qElje Evel)igl) tlegister. ,Circulation near 2006. Allentown, Pa. THURSDAY; MARCH 7, 1850. V. B. PALMER, Fsq., N. W. corner of Third and Chesnut streets, Philadelphia, and 169 Nas sau street, (Tribune Buildings,) New York, is our authorized Agent for receiving advertise ments and subscriptions to the Lehigh Regir[cr, and collecting and Teceipting for the same. E37lVe are under continued obligations to the Hon. James Cooper, lion. Thomas Ross and Thaddeus Stevens, for valuable Congressional docurnents. To Hon. Conrad Shimer, Hon. G. H. Hart, and lion. Samuel Marx, fur Legislative favors. 2rThe aLle and interesting address of IL E. Wright, Esq., delivered before the meeting of the "Lehigh County Teacher's Association," in the Court House, in Allentown, on Saturday the 23d of February last; was handed to ns for publication. IVe are sorry to say, that the crowded state of our advertising columns, and the great length of the address, prevented us from giving it a space in the Register. Bible Presentation Thu ladies of Allontowu . havu purchased a large Quarto bible, Harper's. Pietmial edition, elegantly bound, which will be pi csented t.- 2 ,- them to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, cuoi,l,hing of Unity Encampment, Lehigh and Allen Lodges, ua Friday evening Iles:t, at their Lodge room, in the new Ilall. The pre,uuta. lion and reception of tfis "holy and beautiful token of remembrance," will be accompanied by-appropriate addreFses. Allentown and Philadelphia On Monday la6t, two additional lineS of Stages commenced running between Allentown and niladelphia. Passengers need not linger on the road from 4 o'clock in the morning un til 4 and 5 o'clock in the afternoontit are carried through in seven hours.' There aNi now four regular lines on the road, which leave Al lentown as follows The '.'People's Lille" leave&' the house of Mr. Jonathan Kolb, at 12 o'clot.k, at midnight, and arrives in Philadelphia, at 11 A.;11. Faiet'l 50. 15:alhoan and A pplebach, ptoprietnrs. • The "Edgle Line" leave:: the hue of Mr. Ilenry Lch, at 1 n'olc;ek, in the morning, and at. rives in Philadelphia, at 11 o'clock A. Al.— Fare $2 00. Thu "Ci;izen's Line . ' leaves tho honFo of Maj. Eli Steckel, at 6 o'clock, in tho morning, and arrives in Philadelphia. at 3 o'clock, P. M. Fare St: 00. liu h, Bean, Stocl:1 &Cu pro prietors. Tho'.ol,l Cr Regular Line' leaves the hourie of Atoj ./;h rtecto!„ a: 7 o4dork in the morning, a:“1 attic eA in Philaclu! Ilia, at •1 o'Llock, in ;he uliemL.on. Fore S. g.eare , , St Peters. proprietors mete.--Ju..it about the nine we were vni!ed by the introductory month ol Spulig—thvay Winter has shown its hoary head, and on :31no day morning, last, the earth was covered with strew front 2to 3 inches deop. Towards even • hug it cleared up and cold weather has reo lately set in-,-that is fur,,:a few days. Sound D'ootrine To the Readers of the Register. Every man can afford to take at least one paper. The in terest of the press he should take warmly to heart, and should promote its welfare by his own subscription promptly paid—by his Mlle once and his exertions among his friends and neighbors. It is this sort of support that makes . a paper in return efficient and energetic, mid stimulates it to ienewed exertions. We :hope , our Many good and wain' hearted friends la ill exert themselves and give our large and : creasing listofpatrete a rush daring the present year.. These are spicy times , tent evtry man should have the Register. No man should con•iiler himself rich enough to do without a --the poor man puts money in !us pocket I taking We have !oriel 9inee tic.c . e%erc..l 'hat it n sound oehnomy t 9 take a nen spaper. The Great Insurance Company. Educate your children. To th em will & . 01311 be confided the destinies of thi.: Republic., and if they grow up in igninanoe, l'arewell to the realization of the father's folidei-t hope-. ',.•eat ter free Schools broadcast throughout the couu• try, and you will soon herr- a population e hose intelligence N% ill beep pule and , acteit those• laws..atel institutions tlnit we; e bates verned and which if once lost, c.in never be reizaitied An educated peopl e until ai%%.i), be fire• and in proportion as the ri,asi‘ a eidighi vi l ei l. s o will be the nocuriticis of our •The bal lot box cannot safely be ht:toil in :out• other hands. It is the ignorant who follow bfindly, submissive to the will of the dictator; it in the educated, reflecting, comparing, who iiidge and act for themselves. Ho ! For Mechanicsville.—The Fend hies" under command of Capt. Yaeger, •.v ill on Saturday next, make a short excursion to Ale• chonicsville. The worthy "host" Mr. John Shirr:. has given the company a polite invitation, and . they httve accepted the offer. Tho company will no doubt bring many strangors to the vil lage. Go and see them ! Free Suffrage in Neu. Jersey.—The Judiciary Committee of the New Jersey House of Itepre sentatives have reported in favor of amending the constittnion of. that State, by striking there. from that feature which recognizes color ex a prohibition to the 'exercise of the elective fratt t;hise, Family Newspapers. The Words of Washington. Nashville Convention. . Landlord and Tenant Bill. Few persons have any just eonception of IVe submit the following extract from the It will be rather a ludicrous spectacle to 'see I The following bill is before the Legislature, the extent of their indebtedness to the papers Farewell Address of Gen. Washington, and trust the Southern convention in Nashville, since i Sect. I. Be it enacted, &c., That were any les fur the information they possess, and tlits.rnoral j the words may sink • deep and revive that spir- the Legislatirre of Tennessee declined to parti- see, or the assignee of any lessee, for a term of sentiments they cherish. Compared with any it which the enemies of the Union, Calhoun, cipale in the proceedings of that convention ; years, or at will or otherwise, of a messuage, pa s t ago of the world, this is a retharkably en- Davis, Foote, Clemens, Giddings, &c., are and the State will be without any representa. lands cr tenements, upon the demise whereof, lightened period. A portion of the people' havo seeking wholly to extinguish : lives. Tennessee will permit the southern del, any rents are, or shall be reserved, shall neglect a considerable share of correct information on "The unity of government which constitutes t egates,lo meet in Conventi on withi n her bor- or refuse to pay the rent reserved, as often as almost all topics of any real importance. Re• you one people, is also now dear toyerti. It is ders, but she most respectfully' declines to share i the time may grow due, according to' the terms ligion, geography, history, the political condi- justly so; for it is a main pillar in the edifice in the responsibility of that body. of the contract, and were there are no goods on ---.---------='• I lion of the world, astronomy, the important of your real independence; the support of your Tennessee is right. There are hut few of the premises adequate to pay the said rent, ex practicall features of natural philosophy, sonic- tranquility at home; your peace abroad; of her aspiring men who would accept the office cept such articles as arc exempt by law from le -1 --- "' , • , :; , 1 thing of geology, chemistry as applied to agri• your safety; of your. .prosperity ; of that very of delegate to that convention, as it Will rank v3' and sate,it shall be lawful for the lessor to ' sli., culture and the mechanic arts, and many other liberty which you so highly prize. But, as it is in the public regard with the Hartford convert- make complaint on oath or affirmation to any igs subjects, are familiarized to the public mind. easy to forsee that, from different causes and thin: The fact that a man was a member of Alderman or Justice of the Peace, who, if the eve Most persons tan talk int e lli gent l y ab out t h em , from different quarters, much pains Will be ta- the Nashville convention will hereafter prove complaint establish a breach of contract, shall • issue his precept, directed to any Constable of he without pretending to learning. and research, . ken, many artifices employed, to weaken in fatal to his hopes of political advancement. .. . me city or country, commanding him to notify ; for t But how did they come by this knowledge? your minds the conviction of this truth ;as this 'llie members of the Hartford Convention quit the . . f the said lessee, toq, quit the premises within five !Not at school nor front books—generally speak. is the point in your political fortress against were never able to disinfect themselves of the med days from such notice given, or to pay the rent , ing—but by picking up, here a little and there which the batteries of internal and external eu- stench of treason, notwithstanding they protest- alledged due, or to appear before the said Alder The . . : a little, front the family nowspapera, in imper- ernies will be most constantly mid actively ed yr:pit the greatest earnestness that they rev- . man or Justice of the peace, at a certain hour rte. 1. 1 Shit ceptibly small installments. Let any one ask (though often covertly and insidnously) di- er had any design of dissolving, the Union, and upon the fifth day, from the day whereon notice I himself where he obtained his knowledge of reeled ;itis of infinite aroma:natal you should referred to the proceedings of the convention !is given to show cause why the said lessee x, for any particular fact. He is probably unabl e t o properly estim a t e th e im mense valu e of your in proof of their innocence of the charge of trea- shouhreither quit the premises or pay the rent ' t e ll, b ecause it came silently, unpietendingly, national union to your collective and individ- son. Just so it will be with those men who I alledged t o be du e ; pr ov id e d, Th a t soch no rie e ual happiness; that' you should cherish a cur- are absurd enough to attend the Nashville con- shall be served upon the lessee persoually f or by ,g address o. in the newspap'er. ore die meets ' 'f he same is true in regard t o o ur b es t mor- dial, habitual and immovable attachment to it; vernier. They may hereafter disclaim all dis- i leaving a copy with an adult member of his fain +'n Attsociation, 'al itnpressions and s . entiments. They have 'accustoming y ourrei y es t o thi n k an d s p ea k o f un i on d es i gns , b ut st ill a w y will b e regarded fly, and proof of service, on oath or affirmation, vti, on Saturday been suggested, reiterated and fastened ou the it as thd palladium of your political safety and as landed, and they will be permitted to rust shall be returned to the Alderman err Justice of ended to its for mind by the family presS. •The pulpit does prosperity ; watching for its preservation with away in obscurity. ; the Peace, before expiration of five days Item say, that the much •,, parental instruction, in many cases: jealous anxiety; dieeetnitenancing ,whateVer - . The Rival-Conventions. i such • notice g ••.-en, ! See.. .2(1. That if the lessee (Cr assignee of the ; columns, and dues much : but the prees mitre than either, of, lemay etiggest even a seepicion that it CallTi IF Acorn spondent says that the abolitioni,ts -•'' "I' tee more than both. Let the teadeis of a well ! any event, be abandoned; and indignantly lessee, so notified as aforesaid, shall neglect to propose to hold a convention next June in Delia eceiducted family paper open its pages and frowning upon the first dawning of every at- i appear on the (lay appointed, the complaint of 10, as a set ofl to the Nashville Convent len. B consi.li•r thought tally its contents. Them are ' teinpl to alienate any portion of our country 3 . ' tine lessor shall be taken as confessed, and the em • mu ; in a eiegle number sometimes florinone liiiii• from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties arranging telegraph com nicati on between said Jeetice or A Merman, shall ieeee hie precepts i these two places, the two ass can in- , ' died and link' :0 Iva 111.1;ldreti separate and di,. , which now lifik together the various parts. i t , ; s s s e . ,to the Constable, command.ng him to deliver ' tame each odic! to a very delectable degree.— r II full possess i ono f th e , i I., demisedpremise, to text artielve, each one Ciro veyitio :en idea, a ' tact ) or a eon:Miens and stated enFor instance, on mono!, of Mr. Giddings: illustrated ' President Taylor and the Union. j lissor futhwith ; but if the Jesse should appear, : l?esolt•ed, 'That slavery and slaveholdet's are ' the justice hear case, and if it shall ap• eo as to prodace an effect, in enlarging the Oa his way front Riellitemil, General Taylor the greatest arses of the age. ( ' ' Iseceiveel at ; pear that the complaint so made as aforesaid by iesiters emit., of Ithowleilge, or giving :I right ; :sopped at Fredelickehtlig, wh ere h e was a l l. Nashville at 3 past 12. Response : ' the lessor is and true, the justice shell enter direction t o thought, feeling and action. Must dressed by John .M. Forbes, Esq. Ile replied, Resolved, Octmotion of Gen. flit ' ' " . just ' • ' I ' •• .. Y• That il ' judeement aeainst such lessee that the pretnis• not all this have its inflective, and in the ag 7 ' ; tendering his thanks lor the welcome given the negro thieves and white tyrants of the North, I ' be I ' .l . •re Ithe lessor, i ( . ..s shall . e tee ( tip to greeate a mighty influence upon the reader ! ; him, and the eloquent and kindly - expressions and rutiawav negroes, now assembled at 13 it de- ssite his precept to the proper cons table, cow ;We think so. . I accompanying it ; se t that in en!! his In, will come here, WC Will give them ' - 11 1 - Je."e• ( -e - mending him to deliver full possession of the ; No reflecting !mut can fail to sec that the ' wituderings and amid all the toils of his long cetved at Buffalo ... at I.—liesponse.] ~._ I demised premises to the lessor on the 3(1 day ' filty•two visits in a year of a carefully con- I period of public service, he had ever remern- Resolved, on !notion of Mr. John Van Buren. The Odd Fellows. Inns the (la whereon Otili;enient is rend el ' dueled paper, intelligent, correet, elevated in ! beret! with pride that Virginia was his native t mood 1: That the timirsty negro-drivers and traitors allaesaid, :Jet to leer the costs on the defendant, as moral tone, and withal interestieg in its con. i State, and had never ceased to regard her with at Nashville are beneath contempt, and we no m in toe saine el ected that costs are now b • ) law tents, must exert a great and blessed influence' the lieclieet filial feelinge; th a t of the military longer hold fellowship with diem. levied and collected on other milts of execution; upon domestic lift. Cliii.lren growing up urn : achievements to which allusion had been made, Received at Nashville at 2, and produced an in- , but f' • i , on the hearing eif the case, it shell appear der etich influeneee, are far more likely to be • the glory belonged in. a large degree to the tense sensation. that the said complaint is vexatious and linemen intelligent, eorreet in then opinions and moral S, brave men whom he had the honor to com• On motion of Gen. Quattlehum, Resolved,' (led, the said aldermen or justice shall dismiss aial better pie t erred for the active duties of life, mand, and amongst Wharf) \ - 11 . f : 61111111S had ever I That this Union be dissolved. ; the same, with . costs to he paid by lessor. Mau they coold jam , siblv have beet' without it. been conspicuous, and responding to the Min- On !notion of Mr. Garrison, in reply' to the : Sec. 3d. That at any time betore the writ of ---------e-e- sinus of the address, in respect to the Union of foregoing. : possession aforesaid is actually executed, the ' Tho Union. Ik • the Stares, Inc said: Resolved, That not . only this Union he dis• . lessee may supersede the said writ by paying to It is said that the Lerch day of Washiiiglon 1 I• 111 the eentiments respecting the inestitna• solved, hut that this Universe be dissolved into i the constable for the use of the leesor the rent was !Tim ry e aeneratly obeeed, and with greater ; ble value of our National U n i on , just now so its original nothingness ! , Adopted with deafen- ! actually due in arrears, and the costs, which rent viii,, Mae for some years back. This devotes ; elm-plead). uttered, I fully concur. In regard ing applause.—Richesond Whig. !unit casts shall Inc ascertained in the judgement the heirrlon of mir people to the Union. Alarm- i to my duty and determination to employ my of the juenee, and entloreed upon said writ. : k ed by the iumors of letter oii ere and the vie- best efforts to preserve it, it Ought to be sulli• The New York and Erie Railroad. , yet' 4. That if the said les , ee,,liall'within dire. tie"' 13uflalo is only 25 hours distant from N. York. lenee of sortie. of Our pikic uteri, they beg' , " ' cient to Fay that I have taken before the woild days after the rendition of judgement by the jus- fur "'hi,- 'to suppo-e that the [Limn is its really i I in Lan - an oath that I will, to the best of my ability, 'theT he r fare through to New York is hut $10,35, and tic . e, give stood, sufficient and absolute ' seeitrity, 1 far it has ""• most magnificent scene- ger. It was, Men, time for the people to rise i preserve, protect and defend the Constitution rvin it t i h t e a u i ni mted.Statetis. by recognisance for all costs that have accrued, . teas has far ext., and eive expreesioe to Mee.. potential voice.— I, of the United States. This requires me to do and may accrue in ease the judgement shall be ; been anticipated. r. Ile fidlowing paragraph from the N. Y. Trile W e hope, utter the excitor; question of :dare- ; all that I ant empowered to do to guard and affirmed, and also for all rent that has accrued : are erecting noble bullet, une •ivee en inklinof thebusiness present . on ry is eettled, that all and evely rentaik, poiet• ; maintain the Dillon—Jar the Union and C oll. and may accrue up to the time of final judge- :tee not built for thou "ate, the i ls tn ;eta ' nt road: g ing to any eectioe (.1' this Republic, will cease: stitution exist and fall together. In case, there- ! ment, then the said writ of possession shall not i and thrY are made ese' i ...1 Li ., " Trai; I.—A train cline over the }lei , thus ;lien .will begin the latigirtGem of the Gee. ' foie, a mii . tissity („rbosi I c leat nev e r to expe• : o ot rea d . en o ie ;nth o f Is e h roeir s i oeta i ti t ii . L . I kitte, :eel the tenant shall he entitled to an ap- ti"” - ., enter of lediaria, “rin south and no North-. timelier') :dial! require me to am, I peal to the next Court of Common Pleas, which 1 - cannot iie.4• ' „Jen wheel cars lolly loaded with produce, Size. ' ' Tire NaJlaille Convention in Lortisiana.—But ss , it , i. tzts , a• nullities but the Irnion.'' IVe are 0110 1 , C0P11., : feet to employ, fur the preset violin' of the ii .4• appeal shall alien be tried in the same manner ' 'Plie train was a Mint tit a !nth. in length flail is little sympathy is given to the gathering of the une gOverement, united by a cominiiii interest I on, all the powers entrii,ted to rte WII11011: as other snits are tried. probably die largest gain ever drawn over II i i Nullifiers at Nashville', in June, among the pees. ____ and lelfilling a S oninem mission. ,' committing redid) ; a nd that, I assure yOu, ❑I merelmandize read. Atnong the heeling were 'SOO ; Svc. O. The Odliiwing fees, in additimm to the ! t ple of Louisiana. The Committee on Federal ere ye 1.. I number (4 .; asual inileilee, and none other, shall be charged i fellow-citizens. I have not the slightest liven- ! fat cattle, 'lOO or 500 sheep, and any Relatiees, in the House of Representative, have _th t . a „. The Invention of this Age. ; for the servics herein specified, to wit:—Teo the ' ' tion of doing. live live and dead Incgs, flour, wiskey, mie:. The bits.: . . reperted against sending dole:fates to such a treas. , itii. Tin: is the ago 01 great discoveries in all ,11- ' Alderman or .Justice, for iseueing precepts to • Heat nice Picsideni setrin at RirlimOnd, l'ir- . Mess of this road, when it reaches the Lake will • ; enable gathering, The N. 0. Bulletin says die I, ' sections. The rail•road has bie. owe the magi. ' lessee, twcety five cis. tor hearing and -iris,deternii ou the :2 '.I ef February' ; et Inctlaying of on! •hi limit' I by• - ' • • capacity for doing it. ; strong men of both political parties ire opposed ciaiCs led, the electric telemaph a wire of won- : .- . , ' the scheme. Every the corner stone of the II aellington Monument. ; day demonstrates the. ders, and ether and chloroform my:Actions al- ' ~.; s. ;cued herein, fitly cis; and fur issueina and re. I t . s , ~ . . . .. i !Iciest of the di - . . be...lotion of the Union Inc ! 7'he Prop( r S,oirit.—The Kent (Mil.) News, t poet Ile ssness of Calhoun s disunion phantasess elieroiee. Ain eth can be extritelvd, a leg rut , `'" ' - ceiving return to writ . of posses . sion, ; 25 cts ; i epeaking of the slavers excitement, holdes the I " in the South-west. First, Missouri bolts, follows . i says :- -- oil en iiivi-iou suede into the .eam t syn.-love the constabl! for serving precept and returning , following proper langitage:—Maryland wants no ' ' made one `' . - ••1 shall continue to act upon it in Inct (lie- El in quick succession ky Texas and Teneseeee parts, and the patient at the clues , ask if the I . representation in a southern convention—no one the ' name ' fur y' Cent 3. Charge Of my official duties; and it! its 'milk, , In Arkansas, no formidable demonstration has operation had begun. Speeelie: , i toteled at 10 ! has a right to pledge her ti it, and the sat is un• . ' Nee. G. That so notch of any act of A,sembly, • yet been made for a &mintier's Republic, in case . as well as in obedience to M • official oath, I o'clock at night are printed while we are i , ! authorised by whomever attempted. Maryland' as is hereby altered orsuppled, ill same b''' and " e d— slavery is not extended. Now here out of South. shall, so far as I have the ) • • • power, matnieln the ;authorised is hereby repealed. _...... asleep. "Ild llieY "Hear in b elt" . 11111 'Yl ie c "' Constitution of the Union, under all circurn- ; has been distinguished for patriotism—he t devo• !Carolina and Georgia is there any unanimity foe our breakfast tables at eight o'clock in the stances, and to the last cvtremit . s „ i, lion to the Union—fur her prudence and discre- I .. . . disunion. • llmszvstppt Preparing. fin. War.—it appears morning. The rapidity with which change ' I don. Let her still maintain her character, and How fortunate it ha ys the I...Mit:at the pre that the committee on ' federal relations, in the Pri di, 0' e Sahl. 71'W. 5; -7 . o - st 1 Register; i while she will be ever ready to resisymgression follows change is also renniikable. Things, „ion, crisis, that we ' a mai , ,u; the hello of :Mississippi Legislature, has recommended that : one ;if th l e g rMo li s 'i t r e . .altiable Pr ' int a in n : ls E t sta ' b i lishnterts that took a t•entury to do BUlne. time :team, are gaveraitiatit_and he too from thin portion oh I and any interference . with her domestic. institio : $250,000 be placed at the disposal attic govein- in the interior of the State, was soldat Sheriff's now finished all in the course of a day. A twins s . he will be ever ready to rally around the lite Union, that threatens dissolution and tree- ' meat, to be u se d i n ease mi,sissippi is thrown sale on Saturday last. We regret the misfortune two. feature ; however o is, that Illell cease to am, ; ...star Spangled Banner" of the Union, mid to de -1 eon—who remains firm and iminovablim; .on her reserved rights in the great contest be- 'which has brows •''' ' • ht it tinder the Sheriff's ham lend it against external and internal fetes. i be afraid, as they used to be, eil the discover- : who will in:mint:tin that fernstittnion .chick was t loser the d Souththe North an on ie slavery ivies. liner But how Often is that the only reward the tee of ecietice. Belt ions men 011 ll'l., l'lliiir I '''. IL •c handed down to the present generation, by the if/sot/eines the Veion.—lfon. Thaddeus sweet's ' non. In view of this fact, a contemporary res- our printer reaps, after years of hard labor and iy hail ilictii. They need 10 be 111 lea! ,lest meet; and paitiots of the revolution, Ito the last ni n letter from Washington to a gentleman in pectfully reminds the sovereign Suite of Mississ- contention with poverty ? ligld flow the stars I,llollld put coat the stet 01. exileiniiN .., • Iltitintigilim, eays, -we dissolve the llnion here ippi that there is a small balance of several mill, flit. hot .your diminioniets of the 1 ieliteouseeee . they used to be appi eh (7, Is ive ' r I Dr. l'arkman• —The story of il'e dis ;Su'utli fear his iron will, and are lase cooling Inn "Vet V day, but it heals up the followin g Melee! ions of dollars due from her to cement creditors, The -•a•e • •. . . lest tlie 11:1111111C1 Of tits f".l'ldoglA shollid break Ind the next =mimeis as sound and swung as a part of %%Odell her Legislature has !ventilated, cutesy of Dr. Parkinan's body on Pine island, , . their senses. The great Southern Convention, ' Roxbury., (near Boston,) turns out a humbug.— ' the mock (.1 ao.• e ei lest •-einie arratiteerneut : . if it had never been dissolved !" ' but another portion simply stands over from year so emelt spoken ei . , will in our opinion never a b o dy found has been accertained to be that -- I among the saata of the earth de-covered by I ,a me of y . The people, of the South are begiii• 1 ~,,. , ' --"' -- - - 0 to year, unpaid, princitell Bed intere,t. If she 'The . I scene 11.u.k land, should diecredit the faun ol ' mug/ I ax. 7 lVhat . is,we believe, utipt•eceden- , has arty $230;000 to disburse in any way; ihe eo . ; or David Alreartney, a 'carriage smith, residing I me to' l the in (tier in then OWII hands • I tio,h. 1 , ),, Intl be it:Lod of tin. .h,:israi.ries of ii 1 trice.- m . led in the history of Kentucky, is, that loath-t tetnporary aforesaid alfectiunately advisee her to ,tit Boston, who threatened, in the early part of I the employ (it which ticver I"vitred tine ex• : some and fatal disease, the smell. ems has pre• ' iDecember, to terminate his life by (Irowning,anti -*- . - i science' do tiot stand in the way of truth em ith 1 ' .e ailed to •tti alarming; .' . . i '' ' - aPP'S' it •"on account." nettle measure,: ad Vocated .by their Represen. extent in smite part, of ' thereupon disappeared, and was not afterwards your silly feats. Let it eonie trent the laboth I tativee on the floor of Congress. Alevines:aro s ' j ' ' • - iINOII county, In that Nnate, Lot y es at t h e l a , , me, r . eme•dron.-1 lie two Dimuses have final- ' seen, until the discovery of his body as above testy of the eliellii,lt let it descent! Bout the I held arid papers are daily denouncing their ' t e st accounts rapidly disa m learine • 'I ' 1 l' I Delegates . .stated. I agree( on a dot' mu c loosing lathe states. obeervatory of the astronotime, ill fall ; I • it s '•••• •it i treasonable meaeuies. California and New ! Vaccination is inelo l u l btedi r n , r " eat t ee : Constitutional Convention. It is the• first• Mom I ; with and ""t tia ' Le u ti ''' Iru'll of the g"''Pel .— Alexien, is. tree teitjtoty and ,lavery can neve! against this friel 'r lelm- • •-• • , m . P .. , l . . • .‘ 1 1 } , r „ • . t r. 1 Ninth, Dans Neighing..—A Pittsfield Mass. , isii nase, is In c!) , In d m com p mayin . pri , ate tit some niter? is to a ssern me , • Another interesting feattne is that mind gerii• b I, I i s 1 • I •i• • letter to the N. YS Commercial Advertiser. says, e limo, uce. se it en tem mots, • ttY, every one knows, amd the means are within on the first Monday in May. We presume the ue, and talent arc emelt mote appreciated in I -........- :••••every one's reach almoet, mid yet it is constantly New Constitution will be submitted for ratifiea- there has been unimerr . upted sleighing during: . 1 he present day motet whatever guise, or gaib, , i''ree ill'a niiiitg. . " g lerted by those who hilollid not neglect it, don by the people edible regular State election, the whole winter—the snow at no time exceeds 1h dentin:Her:ion they appear Galileo eared i The Wheeling (Selene ,:mys that a banking - ....._ lit, tile by recanting the ( oneluenve inductio n , !see similar to that in New Veil: and N. Jerery ' 1 :' til , 'l . e., in "al i Arnill.7.l . :::tract from a let. (melte 2(1 Tuesday of October. Short work this ing 1 font hi depth, and, for a great portion of the time, less than 6 inches. An entire ealender,, bin so much the more reason for taking hold of of ,i il'ill•/.. Locke it :is banisher! front Oxford .i et ill be e vade it at once, and ni'good earnest. The vote in the from the , Ist day of December to the last (lay of Seldmi , •es ts . dimwit into the Tower ; Mllloll I the carne,' hope of the Commie raid populatirm ''ember 30, IS-la.—m.l ant very much pleaeed Februnry, without one severe storm, •one heavy House for concurring with the Senate on the ..,,,id h i , ropy' Lilt o f ~ p „,i 1d . , ,,. r . ,,,, 4 •• for fit,; of the State. If there IS any stale in the Cnion with business prospects here. M 5 room is It; by above dais stood 36 to 26. fall of snow, one extreme degree of cold, one. : wh0.... pledge of public eteteks is more' firm and 30recommit I pay $7OO per nionth rent, and that ;mends, le contrate with Ode, it is only need. _.__eoso___.__ breaking up of the ground, with its attendant of r il l te refer t o t h e i mmense emits teett i ret e 4 h, i t reliable than another, Illat State is Virginia. We in•advance• II "'wild not be considered in Wash- Adjournment of the Legi.sluture.---A resolution mu d an d slush; or Dee night w h en t h e s j e jo s • • e D • k 11 . ~ i . i hope to see the day whin the 'Virginia Medi e Will illgl9n reputable enough for a barbers shop; but has been offered in the Senate, for adjournment and have not ma d e mus k s their wientsee. by Scott, .le ems i asati ay , I not 1m required mo mein the heavy less of int er - here it is thought a fine' room at fB,lOO a year of the Legislature tin the mad of April. The sess- . Ste. Sur It is the force of tool genius:, that it ' Fat Cattle. Tlt e Alban E1,C111II" Journal. est and capital occasioned by leading idle specie limb You do not fully comprelmetidsheee things ion will hardly be prelongsel beyondehe 10th of Y , 0 will publish Iteell, Memel' its mettekesor elimild in their vaults. in the States, and you start at • 10 per emit. per April; as after that (late the pay of tnembets is P . . s (mks of a valuable drove of cattle recent! • Y he Moots illld command the Menage of ail, f• , , safe and commodious bank: ng , an d f or es • month interest. I have turned from my counter reduced by law from $3 to $1,50 per diem. brought to that market. Among them was one . I wane it impetus to he the twilling servant of all. F ''' . • t !dishier , banks on a substantial and secure good piper, offered at fifteen per cent, per month. ox, nearly the size of a common elephant, weigle• Once it had no chance of emerging from ob. a . . Is basis, no better plan can, perhapsebeen devised. .. • -.•""- -•— blunders qf Mr Types.,--A n exchange paper ing 3600 pounds; a five year old heifer, weigh, si nce except lo} being tied la some great Thermion rue Massachusetts.—A petition from says that the card of a (lancing master returning inn; 2300 pounds; which took a premien) at Syr- By this system government or state stocks are pier:lWe tail. Now, the noblest patronage is Medford, Mass: just presented in the Legislature to . be deposited with the State Tieesurer, said thanks for patronage, represented him as offer. :tense last fall ; also three pair of cattle, averag -1 fair opport'dnity. Mind hi admitted to be a '• . . ' ' of that Slate, pray& for a law to ince patinte any. ing ehis most respectful sliankS." ing 4500 pounds per pair, including a pair of line - compsmont eletirgitt of true greatness. Coro. I stocks not to be taken above their par value, and mernber from holding his seat, who shall offer a —.11,111- • --- backs, weighing 4500. i In bear 0 per cent. interest. The holdet.of notes : 'lots, prebends, purhle robes and horn sleeves, I petition for the dissolution of the Union. Ur/an ore.—The Delaivare State Journal says : , pat in circulation by nu Association 'thus formed NI. A.?e, anebD, 1).'• • tt a.o more and morn 1 . 21 t to : All the Eastern shore of Maryland, together ranswielt—ln the provincial is sec by the best possible Securities. 'Phe :• • s - -- ii . -7 7 - :•• • . . s ofvir"inil I lic s lia i rc i of: .al I.— Ihe Cincinnati Gazette, with the two comities , , Northampton Attorney General has hits bo mere yerappage ; while the goods arc in the I only objection that hag been Made to the syste m ' ti , e e lecithin two German gentlemen, who and Accotnac, talk of seceding from their re- olidatihg anti amendim• inner man, the substance is rho Soul, lis that the securities required are too strone • i I. • . II • • -------...---- ,•••' ' are heavy capitalists, have purr based a large lot spectivc states, and annexing themselves to Del- ,e relating to the to in New ]ark.-,-Th e New York Sun 1.-7 - A general Banking Bill, has also• passed ! ,on Jackson street,on which they intend to erect a aware. We hope they may do so, as this would and counties. ,peaks met BO enees of cholera occurring. at Ward's the lower House at Harrisburg, and ssiit to the i i large Beer Manufactory. Must probably this is give our little State a very respectable size and thorities to '- Island, the emigrant stutter at that city,of which Senate, where We hope it will receive its spit- i i for the htewing of their Celebrated Lager Beet, j influence, and we could then send* three or four t ,e interfe so were fatal. , The Sun adds that there were at; , efrs• It has Jesse Aii?ler's favorite "-.11 li h; , I.ly 1 which has now such an unprecedented ptirimarity I representatives to Congress, instead of one, as. utters legal 15 eoses in the city itself i clause" llS'a protection IV the noteholders. i n pi l ibidhi a , elp at present.. Glennihke. rar The town of Mansfield ' Ohio, voted unan• itnoUsly !Rat Saturday to subscribe:thirtythou• sand dollars to the Pensylvania & Ohio railroad/ far There is a violin in Dayton, Ohio, which' was manufactured in the year 1698, by Stiller , Havana, Cuba. Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio, are now connected by a railroad. ~j•Iowa was so called in 1838, after a tribe of Indians of the same name, and a separate tea'''. torial government Curm d. rarA mammoth Ilog,,was killed at Mauch Chunk, the property of Mr. Cornelius Connor, on the . 22,1 ult. It weighed when dressed, 761} lbs. and measured from nose to tail, 9 feet. Girth 7 feet. L.V - Tlic world estimates men by arch. success in life, and by general consent, success is evi dence of superiority. Ceraney CrAs are the rage in the interior towns of Pennsyloania. L-TtrThe Virginia Legislature has voted $30, , 000 a year for colonization. is said that Kentucky will send no del. egafes to the Ilashville S n outhern Convention. L'''f`hey have just begun to fish for fish in California. It pays as well as fishing for gold* some places. rg'An apothecary in Trenton sold creosote for astrfceti'tia, ani nearly killed a young lady thereby.: I:ITThe Opponents of Mr. Benton, in Missou ri, are about opening the campaign against hilt but their preparations, thus far, have not, accojr ding to the St. Louis Republican, been successful, rarrn 1778 the Sandwich Island's were discov ered by Cook, on his 3,1 voyage, which cm.. Menet,' in 1778. He lost his life M 1779. r. -- r" There is a great ilentrand," said a Yankee pedler, ,, for a species of placM►, whieh will en , alie gentlemen to slick to their bnsiness." la — rlte St. Louis Republican has been shown , a very fine specimen of quartz gold. It is of the value of and is beautifully srt in the rocky and is part of a piece whicle was valued ae TOPOO. The,Washington Globe thus bears testimony to the great increase and noble mission of Odd' Fellowship '•We believe ill-at in the OroTe world, there ire no instance of any society of men, unaided by power, wealth, or political influence, who have' front an ?ramble beginning, risen so rapidly to be both numermrs and opulent as the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The fact is itself a en- , logium on the Order---on its objects, its conduct,. and its administratPon: The great aim of it is to do good, and the only aim we believe. To comfort the sorrow stricken, to heal the sick, to• feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, and to re lieve the necessitons, are the cardinal purpose,e ' for which Odd Fellowship was instituted. titr far it has nobly fulfilled its mission', and its sue, cess has far exceeded everything that could have" been anticipated. Everywhere the Odd Fellows. are erecting noble buildings called halls, which• are not built for show"altogether but for nse',. and they are made useful . most always we be , lievc." Nov Brunswick—ln the provincial Legislti titre the Attorney General has introduced a bill' for consolidating and amending the laws 'cif the province relating to the local government of pa.• rushes and counties. The bill empowers the In-- cal authorities to regulate their owwalThirsovith-- mu the interferemie of the Legislature, M 100011.• ty matters are placed by it. in the humg•urwlitj.!. jib catted ate tic;oivib.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers