The Next Legislature. Land. ettir - El`,-441 54 ‘,, /6 r The most important subject, says the Read. The census which is now, being taken, will brag Journal, that will claim the attention of the set forth some highly interesting and important LegislutUre during the approaching session, is , facts. Ono of the most eurioils,will be, says the banking system, Il'e published, sonic the, flarrislittl - g Doinocialie Union, the clir eCf)c t „eniqt) ilegioter. wee k s ago, along list of . etit bray° barika lot fusion and erpfaliza tine of wealth and thrtAivi• which charters will he ;o4i 6d, u•hich if granted, alert 'of .land among . the people.•Comparod with will -increase the banking •citutilatisrr of !lie tither conwries it will he found, that a large St i ne many millions of dollars. 'M is to he majority of our citizens are landholders. They . hoped that great eau: %S ill be. eNerciiwil, in It..;;ki have a direct tote] e.,it in the soil. Indeed, on• hitting upon these deinmi:l3. The prdscat ram der our .systoili of laws it is impossible for any 0p0%9 system is by no means 'Me which should family to ag••!,•,•.ate bnell ail amount o f rea l es. r;s " The communication headed °Common of 115 privdc,:es extended to new I tate a 1 ,, iNterosts of the people at Bense,"is held under advisement. The writer , institutions, ft has been determined, by the lar4e. la other comitric.•. whale et: modes be will please call on us soon. ' experience of oth e r States, that banking may I long to ono titan and desceod by entailment to be successfully conducted un lair and equitable childreti and gram! children. The Rail Road. principles, without the gran: of sperial privilo• tracts arc abstracted from the rivirket'aud are The Committee OPP(!inted by the. la t e - F ‘s‘ ii gr!9. We allude to the ficc birdeing sy.:,lcm of rarely palled anal conveyed to. ptin•liasers.-- Road Convention to solicit stock to the proposed New York, which has FO Well that Sornqi few aro Lull landholders, but the groat route along the river Lehigh to Tamauqu a . , have , , have I its principles b een embraced in the now ma) n•itv inn live awl din iciraatiy met with very good success. The amount•of constitution of that State. in his last annual It nut ;„, firm. , idation has rut all do stock subscribed in Lehigh county, will reach at !brasses Got'. Johnstrai to inemled the bonds n h ihe conveyance and IA least - War—learn -- learn - thar the err- n of a similar cha - of laml. Laud ndoniin , ysteni for Pennsylvania. nge Root timid ham utility he built, and that part of the same will be • • put under contract before May next. fariltpranee cif 111,4 vier' M the Senate by a fieely in Olt! Wan let. Sale and e.xecntirm nail...- laree ir.sjer'cy passoo a bill inonrpoiating its roil estates into iwynly different channel, in Ilse Qounterfeiters Arrested. . inaill forlllllll . q, till! lIIP 11;;ILie gave it ilia cold course of a :wet co. ri1 , 511 it ye the 0SCC1,11(111 On Monday last,Danid Ward. , rind Thomas Alaiddor and it eni, , eciiiptitly fell throng!). This of a " hick Pre""l'' one "' I" 'Simpson, two well dressed young men made Governor sill tool: f,iotally repoat the view M=lTEifftff== Viciiienvia, Fa: THURSDAY, JAHADY 9,1551. their appearance incur Borough.. hoy tioatiol lahoiini to ihie'..intlect 11,11 01:411.' 1 , 1 Eti:tklliti, it ‘‘;t- I 1 , c1.v n•tlArd a number of our Storee and Ewing hotko;: , , aT.d and it in io laired ihat they v. 11: (.1 ity. tll,ll ato to co:Ii.1 . 1 01 his aueceeded ittpassingsornes'3o or $4O of Coun• rccrive :owe favor and loftn vo• •taio dely Ine ciedito:-. ;rid each :dam!: -terfeit Relief Notes on the Harrisburg r , tiing session. • \\ laro...ved au 01-iaele, hailed as They travelled in a ono hnr e Sleigh, and left The mom admhalila a: , :re pt. tl r Frei during_the_afternoon,_and_as_thay_reprc.-_•euted,±Liankizig_cys!ent is Coat it pni..emly reeo:o.l for Hellertown, but instead of going M claim point to be dc-n:.!— 4.T:: s:,/ , _ty zf ric bill for.vanl::in priovip town they took the river road to Bethlehem ' bolds gird It proteet, the emilinniii• gressive pi, ti rj the At the time it was found out that tho notes vi ere ;y vizthw.t tho evil, ol a depieM., , od intrreney. i Hero we said, it two,f,,- limn to counterfeit, the chappia had -already left Lowe, It Tr.nrop;:ly 01 - bat;t: tog becomn lorge aad then an Deputy Sheriff Haintz, and au a-zsistatit were but teat ea that, like evei-y other ' , ors! it, open instance to..y 01.1 , d the 1:M, bien ot a%; immediately despatched after them, who-over- !o compelion. Every milk idual ti; Co m p an y', . hart for a smatl Fica which ;aridly. tn'aa.aa2a took Ahem at Bethlehem, whore they 1;30 ako allowed to rairy on the bu dl, who k aide t.. ju valiit! 'Bat it Mu"! Ire lel 0,1 :i ,, Plici: l4 and succeeded in passing a•number of meet , . They pd ranee !he tie( es , au v rveinMe, to .arc the mane. 'l•hotyrosal were brought back and had a healing bo- public fenn los4. The ; eeurny required in Yeiv fortune cut up hole to the n.. 11 or t;,e fore Judge Rvhe, who committed them to IA based upon - the public stocks of the ! pre=art day. Fel!) . ).Par'' ago, In y welt II"' limbo, for . a hearing , at the next Court, which tintec. 11elire bar.k caTi .•‘) infe o wration the !di ;tars of the earth tool the drawer:, of water. goes in session on the 3,1 of February requited to dei7o,it die halals fulfil-Thy wakes dm landholder and idleticis " Girl Drowned. the Side Coniptrolic.r cerilftitales• it public the tenant illy:ay: , a tenant. If 11 't • • We - hcrun - that on Sunday — trmrhing I,l=tTa - r -slsc - "trr - ' l4 " li - r5- ' " ' l -H t e r ut al--5 4 -12-1- t daughter of Air. JON( is &Vier at catroamitia, in . amount to its capital or e:reulating medium. Hanover township, Lehigh cozety, sheet 1 . 7 'The State Cezel'lreler taket . the "L'ulil3' into his 01%11 harldA and erthvers an equal amount -years of art, met her death by tellint4 itita the of cirenlatio2 or b tok ditkrem deuomi- Canal, immediately above the L-wk. It a i l. pears that she was guiniz to the Canal in ve. "lin" , ( I, oy r";:i•ter , !•1 water, the steps bei-eg aad "1'1) rvtr.. h arc ''" lk I") . ' 1 " pod atitisfeli into tilts canal. lite WHIP! ••11:r I very deep, sr) that beinre .iio given, she was a corpse. \Vet were iutorme,t this sane giA, shout ITvoar, etto, fo:1 Imo the Canal near . tho same p; , e.,e, but wa., then rescued from a watery grace by the prompt as sistance of a nu:nber of wn; k rm2tl w;:a were ptiment at thc time. Saving Institution At ea , election for Direr:ors of the "Allen. town Saving Lts:;:ntion," held on Monday !a:1. the following-gentlemen v. eta: elce;e.l lii iec • tors for the,eniniog year : 1. IL Mower, Robert E. W,..0thl alto; Weks, Charles S. Bud), Pete: Weikel, Reuben lleit.s, - and Nathan LaudenFeio<rer. . The Direr:ton; organized l,y eler..ine B. Moser, President, and Chu ks S. Bush. Score. tart'. Win. ft. Blunter, \vi. re-elected Acton. ry for the ensnio2 yunr. Pennsylvania Legislature The Democratic meinhsrs ri 11,e Rouse of Representatives held a eaurns ott the tith in stant, and nominated John, of liedtord county, as their candidate ft.: Si.caker. The vote was as folkm John CeFF,no, . . John S. Rhoy, of A7nip.,,, Scattering, Jneeph Orowu (,lnui) of N ton, who was.olected to !he re , . 6• ulur Democratic riornilicc,iookplut in the. Dem ocratio caucus. The . heid no caucus this evenin::. The Whig Caucus—At !!a, ct e l ho:d the Whig member.; of thn Ge0r.. , 10 Hart of Philnifelphin, war taken vv'on the st ballot, as :he candid:lle for Speaker, in op pt sition to t.ho Denier:to:le nominee. The cite. stood, Geo. H. Hart, 19; T. G. biglmm,'..); Dr. 11. 8., Brower, 6. Tito following umnimiti.mi.wern ;11 , 0 made by the Whig-t : Clerk—Daniel nem Sergent•at.nrme— John Seehrist—Door.keeper—.l.lenb M. Jnne.s. The ‘Vhig members of the Senate mot in eau• cus, and adjourned till to-morrow morning, without !sheeting a norninwinn for S, oaken. Messrs. Brooke, Savery and Cunningham were not prosent. The later Sc-nrdor has ur: yet arrived. Worthy of Consideration The public of late years have been puzzled to know.of what utility the vast espendintreof money by State and general govern:now,' for "public printing" is to the toiling- "millions." We respectfully suggest to our cotemporaries the propriety of agitating the queition of secor• ing azetteral publication of all documents arid laws * the newspapers, Mtn they may thus be brought home to all, and not be confined to n favored few. Let there 1...1 a reform in the system—ajetrenchment at the seat of govern. ment and 'among government organs, acrd a small allowance made to newspapers general. ly for publishing laws and documents. Laws interesting to one county, sliould. be published in all the papers of that county. Thom inter. eating to the people of the State in the papers of the State—rates ofremuneration to he regulated according to the circulation of the papers.-- What say yoU friends? . We know tho people fay it would be ril.;lit : --Pottginum Ledger: . Praentalicm.—Gen. Perstfer F. Smith, now in command in California, has had two chairs con. structed out of the platforms of a battery in the castle of San Juan d'Ullon, of Vera Cruz, and presented them to the Legis!ature of Louisiana, Jor the officers of flit: two Ilcutc.§. 'woolCy can !.....v{:rl o ueot•pl coi wool ..r dl ,1.0 tIucIIIHIu ?new!): cri ILt!em . r. Tirti t! - . 1.0c;r; I:tFir nw.e4 , titr.t.c:e at their Cie 't.ati:e a, under the ni.l system. la st.t.'inn 4ni the Nev. , Volk Lat.: it i , ins.% i.led that "Li cage the maker or matter , of sorb ri r.ulatina notoF. rneutter , ii2neti an-1 ro4ii , tered a,‘ itf•tre•ai t.hatl at allytilllCS, o'l 'atilt)! .11411:1:1t1.11 . 16•12 th e , nsn. I m u:. ; of let.itift , : , ll).t:wee.. the in.a a of leo tit! 111.1 , 0 tit Ow I.lnin st hor,4 rn,•h nom or 1110.P5 i-•o; nip payable. fail or reta , e in redeem .nett a no'e in M., lawful tonne} co, the Ult Med .stat-q, ihe hethler of soeli crm; time% malciaiz em•lt demand may car:•r the Slllll, l llO he pro , eztrl ior 1-payment b) uo• tart' pahlir under his seal of office. itt the usn• al rammer; and the Comptroller, (et receivir , 1111t1 filing in his ofiive r. , 11,•11 protest, shall forth• wiM give notice is w(oin,:?: to the, maker or makers of .1101 no.e or notes to pay the same ; and if lie or they omit to do so for ten days ;trier sin . ; 110:;ce, 1:10 Cornioroller irn thedialelg thercurion (mile*/ Ice •sboll lie 5a1t...11,d t ...11,d ihp:c j: n !2110,1 nml leer.l (tetchy,. • , t tlio ray n,PI:: fif toot. or ro.e-) io the paper, virett• im:es person n; as-ocia• will b. re,teiNin - n.l out of the trust funds to his hands for that ;nurse; and the Cntrd , troller is refinirnd to applS• to nil trust furl- hnlorg.itnl to tEct ruaker; of FllOl prirCS..ed ME noes to the itztyttwi:t 1•ro nal of all cif. ! Pulating note,, pursuant to the provisions of the act, told to adopt such measures for the i payinetil of such noteß as will, in his opinion : must cflecqwlly prevent loss, to the holders thereof." The, , tt are the main features of the New York Fystein. It is 'considered h the mer chams., husiness.lllCll arid people of that Stale far superior to the old or chartered rutithoti The bank 4 prefer to do business tinder it, and the fact i ree,orded that many of the oil char tered institutions have surrendered their char, sera for the iturirt , e of attopti:r 4 the free bank sysiem. New it rse is to adopt the game policy, and seve7,tl other Shoes east wards either have - or i•oet:d to do the Fame thing. It lViit:l,l itt3 NATII 11 , 1 the Ilcople at Penn• Sylvania, to consider and press upon the Le. gi.datnre the adoption of this impommt reform. Petitions are now in Circulation in • vaiions parts of the `,..;twe in favor of the 'new system : one of which has been forwarded to ns and now rapidly titling tip with signers. Those who desire to assist in pushing forward the Bond woilt can do so by calling at this office, aid adding their names to the recommends tion. . - Census Returns The Census returns exhibit some curious facts in regard to population. For instance, in Pike county, Kentucky, there is a family, the hus, band's nge 25, the wife's 21, in which there are five children, the eltlest 10 years, the youngest one month idtl. The Assistant Marshal challen , ges the world to beat it. The seventh ward of Boston quids', if it does not heat, the above, viz: the husband Is 85, the wife 25 ; five children— the eldest 14, the youngest 4 'years. But there is a family in Muskingum county, Ohio, containing fourteen children—the