~i • le+ • 4 tia ) Vf' • " • '. 114 .5 WWZ *Of ri:S.l7 • GOO • - . ds • isc• zo is de s, 'o . ltßespeofltjy friform• their friends and the "pdblie in. general, that they have just re turiiellf from' Philadelphia, where they have Injido:•their second Spring purchase, and into nowSliening every extensive and beau tiful assortment of Spring and Summer Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Consisting-in part as follows : A great va riety of Linen Lustres„ riaurod and plain Mohair Lustre, Gingheins, Lawns, Delanes, Alp:teens, figured Jacanets, American and tiritish Prints, Silk and Delain Shawls, Pa rasols, Gloves, Hoisery, Ribbons, &c. s English,.French, Belgierf and American Cloths, fancy and plain Casimeres, Cashme retts Sattin and Marsailes Vestings, Italian CravatS, Leghorn and Palmleaf flats, &c. But, as they cannot enumerate all the new GOODS they have receiver, they respect fully invite ONE and ALL, to call and ex amine their fresh supply and with care selected and well arranged ::iSiOek of New and Fashionable Goods, 4 " .. iv h ich they now offer to sell at the very low est prides for cash or for trade. M ERTZ & LANDES: 11-4 t May 2. Latest Yasilionsi. Can be Seen at the New Fancy Millinery Store. DIM MARY A. ECKERT, 'rakes pleasure to inform her old friends and customers, that she has again establish ed herself among them, and opened a new FANCY MILLINERY ESTABLISIDIEMT, on the west side of Hamilton Street, a short distance above Hagenbuch's Hotel. She has just returned from Philadelphia with a -, large assortment of ''.'.lli )' • 1- Spring & Summer . - . , y, Bonnets, ,/ : i, A . , i! For Ladies, Misses and In 'Ai ,1 • • fun& ALSO an assortment • i of fashionable Ribbons, &c. Her assortment of fashionable bonnets con sists among others of the latest styles of SATIN TULIPS, TULIP MILON, CQBURO, FRENCH GIMP, BIRD EYE STRAW, LEGHORN BRAID, STRAW, &C. A beautiful variety of Silks of fancy col ors, also Lawns, &c. for Casing Bonnets, with ties of the latest styles. Her Artificials exceed in beauty and qual ity any before brought to this town. She 'also keeps for sale a very handsome variety of Ladies' Dress articles, such as C3PS, COLLQIIS, QUILLING S, which have just been received, and are of fered at the lowest prices. fOld Bonnets dyed to any color desira ble, cleaned, bleached and made up in the neatest and most fashionable manner. Her work Wilt in point of neatness, style and durabilitympete, if not surpass any turned out in this town. She keeps none but thO:he,st of hands, and trusts that her • old . .AC:tOrnei:§: ancrmany new ones will re- -. .tieWfilieir cells for which she will ever feel 'thankfiit -- ,- - . .:.•::;Alleritown, April 25. Now is your TilllC to Travel ! "%voile(1 - txceit to $1,50, THROUGH FROM . Philadelphia to Allentown. The People's Daily Line of Stages be t Allentown and Philadelphia, leaves Kolb's American Hotel, Allentown, every morning at 4 o'clock, and arrives in Phila delphia at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Leaves Daniel Dalby's Bald Eagle hotel, North ad street, above Callowhill, Philadelphia, every morning at 6 o'clock, and arrives at Allentown at 2 o'clock. For Seats or other information apply at either'or the above named place.•:, or at Lei bert's Sun Hotel, in Bethlehem Fare each way, $1,50 April 25 INDEMNITY THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. IG3i CHESNUT STREET near Fifth street. Directors: Charles N. Hawker, Geo. W. Richards. Thornas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp: E I3orie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob It. Smith, . Morris Patterson, CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent and limited, on every description of property, in own and country, at rates as low as are consis att with security- The Company have reserved a large Contin gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi ums,safely invested, afford ample protection. to the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist. 1848,'as published agreeably to an Act of A 5.- seinbly; were as follows, viz : MOrigages, $990,658 61; Real Estatc,' 728,358 90 Tempinlay Loans, • 205,450 On Eitci,Clis, ~1 5,503 15 . Cisli,&c., . 46,581 87 fi1,220,007 67 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they -have paid' upwards of one million two nunefred thousand dollars; losses by fire, there by affording evidence of the advantages of insu rance, as well as the ability and disposition to ineetwith promptness, all liabilities. CHARLES N. lI.ANCKER, President CHARLES G. BANCKER, Sec'y. The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every &scrip ion orliroperty, at the lowest rates. AUGUSTUS L. RUHE, Allentown: C. F. BLECK, Bethlehem. Allentown, June 13, 1848. 1-1 y ' • - • LehidliTransportalioneomp. The proPrietors Of this olti established line giye notice'that they are now prepar ed to receive Merchandize of all description at their old -stand,,,Brock's. ,Wharf, first be= low Vine 'street, on theDelawrire - and for; warded to Yaidlyville,.Tayleraville,-.New- Elope,EastonißethlOheni,Allentown,Mauch: Chunk, Penn HaVen, 'White HaVeri . 60 Willtesbarre'. They aro also prapared tii ship go6ds to and from New Yorkto :Wilkes bane and all interiiiediatOplates, via Dtila ware and Raritan, Delaware -rind,LAthigh, Canal, and Lehigh - -6,:, Susquehanna': Rail road. Merchanta having Goods teshin from New York, will please call on Stenrard•and Mettler, 04 Dey street, who will give all necessary information. Goods shipped by this line will gt). by A. S. Nelson .1%. Son's line of Sloops from New York to N: Bruns wick by the Sloop Fox or Greyhound or Schooner R. P. Stocktrini which will be found at the Albany Basin, foot of Cedar street, North river. The arrangenients, are such that there will always be a sloop ready to receive frights. Merchants and others having goods to ship flom New York. to any of the above named places, will please have their goods, marked to the care of 413 L, WILSON 4. C.W. This line consists of 7'weiztiptioo First class Deck Boats, and commanded by sober and oblig ing Captains ; we trust their long experience in the forwarding business and by strict,at tention to the interest of customers will se cure the continuance of their patronage. IL S. Moorehead, Philadelphia; John Opdycke, Easton ; ,Rugustus J: Ritz, Al• lentown ; Borkeck 4. Knauss, Bethlehem ; .11. Leisenring, Mauch Chunk ; .d. Par dee 4 Co., Penn Haven Blakslce 4- Hor ton, Wilkesbarre ; Stetttert 4. Mettler, New York. PROPRIETORS.—Peter S. Michler, John Opdyclie, Selfridge & Wilson, William Muirhead, Pretz & Saeger, MaEvers, For man, Hugh S. Morehead, Jacob Able, Drake vn 1 Ilulick, John Romig—trading under the 'firm of ABLE, WILSON & CO. April 4. , ¶-3m COAL & LUMBER YARD, In South Bethehem. The undersigned adopt this method to inform their friends and the public in general that they 'have now on hand, an excellent assortment of dry Lumber, consisting of Boards, Scantling and Shingles, to the latter they wish to draw the attention of the public particularly. They have at a great trouble brought from the State of Maine, a large supply of Cedar Shingles. • In connection with the Lumber they have also an extensive C 0.4714 11°.1ilD, where they will always keep of hand, all hinds of Coal. As the roads are now in good wheeling order, they hope to be able to shake the hand of many an old customer, and make acquaintance with many new ones, whom they. will always treat with the greatest respect. _ _ 11-2 m April 11 WILLIAM S. MARX, ATTORNEY & couNsiraLLoit AT LAW. Office in the we-:, , tern front room of the building of John D. Lawnll, formerly Horn beck!s, west of the. Courthouse Allentown April 4, 1850 The Great China Store • OF PHILADELPHIA. Thuid; 611 to the citizens of Allentown and its vicinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to view our large and splimilid assortment of CHINA, GLASS . 4.% QUEENS WARE: Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilct Sets, and singlepieccs,Tither of Glass, China or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers; for less than they can be had elsewhere fact et less than Wholesale Prices. American and English Britannia Metal Goods, In greater variety than ever before offered in she city. FANCY CHINA in a great va riety very cheap. EgeWe would invite any person visiting the cit . ) , to call and see us----they will at least be pleased to wallc around our beautiful store and to view the finest China' and the cheap est the world products. Very respectfully, I'YNDALE &111ITCHELL, No. 2.19 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia, Sept. 20, ¶-Iy-8 IT, —3 i n BLIND MANUFACTORY IL CLARK Venitian Blind Manufactory, Sign o/ the Golden Eagle, No. 130 §- 140 Soul Second Street, below. Bock, ILd DE .11 1 Keeps always on hand a large and fash ionable assortment of !ride and Narrow Slut 11 indow Blinds, manufactured in the best manner, of the best materink find - at the lowest cash prices. This establishment has just received:a . large assortment of fancy silk and worsterd Window Blind trimmings. Those in want of Blinds can be suited with a variety Of colors and patern.s, by, calling at his Store. • Orders from a distance carefully packed, and sent to any part of the city free of por terage. April 4. ti—Om • , e_ N • ,„,...*•• 4.07.` • . . , . • ' 7 i, — : "eiv.,„"k-,_•••-•• -f4r"...,'"""" • za_...7a - g . -•":=•• ':".•••',;!.Z.:1 • ' • • • - " AGENTS .130 R IIE C K ' N.I.7US S. 11 —3 tn Far ,. me and: ,, Mechanics me -' _.., A LI ~ W 43 if SI, IC. FLAME Of 1;)!Ig e onotion • u .„ l" ALLENTOWNi - row . , .. • 1 ~ . . lienty Leh i , . , • ...,_,__ , •,,--1 , - Informs his friend 4 and -'"- ': ;-°,?..- the rublic:in general, ,; ifi A:7e that Mr: Henry Miller ~ . F . lO --, -, has erecied a large and 111(11.11.10114-,:—: .l f commod ious Hotel, in "' • — .- "' - .. s, Allen street, nearly op posite kis "old stand'' and that he will occu py the same'. front 'the_ first of April next. He furth s er informs his old customers,, that he •has a•great-rnany \roomd ready to accom rnodaie sueh who may think proper• to favor hits. with:-their , calls. _ . . . . . He has fdrnisheit hishous.o with nem , bed- . dingarid•all other necessary materials, and will . always keep his - liar; knelled and cel ler filled with the best the inarltet affords, both for - the:Po/de as well as for the liar. Hie Stabling : and Sheding are aftnew, large and' COnVeniently arranged, the Hy drant water is near at hand, and an accom modating Ostler always in waiting. .2 word to his old customers. Such who have favored him with their calls at his old stand, tvill bear in mind, that the inconveni ances so often contended with, have all been cleared away and the delightful and conve nient Tombs, we trtfst will make. up foriner disadvantages. He further returns his sin cere thanks for the many favors he thus far enjoyed and hopes by strict attention to bu siness, to deserve it continuation of them from his Old as well as from his New friends, HENRY. LEI-I. r3rThe "Eagle Line" of stages running from Allentown to Philadelphia, leaves his house every Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, at 2 o'clock in the morning, and returns every Tuesday, Thursdallound Saturday, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Fare .91,50. March 28. SIDNEY W. BURCAW, painter Se, paper-finger! The subscriber adopts this method to in form his friends and the public in general, that he has lately removed into the house formerly occupied by Al r. Nathan Schaller. in Hamilton Street, Allentown, nearly op posite the German Reformed Church, where he will always be found.. ready to•attend to calls in the different branches of his business, which are House and Sign Painting, Craning, Glazing, Paperdlanging, During his travels he has mad'} himself master in the above branches, particularly, Paper-Ilanging, the panel work of which is now all the fashion. He will warrant his work to be well executed, and his prices will at the same time be moderate. Uv'lle constantly keeps on hand a large supply of Projecting Letters varying in size from 2 to IS inches; they are used for signs, and have become very fashionable of late. During the time he has located himself in Allentown, he has enjoyed a very liberal support, for which he returns his sincere thanks ; and trusts that his work will further insure him a liberal share of public patron age. S. W, BURCA W. • March 28. 111--Gin FASHIONABLE Jewelry Establishment ! r , Cheap and Good Watches, ,ti\ Jeweliy & Silver-ware, whole sale and retail, at No. 90 North 41 . -1 , i , Second street, corner of Quar k. div <-.;'; ry, Philadelphia. Gold-Lever Watches, full Jew'ellestl, IS caret cases, • _ $3O and over. Silver Lever Watches, full ' jewelled, $•l6 and over Silver Lepine Watches, jew oiled, . - $ll and over Silver Quartier Watches, $5,00 to 10 Gold Pencils, $1,50 to 7 • Fine Gold Rings, 371 cts. to SO Other articleo in proportion. All Goods warranted to bb what they are sold for. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of fine GOLD. JEWELRY and SILVER WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J. To bias & Co., E. Simpson, Samuel & Broth ers, E. S. Yates & Co.,John Harrison, G. 4- R. Beesley, and other superior Patent Lever Movements, which 'will be cased in any style desired. Arrangements have been made with all the above celebrated makers, the best man ufacturers of Liverpool, to furnish at short notice an required style. of 'Watch, for which or ders will bo taken and the name and residence of the person ordering put on if requested. O. * CONRAD, No. 96 North 2nd. St. Importer of Watches. Philadelphia, Nov. 29. 11-1 y ENE WHOLESALE 4. .RETAIL CLOCK STORE. No. 238 Market St., uhove7a, south side, PIIJLADELPHIA Although.tee can scarcely estimate the val ue of Titan Commercially, yet by calling at tho above Establishment, James Barber will furnish his friends, among whom he includes all who duly appreciate its fleetness with beautiful and "perfect Index for matting its. progress, of whose. value they can judge. His extensive stock on hand, constantly changing in conformity to thu improvements in taste and style. of pattern• and workman ship, c,onsist of Eight-day and Thirty-hour Brasss Cowiting House; Parlor, Ball, Church and .Alarm Clocks, French, Gothic and other fancy, t tyles, as well as which from his extensive connection and correspondence with the manufactures he finds *he can put at the lowest. cash figure in any quantity from. one to a thousand, of Which he will warrant the accuracy. rir Clocks repaired and warranted.• Clock triann(ngs on hand.. Call'and see:me amouglhcin. • JAMES, BaprlEß,-288 . 21/urket. $l. Philaeu, August 301949. ME - - - - --. :: - 1111111111111(0211' - A toli,,,iltitiAotat'a•iiie,'Lluidlotd.' - • 6; - bicriber:,re-. .iieet - fitjty informs his . friends and the public' • generally, that.he has • 'taken the .newly:erec -141:11,11111111i-7-1, i fed' three story 'Mick - • -for.. - tavern of Jesic Grun, at the northwest corner•of Mathet Square. It the borough of Allentown, called TH:e E.IC LE Ilol' 22e, . The House is known as one of the most spaciou . s . itri convenient in the State-one more so out of Philadelphia—;-and contains 44 rooms: ' 14e the Wore feels assured that he can accommodate satisfactorily all who may favor him with a call. llis TABLE shall at all times he supplied with the best the season and the markets afford, and the BAR with the choicest Wines and Liquors. The Beds and Bedding, together with all his furmkure. being entirely new, the vat rons of this house may rely upon finding those two great essentials—cleanliness and comfort. The Stabling is large and commodious, and as he will have none but kind and attentive Ostlers, a due regard will be had to the pro per entertainment of the House m well.as his master. In short, the subscriber- inttmds to spare neither pains nor expense to ltoep his house in the best manner, and he therefore re spectfully invites the public to givehhn a call. ErBOATIDERS will be taken on rea sonable terms, and as the rooms are spaci ous and well adapted to their wants, they can be accommodated In a satisfactory man ner. Families' from town or country ac- commodated with Boarding. ELI STECKEL. Allentown, Alay 3, 1849. EDMUND J. MOHR, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW °Bice a few doors west of the Court House. re — tie can be consulted both in the.Ger and English languages Allentown, April 4, 1m nlllllllft The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 169 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, CAPITAL 300,000. Continue to make Insurances on Lives on the most favorable terms. The capital being paid up and invested, together with the accumulated premium fund affords a peject stuffily to the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a BONUS at stated pe riods to The insurance for life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to B,', per cult, 71 per cent,,&c., on others in propor tion tb th'e:tinie - of standing making an addi tion of $lOO, $87,50, $75, &c., on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver age of more than 50 per cent on the premi ums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. No. of Sum Bonus :Amount of policy and or • boon,: payable at the Policy. Insured Add . t . on ) party's decease. No. 58i $ 1000 $lOO _i $ 1100 .. 891 3500 250 —I : 2750 2051 4000: 400 4400 ~ 276 2000 : 124 .L.'-. ' 2175 333 5000 : 437 50 j ' 5437 Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of the subject ; forms of appli cation ; and further information can he had at the office in Philadelphia, or on applica tion to A. L. Rune, Agent in Allentown. B. IV. Bleu:yips, President ./No. F. JAMES. .leluary December 1:3 • Stuttering and Stammering CURED 1 In from rive to Twenty Minutes. TEIE Undersigned would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of Lehigh and the ad joining counties. that he has located him self in New York for the purpose of EFFECTUALLY CURING persons who are troubled with STUTTERING OR STAMMERING. So confidant is he of success, that no pny will be required until the utmost satisfaction is given. his method is so easy, that any child five years old may understand it; and yetso efficient, that he will - forfeit 0,16 , sand.Dallars to any persop who will stain , mer and apply it, DR. J. V. IVvekorr, • Na. 37 Chambers St., New York P. 8: For further•testirrfonies as to the efficacy, of his• method.; he refers to . the Medical Faculty of New York, wholvitness ed the application upon. a gentleman; who was un inveterate stammerer, and had been operated, upon by other Physicians, without the least, benefit, and astonishing' as .it may seem,. Dr: Wyekofrcured him 11)00 minutes, that he was able to speak and gad with ease,• without hesitancy or semblance Stammering: of The Doctor also has over One Hundred Certificates of cu res performed, among Which arts several medical gentlemen. • N. .8. All letters of inquiry, (post-paid) will be promptly answered•by naming the Post Office, end. State where they 'reside. March 7. • 11--tf. Brandi . OttiandVViights Pills. Country merchants and othe s rsetere here- - by. notified ,. thitt the'. far' famous Pill's or Doctors Malian) A. Wright, and Benjamin Biundreth,. are constantly kept for Sale at the office of the "Lehigh , Register". by the clozm bone, at Wholesale prices. 'Tilly . - , I • .1,, NIII2IO ritOpt,elek gaitt•astiorlvient 'Or • PianoWarreg in the Lk; United 'Shites,' 'Can rilt,raYs , found at the Avarvliouse of thti•tilitiscribcr, - 171 Clash:al elves!, above ,fifth, At the Old Stiftria66C'ti OKI more than a third of a century by . Mr. GEOROE'IVILLIO, music publisher. .- - PiANQS, HARPS, OiIOANS, SERA, PEIIN ES, IEOLIANS, fresh frinn the most - .celebrated ManufaCtu ries in Nevi• York,.BOSton, Baltimore,Phil adelphia, and elsewhere. Sold, .Wll' Aside and retail, at the maker's "casli - pil'CA... OSCAit t. - B. CARTER, 171 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, February 11. COtton Yarn House. MORRIS & EASTWOOD, No. 7'. North Frohl Slrect, Philadelphid Cotton and Linen Chain, Warps, Indi go Blue nkrist, CoValet )(nth, Tie Yarn; Lathp Witlc, Counn Laps, &c. &c. &c. &c. . Orderspromptly executed: April 25 11 . Ont . 'V G. IV. IMERCHAN7S CELEBRATED FgARCLINC OIL IVOR_ HORSES./ MS UNPARALLELLED in THE HISTORY of MEDIC IN • A 8 THE MOST Remarkable External Application ever Discoverer Facts arc Stubborn Things!! WHAT lIAB BEEN DONE CAN BE DONE AGAIN Ignorance of facts and philosophy, however, start at the assertion that any one remedy can possess within itself the virtue of curing many diseases. Experience of more than fourteen years has neve'rtheless established the fact that Merck. ant's celebrated Gargling Oil, or Universal Fam ily Embrocation, WILL cone most cases, and re. lieve all such as Spavins. Sweeny, Ringbone, Windgalls, Poll Evil. Callous, Cracked Beds, Gulls of all kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fistula, &Vast, Strains Lameness, Sand Cracks, Foundered, Fed, Scratches or Green'. 1114nge, Menotti B:les of Animals. E.dernaloisons, Painful iVcrrous Medians, Frost Bdes, Boils Corns, 11'hil lotus, Merits nod Sc:dds, Chapind Hands' Craws, Coalraction.af the MUscles,Btvellings, Week:teas of the Joints, Caked- Breasts, tl-'c., The celebrated Doct. Parker also writes as follows :—Dear Sir: I have precribed your Uarg• ling Oil in various cases of ' Practical Surged/. as a liniment, with marked success; and would commend it to physicians generally for external use in all contutions,tumors.spraitis, white swell ings, and in all rhumatic affection, where eater nal meaus are necessary. As a discutent it is harmless where the febrile symptoms have been reduced by general treatment. In such cases it is t h e most efficient remedy within the circle of means now in use. I would also recommend it to community at large as a safe and powerful remedy where there is no general fever in all the above diseas es to be used freely and to counteractinilamation in a remarkable manner. In bruised wounds it prevents swelling and consequent soreness in hot weather. From the 'peculiar nature of this Oil, and the unparalleled success it has tnet within the hands of the Farrier, Farmer fend ,Stage Proprietor, it is but justice to say, that of the great number of medicines which have been offered, none have been so well adapted to the prompt cure of dis eases ; to which horses are liable ; it has been very justly called a complete PANACEA von The Must:. For instance read the. following : To Owners y Horses. This may certify that I have had fur many years the care or from lOU to 200 Horses and having made, use of Merchant's Gargling Oil for 2 years past and can safely say, that for all the dis eases that horses arc liable to, I never saw its equal ; I use about one •bottle per month, and recommend it to the public, as the best medicine for horses now in use. E. D. MINOR. 11-1 Y Caution to Purelkosers Beware nf COUNTERFEITS, and be sure the name of the 8ole• Proprietor GEO. W. MEROII. ANT, Lockport, N. Y., is blown in the side of the battle,and in Jils hand writing over the cork. Dont b e , persuaded to take anything else with the promise it Is just as good &c. This is prac tised by thoSe unprincipled dealers whose con, science. will stretch like . India Rubber, and who arc of a Acintlred spirit of. those in our large cities,. whose nefarious practices have so re cently been exposed to the action of Congress. All orders addressed to the proprietor will be promptly responded to. Get a pamphlet of the Agent, and see What wonders are accomplished by the use of thii medicine. • Sold by respectable dealers generally in the United States and Canada. Also,by Simon 'Rau Bethlehem, Pomp & Kensy, Easton, Amos nog ers, South Easton, Lewis Smith & Co., Allentown C. Frailey , Orwigsburo., 3, HugheS Potts . - ville. M. A McCoy, Northumberland, H. J. Shea fer, Milton. Henry Masser,Sunbury, 8. 06 & J. S. Allot, Jersey Shore, S. Martin, Williamsport, C. W.Shatile, Lewisburg, J, ficebuld Nbw. Ben lin, Huston &• Porter, Towanda, C. H. Hernick, Athens, Smith & Gray, Bellfonte, W;M Hinkley, & Chalfontc & Hughes,. Danville, C M Ebert, Mauch Chunk; A. Turrell, Montrose, W. T. Jones & Bro., Cowdersport, B. M. Bailey, Hoard & Beach,' Mansfield, ,R. Roy, Willsboro, 0. F. Taylor, Covington," C. S. Newcomb & Co., & Trough.& Hurd, -"hawrenceeille, Dr. A. Hum- Amy, Ilona, J. H. Gulick, Blossburg, B. L. Shttlze, Lock Haven.' ' • -" • DeceMber IS titiouqu'ANNLl.GittNnlt PRINTING;JOB Of every , description twatly executed ut the “Registar' office. • • •-.::-. ,,, ....,., , e.i: .'- - . 1 ::': - •.‘i ... ..... , .! . `:.:: '.:,..'..'`.:._ .T', - ,-,: . .: - ; ,•..';:..10 ., 4.1'_:'t • The uhdersig i iit jtraices the ltbert of ins forming his ftioAtlti'ati'd!tiistoin#"ro tnat> fie .Fdroove# . lii4 Stow, frOrri,..Np..gt.lsTorth 4 St.-, Ta. 119.-14 0. 41ARKET , STREE1 between s apd - foth, wherehe has for:sa e, at cry low pprices,`an extensive assortment of. • ' LOOKING GLASSES, 1... , . 4 .. in Gilt. Mahogany, and •Com Man ~Ffitmeg, A;rell 'adapted to to thp'gotittplir.atalWOst erri ' - 'Large ilibriCh Plate Mirrors framed to br 'del., of tiiipio44 Style, either, plain ly ornamented: : • -; Toilet,' Dressing and S*ing Glasses;: itl~ great variety ; Gilt itrid Fancy Wand .Per= t Wit aiiit pietbre'•Pitiille.; _also Cianinod Fratnes without Glasses. - . - LookluassPlntem by,t4 box, orin flOttnlitiet, AkiSO:FOR'gALE,, Brass and Gilt 'Curtain Cernia4 ind nutrients, Brass'ithdirortitti.d Fendeh,.SAo: vi s and . Tonaues and Staniiatd*' in 'or Ili , • thic Tea 'rra3:s and Waiters, Ivory 'not S9I 4, ip Him& Knives ndForks, in setts mit_ dozens; Mite - plated on Gerraan Silver Spoons, Forks and Butter Kdives, Fine and, Common brituirinia Ware, Plated Castors; Candleitticks, Cake- Baskets,,Sau ff ers and Trays, &c., &c., A general assortment of Clock Ibt Sale: E Look ingtlasses packed' n the silk's( manner,•and insured against breakage. JOS,HUA.COWPLAND. December, 6 , .• Bra FO n ß d l r l e E t C h U ' R S E P O i I7 II., . -, . Consumption, Coughs, Colds, 4-c;. 4 TO Till PIUBLIC 'lf . . THOSE who are suffering from remit- • ting or Intermitting Bilious Complaints, should rend thoo following,and be,.tilided - - .„ ~ ..,,;:::•:, : i, ~:, thereby : , - -- Pt&witekioe4r , 4 Cause of Pain,—Paili is the colftwippro -- 1 .41;. : 1;. of the exertion of the organ or patWflOgit.'rgltilVeß, is present to throw oil morbid or dtetAtAitg:;:7Xret;. Mors, for no pain can exist but frorii:TitraW"-M ,- :“ sence of those matters which are orik. _3,1%44"-:-;,' healthy character. When we have -I;i9 :;,4110: - ...-: 11 ., in the head, in the bowels, or. in tiny otVi. L''.4 . ,.{:,]; -:, ' 1 . : part of the body, it onlyproves the preseneit.W i lp;.'.l:. of matters which the blood is trying to re- • 7- A:f:r - ' move, and it is this struggle which is the oc- caston of pain. To be bled, only removes the anguish in proportion as the amount of life is reduced, and the same may be.said - of - all lulling or soothing remedies. Not so with Brandreth's Pills ; .they at vice go to the assistance of the hood in aiding it to discharge bad humors, to conquer the Death Principle. To relieve 1 din In this way does not leave any bad effects; 'flu. Life Principle is. not reduced, nor are the teeth destroyed ; but all.the organs are cltatiseti and their health insured, LIPT lie al.ove l'i:ls are NI- :ale ii.: dozen or si mile Lex at tl e Register C fli in A Ilentown. - January 10, Note iCi it. (Corrected Weekly from BicknelPe, Van Court'a and ' Thontiorores Detector.) 13k of N America par 13k of Pennsylv_. . par Bank of Commerce late Moyamensing par Bk of N Liberties par Bk of Penn Towns. par Farmers & Mechart.par Kensington par Manuf. & Meehan par Mechanics . par Girard par Philadelphia par Schuylkill par Southwark par Western par Commercial Bank of Pennsylv. par Bk of the U States I 2 Coo:gray 13Asst.s. Ilk of Chambersburg 13k of Gettysburg I 13k of Pittsburg Bk Sitsg. County 85 Blc of Chester Co. par Ilk of Germantown par Bk of Lewistown failed Bk of Delaware Co. par Bk of Middletown 1 Bk of Montg. Co.. par Bk of Northumberi .oar Columbia Bank & Bridge Comp. per Carlisle Bank I Doylestown Bank par Easton Bank par Exchange Bank Eric Bank 2 Farmers & Drovers Binh Franklin Bank Farmers Bank of Alleghany county bank 70 Bank of America 35 do of Commerce 40 do of Brockport do of Lodi 26 do of Olean 36 do of Tonawanda 60 do of Lyons 2/ do of Western New York ' .86' Binghompton bank 4$ Canal bank Cattaraugus eCunty:4 bank F E a r b i r e a m i e k o r u s n d D ctyb r k e r ; s 6' 5 an 11 1: Farmers bank otee- . neca county 215 2 Hamilton' bank, '3iV Lewis county bank 80 Mechanics banleat Buffalo' , 43 Merchants bank at Buffalo • - Millets bank of -New York:. ' 10 Oswego bank ' Phenix bank Staten Island batik M State bank ofN Y'" 80 St.Lawretice bank Union bank , United States,bank 30 1 1 N. York bank. 'Co; 70 Tenth Warkbank,,. 26 White Plains bank 6 01 , Allather biftikli got mentioned in the abepr e lls(' are. 111)01'1* •'. pent disdotint;V: : :; ., nks marked wilii Juste ' iv • h , olcdrs, • Bucks County par Partners Bank of Lancaster • par Farmers Bank of Reading par fiirriiers' Bank of SChuylkill co. par Harrisburg Bank . 1 Honesdale Bank I Lancaster. Bank par Lancaster Co, Bank par Lebanon Bank Lehigh CO. Batik 110 Lehigh Naiigation Co. Script. . 10 Miners Bank of Pottsville par Merchants•ds Manaf. Bank, Pittsburg. I Monongahela Bank, - Brownsvillr, 1 Taylorsville Dcl. Midge Company, 25 West Branch Bank, 1 Wyoming Bank, I York Dank, .1. NEW JERSEY. „ Belvidere Bank . 11 Burlington County - Bank • par Commercial Batik . Cumberland Bank par Farmers Bank • .Par Farmers & Aleutian- les Hanli,Rahway Farmers tic Stet.clia BankOilid. rota t; - . MorriS Comity bitOlc : 8. ( . 0,-,The notes:on . all Ba (—) are not purchased. k I El ~4 °;co . i r-13' Mechanics bank of • Newark Mechanics bank at • Burlington par Mechanics & Man ufacturers bank par NeWark banking & Ins. Company New lope & ware Br. Comp. failed Orange bank .6 Peoples bank • „ Plainfield bank. ... Princeton bank par Salem bahking Cp. par State bank•atEliza bethtown, Newark, - Camden,N.llnins wick, par Sus.ccx bank 1 Union bank k Trenton bank. co. par Yardleyville bridge company •• DELA WARE. The Banks of the state of Delaware are all at par. NEW YORK. New York City bks A Chelsea bank 80 Clinton bank BO Commercial bank I Lafayette bank 8 Washington bank 10 POUNTUT DANKN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers