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IN Deuoteb to Neani, Eiterature, 1 1 /Mtn, Zcience, Illecl)cmicii, ',Agriculture, the Diffuccion Of 11.5efitl Jitformation, eieneral Ittelggence,"Antutionent, &c. VOLUME IV. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, •tb•phblisht fi.n the Borough of Alkohnon,L;high County, Pa.,every Thursday . 111" V AUGUSTUS L. RUHE, At $1 50 per annum, payable in advance, and _s2oo if not paid until the end of the year. No 'paper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid 'except at the option of the proprietor. Aeveernesn't gs•rs, making not more than one square, will be illSl'nett three dines for one dollar and for every subsequent insertion t xestty-five cents. Larger advertisements charged in the same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines, will be charged seventy-five cents, and those making six lines or less, three insertions fu• 50 cents. la - Aliberal deduction will be made to those 'who advertise by the year. Co Office in Hamilton St., nne door East of the German Reformed Church, nearly opposite. the "Friedembothe Office." *lrtivigation Opened Lehigh Transportation Comp. The proprietors of this old established line give notice that they are now prepar ed to receive Merchandize of all description at their old stand, 13rock's Wharf, first be low Vine street, on the Delaware and fur warded to Yardlyvillr, Taylorsville, New- I lope,Easton,Bythlettem, Allentown,llauch Chunk, Penn 'Haven, White Haven and Wilkesbarre. They are also prepared to ship goods wand front New York to Wilkes .barre and all intermediate places, via Dela ware and Raritan, Delaware and Lehigh, Canal, and Lehigh & Susquehanna Rail road. Merchants having Goods to ship from New York, will please call on Steward and Mettler, 61 Dey street, who will give all necessary information. Goods shipped by this line will go by A. S. Nelson & Son's line of Sluops from New York to N. Bruns wick by the Sloop Fox or Greyhound or Schooner R. F. Stockton, Mitch will be found at the Albany Basin, foot of Cedar street, North river. The arrangements, are such that there will always be a sloop ready to receive frights. Merchants and others having goods to ship front New York to any of the above named places, will please have their goods, marked to the care of .911 LE, WILSON GO. This line consists of Twenty-two First Class Deck and commanded by sober and oblig ing Captains ; we trust their long experience in the' forwarding business and by strict at tention to the interest of customers will se cure the continuance of their Patronage. AGENTS H. S. 'Morehead, Philadelphia ; John Opdyrke, Easton ; Augustus .1. llitz, Al lentown ; Borheck .S• Knauss, 13ablelwin ; Leisenriag, Mauch Chunk ; .4. Par dee .S• Co., Penn l !liven : B/a/r.r/ec .S• Hoe totz. Wilkesbarri!: S ewerl .S• 'Mettler, New York. - PitoemETons.—Peter S. Nlichler,- John Opdycke, Selfridge & IVilliani Muirhead, Pretz & Saeger, McEvors, For man, Hugh S. Morehead, Jacob Able, Drake and Hulick, John Romig—trading under the firm of • ABLE, WILSON & CO. April 4. Lewis Christ, Fashionable 'Tailor in illeteown. MR. CHRIST, respectfully informs the cit izens of Allentown, and its vicinity that he has rented and will from the first of April next occupy the building, formerly had by Charles Keck, No. 2, in "Wikon's opposite the Allentown Hotel, where he will follow the fashionable • Tailoring BUSIIICSS, in all its various branches. He will be rea dy to recieve orders from his friends, and such who may favor him with their custom, for which he will ever feel thankful. He has made arrangements to receive the latest fashion plates from Philadelphia and, New York, which will enable hint tudress a man off in the latest style: His prices will be moderate, and he trusts that by punctual attendance to huSiness to merit a share of public patronage. Allentown, March 28. 11-1 w I Vt(021 - 1(0,1a, 4 s hereby given, that Daniel Rudy, Israel Rudy and. Peter Gross, have taken out letters of administration, in the Estate of Durs Rudy, late of Washington township, county of Lehigh. All persons, indebted to said Estate, whether in Notes, Bonds, or Book-accounts are requested to discharge the same by the first day of June next. All per sons having just claims against said Estate, are likewise requested to present the same well authenticated, by said time to D.IVID RUDY. SUAEL RUDY, PETEIt. GROSS, We Study to Please, The attention of the people of Allentown and surrounding country, are most respect fully invited to the extensive and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries & Queensware, All new and just received from New York and Philadelphia. Therefore haste to The a'ete lord: Store, • IN ALLENTOWN, I. To secure bargains in the way Of new Goods kern and Kline, Extend an invitation to all anxious to secure bartrain to call and examine their stock. 7?,,' Ludies are particularly invited to ex amine their mat; niiicient assortment of-Dre.)s Shovels, Spring Dress GUM'S, which can be purchased at 23 per cent lower than at any other store in the county. /rtris and Om/fry:en of Allentown and vicinity We ask you to lead a plain business ditty; To cut short the subject in order to savt time. A nil thinliing to please, we Mite it in rhyme. Some say that Allenhiwn has seen it's best day, And all those large buildings would go to decay. That may be true; but now for a plan, To build up again as soon as we can, In order to do this we must open the trail.% Not go about stooping as if we were 'fraid. Buy Partner's Produce, build houses and :Fiteam boilers, Fill our Store with gorul=, and sell cheap like the Tylers. Inducements rare are ()tiered now To those who wish to purchase low: A Stock complete in every part, Fresh from the great Commercial Mart, Of prints, the patterns are the last, The fabric fine, and colors fast. Of cloths, the choicest in the line, Prices cheap and mittens fine, Satin, Velvet, Silk and Lace, The best assortment in the place. In short a stock full and complete Which in this town cannot be beat. Dry Goods, Groceries and Crockery ware, Carpas ton, picked out with care. Now all that call can plainly see That this is the place to buy cheap tea, The secret has not yet been told, The Ncw YORK SToar can't be undersold. Therefore each and all of every size Continue to call and patronize. A great inducement here you'll find, Their 4.clerlis to all are very kind." KERN ANn KLINE. March 28. T. —4w The Ce-l'artnership heretofore existing tinder the Finn of Kern and Samson, will be dissolved by mutual consent, on Friday the 15th instant. All persons having due bills, or other natsettled accounts, will please call at the earliest period and have them settled. and such who have demands against the firm will also present their accounts fur settlement. WILLIAM KERN. • C. LI. SAMSON. All•ntown, Nlarch I I. gIo-Partnerol)ip Notice. The subscribers will enter into Co-Part nership in the Alercantile business, in the 13orough of Allentown, on the 15th instant, and will conduct the business under the Firm of Kern and Kline, at the old stand of the New York Store. They hope that by strict attention to business, and low pro fits they will continue to receive the. upport so liberally bestowed heretofore. 11'1LLIANI KERN. JAMES F. KLINE. Allentown, :\ larch 11. ROGER 1318 . 01 'N'S ventNE &LIQUOR STORE, No. 323 NIARKET STREET, Between Eighth and Ninth Strs, North side, All kinds of Foreign Winos and Liquors such as— ' ••"--, Old Cognac Brandies, Dark 44-11„igr., and Pale, Holland Gin, Ja i**. t10.t."7.71. maica Spi rits,l rish and Scotch - Malt Whiskey of the very finest quality WINES.--Such as iMadeira, Port, Sherry, Tenerifre, Sweet Malaga, Muscat, Claret and Champagne, very choice and o/d. Also, Manufacturer of Domestic Distilled Brandy and Gin. Pure Spirits, Deodorized Alcohol, Peach Brandy, Lavender Brandy, Wild-Cherry l3randv, and Fine Cordials, Raspberry Brandy, New England Ruin, &c., &c., also a large 'supply of line Old Monongahela Whiskey on hand. The above Liquors will be sold at the ve ry lowest prices. Comitry Merchants and Tavern -keepers, will do well to give the un dersigned a cull before purchasing elsewere, and examine the Liquors, which he vouch es, will hear the closest scrutiny, recollect No. 3 . 23llarket Street. .11(17it' IAY I?hiladel ~~~ s~~ ~~ Philadelphia. ROGER BROWN. hia, Dec. 6, ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA., APRIL 11, PROCLAMATION, WIIEREAS;the lion. J. Pringle Jones. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas of the Third Judicial District, compo sed of the counties of Northampton and Le high, State of Pennsylvania, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and general Jail delivery, and Peter I Inas, and John F. Rube, Est i rs., .lo d es of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and grneral Jail delivery, for the trial or all capital of fenders in the said comity of Lehigh,. their precepts to me directed, have ordered the court of Oyer and Terudner and Gene ral Jail Delivvry, to be holden at Allentown, county of on Fifth 51ninlay in April is the . 2titii day of said I )11 t 11, ;uI d C 011111111 t' one I.'t Novel.: is therefore hereby !riven to the Justices of the Peace and Constables of the county of I,eltigh, that they are by the said precepts commanded tribe there at I 0 o'clock in the forenoon, of said day, tt ith their roll s , records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remeinbrances, to do these tbin ! , s which to their offices appertain to he done, and all those who are bound by recognizan ces to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the jail of said coun ty of Lehigh, are to be then and there to prosecute them as shall be just. Given under my hand in Allentown, the -Ith day of A pril, in the year of our Lord one thousand eig,lit hundr4 d and fifty. God sate the Commonwealth. CHARLES lIIP2IR, .S'heridt Sheriff's (Mire A Ilvntown, A -Ith, 1350. N. B. Magistrates arc desired to forwa their returns in criminal cases to the nittny Attorney (.;eneral at once, and to request prosecutors to call at his oilice bcfore court. and thus aliord sufficient time to prepare the indictments, and other matters necessary 1;, , r trial. The amount of unsettled business renders this at present absolutely necessary. April ISSO. 4 J—lw TII If ed T APRIL TERM, 1.150. I Benjamin Fogel vs. Jacob Ilart, 2 Fogel and Schlauch vs. Jacob I lart, 3 Same vs. Same, 4 Same vs. Same, 5 George Wasson' vs. George Kern and others, o David Remely vs. Geo. Nem & others, Wrigitt & Stem vs. George Wenner, 8 William \I. Betz vs. I Ivory Peter, '9 Georre McKinly vs. Peter Sheidy, It/ Levi Fry vs. Stephen Bathe!, I I (leortze S. Eisenhart vs. David and 1 1 curt. etzga r, Reuben Stickel vs. Christian Weaver, 13 George Nleitzler vs. (;yorge 13reiniff, 11 David Schnioycr and othi. 7 rS - vs% Jacob Schmoyer, . (;otlfrey Peter vs. Charli,; Sttipp. • Hi William Stater vs. And., 1:. NlcCarty, 17 .Jonas Peter vs. John Hover, IS Nlichael Uhler vs. Walti . ..r P. Huber, 19 Peter Sell and wife vs. Jacob and A bra hain Sclonoyer, 20 Sietifried & lust vs. Lewis Siegfried, 21 IValter P.lluber vs. Johp Wagner, 2.2 George licintnercr vs.C. and W. Edel l-HIM, 2:1 Christian Fisher vs. Abra. Hibbard, 21 Nathan Rex vs. Lauchnor & Snyder, NATHAN MILLER, ProthonAiry. April .1. INDEMNIT) THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANt.of OFFICE, N. 163 A ell ESN UT ST REE'I near Fifth sireet. Directors: • Charles N. Banc ker, 4m, W. 13 ic rds, T,homas I lart, Mord. I). Lewis. Tobias Wiorntr, Atlulp. E norte, Samuel Gram, David S. 13rown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, CONTINUE to make Tnsurance, permanent and Ihnited,on every description of property, iii tiwn and coon fly. at rates as low as are consis. au with security. The Company have reserved a larue Comm gent Pond, tchie h K ith their Caput and Premi ums, safely invested, afford amp!, protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January lm, 1840, as published agreeably to an Act of A:- senility, were as follows, viz: Mortgages, $890,558 65 • Real Estate, 129,3118 00 Temporary Loans, 205,459 00 - Stocks, 15,563 15 Cash, acc., 46,501 87 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million lam hundred lhousand dollars, losses by fire, there by affording evidence of the advantages of ins u ranee, as well as the ability and disposition to Meet with promptness, all liabilities. CITA IMES N. BANC:Ian; President CHARLES G. BANCKER, See'y. The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every descrip tion, of property, at the lowest rates. AUGUSTUS L. RIME, Allentown. C. F. BLECK, Bethleheni. Allentown June 13 .1848. . • )0' Our Motto 4;4 Good, Beautiful & Cheap have just returned front Philadelphia, and are 1101 V opening the largest 411111 1110s1 a,--nrttnent of ever hvlure exhili;tvd at their Store. Out, as they do not ivel disposed to humbug a re spectable public, they would merely invite t heir friends and customer , ..tenerally to give them an early call and convince themselvt ol what it , stated above. The taste with which their goods have been selected and the quality and cheapness will fully com pete with any in the place, and flatter them svives that they Cannot be snrpassed by any Store in town or Cotinty, Allentown, March HousE IN TIM BOROlit;H Henry Leh, Informs his friends and ar/orlof, . • , 4 4;;;;;;,„„ the 1 lthlie in general, 7 ii s r agl'E) dint Air. Henry Aliller has erected a large and, commodious I loud, in \ Ileu,st reet, nearly op posite his "old stand" and ti ablie will occu py the same front the first of April next. Ile further informs his old custom( rs, tint h e h a ,: a great many rooms ready to :Teri/111- ln , 1111'0 :;•11CII who Illtly think in ci ter to favtir him with their calls. I•• has furnished his house with new Led din, and all other necessary materials, and viii always keep his bar, kitchen and evi ler filled with the b,st the market afli‘rds, both for the Table as well as fur the Bar. RES llis Stabling and Sheding are all new, large and conveniently arranged, the Hy drant water is near at hand, and an accom modating ()slier always in waiting. 1 word to his old co,t o Such who havo favored him with their calls at his old stand, will bear in mind. that the inconvent alleys so often contended %vitt', have all been cleared away and the deli..;litful and conve- Mem rooms, we trust trill make up former disadvaturm.es. llt 1111111 Cr returns his sin cere thanks tor the manv favors be thus far enjoyed and hopes by strict attention to bu sine's, to deserve a cootintiation of 1 hmn rn his Oh/ as well as from his Nit!. frietids. . 1,11:11. The Lino" of ; :t a g o s rtniitin from Allintowa to Philadelphia, leaves ht, lionz,e every Monday, Wednezday and day, at '2 o'clocli iii the and whim s every 'Fue:iday, Thu rz , day and Saturday, at Weluck in the afternoon, Vare March In the ['our, (..ointann . y . Lehigh rotinty. In the miter of the account of Jacob 1). Boas and J. lc.ratise, J. 4 1 % 1 ' Assh2nees of the Northampton Bank, under a I of e:Tvcial May '25, 1"...1 44 , account filed. SepWnsber 6, ISIS, the Court appoint Janos S:' Rees', Charh•s and Lew is Smith, to audit and if necessary resettle and restate the :wrount. Prow the Records, Tcste : rIIAN :1111.1.En, i'roth. The .Itiditors above 'mined will meet all Ole interez4ed, for the Id Friday the twelfth day of A pril, A. I). l'N;it), at. the piddle house of Eli Steckel, in Allentown, at II) o'clock A. M. of raid day. AnAitors t)11 e,. tho Ctrplians Court'of Le „ high county. In the nititter of r, the'Account of Aaron Eisenhart( awl Lteuben Ctelenbach, A istrtitors of Elias".S'irger, deceits 0, late of NOrtlt IVheiteliall township. And no - w, Feitruary S. 1530, tho Court appoint Willoughby Fogel. Edward Kohler and John Culbertson, auditors, to audit aud resettle said account, make distribution and report the same to the next stated Orphatts court of Lehigh county. $1,220,097 67 The Auditors above named. %rill meethor the, purpose of their appointment, on Alon day the 7th of April next, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, at the houte of Mr. Nathan Weiler, in Siegerville, where those persons who are interested, will please attend. . WILLOUGBY F L OGE. EDWARD H kOHLEH. Auditors JOHN CULDERTBON, March U. • _ irr-4w .Tlertz 41) , ' Lou odes, Spring and Summer Goods, Farmers and Alechanies A LLExTOVIA, Pa. 1.1a11,01' s Mlce, JAmr.3 S. Urr..sc, C. \I. lirNr., 4trditor.l . March 21 From. the liecords, • TusTE—J. D. LA WALL, Clerk 1850. ;71 /1. Citizens Daily Line of Statres - FRO:11 PHILADELPHIA alknieten •$* Bethlehem. EIVLS W. I I. 111 - 4 \u. North a l - 11.01•1. 1wt‘v, , ,. 11 Wil low awl (:;111,1‘vIiill, ev, , ry o'clock ; throo :2 1 1 ititmvti, twilscrimvti, f.:oopep,burg, to ;mid lictlilrliem. Leaves Eli Steckel's F.:a ! ;le I loud, Allrn tott•n, cvery niornin.2; and Ca leb Voile's . Ea°le 1 (girt, Itethlehein,,every iiiornitir at 1; o'clock, pa!sing throuv h the above. twined places: to Philadelphia. Fare from Philadelphia to Allentown or 13ethlehein, I) /funs. 1 1-1 t I 7 4/%111 Parcels or Pm:gage kft in charge of the Ar.ents, at either pints of the line, will be promptly attended to. BANES, STEuxur. & Co. Mardi '2l. 0 ,; w . 44 - *. gAt EVEIZURE ENS, TI1E1.•:•, i.IIZDE:IN SEEDS, &e. Frn sah• (:.I.IZI)EN, Vi;l:l2,e, near the t below Sixth strut, every day, comprising the varieties: floneystielads, a,z.st-rted Herb Llerl;aceci , 't ), 1 0,4 trato2;el)i , niti , ( )rnmental, for livr fences, &c. Roses., Evituunccss, viz. Flower Hoots, Bohn of Gilead, Flower Seeds, Silver h'irs, Vegetahle Plants, Norway Firs, Grope Vines, IZed Spruce, Ornamental Shruldtery. White Spruce, Ornarneotal Sliver Urren hiIISV Hunts, Amer. .krbor-vitae, I3ox Asparagus Hoots, .'free 11,,x,dif. size s , At.so—Ltroainenttil 'frees. viz: assorted ; I lorse Choi:mots-, Larch, Silver Abele, Mottlitaitt Ash, Altigttolitts, Prititze Trees, I dridetis, LI , All orders promptly attended to, and everything ‘varrititted ;Is represented. Plnts, trees, packed to carry %vitt: stilt ty. ..111dress "S. NI trp.kr, IZi:,inu; Sun Vd lagt., county. \ltiich SPlll7ifi lIIILLINIMY GOODS. , JOHN 3 . I*ONE & r•qlN:• , ,, Imin»./cis and Dralcis in Silks, Itibbons, and Millinery Goods, • No. 15 SOL"I'll SECOND STIMET, W(11:1.1)Call tilt' attention of Merchants and Milliners visiting thu city, totheir largo and rich :1 , S:011111 , 0i. 01 • , s•pi?i , VG Gooi) , s t , reccived.lty late arri% ills front Fiance. :L i ce. Silks Bonnets. Fancy P,ttitintt and Cap Wilton:. Plain Manilla and Satin litlthons, front \o. I to No. 12. French and .\ merit:an A rtificiid Flowers. AVldte and etthirtil Crapt.z. French Fancy Nets and laces. Fancy TritnittintYs, ()millings . , Crowns, Tips, Covered \V halebottes, Bitch rains, Cane, &c. Together with -.vry article al - pericaining to the Nlillincry Phila. Alarch "I- I‘v 'f,, ,t N.fi ~ 14 4 kea MACKEREL, -) Constantly on liat;il SHAD, CODE'S! SALMON. HERRINGS, . HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULLiERS, LARD& CHEESE, Mardi 21 I`~ CU G~~ 'NOTICE is hereby given that the under -Ll' signed has tal«m letters of A dininistrin ion of the estate of Daniel Lawall, deceased, of South Bethlehem. Therefore all those who are indebted to said estate, ‘vill see the ne: cessity of settling dick accounts within :ix weeks from the date hereof, and such, who may have any demands againSt said estate, will present their claims well authenticated within the above specified time. March 21. ;m LE . PAY. Nurscry See(ktnau and !'loci-f and fur tda .1.1',11-111:11 Cu Market St. Wharf, Philadelphia f , (0114 JOE3ts.l D. LAWALL, 11-41 w • 1411 20111/ ) A new House ank_a new Landlord. , . The subscriber re -10c; spectfully informs his 41A: friends and the public - 0 `-,'e neral ly, that he has •c-t: taken the newly erec li AS I ted three Jessestr brick tavern f Grim, ut the northwest corner of Market Squares in the 1)01.0110h of Allentown, Called THE E. 1G LE HOTEL. , The, [louse is known ns one of the most spacions and C1)11 krn tin the State—none ;nr.. r out of Plii;adelphiaand contains I I reams. lle therefore feels assured that he can necomm.,date satisfactorily all who may favor hint with a call. I I is TA 1;1.,E shall at all times be supplied ith the best the season and the markets 1 kiril, and the 13.ta with.the choicest Wines and Liquors. The Beds and Bedding, together with all Ids furniture being entirely new, the pat runs of this house may rely upon finding those two great essentials—cleanliness and comfort. - The Stabling, is large and commodious, and as he will have none but kind and attentive I Ostlers, a due regard will be had to the pro per entertainment of the blouse a& well as his master. In short, the subscriber intends to spare neither pains nor expense to keep his house iu the best manlier, and he therefore rc speetfully inyites the public to give hiinacall. ir.I3t.).IIIDERS will by taken on rea ' scalable terms, and as the yawns are spaci ' ous'and well adapted to their wants, they can be aec4enmodated in a satisfactory man ner. Families front town or country ac commodated lloardinff. ELI S TEC KE L Allentown, May 3. 1f f 1). ¶—tb Oddb'ellow's Hall Saloon. STETTLER & GEORGE Take this method of informing the pub• lie, that they an. now in the occupancy of die Saloon of the t /dil Fellows flan, Allen town, and having titled it up in a superior manner, are prepared to serve up all kinds of Ilcfr,,liammis, in a style fully equal to the hest Uttd Restnurants. The reputation they have hitherto acquired in the • (rippler Lille is nozarded as a sufficient guarrantee to the that everything prepared by them will tneet with the approbation of their cus tomers. Connected with this Establishmeht is a private L.,ID/ES S.4LOOIV, splendidly lined up, where parties of ladies and gentle men :done, can be accommodated with all die delicacies of the season. : 7 0: Give us a call. ley studiously cater ing to the wants of our customers, by assid uous attention to business, and with a de termination to render general satisfaction, ivo hope to merit a continuance of the liber al patronage with which we have heretofore been favored. . FRANKLIN STETTLER. JONAS GEORGE. January 21th 11-3 m Stuttering and Stammering CURED I 111 from Fire to Twenty Minutes. Till.: Undersigned would respectfully an• ninnice to the citizens of Lehigh and the adj”ining counties. that lie ins located him self in New. York for the purpose of ITECTIWLLY CURING pen.ons ‘v . lio are troubled with s Ellixu OR STAMMERING. Sc confidant is he of success, that no pay will he ropfired until the utmost satisfaction is s ivt n.. II is method is so easy, that any child live years old may understand it,.and i'et so efficient, that lie will forfeit One Thou ha ail Dollars to any person who will stam mer and apply it. EOM Dn. J. V. WveKorY, No. 37 Chant - Nits St., New York P. S. For further testimonies as to the cliicacy of his method ; he refers to the' Aledical Paculty ofNew York, who witness.' ed the application upon a gentletnan, who' was an inveterate stammerer, and had been operated upon by other Physicians, without' the, least benefit, and astonishing as it' mac seem, Dr. Wyckoff' cured him in 20 minutes, liat he %vas able to speak and read' <rid . ' case, without hesitancy. or semblance' 1, -3111 Siaininrring. of The Doctor also has over One Hundred' Certificates of cures performed, among which' are several tnodical gentlemen. .V. /I. All letterA of inquiry, (post-paid) will be promptly answered by naming the' Post ()dice and State tyltere they reside. March 7. Col.P 8 Ca PS f I. minium & Bre. are manufacturing eve ry style cloth end glazed Caps, which they will sell extremely low. wholesale and •rem November 22: NUMBER 27. LOCHMAN & BRO. 11 MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers