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L : ., , t - z .. 4.........1.0f. - -- .. . _•.. -.- - - NEUTRAL IN POLITICS, - APER. - - cu oteb-t "New s r titertiture;--1? etri), rienc tht - VOLUME V THE LEHICA 11VMerEit, t ls published in the Borough of Allentown , Lehigh County, Pa.,every Thum : lay A.UGIUSTUS L. At $1 50 per annum, payable in advance, and • .$2 00 if not paid until the end of the year. Ipaper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid e - xl:4,'„ at the option of the proprietor. Anrcitriscmcws, making not more than one 'square, will be inserted three times for one dollar 'tad for every sUbsequent insettion txenty-five cents. Larger advertisements chargd in the, same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines Will be charged seventy-five cents, and those making six lines or !ess, three insertions for 50 'cents. .L7'X be made to those who advertise by theyeir. LlT'Office in Hamilton Si., one door Eat o/ the German Reformed Church, nearly apposite the "Friet'lenhbothe °Mee." franklin Fire Ins.uralA'l. Clmpany of Philaerphia * BTA'CL'N'IENT of the Assets tirt lanuary I,l . Bsl,tablisheil iu conformity with the provisions of the sitth Sectioit oVehe Act of Assembly of April Gth, 1842. Being first Mortgages, well secured', free of ground rent, in the city . and county of Philadelphia, ex. cept $ 37.950 in Montgomery . , Bucks, Schuylkill andAllegkany counties, Pennsylvania. Also, • $7500 in Ohio, secured by Beal Estate in Philadelphia . . $918,128 68 IE.II. EsCA'I'I: Purchased at Silvia's Sales, - ) under nuit,gatte claitns. viz: Eieht house.: and ho, 70 by lStl feet on the S. W. ei invt - I OfStina and St lot)II,111 sixth sleets . • • A house and lot, e 7 by i t feet, on north site or Splice St.', A TtiCas'd r a l ikili,:'4 e lf t . feet, on west side Penn I Square, south side ft g h st. I Two houses and lo'tit, t•iich 16 by 80 feet, on south side of I spencestreet,neat Schuylkill I "i.n street . . • • e 'nooses ,Itta lots, rash 17 0 by 90 Teel, :Nos. 13 1 ., 133, 135, 137 aria 1 . 55 .11ilwyn street . . . . . . Three houses and ha, 49 by 51 feet, on East Side of tiehttyl- Sixth street, south of f'ine Street . A lot of ground, 17 by :17 feet, on the northeast corner of Schuylkill Front and Spruce streets A house and lot, IS by it 4 k. ret,k, on 'south side of Filbert st., wt•est of Schuylkill 7th street Hotel and 110,110 by 81 feet, on south•east corner of Chest• nut and Beach streets . Five houses and lot, 42 by 86 feet, on the north side of (;eurge street, of Ash ton slrect Seven houseA anif hit, n by 1 17 feet, on ih east side of Beach street, south of Chest nut street . . . • A house and lot, 18 by 80. feet, No 90 Fitzwater street, eaM. of Ninth street . • • LOA NS Temporary Loans on collateral se curities amply secured, . STOGNS. $lO,OOO Alms House Loan,'five per cent (interest on) 200 shares North. of Kentucky, Pt ad. Nooh. Bk. of den. 100 do. Union Bk. of Tenn. I la do. insurance company of the State of Pa. 200 do. Southwork Railroad I g • • Commercial • co • ao. & Rail Road Bk. of Vicks- ao Cost burg, .800 do. Pennsylvania • Rail I ;.$ 61,889 00 Road Company, do Franklin Fire Imam- I ranee Company. ." 11 do. Mercantile Library I G do. Union Canal Comp. 00 do. North American C. I . Company, 10 do. Schuylkill R. Road ComPany. %WOO North American coal loan Note's altd Bills Receiveable; Unseneled erchandlse, • • Cash on hand, . $35,554 97 Cast in Apnts hands, 10,087 94 By brier of the thlarti; $1,212,708 44 CHARLES N. BANNER, Preaident, Teste—CIIARLES G. BANKER, SeCreiaig. ialitidijr 30. • To Brewers and Distillers ! Hops! Hops! Hops! Einstein and Western Hops Growth 1856—'48 ntul '47 on hand dlid for sale by the bale dhd sinaller qyaiility by •• 'fittottt & ALLMAI4; . Flour Dealers, corner of Fourth an Vine Streets; Philadelphia December 12, 9—wl A FAMILY NEW Builders Zook Here I '• , • • --• . , 111111,3 1 1jE:14141 - „t- • " A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Li'd4V - 111D , WA. 21/B 3 Thu undersigned announce to the public, lira they ,have justreturned from Philadel phia and- 'Ne. Ydrlc, ith a very large iot of Harthvare, consisting of . • - !louse Furnishil:c'tido:. SI;•/ ;7: :in 0! whi,7l, 1 , 0 Cot , :1 to 1.1.,unw a call, in order to•EatiViti,s , t hemselves of the fact, that a penny saved is a 'penny roads.' Q. & J SAEGER. ro . Ifouse-Keepers. A oti:t iwt.4,6l'trrfeTit. of House farnishirig articles, such 111§ ENA NIELEF) and tiriaed cooking Vetteb•, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket tles, fish and ham kettle's-, frying puns, grid irons. waffle irons, &c. TEA TRAYS and AVain , i's, from com mon to fine, in sets and dozens. Also, goth ii: form, in sets, and in variety of patterns, KNI VET and YOLKS—in sets and da vits ; also knives ()lily ; carvers. steels, cook and butcher knives, with a 'variety of other manufactures. roc iiET ,ind PEN KNIVE" S—ftrtzo'rs, rs, rfatri the IxteA makers; one, SLIOVELS, spades, hi;Cs, chains, rakes, pick. axes, &c. SHOVELS arid TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel tire sets and standards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons &c., and for snit: by 0 & 3 SAEGER. MON.—A lot of Hammered and Rulred Iron, Sheet liniti, Anwrican and English Band Iron, Hoop Iron, 'Cast it'ffiL Sh. ur Steel, ware, flat, and inund,ltist reel with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store,of 0 & J SA EG ER, At Lost 7 3 ' $84,377 78 GLASS..--150 Boxes Cila:s,S by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, to by 13, Pt by 10, and Varins other seizes, for sale by '['o MECEI AN tr: .—Tunis of evo ry de scription, such as Bi- 'Jell and Moulding :, and Back Suß4s, Brace and ,Ihtts, Auger Buis, Hatchets, by TO SIIOEMAKERS.—hIst received a nett/ assortment of Morocco vtnd Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French limbers; mri numerous other artic les belonging. to the thoemaking business 0 & A SA EGER. NAILS,-300 Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, received and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. $63,00 OILS & VARNISH.—OiIs of all kinds, boiled Atld raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish drill kinds, Glue &c.,--wili 1 cheap by O & J SAEGER. PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a largo assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. wHnt LFA D.-2 tons of White Lead just received, Rl.4e. and Extra. awl for sale by & J SAEGER. IRA A 1 E.--50() Iron Pots and rt.cui‘vd lor at very reduced in ice, at :h. ,tote of Diceitiber 8,265 91 1,265 2ii 163 84 A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush es, and a variety of other building Hard ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper than ever by b & J SAEGER. December 12.• ¶-1y $51,652 21 Ithay State • 6113,1A.V1:662 The subscribei has just received a very large and handsome assortment of nets style Long and Square BAY STATE WOOLEN - SHAWLS, - to ti , hi'ch hb inbites the attention of the La = dies, as he is confident they Will hollitiiite ih quality, style and price, to any &her Shawls rttaflthi:: THONIAS B. WILSON. Oct. 19. 4-4 w Vi ..1,2 ~.1,.1'',1, " 11e• 0 t.*, ...I SA EGER C) & J SAEGER 0 ,';,. ) SA EG Ell 11- 1 y rd r-s 4 ALLENTOWN, L'EHIGI I I COUNTY; PA., PEBRUA.ItY 6, 1851. New Goods ! New Goods! The subscribers have the pleasure of sta ting to their many customers, and the pub. lic in general, that they have just returned L from_Philadeldhia with a very large and de sirable assonment AND \V I INTER GOODS, which they feel assured will render very • general satisfa'ction to their customers. Ladies and Gentlemen! Make it your business to call very soon and take halake at their stock of goods 'your line, and if you do 'hot say they sell ItsVheap,'durable and Handsomea goods as any of theTr neigh botsi they \Vill he go,iet hereafter. auTli &to. December 5. ¶-4W Groceries. fi'ijiiVremr a (611 ossdrf, "SirOall i'nent of the dieretent kinds of 1§4.1 /D ll- c •• • - • • -,roceries, such as Mola.sses, Surmr, Tens, Spices. ' sold nt Wholesale or Ile- Inwest pricus. ruETz, GUTH & Co. -1.-4 w S ..1 .L T. 1000 gWiers tiiVerpool Ground Salt. 100 Sacks do. do. d&. 100 do. Ashion's F'ine Salt. 200 do. rialry salt. Just landing and . for sale %V h'diesttle and tiV the 'very lowest price's. P'U GUTH & C 6 December 5. iff AIZ A 4.U 4 11 olherShatvls: JOA. i'veuivcd a very largo lot of Bay State, 1,011 L; Shaw's, which will la; ',lid •a v• • mail .1.1V1Illet•. by I . ltE ;Z, (WTI & Co. ii • • IO:•• 4 11:—.114 AF n iri s eS .10 Cranberries. t • iiree Lam I eta Five Kegs of Raisins, Ten Boxes Raisins, 20 Bushels Dried Peaches, just received and for sale cheap by becerAnvi . ittibe,rt, tlaltiiiemil Manufacurer of Warw Air Furnaces Premium Coe RangeS. i The tubsctiber has Jately established himself in the above businesS, and is pre pared to fill orders to any distance in the 'country. He can warrant his articles to lie el the latest and most approved styles,. with a sav ing of at least 25 per cent. in the fuel. Recollect the Place, No. 12, South 6th street, Philadelphia. January, 16, IP-4w N otice, to Tax Collectors. A large amount of State and County Tax es still remaining uncollethed, the under• signed hereby give notice, that all collectors who have not settled up the full amount of their Duplicates by the end of next February court, will find their bonds filed in the Pro thonotary's office, as liens against them and their sureties : After the above mentioned time there . .will he added to the amount of unpaid Wiwi's, 'an interest of six per cent. BENJ. BREINTG, SAMUEL KNAUSS, CO7l/77/18810/ler. PETER ENGELMAN, Commissioner's Office, AllentotVri, January 0, ISM, 11-31 1-11. Notice is hereby given, that the under- Siened is appoinidd Ekecenit,,in the last \Viil and Testament of Fred. dec't:l. late of the 13nron 1 , 11 of Allrniown. coulit'y 4)1 ilitaa.fore all per!-4)ti.s who i;rt! rt bred to rail rAilt...l , e it in Notes, Bonds or o;lierwi,o sottlement within fran) 41le 416 ,, hereof. Also those, who huve lean! said estate, will present them well nti!leYnticated within the nbnve specifi4 d time. BENJAMIN J. lIAGIENI3I.7CII, Executor. Dec. 12. coo a / 4 ww.A.-211.a, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Has opened his office, in the building with, Juge Ruhe, in west Hamilton street opposite the "New York Store" He can be consulted in eithet the german or english language. Allentown. Jan. 9. 1851 • 11-Iy. Br Aitirth- Country rrietchants and others, are lirte ¢si notified, that the far, flinibus Pills of Dablbis William A. Wright, and Benjainin Bmndreth, ate consuißtly kept for sale at ihe kegistrt" 153 , tbb doz'n boxes, at wholesale prices. July 5. r:•-• 4-• PRETZ, GUTH & Co. 11-1 w ME poetical .113:epartment. The Flight of Time. Why flies the time, so fast - Days, months, and rears aline hy, And each looks shorter than the last, And swifter seems to fly; On viewless wing still rushing on, To join the flight of ages gone. Their silent course they ply. It seemed, when we were young, Time lingered on the way, Fair hope, like any syren, sung The livelong summer day— 'Ph sweetly sung of promised bliSs, Too bright for such a world as this-. Too beautiful to stay. And then the winter night, - go lively and so long, When round the fireside, blazing bright, Went merriment and song: Lung were the hours—for we were then Impatient tq be happy men, And join the busy throng: Hope's radiance in the llea'rt, In youth supremely blest, Can transitory joys impart, Th'eVrilthtest titid the best. The ills of life . coae an too :soon . ; And why should clouds Ascure the nOO'n . , That warms the youthful breast. I:4hen life's young dieatn is o'er, Antl * faitcy's fires decay, And hope's illusions charm no More, Nor chit i te efte lingering Then Time sweeps on with winged speed, Or, like a thief, with noiseless tread. Steals all our years away. Fled like a dream's the past, The joyous banquet o'er. Our longing looks we backward cast, Arid think on days ofyor'C'. 'Brood o'er each scene in joy or woe, Till we grow old before we know That we are vonno no more. A Heart to Let. To be let at a very desirable rate, A snug little house in a healthy estate. 'Tis a Bachelor's tear!, an the agent is Chance. Affection the rent, to he paid in advance. The owner, as yet, has lived in it alone, So the liktures are not of KAI\ value; but soots "I'w be furnished by Cupid himself, if a wife Takes a lease for the term of her natural life. Then Indies, dear ladies, pray do not To‘rget eicellent Bachelor's heart to be let. The tenant Will have a few take 3 Eo paY, hove, honor, and (the heavier item) obey. As for good will, the subscriber's inclined 'l'o have that, if agreeable, settled in kind; Indeed, if he could such a matter aridnet; He'd be highly delighted to take in eitlidtie; (Provided true title, by prudence, be shown.) Any ifeArt, unlllcumbcs.ed anik free as my own kio ladies, dear ladies, pray do not An excellent Bachelor's heart to be let. itliscellancouti Con? iitntion or thb, Pennsylvania Agricultural Society. The name of the society shall be the Peim sylvania State Agiiatural Society. The objects of this society, are to foster and im prove agriculture, horticulture; and thts do mestic and household arts. EitCT. 1. The society shall consist of all such persons as shall signify, to the Execu tive committee, their wish to become mem bers, and snit pay to the tteasurer, on w ing the bastituticitt of the society, riot loss than one dollar, and annually thereafter not less than one dollar, and also of homirary and corresponding members. The officers of county agricultural socie ties iii this State, or del'egatirifth thererriiin, shall be members ex-officio of this society. The payment of twenty dollars shall con stitilte life Membership, and exempt •the on•mbers so contributing from all annual payinentS. • St cT. 2: The officers of the society shall be a president, a vice president from each Congressional district, three-fourths of whom shdil be Practical agriculttirists or horticul turists, a treasurer, a corresponding secreta ry, a recording secretary,a librarian, an ag ricultural chemist and geologist, and such assistants as the society may find dikeHthil to the transaction of Its business; an Execu tive comlnittee consisting of the above named officers, and five additional members. Duties of the offlcers: SEip,.. 3. The President shall have a gen... eral bupeil H tendt ti or all the affairs of the society. In case of the death, illness. 'or inability of the president to perform the du ties of his office, the Executive colfunittee shrill select a vice ,president to act in hie stead, who Ada haie the same power, and perform the same duties as the president, until the next ennufil elcetioh. fil;eaidinte. IL shall be their duty to take charge bf the eicc!!:%n it! their OCITIllte: &let - 3'; to havhnceatt its objects ;. to call upon farmers to report hs to 'the. 'ciindition of pg riculture in their neighbOrfaied ; to ask for informationas to the mode'sAif fultivation ' adopted by different farmers, hnd . its far as - in - theirpoiver, - to make - knon - th e- - 'ces of their districts, the nature of its soil. its geological character, and all such matter as may interest farmers in every part of the State. Treasurer The Treasurer shall keep and account for all moneys paid into his hands, and shall only pay bills when athrited and approved by the Excutive committee ; each order 'fOr payment must be signed by the president or chairman of the Executive committee. Corre:sponding Secretary The duty of this officer shall be to invite a correspondence with all persons interest ed in agriculture, whether in the State 'of Pennsylvania or elsewhere, but especially with our consuls in Foreign countries, that new seeds, vegetables or liVe stock, may be introduced, and their fitness for difd pYorfi,gation in 'cur clirnate be tested. At each Stilled Meeting; of the sdc . tety he shall read his correspondence, which. shall either the Whole or such parts as may be 'Sele'cted by the society, fortn a portion of the trtinlia*Ction-. , fle shall 'Afia.'Correspond With the presi dent-or other officer of each State society in the United States, at least twice in the year 'fur, purposes of coirtbine:d and iriutudi action, and to be inforrited of the result and pro gress of each others efforts; also, to invite mechanics to forward models or implements forykatitinatipn arid trial. The 'recording secretary shall keep the minutes of the society and of the Executive committee at the close of each year he shall prepare for publication such parts of the 'Minutes and transactions of the society as may be designated. The librarian shall take charge of all hooks . , pattlphl'ets, &c., belonging to the so ciety and, and shall act as curator to preserve seeds, implements, or whatever property the socielv may possess. The Executive committee shall transact the business of the society, generally ; shall superintend and direct the pablicatio'n of such of the reports and treasactions.as they may deem prope'r, and shall debi'ftnite the time and places for annual exhibitions, re gt.lfqe the expenditures, examine all ac counts and keep stich general charge of the affairs of the society as may piihnote its interests. shall select their oikrn elialiman, And meet iiinn'thly; five meitil3e'ra shdh foiat A quorum. They shall call special meetings of the society i\rhen neCessalt. . . SECT. 4. The society shall meet annu ally,n on the third 'fueSdity of January, at flarrisbUrg, When all the officers of the so ciety shall be elected by ballot for the ensu ing year, and until anothet. electidn. They shall also hold a general Meeting at the time of the annual exhibition, and special mee tings 'Whenever. Vaiiiiolced by the Executive committee. Fifteen members shall form a quorum for the transaction of business, but nd, member !it arrears shall be entitled to the privilt ges of the society, 5. ''his Const:tution may 10 al tered or amended, at the annual meetings in Jantmiy, by a vote of two thirds Of the nuvubers in attendance. Advice oil General Cdildnet. The emotions of the mind are displayed in the •Itiovements of the body, the expres sion of the P-mtures and the tones of the voic'e. it is wore difficult to disguise the tuned di the voice, than tiny other, external manirestiti. n oleterital feelrng. , The CI tin= ging accents of the voice of those with whom we have long lived in iiiterEeturSe; the Coilitndril'eation of sentiment, are lea equivocal and more irepressive than eveti langua'e itself. The . iloval sounds of speech, expressive of thought and fueling, are too tnuch neg lected by us in our individual and personal education. Could we analyze the opinion which we form of people on a first acquain: tauc 'tio• should certainly find that it is greatly inililoiiFed ib'e tones of the voice. Study. then, agreeable iiiiinds of speech, but seek not rules to guide you from etiquette —from artificial politeness ; descend into the heart, there cherish thekind and moral sympathies. and speech will be modified by the sincere and enduring tone of benevol ence. • .With your commisSeration for distress, join firmiles n i Of mind. Interest yourself jp general happiness, feel for all that is hittilaii: but stiffer not your ilettce . to, tie distdrhed bj, what is beyond the sphere of your influence, and beyond your power to rqmedy. A medical man heti all the humane feel ingef hut the are merged into the art of healing. Wiell sees Welt aliffering, be feels no perturbation; he feels only the desire, by means of his art, to relieve the sufferer; thtis slloiild all our humane and (social sympathies be regulated, divested of their morbid sensibility : end reduced to at; tive and practidtd princitil63. NUMBER 18. Some, when they move from the common routine of•life, and especially on an . emer gency, are embarrassed, perplexed, and know not hoiv to_resolve_livith_decision,_and act with decision, and act with promptitude. Presence-of-mind is a valnahle - qualityand essential to active life ; it is the effect of ha. bit, and the formation of habit is facilitated b'y rule. . Command your feelings, ler strong feel. ings, disconcert the mind, and produce con fusion of ideas. On every occasion that re quires attention, learn to concentrate your thoughts with quickness and comprehension. These two rules reduced into habits, if stea dily practiced, will induce decision and re solve promptitude af action. Precipitation spoils the best concerted plan ; perseverance brings the most difficult, when it is practicable, to a successful result. The flutter of haste - is characteristic of a weak mind that has not the command of its thought's a strong mind. - master of itself, possesses the clearness and prescience of te l flection. In learning, concentrate the energy of the mind principally on one study. The atten tion divided among many studies, is Weak 'AA by the division ; besides, it is not gran ted to an indMdual to excel in Many things. But, while one study claims your main at tention, make occasional excursions into the field of literature and science, ind collect materials for the improvement of your mind and the advancement of your favorite pur suit. Excellence in a profession, and success in business, can be attained only by perse vering industry. None who things himself above his vocation can succeed in it, for we can not give our attention to what our self importance despises. None can be eminent in his vocation who devotes his niental.en. ergy to a pursuit foreign to it, for, in such a case, success in what we kive is (*ants in what we neglect. Among men, you must either speak What is agreeable to their humor, or what is con idstent with truth and good morals. Make it a general relo of conduct neither to flat ter virtue voti cannot confirm it ; by ekes peiating folly, you can not reform it. Sub mit; however, to no compromise with truth. but, when it allows, accommodate yourielf with honest courteq to the prepdssessions Of others. In your whole behavior to mnyhind, con duct yourself with fairness and integrity. If an action is well received, you will have the credit it deserves; it it is not well re ceived, you will have the approval of your own mind. The approval of a flood science is pieferkible to the applause of the world. Powder Magazine in /Mon. The distributions during heavy action, of gunpowder,throughout; say, 120 gun ship, requires so many precautions that it Would be impracticable, even briefly. to enumerate them. As soon as the drum beats to action, there is hastily rigged up in the middle of each deck,and consequently, between decks, What at first appears to be a large flannel phantom, with trio Short aims or fins, one draWn inwards, and the other projecting outwards. Within this shapeless -screen," cuitccalvd from view, and c , .:,tegut , ittly front spitrl;.> vf lire, ti,•-ro are one or two men whose duty it is to deliver to the run chug poWdorman through the flannel skeire, which is turned outwards, a series of cart• ridges as fast ns they are handed up front below, and per contra, to receive through the flannel sleeve which is turned inwards, the lenthefn buckets require to be replen ished ; and Certainly it is impossible ; even for a moment, to contemplate this operation without reflecting *hat a strange position it is for any human being to occupy ; for al= though he can see nothing whatever of what is going on, he is as much exposed to be shot as those who within a few feet of him, are figlttln the ! . The two mngazines, One fore and the other aft, from which the powder, under the direction of a mate or midshipman, is, with innumerable precau tions,. handed up, and then, through the sleeve of tie phantom, delivered on deck; are lighted by external powerful lamps; which, glaring through two thick glass bull's-eyes, east a sort of pale moonlight on him whose duty it is, amidst .the roar of can= non, vomiting forth fire and fury, t rtl7nly, fit intervals ; to watch the black hands of a kihitb djal by his side, on which are inscrib ed the words "distant," "full," "reduced," "stop," and in obedience thereto, to select and bond out secediFi the,different descrip tions of cartridges reqtfired for the thttiii ranges above indicated, and thus although far .Itelow qui surface of the ocean, out of the. Falba, of all shot, and seeltid t ed from his thousand messmates, he Can., guess, proba bly more accumtely,than.pnost, of them, his distance froaithelnerny.—liead'a Defence.. teem State qf . . tar Speak as you mean ; do as you pro fess, and perform . What you promise. god name id theitighest anti worth-, test a t ilt honors. ritl i t 2 ; Niles, of ybuth become the vices of d and the disgrace of old ttge:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers