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RUHE, At $l5O - per annum, payable in advance, and 't2oo if not' pain until the end of the year. No paper diScontinued, until all arrearages are pail except at, the option of the proprietor. - Aqua:llBE36=s. making not more than one fibre, tv~ll be inserted three times for one dollar . antlAir every subsetlEsta insetlion twenty-five cents. Larger advertisements charged iii the same Proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines, willbe charged seventy-five cents, and those malting six lines or less, three insertions for 50 cents. re.A. -- Ilheral - tleduction will be made to-those who advertise by the year. M',Office in Hamilton St., one door East ol the German Riformed Church, nearly opposite thellEriedensbothe Office." The New York.Stoto io the Oield • _ THE PEOPLE Know their Interests, and know ing_will maintain them. Hence when they want goods at uniform prices, and as lOW as can be bought within the county of Lehigh they 'go to Kern and .Clint, because every man, woman and child in the county of Lehigh, by this time knows that no one can- sell lower and live. They have just returned front Philadelphia with" a large assortment of 112 . ‘4Y .I;.amil otyvbat Such as Berage de Lanes, an entire new ar 'tick, Mourning La Foulardwas; Dress Silks figured and plain, and piles of other Goods, which they opened to the gaze of admiring thousands, while most of their competitors were sleeping over the piles of• Calicoes, Oinghams, and a hundred other articles re maining unsold froth last year's purchases. These goods were all selected with an eye to Beauty. Fineness and Durability, and bought at tvrices that throw twenty per cent; then into the shades of oblivion. We Aerefizire invite our old custom.irs and about Fii)e Thousand New Ones, (being all that we have room for at present) to give us a coil, and we are sure to please ninety-nine out of every hundred in CHEAP AND ELEGANT GOODS. 'here is no need of recapitulating what we have, either in the DRY GOODSi GROCERY, 'OR ANY OTaft LINE, as it is well known that we have everything any body else has, and a considerable sprint:. ling of neat, useful and pretty matters that OTHERS HAVE NOT. So let there be no delay among those . wlfo want the first pick—we art *Vaned and Equipped with elegant yardsticks which measure true, and in conjunction with our accommodating cletits, are ready to wait on all the ladies And gentlemen, whether old or young, ugly or handsome, and make them look better Than they ever did before after being rigged out in the splendid goods we have provided for there gratification. , TO Fel iteMERS. Prering on your Butter, Eggs, Ham, Lard, Soap, Potatoes. &c., and we will give you in exchange the Goods of your own se lection in .our Store, at the very lowest re tail prices. Recollect the place, inquire for the “New Ye& Store, of KERN & KLINE Allentown, Mtty 9, Peter Wyckoff, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Has 'removed his Law Office, from the 'corner opposite the Courthouse to the new ly erected brick: building, one door east of 'Smith's Apothecary store, on the north side 'of Hamilton street, between Kolb's Hotel itnd the Courthouse. ile tail be consulted and give advise in !ho English and derman languages. Allentown, April 25.. • V-3m Groun.a. lAaster. A large supply of ground Plaster is just •Cteived and• kept for sale at the Store of the undersigned, and at the 411 of Joseph Dieter, ((innerly Van 'ragen's. TitontAs B. WiLsox. ¶-4w May 2 . tinders, Look Here. Saud. The Sand. the subscriber has Made arrangements, to keep on hand at the .41!swami Basin and ret Bieirport, a large supply of 'DEL AWARE SAND, of an excellent quality, for building purposes, equal to the best Stl yer Sand, and for sale cheap. ' `Atre Mints:Mtn Call upon Mr. Thomas o..Ginkingeriand at Bierysport, upon JAMES'FULLER. Apra 26. BUILDERS ! LOOK HERE ! ! A NEW LOT OF HARDAVA RErn The undersigned announce to the public, tla't they have just returned from Philadel phia and. Nev York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of House Furnishing Srtic7cs, " ,Wcig'fi! Cutlery, Coach Trimmings, Saddlery and Shoe-findings, all of which will be •sold nt extremely low prices. They ask the public te give SAP:ttn's HARDWARE STORE, sign of the of ell * PM ! a ciill, in order to convince arenisenlof the fact, that a 'penny saved is a penny made.' 0 &J SAEGER. To Ifottse.Keepeps. A. great assortment of House furnisting articles, such as ENA MELED and tinned inside, cooking vessels, salicc and stew pans, preserve ket tles, fish and barn kettles, frying puns, grid irons, waffle irons, &c. • TEA TRAYS and Waiters, from com mon to fine, in sets and dozens. Also, goth ic form, in sets,ruld in variety of patterns. • KNIVES 'arid VORKS—in sets and doz ens ; a l lso knives only ; carvers. steels, cook and liarcher -knives, with a variety of other manufactures. • POCKET and E'EN KNIVES—Razors, scissors, shears, from the best makers.; one, two, three. and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes, pick. axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel tire sets and standards, coal trods, tailors' irons smoothing irons &c., and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. lotiof Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet American antl English Band Iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, Ihn, and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of 0 & J SAEGER, GLASS.-150 Boxes Glat.s, tti by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 10, and various other seizes, for sale by TO MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de scriiition, such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Hand, Panne!, and Back Saws, Brace and Bius, Auger Thus, Hatchets, Squares, &c., for sale by TO SHOUMAXV:RS.—Just.received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lusts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubcrs, and numerous other artic les belonging to the shoemaking business 0 & ISA EGER. WHITE LEA tons of White Lead just received, Pure and Extra. and for sale by . , 0 &J SAEGER. :.14)01i1NG,GLASSES.—A splendid lot fbolting Glasses Plates, and t4,74Mi+M- Frames olall sizes for sale by •• 0 Si, J . SA EGER. • _t_ NAILS.-300 Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. SC YT 1 ES=—'2o tioz. genuine Grilliith's Grain. Scythes, also a large assortment of genuine Steiermark Grass Scythes, cheap and for sale by 0 &::1 SAEGER_ OILS & TARNISH.—OiIs of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue be sold cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. EB PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. FIOLLOWARE.-500 Iron Pots and Kettles, just received and for sale at very reduced prices it the store of • 0 & J SAEGER. April 18 11--2nt To ..liseilders. A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor Lotks with mineral knobs, gentian Locks, Latches, Bolts, Hinges., Screws, Paint Brush es, and a Variety of other building Hard ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper than ever by J SAEGER. ' April IN, 11-2 tn • o aa O' l ,l% 9 ATTOUNtY AT LAW. Office one door east - of Kolbs Hotel, Al lentown, Lehigh county, Pa. AllentoWn, March 28. ¶—tf VVashington Printing Press FOR ~ s eELE.. • . A Superior ' iron print i ng press, Washing ton's pntent, with. a bed 22 by 34. inclies,. -- in first rate +order, rot' sale : at Abu tiffice;. bonac commodating terina.Atidiess Rake, pot:i. paid. July tiZ). "-4ar ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, RA:, MAY Hi, iB5O. Ho ! The Compromise Bill PASSED ! The Country Safe! AND Samson, Wagner,• & Co. liave just returned from New York and Philadelphia with their second_ Spring pur chase of New Goods, which are held forth ✓it The People's. Store in SlleWoum, Where they invite their friends and the pub lic generally, to call and examine their beau tiful stock before buying elsewhere, far then they will be sure to find the latest styles and the most approved patterns of every kind of Dress Goods; from the richest Silks to the coarsest of home-made fabrics. LADIES ! Please give them a call-and they will insure to please you with their goods and their prices shall be so low, as to make the most. penttripus of you blush to ask any de duction on them. We do not like to say that We will sell cheaper than our neighbor merchants, hat we do say, that as we buy our goods for cash, we can sell cheaper than those who "buy on time." GENTLEMEN ! In Cloths, Cassitners, &c. we would expressly call your attention to our extensive assortment, as we flatter our teilves That We can defy competition in this line of business. We have also a splendid assortment new Mens, Boys and Children, Braid, and Paimleaf Hats, of the latest styles and exceedingly cheap. Come one, come all and call, like the tempest loud and long upon SAMSON, WAGNER & CO. GROCERIEB. A large stock of choice Croce -ott.F•4:,t. .ries, the best the market affords, :5 , ti:•-hrt.l constantly on hand and at the ve ...-,. - ' C 5- ry lowest prices by SAmsoN, WSCNEt. & CO. A splendid assortment of Queensware of the latest patterns, in setts and by the piece u.t reduced prices by SAMSON, WAGNER & CO. FISH. A large lot of Mackerel, OF= No. 1, 2 and :3, whole, half 1t and quarter barrels, for sale but a slight advance upon Philadelphia prices. SAMSON, WAONER ec CO. 0 & J SAEGEIZ. Southern, Jersey and Mountain Tar, con stantly on hand and will be sold in large or small lots to suit purchasers by SAMSON, WAGNER & CO. 0 J SAEGER All kinds of country produce wanted in exchange for aoods fur which the highest market price will be paid by SAMSON, %V AISNEU & CO. De 0 0 EP. IRSOO cords of Oak and Hickory wood, wanted in exchange for goods at the "Peo ple's Store" by Sionos, WAGNER. & Co. May 2. 4—lw a l- 41 iIAT Tailor in Allentown. Talies this method to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has open ed a new Tailoring Establishment, in Al lentown, on the corner of Hamilton and Ann street, where he. Will be work , to re, ceive _those who may-favor him wit - h their custom, to whom he will feel grateful!. ' He is in the regular receipt of the rash-. ion Plates, after which he cuts and makes up ; he superintends himself, and can there fore stand good for the work he turns out, and his prices will be cheaper than nt any other establishment in town. Ile returns his thanks to his old costom• ers, and feels confident that the durability of his work and the moderate prices will in duce a further continuance of their .support. May 2. off —4 w • C. 010 R UAW, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Has taken the Office of the late Samuel Runic, Esq., and will promptl3: attend to all business entrusted to his care in this and the adjoining counties. Mr. RUNK may be consulted in the Cer man, as well as English. Refer to Hon. J..M. Porter, Easton, Pa. June M. Notice is hereby given to all persons in debted to Mr. David Stem, be it iu Notes, Fees or Book debts, that he has placed his Accounts in the hal& of the underilgned, Who is authorised to collect them. .It is ne cessary that the accounts should. be settled, as he has left Allentown And Is desirous to have his business closed.: A word to the wise is sufficient. Ma:) , • Glass oI Qaccasevarsr. T el .ETA. PR OD UCE. WtOULtWMQ A. L. RUFIE. - 11-Biv Owen Hotlin.an, Clock, Watchmaker and Jeweler, ~/1 Jcw doors East of Benj. Hagenbuch's Hotel,and adjoining the'Peoples' Store," in Hamilton Street, Allentown, P,a, The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the. vablic in general, that he has just returned fruin'NeW York and Philadel - - phia, with a very large and Well selected r..„,:. : , _stock of fashionable , GOLD AND SILVER ro ) V. i7 „9 h , 0 (itches, • 8 1 7- v. „Ni l 100 Eight Day & lllPArigli 24 flour Clocks. 0.- l i 4 from two to fifteen dollars, t arumum pa m and a full.as::ortment of EW E . 14 R le • Among oth e t.‘rs it 'comprises the.following fashionable nrticles:' Gold and Silver Levers, Anker Levers, Lapines, English, French and Swiss watch es, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, for all ages, Silver Combs, Gold Breast-pins, Ear-rings and Finger-rings, clote, pens, Gold and Silver pencils, Silver Tea and Table spoons, and a large variety of articles in his line of business. I-k has also on hand a large and well se lected assortment of Accordeons. The above stock is entirely new, and se lected with the greatest care, and of the lat est fashions and styles, He invites the public to give him acall, particularly the Ladies, arid to examine his stock of Jewelry ; and he feels confident that he can satisfy them, that his goods are not only as cheap as can be found in town, but will bear the strictest examination for tneir purity. lie is thankful fur pact favors and trusts that his pries and his beautiful assort in eat will bring him many new customers, to whom he will ever feel gratc(ul. 1- 7 ellertiring done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. A nil 25. . Assiguee 'LS Notice is hereby given, that William Meendsen 4- Co. of 'Northampton township, Lehigh county, have on Thursday the l'Sth of April, 1550, made a voluntary assign ment, of all their property, real, personal and mixed, to the undersigned, for the ben efit of their creditors. Such, therefore, who are in anywise indebted to time said William Meendsen & Co. are called upon to make settlement within six weeks from the date hereof. Arid those, who have any legal claims against the Assignors, will present them well authenticated to the undersigned, within the above specified time. lA'imapt U. ULUMER, April 25. w as sig;uee, iaiotlee. Notice is hereby given, that Benjumia F. Kleppinger, of Northampton township, Lehigh county, has on Thursday the Nth of April, 1850, made a voluntary assign ment, of all his property, real, personal' and mixed, to the undersigned, for the ben efit of his creditors. Such, therefore, who are in anywise indebted to the said r&nja rein F. Kleppinger, arc called upon to Take settlement within six weeks from the date hereof. And those, who have any legal claims against the Asttignor. n ill prennt theta well authenticated to the undersigned. \vithin the above specified time. WILI.LiaI H. 12iLumErt, April 25. - 9; —6w Assiguee, N &Lite. Notice is hereby given, that ITilliam Meendsen, of Nonharnpton toWnship, Le hig h' county, has on Thursday the 18th of April, 150, made a voluntary as4ignment; of all his property, real, personal and mixed, to the undersigned, for the benefit of their creditors. Such, therefore, who are in any wise indebted to the said William leentl• sen, hre called upon to make settlement within six Ivceks from the. 'date hereof. And those, who have any legal claims against the Assignor, will present them well authenticated to the Undersigned, within the above specified time. WILLIAM fl. BiAtmcn, .Issignee. April '25 _Read This t New Conreetionary Store. T-4~~• The' subscriber has in connection with the Tailoring business, also opened a new COSFECTION.dRY STORE, in the same building, where he will always keep on hand, an assortment of Fruits, such as oruntres, Lemons, Prunes, Raisins, Figs, oil kiztds a/ Confeelionary, He also keeps en hand for sale a varietV Weak refreshments, cakes, &c.. Givo him a call, as be will be happy to accommodate his friends. SAMLiEi. Ably - • AL IN POLITICS, LADIES ! Listen To The Gain! Fashionable Millinery Store! IVIES. M. I3ROWN. Tn announcing to the public the recent chtfnge of locution in her MILLINEI?Y E S'F,tl BLISHME NT, from East, to West Hamilton street, be tween the New Ydrlt and Mertz & Landis' Store, has also the satisfaction of stating that she has just returned from Philadelphia tvith a large variety of Lidiea and Misses EONNETS, which she is satisfied she can sell cheaper, than anti• other establishment of the kind in Allentown„at trholesale oi• Her assortment amongh oter articles con• lists of Spanish Edge, Rut-.llboni, Sall,l Tu lip, Tulip Milon, White Chip, and a larce variety of other fashicandde styles not mentioned. She has prepared herself with a large and elegant assortment of Fancy Ribbons, 'Pubs, French and .gmeriran - artificittls, (ST. She has also an assortment of Silks and Lawns, which sin will make up in CASING AND OTIIER EONNE'rS, at the shortest.notiee, and on the most rea sonable tceins. Old Bonnets, dyed to any .color desirable, and shaped and made up in the latest and most fashionable styles. Ll — Milliners from the Country will do well to r•ive her a call before they purchase Cisco he re , as she has prepared herself with an assortment of Fancy Millitiery. Goods never before equalled in Allentown, and will dispose of them at the lowest Philadelphia prices, Thankful fur past rayon's, she trusts that the reasonable prices she disposes of her ar ticles, will induce trimly to became regular customers to her mitablishment. April B Tailors ! Clear the Track ! Hy Motto Fit no Pay :" EDWARD STETTLER, Has again opened shop, and hereby an nounces to the public and his old customers, that be can be found in i s street, be tween the "New nod the "Penp/cs' •tort:" in the Luil,iiut recently occupied by William S. Weil, us a Variety Store, where he will be happy to receive calls in his line of business. .As lie is admitted to be the equal of litho Bruirmel, the oracle of fash ion ; he can :far, ly proclaim his motto, "NO 21".1T I% PAY." Such who wish to apprar in the latest New York and Philadelphia Dress I'ast,- ion 9, will do well to ;lire him an early co'l. Ile is receivinu the latest Fashion Plates, and cuts after the most approved system. Ills workmen are of the best that can be obtained, and his jabs for tasto and durabili ty cannot be excolled by any in the county. L. S fIiTTLF.R. April PS. teiatre. Valley Hotel Tho undersjuned begs kart. to inform iris friends rind :be public imgoneral, tI at Ire 1139 witted and now occupiestio: new Ceniti - e Vall2ey in Uppeir 131.1UCC11 township, Le i;l„c)liigh county,litelv htl,l iieo. V 7 \Vetherhold. Ilou.:e is , 4 t t . 7 ::exutir”ll uanled, JULrr routriy,. withlira rate stabling and water close at hand. Being sumctvhat experienc ed in keeping public house, he flatters him self to he able to give full Eatisfactipn to those who may think proper to favor him with their custom. Ile will furnish his bar with the best of liquors, am! his table with the choicest the market affords. His bedding are dl new, and cleanliness will be elp.:erved throughout his establishment. .11c invites such of hi i friinds who Fars and repa3.s his hox.,c, to give him a cull. 4 , 1 ME S 11'1 LT. kpri: -1 Paper Hangings • Cheapelit Nannfacturing illarehokise • Philadelphia, • Is in SIXTH STREET, one door below .Race, where purchasers and dealers can se lect from :Veto Style Gold and Satin Paine for parlors, With Velvet and Gold Seolloprd Boiders,, as well as Hall or Entry, Chamber and Din . - ing-room wall papers, Which will compete in style and quality, with any in Phi'add : . phin, or any other city in the United States, and at a saving of ' - &S per 'cent.. WM. H. PATTON, Manufacturer of, Wall S: Curtain Papers, No. 93 North 6th delal . Mohr Race. DeCerrlberieth 11—ly :i'~. TO THE LAPIES! BONNETS! BONNETSiI Mrs. E. Kemmerer; Respectfully informs the Ladies'of Allen• town and the adjacent country, that she coil:. tomes her 'fashionable - - • • • MILLINERY EST.4BLISHMENA. on Hamilton Street, third door beloWPret*; Guth & Co's. Store, where she Will besting py to have them call and examinelter stock: Airs. Kymmerer has just returned frotfftliii city, and has now on hand, the largest and most varied assortment 'o'f Ladle% on' 1116seifi ikonn . eti, to be found in Allentown. Her stock com prises the latest styles, such as Ilmgarian, Se&lan, Fluted 'Lace, Inserted Van Dykes, .dlbunz§, Sylvian, Satin, Straw, 4.c., which she can offer to sell . Wholesale and Retail, as cheap as any other dealer, here or else, where She has also a well selected tit d 'supert assortment of RIBBONS, TADS AND FLOWERS, of the latest patterns, And she ivottla cape daily invite the ladies to , Call and Examfne her Stock, before purchasing elsewhere. She is qls — c, prepared to make Crape, Silk and Lawn Casing and Fancy Sonnets, at the shortest notice, end on the most reason• able terms. C;I?`I3LEACIIING done in a superior manner, and at much reduced prices. Good hands always employed. • • EI" - Country trade supplied . — E. KEA:LIMBED., 411-2 m April I I LEI w Tat+ 741. lta The subscriber announces to his friends and the public in general, that ho has lately removed hip _, • G R Orio CB .1? le* S TORE, fium Onfigwero's to Wilson's corner, on Market square, directly opposite Craig's Al ; mown Hotel, where he has recently ad ded n large addition to his already 'extensive stock of Family Groceries, Fruit, and con ! pctionary, which consists of 6„ -1 111 :.I-- ----.: olasses, Honey, Coffee,Sugar, il ts; M .1 tonl i Loaf Sugar, Spices, Chocolate, K.l.llice, Fish, Oil, Candles, Soap, snit, Drird Peaches, Apples, Currants, Crockery, Queens-ware, Earthenivaie,;&C. LSO.--Oranges, Lemons, by, the Box, dozen, or single; PrUnes, Figs, Raisins, by the box or pound, CONFi:CI3O,VARI,E3.-A large and exten: sive assortment of Candies which will be sold Illitdesale and Reiail, to suit Purchasers-- Corn, Oats, Chop and other Feedstuff will always be kept on hand for salesitt the lowest price the market affords. Cement, by the barrel, bushel or less quantity, will always be kept for sale. • informs thole for whom he has done business in Philadelphia. and elsewhere chat he has establiihed Semi-Weekly :ream Line, To Philadelphia, which arrives regularly in Allentown, every nit rsday and Saturday in each.weelr. Perscnis who trusts their business to him can depend upon it being punctual trnniac led, as he always makes it a point, to em= pion; ncee but sober and careful teamsters. lists thou the finality of his goods, and the che;:pneJs of their prices, will convihc i;ublic, that it to their advantage to deal with hint. JESSE SHAFFER. • April IS. • t.--“m 10 , GER BROWN'S' & I.IIQIJOIt STORE; No. 323 MARKET STREET,. Between le,ighth and Ninth Strc,North side, All kinds or Foreign Wines and Liquarb such as— Old Cognac Brandielf, Dark if.", and Pale, Holland Gin, Ja- V 'll.lO inaica Spirits,lrishand Scotch Whiskey of thu war finest quality. IVILITES—S'uch as Madeira, - Port. Sherry, Teneriffe; SWeet Malaga, Muscats Claret and C4arnpliane, 'very 'choice ,and old. Also, Manufacturer of Dorriestic Distilled Brandy and Gin, Pure Spirits, Deodorized A Icohol,,Peach Brandy, Lavender Brandy; Wild-Cherry . Brandy, and. Fine Cordials; Raspberry Brandy, New England Rum, &c., &c., also a largo supply of fine Old Monongahela Whiskey on hand. • The above Liquesti will be sold at the va ry lowest prices. Country Merchants'and Tavern-keepers, will do well to give thts un dersigned it call before purchasing elisewere, and examine the Liquors, which- he vouch.. vs, Will bent the 'closest scrutiny, recollect No. 323 Market Street. ROGER BROWN. Der. NUMBER 32 Philadelphia, - 1 7 ... 1 ;.. r •i t : •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers