- . . • __------ _ - ---- • . _ - ------=.- -.I r•-• - _------___ t _:_=. _ la t tt t. • Inoly ,---,,,,,,5_.%-_-,------: , ,, z ,..*-u \ • Ift -- --;,__ - _,- r. --- , - -„, it +ll_i .a .„--',-ii-:: z.,......i....z...., f r , .% .„,, . .* y .„, ~ iii . ~,.. ...„..,,, , , _sv . , A . , .o , c...d0w . , ~ 1 ,.! _______ _—_ --- - --ice- - --,-- ,- !!" . ...--'. r..„,..-- , : — •.- w r Q - - . _ NEUTRAL IN POIrICS, ___. Mcnotcb to "News, titcrature, Wan), Zcieltcc, Inecliunics, 'agriculture, the iltliffitsion of Useful 11forlltati0lt, General 3ntelligence, 1 ltaelllcitt, Olaritets, tkc, VOLUME V. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, is published in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh - Comity; Prt.,every Thursday A.utarsTus L. RUNIC, At $l. 50 per annum, payable in. advance, and $2 00 if not paid until the end of the year. No paper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid except at the option of the.proprirtor. malting not more than one sguaxe, will'be inserted three times for one dolla and-for-every subsequent insettion hventylive cents. Larger advertisements charg,d in the, same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines will be charged seventy-five cents, and those "nriliktirg—Sirlines-ilr-leSs7three-rnsertiotrs—for 50 cents. 10" A liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. [Office in Hamilton St., one door East of the German. Reformed Church, nearly opposite the , §Friedensbothe Office." Public Sale. Fill be sold at Publid Sale on Saturday The 22d day of February Mt., at-the-res— idence of the subscriber, in Catasauqua, Lehigh County, the following articles : TWO - Horses -- 2 - Rockaways,A -Sleigh, 1 :sett of Harness, Saddle and Briddle, Wheel barrow. _Desks, Chairs, .Benches, Boxes,' Barrels, 1 Big Rolie, Stove and Pipe, and a variety of articles td tedious to mention. Sale to eminence at 12 o'clock noon, when condition of said will be made knoWn and attendance given by REUBEN M. LICIITENWALNER. February 6, 1851. 11-3 w juven Ile SINGI'N'G CLASS. A Juvenile Singing Class is now forming, at J. 11 1 . Richard's School House, coin. wencing on Thursday afternoon at 3 before 5 o'clock: Parents wishing their children taught in the ruditnents of Music should place their names on the list. Terms 50 cents per quarter JO[IN S. P. FAUST Feb. 13 The 22d of February. Great Festival. A great Festival will ake place on Sat urday the 22nd of February next, (Wash ington's birth day,) at the newly erected "Centre [-louse," in South Whitehall town ship Lehigh county. This being a day, upon which all true and faithful followers of our illustrious Washington, should show to the world their love for their country, in its comment moration. ArrangementS' have been made to procure Cannon, Music and suitable Toasts. An oration will be delivered by James S. Regse, Esq., of Allentown, whose known abilities alone will draw crouds upon the occasion. The evening will be appropriated to those •who find amusement in tripping on the light fantastic toe. For a "Good repast" all Preperations have been made, and no one will come away -"dissatisfied." I Capt. Yarger's Company of "Fenci bles," arc invited to be present on the oc casion. AARON GUTU. February 13, acouligirjac, Notice is hereby given, that the under iigned has taken out letters of Administra iion,•of the Estate.of Solomon INs co, late 'of Lower Macungy, Lehigh county. There- , fore all persons who are yet indebted to the estate of said deceased, be it in Notes, Bonds .or otherwise will please make settlement within 6 weeks from the date hereof. Also those, who have legal claims agains said estate, will present them well autheticated svithin the above specified time. ,CIIARLES EDELMAN, Administrator. February 13, 111-6 w • Notice 1. , 3 hereby given, that the under :signed have tz.llien out letters of Administra tion, of the estao of Joel Krauss, deceased, late of the Borough of Allentown, county of Lehigh. Therefore, all persons who are .yet indebted to the estate of said deceased, be it in Notes, Bonds, Book dskts, or other wise will please make settioMnt within 3 months from the date hereof. Also those, who have legal claims against said estate, will present them Well authenticated with in the above specified time. EMELINE KRAVIS, Allentown, ANTHONY KRA11138; U. Milford. dtiministrators of the Estate. Ik f hlf persons who are indebted in the books of vim firm of Brobst and Erwin, will likewise' Make settlement within the above specified time, at the Foundry neat_ Allentown. "ialitiary, 10, . A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. FASIIIONABI4I Jewelry Establishment ! i k . Cheap and Good Watches, . n Jewelry& Silver-ware', Whole -1....17 ..., snit, and retail, at No. 91; North • .. ..•-• -... i . Socond street, corner of Quar t: '6§Cirk: - ry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full,Jewelled, IS caret cases, ti:3o and over. Watches, full HSilver Lever jewelled, Silver Lepine WittcheS, jew elled, $ll and over I Silver Ouartier Watches, $5,00 to 10 Gritil Pencils, $1,50 to 7 Fine Gold Rings, 074- e cts. to 80 Other articles in proportion. An Goods warranted to be what they are sold for. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J. To bias & Co., E. Simpson, Samuel & Broth ers, E. S. Yates & Co., John Harrison, G. 4. R. Beesley, and other superior Patent Lever Movements, which will be cased in any style desired. —A-rrangements-have-been-made-with-all the above celebrated makers, the best man ufacturers of Liverpool, to furnish at short notice_any required style of Watch, for which orders will'be taken and the name and residence of the person ordering put on if requested. 0. CONRAD, No. 96 North 2nd. St. • Importer of Watches. Philadelphia, Nov. 29. . @la To Dentist.. NVill be in Allentown on the 24th of February next Persons desir ing his services had better place their names on his list immediately. Rooms at Cynig's Hotel February I'3, Livery Establishment, THE subscribers take this method to in form their customers and the public in general, that they have lately purchased of Mr. George Beissel, his extensive Livery establishment, .consisting in part of ¶-Uw .• Horses, Carriages, &c. I t; Ai m and continuing the business at the old stand on William street, in the Borough of Allentown. • They will always be prepared to furnish their customers at the shortest possible no tice with sure and gentle horses and splen did fashionable vehicles. Pleasure parties or societies, will be-furn ished With gentle horses, good carriages and careful drivers, if requested, Families can be suited at all times with vehicles to their particular tastes. Their charges are reasonable, and in or der to continue the high credit it has here tofore gained of being the ~ best livery estab lishment in Allentown," they will leave nothing undone to keep on hand the best and safest horses, the neatest and most splendid carriages, and sober and careful drivers. They return their sincere thanks for the b s , ral patronage thus far bestowed, and rust that they will be able further to merit continuance of their support.. J. &'T. HOFFMAN. Novembur 21. The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and rust Company of Phjladelptiirt, Office No. iJ Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, -2w Continue to make Insurances on Lives o the most favorable terms. The capital being paid up and invested, together with the accumulated premium fund affords a perfect. security to the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a BONUS at stated pe riods to the insurance. for life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under'the oldest policies, to 8 per ccnt, 71 per cent, &c., on others in propor tion to the time of standing malting an addi tion of $lOO, $87,50, $75, &c., on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver age of more than 50 per cent on tho premi ups paid; and without increasing the annual )tt merit to the company. Ns). of gum Policy. iusutal . nata l3 . ° .. ntts !Amount of policy and or bonus payable at the tion. party's decease. ---_—..,-- No: 0- $lOOO ' $ 100 $ 1100 " 08 3500 t5O 2750 I , 208 4000 400 4400 ig 275 2000 124 2175 Li 390 5000 497 60 6437 Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and egplattationn of the subject ; forms of appli cation ; and further information can be had at the office in Philadelphia, or on applica tion to A. L. RUIIE, Agent in Alleutorrn. 13. W. litcmcans, Presidon P. Jhmcs, Decvlacr 13. $l6 and over .I.LLEXTO aan CAPITAL 300,000. ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA., FEBRUARY 20, 1851. Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, STATEMENT'of the Assets of the Co pang on January 1, (851, published in conformitY with the pfovisions of the sixth Section of the Act of Assembly of April tith, 1812. MORTGAGES. [lcing first-Mortgage.s, well secured, free of ground rent, in the city and__countyof_Philadelphia,_ex cept f, 37,950 in Montgomery, Bucks, Schuylkill and A Ileghany counties, Pennsylvania. Also, $7500 in Ohio, secured by Real Estate in Philadelphia . . $918,128 68 . REAL ESTATE Purchased at Sheriff's Sales,") under mortgage claims, viz: Eight houses and lot, 70 by 150 feet on the S. W. corner of Chtstnut and Schuylkill Sixth streets . . . A house and lot, 27 by 71 feet, on north side of Spruce st., west of 11th street A house and lot, 21.7 by 100 feet, on west side Penn Square, south side WO St. 'l'tro houses and lots, each 16 by-80-feet i -on-south-side-of Spruce street,neat Schuylkill 7th street . . • • Five houses and lots, each 17 9 by- 90 feet, Nos. 131, 133, 135, 137 and 139 Dilwyn street . . . • • Three houses and lot; 49 by 54 feet, on East side of Schuyl- Sixth street, south of Pine street . . • . • A lot of ground, 17 by 57 feet, on the northeast corner of Schuylkill Front and Spruce streets . . . . . A house and lot, 18 by 106 feet, on south side of Filbert st., west of Schuylkill 7th street Hotel and lot, 50 by 81 feet, on south-cast corner of Chest nut and Beach streets . Five houses and lot, 42 by 86 feet, on the north side of George street, west of Ash ton street . . . • Seven houses and lot, 20 by 117 feet, on the east side of Beach street, south of Chest nut street . . . • A house and lot, 18 by 80 feet, No, 96 Fitzwater street, east of Ninth street . . ¶-2w LOANS., Temporary Loans on collateral se curities amply secured, . STOCKS. $lO,OOO Alms House Loan, five -) per cent (interest on) 200 shares Bank of Kentucky, 17 do. North. Bk. of Ken. 00 do. Union Bk. of Tenn. 13 do. Insurance company of the State of Pa. 00 do. South work Railroad 'Company, 37 do. Commercial & Rail Road 131 c. of V icics burg, 300 do. Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, 91 do. Franklin Fire Insu rance Company, 1 do. Mercantile Library 6 do. Union Canal Comp. 90 do. North American C. Company, 10 do. Schuylkill R. Road Company, $6OO North American coal loan Notes, and Bills Receiveable, Unsetteled Policies, . Merchandise, . Cash on hand, . $35,554 27 Cash in Agents hands,. 19,087 94 By Order of the Board, CHARLES N. BANKER, PrCS/Ailf, TeStC—CHARLES 0. BANKER, iVecrefury. January 36. D J. llOllB, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEKOR AT LAW (Vice a few doors west of the Court House: rirtle can .be consulted both in the Ger man and English languages. Allentown, April 4. ¶—tf Mgl TOMMegi l 9 ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Office ono door ca4of Nolba Hotel, Al lentown, Lehigh coin 7, Pa. Allentown, March 28. WILLIAMS. MARX, " ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office in the western front room of the buildng of John D. Lawall, formerly HOrn beck's, west of the Courthouse. Allentown April 4, 1850. ¶—tf Cho U3c) " 4712a771119 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Has opened - his dike, in the .building with Juge Ruhe, in west . Hamilton street opposite the "New York Store" Ho can be consulted in either the german or english language. Allentown. Jan. 0,1851 JOB PRINTING, Of ebcry desciption — neatly executed at the rfici&ex" eifites 4-lY At Cost $8 4 ,3 7 7 7 8 $ 83,966 17 Cost $ 61,889 00 654,652 2 1,212,708 94 ENGLISH AND GERNAN Builders 11: — for:ok — Here 7. Ez„: 7-.--. f.',_ ,-.:."-:- tr ;:ir1ri1'14.0;.:::4,t..= :‘, ' -"•-•' . - I 1r -;...'. - '-' 4. I.R-...X.'"•_,. -?••1----'". 1 .. • I ,- •• 1 1 .--;,. • ••• 7 64 , , - 4- - ,AZiatlrcoti. „,.._ ti l i, ',.,..,...... • i 110 ,111.1nl':-I;ILtlii; FLA, :Ocarlllal_.ii-1111111,17--,=Y*.-j: y.. dir tilt. ‘74. 1 ; IN 'el ''''' ~.?f-st:',.,'",l73",iiibi :i; .." , ," .' 1: Oi l ' 4l tiiililOillile r,l: ' '' l ll FAiiiTitAL ," ` ii '7.4.1.:.{.__,_;,:t. f VtliV•ri'l 1 r,' .. te • 1 -. - 0 4 , 11 ,.:,,w.gATAN, ; ',„ - ,....;;;',ft - -:.- N--,,,•, ,, = # -:;, ,, ,.44. - ,it;.... - - - ..:d_..: 11 1is -11.--- , .....-r ...4-_ortie.A.-zr-Prit•opli.v..--.-- I NEW ASSORTMENT OF 31.4XalLOVIAIBLU 3 The undersigned announce to the ptiblic, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of ...aHouse Purnishing Cutlery, Coach 7rintniings, Saddlery and Shoe-findings, all of which will be sold at extremely low prices. They ask the public to give SAEGER S HARDWARE STORE, sign of the .I.l* 9 a call, in o r der to convince themselves of the fact, that a , penny saved is a penny made.' O. & J SAEGER.. To House-Keepers. A great assortment of House furnishing ankles, such as ENAMELED and tinned inside, cooking vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve' ket des, fish and ham kettles, frying puns, grid irons, waffle irons, &c. TEA TRAYS and Waiters, from com mon to fine, in sets and dozens. Also, goth ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers, steels, cook and butcher knives, with a variety of other manufactures. kET and I 'EN lc NI V ES—Razors, scissors, shears, from the best makers ; one, two, three, and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes; pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel fire sets and standards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons &c., and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat, and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of 0 & J SA EGER, GLASS.-150 Boxes Gla:s, 8 by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 16, and various other seizes, for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. TO MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de scription, such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Hand, Panne!, and Back Saws, Brace and Bitts, Auger Buts, Hatchets, Squares, &c., for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. To SLIOENIAKERS.—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts", Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubers, and numerous other artic les belonging to the shoemaking business 0 & PSAEGER. 8,265 51 1,265 26 163 84 NAILS.—:3OO Kegs of. the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. OILS & VARNISEL—OiIs of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue &e.,—will be sold cheap by PLANES.— A full assortment of Plane of John Bell's best make, also a law assort ment of Carpenter's Took fur sale cheap be ) Sz„l SA EtitEll. WHITE lA.:AD.-2 tons of White Lead just received, Pure and Evtra, and fin' sale by 11 &.1 SA FA I IOLLOWARE.--500 Iron Pots and 'Kettles, just received and for sale at very reduced Prices at the store of 0 J SAEGER. December 12. y To Builders. A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush es, and . a variety of other building Hard ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper than ever by 0 & J SAEGER. December 12. 11— 1 y EIEB llobeyt Vialfvemwy, Manufacturer of Warm Air Furnaces AND Premium Cooking Ranges. The subscriber has lately established himself in the above business, and is -pre pared to . fill orders to any distance in the country. • 11ecan warrant his articles to be of the latest and most approved styles, with a sav ing of at least 25 per cent. in die fuel. Recollect the place, No. 12, South Sth street, Philadelphia January, 16, Takei-Watice-1 Surveyor and Scrivener, • The undersigned begs leave to announce to his large circle of friends and the public in general, that he still continues the Sur veying and Scrivening bushier:, in its vari ouss branches, at his office, near Cooper:- burg, in Upper Snucon township, Lehigh county. He has lately purchased fit a very great -expense, a-number-of the newest and-most im proved Mathematical Instruments, which will enable him, with a practice of 20 years standing, to give general satisfaction. Ilis experience as a Scrivener is undoubt ed, as he has rilSo followed the business for many years. Terms mOderate. Ea'He tvill always be ready to serve his friends, at any reasonable distance from home, when called upon. ANDREW K. 'WITTMAN Oct. 31 INDEMNITY. .. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE,. No. 163& CHESNUT STREET near-Fiftlrstree Directors: Charles N. &icker, Geo.W.Rieharas Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Boiie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jae,Oh R. Smith, MorrisPfitterson, CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent . and limited, on every description of property; in town and country, at rates as low as are consis• taut with security. The Company have reserved a large Contin gent Fund, which with their Capital and Pretni• utns, safely invested, :Wind ample protection to the assured. . . The assets of The company. on January 18 , 18, as published agreeably to an Am. of As sembly, were as follows, viz: Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million two hundred thousand dollars, losses by fire, there by affording, evidence of the advantages of insu rance,'as well as the ability and disposition to meet with prompt ess, all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, Presi (len CHARLES G. BANCKER, Sec'y, The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every deserip• tion of property, at the lowcst rates. AUGUSTUS L. RUIiE, Allentown C. F. BLECK, Bethlehem. Allentown,June 13,1848. 1-13' LOOK HERE I A Certain and Effectual Cure. The subscriber, Druggist in the Borough of Bethlehem, Northampton county, adopts this method to inform sufferers of a Rheu matic complaint, be it Inflarnatory, Chronic or Acute, that he prepares an article of med. cine, that will effect a certain cure of this wide spred and painful disease. It is put up in Quart bottels, each bottle accompani ed by a box of Ointment. The liquid to be taken internally, and the ointment external ly. The genuine article can be had only by the undersigned, a practical Druggist and Chemist, and originator of the medicine. Price two dollars per bottle, or six bottles for ten dollars—which will be sent to inva lids in any part of the county. free of charge. All orders must be accompanied with the Cash, or they will receive no attention. This medicine needs no puffing, it speaks for itself, while . perfectly harmless in its opt:- ration it eradicates the system from the O& .1 SAEGER effi.cts produced by unskillful treatment. It has already produced some astonishing carts, and of carts u here the patient has been confined to the 11011Pe (or years, and those that got abroad only with the use of Crutches, were set at liberty by the use of from one to six Bouels. Certificates of cures can be shoWn from the most respect able citizens. FrNone is genuine without his written signature in blue ink. HENRY GA NCINVER, Proprietor, Bethlehem, Pm:. December 12. To Brewers and Distillers ! Hops I . Hops ! Hops ! Eastern and Western Hops Growth 1850—'•18 and '47 on hand and for sale by the bale and smaller quantity by BROOK & ALLMAN, flour Dealers, corner of Fourth end Vine Streets, Philadelphia December 12 4 11—w 1 Brandreth andWtights Pills. Country merchants and others, are here by--notified, that the far_ famous of Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Brandreth, are constantly kept for sale at the office of the "Lehigh Register" by the dozen_boxes, atArlrolesale prices. 4 -11 V 990,559 65 729,358 90 205,159 00 • 15,563 15 46,581 87 Mortgages, Hal Estate, Temporary Loans, Smelts, Cash, &e.., $1,2'20,097 67 July 5. Foseue F the-Nisen In the year 1762 an extraordinary in stance of avarice occurred in France. A miser, of the name of Foscue, who had amassed enormous wealth, by. the most sor did parsimony„and the most discreditable ex tortion, was reque3ted by the government to advance a sum Of money, as a loan. The miser,' to whom a fair interest was not in ducement sufficiently strong to enable him to part with his ,treasured gold, declaied - his — incapacity — to - meet this demand ;. he pleaded severe losses and the utmost pover ty. Fearing, however, that some of his neighbors, among whom he was very unpo ; pular, would report his immense wealth to the (overninent, he applied his ingenuity to discover some effecttaarWay of hiding his gold, should they attempt to institute a search to ascertain the truth• or falsehood of his plea. With great care and secrecy he dug a deep cave in his cellar; to this receptacle for his treasure he descended by a ladder, and to the trap door he attached, a spring lock, so that, on shutting it, it would fasten of itself. By and bye the misev,disappeared. Inquiries were made ; the house was searched ; woods were explored, and the -ponds-were-draggedl—but-no-Foscue-could they find. The gossips began to conclude that the miser had fled, with his gold, to some part, where, by living incognito, he would be free from the demands of the gov -ernment. 11-: 3 m Some time-passed-on.-'The house in which he had lived was sold, and workmen were busily employed in its repair. In.the progress of their work they met with the door of the secret cave, with the key in the lock, outside. They threw back the decor and descended with a light. The first ob ject upon which the lamp was reflected, was the ghastly body of Fescue, the miser, and scattered around him were heavy bags of gold,..and ponderous chests of untold trea sure, a candlestick lay beside him on the floor. This worshipper of mammon had gone into the cave, to pay his devoirs to his golden god, and became a sacrifice to his devotion. What must have been the sensa tions of that miserableinan—what the hor rors of his situation, when he heard the door close after him, and the spring lock effectually imprison him within his secret mine ! How bitter must have been the last struggles of that avaricious soul! How ter rible must have been the appeals of con science within that sordid sinner! How each bag must have disgorged its treasure, rind each piece of gold have danced, in ima gination, around hint as a demon ! How hated, when the gnawing pangs of star ve tion came slowly upon him, must have been that yellow vision! His very heart must have grown sick at that which he once so dearly loved !--Gold in bags; gold in Chests; gold piled in heaps ; gold for his pillows; gold strewed upon the ground for him to lie upon ! Whilst his taper lasted, turn where he would his eyes, nothing met them but his gold. But when the last flicker died away and the miser was left in dark ness, to dwell upon his coming death, and upon his sins, how awful must have been the agonies of conscience ! How; surely, amidst the gloom of that sepulchre of gold, must the poor whom he had oppressed; and the unfortunate, whom he had ruined by his avarice, have rose up to reproach him; and, when the mind became fevered by its last deadly struggles, how the faces of hag gard poverty, of hate, and loathing for the miser, must, in one load, discordant chorus have cried for vengeance and retribution on his guilty soul ! Fruit Trees from &foils. The new method of raising by planting the scions, is a great disideratum in the art of obtaining good fruit. • It has many ad vantages over grafting, because it is more expeditious, and requires no stock nor tree. They must be planted were they are re quired to stand, and the labor for one day will be sufficient to .plant out enough for a large orchard after the scions are obtained. The method of preparing the plant is as follows :—Take the scion as for grafting, and at any time after the first of Pebruary, and until the buds begin to grow considera bly, and dip each end of the shoot into mel ted pitch, Wax, or tallow, and bury•it in the ground, the buds uppermost while the Body lies in a horizontal position and at the depth of two or three inches. We are informed that trees obtained in this way will bear in four years from the time of planting. We have no doubt of this method of raising fruit. A gentleman in this vicinity the last season planted about twenty scions of different hinds of pears which appear to flourish. The .composition ho used wag melted shoe maker's wax.—.llbany Cullwator. 1"1"is sweet, on winter's night at home, to sit by fire and tapers ; but, ah, it is 's . wi r sit,t' thing by far, to take the papers. Won't you take the papers? Can't You take tho papers T The joys of heart are little worth, unless you take the papers. Er' Legal Love.—lt is a doubtful point whether a blind man could be liable, for,jiie bill, payable at sight. 11-Crii NUMBER 20, l~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers