WHITE SWAN HOTEL In Race Street. The Undersigned .respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has lately taken the White Swan Hotel, in Race Street, Philadelphia, (formerly kept by Jacob Peters.) ~;sloc4t The Swan Hotel, has lately undergone complete repairs and now stands second to none in the city in point of style and ac commodation. The T is well sup plied with the best the reason allllrds, the BAR with the choicest of Liquors, and prompt and obliging servants. lle has sev eral private parlors,,in order to accommo date families, who may deem proper to fa vor him with their custom. Ile has taken the house with a determi nation to spare no pains, or eNpense in ma king it convenient to his custoniers. , has large and commodious stables, good and attentive ostlers who will at all times I in attendance. By punctual attendance to his custolners, and a desire to render them comfortable in every respect, he expects a share of public patronage. e GE(.0:(:;11', 11,111 N. rhiludelphia, Jun. 10, 0,30. --1 w 1112 IEI3IIIABIIIi The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No; 160 Chestnut Street, Charter Perretual, CAPH TA IL aOO,OOO. Continue to roalic Listen . , ttecv on I,irrs on the most favorable terms. The capital being paid up and invested, together with the accumulated premium fund affords a petlect seeurity to the insured. The premium may be paid in Pim'ly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a 11( ):,; US at stated pe riods to the insurance for lif'. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 1,11. amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to b per colt, 7 per cent, &c.. On others in propor tion to the time of standing making- an addi tion of $lOO, sy7, 50, $75, &c., on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver age of more than 50 per cent on the premi ums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. Bonita Amount a policy and No• of f ' 3lllll o r bonu s payable at tlic Policy. Insured Addition. party's ileceaqe. No. 591 $ 1000 5 100 " 88 3500 250 " 205 4000 400 " 276 2000 124 " 333 5000 437 50 Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of the subject : forms of appli cation; and further information can be had nt the office in Philadelphia, or on npplica- , tion to A. L. Rune, Agent in Alleutott•n. 13. W. JNo. F. JAMES. clf (WW. December 13 110GE1l 13.110‘VYS WINF, & 11,1141/ tr, No. 323 lIIARNET STREET, Between Eighth and Ninth St rs, North Philadelphia, .A II kinds of Foreign \Vines and I such us— 14. Old Co_thac Brandiev, ii/17"ifyr,„:llv and Pale, Holland ( ,h t . inaica Spit its,' rich and Scotch halt NVltislicv of the vett' . . finest quality. • AIVINES.—Sack as Aladuirin Putt, Sherry, Teneriiii.., Sweet Ilalar,a, Miii.cat, Claret and Clannyagn, vcry choice and old. . . Also, 'Manufacturer of Domestic DiAillnd Brandy and Cin.'Pure Spirits, Deodorized Alcohol, Peach Brandy, Lavender Brandy, Wild-Cherry Brandy, and Finn Cordial s , Raspberry Brandy, New Enizland Rum. &c., also a large supply of tine Old Monongahela Whiskey on. hand. The above Liquors will be sold at the ve ry lowest prices. Country Nierchants and Tavern-keepers, will do well to give the un dersigned aw.all before purchasing elsewere, and examine the Liquors, which lie vouch es, will bear the closest scrutiny, recollect alio. 323 Markel street. Ru(;Eit BR( IWN. Philadelphia, Doc 6 LASH HONA L a. Jewelry ! Cheap and Good. Witich.•:::, jev n i' 3 S i i vtr- ."h tsdenl .tail, rIN.7ONo P 1 \ • .11!)- Second ;trot, I - ornor of quar ....41 ~.4,.. „,.....,., ry, Philadelphia. (kik' Lever Watches, lull Jewelled, IS caret cases, t : ::::0 and ”ver. Silver I.et•e•r IVa'..clies, lull jewelled, '6lO and cro..r Silver Lepine Watches . , jew elled, r 2.4 I 1 and over Silvur lAttartier Watches, $5,00 to 10 Gold. Penc SIM to 7 Fine Gold Rings, :371 cts. to SO Other articles in proportion. All Goods warranted to be what they are sold for. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of fine GOLD 3E \V.ELRY and SILVER•. WARE. Also, an u:Aortment of M. J. To-, bias & Co., E. Simpson, Samut I & Broth. ers, E. S. Yates & Co., John Harrison, G. 4 R. Beesley, and other superior Putimt 'Aver . Movenzenl3, which will be cased in any style desired. Arrangement:: have been made with all the above celebrated mahers, the beat men• ufacturers of Liverpool, to furnish at short notice any required ntvle. of Watch, for which orders will be taiten end the name and residence of the person ordering put on if !guested. O. CO.NRAID, No. 00 North 2nd. St. Importer of \Vetches. Philadelphia, Nov. 21), Poor House Account, CHARLES SAEGER Esq., Treasurer, in ac count with the Directors of the Poo7' and of the House of Employment for the county ol Lehigh. Iron .lan. 2d, 18 , 19, 10 lanuory‘lst, 1556, both days inclusive. pl.. To balance from last account .. Cash from-County Treasurer do do Nathan Fritzinger. guardian of Elia both l'eter, by hands of M. 1). Eb• el hard. - - . Clerk of Court of Lehlgh county, the distributive share of John Yundt pauper)iis one of the heirs of John Yundt, dec'd Elizabeth Clark, administratrix of .1. Clark, amount of funeral expen ses, of said J. Clark. • - John Saeger, Esq.. amount received from smithy hueltsters• who were informed upon for selling spirituous liquors on the occa sion of the laying of the corner stone of the Heidelburg church. County treasurer(at different times.) do do M. I). Eberhard, being the amount that was received for the proper ly, with the money found in the • possession 'of John Charles Joch at the time of death. - - Thomas Fans', steward • - do do do - - . fly Amcoint of Order.; pail to the per,lll,, to tl : GriM&li , 'llin'tvr 0 - 2 is (*.alit lit atf I Ito Boloinon llvircl ly , 2r 4 Si) !fearer :18 79 16 00 Jonas Dichl :10 00 Thomas Faust, 2111) 00 Ulla,. Skyey 15 59 sl Gll .kioi 5 5(1 11 , iirr nice. 400 do do 100 Ahel, \VIIsm, , 5C c., 728 .1,001 I3laulr, 2)) 00 E. I). Newhard, 312 de, do 500 I'. \V. Eckert, '5 54 Grim and lleniii'r 1 115 .1.11. ( 3 5(1 J 8 11rolle 2 25 Geo' i.t.• 4 25 Grorge Burin 67 57 El a Kni , cr, 100 Kern and B,linseii 38 52 15 52 Henry Sh;lutz 'J 95 &e. 118 54 3., ' .1., 211 011 1, as 14 .11.ilion%1;okchall 15 00 .41tor , \‘' Wosoo 41 00 110 isi . tt Ebert 0 60 If Belintirinati 113 (10. IS 00 Mary \Yriscr 50 Snyder awl Wood :stet,. Slick 19 IS riot; . 32 61 (),.0 zo Spinner 300 I)and,' F.ltzingcr 11 1:3 2 00 llcnj Stonier 1 3.1 150 ,-,:lonoo Wikim 7 10 .\ Rule , agent,&c 601 30 Ilan Saeger Es,' 255 Mon. Dijr 16 01) John Yost 72 00 I . llomas rao.-.1. 180 (10 Jac ([at tucker 51 57 1 .nas fans( I 9 16 Samuel }lawman 50 8 dome!, 16 Oil Barnnel Bridges 20 00 .tut. Chochall . 13 110 Pei!) . Drolingce 23 John Shirer S 35 11 ll.llierael:er 25 On 1 .trinclll , irger 125 Da i l shall 180 .1 Rohe 150 H. ',ben t4chor2r • 1 02 Vager and 81eintnerl 511 131nin, r Bush 21 73.8.1inuel 'rem' 843 1);Ilin it &Craig 37 79 Win Danows:vy 23 30 Dan 83eger, Fs.i 1 001I , ..rtze Henry 2 (10 r 5 Saeger 60 45 MI) E lerhard 20 (10 Jacob 13eis€1 23 51 (10 (10 500 1 . • 1, Martin 25 00: liertz and Landis 17 30 E U Newhard 20 lice and Kutz 74 00 J. I). ',rural! 2 67 John Baer 93 12 Thomas Nc,‘liatil Wi.lacto , D !Iran 13 12 ![only Levan 2 00 Ephraim V. Ito 11 !,"3 (Iral 1 00 ‘Vciiiel andlf.dniai,s 117 (Icorac Brir.iter 75 izek, and 18.eger 430 if., / ( PI R Cyai'. 95 '.14;11v I) , •vr 1•2 inl 13'.01-r and YOlOl7, v ‘Vet , r 100 IVill:a..l 11 c " $ 1100 27 - AI 11(11) '2175 51:11 I . - I • :1 d') CLoi.2 o , :splnn,r a5O :• - z1:1,11e1 . ..: 155 . 10 11 3f lo 11"1:1 i 1 1.;.1. - ert 6 .1c,..e I:. i\;,•11, -, 0.1 U,nII ficdriicic A, Goirliall 15 00 \nt (:.it -cliall 10 60 Vag. r .S. Weidner 21 91 .1 and 1) Dorney .15 22 I:vitii 1:10h 29 9 , 3 do 110 10 78 Win Klutz 16 06 Ilenly Seltivnitz 55 91 Jai•iiii 11.6,1 10 00 Grim and Renirr 41 .111 .\ an d (1 r mst 12 O t t Il' 11iille 1:0 q 497 .li-se 1 .iliv 100 E I:Newhard 2 .11 11 , thry . Szvlian , ...: 8 65 . Kotii and Sam:-66i 5)) II 1.. N Liii'as I tOl MI I) and .1 4 .1(';.:01' II 07 Kc. li i" , avitt'r and vii 29 l're'z ( 1 6:h cu - .1 31 ( iriiiii\ 11. nivircr 107 21 Eli J Sait2er Esq :3 40 13iii lit.' ;ii diViiii:i2 15 So \Vat - titer & Ilober 36 87 .1003 , 11. 1.1 :lo 00 . 121!ai :71ilefzer 410 (io .1 11 :11.,. r 2-, 00 Samuel Iliirger 1 29 .166.1; lliivhiiiati 7 lo Di‘tirgi. Roth 16 68 Georvo Siiiiiner 1.-, David than Esq. 60 (' L Marlin 25 On II J Stilt:tilts 19 I? 11 .1 Illberacher 25 00 11:tty,liciT . 12 00 Hun ry U.)611,1.11 ::01) J' , llll : , chants 51 11 IZeul.eo Tr, , xf '.l 22; 59 Slit) Metz 2 67 A. 0 1VP 0 ,“0, 2 60 LS:dance 582 17 q.iiy Deir 12 00 'Eli6s . .7';ewhavii 3 06 • Si . Cl(7'l7.ruhi 1 , ,oit;11 u/ Thomus lint.q, Steward (yr Li l'ounly Pour 110 use fur 1830. Dr. To ca,b tc,cit solidly accounts as fol low::, to \I it : Balatwe of 1.1,1 ycor . :4 account, $3B OR IlocciNed of. John Blank, for a dower of Dewald Kahaq. !=uperviror, for work 900 done on Ow load, 11 50 for one horse, 8n 00 IV blow Gulto, by flu+ hand of floury Cramlieb, for expcifse-i un utl atuce rnent, 1 :it) AWhony Gollseltall, 10 busli..oats at 33, 3 3.2 1)0 Do kit of Coto, 2 22 Do Do 0110 pair of t.itoo:, 100 Samucl Sames, 5 Shoup, at 3 .50 17 SO JO-opliSivor, of Bucks county, by hand.: 1.1 John :flank ; a deposit for the tt , e of try Sheffer, Daul,ll:,:att,-, kn. ono old slack bP2. box, 73 Ile n's , 4 ci.ants, .1 quao, el‘ivpr rod, 50 • Do 1.1 fly:. tallow, at 1 10 %%Than) tuf , liclA oats. at 28, 3 3(i 11. I). Eberhaul, re.idue of A. Grier, 1 82 Do for 2 1,o;.; , , 3 50 Mertz. 12 I..usiick oats. at 30. 3' Go s. Ito 6 II •. tallow. at 9, (*mit I:t•ititiger, l'+s IL , . tallow, at 9, 16 6:5 203 IL , . at 8. 16 21 23 lb,..tt iiiie G, 1 Ua 37 mixed ia!!,s, at 2 coot , . I,t.itner, of NO ri COPII - lemming Ir••:12elia Xandet, bound girl, !...:-.hach, for keeping his father in too 11-.1- mull, • 2 25 C. Seem, 21 husliclx 4. , x stpi:, at 1 40, 20 si) Jr.nath3n Steller, fot roaming, F. II Stu bee, 1 . -, ov 1 - miniti to him.. William U. Smith, for support of fitiesel T. Smith, on aceentit, 15 OS For soh!, 4 84 John lantlensellager, for boarding, Jacob Brier, 1 50 Charles Glick, for rettirnl , ,,.; Yoel nor, a boy bound to him, 5 00 George Snyder, for 269 lbs. eld iron ala, SO7 $520 18 500 00 1,000 00 ma I IS 67 LEM 40 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 '2'3 115 71 63 00 S '1,410 94 DM I . ..5 1 -0 d d , d, d , ! la y i I, r =UM $lll3 98 11111 IMO Mg Mertz & Landes, 28 lbs. 6 oz. soap, Do . 12 lbs. white rags at 6, and Ili lbs. mixed rags, at 2, !"Six (lament persons for horse feed, . 1. Fassbinder, a pauper, being part pay ment for convey big hint to the poor house, Tobacco said, 5 different persons for 13 bushels lime, 130 A. & 0. Faust. for !titles and skins, 19 89 Peter Ludwig. hides and skins, 4:3 48 Josopli Goad, for hides and skins, 7 96 J. Gritn. 530 feet poplar plank, at 22, 11 66 David Mintz, 2GO bushols lime, at 8, 20 80 Do 11 bundles straw, at 10, 110 Do ono day phoning corn, 25 Daniel Snyder. being •a balance due to Peter Schreiber. a pauper deceased, 23 `George !foilsman, - do 100 Gabriel Scheirer, do 1 nn Mielnt . el Woodring, do Jonas Fenstermacher, do Christian Derr, do 1 Daniel Seinmel, do Found in the pockets of 6 paupers died, 8 12 Nathan Weiss. fut returning Cecilia a girl bound to him, I Shad!, Ur. fly ca%ll paid out as follows: \Vet,s, repaitine: 2 watches, Geou.te Stein, cleaning and repairing 2 clocks. Chitties . S.Altt , ,ey, one spcotaele, John Bernhard. ono spectacle, l)attirl I; .1,!-se Nl.ll, (WO Xvr.otlehi \NO 54115, tor malt:hos, o , .ven kern, t flynet and ear lops, (him C. flenitmer, for invichabilize, John (,).. Pule ; for 1 . 119p1q Will O. Nathan Heiner, 3 bushels geed ‘vlical, 36u 11eulien llei- , i. I east' chair ; , 25 Ileory Kiiliiiiin. 3 sheep, 5 70 I'. :Wier, Mr deliverite.4 shimmal,er's took of John IVliite In John Schitupl's laveim : . .0 Peior Suniller, wheelwlight work, till Solomon I(abenholil, 1 barrel vinvizar, 2 !du De‘vald lcillinti, for load tax f0r.1848, 19 67 Ilehix 11'eaver. tinwarit, 1 In Stephen Ackor, 3 hl,ks. 35 Henry limitilich, being abidance due to .... Golio Al.ralbon Gemye, fresh shad Solomon 111117.. llor 21 1 1b... veal, NVilliain Klotz, 11;4•inakinr."., pruning•hogs, Elia Uuh enu . one hog. I\ tlli:un .Mertz. for 21 (lays harvesting : 275 [m•in. A. T. IVartinan, for e.,addlery- ware, Jahn !fold, eider and apples, Ci tieasorer, mn;ie)• 1 received of several persons due to a pauper, 115 71 Same. Fein, riini.ev 1 received oil di:- to; o'd acconots, \. O. r;...0, tor lealier, Poter Lod .lo:epit Good, do Nine different persons for ache=. Simeon Keinerer, conveying 7 paupers to the poor Itoti-a lion] N. V hiteliall. Mires Lintz. eon ve‘, ing 2 paupers to the poor !loose from Ileidelber , 111 . 11ly SllllOl. do do Thomas Craig, for conveying 2 paupers to the poor Iton-o iroin Hanover, Peter .11iNer. c unveci L i eloper l 0 tl,a tioor from I lnidrlltr Pettit Ede! aod .!ohn IVid , 4l:oryid, con ve) i:oz, 2 rot: 1 , 1:1 s to tlre poor illlll,o A!'11.1:!:•1 1: 1 ,•; ft:\ ti !. 2 from 11:1! ,,, vt•r. 1 li ' ‘lll \C't1:;111: IMill .It,!to Yot•ti: ;trot (1 A ‘Vetirttr oneN • it-_ 2 i ..tr i terA to tho poor I.otitt: Itoto Satic)o. !)itlll, co , .veying Henry ‘Viii dick to Ilan poor tont,e front Sul 'ntrt Clotlle, limns, do 1 Iron' Allentown, lorrlon DteIII, do front Nor: hall, 11'illia•n :%Tertz, do. S. 11' Gabri..l hoarlin± awl I.(l:4ing I) Bailie!. a pauper. ditrim: sirlotess, !tier. (to Iron y (:alhnn Mrs \I 11, loatitin , att.l atteilditt.. Chris. Clan Gwe:i(iwalt, a pauper ttl Sort,e, issuituz orders of Jacob Zit:moil - titan, -1 orders of relict Travelling 'tanners. 'naveling ex i qm , , , e for team, do :steward. 13.11rtnee in the hands of the ti:ewiti.l, January 1 : 1>2'50, Household Expenses . for 15•19 Paid for Dry goods and groceries, $ Gho 2ti For Stone Coal, - - - 70 47 For Fire n•oocl, - - 2'S 5O For yooper Ware, - - - 3 50 Fur tables and 1 clock, 14 29 For Slioetna ing; - - - 55 91 For. - - - - 12 00 For Woolcaiding, - - (i :31 For W,avitor, - - - 21 08 For lints and caps, - 13 12 For 1 rd wil re, - - - 21 :39 I•'or Tolocco, - - - 53 For Cider, - - 6 (H) For freibt for 151 ti, - - 4 2ti. For Niedicine, - - - J. 2 •11 [•'or lollies, - - 63 00 Farming Expenses. For wale and female servants, For haymaliin.,4 'and harvesting., Paid for Che:qnnt " Vence Pot-is, Lumb,nr for repairs, Carpenters work l'or repairs, /no new sled, Cutting box, • ‘Vbeelwright ith tvoi 1;, 17 heads of L'attle, Repairing . threshin!..; machine,' ttwin4. bintrds and scantlint.t, School tax fur In-1S and 1` , 19, State tax for It If!, Tin - )thv seed, Reed wheat, Platter of Parir, 10'20 55 Builaing a new Herse Lumber, Mason work, Carpenter work, State, Nails, &,c., • Fire 'lnsurance. Number ejl Inmates. Insuring all the buildings and Remaining in the house ; Jan. 1, 1849 114 house furniture belonging to Received dtiring the year 260 the Institution, 601 50 Born - - - - - - 2 83 99 2 &3 and Executing orders of Bait! and Supportins , Out Door Paupers I3OROUCIff OP ALLENTOWN. Conveying Lotvhs flirt to the Poor House c;,unveying Henry Shaw to the Poor [louse Conveying the corpse of J.Cly titers child to the Poorhouse. Coffin for said child Collin and funeral cxpens.cs of Jacob Zell tier Coffin for Jacob 'l..ellticr's child Conveying P. Wcstfall to the Poor [louse. 13oarding & medical attendance for J. C Yoch Coffin and funeral expenses fur J. C. loch. 1 - undue expenses of J. C Duch Issauinz orders of relief 6C U,O 16'00 31 jr BEE MEI EEO ;N . 011:111,1 AI PTON Maiiitainingaial attending lieu r)' 13arlivr,(culo'd) pdirowl cunveying ..,itille t Ow Pour I luus 1 :37 '25 1 lill 1 O( IMM MEI CI)11111 & COll Yeying the corps( of A tidrek: Eck )ig2.ing a grave for a boy d row- tied in the Canal ( 4 0 11 in for a wan Iron•ned in the I,..Canal, in Itil`~ Conveying paupers to the L'uor [louse Collin and funeral expenses for James Clark aml funeral (2 xpenses of J. I). Ihrie &c., for the <hroutl for the child ofJoitas Borger con 200 !),) 5 (4) 161 75 UPPER SA.LICON Convey in Wirm. 1 lottenstein to the Poor !loose UPPER. NIILFORD Nledical attendance for Charles Weaver 92 JSI SALISBUR'. Collin and funeral expenses ftn Sara :\ i Ile r Ctin vey in f 2. Jacob Wo go er to tho I '001:1 louse 5 on '27 5 , 3 I'2 06 7 I,MV ER NI AC UNG F. Issuing ordPN of Polivi DM L7l)l 3 E.'llt AI.ICUNCiIE Issuing onlyrs: of rt 5 20 5 00 lIEIDELBURG ALtintainiwy, Julia Ann Boycr OE N(lR't•tl \\"111:11:11:11.1_, ortit of ~.,1;,•r ME '... :JO 9(1 ME S(11.:T11 . 11'111 . 11:11,11,1, L'ialin and ((world vxpenses ror Sarah Brocliers Ln court for; John Funds, jr., one of the hcirs•ol John Yundt, deceased, TB IEB Serving notice to John Vomit, jr 50 1 00 Printing, Sid/lunar)/ and Postage Printing. and Stationary for du du 15.19 3 97 5 ti() Potta ,e I 03 t; 1 11 99 Thorntis Faust, steward Charles I. Martin, Al. 1). ['Lulu .1. Ilaberacker, M. I) NI. D. Eberhard, Director do. do John 13Iank, Director ‘..' 95 do do Henry Schantz, Director do . do Samuel A Bridges, Esq., for pro fessional servicrs 20 00 Charles Saeger, Esq., treasurer 10 00 13alance in the hands of the rreasurvr, .ti/url• a/71 u' Ilirm :302 litudtels of ;cheat, 898. bushels rye, 5:31; bushels oats, 21 bushels flaxseed, (Pi bushels clover seed, .130 bushels Potatoes, 1301 bushels corn in the ears, 115 bushels turnips, 2 bushels onions, 50 bushels red beets, 25 bushels radishes, 4 bu. soup beans, 3 hartefs pickled cucumbers, 3500 heads cabbala, tr, hog•bend sour crow, .1(3 four horse loads hay, 25 loads of corn fodder, 18 00 bushels Nine put on the land, 152 four horse loads of mature put on the land, 1035 pounds hatcheled flax, 1511 lbs beef, hid es, lOW, pounds calf skins, 1118 pound tal . - low, 883 lbs lard, 1501 lbs butter. .'/rlirfcs nunle in the Ilimse. 1,099 07 137 00 MEE :11 -13 Iti 7%, 15 75 10110 950 18 00 5550 401 50 505 12 03 21 30 '3 (+`.l 102 men's shirts, fifty three pair palm]. : 001!; , 5 % , ests,73cheinesis, 69 women frocks, Pa petticoats, •13 short gowns, 70 aprons, 12 women caps, 19 sun bonnets, :35 child ren shirts, 12 boyvalrei,ires, 23 shrouds, 42 pairs stocking knitted, 70 pair stockings footed, 5 pair mittens knitted, 2 straight jackets. •4 grain bags,. 8 chaff bags, 3 bolst ers, lti bed cases, 48 pillow cases, 22 sheets, 25 towels, 61 cuts sewing thread, 95 cuts stocking yarn, 94/ yards linen check, 924 yards tow linen, 1041- yards lindsey wolscy, •411 lbs hard soap, 16 barrels soft soap. •1 r,t) :3 15 i 70 81 01 G 0 57 77 :37 110.15 71:30 Meal Slaughtered. • Pork, 6007 lbs.; betV, 11093 lbs ; veal, 781 pounds. • ,00 `2O 31 13 10 05 3 50 8 37 02 :30 lIANoVEU 11 15 30 01 UZI PIE ME EMI DIEN LEM 2 07 50 ME `27 7:1 80 00 20 Salaries :3'4) 00 :30 00 50 00 20 00 G 00 20 00 5 00 20 0(1 2 00 MEM MIM 012 00 $:3,8:31 81 5 17 98 Discharged during the year Indentured - - - Died - - Corpse when received Absconded - - Uctualuing in the houe on January 1, 1850 105. This amount consists of .1:1 male adults, 19 boys tinder I 2 years of age, and I I girls under the same age, of which !mintier HI arc lunatics. 11Bil MID Ch,V (en Lid( Wier( (I Lavina 'Miller to I...rani:lin Ilirl,ll, I rpper Nkrullgio, Joz. , eph hni•ller to “eO. Tablet], Sprinvlield, Bucks county, Cecelia Shouth, to Nathan I,vtin. • Sons 111,Asu, ...}. Directors of the l'uo? HENRI' SCIIINTZ, • (Y. Jos BROISST, Lehigh Cou'll.9 THOMAS FAU:ST, iS'lcteard, Feb, 12, 1!,:50.. 2r. ITE Paper Hangings ! EMI Tim Cheapest Manufacturing Warehouse .12,lciph la, ECM Is iii SINTII STREET, one door below ZaCe, \viler,: purchasers and dealers can se lect from .I'rl/. .!,Tall( 'Gold and ,:atin Paper for parlors, with liluct told Gold Sedflop .(1 llordtrs, ME EEO ECM as well as I fall or Entre, Chamber:lnd Din iluz-rnorn wall papers, which will compete in style and quality, ‘vith ant• in Philadel phia, or any other city in the United States, and at a saving or 2 per cent. FEE WM. 11. PATTON, • :Manufacturer of Wall &Curtain Papers, No. IE3 North 1;1111 door liclow Deeendie r, tit EEO Branclreth's Pills Few, TfIE CUIZE 01' Consumption, Coil yhs, Colds;. ME TO 51.1P1E PtrZILIC!! 'I'IIOSE who are soll'ering from remit ting or Intermittin , I,ilions Complaints, should read the iblluniu r, and voided MID thoreb‘ Capf. , ,r(:l* riilm—rain is the ci;soluence or the exertion or the organ or part where it its present to throw MI morbid or corrort hu mors, for no pain can eNist but from the pre sence of those matter:: which are o f an un healthy 'character. When we hove pain in the head, in the bowels. or in any other part of the boy, it only proves the presence of niztltt•rs the hiooti is trying' to re move, and it is this struugde which the oc casion of pain. To he bled, only remove: the anguish in proportion ns the :lumina of lire is lothiCi.(l, I' MII MID MB ME all 111111 , 1: , or f.oolliiti , r %l it]; I;rtn;aretlrs ; the at Nth. po tr the n , :-i-tattre of tho t di-char:o. kid humors, to confiner tfie 1).•Foll I . 'rinr.ip! , .. To relieve: p;co \c,tv (Ines not leave any bad i thcts, tbe Principle is! not reductid, nor are the teeth destroyed ; but ;ill the organs are ebtinsed and their health in nrod. - ti 'rho ::hove Pills are for sale by tbe dozen or box at the Itegi:tter ()Nice in Allentown. January It) Pure Fresh Cod Live Liver This new and valuable Aledicine, now used I the Medical profession with such ;I:,ffi n i„ffi nv , efficacy in the cure ofptilinwur ey convooinion, scrololo,chronic rhenma lism, gold, genciwl (I)hi/it//, complain's ( y the kinfle . ns &c., ,Vc., is prepared from the liver oldie cod fish fur medicinal use, ex . - pre. , sly for our sales. (Ed true Vimrs the Lundun iltdicaLlurf 13. Williams, Mr, I)., P. S., ProleSsor of Medicine in University College, London, Consulting Physicians to the I los pital I'or consumption, S.c.; says ; I have prescribed, the Oil in the above four hun dred CiI6CS of tuberculous disease of the Lungs, in ilillerent stages, which have been under my care the last two years and a half. In the large number 01 cases, ta l i,o out of its use teas followed by marked and unequivocal improvetnent, varying in degree m dill'erent cases from a temporary retardation of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of distressing symptons, up to a more or less complete restoration to ap parent health. "The efrect of Cod Liver (lil in most of these cases Was very rClllarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity mid opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength were gradu ally improved. "In conclusion, I repeat, that the pure fresh oil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent; medicinal, dietetic or regimcnal, that has yet been etn ployed." .18 ter hare tirade. a rran„Tentents to pm care Ihr Coll Lbw Oil,j resh front head quarto's, ran nolo be had chemically pure the single bottle, or in hoses of one dOz en each. Its‘vonderful efficacy has induced limner- Otis Nintriotis imiliilionB. As its sneees de pends entirely on its purity. too, much cure cannot be used proctiring it genuine. Every bottle having on it our.wrillen ignaturc, may be depended upon as genu ine. Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil. with notice of it from Medical Journals, will be sent to 'those who address use free of postage. JOEIN C. BAKER & CO. Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, No. 100 North third street, Philadelphia. • Oct., 11. ![—liar—G: UVlllat)7Ze.Q. The undersigned takes the liberty of in forming his friends and customers that h removed his Store, from N0.:24 North 4 St TO NO. 140 MARKET STREET, between 4 and sth, where he has for sale, a very low prices, an extensive assortment o 1111 LoAlug; Masses, itt C,;lt, Mahogany, and Common Frames well „dc:otcd to !o the Southern and West ern :Market. RE Large Freuclt . Platc Mirrors framed to or der, of approved c:t!H or rich ly ornamented. Toilet, I)ressing cowl Glasses, i n (zront variety; (lilt and I'ol.- Ir:tit dud picture I...raines, tikg Cpintnor. Vrnines xvitliout (dolzies. Looking . glass Plalps by t I] r 111;N, (frill IBS qinililitc I;rans and Gilt Curtain Cornices and 01, nn merits, Brass Andirons and Fenders, Silo. vels and Tongues and Standards, Fine Go. thic Tea Trays and Waiters, Ivory and Self Tip Handle Knives and Forks, in setts and dozens, Fine plated' on German Silver Spoons, Forks and 13utter.Knives, Fine and Common Briunnnia Ware. Plated Castors, Candlesticks. Cake Bikkets, Snuffers and Trays, &c., A general assortment of Clocks for Sale. paCl.l , (l in the. safest manner, and insured against breakage. ceniber, W. MERGE ANT'S CELEBRATED CARCLINC OIL. -e-;-7 , - --frf R HORSES. r • UNP.IIIILLELLED in THE HISTORTuf MEDICINE Ur mcr/•a1lc Erb pity! ,Ippbrartm rrer 11.tenrereel Facfs are tilbborn '1 flings!: WHIT Il.ts rEEN Dom.: \ BE DONE •AGAIN I.2tiorance of facts and start at the as..ellion that any one tetnelly can p,,sse , s within itself the virine of violin!, many I.:qwrience of more than fourter year., has neverill..l.e..estaldodird the tact thl,t Merel anr's celebrated OW ur l•aiversal Fam ily Embrocation, wit.t. cunt: noe.t and re. heve all such as Sn•i; nil. k'n.zign,r,.ll"in , i4,.-11.,,, !'rill Evil, BB il / // ' Npr,ins, Fr,/ :il ,N.1 . 1;;NI, (;rre, , ,e, 1111 , A,to - •rwls. .\ r,,,w• !ru.s and riwipttl 11,rmIN Cramp., q7lO , swrlliu g x, 11", rt ihe t'uked- ILlmits, ,Ve:. 4e., .Sr. Th.. v , li.brat.•,l I),wt. Parker also write!: am i',.!h.r,:—lPar Sir: I have precrihcriyourGarg hi; Oil iii va:l , tus cases or Prwtica/ •S'lrricery. f,-13 a liniment, with marked sueress ; and would cominend tt to phystinatis generally fort external use in all ciditot ions, tumors, sprains, white swe ll and in ail rlititnatic affection, where eater mil means are nimeskary. As a diseutent it is h aln i e ,s where the febrile symptoms have been reduced by gencial treatment. In such cases it is Om imist eilieientrentedy trithin the circle of means now in Ilse. I w „1,1,1 al=u rev , nunr , ql it to community at large as a s afe and powerful remedy where !bete is no general fever in'all the above diseas es to be n , ed freely and to counici act inllamation in a remarliable manner. In bruised wounds it prevenis swelling and consequent soreness in , 11.1 weadier. From the peculiar nature of this Qil, and the unparalleled success it has met within the hands oC the Farrier, Farmer and ,Vtage Proprietor, it is but jot,tice to say, that of the great number ofmcdictnes which have been offered,none taco 1)1 , 011 so well adapted to the prompt cure of dis eases ; Io which horses are halite ; it has been very justly called a complete PANACEA FOIL Tile 1101. n. 1• ' Or lIISIOIICF read the following : 7'o Owners norseB This may certify that I ha&e had for many years the mire or (tom 1110 1, 200 Horses 'and haviti made use of Merchant's Gargling Oil fur 2 years past and can safely say, that for all the dis- eases that horses are liable in, I never saw its (.y1;0. I use about one bottle per month, and recommend it to the public, as the best medicine fur horses now in use. I•L 1). MINOR. Caution lo J'rn•chusers Beware of COI: NT E BEEITs, and be Flue the name ul the Preiwidur GEO. NV: MERCH NT, I.nekport, N. V., is blown 'in the side of the bottle, and in Ins hand writing over the:cork. hunt be persuaded to take anything else Kith. the promise it is just. as rood &c. This is prae.- -- tised by those unprincipled dealers whose con- • science will stretch like India Rubber, and who are of a kindred spirit of those in our large cities, whose nefarious practices have so re— cently been exposed to the action of Congress. All orders addressed to the proprietor will be • proMptly tesponded to. Get a pamphlet of the Agent, and sec what wonders are accomplished by the use of this medicine. Sold by respectable dealers. generally in the u n it e d Stales and Canada. Also by Simon Batt Bethlehem. Pomp & Kensy, EaStoll, H. B. • Daft. fm, South Elision, Lewis Smith & Co., Allentown C, Prailev OewigSburg. J. C. C. Hughes, Potts ville. M. A' McCoy, Northumberland, H.. 1. Shea. fee, Milton. Henry Masser, Stint - airy, S. G• & F. Allen, Jersey Shore, Martin. Williamsport. C. W. Sha tile, Lewisburg, J. Socluild. New Ber lin. Huston & Porter, 'l'nu•anda, C. H. Helmick, Athens, Smith & Grog, Bedford, M Hickley & Chalthnte & Hughes, Dan ville,'Joseph Prosh,. Mathih Chunk, A. 'l'ur•rell, Montrose, W. T. Jones & Bro., Cowdersport, B. M. Bailey, Hood & Beach, Mansfield, 11. Roe. wifishoro, 0; F. Taylor, Covington, C. S. Newconb & Co., & Trough & Hurd, Lawrenceville, Dv. A. Hum phrey, Tioga, .1.. H. Gulick, Blosshurg, Shulw, Lock Haven. DeLvinbet ALSO FOR SALE, 1()SIIUA CoWPLAND. M ECM lIRM I=
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