husband is 72 years old, the wife 42, the ages of the children being 21, 20, 10, 17, 10, 14, 13, 12, 10, 0,8, 6, .t wo boys twins, 4 years, and two daughters, twins, 7 months old, which we think bears of the palm. bonclii Ccrturucice and I r .le pirvot.i!. : : ; 111 . f., , V11,11' it poi:ular r;ot'erntue•it. 1•:u:lt landhuldei • &hired, and lias a personal ii)!ele.,t in the pub• lie the wit - creme:lt and Cee laws. .As land always will be the duel r..ttljeet of lasa• I iun, bring •••••gible aud entispiencie, , : it trill be fit It:Venue to the govern. T h t pe:yll..l are eutudamly rettiiiided actiwt 20‘e,iiment. '1.11( of itl oovelittliwit ' th , ir attention _is e•rnstar:lF tliroolod to the 1110:1-11iTs 110:10'ell ;11.1 I (y 01.111012 prt',o7il 1:1,:e:1 1 01 11;1611 . .1 171- g un.ler di(r..neri :c1(1 pc:H.:lo . loa, %ye have (me wst e hh t l aid cow,Tr.rm! %%NI the t . t.ettl2l.;tl :iti its of the moion :rid :dive to every now pn,j tot a , ;(1 itninovirnent The otvhe , .. b hip of land make: men prodeol, careful, useful aid rnterprish,g. [low truly did sonie ono remade that a tenant would lay was!e a golden ..old a land owner would eon" reit a w.a.cte nno a gdrdon. Look at tire rr+ah who 4...\nis land. and contrast him with his eareless, protligate.sln2eish nei:Abor who ha.; only an indirect is tereNt in4he soil. They arc dirreierd loon. The oiteis north doable what the other is to his family and the corn:nuttily. The advantages of avarice to the. human them ily are strikingly shown in the history of Califor nia. Urea' as have been die revolotions pro. (laced l y steam and patent medicine, they shrink into nothingness before ihe almighty power that mammon exerts over ;he to family. Five yea' r .: ago, roliCorma had a iihite population of loss than norm inhanimm , . She is now a Sian! 'hat Intmos of a p pulation that numbers almost half a million. rive year: since, llionierey, her capital, ha I only 239 'olodt:this. Aon'Franois• co to day has a yopula.ion four time; as large as the whole country could boast of in 1815. Five year:. since California was but little better than a wilderness, while her population confined their ambition almost entirely to the pleasures that spring from scratching and praying. At the present moment, California is among the most t.t.; ahead States in the Confederacy.— Five years since, her seaports and rivers were occupied with fishing heals and eel, grass—what do we see now A thousand merchant ships in her harbours, her rivers navigatid by steatnet all the tie rents of n great people already there, and in operation, a government established, a great state erected and iidmitted into the 1:10011. Fifty millions of dollars have already. been ex• ported ; and millions are monthly scut to different parts or the wood. Lines of steamers already connect us with San Francisco, and other lines will soon connect San Francisco with Asia and other parts of the wot Id. A ship canal is Constructing, across the Isthmus to connect the occalts, and our great central rail roads are reaching their iron arms thitherward, and in ten years we imagine they will reach the quiet city (f the Pacific. The history of the n•orld presents nothing to. be compared with the rapidity of progress, and the developetnentof the resources of.thc coast. At ratio of progress for the last five years past, one generation will not pass away, before San Francisco will be numbered among the great metropolitan cities of the world; reaching one arm westward to Asia, and the nth. or eastward to the Atlartstic. coast, she will grasp the trade of a large portion of the two herhi, spheres—the whole brought about by exciting the cupidity of man. The love of money may be iu• jurious to individuals, but nothing sooner builds a State .up. Our Slate.—The Albany Evening al. •luding to Penngylvania, says: ""Pennsylvania as we are happy,totee, is glad daily wearing away ner vastDebr,rapidly dere!. oping. her resnurces, and augmenting her reve• nue. Her financial condition and credit will soon be all that a State can desire." I.lrJenny Lind bestowed 111,200 upon the Or phans Asylum of Richmond, Virginia, being 0 in niimb , r, . e ; rump VII =1 The Eff;3cts of Gold National 'Road to the Paofic Seriator.Benton has iiiilloduced a 13111 into the Senate, fdr the construction of a-great Nation al Road to ihe'Pacilie. The'Bill has been read twice and teferied to the Coriimittee on Roads and Canals, had' ordered to t be printed. The leading (calcites of are, that"it district of territory, 100 miles arat extetufing from the western frontier of Missouri to the Pacific Ocean and corre.sponding to the central latitudes of the Uttited Stales, shall be set I ihe_eren:ninr" year r F. Weitisl:eitty!r. :yard and reserved flu opening cOninthilleation , Vice Pre;ident— Rae. 8. K. flrob,t Oregor. I":ew Alexieo an d ti,.crelary 1 . 011,):s. Utah '•—the road run filial St. Louis the , l'reastirer-- C. P c rtf.. • • ol Sa u n with bralicliesio __ E. p„ t i, , r , i i zi „ g ,,., Fe, and the Gicat L ' ikc—(l "' ticieharlt,D. Thomas, Re a y. Carlisle, A. Tr.acli, es only to !rive- r. 9 !Mimi wide re-cried snips R e y. ‘'illker,'ltev. flare, Rev. Yeager, Hon. J. for Omit eon:Arne:Min. '1 his road bo von. Erdman, Re v. Rontlialer, Atha, .traded by Goveninaent . , it„,i to be. fife limit Schitrei iiihn (b• K . ' ll " all ul and to be flee, to I t,.John ‘Veida, .1. h:stler, John tS,ieger, Ben. " s mid • VC! to our • gi ÜBE %yip , nn• not lt) 1114 V:111 p:ky iIL ruad The: e ;11f 1..) b.: three roads eintivracied---wie•a r.olroatl. Th at ca d,. 181,, i u the cttttnlr one a ‘vd , ,.),oa 01 callia4o load, the whet Ira btu' urtiactqctl io preatth a t,ernion in their re,- pJ, ,, e11 , ..;er-, and a .nip I(' be rescued I . ,tr a hue i _peetive . c..ligregatiwis in behalf or the Lehigh ul telegraldt. The b.ll pitt;trt•rs that the Gain!). Bible Society, and take ap colle,nions • hall Ito etnarattace,l al (moo, allor due roporl4 f.a. the ;lid of Ibc stunt., before lie rtrst day of have bcon made on the ir.l town, and that !'4,ty gevoinincut uhall a•lvatwe money (•=300,000); Whereupon. Itevtrs. Puts, Yeager, to on:ornytivn the wntk.•l.lll the lands sN apart 1 , and-IZoothaler wore.appointeil a coin- ultimately to rliy the ‘N hole expcm , es. mitree .to memorialize v..ith the' Ili:ma:2,er; of the In introdtwieg li• , titott made Se ciety. and tit , ;NTinist?is of the Comity. retnra . L. on the same, and In i'hal do• ptotteetlings o( this meet- . s• at ii.cin were !Cp. in.r.vo 1;1110ft:till It; .),111;1;11)11. l! f•ila fir, `' s . , ' •1 I t ' .. L. re cuter 1 ,:;„ 1 .. ) . mem in l o w wezi, the' publisher! in all the papers et the einem.. r'. l',•etz, 'Preasttier, ir. account with thu lx 11 , 1111t . 1, k‘h , ) hi t.!':' CVVI'y 1 , 10;%1;ty of the nlad . Iti:.llt t.:outoy 11.hle_ii.ii,icie. i I flri . „ . . . idea' he said,' beeolllC ell ITC:II, fd . kW` • . h .i• I rtlinb"hr' 55') on 42 07 none .ltut a man Of science, bred in school, could lay off a road—that it a trii-!al:e: thew is a cla-o: etTine.ers older than the s:eltook, and were unt,,ing flout the nlath• ti n ' tia ""' ' ' entaties. They atl Ile wild anintal6..----bellalo, ' I "" Issl), • Ca ` b " 1. . 1 " ,, Th Trumhohr , tiot. to, Issa,Ciedi eel:cue:4 by lin% Mr. deer, antelope, anti boar. They traverse ~ . .... the rorezt not by toutpass, but instinct; %%Advil Hare, . leads them alsot . e.t t_ma_e_to By Cash for Books sold by inc at Sundry itat ., es in dm inoun'„aid.t, and the shallowest i .... folds in the rivers—the beet pastures, the salt and the siortestiiiractieable lines be- 1 . (1,1 howl Jan. 1 . 19.51, by 11 dance • tweet , arty two po:tits. _,. they travel thousands ; F, , ,glish Bibles at 25c zit 59 ur:d never miss the best and slilktest I 9 "orman Bibles at Poe. 4,50 route. Thoy are the lint engineers to lay oat 1 2 hin• Bo'd. Eng. Bib, at SI,OO 2,00 GI Small I:',og. Testaments 13,1 4.00 a road R new cottony, Indians 1,110%v do. 1).1 ;limn ; Welt loultur:. pur.,ni t 91s ^e `I". iit• t' C Pll e•ette.l eni.d,elt.a:. noel s , , .1w v..a2on ‘,l Hen h-,n ;et , lean 111)1110s. Ili:IL:10,1e : , :t way 1:Ir a 1 lirft• , road in da!e.:l that fiat Ydri , ord Road Herr tlrn .111 r, mil'ary ni General Mail- tlnt•k : —wtt.t an oil goll'd'et path. t.t) e•a:+ the oiltnr NatiolA Rtatl tittwii the Valley el . Ow 1:011lia‘‘,1 Webster vs• Hulsomart MI% llulseinalt, the Austrian Minister. reitmit• addressed a leiter to . the United States Senate, of the course of our Government in despatching Mr. Mann to watch the progress and re,ults of the Hun:at:kin t evolution, alleging that the proceeding was paipably hostile, and inti mating Mat the United States wculd 'hi well to be more i ca refill and prudent in . the future, in all their relations to tlie Austrian pawer. The let ter is couched in such insolent and arrogant terms, that. its reception was greeted only with contemptuous ridicule and roars of laughter. The petulant odjutgations and weak threats of the Minister made the whole affair so complete a farce, that we resume Mr. Hulseman's Gov era meat will feel no great degrce of pride, either iu it<elf or it,: representative. • The rttrly of Mr. NVehster is an abbe vino a• tittn of the cultist. cf the Government, placing it on Grout is of lanl anti policy. far above any even plausible rrfotation. The rebuke to ihr Austrian Nlinister h pointed and set•ere, and will, in all probability, )t-ovc entirely conclusk e if not satiilactory. Alr, Welze.ter has, unquei,t iona lily, clone himself great credit in this paper, and we are sorry that oor limited space precludes its publica Great Discovery. • •Pitere has jtv‘t been brought to 114!11, ap • pbCalioll of a power, which is to supersede en tirely the present scant power of the world ! This announcement may Ntigt4er some, but the discucert•, when it be divulged, will t , tagger them a thousand !liars more. It has been male by au liastrt • a !nail, \till , has rempleterhis models—one of a•hiah will be de posited at 11:a.,hing4on nc soon as - I)4mM rights shall be secnte•l in the ditkreut Vuropran coun tries. The machinery is entirely perfected—the power is a, and Airf.)l has no part in creating it. So simple and economical are the principle and application, that s two tons of coal will he sualtient to drive the largest ship of the line around the world ! • We are not at liberty, now, to divtilp,e tnore of this wonderful discovery; but' we predict, with the greatest confidence, that a short time only will elapse before .a total revolution will take place throughout the world, in our motive power system. Indeed, we assert, with the same confi dence, that the.year 1850 terminated the sover eignly of steam ! This is no chimera. We mean what we say —and time, brief in point of duration, will evolve this wonder, at Present hid as with a gause, only from the public eye, to the astonishment of Christendom—an astonishment far gi valet than that produced by the discovery ot• steam or the magnetic telegaph.—Gerinantow..: Td. Tht hooks for Luh;.cription of :anal it: the Dsl aware, Lehigh,. Sc.huy!kill, and Rusquchanna Railroad, was opened at the store OfJadge Fack• er, in Mauch Chunk, on Thursday last. Quite a number of shares were taken, by our citizens generally. 'GO Thursday, the 15th instant, they will be open at the house of Thomas Craig, Esq. in the Lehigh Gap, when the 'people of that vi.. canny, and along the route of the road, can have an oppnrtitnity of shares.—Curb. Druz. Tho Railroad Lehigh County Bible Society An annual Meeting. of the Lehigh County Bi, ble Society was held on the Ist of January, 1851, in the Session Room of the Cerman Reformed Church, in Allen:own. The iherting was opencil 'by grayer. The minutes of the prceeling meeting, inseiher with the Annexed [sport of the. Treasurer, were read and nn 'notion adopted. The following otrweri were .1;4 elected for rNat), Rev. J. Dtil)4, .1. ~~~.—~lc~-t•-fir_ nn~ l)ii :%Ir. Th ;Im,.unt the l'enna. tale Neil n ,, ris nl 'Ali Public Meeting the Teacher.' a rol A.snr.iation of ronnty, met on S!'birday lh."! t.t , ttb ll'etnAttber, at I'o o'cloelr. A. M. The meeting %Vv. , called to order by the Pte.ident, Jonathan Ilriehard. The minutes of the last meeting were read and .01,pted There being Lit few members present Ole reg. ular miler of hnsine-ss u'as t'hSrtrfsel %Vith until aftertionn after which ihe remaining part of the forenoon was spent in tliscu•,sing various sub. jests. On 'notion, adjourned to meet at 1 o'ci.t.yek, P. M. Re•asse . mbleirnt one t'cloch. The merits of the didercm Spelling boolis were discussed, but no decision made. A partial report was read by Rev. S. K. Brobst on the condition of schools in the county, which was acceph.d, and mdered to be imblished in the paper; of this borough. An essay or: the best method of teaching the alphabet, Was read by IL E. Brunner. And one on the bc•a method to secure good order in schools M. e,say lead by U. Drunner was taken up and di:missed. For want of time discussion on Mr. Muhr's essay was deferred until the next meeting. The committee on Arithmetic ‘i•as not pre pared to make a full report. On motion the coin. mince was discharged; and the subject ta - cri up for debate. After an animated discussion, it was thought best that some 011 C should be appointril to write an essay on the best methA of witching Arithmetic. Ott motion, it was decided that hereafter it .hall be :he duty of thc Stntoling, Committee to prepare subjects for discussion, and stflect per sots to diSettss them, also to procure speakers for the evening. Rev. S. K. Erobst and A. L. Rohe, were ap• pointed a committee to attend to the publication of the report and essays. • Rev. Mr. Kessler was requested to write a cir cular, recommending the formation of auxiliary associations in each township of the county. On motion, a special meeting was appointed to be held on the last Saturday in January next ; there being much unfinished business on hand. On motion, adjourned to meet again at half past six in the evening. The nteeting in the evening was opened by prayer by Rev: S. O. Hare,after which tWo lent addresses were delivered. The first in the English language by It C. Lon:Necker, Esq.— The second in German by Rev. Joshua }'ea g er. On motion, it was resolved that the deferred addresses of Mr. 1:. C. Chandler, and Rev. J. Schindel be delivered at the next meeting in the evening. JONAI'I4.AN 11E11.13 AHD, President. !1 - i.t.s, Ex.:kg - ding F.'ecretitry. C. IL licFslcr, Cur. Secretary. Kr , .7*.ir!c.---Irhe Virginia paf‘ers state that the '4llll`,P"Pulation of Dasterti Virginia will amount to 400,0ti0, and of Vrestrrii Virginia 493,600:- I'lm emir,: population olthe , Olate a•ill. it Is saia, [m.1400,0;10. Virginia will los,c three pietubers of Congress by the new apportionment. • 'Swetlenburg says "though the virgins he saw in heaven were beautiful, the wives were incomparably =ce beantilpl,‘ anfi went on in in tirauty evi,c,ii.te. census of Uonnectieut shows that the total population of the State is 372,000—a gain of twenty per cent in the last ten years. In 1840 the population was 310,000.• 1.. 7 V1'11e new sect of German Catholics, it't which the pastor Jelin 'Runge was the apostle and founiler, is said to be making great progress in Germnny. E7 - I'he I.oeuts, said to appear once in SeVeil . . teen years, will return in the summer of 1851', their last appearance being in the summer of Fe' By the renms of 1850, Somerset enmity contains 21,716 inhabitants. In 1810, the !Mtn:. her of inhabitants was 10,680. Increase, 5,1 Itr. The hot ough contains a population of 860. LV": n a thousand pounds of law there is nth au ounce of 14,1/C.—Exchange., • That doctrine •inay tlti for some people, but it won't go down with . /..uti.,///i's. They sweat it's all Arr. Qom' The Trim Amerman staffs ;hat a gentic wan in Trii•ion iserpurc (Lis lit• Mercer cnuilly. lIMS9 The following, incident has just been commti- Minted 'to it; from a source in tt-hiCh w'e implicit confilence. In the, year 181 I, a Mr. Thor. ton, of Powna.l, was married to a yotitt4 lady of that place. with Whom he lived I'm' mo or three_years, and then went to ilte Provinves, tvbere, it short time alter, it was reported dial he was executed Cor tresspass upon the King's iitnber lands. A year or two artcr this report beelme enrrent,ana which was supposed by •Mrs. 'l'. to be true, Ae married a second time with a Mr. Lovell, with wheat she lived until his death whiCh occurred a few years since. :i:ince that tithe nothing. has occurred to ° er n . :;ion a do•abt of the truth of the rumor respectint her first husband, until within a very few days silt e. a person tilled upon her and stated that her firt husband 'had recently died in Hudson, N. Y., having been injured by a fall from his carriage, and offered her siitlfur signment of her right in his property. This she very wisely relnsed iu do. The neat day .f i V 07 s9i) Si 1060 3 2 a not ler man ea hich-sh likewise declined. An inquiry was instituted t and we understand that the result k that a for. tone of 520,600 will probably fall into her hands Throston left some eight or nine children by a, second marriage; but as this, in the eye of the law, was illegal, she remains the sole heir.—Lew. is7oo Fult.vilourital. X 72 17 51-2 07 OM eta! mails of the steamship Ohio, which reached Inte day lasiove received pri vale despatches Of a must imponam charamee from Calif-Tr:in, which induce as to believe that ibis, and has been meditated, fur a lung 1) , }51...bY stone rhc most in ilitential and leading men .of rhat net , Ft!ate, to or4anize an expedition of Aincrica,N, and proceed to that portion at Mexico known as Lower California, with the view of assi!.tilig:the people of that Territory, in declaring their iml.::•pendence of the Carlini gov ernment, ana afterwards seeking incorporation with this Republic, in precisely die same man ner as the American adventurers in Texas acted, This intelhigente is derived from such sources as pl ace its timanc c almost 'beyond doubt. In fact, we aretnhwmed that some choice spirits from New York -/m4 other cities,on the Atlantic side of the covitineM,l‘ave recently sailed from here, In one of the California :deamship, fur the purpose of taking ran in this proceeding, and. of I:width:ling it to snecess.—.Y. flerald. ME OM MEE -There will be four ecripses in 18.51-two of the sun and two of the moot'. A partial eclipse: of the 'bon, on tire 17t11 of January, will be inti visible on this continent. An annular eclipse of the sun on the Is; of rebruaty, invisible in' orth America, but central and vertical in the Indiatt Ocean, hear the Isle of Java. A partial eclipse, of the 1110011, on the 18th ol*July,Visibre throne,ll - the United Stales ; first contact with shadow; I o'clock, G tnin.l middle of eclipse, ti o'cloek; 25 mob; last 'contact With shadow, 4 o'clock, loin., meantime, moll]; magnlttldn of eclipse, ft 2.5 digits on of ton's southern A. total eclipse of the siiti, on the 9:811i of July,. partially . visible, as follows: beginning of eclipsk., V o'clock, 30 min., A. M.: middle, O'clock, 3r I}iih.t A. M.; end of eclipse, 7 min.; P. h , f. 'Phis eclipse will be total at Callitt's nay, Labrador,.ri part of Clreenland, and in the Atlantic east of Newfo!indlatid. Eelipse an sun's north , ern . . Hog Slaughtering. W e learn by a private telegraphic dispandli from a reliable source, says the Cincinnati Cod mercial of December 23d, that on Saturday, hi Madison, at the slaughtering and packing estab lishment of White, Cunningham 4. Co., knowti as the "Mammoth Cave," fotti thousand one Bred and twenty-two hogs Were killed and diva sett in ten hours and twenty Minutes, on ttbo benches! Bench No. I. teitned oiit 2059; Vona No 2, 2063. This is die largest one day's work ever yet recorded in the Union, and .Cincinnati and laiuisville Nava to pluck up titn'azinglyi to reach it; E'ut this' is nut all, Micianimi HMO took the entrails out of 21 hogs in thivCiiinute-4 with the advantage of wittcliinery ii asslng ate hogs over to him--:the animals; utlien dressed being fastened to a wheel ou one side, tarns the "subject" directly over to hand oii the other; As the abOve wars a set trial, htiti: dreds of the people of Madison siittieue'd did feat. Mr. John l'hoinsom, of l'hiladelfihhi; the Scientific American, on the atibjeliti Offilads, proposes to eonfitruct roads hy bloCk.l- east of Iron ran among eninthon road stoiietti used for Macadamizing. The !moulds, he Op, should be packed yidh switch and) the Inaltep metal yam, among them, foil:ling:a ntdi l tniA tare (Wirt:in:AO stone, which not he Costly , would aftliM.A.r good foothold for horses (vial the, s tone projecting, and the old tnajteriat could 4tways be. run over and us-4 nrA;n. %Ve %pooh . ' !'the to tic! ,•It a rout act it (*sir U jai ; it is linked a rtatis. Role Flan. GLEANINGS = A Down East Romance More Annexation tclip se s Tho Corist i' ub tio n•ooacg:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers