SIDNEY W. DURCAW, Ipainkr & paper-ijanger ! The subscriber adopts this method to in form his friends and the public in general, that he has lately removed into the house formerly occupied by Mr. Nathan Schaffer, in Hamilton Street, Allentown, nearly op posite the German Reformed Church, where he will always be found ready to attend to calls in the dillilrent branches of his business, which are House and Sign Painting, Graving, Glazing, Paper-Hanging, ,S-c. During his travels he has made himself master, in the above branches, particularly, Paper-Flanging, the panel work of which is now all the fashion. He will warrant his work to be well executed, and his prices will at the same time be moderate. Wlle constantly keeps on hand a large supply-of Projecting_Letters varying in si7.e. from 2 to 18 inches; they are used for signs, and have become very fashionable of late: During the time he has located himself in Allentown, he has enjeyed a very liberal support, for which he returns his sincere thanks, and trusts that his work will further insure him a liberal share of public patroh ve. S. W. BURCA W. March 28. 11-6 m Northampt. Water Compai7y. All persons who mice use of the Water of the said Company, for family purposes, or otherwise, will please take notice, that the time to renew their Permits, is on the Ist of April next, and it is expected that it will be stricily attended to. Those persons who have not settled for the same, between the Ist and the 10th of April, must not complain if the water is stopped after that time. The Board also deem it necessary to no tify those who use the water jointly, from one and the same pipe or hydrant, that the Permits for the coming year, must be paid ' by all, before the same can he granted_io_ either. arder of the Board CHARLES ECKERT, Treasurer 11-4 w March 14 atukitors Notice, 0%1 In the Orphans Court of of Lehigh county. In the mat ) ", ter of the Auditors report, on the < • final account of Benjamin Jarrett and John Jarrett, Administrators, &c., of John Jarrett, deceased. And now February 5, ISSO, the Court appoint Charles M. Runk, James S. Reese and Jacob Dillinger, Auditors, to audit and re-settle and restate said account, and report the facts and evidence with regard to the matter excepted to, and all other matters and , things that shall be brought before them touching this estate. Froth the Records : TEsTE—J. D. LA WALL, Clerk The Auditors above named, will meet for the purposes of their appointment, at the house of Ihnry Mohr, near Millerstown, in Lower Macungy township, Lehigh county, on Friday the 'l9th day of A pril next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time and place, all persons interested can attend if they think proper. CHARLES M. MINK, JAMBS S. REERE,. .?editors JACOB DII.I.INOER, March 28 FASHIONABLE Jewelry Establishment ! R. Cheap and Good 'Watches, — I I,S Jewell) , & Silver-ware, whole 4(' *1 sale and retail, at No. 96 North • v . !....• . ..., Second street, corner of (blur o:NiVriAll,-• ry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled, IS caret cases, • • $3O and over. Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, Silver .Lepine Watches, jew elled, $1 1 and ovi2r Silver Quartier Watches, $5,00 to 10 Gold Pencils, $1,50 to 7 ' Fine Gold Rings, 37.; cts. to 80 Other articles in proportion. All Goods warranted to bo what they are sold for. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J. To bias & Co., E. Simpson, Samuel & Broth ers, E. S. Yates & Co., John I larrison, 0. It. Beesley, and other superior Patent Lever Moventenis, which will be cased ' any style desired. Arrangements have been made with all the above celebrated makers, the best man ufacturers of Liverpool, to furnish at short notice any required style of Watch, for which orders will be taken and the name and residence of the person ordering put on if requested. 0. CONRAD, No. flf; Noah ,21141. St Importer of Watches Paper Hangings 1 TIIE Cheapest Manufacturing Warehouse In iladelph ia, Is in SIXTH STREET, one door below Race, where purchasers and dealers can se lect from New Style Gold and Satin Pape• for parlors, with relvel and Gold Scolloped Borders, as well as Hall or Entry, Chamber and Din ing -room wall papers,, which will compete in style and quality, with any in Philadel phia, or any other city in the United States; and at a saving of 25 percent. . • WM. H. PATTON, • Manufacturer of Wall &Curtain Papers, No. 93 North 6th 1 door below Race. December, 6th Jon - PRIM TIM G, Neatly executed at the "Register" Office < I - .9 , r/ 3 , td : •-•' M I ' - 7 ,i ! cr.,‘ ...i • *o s. 0 !T v • =.l I -I , • _; • ... cf 2 .l -' 4 , .' ~, . . ~ • ' '7:i' i • 02! o 1 " ' :! 'O% :,. C7', : C;) di ' F.• 0 . C.l •' ; i . 0, i 41 01 I 7-1 ; 11 ~._' " r; 1/2 Ig , ct , .. 4 eD ••• • • C nj ( .1) )1111111... : c : r -, its , ' a '''' • ,- - 5" a ; ~-: a 4t, cn I • I - • ro Oi' i ' ;=.- . . !:‘,: A - -, I • .A! c A . .'-' A :.! A ; 4 . tii v. , - . 0,2 , • i • * E-. 7 - 9 - . . 1 - • .., ,•, • • , - ....• . •-' r . l I • :e, !DI I • . • . . t • I . ' • 1 • • ri, •A 1 . • 7, ' .‘ ---. - -7--- I ' 3 Dollars, Rates& Number,' Dollars, ; Dollars ; Dali an Doll'rs Dollars ; Doll'r.s: l Do'ls. . rs Doll'Dollars Dollars. 1 2 Do/Prs, , Dullars ii No. - - II 1 A Ileutown, . . 1 524,015! 8,790! 1,201 109,073: 20,2.15 1,100 5,185 61,070, 791,582 I 5 30'24: 9.0, 1,600 . 1 802 2 Upper Saucon, .: 649,380 20,505, 1140 .11:30,096) 1,000 1 -' 7,5:34 22,662 813,5111 2 2 ,3' 600: ..- 620 3 South Whitehall,' 778,053 i 20,110, 7,916 02,51.11 130 -: 8,:397 2:3,165 930,:305 i ----. 23: 1,030' • 1 042 4 North Whitehall, 622,243, 19,601, 9,580 I 03,409 -. -' 9,303. 30,915 801,0811; 10.18' 1 150 -11. 627 s,Upper Mitcungy, 608,868 17,600; 7,110 103,55 V 35(1 -! 5,815! 12,3:10 8.17,05:31-i 6 5! 1,0201 -1 1 447 6 Lower Macungy,, 714,351 11,2130 i 7,901 - 50;652 -' ---! 6,703 . 17,000 - 810,900 ,-: 2'-- 900! - I 517 7 Upper Milford, .! 773,047 i 19,120 14,280.118,017; 2,000 - 7,158 31,530 968,952 ! -.- 2 50 . .- 823 . 8 Hanover, . . .! 556,869! 12,82(1 4,590 37,1211 4,825; 100, 4,6.12 41,820. 662,787 ! ---; I 7 1,150' - , 576 9 Salisburg,. . .! 469,6011 12,710; 4,052 51,142:' 130; H 4,336 22,488 56.1,•18 1 ;-- '1 225 - 414 10 Lynn, . . . .1 385;615! 18,505; 8,022 45,105; '-- 125 5,396' 22,905 .185,70:3 .-- -' - - 413 11 Weisenburg, . .! 251,6871 10,605 5,303. 15,910! -, -' 3,015 1 8,495 295,015 ; ---•-' f ---; -11 378 12 Washington, .. . 189,034: 11,180 :3,642 .16,570! ___.' -' 2,560 8,565 202 , 151 I -'- __... II :110 13 Hcidelburg, . . 1 156,320 i• o,ooo' 3,456' 14,6:30! -.-! -' 1,105 4,315 i 50,126 - - ___ -I! 291 14 Northampton, .! 156,510, 1 . 4701 581, 1,505 -___! - 720 20,500. Iy I ,2sf; __ 26' 700 -I! 188 IS Lowhill, .. ,! 1.11,949 i 6,857 1 3,200 16,0521 - -: 3,044 0,690 17.8,:392 -- 1 - -: I 208 Tota 11, . . .I,OOS, 117 203,223192,037 995,5 - : .10 29,620 , 1,325 75,443 314,470 8,816,411 ; 17,63,57, 15,625 1.600; ; 7,286 In pursuance of the provisions of the Sth Section of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the ISth day of May, 1811, and the supplements concurrent therewith, wt: the undersigned, Commissioners of Lehigh county, publish the foregoing Statement or Valuation of all property assessed for State and County purposes, and for Special State Tax, the amount. of Real Estate, Personal Property, Trades, Occupations and Professions, Salaries and Emoluments of Office, made taxable by the Laws of this Commonwealth, as the same has been returned by the several Assessors of this county. WITNESS our hands, arid the Seal of Office, at Allentown, the 18th day of March, A. I). 1850. JOAN LICEITEN WALLNER, - • • • BEN .1A IN BREINIG, Continissiovrrs of Magi; Counly SAMUEL KNAUSS, Ilentown, March 28, 1850, NEW GOODS --,1- , aart,—John - Plial 4 - Wall adios - i, 1 E122 1131111dillit ' ii 710 LE ,V.l I, E tS• A' E T.I 11, CLOCK STORE. Persons having business to transact with the Company, may call on either of the above 'The I • Girard Life Insurance Annuity and No. 238 Market St., above 7 th, south side, named officers, or any of the members, of Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. . the Board, resident as follows: PHILADELPHIA. I(i9 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, Dr. Wm. Palm, Sinking Springs, Berks Although we can scarcely estimate the val- APITA L 300,00 0 . county Jacob Bright, Penn township; near tie of 'l'ime commercially, yet by calling at Continue to make Insurances on Lives on tho aboveberuville, do. John E. Fisher, U. Heidel the most favorable terms.blih Estasment, Ja»zes Barber will bur, near Wotnelsdorf, do. George K.Haak turning his friends, among whom he includes . Es r{" Centre, near Mohrsville do. Solo ; The capital being paid up and invested, all who duly appreciate its. fleetness, with a . (I.' - NI ' I P 'NI I mon Kerby, . au encree (~ near . ose em, • togetlwr with the accumulated premium fund beautiful and perfect Index for maid no• its I aflards a perfect seelluity to the insured. progress, of whose -value they can judg7e. pro b ' do. David H. LlOttenstein, Maxatawny, 'near Kutztown. John 13. Reber, Bern. D. The premium may be paid in yearly, half His extensive - stock yearly, or quarterly payments. changing in conformity to the improvements on hand , constantly • IlSUM,Readin,gcorner of fourth and Penn. Isaac N. Gehret, Lebanon county, near The company add a BONUS at stated pe- in taste arid style of pattern and w orkman - INl ‘ laimanstown. Dr. D. O. Moser, Brein riods to the insurance for life, The first ship, consist of Eight-day and Thirty-hour igsville, Lehigh county. John Weida, - Esq. bonus was appropriated in December, 1811, llrasss Counting House, Parlor, Mill , Lowhill, Lehigh county. l amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in- Church and .1/ornt (locks, French, Gothic R.esolv;.d, That the Board will continue slued under the oldest policies, to ts' i per and Wier fancy styles, as well as plain, , . tneir stated tneetinos at Houstim's Swan • cent, 7? ; per cent, &c., on others in prupor- which from his extensive connection and Hotel, Readily', on the first Monday brim). Pon to the time of standing making an :etch- corresponds ace with the manufactures he ; lion of $lOO, $87,50, $7.5, &c., on every (ids he can put nt the lowest cash figure :Irv, April, ictortist and November, as be lin. where all matters requiring the action • $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver- in any quantity from one to a thousand, tel of the Board, are broil up and decided. age of more than 50 per cent on the premi- Which he will warrant the accuracy. rims 'paid, and without increasing; the annual re Clocks repaired and warranted. Clock • Published by order of the Board. ' payment to the company. • trimmings on hand. Annox Munn, Secretary. ---- --- - - - Call and see me among them. Feb. 11. • 11-Iw. Bonus :Amount of policy and . ___ _ _.__ . ______ No. of I Skim , or bonus payable at the I • JAMES BARBER, 2:38 Market St. . ,-,,,, -% e & ix i Polic y . itisnise " Addition. party's decease. Philad'a,' August :30 1819. 11-1 y-S : IY Tail ,U • ' . .' r27.7 •'• .:43 ' atD2l23, i • --,------- ------- ----------- No. 58! $lOOO $ 100 $ 1100 i r t l4 TO c 0 Vi 3 PP4 fj 421 ' The largest, cheapest, best and most ele-1 1 Hsi 3500 250 . o 205, 4000 400 I 2750 4400 , jj, ;) ~.,, , 1„ . l a • I ArI'ORNE YAT LAW, • I gaol assortment of , _Piano ..rortes, %, 276; 2000 124 -- 2175 Office one door east of Kolbs Hotel, .. Al -33:11 5000 4:17 50 . 5437 in the the United States, can always. be leotown, cournv, Pa. Allentown, March 2.8. . if—tf found at the warehouse of the subscriber, Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations .of-theihject ; forms of appli- . 171 Chestnut street , above Filth, !cation ; and further in .... mrandreth's Pills ) At the Old Stand occupied more than a third ormation can be had lat the office ill Philadelphia, or on applica- FOR THE CURE OF of a century by Mr. GEORGE WILLIG, dun to A. L. Rune, Agent in Allentown. • Consumption, Cony hs, Colds, (S.c., music publisher. B. W. Itilell'AUDS, President. TO mum PUBLIC:: F 1 PIANOS, HARPS, ORGANS, SERA• . TIIoSE who are suffering 11'0111 Wink- PI IIN ES, ..TIOL IA NS, &c., &c, iso. P. JAmi:s, .detuary. ting or Intermitting Bilious Complaints, fresh from the most • celebrated Manulactu- December 13. • 11 7 1 Y. should read the fullowill,g, and be guided ries in New York, Boston, Baltimore, Phil ,1111111.01':1 T 1 Dliti . thereby : . Cause of Pain.—Pain is the consequence ade.lphia, and elsewhere. Sold, wholesale and retail, at the maker's cash prices. iy.x t .. In th O e rphan's Court of Lt- of the exertion of the or gan or part where it ! .. $02.11c. high County. In the matter of Is present to throw off morhid or corrupt liti- OSCAR C. B. CARTER, estnut street, Philadelphia. try .,A t eillf, the Account of David A. Smith mars, for no pain can exist but from the pre- 171 Ch 41 7. % , - and Sarah Mohr, Administrators sense of those matter February s which are of an un- - 1 11- 13 ..a.....jur 4 47 " . &c., of J w .toga Mohr, late of Lower healthy charac W.b ter.. en we have Pain "I A l IP' ,a 1L% N.Q .. 1 11. ( 6 ,...ff '\ r , , Macungy, Lehigh con tity, deceased. in the head, is the bowels, or iman „ri,,,„ y other : A n d now, February 8, 1850, the Court part atilt! body, it 00 13' proves the presence The undersigned takes the liberty of in appoint 11. C. Lougnecker, Willunelthy l'o- of matters which th e blood i s trying to re- forming his friends and customers that lie ,le and David Schall, A uditurs to audit and more, and it is this struggle which is the cc- : removed his Stor e , from No. 24 North 4 St. resettle said Account, and make distribution casual of pain. To be - bled, only removes To NO. 110 MA RKE'V STREET, and make report to die next stated Orphans the anguish in proportion as the amount of Lela ten .1 and sth, .111.. re he has for sale, at Court. From the Re6rds, life is reduced, and the same min; be. said of very lotv prices, an extensive assortment of T ,„, TE __ .j. D . LA w . A LL , ch.,./,. „ all lulling or soothing remedies. Not so The Auditors above named will meet the with Bndreth's Pills ; they at once go to • 1/ ool&ing Ulkasses 1 the assistance of the blood in itidieg it to parties interrested, for the purpose of their dischar . . bad 'Minors, to con iti _a. the Death i n (Alit, Mahogany, and Common Frames, appointment, on 'Tuesday tle. 12th of April p rinei X . To relieve pain ' in thin way well adapted to to the Southern and West next, at 1(1 o'clock in the ffiretwon, at the does not leave guy bad - .lf ' . - The , i •l e " 1 ' Mark Pt. Public House of :\ Ir. Jacob 17sher, in Trex- • • - •,. i French m• Principle is not reduced, nor are the teeth . , ari,cPlate . trrors f ramedto or . known, it) said county. der, of approved Style, either plain or rich destroyed ; but all the organs are cleansed , 11. C. LomvsEcimit, and their health insured, ly ornamented. Poe•rz, Gu•rn & Co. ' T • oilet, Dressing and Sur ing, Glasses, in Winnotamilv Foone, Auditors. i T - Z - The :Wove Pills are for sale by the ' §—lw . Timm) SeIiALL, great variety ; Gilt ,mid Fancy Wood Por ' dozen or single box at the Register Office 1:-1tv 1 ;. -- rn, - ~,, . .i &, . March II utfirer 0 1 'mousy ~,CCa. ~. .. _ .. . _ in. Allentown. trait and picture Frames, also Common . t 1 January 111. .-I } .frames w i -' _ly •; ll.l out Glasses. The subscribers have on hand a large 'Plie Great Ulna Store -- - ---- -- LookingilassPlatesbythebox,oriuless quantities, lot of prime Clover and Timothy Seed, UP PHILADELPHIA. I Hart's Gold - Paint, ALSO FOR SALE, • which they offer foi_sale cheap. PRETZ, GuTil & Co. Thankful to the citizens of Allentown mid !' Au entity new article, used for , , the pm- Brass and Gilt Curtain Cornices and Or- March 21.• §-1w its vicinity for their increased custom, we pose of gilding Sinus, re.uildine Look Me , - ' !laments, Brass Andirons and Fenders, no -. -- .- - . 111411111 request their company to view our (.;1 writing"' , Th • b bK, be . vets and Tongues and Standards, Fine Glo. BLIND ill AN U 'FA CTORY large and splendid assortment of - asses, t !siting cards, ce., to used with a quill pen, for writing„ or a pen- this Tea 'l' rays and Waiters, Ivory and Self CI I INA, GLASS & 0.1; EENS WARE. H. CLARK cif brush fur gilding, to be burnished with a 'Tip Handle Knives and Forks, in setts and • Venitian Blind Manufactor Dinner Sets, Tut Sets, Toilet Sets, and piece of smooth ivory or agate. It will re- 1 dozens, Fiiii plated on German Silver y. !,sin g le pieces, either of Glass, China or Stone rain its color for years in being exposed to Spoons, Forks and Butter Knives, Fine and Sign of the Golden Eagle, No, 130 ,s- 140 ' Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers,' weather, being. already Si,, It can b e Common Brittannia Ware, Plated Castors, South Second Street. below Dock, 1 for less than they can be had elsewhere.•ln done in a short time, and at a saving of more Candlesticks, Cake Baskets, Snuffers and P 111 L.l DELP II Li. i fact at less than iVholesale Prices. than one half over the gold leaf gilding. Trays, &c., &c., Keeps always on hand at huge and lash- I Aiairnnu and English Britannia WWI hods, Thu 1111.1C111 can be 1111 d at J. 13. Moser's A _general I assortment of Clocks for Sale. iotiable assortment of I Vide and Narrow: • ••, ' Apothacary Store, who is the sole Agent for la.Lookill g - g lasses packed in the safest In greater variety. than ever before othred • . . Slat I f intim Blinds, manufactured in the!R. E. HAR I', manner, and in; against breakage. , . in the city. PANcV CIIINA in a great va-• best manner, of the best materials and at the No. 75. John Street New York. JOSHUA COWPLAND. lowest cash prices. , j rect . ', yery duly). 1 September 27. _ll—Gat • December, 6 This establishment has just: received a! fl would invite anti , person visiting . ; ... - _---- - -- -_-. 2 -_—..,---- - ) . the city to call and see us—they will at least : I" ii andreth and Wrights i si PI! as mg Da 1 'lilting Press large assortment of fancy silk and Worsterd , be pleased to walk around our beautiful storel Window Blind trimmings. Those in want i Country merchants and others, are here- FOR 8.1.1. E. and to view the finest China and the cheap - of Blinds can be suited- with a variety of est the world produces. ; bynotified, ' that the far famous Pills of A Superior iron printing press, Washing , colors and paterns, by Tailing at his Store. , . Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin ton's patent, with a bed 22 by 34 inches, in 'Very respectfully, Orders from a distance carefully packed, ;( Brandreth, are constantly kept for sale nt first rate order, for sale at this office, on nc and sent to any part of the city free of por- i . TYNDALE. & MITCHELL, the office of the high Register” by the commodating terms.—Address A. L. Rohe ; temp. No. 219 Chesnut Street. dorm boxes, at Wholesale prices. - postpaid. . April 4. . • • ¶-5 m i Philadelphia, Sept. 20, -- - 11.,-,-1y43 July.s. Gm . ..y25. .... . iMilillir AT Prett, Guth &Co's. ,More The subscribers...have the pleasure of an nouncing to their customers and the public generally, that they have just returried front Philadelphia, and are now busily engaged in unpacking a very large and desirable lot of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting in part of the following, viz: De Laines, Linen Lustres, figured Mohair Lustre, black and colored Silks of all kinds and descriptions, Ginghams, Lawns, Foilv de Magnolia, a fashionable article for Ladies dresses, British and American Prints, Rib bons, Shawls, Scarfs, Gloves, &c. Ladies! We cannot enumerate all the dif ferent kinds of goods, that we received in your dress line, but extend our invitation to you all, to come and look at them. We feel confident that such a course cannot but be the most satisfactory both to the buyer as well as the seller. Gentlemen! We also have received a large lot of the most fashionable goods in your line of dress, such as Clothe, Cassi tneres, Vestings, Silk Cravats and Hand kerchiefs, Cashmeret, &c. We do not pre tend to say, that we sell Goods cheaper than our neighbors, but we do say, that all the above goods will be disposed of very cheap for Om or approved credit. March 21 G It 0 CE RIE S. ¶- 1 w The Subscribers have just at i trille received a large supply of the 11 1 , 901 best Honey Syrup Molasses, - in Hogsheads and Barrels, also the best New Orleans in Barrels, that they can afford to sell Wholesale at Phila delphia prices. Also Java and Ma Coffee, Brown and White Sugars, all hinds of Teas, Raisins, honey, Chocolate, Rice, Starch, & c. all of which will be sold very low. PREIZ, GUTH & CO. §-1W $l6 and over March 21 Dried Peaches. Just received fifty . bushels dried Peaches is halves, offered for sale at their Store at a very low price. PRETZ, Ge TH & C o , March 21. • §-4w 0/.IIWERJELL, si•c. The sOscribers have just received : 50 barrels, halves and quarters, No's. 1, 2 and 3 Alackerel. 2 barrels No. 1 Salmon. 500 pounds Codfish. S Caslts Superior Cheese. All of which will be disposed of at the very lowest prices March 21 ELE Tri-Annual Valuation of Lehigh County for 1850. For State and County Purpoes, AITI.S r, JESSE M. LINE, Clerk I'RETz, Grro & Co. c—ltv Special State Tax. ! WHITE SWAN HOTEL In Race Street. The Undersigned respectfully informs bas Ifient/s and the public in general, that he has lately taken the White Swan Hotel, , in ?dace Street, Philadelphia, (formerly kept by Jacob Peters.) i-3 r r r~ The Swan Hotel, :A, has lately undergone complete ' repairs and now stands second to none in the city in point of style and ac commodation. The TABLE is well sup- I plied with the best the season affords, the BAR with the clMicest of Liquors, and prompt and obliging servants. Ile has sev eral pri‘ 2 ate parlors, in order to accotnmo date families, who may deem proper to fa vor hint with their custom. Ile has taken the house with a detertni natiOn to spare no pains, or expense in ma ' king it convenient ,to his. customers. Ile has large and commodious stables, good and attentive ostlers who will at all times bet in attendance. punctual attendance to his customers, and a desire to render them comfortable in every respect, he expects a share of public patronage.. GEnRGEIIN. • Philadulplia, Jan. 10, 1:•.,50. '—lw Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Of Sinking Springs, Bats County. january 7th, 18:i0.—The members of the " Board of Managers, elected for this year, net agreeably to notice given. at Eousuin's Swan Hotel, Reading, to organise and ap point officers for the year. • On motion, EL Hottenstein, Esq., was appointed Chairman, and the following ap pointments unanimously :nada, viz : Prr•qdent.--John IL Van Reed, Cuntru township, • Secretary and Treasurer.—Aaron Mull, T—lw Sinking Springs. C.. 1 1 11 UAW, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAt Has taken the Office of the late Samuel Runk; Esq., and will promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in this and the adjoining counties. Mr. RUNK may be consulted in the Ger• man, as well as English. Refer to Hon. J. M. Porter, Easton, Pa. • )(the 13. 11-4‘4 Pure Fresh Cod Liver Oils This new and valuable Medicine, now used by the Medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure ofptilmoiza ry consumption, se4vjula,chronic rheuma-. tism, gout, general debility, cotiipfttinfl of the kindeas &c., 4.c., is prepared prom the liver ofthe cod fish for medicinal 11,,e5: pressfy for our sales. (Extract from the London Medical Journal) • "C. J. B. Williams, Mr, D.,F. R. S.; Professor of Medicine in University College; London, Consulting Physicians to the Hos: pital for consumption, fie., says ; I have prescribed the Oil in the above four hun.: - dved cases of tuberculous disease , of the' Lungs, in diflerent stages, which have been' under my care the last two years and d half. lit the large number of cases., 206; out of 2:1•1, its use was followed by marked and unequivocal improvement, varying id degree to dilk•rent cases from a temporary retardation of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of distressing symptons, ud to a more or less complete restoration to op• parent health. • "The etli.ct of Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases was eery remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength were gradu ally improved. "In conclusion, I repeal, that the pure fresh oil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal, dietetic or regitnenal, that has yet been em ployed." .his we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil, fresh from head quarters, it can now be had chemically pure by the single bottle, or m boxes of one doz en each. Its wonderful efficacy has induced numer ous spurious. imitations. As its success de pends entirely on its purity, too much care cannot be used procuring it genuine. Every bottle having on it our written signature, may be depended upon as genu ine. Pamphlets containing an aualysis of the Oil, with notice of it from Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address use free of postage. JOHN C. BAKER & CO. Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, No. 100 North third street, Philadelphia. Oct., 11. 11—.6m-64 Bank Note ttst. Corrected Weekly from Bichnell's,VanCourt's and Thompson's Detector.) Bk of N America par Mechanics bank of 13k of Pen nsylv. par Newark i Bank of Commerce Mechanics bank at late Moyamensing par Burlington par Ilk of N Liberties par Mechanics & Man- Bk of Penn Towns, par ufacturers bank par Farmers & Meehampar Newark banking & Kensington par Ins. Company 6 Manur. & Meehan par New Ihipe & Dela- Mechanics par ware Br. Comp. failed Girard • par Orange bank Philadelphia par Peoples hank Ii Schuylkill pat Plainfield bank Southwark par ' Princeton bank ' par Western . . par: Salem banking Co. par Commercial Bank State bank at Eliza of Pen tisvlv. par ; bethtown, Newark, Bk of the 1 . 1 States 12 : Camden,N. Bruns thli7?iTlllf BANKH. w i ck , par 131: of Chambersburg I Sussex bank Bk of Gettysburg I Union bank , bank. co. lB1: of PPittsburga Trenton co. par 85 Yardle,yville bridge • Bk of Susq. County 13k of Chester Co. par company 25 Ilk of Germantown par, DELA WARE. Ilk of Lewistown failed The Banks of the state Ilk of Delaware Co. par of Delaware are all at Ilk of Middletown I par. Bk of Montg. Co. par NEW YORK. Bk of Nortlounber. .nar , Columbia Bank & , New York City hks 6 Bridge Comp. par ! Chelsea bank 80 Carlisle Bank I Clinton bank 50 Doylestown Bank par, Commercial batik 10 Easton Bank liar Lafayette bank 50 Exchange Bank i Washington bank 70 Eric Bank 2 COVNTIIIr Rises. Fanners & Drovers m1,7,11;1,13, county Batik •I bank 70 Frank " Batik ' / Bank or America as Farmers Bank of (hi of Commerce 40 Bucks County par; do of Brockport 35. Farmers Bank of do of Lodi 25, Lancaster Par do of Olean 35 Farmers Bank of do of Tonawanda 50 Reading par do of Lyons 26 Farmers' Bank of Ido of Western Schuylkill en. par: New York 3111 Harrisburg Bank I Bilighampton bank 40 Honesdale Bank -I: e nw o b atik 5 Lancaster Bank Par, Cattaraugus county Lancaster Co. Bank par, ,batik 35 Lebanon Bank X' Erie county bank, 60, Lehigh Co. Batik 50 Farmers & Drovers Lehigh Navigation ; bank • • it Co. Script. 10 Farmers bank of Se- Miners Batik of I neca county 30 Pottsville p ar , Hamilton bank, 30 Merchants &Manaf. Lewis! county b an k 60 Bank, Pittsburg. 6; Mechanics bank at 46 Monongahela Bank, I , Buffalo 45 Brownsville, - Taylorsville Del. ' 'Merchants bank at Buffalo 40 Bridge CompanY, 5 2 --- f Millets bank of New West Branch Bank,' li York 10 Wyoming Bank, I Oswego bank 20 - York Bank, I j Phenix bank 35 • NEW JERSEY. Staten Island bank 50 Belvidere Bank liState bank of N Y 80 Burlington County I St. Lawrence bank 75 Bank n a r Union bank. 25 ' i ! United States bank 30 Commercial*Bank p Cumberland Bank par: N. York bank. Co. 7 Farmers Bank par j Tenth Wark bank, 25 Farmers &Meehan- i White*Plains bank • 5 ics Bank, Rahway 6 ; crjbA II other banks not Partners &Merchants ; mentioned in the above Rank. Mid.. Point, , list are from Ito 2 per Morris County bank d • cent sdiscount. (10 ' , The notes on all Banks marked utilpadash are nut ~u rehabed by the brukore *--4w BEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers