Further Particulars of the i Grifflth'. l '''EmPkY your Pen."-Thiscounsel is far from ' anniversary of - Those voting in favor of the passage dello Public Sale BurrALo, June is, 185 - 0, being superfluous. There is a marvellous pow f I A niciicati Independence , resolution were, 11. J. 13rooke J. P. Bran ley, William A. C'ra'b, Jonathan) , J. Cunning -0"A VERY VALUABLE er iii writing down what we know. It fixes the The names of the greater portion of those : dr_IEORGE CRANE DI VISION, No. 2:3. ham, Thomas S. Farago, 'Ph mas 11. For- who perished on i he' ill-starred swainei. Grit-. thoughts; reveals our ignorance ; tnethodizes our ' lith. will probably never be known, as the knowledge; aids our memory; and insures nom- " 11 - 1 R Sons of Temperance ofeatasituricm, will syth,. Charles Fraley, Robert M. Frick, HOUSE /IND LOT •Will he sold at Pub l ic Sale, the S:tturday register of passengers was lost, among other . 'nand of language. sMen acquire more know- I celebrate tee n anniversary of American In- Henry , F n , John W. Guernsey, William Hasten Isaac Flugus, Timothy books. It appears from the most . reliable ledge," says Bishop Jewett, -by a 'frequent ex- i dependence ad the fifth anniversary' of the Ives, Joshua the fitli day - of Jul by the reading of ; Division, on Thursday the 4111 day' of July Y. Jones, Joseph Konigniacher, George V. Hi1 ,,. /i 31 , - e, • , Y next, at . house of information that can be obtained, there wer e ereising of their pens, than ,edtti„ the following valuable over :300 souls on board fit the time of-the ' b,"'lis." next, in the village of Calasaurpta. Lawrence, Alaxwell APCaslin, Benjamin ' The several Division s of th e orde r , s ee - \blurts?. Benjainiii Matthias, Henry A. Frante Divelling occident. The number of steerage passen sse The /resident and - 31e..Z'la .-The report of a . i nons of Cadets, &c., will meet in th e Grove, Alithlenlarrg. William F. Packer, \Vilna!! ;ill • I - IDUS.IO gars is stated to have been . 261, and about hid slate °liven,' between President Ta 'tor and 2 , 1 el ,be well founded. The . i opposite the flail of the S. of - F., at h a y :R. Sadler. David Sankey, Peleg B. Silvery, " ' , 9 -10 in the cabin. The crew consisted of 2fi, li, sca re past 10 o'clock A. M., to (Orin into primes- ' Conrad Sinews, Behest' C. Steered," Daniel and lot of ground, situate near the Allen- It appears but one female escaped from .' Is . V l' visitors canse. C c , 3r he Pre'sid '• the )condo • t . eat s square, Stine. Farris li. Streeter, John 11. Walker town Furnace, in Northampton township, the burning boat, and not one of the children crowds o • two last Satur.lays, were gratified to notice these- Chi A1„1.,..,1,01 of 1 I. Ile oity. and Val.:mine Best„S'pertircs-Y eas 29. Lehigh county, immediately opposite the on hoard the boat was saved. eminent gentlemen exchanging courtesies, and i Several eminent slam keN Will b e i n at , Those voting against the pas S m -re or 0 0 large brick budding forinerly ownytl by Air. The Griffith was bound from this port - s• • i 1 , , i engagiN.l in free and frank conversation. 1 tendrince to address the niveting. ' resolution were, George Darsie. Augustus '''' P "" sen • to Sandusky and 'Toledo. The House was built in the last year or r us' Wlim noticed two bun. The incident on both ocensio ~ . • I The new Brass Baud of Allentown will Drum and Alexander King-- , -Nays 3. It may be safely estimated that • two, is one and a half story high, 10 feet by the friends of built with decided inarks of sa- be pry•sent on the occasion , and the Catat:au tired any fifty lives were lost. IVlien the Extract from. the Journal. ..t • front by :20 feet deep, and thelosis 90 feet , - - 9 1 :ts 7 tisfaction. i qua Singing Class , under the direction of - - • • • Troy left, there were one hundred and fifty SAME. W. P11:11•ISON Clerk • • 6 30 r -d .- m 2 __i_leorit- y-2. - feet - d wit aDM • pale Flitch .... . . - 7 0 . • 6 Foust, will add to the exerci dead bodies lying on the beach. It was a mihasitkee.--Thesio wt h of Nidwaukee, one of I Mr ' S r ' , S- l' ' fence around the whole of the lot. A small ToW-yarn. . . sight which appalled the stoutest hearts. .1 the hake cit ies. , hatitieen_quite•---retimeinits e .- 1 ses cl ' "L. afternoon. • IN TUE lIUUSE OF REPRESENTATIrES, stably., besides the other necessary outbuild- Eggs .•• . . ' Doz. . 10! 12,1 10 TheJ. iritiith , w , i 9- il - hl'Ai=r - beat - ipf - rneditm i n • Twelve years a g o its population consisted of 700 Dinner will be provided in the grove iiii- Harrisurg, ilareh 11, 1850. ings are upon it. Rye Whiskey : Gall. 221 • 251 28- diint•nsions ; and of excellent character with • , . ,„, mediately preceding the , afternoon exerei-. TTi NI! , . inhabitants. Now, the popukttion is about 41, .. Is, - . . 1, li7lllialli JacK, Chief Clerk of th e [louse ''r . .. besoldwith _ the !louse can - r ' . 25; 25; 25 • the travellinsi public. She had . just been 000. In 1815 the ex torts til' wheat were 9s 510 . - 2s. of Representat s of Pennsylvania do he • : , the garden truck, and possession given inn- Linseed Oil .. .• - 85; 75 1 72 e purchased by Captain Roby, a worthy o 1 I 'I " • bushels, and of!lour '7.,40 bbls. In ' The friends of - Temperance generally are. 1 the ex- I.e , ce rti fy that 1• • • the oitgoing resolution, (No. .mediately, if required. .1/-80: Hickory Wood Cord 4 50 4 50 1 1 0 00 :cps, who hail entered in command of her. cordially invited to participate with us 'in 1 6 on the Senate fi le, and No. 211 on the . ports of wheat were (.115,807 .buslick, and of ; the exercises of the day. ' At t h e same dine and place •.es--- Oak Wood . . -- I 13'50' 3 501 550 This the think, was his first trip, and it figs ports Journal of the. nesent anti- Toni 3 50, 4 00 : 4 60 flour 201,9:12 barrels. Daring the presen t year ' By order of Committee of A rrang,einents: will be sold a good . • - "V • s igw & Th-I T' Egg C0a1... . proved fatally to himself and an interesting. fled "Resolution lati l ve to th e session.) amendment - ql•:-.....: Nat Coal,' •.- : 2 50' 309 50 there has been a large increa.se. ,', 7 , 7 , •• , ii 11 EN IyICE, Chairman. . 0, -it . family, all of whom fell victims to the fire r the bents , the same re- , , 611ilelt Cosy ~,; - ; ,..,- i ,•-::::... i Cool l•e 3 1 : or fl ood. Itssithi not A:nett-On reading a letter from It- JOHN W1L1.1.M3 Secretary. solution which was ziositeed to ht a majority : two bows, household furniture, &•c. i aimp. -, .3 .LO! s oi .1 00 June "7. • ' ' 17-..1 w : Plaster . .: . . -.... 4 50 1 4 50' 2 00 illy in the Ns Yuri; Commercial, which states _ ''' __ ''__ _ _____ of inembi•rs electe'd to each [lou se ()Ni le ' The condition ; will be made known on . ____ ___ that str. cass, our Charge at Rome, on paying 11ESOLUTION last Legislature-after having been duly the day of Sale and due attendance given by . ""'':" --.. 7 . ........55i........• ..- ----- . - .... 7 ...„,,,,„,„„„ 5' his congrattilatery visit to Pius IX., at the Vail considered and discussed, was this day a- II M...f I. li i 1 1f ER, ! BLACK BEAR 11()1ELi can, did not ktieel and kiss the Pope's slipper, Relolive toon Ameittlninit of Iho Constilnlion. creed to by a majority of the members elec- . .gsecid jot. Ilit,gh :IF Geddy. flPillians Pry, as was done by the other Foieign Ministers. To Resolved In, the Senate and House of ted to and serving in the [louse of Reps , - ' June 27. 1;-2w ; Successor to Houston 4. Schroyer', mpre.ventalivc s of the. Commonwealth of sentatives of Pennsylvania, at its present ; - a refnonstrande . from his brother. diplomatists si is i L _'A 0 . 2 , 11 1 : NoRTH THIRD STREET, against this breach or etiquette, he replied, that Pe/twilit:an/ a , in General .Issentbly nt ,, t, session, as will appear by their votes., given : ( ) MASH(' w it Hea u tivariers, Between ( - .'allowhill and Wiljo Streets;str That t h e constitution of this oamai snwea ,d, on the final passage of the resolution, as : i PHILADELPHIA. as a representative of a large and glorious re- . be amended in the second section of the fifth follows, viz : I Jesse Knauss publican government, be could not kneel to any 2 ' The undersigned respectfully inforrris his article so that it shall read as follows: The 'Those voting in favor of the passings.. of . I Takes this method to ' monarch on earth ; and as a Protestant he ter_ many friends and the public.in general, that Judges of the Supreme Court, of the sever- the resolution twain John Acl-or fohn 111.- inform his friends and ' minty could not perform such an act of homage 1 Courtsof c• , w•Ii• " • ' ' o,lrMc• \ ' he has lately rented the Tavern Stand, a .oinino 1 Pleas, and of such son, i nun Baker, Robert Baldwin, David • ; 4 154, • srsta. : .\. the public in general ' N ~i . i to the PlTacy. • o. ...- t. l North 'Third Street, bet Ween Dal other Courts of Record lis are or shall be J. Bent, Craig Biddle, Jeremiah 13Iack, John 1&- • - •''.'',.. - ;-'71E, s• I I• I • ••I ' ' v-i?:Ill i s•,, A : gg I. lilt ii.. las opens( a - lowhill and Willow strets, Well knoWn in Chemical .Illinity.-Thi s law in Chem- established by law, shall be elected by the S. Bowen. William Bundle, Dank.) 11. B. ••?;,44;•Y11.m-N•----. Travellers Howe, , this section of the country, as the .. istry, is rt•markably illustrated in the. restos- qualified electors of the Commonwealth, in Brower, Jesse R. Burden, John . Cessna, iiiiiillij ::. '. : Is • II •-• orlon of the t•quilibrinin between the supply the manner foLlowing, to wit : The Jutlgt•s flen ry Church, John N. Conyngliam, Svl- -- F - ss..s.-..,-_ - .... 1 1,.._, or "I3oarding Heuse," ; _Bilifek _fi l ellik' hotel and waste in diseased animal matter through of the Supreme Court, by the qualified elec-, vester Cridland, Benjamin G. David, IVij.. in the Village ofCatasatiqua, Hanover town- ' Ar ,.. T A ,4 1 .. f ; ; , : 1 4 Vineli establishment he has fitted the agency o f G. G. W. Merchant's Celebrated tors atilt: Commonwealth at larg,e ; the Pre- liain J. Dobbins, James P. Downer, •I'llo. ship, Lehigh county. : Iv! r : up in a superior style, and is ably Gargling Oil. It is well known that che- silent Judges of the several Courts of Coin- mat) Duncan, IVni. Dunn, William Espey, i lle has but lately built his house, and ar- , ready to accommodate all those who mica' action takes place only under certain mon Pleas, and of such other Courts of lie- •folin C. Evans, Wilham Evans, A. Scott , I ranged it in such a manner, as will make.it I • .- .; r i aii i. lavo . r. him with - their - custom. Tho circumstances ; that some bodies have no cord . as are or shall be established by law, Ewing, Alex, S. PeathersJaincs Flowers, B. ' tonveniept to harbor. strangers •and travel t. ( ing, is large iltill CUniMOdiOUS, and iS ad tendency to unite chemically ; and that o- and all other ,fudges required to be learned...P. Fortner, Alexanr:Gibboney;Thein t iS. E. : ior - s - , -- zind for thesticcuitiodation_of_buarders-• , rat rably arranged to suit the convenient of tilers strongly in fl uence each other's proper- in the law, by the qualified electors-of- t -Griers -- Joseph E.• Griffin, Joseph Guf- (and visitors. • all persons who may favor him with a call ties. The former are said to have no affini- respective diStricts over whidh they are to ' fey, Jacob S. Haldeman, George 11. Han, ! He will spare nt•ither time nor expense, , - I lon , or short tine , m -fur-each other, their mixture is merely preside or act as Judges ; and the Associate Leffert Hart, John [lastings, `William J. ;to accommodate his boarders, with all that °r a o • mechanical, and no change takes place. Judges of the Courts of Common pleas by i I leniphill, John Hoge, Henry Huplet, Lewis !the market afftn.ds, also with such refresh- . Ilis yard is large, and his stabling con“ The, latter class of bodies, in which is in. the qualified electors. of the counties rSspec- ,: Herron', Washington J. Jackson Nicholas I ments as the law allows. His house shall ' inodious, and an attentive hustler Will at all eluded the Gargling Oil in its application tively. The Judges of the Supreme Court I Jones, John W. lc:Mintzer, Charles E. Kin- be made the hoine of boarders arid travellers. . times be found in attendance. to, morbid animal matter, act by their Ain- shall hold their of fi ces for the term of fifteen I kead, Robert Klotz, Harrison P. Laird, lie has also very large and convenient ' Dy.punctual attendance to his customers, ity for each other; their action befog pro- years, if they shall s o long behave them- !Morris Leech, Jodathan I). Leet, Anson stabling. and good water near at band. : and a desire to render thorn comfortable. the ductive of chemical phenomena, and the selves well. (subject to the allotment herein- I Leonard, James J. Lewis, Henry Little, He - invites the travelling public to give ' proprietor expects a share of pubna patron properties of one or both are altered. Ilence after provided for , subsequent to the first I Jonas R. APClintock, John F. M'Culloch, him a call and satify themselves with what a g ( ‘ '' t 'WILLIAM FRY. the strong affinity of the Constituents of the election ;) the President Judges of the sere - I Alexa n d er C. M c Curdy, John APLauchlin is said above, Jesse liNAI;tIS. l '-a.Y 2:-j• li-ly . . ._ . ......__. CTargling, Oil to unite with the elements of ral Courts of Cominon Pleas and of such John APla•an, Samuel:Marx, John B. Meek, . June 13. ilf-Ow the morbific matter, may be referred the ben- other Courts of Record as are or shall be' Alichnel Meyers, John Alines, Jos. C. Alol- ITCD/1011114 ificial influence exerted over so great a vu_ i established by law, and all other Judges re- toy, John D. Alorris, William T. Aloi'ison, l i tz i m , 51. ) ,,,i ' 4 Whereas b y T. Derr and Nary 'iv! t' id diseases , most of .which were con- I quired to be learned in the laYv, shall hold Ezekiel Mowry, Edward Nickleson, Jacob • • • Ihe subscribers have just i•ect•ived a new Arne, his wife, by Deed dated the 23d day sidered as incurable. His advertisement i their offices for the term of ten years, if they Nissly, Charles O'N eill, John B. Packer, p urchase of Superior Spring Goods, con s i s t- of May. 1350, assigned and transferred all (Day be found in another column. I shall so lon g beletve themselves well ; the Joseph C. Towel, Jaines C. Reid, John - S. . their real tersonaland ing of a full assortment, to ch theyestate, ~ 1 . mined , to the whi -- - --,......- ___ __ Associate Judges of the Courts of Common [Owl', Lewis Roberts, Samuel Robinson,' • invite the attention of their customers, and subscriber for the benefit of creditor s, There. qi/ver:ising.-'l'here is no fact better tin- Pleas :shall hold their offices for the term of John 13. Rutherford, Glimiii IV. Scofield, 1 the public in general, feeling well assured fore, all persons indebted to the said Wil-; derstood than that excellenc e of any kind in !live years, if they shall so long behav e diem. 'Thomas C. Scoull..r, Williain Shaffner, that they can please AIL who CALL. Ham :I`. Derr, are required to make payment, any business wiii not be r-warded unless it ; selves Well ; all of wboin shall be commis- 1i icharl Simpsmi, Eli Slifer, William Smith, PR ETz , Gr Tut & C o . and those haVing legal claims against the is. !id vettised while, by a liberal system el! stoned by the ill but for any reason- William A. Smith, "Janet AI. Smyser. All own June 0 0 ent , ~..... s_ly e add Assignor, arc requested to present them advertisin g , th e public are soon enabled t I , :able caese, which shall not be suilici,• n t ' Willizini H. Solider, Thomas C. Steel, Da -- - - - -.- -- well atithenticated, until the first day of Au, teat a nian's merits and reward them emir- i grounds of impeachment, the Uovernot. shall yid Steward, Charge Stock well, I,•••clwin C. lf-lt ' 0 r(l‘ an ,-,- , Th az - l i a Nwr 44:4 ..di W.' 411 ..4.4 t C., g ust next. t".;) t' thil.;ly . A well-know n instance of this is to remove any of them on the address of two- t 'front', Andrew Wade, Robert C. Walker, JACOB DILLINGER, .9ssignee. • 2, - AU The subscribers have also lie I. l tit u i at Shepberyl's clomp and fashion- thirds of each branch of the Legislature. ' Thomas Watson, Sidney B. Wells, Ilirain \lay 30 dff-ow old, clothing store, in Chesnut street ab ove The first election shall take place at the A. Williams, Daniel Zi•rbey and John S •(• - •4 7 fr received and Offer for sale at ' . • S. .... t 1 ~ =I , 'Third, which is now univ.•rsally known as general election of this Commonwealth next M'Calinont, , S Kraut 87. ).I*S - P.l; s=-1* ---t Wholesale and Retail _.. ti,, 1.,,,,t t.stat.ii„luti, tit of the Lied i i , the tiller the adoption of this •I • • d TI •• • ..a ain. is iii. nt, an lose votmg agankt the passage of the •it to low largeand ll selected y p rices, . a we great city or Philtil•lphia. the eminnissions of all the JthlgeS who may resolution were, Augustus K. Cornyn, Da-• ' ' of Coffee, Ten, Sugar, Molasses, .. ---....,-.5........5„......-................ •he then in office shall expire on the first vid Evans and Junes AL Porter-Na •'3 " supply . ' 3s • • Spices, &e s to which they invite the atten -31 It :It 3C, 3 E d). Monday of December following, when the r ••xtract from the Journal. tion•of the public. Oil th e 2s3tli of Alas, by die Rev. Joseph .Iterms of the new Judges shall continence. NVILLIAM JACK, Clerk Dubs. :11r. ./aloe 11. Driehar', to Miss Eire- The persons who shall then be elected Jud --- line I:nappenhery r, both of South White- . Ses of the Sti; reine Couit shalt hold their SEcitaasyliv's OFFICE. hall townshiv. Alc es as folh.w s s One of them for three Piled Mitrelt .15 1830. %Tars, one. for six years, me• fin. nine years, On die dtli of Juno. liv the same, Ali.. - ' A. W. BENED - ICT, /feeder KfTll. of North IVniteliall, to Miss erie fur- live-lee years, aid one for fifteen Dep. Secretary of the ( ontitionwealih. years, the term of each to be decided by lot Lavina .Ili/ter, of Upper Alaciirigy. ----. Ii) the said Judges, as soon after (he elee- On the I Ith of June,.by the same. 11 r. SECRETARY'S Orrieu. • thin as convenient, and the result certified . peassys ssa i ll 5,5', ,lohtt H. ,face, of 13•1111.-hem, Northam owe )). them to the Governor, that the commis- !, county, to Miss •S'arak lived, of North Ido certify' that the above and for • egoing Whitehall. ions may be issued in accordance thereto. • • is a true and correct copy of the original re- The Judge whose conimis.sion will first ex- On the 16th of Jane, by the Sante. Mr. pire shall be Chief Justice ['urine" hi- terns,: solution of the General Assembly, entitled 7'hontas Shearer, of South Whitehall, to and thereafter each Judge '• , , b . , •• Resolution relative to an aniendrnent of .. tt • nose commis- I Hiss Sarah .1. Balder, of 13ethlefiern town • • skull I 1 the Consiitution " as the same remains on - sums first expire, shall in turn be the i file in • • ' - ship, Northaini•ton county. Chief Justice; and if two or more coinmis- I I le in this office. . " . In ' testimony whereof I have On the 15th of June,. by the same, Mr. skins shall expire on the same day, the Jud-; ^-, 'r hereunto set my hand, and caused Charles Fryman, of South Whitehall, to ges holding, them shall decide by lot which I ..s4' Vdillf , *lv ? , r : to be affixed the seal of the Secre- NI iss Lydia.lenuld, of.ll.ecrlyvich township, shall be the Chief Justice, Any vacancies, , Berks county-. happening by death, reFigtilition or other- : •'-• Offic e , t I• • er • s.„.3sf„*.s.tary s it [ nimbus & this • 'iv...nth (la • of June Anno D -• •On Sunday last, by the Rev. Mn, Joshua wise, in any of the said courts, shall be filled !• • fil ' 3 ' ° i i mini one thousand eight hundred and filly. Yaeger, Mn. William Roth, to Aliss Maria by apptiintinent . by the Governor, to contin- Scheirer, both of South Whitehall. tie till the first Monday of December sue- ' i A. 1.. RUSSELL, ______ ! ceding th e next general election. The ; secreho w c v the I'ontmontt•ralth.. .fudges of the Supreme Court and the Pre- ' Su " 27 . . 1:-3111 sidents of tlie• several Courts of Common I rs •-•-•-- -;;;;;; -- ------ --- - - -lr . IR 'AT24 ii i i r .PICK 0 _Fdr Pleas shall, at stated times, receive for their : 9 services all adequate compensation, to-be I ATTORNEY AT LAW. . fixed by law, which shall not bediminislied ( Has removed his Law Office, front the during their continuance in office; but they ' corner opposite the CourtliouSe to the limy"- shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, ' ly erected brick building, one doer east of nor hold any other office of profit under this I Smith's Apothecary store, on the north side Commonwealth, or under the government i of Hamilton street, between liolb's Hotel of the United States, or any other State of !and the Courthouse. this Union. The Judges of the Supreme 1 - Ile can be consulted and give advise in Court, durine" their continuance in office, ! the English and German languages. shall reside within this commonwealth; and' Allentown, April 2:5. ' 1- the other Judges, during their continuance , --- 1 3m --- - - -- - ------- in office, shall reside within the district or ! ' ( . 10 4 Di gi za. It li sr ,tTrt wg ~ .t.a. 9 county for which they were respectively s. 1 I A D COUNSIALOR AT LAW, ATTORNEY N . ' ' elected. J. S. M'CALNIONT, , Vpealeer of the,frouse of Representatives. rias•taken the Office of the late Samuel V. BEST, Runk, Esq., and will promptly attend to all Speaker of the Senate. business entrusted to his care in this and ----- the adjoining counties... • SENATE CHAMBER, I Mr. RUNG maybe consulted in the Ger- Harrisburg, Jan. 28, 1550... man, as well as English. I, Samuel W. Pearson, Chief Clerk of Refer to Hon. J. M. Porter, Easton, Pa. the Senate of Pennsylvania, do hereby cer- , tify that the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 _ June 13. 7--"ltv . ._.. . on the Senate file of the present session.) T entitled "Resolution, relative to an amend. MO ICE. ment of the Constitution,"-it being the I Notice is hereby, given to all persons in same resolution which was agreed to by a • debtcd to Mr. David Stem, be it in Notes, majority of the members elected to each Fees or Book debts, that he has placed his House of the last Losislature-after having Accounts in the hands of the undersigned, 'been duly consider ed' and discussed, was Who is authorised to collect them. It is ne this day agreed to by a majority of the m'em; cessary that the accounts should bc.settledi bore elected to anti serving in the Senate of as he has left Allentown and is desirous to Pennsylvania, at its present session, as Will have his business closed. A word to the appear by their votes given on the final pas- Wise is sufficient. sage of the resolution, as follows, viz: ' May 2; A. L. RUHE. . . ¶-6w AsirrAntLA, June 17, 1850. By Mr. C. Spencer, of - Ashtabula, who was a passenger on the Griffith, we learn the following: I saved myself by swimming ashore. There were 300 rassengers on board, and • out of that number 50 were saved. The steamer was about three-fourths of a mile east of Cleveland. The fire was supposed to have originated from the boilers or the furnace. The passengers were thick around the • boat, and a gr:at many that could not swim, would hold on to others and drown them as • well as them:,elves. It was a sorrowful and heart-rending scene. The manner in which I got out of their way was by jumping about 0 feet into the water and took directly out into the lake, and then sivain up a little dis. tance to get out of the reach of others, and to prevent them pulling me down ; I then swain for the shore. There were about 5,000 people on shore when I'reached it, from Cleveland, 'Ml lotig,hby, Painsvi!le and Fairport. • [From the New York Tribune.] Important froxii New Mexico. We received the important intelligence, (via Texas) that Robert S. Neighbors, styl ing himself commissioner of the State of Texas, has proceeded to Santa Fe, with the view of organising counties in that distrtct, under the authority of Texa.", returned from Mexico with a very flit flea in his right ear, bringing the useful intelligence that he has been nimbl e to organize the County of Santa Fe, by reason (as he says) of the interfer ence of the V. S. Alilitiiry there, and that eu/. pursuance of . 1 re4her or ders from Ira.shingtem, /ma iesael a call fora CON V E NTION of the People of Sew .lh.rieo to illed AT SANTA Fu: in 3ft now bast,) and FORM A STATE CONSTITUTION ! And there is no doubt of the ready obedi ence of the New-Alex icaus to 'lbis is also *ether the most important and giatilinz news We have received fur at long flow. True though we long. impatiently. and for a time confilently, expected such ad vices, we camint yet reconcile Mem with the drift of lien. Taylor's n. w SpeciAl Alessage, but we are. very ready to waive that. If the Administration iN fairly, fully. -openly committed to the Independence of !New-Mexico and the maintenance of her territorial integrity, we are with it heart and soul. Altich precious tl,nc has been lost, bin by frankness, energy mid determinathin all may 1_11! regained. There will of course be a new call on the President for informa tion, and we limb for an answer very diiTh rent in tone and bearing from that of Mon day_ When it comes, look out for hurricanes in Congress! All we have yet had are no thing to them. If what Col. Miniroe is re ported to have done is avowed and justified by the President, the "divorce" between, him and the last remnant of the Slavery Propaganda will be complete. 11. 7 e await withinterest, but no longer with fear, the developments of the ensuing month. The sky brightens ! Rejoice friends of Freedom ! and press onward! Fifteen days later from California. The LT. S. mail steamer Crescent City Captain Stoddard, from Chtigress arrived a New York about 121 o'clock on Sunday night, bringing intelligence from San Fran ,cisco to the 15tli May, $!.:50,000 in gold dust, and 150 passengers. The steamer Isthmus arrived at Panama on the 10th inst., having left San Francisco .on the 15th of May. She brought the mail, $300,000 in gold dust, and one hundred and thirty-four passengers. Reports from the mining portions of the country, both north and south, continue to .be of the most favorable nature. The gen eral state of health at the placers is also good. The citizens of Sacramento City are tak ing measures to protect their town from fu ture overflow, by constructing a levee. It is done at the expense of the city. Another most destructive lire occuted iu San ]•'rancisco, on the inurtiii) g of the filth of May, which reduced full one-third of the city to ashes: The loss is set down at $5OO. 000. It is thought to be the work of an in cendiary. A reward of. $5,000 has been offered for his apprehension. .• En/argentin, of Sociely.—We are pleased to notice by the arrivals from sea on Satur day, the appearance of some fifty or sixty of the faitetseg in full bloom. They arc from All quarters—some from Yankee-land, some from John Bull country, and quite a con• stellation from merry Prance. One French• man brings twenty—all, they say; beatniful The bay was trotted by flotillas of young men, on the announcment of this mifraordi , nary importution.—Colffernia point. . DIED. • On Sunday afternoon last, in this borough, of fits, Barbell, infiun son of Eli and Han nah Kern, aged. 2 years, 7 months, and I) days. At Bristol, Wayne county, Ohio, on the 27th of May last, Mrs. Sophia Snyder, re lict of the late Peter Snyder, merchant, for merly of Allentown, Lehigh county, aged about 70 years . : On 'the 29th of Aldy, in North Whitehall, of fever, Elizabeih SehalAr, aged -17 years. On the Bth of June, in North Whitehall, of consumptiorr,.Leonard Larosh, aged 49 'ears. • On the 22d of June, in South Whitehall, of fits, Nathan Charles, infant son of Na than and Hannah Guth, aged ll months. On the 24th of June, in Allentown, of consumption, Susan, consort of lip h taint Grim, aged 31 years. On the 20th of June in Hanover, of Can cer, • Margarelh, consort of the late Henry Fogelman, aged 73 years. In Doylestown, on Friday, the 14th inst., nn infant daughter of Lewis and Matilda Apple, aged 2 months. 8EE,51.5. D Gkit r El24.l: S-A9CE OFFICE, EitsTOnt,p_A..__ .1 PETER. DELLIS, Proprietor May 30. Allentown, .Tune 20 Gt:Tit & Co.. —4w Mackerel alesis Shad. Just received n fresh lot of Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, and Mess- Shad, in whole and half barrels, for sale by PULTZ, GUTII & Co. Allentown, June 20. • -111alitka 50 Dozen Hay arid Grain Rak l es, for sale by the dozen or single, at the makers price by Pawrz, GUTII & Co. Allentown, June 20. - - - TO THE LADIES! .1 large Supply —OP-- Spring and Summer 'Flannels, CHEAPER THAN EVER, just received and for sale at Mrs. E. Kemmerer's, 3.II.ILISERF ES7I/211LISHMEN. in Hamilton Street, third door below Pretz, Guth & Store, ALLENTOWN, PA: • Her prices range as follows Pearl, 'loin 624 up to Alboni, from 1,25 " • Lace Gimp, from. 1,00 " ETO'AII other Bonnets in proportion E..ICENNERER. May 30 - kliolumbin tountn farm 3408 aZalt WILL be sold at Private Sale, a beautiful Farm, situated in Derry township, Colum bia county, Penn., five miles west of the thriving Borough of Danville, . Containing 300 Acres, with about 130 Acres cleared; with a good f . .. . HOUSE, ..T 2 l e till le , Good _Derr Cider House and other ontbuil n div 5,,,, ,, two excellent Springs near the house. There is a large Apple Orchard nil - other Fruit Trees, on the premises, the remainder well watered and timbered. It will be sold'in whole or part, to suit purchasers. For further information inquire at the subscribers, residing, in Derry township. - ANDREW BRITTAIN, NAiIIAN/EL BRITTAIN. *•,--7t 411,1 y 2. ARTICLES. 1 Per Wheat ;Rye.. Cll Buckwheat Flaxseed . . Clnerseod imothpeed Petatoes I S 3 a u l t t t L . ; . : Lard ..... 'fallow . . . Beeswax . Ham .. . xrauizitum To the Tax Collectors and tax- Pa yers of Lehigh Couilly, FOR THE TEAR A. D. 1850. WHEREAS a number of cititehs bf Le high county, have expressed a desire to pay their taxes during the month of July, in order to secure the 5 per cent. disc:ount, provided for by the several acts of assembly of this commonwealth, and in order td main tain the honcir and credit of the conray, the Commissioners have Resolved—That the respeCtiVe Collectors of the County, State and Militia taxes, levi ed and atsessed on the property and things in the difli.rent townships and boroughs in the county of Lehigh, be and they are hereby respectively authorized and directed to make an abatement of 5 per cent. on the amount of State tax to each and every person nam ed in their respective Duplicates, who, on or before the 20th day of July next, pays the whole amount of County, State and Mil itia Taxes to them respectively; charged for the year A. D. 1850. The Collectors of the boroUgh of Allen town and the townships of South I Vhitehall, North Whitehall, Upper Macungy, Lower Macungy, Upper Saucon, Salisbury, Hang ver and Northampton, are directed to pay over to Charles H. Aladin, Treasurer, at his office in Hamilton street, all monies so • j collected, on or before the 26th day of July. next and those Of, the townships of Upper Milford,s3,ooWeisenburn., Lynn, Heidelberg, 3,00 j Washington and tomake their pav- • 5,00 j ments on Or before the 27th day of July !next. ;By several communications from the State 'Treasurer, the attention of the Commission- I ors and Treasurer is especially drawn to the_fack_thot the circulation Of any Bank note ofa less denomination than five dollars, 1 &e f . o x tco under p t nte the s issued t 0 17 4 t t 1 1: e 0 f ll i l banks o3., of f B f i h f is commonly called Relief notes) is prohibited by Jaw, and punishable by civil and crimi nal prosecution. We therefore wish to di : rect. the attention oldie Collectors to the fact I that no note of any description, except as ! aforesaid, of less denomination than five dollars, which 771118 i be par in Philadelphia, will be received , for fakes. --Such toles as the-Erie bank, Parmers and Drovers' bank. Washington, and Honesdale bank, are not considered par, and will therefore not be received. It is hoped the Collectors will strictly adhere to the above in the 'discharge of their duties. ¶-2m JOHN LICHTENWALLNEB, BENJAMIN I3REINIG, • SAMUEL KNAUSS. Commissioners. ✓plea!--JESBe M. Lniz, Clerk. Commissioners June f.'o, 1630 . S pricer, turratt. Aiknt.Easton land ! 6 001 5 00 5 25 Bush.! 105; 1 05! 1 12 56; 60. 01 ' 601 50 90 :3:31 30! 40 45! 40: 50 1 50' 1 50 1 1 50 3 25, 3 50 3 25 2 50' 2 75. 275 35 451 50 ' 40 451 40 Pound; 12' 141 15 7 . 8 8 8 9 i 7 221 25. 28 EMI am
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers