MeiJetta to News, Literature, poetrn, Science, itiecl)a :VqT,IT-Itr:F_l'V, • -. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, *7s publiskedin the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh . ""Cesitty, Pa.,every Thursday . 1 141GiUSTIIS L. MIKE, • At pa* per annum, payable in advance, and ihtif mot OW 'until the end of the yettv. No 'priperdiseorrtinetea,*entil all aerearages arepaia ; 7 itcept At the optinn of the proprietor. ADVERTISEMENTS, tusking not more than one 'square, will be inserted three times for one dollar and for every subsequent insertion t menty•five cents. Larger advertisements chargd in the, gryArle,yroportion. Those not exceeding ten liars will be charged seventy-live cent s , and. those making six lines or less, three insertions ro'r cents. ErA liberal deduction will be made to those wbo advertise by the year. UrOffice in Hamilton St., one door filart of the German ReforMed Church, nearly 447p00e the!gliedensbothe Oilice.". Look out for Bargains ! "Selling Off! -AT REM CVAD 'IOVICES 1 . 1. Messrs. Kern 4 Kline, proprieterslerrhe New York Store, take this method to inform ;heir frientis :and customers, that they will Viler the ISCh of March next, adopt the C.iSII "'STEM: They have already reduced the price of their stock of Goods, which •b the means they propose to sell Out, in order 'to 1a37 in an entire new CASH STOCK by the abort specified time. Persons will find it toth-c4r advantarze to 'call at the New York Store to make got d bargains. Now is your time ! mans, cissimEnts, Satinetts, Vrstings, Coatings, all of which are reduced rs. least 20 per cent., frocti their former prices. SILKS, SILIIPLS, Bombazines, besides all other fine articles ref Dress Goods are offered .4',0 per cent. from former pri , ces. LV'To Conatry Merchants great induce ments aro 'held out, as we offer a stock of the best .seletted G'eorls ever brought to Al lentown; giROCEDIUS AND QUEENSWARE, They have on hand a large supply of fresh Gmeeries', Fish: Salt, and Queens .!:vare, all of cvlah they dispose of very cheep. ►.V'They would also suite; !Het under no circumstances will goods be 4 g,iveli on ac count of wood, before the same is delivered . at their yard, . With many t hanks lb fin-ir former friends and patrons, they hope by introducing the Cush System. to be able to sell cheaper and not only to retain their present customers.but ba the means of bringing to the New York _Store many new ones. KERN & KLINE. Feb. 21 11111'nZ111.11111 The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. lOU Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, CAPITAL 800,000. • Continue to make LcyuranveN on Lives on the most favorable terms. • 'The capital being .pajd up and invested, ivether with the accumulated premium fund •.frords d turfed security to the insured, may be paid - -arty, half ..,ay be pk, 13 -ter - invents. '"y«nralliy,nr quh. . a at statedlife. pe- Thetompany ‘ The first "Ho& to the insurance i r .7 18 , 14, bonus *as appropriated in Dej,"m b er , amounting to 10 per , oerrt. on the ~.."rn In* Med 'leder the olden itrokisios, to 81 p.7.r cent, fl per cent, &c,, on °fliers iti propor •tion tothe time of standing making an add i -49'n of $lOO, $87,50, $75,'t;., every *l9OO originally iriAtired, which is an aver age of mere than 50 per cent on the premi ums paid, and without intreasing the dirlitial payment to the company. ' MEI Bonus % or Su m lusured No. of Tolley Addition No. 5 .0 88 0. 208 .. 275 . 1 33G $ 100 - 250 -- 400 - '124 - 437 50 $ 1000 3500 4000 2000 5000 Pamphl44 containing tab Yes of rates; and exphmations of Abiotagect;..)orins of appii ration ; and further information can .be had pt the office in Philadelphia, or ,on applica. non to A. L. Rims. Agent in Allentown. W. RICHAIIIId, P resident. .birth F. Lome. actuaryi December IS. • Joli..PiteiverwrG, Neittly oxccuted at tho "Pc.:;;stir" (Mice -••- - • • . • ' .• • .• • .• • „t.;* ♦ - )• - • •. • , - ', 04' , 1.4-,--"•••• ,s- - • - 11' /.1... 1 ‘N. 1:74 1 / 411 4,4- • ' , ; - ' - '11 . 1% . • • • •= • JAK-i'k•-' • . • • •-• • .1 44d e ,1•••-•.,- . 4 1 • • . • . _ ••••••.... .." . rtk• .5! • I. _ . • _ _ • POLLT •• A FMILY . NEWSPAPER, • • . . _ _ 10EMAKERS.—Just received a new a.ssatment of Morocco and . Binding Leather, IS l .sts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubers, and numerous other artic les to the shoemaking business 0 & jSAEGER. PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. U) yearly, IV HITE LEAD.-2 tons of White Lead just received, Pure and Exira. and for sale by O & J SAEGER. HOLLOWAIIE.-500 Iron Pots and 1::;ttles, just received and for sale at very r •d uce j the store of 0 & J SA EGER. December 2 2 . • 11—/ Y To IliZilderi• A splendid assortment or front told Parlor tacks with mineral knobs, ge r ;nan Locks, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint I . 3:ush es, and -a variety of other •buildlng Hari ware judt unpacking, and for .sale cheaper than ever ley 0 & J SAEGER. DeCember 12. 11—ly Amount of •fiktiley and bonus payahlTt the party's decease.. S 1100 2750 4400 2175 5437 Itekcri, Nalmfablurer bf Warm Air Furnaces Preminitt Cooking Ranges.' ,The subscriber.. has lately estahlish.'d himself in:the . aboe business , and-is pre pared to fill orders to any distance in the country'. . . ...}le can warrant his a rticlea to be of the late!si and most approved styles, With a sav inft.of at least 25 per cent. in the NO. • Recollect the: place v islo. 12, SOuth Bth etrePl,.Phiiadolphia, 7 41116;11 . V'; w,— •%:.--$!-- I Y To ilestse-Ke e lpersi A groat assortmentoase form:shins: cirticles, vuen n ENAMELED and tinned insideotodking vessels, sauce and stew imirsi -o.c.,terse :ket tles, fish and ham kettles, frying pins, grid irons, waffle irons, &c. TEA TRAYS and Waiters, frditi com mon to fine, in s e ts ana dozens. Also, goth ic foft!n, Tp. sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and doz ens ; also knives only; carvers. steels, cook and butcher knives, tvith a variety of other manufactures. • . POCKET and PEN KNIVES—Razors, scissors, sheiiri, 'from the best makers; one, two, three•. and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes, pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS. Iron and brass polished steel fire sets tnd standards, coal hods, warns' irons smoothing irons &c., and for sale by O . & J SAEGER. IRON.—A tot of i - lavamered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear S , t.t=el. ware, fiat, and round, just received with Anvils aid Vices % 7. , r0 dor sale cheap at the store of O.S. 7 SAEGER, GLASS.-1.50 Boxt.S_Olat.s,S by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 11, 10 Ey f 5; P.: by 16, and various other seizes, for sale by 'l'o MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de scription, such op Bench ah'd Aloulding Planes, Eland, Parinel, and Eittit Laws, Brace and BittS,.. Auger •Buts, Hatchets, Stqatres, Sac...,.for.§alt by • 0 & J SAEGER TO SF] NA 1L5.—.300 Kegs of the 'best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received cod for sale by ' & J SAEGER. OILS & VARNISH.—OiIs ofall kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark \Tar nish of all hinds, Glyn be sold cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. AND ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA., MA RELLO. 18rd - - ---4 - - I LOOK VErtS ! A Certain and Effectual Curd. The stibscribyr,'Druggist in the Borongt of Bethlehem, Northampton county, adopts this method to inform sufferers of a• Rhetj- Matic complaint, be it Inflamatory, Chronk or Acute, that he prep.res an article elf me - eine, that will effect a certain cure of this wide spred and painful disease. It is pt up in Quart bottels, each bottle accompaa ed by a box of Ointment. The liquid to bi taken internally, and the ointment external. , by. The genuine article can be had onlf by the undersigned, a practical Druggist and Chemist, and originator of the medicine: Price two dollars per bottle, or Aix- bottles for ten dollars—which will be sent tcrinva* in any part of the county, free of charge. Orders must be accompanied with Ott Cash, or they will receive no attention. This medicine needs nopufling,it speak for itself, while pe'r'fectly harrriless in its ape-, , rction it eradicates' the system from the effects produced by unskilliul 'treatelest. has already produced some asioniehing, cures, and of cases where the patient •has been confined to the house 'tor )•enis, and those that got abroad only with the use of Crutches, wore set at liberty by the use of from one to six Bottels. Certificates of tares can te.shown from the most respect able citizens rirNone is germine without his written signature in 'blue ink. HENRY GANGWER, Proprietor, Bethlehem, Penn December 12. 11-1 v _ _ THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1633 CHESNUT STREET near Fifth street. Chat les N. Bancker, Geo. W. Richarus Thomas Hart, ',Werra. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Bone, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, CONTINUB to make InSuranco, permanent and limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consis tant with security. The Compary I:aye reserved a large Contin gent 'Fund, which with their Capital and Premi• rims, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January IF4, 1848, as published agreeably to an Act of A: sembly, were anfollow-s, vizi • Mortgages, $890,558 65 Real Estate, 728,358 90 Tetnpofary Loans, V. 05,459 00 Stocks, '15,563 IS Cash, iStc., 46,581 87 O & J SAEGER $1,20,097 67 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they hate paid Apwards of one millitn two hundred thdunand dollars, losses by lire, there by altmding evidence of the advantages of insu ranee, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with prompters, all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCIMII, Presi den CHARLES G. BANCKER, Seey. The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every descrip Lion of property, at the lowest rates. ApGUSTIIS 1.. RUNE, Allentown C. P. )`LUCK, Bethlehem Allentown, June 13,1848 To Brewers and Distillers ! Eastern and Western flops Growth 1850- - -.'48 and '47 on ham' and for sale by th.e bale and smaller quantity by BROCK & ALLNIAN, Flour Dealers, corner of Fourth and Vine Streets, Philadelphia December It 11—wl Notice is heretiy given, that the under signed have taken out letters of Administra tion, of the estate of Joel Kratees, deceased,. late of the Borough of Allentown, county of Lehigh. Therefore, all persons who are yet indebted to the , ' estate of said deceased, be it in Notes, Bonds. Book debts, or other wise will please make settlement within 3 months from the date hereof. Also those, who have legal claims against said estate, will present them well authenticated with in the Om specified time. t7' All persons who are indebted in the books of the rant of Brobst and Kra/yrs, will likewise make settlement within the above specified time, at the FOUndry near Allentown. Jentiary, Io,'' I,'--3m Brandreth andlV rights Pills. . Country merchants and others, are here-. by notified, that the far farati4a Pah, of Doctors Wiffitiffi .0%:. Wright, ansfinjtimin Brandretb, are Constantly IrsTt. for sale at the office of the • , Lehigh Register" by the dozen boxes, at, w ho!esale prices. July 3. ' - • 11--nra INDEMNITY Directors livpi! Hops! Hops! ~s~l'U~i~~~~ Earui.Ttiz KRAUSS, Allentown. ANTIioNY U. Milford. • sidminitiimlors the EBlate. ...• ....I , FAS MONA BLE . Tithe °Voting? I . ri .., Jewelrl, nstdblislinieni ! Surveyor and Scrivener. it Cbenp, I and Good Watclres, The undersigned begs leave to announce . w '"•k Jeelry& Silver-mre, whole- to his large .circle of friends and the public Atrksale and retail, at No. 96 North in general, that he still continues the Sur _..._. ..--,.. Second streeft,.corner -of fluor- veying and Seriverringtusiness, in its vori- A*: ',:':'.Cr"' ry,Philadrlplrie.. ruts branches, at his office, near Coopers- Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled. 18 caret j l'urg, in Upper S.a . acon township, Lehigh cases, $3O and over. county. Silver Lever Watches, full T`le lins lately - purchased nt a very great jewelled, $.16 an d over. expence, a number of die newest and most im- Silver Lepine Watebes, jetv- proved Mathematical lasi raments. which gilled, $ll an d over. will enable filth, with a practice of 20 years Silver Quartier Watches, $5,00 to 10 standing, to give general satisfaction. Gold Pencils, 51,50 to 7 His experience us a Scrivener is undettht- Fine Gold Rings, - - 371 cts. to SO ed, as he has also followed the business for Other articles in proportion. All Goods i many tears. Terms moderate. Lir He will always be ready to serve his warranted to be what they are sold for. friends, at any reasonable distance from fr iends , Constantly on hand, a full ossortmerit of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVEhome, when culled upon, R ANDRE W K. W ITTMA N. WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J. To- O ct , 31, 1 1:—:3m bias & Co.. E. Simpson, Saninel & Broth. cars. E. S. Yates & Co., John Harrison, G. 13 eit Cie .2" I' Loll.vie,i3 4- R. , Beesley, and other superior Palma! —A ND Lever Illfcranneals, which will be cased in PENSION AGENCY ,. may atyle 'desired. Arrangements have been made with all - At Washington, D. C. the above celebrated makers, the best man- I The undersigned Attorney and General ufactu'rers of Liverpool, to furnish at short Agent at the City of Washington, offers his notice any required style of Watch, for services in ' , mewing 13ounty Lane's and which orders will be taken and the name f Pensions for those entitled.-13,•ing perma and residence of the person ordering mt on I newly located at the seat of Government. if requested. i with a thorough and fondant- acquaintance 0. CONRAD, No. 96 North 2ntl. St. I with the necessary forms and routine of bus- Importer of Watches. I iness, and having access to registers and Philadelphia, Nov. 29. T__l s . Ras filed in the V. S. war office. he pos sesses facilities for the speedy and satislac tory adjustment of Government claims of every kind: By a late Act of Congress, Bounty Land 'is ffratted to the officers and Soldiers of the war of 1812, and of the various Indian wars since 1790. 'Po those who served nine months 4(30 Acres, to those who served four months 80 Acres, and to thoSe who served one month 40 Acres. Arrangements have been made with gen deMen of the Legal professions in different sections of the country, for the leereion of warrants and the sale of the patents., when issued, on the most advantageous terns: far the payment of loxes, redemt,tion of Lands, sold for taxes: coil' ction of debts : and for the transaction of general Law bus iness, in the different States, and Territories. He tenders his services,,to members of the profession at a distance, and when, claims against the Government, are' prepared by a local Agent, will abate one half his usual fee. The necessary forms and instructions, and information on all subjects appertaining, to n successful prosecution of this business, will be furnished to regular corickpondents without charge. Information cheerfully riven, and all communications promptly replied to, it ad dressed, pox/-pair! to CHARLES TUCKER, (Box No. 167,,Washington, D. C. F,'. 0.) Dec. 31. ¶-6m DIAVIPAZ o .'l • firseryinan 49 Florist, Rising Sun Village, Germantown Road near PHILADELPHIA IX A S for sale It `his Garden and nn extensive assort , - ment of Fruit Frees, consisting of Pear, Plum, Cherry, and Apricot, as well as 'Ornamental and Shade Trees of every variety, and Evergreens, viz., Balm of Gilead, Silver Fir, Red and Black Sprace, Norway Spruce, White Pines, A r- Itertitne, Tree Box, &c.; also Shrubbery, Roses of many kinds, Gape Vines, Hardy Plants, Raspberries. Currants, Ossage Or tinge. Herb Roots, Vegetable Plants, Garden and Flower Seeds—Wholesale and Retail —prices moderate, His stands for the sale of the above in the City, are in the Market street Market below .Sixth Street,wllere orders are also received. rer'efwounication's may be addressed by rralh to the direction of S. MAUPAY ? Ris ink* Sun.• P. 0. Philadelphia county. February 20. 11—`1n-12 I/ 331/11 "Dentist. Will be in Allentown on the 24th rNJ of February next: Person:3 desir ing his services had better place their names on his list iptmeqh"ll:,•• Rooms at Craig's Hotel February 13, lII)PL.aIIUz . Notice is hereby given, that the under signed have taken out letters of Administra tion, of the Estate of lfillinm Harlacker, deceased, late of tJpW B'. 4 :ticon, Lehigh county. Therefore all persons who are yet indelted to the estate of said deceased, he it in Noes, Bonds, or othertlitse will please make settlement within 6 weeks from The date hereof. Also those, who have legal claim.% against said estate, will present them well authenticated within the above speci fied time. • OM JOSHUA ElpnLAcnnn, - townkb HART.AcnEtt, . 1 . 11 / 17 / 181 1 . 8 CHARLES KECK, January 23, UOultal Q Notice is hereby given, that the under signed has taken out letters of Administra tion, of the Estate of Sohmzon 11 eseo, late of Lower Macungy, Lehigh county. There fore all pthons Who ATe yet indebted to the estate of said deceased, be it in Notes, Bonds or otherwise will please make settlement within 6 weeks from the date hereof. Also those, who' have legal claims agains said estate, will present them well autheticated within the above specified time. CRARLEs ErnatAti; Athoinistrator. February 13, 11-6 w a) ukcommeliv, ATTORNEY Al LAW. Office one door east of Kolbs Hotel, Al lentown, Lehigh county, Pa. Allentown, March 28. l aci Traiil7l2lll.9 ATTORNVi AT LAW. • ;„ bon 11 . thi's cipeited his 'office, in the, ding with Juge Rube, in.west il.arnilton street opposite the "Nett/ York Store" Ile can be consulted in either the german or english language. Allentown. Jan. 9, 1851 . nformation, Orneral 3ntelligence, 'amtiument, illarticts, &r. .ILLE V 3 TO IfiVir Livery Establishment, F'EIE subscribefi Vdce this method to in form their customers and the public in general, that they have lately purchased of George Beissel, his extensive Livery establishment, consisting in part of 0. ----. 0 n w Itorsci, tarriages, and continuing the business at thO old stand on William street, in the Borough of Allentown. They will always be prepared Co . furnish their customers at 1A...! shortest possible no tice viith sitiv . t'incl gentle 4 - torses and splen did fashionable vehicles. Pleasure parties or societies, will be furn ished with gentle horses, good carriages -and careful drivers, if req . nested. Families . can iiiited at all times with vehicles to their particular tastes. 11-9 Their charges are reasonable, and in or der to continue the high credit it has here tofore gained of being the "best livery estab lishment in Allentown," they will leave nothing.undone to keep on hand the best and safest horses, the neatest and most splendid I"..c.rtiages, and sober and careful drivers. They return their sincere thanks (01. the liberal Patronage thus far bestowed, .and trust that they will be able further to Merit a continuance of their support. . November 21 riOttaC r gaci . MACKEREL' . "I'Constantly kept SHAD., CODFISH,on hand and I SALMON, ~ • for aalo I lERA.ING'S, L by PORK, • ri:Paudeftikeo. HAMS AND SIDES, Market St.Vhert SHOULDERS; • •:• in " LARD AND CHEESE PandtVetinum Pebruary 28. DM ANI? PERNAN • .1011 PRINTING.- Of every'desciption neatly executed at the '.'Vegistcr" office. J. & T. HOFFM AN. 1743 m TICS. A Story of Love and TVeanery.::',.,; •Vhe following circumstances whfeh ltatie ) 'tome to our Idnowkdge in the ntost•reliabl manner, some of which indeed, fell unde6 our own observation, illustrate the truth thar, the way of the transgression is hard, and -that our Heavenly Father watches over and protects the weak and friendless : About the first Of September last, a young man in this city, formed an itcluaintaiice with an amiable, confiding, and affectionate girl, about twenty-one years of age, and by a series of attentions commenced at that time, won completely her heart. She was dependent upon her own labor for support, and as her health was far from robust, the prospect of gaining a home, noel her love for her wooer, induced her to consent to marry him at some convenient season. He was a clerk in an establishment in the city, ant( represented to her that he possessed a snug farm in a neiehboritag State, and-that • he had sisters residing a•fett, miles from the city. He was desirous that their marriage should be consummated lit Thanksgiving-, or at New Year's, but she postponed that anticipated event until Spring. He subse quent!y gained her consent to accompany him on a sleighine excursion to his Sister's house, who resided, as he said, about four teen miles from Boston. and with whom they were to rennin two flays. The fond girl was mak MU prepa Mt ions for the New YeaCii ride, anticipating much pleasure from it; h e t. a b-w day s previous to the beginning of the year, her suitor was to ken ill, his disease assumed it &Mgt -rolls tyee-L-indeed he was attacked by a Complication of dan gerous diseases which soon fit•oesda hittefaco to lace aid) the king of terrors. The' girl flew to his bed-side to minister to his earns; but, strange to say, her presence seemed. oblioy.ions to hi,n When she ettempted to wipe the moisture from his brow, ti7hich was aualitig the ashen hue which telle of coming dissolution, he repulsed her with !strange words which almost broke her heart; and which were received by the kind famb, Iv with Whom he was, as tokens of mental et-rangement. His physicians averred that: something preyed upon his mind, producing an agitation which Was hastening his end. . The lady of .the house, on coining into . the room in the afternoen, to make arrange-. merits for having lino removed to another apartment, surprised bin] in the act'of read-, ing a letter, which he immediately thrust out of sight. While busying herself about, the apartment she saw him attempting - to throw the letter into the grate, but he was ten weak to accomplish his purpose, and upon observing her, he thrust it into his bo som. tier suspicions that all was not right being aroused, she resolved that he should have no opportu filly' to burn the letter unob served. He seemed to be overwhelmed by mental agony. Once after this, ho called, the d evoted girl, his betrothed, to his bed side, as if to meke some revelation, but waved her back immediately, and in . a few, minutes was dead. The letter in his bosom was drawn forth, and proved to have been written by a loving wife, who in it reproached( him gently for his long silence, expressed her fears that he was sick—imploring him if such was the fact, to send her word, and she would fly to hi m on the wings °Clove_ and tend him with her own hands. It ap peared that his true name was not the ono. which he had assumed in Boston, that ht had no sisters near the city, that he owned no farm or other property, and the inference. froni nll the circumstances was plain urid in-. evitable, that he had deliberately planned the rain of the young girl, whose heart he hind won, and had deserted a fond wife, Who. was earning her own support in a neighbor ing State. Well might he be overwhelmed with mental anguish under such circumstances. Although safe from the reproaches- of any mortoi tongue, for no one in this city knew his treachery, unless perhaps, it was the driver who was to carry him on his antici- - pated sleighride-.-he was ,in the hands.of God and his own conscience. Reader, can you imagine the feelings of that, wretched man, with that devoted gill hovering around his bed-side, yearning to perform, any kind of of fi ce for his comfort, to clasp his pain. racked (Min in her fond embrace, and pour the balm of affection upon his heart—with that letter from his absent wife, containing, the evidence of her undying • him who•had sworn at the altar to love,and cherish her, secreted in 'his bosom. How that letter must have burned upon his faise. heart. How every affectionate word" In j it must have cut him like a poignarill" every glance of love from hei,srho had flown to his bed-Side, muse - hav s corched his brain ! .Could the Arch' Fiend:hayoin vented a torture so keen, so exquisitelts that he had endured during the last day,s, r afbis sickness—when he exclaimed in .agonfy l f •jr-I live, all may yet lie right; but; My. (led I if I die, all, all will be virongl" The young girl ,was so overwhelmed' by, the Shock which a perusal,of the'fattil lettrt caused, that she was thrOwn into a brain fever. And little hqpes are entertained of her recovery, and.we i may soon be calledim to.giveAhe intelligence of her tfinith, as.tbe finale of thin sail tragedy.- 7 - • rimkeq BWel MI NU - 11 - B-E-R-22.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers