BUILDVEIS! gust Received Owen Hoffman, Taal) ugMi gbaills, Clock, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 1 The largest, chttpest, best and most ele-‘ LOolli. lIERE 11. New Assortment of Jewelry, ,1 A NEW LOT OF co (end Exraulnc—Judge for Yourselvrs. A Jew doors East of Benj. liagenlich's I gent assortment of.. HARDWARE!!! .cosiTh TreiSS, Hotsl,and adjoinin 0. the.Peoples' 14 • 0 I IPiaaao Fortes, S't ore, in Hamilton Street, The undersigned announce to 0 e public Dealer in Cloelo, Tratehes and Jewell y, the the 'United States, can always be that they have just returticd ft ona Philadl- -IN ALLENTOWN, Allentown, Pa. I to u at the warehouse of the subscriber, , bin and New York, with a very large lot Adoi ts this method to inform his old cus-The undersigned respectfully informs his ' 171 'Uni t e St strert, above Tijth, of Hardware, consisting of terrors and the i ablic in general that he still friends and the public 111 zt neral. that he has At the Old MI occupied more than a third .1 , • 4 .1...,, p , 6 Hoil3C Torniglii,7g Srlicles, eonimm SSI V 211,01 0 I,11:111. SS, nod in fact fart r( turnt cl (rem Nt w York and PIIIIIE4I- 'ofa et nutty by :Mt. GEORGE WILLIG, I.Nirs*i3Sit. Cutlery, Correll '1 2 21.27127ng5. n,c to t %ten , ' t•t I) th..n tttr. nt Ins old stand, 1)1,41, w ith n t( ry huge and well Cele Clea rali , 2lC pub 1 -her. Saddlery and Shoe -findings, all cf which chiectly on-osite iii, oda Fell( wb' Hall, in Ir fink of fasloonablo • PIANO.-1. ri,vrzrs, cr,oxiNs, SERA• will be sold at extremely low prieits. Ille • flaiatarai sotto. Ile has jii.a. rt Inuit d from 1 ( .1 ' ll' 1;.%-. GOLD AND MUER I'IIINES, If.OLIANS, &c., &C, aslittho public to give Slit:C.lll.'b , Nt w Yet k and Pl i iIii(11•11 , 1 , 1 , 1, WWI till tine- f 't r. ' i . ' \ 'F'\\•- • *0644 STORE, sign ot . the , , 31.,,--__A seal . 1t rat.: assoliment of '; s 1 I.: ,-2r,, f, B'a grheg fiash from the most celebrated Manuf.cti. toff L'V' I '1 Z.JI +4.- . diLOC.KN, -. ~ ~,), I r,fl 0 ,r,:j„, ,, yr.„1 g,/::•5 ) , c 6: 4 ,,, tits in Ni w York, Boston, 13altiinore, Phil -.....-;-4k; c- t- i '2 1 Lbw, Clot h... nth 11,111 1. and i I ;cw he te. Sold, n holealt. a call, in older to convince tilt nett It , sof tee' f ,1 2- ‘` '''' 117 z. 1.. C- ' GOLD AND SILVER '.,,tt'tv i' _I -. ... 1.,,,1 furn two to flfu en dollai..s, mat ittail, at tlw maker's ca-11 pi ices. fact, that a 'penny saved is aim ern made,.' U I k ' 0 ,9? W. ECEIES,' ~- ., t'lii:.--;,. a r,(l a full asEortinetittof Ob_CAR C. E. cABTErt, 0&J SAEGER. (Z't ,I2re), ago- 1 —. _ __..it1,..,L -2=147", Rwelry , Specs, &e. .3 P, C.ri V. 114 11 7 4' I' • I 11 1 Chestnut ..- tieet, Philadelphia. To liortse.lEcfpers. I All of u Inch is now unpacked and eNhibit- I A 11.01'r, o'll'lc it (0,,,r11,es ti ,,, ro i l , oin „ , Farim Q , 11. I TI ".. I. Y Itt :1)1ill able nit icics : A great assottment 01 House ftirmshing , e. le A A n - Try, ed for sale at the most 1 easonable i i ices___l articles, such ris , Club] and Silveri et er-, A ither Level-, 6 . _ lip tll 0.1 I t i 11i in: l A', hketili t Str / u . L.t ~d 4, ENANIELEDand tinned inside, cookingl l'ilt.,lll-(Uly and ;20 llour Clocks, i Lai int-s, English, Pi ench and Swists notch- NIOiIRIS & EASTWO OI) , i rons. ls, sauce and stew pan-, preserve Let- in caLcs, decorated in Ow handsomest styles. 'CI —• rl — q ••I q I', I . (:;___:3, CS, la ..., S i l ver.l2r- i.1..1, . ..F.C.12.11.,..., ol yo. " 2 ..., , v . , `!ice;, I -01 • tit i. yütit i, fish and pant kettles, fi) mg pan`, gild- ' Cold and Scicer Watches, -- _ ___ - 1 irll ages, Silver. Combs, Coll 13r-ast-pin., waffle irons, &c. 1 ;01 •r. 7 ( - Ili lei t that caioint la e...celled in any H0't r1 3.1 171 ..J11 , 151 ; 10\i ' t r''''C'sli;)l Ear-rity.., , s and h r -rings. Cold pen,•,(401(1 I and Filv( r, b ilt tr 'II( rt rind Taldr- ' Cotton and Linen Chain - . Warps,-Indl . , ro ',Vito TO, I-1 Col t etch Vaill, TIC • ~ ' - 1 TEA TRAYS and Waiters, final coin- I r , ~,,,,,,• I •stabiishment in the Stste, among 'i t -•r - c _ ii- 1t0t...•-?t, t .rscttcocr Tv ,non to fine, in sets and dozens. A ko. note-' . 1 , I "-a .nt .1 can be foam] the lint st (30t.0 It t et:, '‘i "' 4 't ' FL ''-' id '' '''') sy ( (it-. and a large, lain t) of atticks in Id, NO. ~, , ,, ,, ..1 m A itz, KT . ,: I , sTriv , ,,F . , I% Vain. I.:imp icicle, Cotton Ithe of laistile.S. I 1.111X , ', &r. &c. &c. &c. ic form, in sets, and in variety of crittt rns, I to the ( .1 , ap ,,, t. ~i,,, 1 \„1.,,i,,,,,. 1-I,.twl.t.ti Eighth rind Ninth Buz, \u , l it si de, i i it 1 ' Or 1( 1; i romittly 'scented. I(NIVES and FORKS—an se t s mi d do,. ..e .as a oOa hat,(1.11,11 e 111111 WOll 2,5-i i .r . - z--*"- -- - c''ucervr'brr ~....), i,...-_, 1.• ~., 0. Philadelphia. i lt et, d ii( oi inn rt. ( 1 Act Ludt ofis. A r lil `..):i ens; also knives only ; carvers, ste( I;, (I°l ' l fluid •• :-Ilt tit arid Stt CI Spectacles, is till glas and butcher knives, wall a variety of ':.liter - , ~ All 1,,n It ; of l'ot, ;;11 NVit,ts and Liiint.a, 'I he alto, e:i c el, it- (law Is nt w, and E.C- - 6 --- . w. ~ , ,,I .L. 1 EC" 11 I' a 1 a , tlE. manufactures. T i r ,I.ICI as— 1 leStell I, ith lbe 'Zit .'ic t care, and of the lat- POCKET and PEN NNIVFS—R-t, tt •,' ..'-`,.• ' , I . ) (" ( 1 ..-‘I .C . -1)'''''(.1.11,11.1I0-1( 1 7 1 7"'i, (lid Co ,-, t,dr.; I:Li - milt , ~ Pali, est f• 1 i tr'.7 and styles, Such it, Cold ( ''a un=t, ]tint;', Ilt, tit t pins, ~, T C- 0 ,1 .- ,1 n .....„7. ;led Pa' i, 'ILI! tt-. I't Itn, .11- Ili Itrt s the i tiltltc to _rite hi :n a tall, scissors, shears, from the best maker , ; one , one, two, three. and 4 blade Limes.. IP, it. , inc, , lii t,,rti• , 1 ‘I 411 b•, 'l'i W..' arri 0....,1. i ll l. - -- - - 1 4 4.1' Ii. I I It Jr' li aril *.i . .L tat•ll p.-r, tient 1)• the lAtlit s, and to e'. amint lit , iy.,L,l,elsc ..1 I 1t 1 V Cn) c 'I ill ii, , ill( ter kc...r. t's C . SHOVELS, , -pltdet., hoe-, chains, takes, t i t. ~ ,---------3 Mail \\(•taskey of the t t I:. •ic( I, • ef it tN( li t ; and lie i re 1 , confident tliat pick, a \ es, &c. _tin; it-, , / (11, , 1, '',7,ciii-. retest ti .1 tt he (in satettly thew, that his goads are I.ot SHOVELS and TONC(O, lion al d bi.... Ile I-• to additic nitl., f ti ir( tSo cl, rir Nju llNif>..—Socli as Mad( Ira, Purl, , oat h• as clomp as can be found 111 VAN n, hut polished steel hi e seta and t mndards. co i I Sil , a, I t tuna( ivs, filled up his as seat- 'lkea}', it \. T t he i di( , ,`;.,sett NI ala ..." 1. NIL , c it. will bear the E trit.test e vuninat,on fur tne:r hods, &allots' irons Eionntliing, iron - &C.. and r i p I li i i i ll, 1 , ,v, , CIII,I :Old ( 1,,111 , ra , :i Si, 111 (Iwo,: and pm ivy. for sale by ri & J SAL GER. Pui, , u 4 , ]ta li A l l nolin , , .(i'r em (Hans. 9/d. - Ile is thanhitil for }rash favors and titists oth er Boa o. All hinds of 13rais and also, Manufactiner «f Doinertie DiAilit (1 ill .that his i tic( t, and Ins beautiful as-ortment IRON.—A lot of Hamm and non, d othel It.stluinent; ‘ l , 111 1 10 I.olol',lled nt the ' Brandt and (tin. Pule ;pints. Decaloilied n ili Itimr_, - him many new etif2tomeis, to Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English slielli 51 notice and at the most ri asonablt• Alcohol, Peach Brat.,l), La t elicit 1 d\ . , i1,,110111 I 0 %Aid m o t . f re t t:ra t, ( i d. Band Iron, Hoop lion, Cast and Slient prices. s. 110 111 _ 0 i , , ,, r col =ale Piano and ,1V ild-Clit iry Bland y, atal Fllll2 ( l o t a ' ll'. i : i..' Re Pail moL• (I ,tte at t 1, ,, s low( t. no tice Steel, square, fiat, and round, itist It cc ived ' N , a . tlin Strin,.., , s, and ... e . vi ' ry tier article that Raspla 11 y Biainly, Neu England Itiin aril on the lii ..I_l4llable ta. int , . 'Alt Anvils and Vices, anik-fq Sale cheap L. orlon-'' to (Its ii tttiiiint iits. &c Sc., also q I tre - e stupid) of fine O'd A pill tI.. c-2 in 'nre of 0 & 3 SAE( lER, It( patting NV:ltches, Clocks, i'VETewelr) Itinongaltela Whit-Ley on nand. 0 Bows Gaits, Fi 1,1) 10, 10 dune at the rhornst notice and on 1ea.9011,1- The ilbOt e Liplelb twill te ...Ida al 11. e It - i ‘l`')'t) 'iii 4123 ATI t il tt :,..),....1.1.1 J.„;. ..1.,...i I J.... ...1..13 I, 10 by 1:5, Pt la) 10, and Lle tuna' ., ry lowest pliCtS. 0 , 11111,1 V Mercl.anis 111(1 1 T 1 e Gnat,' life b.-m.1,1 , e Annuity and "Ts, for sale by .1 I lirllll,llll fill the hlteral custom Ito-lite- Tavein-Lt.cpci, tt ill do well to Fit e the nil- i 1 ','i ie.! Cotairtnl, ( Phil idelpliia, Oilioi No. 0& J SAEGER.. foie enio)( (1, he tausts , that his imactualitt deizi2 tied a tall berme putt:lnv-inc. (. 1-t were, 'I(.1 C hes. rt ilt Street, Chat ter Per i cud, in business,the cht 'ip }trues ofhis o.oods, and ettamine the Lititit is, which lie t mica- TY MEG El as chord (I ''" will St it 111111 111(11 'oaken and 1,2 - e Ole , e'F, will Lear the CIO , : 2.1 sci nutty, neon& mica s 1 Ca 3 .7 "CA. LI 00,00 es scription,, such as Pinch and Moulding t int an , i r 0u1 ,,,,,, ,, ,, ~,,,,y ... .... ones. 1 No. ItMZI. s 3 :if new et p,,e,re,,q. 1 ront:idle to walso fir,ll,•tti.ce Cuz lathes Cl) Planes, I-Tand, Paunch and Back 5.111 , , ~\ Ity 1,3 iz, )( ; Eit im t ytv N . the most fat °rabic ta i ms. c, --.:3in Brace' and Bitts, Auger Polls, Ila.clicts, 1'1111,1(101i iili. 1/. r2l 1 . --1‘• 'll eCr 1i:I 11 I (ll' , paid up rind lavt led, Squares, &c., for sale by 1 i I tot - ili(•i wi i. the accumul itt il pleiniiim fund n Sc J SAEGER. -----_ Tim vii, e i m i tTi l t i t.i -: \ii\i‘;'l,ll,l iNsu,-).Lvisiert..E I afiluils a 1 .1 (lc,/ c ( (tiV t ii to 11 IS in , d. To SHOENIAIII.IIS.—Jost tocfstved a 1 T 1 ei i ern him inny be paid in t u t ey, half new assortment bf Morocco and 13Inding , COVIA..:T of Philadripilia. , ..,,,,k 0 , , ~,,,,,,,,, 1 ,, ~,, , „,.. Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wocclen Pei/ , orricn, ?,,. it 3: 2 cia.: ..\ I 1 t:•11,1”.1 i ~., lIC 14 1 . 11111 '011.1.. 1 h., COlll, 111 \ a ILI a IIoNI-3 a t - d i, a pt i tieds to tho to-t,lat cd f• ,r life. `l' Le ht t I bonds t ns ,' IT:( ~ 11. it (I id I 't cei lb( 1, 1 - ,i 11, ~ii,tti.tiiio, to 111 pt's c, It. ell the sorb Ili -uittl We's' 1110 lil It -I. 1,0 , C,CC, 10 ti t per ct nt. e i I . pre(elll, LC . (11 01111'1' 111 111111/01- 1 0 , 1 In the tune . of •in (liipt, malting an adtli- I don r f '1'14(0, t..'.7.:30, C 7:), Lc , on evt i) •:10,,,1r11,11 -,ally insured, r. Inch is all aver age of more than I'M pet cent Cal the premi ums: paid. and without increasing the ai,n an ha r t nitet to tl:c c( tripcny. /i . ;;;W•Z-Vi. - ,i-..!: 4 •"- - s , ;-• • r.T.z..7-:,-..:-.-----_--- ~", . _ I . A .t.. b. ; ft 5 N........ . 11\411111111.ED ill ILE 111'1( IA of 1111:DICIVE 1 AS Tll 1 ,110817 flea ;I,alll, 1' tic; nal .1)) 1 Iti I. (al (lc; l)i , fill Hal , Fac:s arc Stillibe'rn Things :I 1.1.11 AT 11'S 19 I :. r ()NI . CAN 111. PON! :AGAIN. I,:notai Pe o: f mt. and plulci.opht•, how ever, G i ro Th7til iazo aisenc , ff ; start at ow .1 , ci don t ha t 1111}•(lilt' it tncelt. can P osse s 'a chin itself th, circle ill'curing man s• ~•"' "+" ,, ?","•,,V-epectr - diseases. !li st c rine(' of mot, than foully( n tests - , 1-'e 4."'.."4....q4....,“ -.,,„, - 1 „„,,,.,„ 4 c e 7 41 ~,. .. ha. net cri ~,,- tablishe I the I•let that 111erch .." I '.--.. .....3".".1C, "1-- •.'. ---,---, • Tftr I ant's le m ceel Clarglie • Oil ot I n 1%, i sal Pam 3 4 _ie J iil :::.,1114.-- - ''' - "r r" ., "`" , C i'' Ck 1 ll3 I: 1' , 1(1e Moll, V. 111 I. I.'l' 1 . 114 , 1 C.l e.,, and ic - tt --- :: :Z.; -' • _ elect' all each a, ,to ,' . ••• li-' -'l, .i .1 ..,, /), /r e tot 7: it, , •i.,, , 1"1 , '10M li , 1 , 11 I'7ll 1:1;1 1 7v,t,1e>„:,',4-f.,-.x.,.;,1,..f...,4":,_,,, : 4.1., --• I'llllll sN. Banda I, Geo. \\ . Rich-lid:. _ , • Alm (1. I ). Lew 1 ., Lehigh 'i l ran SM)rt. il t i Oil COMP I i r ,„ ll , l l : i n a l ,. , a. "‘ \ I - , 1 , 1 ` 1 ,. 1: 1 1 1 1 : ) , A doll.. .1.1 Bono, l ' ;,,,, I , tree ~ '•,,,, '1 CI. I; ‘• ril ti t , (1(11, di i 1 11, .••• 4( He 6) it : ," E r, r e, lart ;; tu _______ , . , . .rLtinuel (.4l;ott, Dat ill S. Brent ii, t•IIfI, s f I .111 iIEI 'I I a(li C 1111 S, ' I The ',rept mt. i • 011.10,111111 s tal,,lsll,ll on e , 1,1, , ,, , ,, K. „ with, , moi,,, rau.,,,(1, ye notice that tbey ~I 0 now „plepli -- , 00.,l'INUli to in II P Insult tre pc inianent 03 co to 1, I,•Ivo .\l, rcloale,,lie, 1,1 oil description i t i ant, ~ta te, ~ I (car} dose, t i mon , I p.optatt , 111 ( 't '' 'an , C/ pp I 11 !old, rratur, dat their old , g ra d , Li , I,' , ,\\ had, fine be- 1 u „,, 1 .1 1 . COll I 11, at 1.1. n, as low as ale con ,is Ce, O ki t , t of /he II escit, Ste , gr,, ,,, ,, by low Vine Aar t, On !Ise Ot lawat e and Cot- .1(1 51 1111 ....l CIII 13. 11.'f It/ , ' '' r f l't 1; 1;1 , ('111,,:(1- w - 11 ,1, i i to dh \l lk, l a , I, 1 ,, I i I , ~.\;,,,. _ T i,„ 1. -, will .. 1 .,. barer rem 1, u 1111 II \ .111 111 II Lapit al and I I efil The ee'ebi ID'Il 1) ILI. Pat her eil-o 11 111 `, as - I loi,e,Easion.P. till( lo in. 111,•nton • ii,Alaucli ,ta t •,,, ~ i \ ~, a. .010. d ant 1 ~, . A. it , Chunk, Pt nu I Lax en, \Vint,. lint tii and (la t e,, ' ',' I no t' N ,. ~f 4,..‘„,„ 13 ' “ ' UI ' .\ U "' " n ' ill P "l i ' e V ' ll , lll 110.0 I • •--4) • r ~, 1:lb It e picL,ll,-.1 VOlll (.; 11 ' ' ' ' 131; of N kin.itea par Mechanics bank of le, hr 1 s 11. ti• I 13h of Pnn \ le. par Newaik W 1 ikesbai re. Thev arc: e let t itit , , . (1.005 I also pier mu te , ii,r , 1 cL I 1 the comp Irv, on January I.t, Folic) '• xt1,11: b I '''', P r ' . ', b '' at I" it ~.", 0,1 in 1a , ,us els-, ot I') rtt lira/ .'‘'irr ;Try. Id • to att Act of A.- ' --- -- --_— _ ship goo , ls to and limn N, w 1 ore: to Wilkes- IR N• ~, p 1 ,e,1,,,1 ~z , e , a , • .. , , s. Me i c 3l l i i r a i n n t i c g s to b n ank at par par • len r ...In 1 1111 it 'le reh tot I Lee-% lit l 1)1•1a• scrillth ,w, i c • .1. tollett ,ttz • No. .t., ,1t t o Ira— , li( ,) ts a Ito , -ir, I, v, ith in ii he I sin l,s, ; and would B i nnis ', f n c :, ° ,,, n e l i n ,17,,7 ~, in , , el 0 10 I I \ lel 111 , 8 1'11.1'01 \ Il.f ( t ternal '' ' • and L i 1, 1 ,41 Atm pll_,--, is , in,r,oa t 5 i , 73; :I',i 0.„ 0 - tr, -,0 ,31, of N ',Mettles par 11Techatties & Man of it and 11 Hi , ii, 1 1...A1t .110 1 . .., 9 Real ~,, 1 e •II ' '' 1 , II I • •111 1111 , l' • 11111' .15 ell ~ , 71.'5,358 t'o e , r•tr, ett ( 0 4110 -4. e 0 H ', In I , :' lln I ' , , uec 0 , ,)121111Towns. par ufacturer• bank par 1' i nl. aryl 1, , 1. li t'... 1.'1,- / 1111t.m , a flail- ~., i.', ~ ni, ~I 01.1orai lc ans, tit - ,, , 1 - 79 ( 0 •• 2ii, '2 (0 v:1 -- :,.3 in ''' ll " ' ' H ' hi '' ''' I' ••' I ' ii ; "" I' . (silty Pai mei , & Meohan.par Newaik banking & , 1 , , t cork. Ii \ ‘, a ~i,t II e,,, ti is Ki . n ,.. itigt ., ll trad. Mt r(1,111 ,, !.aria, l• New Volk. vt 111 I • I. • e rail on ; 4 0 1..11C1, .111(1 ( . `„, 5 1,,, c s„ .c ., 4t,:•• , , b 7 - - 1 F ort trot e d I , , in 11 Ili ninon,. In sue II L. 1 , ( , e 'l`• ',lt ult 1, t, I 1 'l` i :to ll.t, Vl 110 V. I'l L , 'Vt• 81 --- ------. P.IIIIPI II I'. 1.1.1 t lining. ' eldt s, of I at, -. ant,,-. ~, , , Meet' tnics ware Br Comp.failed par . • II II " 111 I ' `` 111 I c lII° 1 ' ' l I I ' I 1""" 11 " e been M.IIIIIt.& Meehan par New Hope & Dela , , i• iltto ea t ilt ~tino t t 11 nom toe ,it o, . ai- nt r tart' 1.11011.1 Ciak/1 . 1. Goods shipped b, 1',1,9.20.00", 1.7 esi lot Al ,l,lls x f the •11 1, 1 et ; 1,111 sot,l p 1- ii ,.,, , ~, it. I , iii a..r. tura' el pal Orang,e bank • we •• id tz:o td•l • • • dean 1. Oil k old ill rJ 1' ' 1 1 ''. .‘,k S • S''''' .1 " 1 ' '`-' 1 I" " 1 ' "a V" 1 " 1 " 1 ' l, 4 l ‘ lN-1 Clllll/11 1 111111 11. I di( r 1.11( tal 1 ,i L an 1,,. 1,,,1,1 I ~, ~ 1 ii.. ., ~,, owl , ,1 ~, 1. , 0 1 ~ 1 n I ,. itv a , I"*l „ , lad , elphia vr ue, the v 11,1.0 p ~a u p N Ards of n• c ClIt ", ' i t Vie i 111i.e in Phi',.tili 11 h hi, iliti 1 1 i ilit.,7- III.`ON a , ole :.all post ( t till rim e d} where o ne , nentiviii ill par Peoples bank ,at Plain fi eld bank - • , fin. ' rif 1 - . ''i -‘r L. l 'l"' - IT , ' Ili (c) N' 411 " 11 - her, I, ;mired Ihrit,ml,lfiella;,, losses I,y h i e, ite- I c smiths% at k par Princeton bank par tion to A. 1,. lit iii , A.:•, i t ~ , • in A' ,tttlN II Oleic' 1 , WI 'en , ril le , . nin all the above discas I v, ~, ~,, p a r; Salem banktng Co. pan PLANE,b. n.,(.. 1 Lt: the Eloep I'm: (1 Gie3 honed e r ants ~ ' • ~ T c • 1 lIV alfording e‘ 'donee or Ow a dvant Igcs i d l i t , it 11. V 1 . li rs to he es, d li,•co, and lc comic i anti-ill unation , Lit ti.lis, Isii...iilint. HI ~ , I 1 3 I s• 11l c'. • ' r tt 11 'i colt 131111 - State bank nt Blum v. Inchow ill be , mice, a: u ell a; the abiltiv and dt.po Ilion c a !Linn pao,, , loamy r. loi up., i li, out', sit of John Ilell's best make, also a laige a- ot t- 1 7 ",: : " - ,'" L '. , t `• ~': . t cc , l ; l ° ll ' foot tf C , dar 1 , meet n itli pi omptness, all liabilities. Ixo. I'. J•oli ~ at tuto.v. of I').lll),viv. p a r ' betlitown,Newarir,. 1 , iliti at II V .o,• lily I_, 1 in,pit tt ot s i cl'e, r • an,l (ohs, (wont sot elle ,s in neat of Carpenter's Tools, for side r hog p . ... I 111, of the I; States 12 Camilen,N.Bruns al ian.,i. in ~ "N si tit iit el The • ,vs e nts I CH Xll LE •N. B kNCKER, Pie id •1 i Peceinbt r 13. 1, -1 y hot tt e .de I. I y 0& J SAEGER. ''" ' ' ' ' , are -11L'i 11. it thole will alwat she a -lood ' cii \DLES 0. B . \ NeKEB , s e e y . - rl.lOl 111 , perllll.ll II 11110 ~r 1 1, 0 ,1,,,„,1 ii,, . • ioi . nil 80001. Wick, , Sussex bank pan 1 _ _-__ - - 'V A t.': ,, la 60 :k ..°.l ra.LE ,„,,u,t0,1,,1 ~,,,,,s it int , Bat ll ithin the hands lii , of Cliamhcistoll g , lIOLLO \VA P. E.--500 lion Pi is and re Itly to tea A e li ight-. Mei cli-ints and 1 . , Phu Sub•ciiltel ; arc the appoinitil %gents of nion hank P' 13h of Gettysburg I • ,;;hers-t tll , (TOO ;1 to • hip fi0.,1 New Yorlc 0,, Kettles, just received and fit s‘ile at it 1,, 1, s . above mentioned Institution, and are now Jewelry Establislmient I „1 1.10 .„ lillll , r. Tam( r awl .Ve,.e,r l'ropri. tor, llk aPittsbul-, , Trenton bank. co. par reduced prices at the :tore of t ) any of the abot e nained places, will Ithy, pi epared to make instil ances on eve' y desertp. lir rif `1• 1 ,,n County S c B H Vaulleyville badge it is bat J o tun to say, th , t of the ot oat number I- -. ' o . comiron . 25. 0&J S \ 110E11 plove I,a‘ c their 'mods, mai hal to the care f sto cite. at the low est i e ,.. , 1011 03 p , / , Cheap antLGood Watches, - Bl iCt • • Cu. it ._•• ~," ~.„,, , ~,, , oi c u,licino v lin h 111% e been Mb icel, none hat e c 0 • l'-' LI .' O . ' AVM 1, t o i.. 111., Allentow it. Te eliy &St I ver-wa ie, n lime- b , ~ , I I I 11l- IC • lanton n pat I 1.11.1. AA IV .1111.C.a. April 18 _, l'-'2lll 1-/I :IDLE, 11l YON ,P ) . 60. This line C.F. I3LECK, etblehern. been so w t a,. 1 pt, t, to the flotilla curc 0. lII` • 0 o_rn , -__ __ • p -- - eemi,-I,ts of 'l'v'enty-tiro Pi) st Class Deck , taut and retail, at No. 90 Not th eases ;10 r Inch purse's are tiabie; it has been Bic of Lewistown faded Tin• Banks of the state' Ito .11Segiecte-s. kil ntom a Tune 13, 848 l r '' 1 --I Y , Goals , and cotton tuded by Lobet and 0b1i , . , ,- ,_ , __ __. _ Second street, coiner of (Amu- t er) .1 ,1 , 0 t. called a complt te Pt•tt t t tint •i to. Ilk 01 Di . par , .1 male Co. if Delaware are all at, A splendid assortment of I'i out aiol Pa,•loi ry, Philadelphia. 11011,1. l'iti instance I, ail ilie follow ing : 131 1 of :11 tddletow n I par. • io‘ Caplan - is ;we it u.:t du ir low! expel tenet: ,- itutterinci .ind ;11mtilering ~.-, „ , Ilk ol !sitting. Co. p,tt Locks tvith mineral Itimbo, gotta in Lock 3, , , b ( i ( -, -ea. _an er Watches, full Jen e ll,. ( I, 1-. um t T o Ow( sal for sr v. NEIV YORIN. 111'1 the tom at di.; ' i nsole; s an d 1 3 ; wet, at. not Not thumbei , tiat l'ln. tn. tet tut:, Ilt It 1 hat .. ttad tor many 3 ear . Colombia ca , es, $:3O and et er. . Nen York City lilts A Latches, Bolts, I I inges. Screws, Paint Bills IashOU.RE3I2 I 1 t h e C al e oi limn Htu to '2OO noises and harm , ' Initial - 1 to ( 11l 'tamest of cistoniers 1N ill st_-13 ill & es, and a variety of other budding Hari- Silver Lever IVritches, full ' 11110" T Comp. par Chelsea hank 80 cute 0 0 10111111 11.111 Ce a th, , ir pat; 111.1tre .. • ' in front Fit eto Twettiy Ninnies. m ade ti cot Mei ch titt's Gal 2,11:eg Oil fi n •: „ '-, , i huton bank 50 ,- - 1 ii elnotper ware just unpacktng, and fur ,1 . A( 1E:: l'b : jew elled, $lO and m el. I - - • that I all the 1 "r 1 ‘ o at s p 1,1 and (an •,,,.. t c t,or a le tis I.le Bank then ever by U & J SAEGER. , H. S. .1/ •, .,»'1 /of a /,' , l'lliladel phi 1 ; ./oha r - .1 ,` -il t rsi oiled would les pectrully an- Silt (r Le pine IVatt.ll t.. - , it w- I HI. 1_ it t. . eases that h os t's are liable io, I itt vet saw Its ' 3... Di le 13 il at stow n at . p ommercial bank 10 I,lNyette bank 50 ~ April 18, 11--tn 0/ / F 7''l I AlI p( y ( ~e, ,a , toil ;. II - , ,u, t.s . . N il s , - I ...nounce to the r itizens of Lehigh and the (11(.0, sell and over. (quill. I it•ct about one bittle prr :nom 1, a i 1 . „ I Easton Bank pat . i Washington bank 70 Evellaw_m Bank - - - I a djoiiiiii. , 4 count!. , that .• he has located loin- Silvei oum tit•l Witt elit.s, *5,00 to 1 0 lectimmend IL 10 111 C 11111/11C, a, the best medicine 1E11101PaiNli) J. 311491111C21, i kilo - mu ;BA lath ,S. Kam's', Iletlilt•hein • c • horses • i i fur (101 l 1 use. D. D. MINOR. .11C 1111 k Eric B 2 CiaiN-rny BANKS , . I ' I T - ' C 'mr oso of Gold Pencils, :01.7)0 to 7 'li 1 il•niio ,, 'lt tuch Ghoul, ;.I..l'ar- ( sell in 'New \ oil' 'or the 1 1- - Pala - leis & Dim crs AmTour.r..v .3. AT LASS% 1 .., • I f ~ • , Alleghany county I rif • r ,S. ro ,P, nii Haven : lilal, , ltr ,S• Ilui • - , Er_I'.ECTU.7.I;I:I" CL'fil.\'(: Fine Gold Bing., 271 its. to SO . Caution to Purchasers. nark 1 hank 70 °glee a feta doors west q the Court House. i Inn. w i ll ( 0 . , lite . ,li ( ye t I ! ,S. ,Treftier,Ne‘‘ i per , ons who are troubled with Other artic l es in pr o p ort i on . 'All Goods • , , Bank of America . 1 35' name of the R u l e Proprietor GPO . W. Isll,llll Partner. Bald, of tlirlle. can be consulted both in the Get- I Yolk. 1 S TrVIEII 1N 0 011 ST 111 M E RING. tval ranted to be what they me sold for do of Commerce 4n • ANT, Loclspoi t, N.Y., is blown iii the side of Bucks Couttt, • par do of Brochport 35 rind English language.. 1 Pi:open -1 on •.---Ftter S. Nimbler, 3°11" So confidant is he of success, thnt no pay Constantly on bond, a full assortment of me botilaint in his hand writing mei the cm lc. Farmers Bank of do of Lodi 25 Allentown, April 4, 1 -tf I Opdy else, • Selfridge & Wilson, William will be ierpmed until IbC nlfflOSt E'atiSfaetloll 1111 e (101,1) JENVELRY end SILNEB. Dont be persuaded to tahe anything else w ith Lancaster Par do of Olean 5 __ . I Mturlicad, Prcti & Saeger, NlcEt ors, For- is given. His method is so easy, that any WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J. To- the promise it is Jll , l. as good &c. This is p , Inc Frame's Bank of du of Tonawanda no SIDNEY W. IlliitCMV, , I man, fluvli S. lilorelientl, Jacob Alde,l /take , c h i ld II " 'cars o ld ma y understand it, and bias & Co., E. Simpson, Samuel & Broth- used bv those unprincipled dealers whose con Reading Pal do ot Lyons 2.4. .4. 1 'II - ES. Yaks & hn Hat risen 0 ''clenc.e , • wilt Slletch like India Rubbe, and who Farmers Binds of v on ver f„,„-,7, I,3aper,flattqcv I. 1 and !holds, John t3, , ani,, , ,, t , i tiding ender yo.f.,,,,iiielem,itiat h e wl n f ol ki t O n e 71 (31 , 1 „ erg, . 1., , 1 , 1 C 0.,., . ,b, of Ive,ern ~ , - are of a hindred spirit of those in our large f-3ellll3lhill co. pal New York 301 ' the firm ( I A 131,1., NN I 1 -''' ( - I '' 4 &" C°• ; sum/ Do/fats to any person who will stain- , S' 1 1. At_s ey , and ot h er super i or / (dent -- cotes, whose nefarious practice; have so lc Hari 'shiny Bank I Bingliampion batik 40 4 The subscriber adopts this method to in- April 4. (11-liii i • 1 titer and eppl) it. Lever filoventenk, which twill be cased in cent) been exposed to the action of COlll2l I , C. Honesdale Bank I canal brink 5, form his (muds and the puldic in general, 1 - D a , J. V, W I , ( 1 , 011 , any style desired. All orders addressed to die prom ictor w ill be Lancaster Batik P" Cattaratigns county that he has lately reinot ed into the house 1 1I ' ''' o _din ..:tore 1 . liu GE cal " 1 ( No. 37 Chambers St., New York Arratiffements have been made with a ll .! .promptly responded to. Lancaster Co. Bank par ba „i c 35 I Get a pamphlet of the Agent, and sec what Lebanon Bank Et le Lounty bank, bos formerly occupied by Mt. Nathan Schaller, 1 OF PHILADELPHIA. P. ,S'. For fintlier testimontt sas to the. the above celebrated makers, the best man- wonders Inc accomplished by the use of this 1 Co. Lehig i Bank /113 rdimerm & Drovers 00l to fornish at short in Hamilton Street, Allt•ntown, neatly op- I Th i•• f ku 1 efficacy of his metho d ; . he refers to the ufactuters of Lit erp , medicine. Lehigh Navigation bank 5, ankful tot le citizen.. 0 . entow n ant posite the German Ilefol tiled Church, n here I , . d style of Wstch for sold b • rcs crtibt • • Nled mai Factilly of New i olds, who n • itness- notice any requite. ,3 p, t. dialers ge itc rleii itv f o r their increased custom, we e 'totally in the Co. Script. I n rat tners bank of Sc he will always be found ready to attend to ' l ‘- , • •• • ell the app lication" 'lltlemen, who which orders will be taken and the name United Suites and Canada. Also, by Simon Rau upon a ~t.. Miners Bank of neca county ant wmin retitle , t their company to t iew out.; calls in thellifferent branches of Ins business 1 ' i wa„.• an inveterate stammerer, end had been and residence of the perso n ordering put on • Bethlehem, Pomp & Kensy, Easton, Amos Rog Pottsville Pa r i Hamilton bank, 3Cf ' larg e and splendid as7ortinent of' e rs,Stitilli Easton, Lewis Smith &, co.,Allentown Which are :-. opeiated upon by other Physicians, without if requested. • Merchants &Mrtn,ar• Lewis county bank GM House and Sign anting . , Craning, \ CHINA, GLASS & QUEENSWARIF.,. t 1 the least benelit, and astonisliino• rts it . F ado • Oi we..., n.. CC. 1. , s P O. CONItAI), No. Oli North 2nd. St. • , " '" 1 r t b r J. C. (... Ht „he , rats Bank, Pittsburg. , Mechanics bank at 4ii Glazing, Paper- lie ngmg, 6.e. Diane). Si! „ , I'm Set , ,7'oilet.Setsr, and i I inny.seetn, I . )r. 'Wyckoff cured him in 20 vine. M. A McCoy, Nortliumberland,H. J. Shen Monongahela Bank, Impoi ter of \Vetches. fer, Womb Henry Masser, Sunbury.S. 0. &J. S. Brownsville, I Buffalo 45' Merchants bank 3t During his travels he has made himself gI, irate, sin le -. either of Glass, c..lllinn or Stone • minutes, that be was able to speak and teed Philadelphia, Nov. 20. 11._..1 y Allen, Jersey Shore, S. Martin, Williamsport, Taylorsvitie Dch Buffalo 40' master in the above branches, particularly, Ware, sold in quantities to sun, purchnsers, with ease, nithout hesitancy et semblance _ - c. NV. Shaffle,Lewiburg, J. Seehold New Ber • B r idge Company, '25 Millets bank of New Paper-Hanging, the panel il l lc which • for less than they can be lied elsewhere. In ~ • of 13 of Stainmei mg. .1 4 11 Ifil)it TV - 6) 411 lin, Huston & Porter, Towanda, C.H. Bernick, West Branch Bank, I Yolk 10' now all the fashion. Ile will mutant his fact at less than Wholes@(7 - Prices. The Doom also bus over , One Handled .C) ~ .g. Q w... ....4 Athens, Smith St (1 13 111 A'r COHNEY AT I.AIV. 1 t lay, t mite, NV.ltt Biekley, Wyotning Dank, 1 & Chalionte & Hughes, Danville, C. 131 Ebert. York Bank, , Osm ego bank 20 35: work to be well executed, and his prices American and English Britannia Metal Goads, Certificates of cu res pei formed, among which Office one door t•ast of Kolb 1.1 111 M auc hChun k,it T it'Montrose,NV• 'l' , me ~1 .. ' ' NEW JERSEY. Staten Island bank sot , will at the same time be moderate. In gieater variety than ever before offered ate several medical gentlemen. lentown, Lehigh county, Pa, • tones & Bio., osvdcrsport, B. M. Bailey, linant L' state bank ofN Y ElOr relic constantly keeps on hand a large lin the city. FANL,Ii Cinxit in a great va- N. B. All letter's of inquiry, ( ; ,Im•l-Pidti) Ailentown, I\latch '...8. T—tf . • & Deach, Mansfield, 'll. Roy. Willsinno O. F. Belvidere Bank St. Lawrence bank 75. supply of Projecting Letters varying in size. 1 riety very cheap. will be promptly nnswered by naming the -- . - • . I nylor, Coyitigton, D. S. Newcomb &bri., & I Burlington County i . na 1 Bruton bank 25 from 2to 18 inches ; they are used for signs, Lir We would invite any person wisitin Post Office and State where they reside. . . 1 Trough & Hind, Lawrenceville, Dr. A. Hum ' Bank ' r ' Isiltes bank ..), VVasliington Printina . Pre4s Imbrev Tama J • H. Gulick, Blossburg, E. L. Commercial Bank i. 'Unite( i . and have become very, fashionable of late. the city to call and see us-they will at lenst March 7. 111-tr. b Li ~ .0 -. i • Co. 10' During the time he has t o himself be pleased to walk around our be stole IFO ff.? SAIILE. l bhutze, Lock Unveil. Cumberland Bank par PI. Yor c bank. b 1 25. Pettily Wark an r, I 2e.c.,.e..r.n.b.e.=............,....,................ it -I,y Farmers hank par White'Fiskins bank he' in Allentown, ho has enjoyed a very liberal and to view the finest China and the cheap- A Superior iron printing press, Washinr.- I •______ _ ______ Farmers &Meehan' supp•ort, for which he returns his sincere est the world produces. wi th ton's pntent, a bed 22 by 34 inches, in •., Exams!' AND CIERNAN All otherhanks not iesßank,Raliway , ..(3 , . above” .-thanks, and trusts that hie work will further Very respectfully, first ram order, for sale at this office, on tic Ilk , tioned in tnc Farmers&Merclamts Jaen , . Dank, Mid. Point, i ME:O6 Ito 2 prr insure him a liberal share of public patron- TYNDALE & INII'f CHET ,L, corranodating terins.--Address A. L. Ruhe, • 0 xylit PIIINTING age. S. NV , Duße,Aw. No. 210 Chesnut Street. post paid. ,t Of every description neatly executed at Ole , Morris County bank B cent discoulet: cr, The notemon grll /Lurks utackled witli a distil March 28. T —Gm Philadelphia, Sept. 20, If-lv-8 July 25. '"-lw i , tltep,ister" office. (-) are iwt puiehascil by the brokers. (OL A by "12, 10 by various other se 1 4 ; f r e r '":717' 410 11.4 40 .6 KLarn . r""c • E Ow is your Time to T ravel iz ay tc THRouoRFRONI • Philadelphia to. Allentown, The People's Daily Line of Stars be tween Allehtown and Philadelphia, lea'ves American Hotel, Allentown, every morning at 4 o'clock, and arrives in Phila delphia at 1 o'clock in the.afiernoon. Leaves Daniel Dalby's Bald Engle Hotel, Noith Sd street, above Callowhill, Philadelphia every morning at 6 o'clock, and arrives at Allentown rit.2 o'clock. For Silos or _ other information apply at either if lho above named plaeeS', or at Lei ' boa's Sun Howl, in Bethlehem Fare each way, .31,50 April . 11P 0 0 D. GOO cords of Oak' and [lickory wood; wanted in exchange for. goods at the "Pee-. pie's Store" .„ • tiroiScass May 2. 11,1=-4W IZC I I A RCLlttlr OIL N REE 11E3 ......._ . aimutv7zaraC) The j undersigned takes the liberty of in forming his friends and customers that he removed his Store, from No. '2A North 4 St TO NO. 140 MARKET STREET, between 4 and sth, where he has for sale, at very low L p OOK INGrices. an ex GLA SSES,tensive assortment of in Gilt, Mahogany, and Common Frames, well adapted to to the Southern and West ern Market. 1 Large French Plate Alirrors framed to or , der, of approved Style, either plain or rich. ! ly ornamented. _____ _ Toilet, Dressing and Swing Glasses, in great variety ; Gilt and Fancy Wood Por trait and picture Frames, also Common Frames without GlasseS. Lasking-glassPlatesby thebox, or in less quantities, ALSO FOR ti A IX, • ' Brass and Gilt Curtain Cornices and Or naments, Brass Andirons arid Fenders, Shc- , . vels and Tongues and Standards, Fine Go - thic Tea Trays and Warters, Ivory and 'l'ip Handle Knives and Forks, in setts and! dozens, Fine plated on German Silver Spoons, Forks and'Butter K nives, Fine anal Common Brittannia Ware, Plated Castors? Candlesticks, Cake: Baskets; Snuffers and; Trays, &c., &c., A Creneral assortment of Clocks for Sale.- Li, Looking-glasses racked in the safest mtmer, and Insured against breakage. JOSHUA COW PLA ND. I)cecntbcr, 6 T — . l Y• - - • -- G i . , --- C in -t3l Brandreth's FOR 'I . IIE CURE OF Consumption, Coughs, Golds, 4c., rliliffiLlC THOSE who are sufli-ring from remit ting or Intermitting Bilious Complaints, should read the following, and be guided thereby : . • Causc of Pain.--Pain is the consequence • of the exertion of the organ or part where it is present to throw on morbid or corrupt hu mors, for no rain can exist hut from the pre sence (Athos(' matters which are of an un healthy character. When we have pin in the head, in the bowels, or in any other part of the body, it only proves the presence of matters which the blood is trying to re move, and it is this struggle which is the oc tame of pain. To be bled, only removes the arezuish in proportion as the amount of life is reduced, and the &tine may be said of all lulling or sOothimy, remedies. Not so with 13randreth's Pills ; they at once go to the assistance of the blood in aiding it to discharge bad humors, to conquer the Death Principle. To relieve pain in this ivay •does not leave any had effects, The Life Principle is not reduced, nor are the teeth destroyed : but all the organs are cleansed and their health insured. Le - The above Pills are for sale by the dozer or single box at the Begister Office in Allentown. Ja ulna ry 10 l A t think Notc . I ( Corrected Wet f ronz Birknelrr, ran Cour!' Mad t Tholnpron'u Detector.) El f-I3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers