RESOLUTION Relative to an Amendment of the COnglitution, Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Common:m . (3lth of Pennsylvania, in General .assembly met, That the Constitution of this Commonwealth be amended in the second section of the fifth article so that it shall read as follows: The Judges of the Supreme Court, of the sever al Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established by law, shall be elected by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth, in the manner following, to 'wit : The Judges of the Supreme Court, by the qualified elec tors of the Commonwealth at large ; the Pre sident Judges of the several Courts of Com mon Pleas, and of such other Courts of Re. cord as are or,shall be established by law and all other Judy , ' in the law sec presi _.-. _tate Judges of the Court; of Common pleas by the qualified electors of the counties respec tively.. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen years, if they shall so long behave them selves well. (subject to the allotment herein after provided for, subsequent to the first election;) the President Judges of the seve ral Courts of Common Pleas and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established by law, and all other Judges re quired to be learned in the law, shall hold their offices for the term of ten years, if they shall so long behave themselves well ; the Associate - Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their offices for the term of five years, if they shall so long behave them selves well ; all of whom shall be commis sioned by the Governor, but for any reason able' cause, which shall not be • sufficient grounds of impeachment, the Governor shall remove any of them on the address of two thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The first election shall take place at the general election of this Commonwealth next after the adoption of this amendment, and the commissions of all the Judges who may be then in office shall expire on the first Monday of December following, when the --terms-of the new Judges shall commence. The persons who shall then be elected Jud ges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices as follows : One of them for three years, one for six years, one for nine years, one for twelve years, aed one for fifteen years, the term of each to be decided by lot by the said Judges, as soon after the elec tion as convenient, and the result certified by them to the Governor, ihat the commis. sions may be issued in accordance thereto. The Judge whose commission will first ex pire shall be Chief Justice during his term, and thereafter each Judge whose commis sions shall first expire, -shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more commis-, alone shall expire on the same day, the Jud ges holding them shall decide by lot which shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies, happening by death, resignation or other wise, in any of the said courts, shall be filled by appointment by the Governor, to contin ua till the first 51onday of December suc ceeding tho next general election. The Judges of the Supreme Court and the Pre sidents of the several Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive for their 'services an adequate compensation, to be fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office ; but they shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit under this Commonwealth, or under the government of the United States, or any other State of this Union. The Judges of the Supreme Court, during their continuance in office, shall reside within this commonwealth; and the other Judges, during their continuance in office, shall reside within the 'district or county for which they were respectively elected. J. S. M'CALMONT, Speaker of the House of Representatives SENATE CHAMBER, Harrisburg, Jan. 28,1850. I, Samuel W. Pearson, Chief Clerk of the Senate of Pennsylvania, do hereby cer tify that the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 on the Senate file of the present session,) entitled "Resolution, relative to an amend ment of the Constitution,"—it being the same resolution which was agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each House of the lcs: Legislature—after having been duly considered and discussed, was this day agreed to by a majority of the mem bers elected to and serving in the Senate of Pennsylvania, at its present session, as will appear by their rotes given on the final pas sage of the resolution, as follows, viz : Those voting in favor of the passage of the resolution were, H. J. Brooke, J. P. Brawley, William A. Crabb, Jonathan J. Cunning ham, Thomas S: Fernon, Thomas H. For syth, Charles Frailey, Robert M. Frick, Henry Fulton, John W. Guernsey, William Haslett, Isaac Hugus, Timothy Ives, Joshua Y. Jones, Joseph Konigmacher, George V. Lawrence, Maxwell M'Caslin, Benjamin 'Malone,. Benjamin Matthias, Henry A.. Muhlenberg, 'William F. Packer, William R. Sadler, David Sankey, Peleg B. Savery, Conrad Shimer, Robert C. Sterred, Daniel Stine, Farris B. Streeter, John H. Walker and Valentine Best, Speaker—Yeas 29. Those voting against the passage of the resolution were, GeOrge Darsie, Augustus Drum and Alexander King—Nays 3. Exiract from the Journal SAML. W. PEARSON, Clerk, • IN TILE HOUSE OF REPRZIENTATIVIESS,,i Harrisburg, March 14, 1850. . 1, William Jack, Chief Clerk of the Howse of Representatives of Pennsylvania, do here by certify that the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 on the Senate file, and No. 211 on the House Journal of the present session,) enti tled "Resolution relative to the amendment of the Constitution,"—it being the same re solution which was agreed to by a majority 'wen Hoffman, Clock, IVatchmaker and Jeweler, .' few doors East of Benj. Nagel:buck's Hotel,and adjoining the , Peoples' Store," in Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. • The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public in. general, that he has just returned from New York . and Philadel phia, with a very large and well selected stock of fashionable GOLD AND SILVER / ) -__l9 3 Ira faces, •-• 4 ;11,..2,4,1 100 Eight Day & 24 flour Clocks. 15 4 47 - Nt'_' from two to fifteen dollars, and a full assortment of JEWELRY. Among others it comprises the following fashionable articles Gold and Silver Levers, Anker Levers, Lapines, English, French and Swiss watch es, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, for F all ages, Silver Combs, Gold Breast-pins ! Ear-rings and Finger-rings, gold pens, Gold ' and Silver pencils, Silver Tea end Table spoons, and a large variety of articles in his line of business. He has also on hand a large and well se lected assortment of Accordeons. The above stock is entirely new, and se lected with the greatest care, and of the lat est fashions.and styles. He invites the public to give him a call, particularly the Ladies, and to examine his stock of Jewelry ; and he feels confident that he can satisfy them, that his goods are not only as cheap as can be found in town, but will bear the strictest exandlastion for tneir purity. 4He is thankful for past favors and trusts that his prices and his beautiful assortment will bring him many new customers, to whom he will ever feel grateful. tarßepairing done at the shortest notice end on the most reasonable terms. April 25. ' V. BEST, Speaker of the Senate 31 In 43 QM ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office one door east of Kulbs Hotel, Al lentown, Lehigh county, Pa. Allentown, March 28 COttoN Yarn Rouse. MORRIS & EASTWOOD, •No. 71 .North Front Stre,el, - Philadelphia. COtton . and Linen Chain, Warps, Ind& • go Blue Twist; Coverlet Yarn, Tie Yarn, Lamp Wick, Cotton Laps, &c. &c. &c..&c. Orders promptly executed. April 25 . /1-om-8.1 of the members elected to each House of the last Legislature—after having been duly considered and discussed, was this day a greed to by a majority of the members elec ted to and serving in the House of Repre sentatives of Pennsylvania, at its present session, as will appear by their votes, given on the final passage of the resolution, as follows, viz: Those voting in favor of the passage of he resolution were John Acker, John Alli son, William Baker, Robert Baldwin, David J. Bent, Craig Biddle, Jeremiah Black, John S. Bowen. Brindle, Daniel H. 13. Brower, Jesse R. Burden, John Cessna, Henry Church, John N. Conynghnm, Syl- j vester Criilland, Benjamin G. David, Wil liam J. Dobbins, James P. Downer, Thu- Inas Duncan, Wm. Dunn, William Espey, John C. Evans, William Evans, A. Scott Ewing, Alex. S. Feather, James Flowers, B, , _P—FortnerrA-lexanrrG'ibborreyePhu s. Br Grier, Joseph E. Griffin, Joseph Guf fev, Jacob p.•Haldeman, George H. Hart, LClTert Hart, John Hastings, William J. Hemphill, John Hoge, Henry,Huplet, Lewis Ilerfind, WWshington J. Jackson, Nicholas Jane.", John IV. Killinger, Charles E. Kin kead, Robert Klotz, Harrison P. Laird,' Morris Leech, Jonathan D. Legit, Anson Leonard, James J. Lewis, Henry Little, Jonas R. M'Clintock, John F. M'Culloch, Alexander C. M'Curdv, John M'Lauchlin, John M'Lean, Samuel Marx, John B. Meek, Michael Meyers, John Miller, Jos. C. Mol loy, John D. Morris, William T. Morison, Ezekiel Mowry, Edward Nickleson, Jacob Nissly, Charles O'Neill, John B. Packer, Joseph C. Powel, James C. Reid, John S Rhey, Lewis Roberts, Samuel Robinson, John B. Rutherford, Glenni W. Scofield, Thomas C. Scouller, William Shaffner, Richard Simpson, Eli Slifer, William Smith, William A. Smith, Daniel M. Smyeer, William H. Souder, Thomas C. Steel, Da vid Steward, Charles Stockwell, Edwin C. Trone, Andrew Wade, Robert C. Walker, Thomas Watson, Sidney B. Wells, Hiram A. Williams, Daniel Zerbey and John S Ill'Calmont, Speaker—Yeas 87, Those voting against the passage of the resolution were, Augustus K. Cornyn, Da- vid-Evans and James M. Porter—Nays 8. Extract from the Journal. WILLIAM JACK, Ckrk. SEollETAßit' 9 B OFFICE. Piled March 15, 1850. A. W. BENEDICT, Dep. Secretary ty . the Commonwealth SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Pennsylvania SS: I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original re solution of the General Assembly, entitled "Resolution relative to an amendment of the Constitution," as the same remains on file in this office. In testimony whereof I have t y iv,. hereunto set toy hand, and caused to be affixed the seal of the Secre. Aw.S tary's O ffi ce, at Harrisburg, this "‘ fifteenth day of June, Anno Do. mini one thousand eight hundred and fifty. A. L. RUSSELL, Secretary of the Commonwealth June 27. • Farmers and Mechanics 11U VIM /L a A:Nsw Pomo HOUSE IN THE BOROUGH or ALLENTOWN, Pa. Henry Lek Informs his friends and • \ the r üblic in general, 1.1 - that Mr. Henry Miller 1111Fhas erected a large and commodious Hotel, in Allen street, op posite his ~ o ld stand" and that he m ill arly occu py the same from the first of A piil next. He further informs his old customers, that he has a great many rooms ready to accom modate such who may think pMper to favor him with their calls. He has furnished his house with new bed diri and all of ecessary-materials, an d-7111 a ways keep his bar, kitchen and cel ler filled with the best the market affinds, both for the Table as well ea for the Bar. His Stabling and Sheding are ;all new; large-and conveniently arranged, the Hy drant water is near at hand, and an accom modating Ostler always in waiting. .4 word to his old customers. Such who have favored him with their calls at his old stand, will bear in mind, that the inconveni ences so often contended with, have all been cleared away and the delightful and conve nient rooms, we trust will make up former disadvantages. He further returns his sin cere thanks for the many favors he thus far enjoyed and hopes by strict attention to bu siness, to deserve a continuation of them from his Old as well as from his New friends. HENRY LEH. ErThe "Eagle Line" of stages running from Allentown to Philadelphia, leaves his house every Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, at 2 o'clock in the morning, and returns every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 0 o'clock in the afternoon. Fare $1,50. March 28. if —4 m SIDNEY W. BURCAW, painter St paper-ijanger . ' The subscriber adopts this method to in form his friends and the public in general, that he has lately removed into the house formerly occupied by Mr. Nathan Schaffer, in Hamilton Street. Allentown, nearly op posite the German Reformed Church, where he will always be found ready -Co attend .to calls in the different branches of his business, which are House and Sign Painting, Cranial, Glazing, Paper- flanging, 4-c. During his travels he has made himself master in the above branches, particularly, Paper-Hanging, the panel work of Which is now all the fashion. He will warrant his work to .be well executed, and his prices will at the same time he moderate. - - 15P - He constantly keeps on hand a large supply of Projecting Letters varying in size from 2 to 18 inches; they are used for signs, and have become very fashionable of late. During the time he has located himself in Allentown, he has enjoyed a very liberal support, for which he returns his sincere thanks, and trusts that his work ‘v ill further insure him a liberal share of public patron age. S. W. BURCA W. March 28. 11-61 n 1M aintiaDlL The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 160 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, CAPITAL 300,000. Continue to make Insurances on Lives on the most favorable terms. The capital being paid up and invested, together with the accumulated premium fund affords a polect security to the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments, The company add a BONUS at stated pe riods to the insurance for life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on. the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to 84 per cent, 71' per cent, &c.,on others in propor tion to the time of staning making an addi tion of $lOO, $87,50, $75, &c., on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver age of more than 50 per cent on the premi ums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. No. of Sum Policy. lusurcil No. 58 $ 1000 88 9500 " 205 9000: " 276 2000 1 " 393 5000 1 Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of the subject; lorms of appli ration ; and further information can be had et the office in Philadelphia, or on applica tion to A. L. RETME, Agent in Allentown. B. W. RICHARDS, President, Jtro; F. JAMES, 4etutzry. • December 13 214 1 DilliZO v v i The largest, r.heapest, best and most ele gant assortment of Piano Partys, in the the United States, an always be found at the warehouse of the subscriber, • 171 Chestnut street, above Fifth, At the Old Stand occupied more than a thiid of a •centnry by Mr. GEORGE WILLIG, music publisher. MN PIANOS, HARPS, ORGANS, SERA PHINES, XOLIANS, &c., &c, fresh fraun the most celebrated Manufactu; ries in New 'York, Boston, Baltimore, Phil adelphia, and elsewhere. Sold, wholesale and retail, at the maker's cash prices. OSCAR C. B. CARTER, • 171 Chestnut street, Phil adelphia. February; 14. 91-137 Bonus !Amount of policy- and , or I bonus payable at the iAddition.l party's decease. . ....._-__ $ 100 - I '$ 1100 250-j •2750 400 -1 4400 124 - : 2175 437 50 1 5437 11-ly Dews for the 'Public 1 1. Charles Scholl, Merchant Tailor in Allentown, Hereby informs his friends and the public in general, that he has opened a new Merchant Tailoring Establishment, nearly opposite the Odd Fellows Hall, in Allentown, where he keeps on hand a Large Assortment of Wollen Goods, such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets, rk.c. of all colors and prices, Sattin .and Marsailes Vestings, Summer dress goods for men and boys, all of which were selected by himsell with great care. As for Customer Work, He will be rendy at all times to make up any kind of Goods into Clothing for custom -ersrat-the-shot test notice, bought elsewhere, and will be pleased to see his old customers return to him with their favors. He further returns his sincere thanks to those who have always favored- bim- with their custom` tind trusts that he will be able to merit their friendship henceforth. READY MADE CLOTHING. He keeps on hand a general assortment of "READY MADE CLOTHING," such as Coats, of every color and quality, Pants and Vest itigs. Such who are in want of the articles just named, will do well to call at his estab lishment, as he is satisfied to sell at a living profit, while others do business to gain wealth. He will furnish a complete dress from $5 to $25. It is evident then, that it is to your advantage reader, to give him a call, and judge for yourself. He is in the regular receipt of the Phila delphia and New York Fashion Plates, which enables him to cut for each according to his taste and fancy. He invites the public• to give him a call and examine his Goods and his Clothing— which costs nothing--and satisfy themselves of what is raid above ; further, he feels sat isfied if this is done, it will prove to the ad. vantage of those who have adopted the plan. CHARLES SCHOLL June 13 WO ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Has taken the Office of the late Samuel Runk, Esq., and will promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in this and the adjoining counties. Mr. RUNK may be consulted in the Ger man, as well as English. Refer to Hon. J. M. Porter, Easton, Pa. June 13. w WILLIAM 8. MARX, A TTORNEy & COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office in the western front room of the building of John D. Lawall, formerly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse. Allentown April 4, 1850. . Stuttering and Stammering ! In fr om Fiv C e U toR TED wenty Ninnies. THE Undersigned would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of Lehigh and the adjoining counties, that lie has located him self in New York for the purpose of EFFECTU.i'LLY CURING persons who are troubled with STUTTERING OR STAMMERING. So confidant is he of success, that no pay will be requiied until the utmost satisfaction is given. His method is so easy, fhat any child five years old may understand it, and yet so efficient, that he will forfeit One Thou sand Dollars to any person who will stam mer and apply it.. DR. J. V. Wrctcorr, No. 37 Chambers St., New York P. S. For further testimonies as to the efficacy of his method • he refers to the Medical Faculty of New York, who witness ed the application upon a gentleman, who was an inveterate stammerer, and had been operated upon by other Physicians, without the least benefit, and astonishing as it may seem, Dr. Wyckoff cured him in 20 minutes, that he was able to speak - and read with ease, without hesitancy or semblance of Stammering. The Doctor also has over One Hundred Certificates of cures performed, among which are several medical gentlemen. N. 8.. All letters of inquiry, (post-paid) will be promptly answered by naming the Post Officaand State where they reside. March 7. DOCTOR YOURSELF! For 25' Cents. By means of the pocket •sculapius, or, every one is own Physician ! 24th lition, with upwards of hundred engravings, iowing private diseases every shape and form, id malformations of the' nerativo system, VITM. YOUNG. M. D. arrived, that persons s' Jm secret disease, need more become the victim of Quackery, as by the prescriptions contained in this book any one may cure himself, without hindrance to bu siness, or the knowledge of the most intimate . !Vend, and with one tenth the usual ex pense. In addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, with observations on marriage—be.sides many other derange ments which - it would not be proper to enu-, merate in the public prints. rlir Any person sending rwertty-.Five Cents enclosed in a letter, will recievs one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address "Dr. W. Fining, No. 152 Spruce, street, Phila delphia." . Post-paid. rar-Dr. be consulte. on any of the Diseasesdescribedri in his d different publications, at his Offices, 152 Spruce at., every day betweus 9 and '3 o'clock, (Sun days excepted.) July 26. 17—Ty FASHIONABLE - Jewelry Establishment ! Cheap and Good Watches, Jewelry& Silver-ware, whole sale and retail, at No. 90 Noah . Second street, corner of Quar i,..MliAsi.f*. ry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, lull Jewelled, 18 caret Cases, 030 and over, Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, $lO and over. Silver Lepine Watches, jew elled, $ll and over. Silver Quartier Watches, $5,00 to 10. Gold Pencils, $1,50 to 7' Fine Gold Rings, 374 cts. to 80 Other articles in proportion. All Goods warranted to be what they are sold -for. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE. Also, an assortment oflll. J. To bias & Co., E._ Simpson,_ Samuel &-Broth ers, E. S. "Yates & Co., John Harrison, G 4- R. Beesley, and other superior Pale, Lever Movements, which will . be cased any style desired Arrangements have been made - `with - all the above celebrated makers, the best man ufacturers of Liverpool, to furnish at short notice any required style of Watch, for which orders will be' taken and the name and residence of the person ordering put on if requested. O. CONRAD, No. 96 North 2nd. St • Importer of Watches. Philadelphia, Nov. 29. -ly. G. W. AIERCE - IANI"g CS IgEM UNPARALLELLED Remarkable External Application ever Discovered. , Facts are Stubborn Things!! WHAT HAS BEEN DONE CAN BE DONE AGAIN. Ignorance of facts and philosophy, however start at the assertion that any one remedy call possess within itself the virtue of curing many diseases. Experience of more than fourteen years has nevertheless established the fact that Merch ant's celebrated Gargling Oil, or Universall'am ily Embrocation, WILL CVIIE most cases, and re Iteve all such as Spavins. Sweeny, Ringhone, Wimiga Evh Callous, Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fistula, Sitfiatt,.., Strains Lameness, Sand Cracks, Foundered, Feet, Scratchescrr Grcese, Mange, Rheunta : Bites of Anintals. Externaloisons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils Corns, Whitlows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Chapped Hands Cramps, Contraction of the Muscles, Swellings, Weeknat of Me Jointr, Caked- Breasts, 4-e., 4-c., 4.c., 4-c., The celebrated Duct. Parker also writes as follows :—Dear Sir: I have precribed your Garg ling-Oil in vat ions cases of Practical Surgery. as a liniment, with marked success; and would commend it to physicians generally for external use in all contittions, tumors, sprains, white swell ings, and in all limn:tile affection, where exter nal means arc necessary. As a . discutent it is harmless where the febrile symptoms have been reduced by general treatment. In such cases it is the most efficient remedy within the circle of means now in use. I would also recommend it to community at large as a safe and powerful remedy , where there is no general fever in all the above diseas es to be used. freely and to counteractinflamation in a remarkable manner. In bruised wounds it prevents swelling and consequent soreness in hot weather. • From the peculiar naiure of this Oil, and the unparalleled success it has met within the hands of the Farrier, Farmer and Stage Proprietor, it is but justice to say, that of the great number of medicines which have been offered, none have been so well adapted to the prompt cure of dis eases ; to which horses are liable ; it has been very justly called a complete PA NACIN A ron Tom House. For instance read the following : To Oteners of Horses. This may certify that I have had for manyyears the care of from 1011 to 200 Horses and having made use of Merchant's Gargling Oil for 2 years past and can safely say, that for all the dis eases that horses are liable to, I never saw its equal. I use about one bottle per month, and recommend it to the public, as the best medicine for horses now in use. E. D. MINOR. Caution to Pitrchasers. Beware °COUNTERFEITS, and be sure the name of the Sole Proprietor GEO. W. MERH - ANT, Lockport, N. Y., is blown in the side' of the bottle, and in his hand writing over the cork. float be persuaded to take anything else with the promise it is just as good &c. This is prac tised by those unprincipled dealers whose con science will stretch like India Rubber, and who are of a kindred spirit of those' in our large cities, whose nefarious practices have so re, cently been exposed to the action of Congress. All orders addressed to the proprietor will be promptly responded rm. Get a pamphlet of the Agent, and sec what wonders are accomplished by the use of this medicine. Sold by respectable dealers generally in the United States and Canada. Also by Simon Rau Bethlehem, Pomp & Kensy, .Easton, Amos Rog ers, South Easton, teutis Smith dr, Co., Allentown G. rrailey, Orwigsburg, J. C. C. Hughes, Potts ville. M. A McCoy, Northumberland; #l l . J Shea fer, Milton. Henry gasser. Sunbury. S. 0. & J. S. Allen, Sersey Shore, S. Martin, Williamsport, C. W. Shale, Lewisburg, .I'. Seebold New Hen Tin, Huston & Porter, Towanda, C. H. Bernick, Athens, Smith & Gray, Bellfonte, W. M Bickley, & Chalfonte.& Hughes, Danville, C. M Ebert, Blanch Clint. A. Turrell, Montrose, W. T. Jones &Bro., owdersporl, D. M.Dailey, Hoard & Beach, Mansfield, R. Roy, Willsboro,. 0. F. Taylor, Cbvington, D. S. Newcomb & Co., & Trough & Hurd, Lawrenceville, Dr. A. Hum- DkreY. Tioga, J. 11. Gulick, Dlossburg, E. Ls Shulze, Lock Haven: • December 13. EBRAT in VIE HISTORY of MEDICINE AS TIIE IIIOST ech Bk of Pen.mcrican sylv. M w par I Newark bank of Bank of Commerce ; Mechanics bank at late Moyamensing par 1 Burlington p ar Ilk of N Liberties par 1 Mechanics & Man- Bk of Penn Towns. par ; ufacturers bank par Farmers & Mechanpar ' Newark banking & Kensington part Ins. Company 4 Manuf. & Meehan par. New Hope & Dela- Mechanics par I ware Br. Comp. failed' Girard par I Orange bank 4 Philadelphia par i Peoples bank i Schuylkill par Plainfield bank Southwark par Princeton bank par Western par Salem banking CO. par Commercial Bank State bank at Eliza of Pennsylv. par betlitown,Newark, Bk of the U States 12 Camden,N. Bruns- COUNTRY D•NKS. wick; par Bk of Chambersburg I Sussex bank 1 Bk of Gettysburg 1 Union bank t Ilk of Pittsburg Trenton brkb r idge , co; par - • a 13k of Susq. County 85 Yard Bk of Chester Co. par company 25 1.3 k of Germantown par DELA WARE. Ilk of Lewistown failed The Banks of the state Bk of Delaware Co. par of Delaware are all at Bk of Middletown / par. Bk of Montg. Co. par • Bk of Northumber. .oar NEW YORK. Columbia Bank & New York City bka - Bridge Comp. per Chelsea bank 80 4 Carlisle Bank . 1 linton bank 50 Dnylesto;arn Bank par ommercial bank 10 Easton Bank par Lafayette bank 50 , Exchange Bank 4 Washington bank 70 Erie• Bank 2 COUNTRY BANKS. Farmers & Drovers Bank 3 Alleghany county Franklin Bank • .1 bank 70 Farmers Bank of Bank of Anierica do of Commerce 40 Bucks County par Farmers Bank of do of Brockport 95. d • Lancaster par do of Lodi 25 Farmers Bank of do of Olean 35- . do of Tonawanda 50 1 Farmers' Bank of Reading Pa' do of Lyons 2f, • Schuylkill co. par do', of Western Harrisburg Bank New York 90 Honesdale Bank 1 al I Canal banmpton bank 40- k 5,.. Lancaster Bank. par Cattaraugus Lancaster Co. Bihar pal bank county Lebanon Bank • X E 50' Lehigh Co. Bank 50rie county bank, 51 Lehigh Navigation Farmers . & Drovers Co. Script. 10 bank 5, Miners Bank of Farmers bank of Be- Pottsville neca county 801 p ar Merchants & Manaf. Hamilton bank, 30' Bank, Pittsburg. Lewis county bank 66' 4 Mechanics bank at 46 Monongahela Bank, , Merchants bank atffalo 46* Brownsville, Bu ' Taylorsville Del. Bridge Com g anY, 2-A Buffalo 41:1' m; f l et , b ank of N ew West Branch Bank, 1 Wyoming Bank, 1 - York ' In' York Bank, ; Oswego bank 20' NEW JERSEY. ' Phenix bank 35 1 Staten Island bank SO' Belvidere Bank k State bank ofN Y 80' Burlington County St. Lawrence bank 2 7: Bank par Union bank Commercial Bank United States bank. 86 , Cumberland Bank par N. York ban k. Co. 70 1 .. - Farmers Bank pa r Tenth Wark bank,, .2: Farmers &Meehan- White Plains bank ics Hank, Rahway 4 a:"A All other battll'srlos Farmers & Merchants mentionedifi did alleftve Dank, Mid. Point, 4 Net are froitiftb 2 per litorrisCounty batik .4 c'ent discount. . (o•The notes on all Banks marked witha dash (—) are not purchased by the brokers, Ellra ,INDEMNITY. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANC COMPANY of MlMl('!phi& OFFICE, No: 81 CHESIOJT STREE near Fifth sireet. • Directors i Chat les N. Bancker, Geo. W. gichardi Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner; Adolp. E Bone, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, CONTINUE to make insurance, permanent, on every description of property, irr own and country, at rates as low as are cons's. att with security• The Company have reserved a large Conran• gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi• urns, safely invested, afford ample ptoteetion td the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist; 1848, as published agreeably to an Act of At. sembly, were as follows, viz: $890,558 69 Real Estate, 728,358 9d Temporary Loans, 205,459 00 Stocks, . 15,563 15' Cash, &c., • 46,581 87 ,220,097 67 Since their incorporation, asl period of eighteen' years, they have paid upwards of one million trio handivillhoustmd dation', losses by fire, there by affording evidence of the advantages of insu' ranee, as well as the ability and disposition to' meet with promptness, all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, Presiden CHARLES G. BANCKER, Sec 'y. The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every descrip ion of property, at the lowest rates. AUGUSTUS 1.. RUNE, Allentown. C. F. BLECK, Bethlehem. Allentown, June 13, 1848. 1-1 Y - - IGER BROWN'S siguyE & LIQUOR STORE, No. :323 MARKET STREET, Between Eighth and Ninth Strs, North aide, Philadelphia. . All kinds of Foreign Wines and Liquors. such as— Old Cognac Brandies. Dark and Pale, Holland Gin, .la-. maica Spirits,' rish and Scotch, Mali Whiskey of the very finest quality. • WINES.—Such as Madeira, Port,. Sherry, Teneriffe, Sweet Malaga, Muscat, Claret and Champagne, very choice and! I Also, Manufacturer of Domestic Distilled; P Brandy and Gin. Pure Spirits, Deodorized: " Alcohol, Peach Brandy, Lavender Brandy,. Wild-Cherry Brandy, and Fine Cordials,, Raspberry Brandy, New England Rum, &c., &c., also a large supply of fine Old, Monongahela Whiskey on hand. The above Liquors will be sold at the v'- ry lowest prices. Country Merchants and Tavern-keepers, will do well to give the un dersigned a call before purchasing elsewere, and examine the Liquors, which he vouch es, will hear the closest scrutiny,.rtcollect No. 323171arket Street. ROGER 'BROWN. Philadelphia. Dec R. Bank Nat tiSt. (Corrected Weekly front Bicknell's, Van coures and Thonipson'tDelector.) 13 k of N A -M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers