from remitting or Intermitting Bilious Coro.plaintS, Shoal ( ) read the folloying,.4ind be guided thereby.; Cause of Pain.—Pain is thetonsequende of exertion of the organ OrTart Where k is present -to throw off morbid or corrupt lity: mors, for no pinyon:exist butfrom the pro; 1-sence of those Matters which are of•tinAtri;: healthy character. When we have pairi in the head, in the bowels, or in any other part of the 'body, it yrrly proves the presence of matters which the blood is , tryirigio move, and it is thisstruggle which is theiti6 , union of pain. To be bled, only removes the anguish in proportion trs the amount of life is reduced, and the same may be said of li ig or FOOL g remet tea. ot• so with Brandreth's.Pills ; they at once OW the assistance of the blood in aiding it tic discharge bad humors, to conquer the Death . Principle. To relieve, pain An. this . waV does not leave any bad. effects, • The Lite' Principle is not reduced, nor are the-teeth' destroyed ; bat all the organs tette tiatmiett and their 'health insured. • OrThe above Pills are for sale by the dozen or single box at the RegiSter Office In Allentown. • Januar • [O. 1— DOCTOR TOU'lttabirk This time has now arriTed, that persons SU frering- from secret - disease, need. no more become the victim. of Quackery, as by the prescriptions contained in tbis.book any-one may cure himself, without hindrance to bu siness, nr the knowledge of the most intimate• friend, and with one tenth the usual ex pense. In addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, with observations on marringebesides many other derange ' ments which it would not be proper to enu merate in the public prints. 1 7 : - Any person sending Twenty-Tice cents enclosed in a letter, will recievo one copy tit' this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address "Dr.. lmng, No. 132 Spruce street, Ppa delphia." Post-paid. mina can be consulted on anv of the Diseases described in his different publications, at his Offices, 152 Spruce st., every day between 0 and 3 o clock, (Sun days excepted.) July 5. Bank Note Eirit. (Corrected Weekly from Thompson Bk of N Amoraca par Bic of Pennsylv. par Bank of Commerce late Moyamensing par lilt of N Liberties par Bic of Penn Towns. par Farmers & Mechan.par Kensington par nanuf. & Meehan par Mechanics par Girard , par , Philadelphia par Schuylkill par Southwark par Western par s Commercial Bank of Pennsylv. par Ilk of the li States 12 COL , NTII Y BANWAI 13k of Chambersburg I Ilk of Gettysburg 1 13k of Pittsburg 13k of Susq. County 85 Bk of Chester Co. par Bk of Germantown par Bic of Danville par Bic of Delaware Co. par Bk of Middletown 1 Bk ofMontg. Co. par Ilk of Northumberi oar Columbia Bank & Bridge Comp. par Carlisle Bank Doylestown Bank par Easton Bank par Exchange Bank j Eric sank 2 Partners & Drovers 11 , .nk Franklin Bank 1 Farmers Dank of Bucks County par. Farmers Bank of ' Lancaster par Farmers Bank of Reading par Farmers' Bank of - Schuylkill co. par Harrisbut , * b Bank 1 Honesdale Bank 1 Lancaster Bank part Lancaster Co. Dank pall Lebanon Bank Lehigh Co. Bank 50' Lehigh Navigation NEW YORK- New York City bks• 4 Chelsea bank Eh Clinton bank 519 Commercial bank , • 1 1 1. Lafayette bank t Washington bank 74 Couswnr .1.1•11 XS. A Ileghany county ,bank 70 Bank of America :01 do of Commerce 441 do, of Brockport Xi, clo of Lodi 25% do of Olcan 3t: Z do of Tonawanda 50 • do of Lyons ' 2, 1 do of Western , • New York .`'3o ginghemploo tank 40' Canal b'.lnk 5) Oattaraugue COUPtk bank 35 .,, Erie eotinty, bank EP , ... , • , r strati; Ix , arrvyeris* . bank ti ' Fanners bask of Ser ti neca nativity' tranitlturt'_)ll4. 3'0 1! rolGiViS epOtilY bank 64. i . 1 Mechanzps bank at 4,s .Buffhlo. . • 4ti: !Merchants bank it ir t Buffalo , •:. - 40 Ntillets•bank 'of New • ~ york , • , 10, Oswego b:uk 04 Pheirts - 54,14 . 1 Dtafoisliiud'henk " Fkite Asiktiers V. 1 isiaAvom4e:louile 11 7 nicsA#MiA l'i . ';. 1 - :' United El nktt•-• ~ p Y.ork ao : . 1 ~..' • re . nib I B r itkli 44E - I V: I,rititilintßliikr ''',l* . OV'Aiiiiitil' ttir,t, meti9 . tAi9p. u4i, ' C 4 .APtik,) .46:11V. ..,..:',l4' v ,'• inkilti . '.. 'Bit 'tfa . AV • ' 3 " . tbc•iN.*ii,a , ' ... Co. Script. 10 Miners Bank of Pottsville par Merchants & Manaf. Bank, Pittsburg. i Monongahela Bank, Brownsville, TaylorsvilleDes. I , . Midge Company, 25 West Dtaisah Bank, 1 Wyoming Dank, I York Bulk, NEW . .11 5 1SEY. Helyidere Dank . ~ I 'Burlington Povity _• par s COmmarciai Nook • Comborlancittok par Famiera.Dink , par Fansibrs &Meektla- . tei Bafili;Tra(wii• ParrnFra diAltlferehantr, MorrhiCtikimylmox / m3tes'iln all (—) are not purchased .5 Cents. Dy means of the locket :sou lapius, or, every one is own Physician ! 24th' lition, with upwarda of hundred engravings: lowing private diseaSes . every shapeandfortn;• id Malformations of qui . , nerative system. WM. Yom n. ¶-1y Rick nelt's,Van Court's and' 's Detector.) , Mechanics Lank of j Ne‘atatir Mechanics lannk at Burlington Fite Mechanics & Man- - ufacturers bank par' Newark banking & I Ins. Company • New Hope & Dela ware Br. Comp. failed Orange bank. 6 Peoples bank Plainfield bank Princeton bank par Salem baitking'Co. far State bank at Eliza • bethiown, Newark, Camden,N.Sruns wick, , par Sussex bank Union bank Trenton rdir b ile b a t nk. r c i ; , ya company ny rortiw4i The Banks of tl of Delaware at' par.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers